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An Online-Monitoring and Operating System to Prevent Odour

and Corrosion in Sewer Networks
Feasibility Study
Project Acronym: ODOCO-1
Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Barjenbruch (TU Berlin), Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Hinkelmann (TU Berlin),
Dr. R. Httl (MPA), Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. Huhnt, Dipl.-Ing. T. Krmer, Dr.-Ing. M. Nehrig,
Dipl.-Ing. S. Rhmland (TU Berlin), Dr. R. Rben (MPA)

Institute of Civil Engineering

Institute for Material Testing (MPA)

Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25


13355 Berlin

Voltastrae 5


13355 Berlin
Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH

Preparation of this report was financed through funds provided by

Berlin, Germany
Copyright 2008 by the KompetenzZentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH. All rights including translation into other languages,
reserved under the Universal Copyright Convention, the Berne Convention or the Protection of Literacy and Artistic
Works, and the International and Pan American Copyright Conventions.

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Project name:

An Online-Monitoring and Operating System to prevent Odour and

Corrosion in Sewer Networks
Phase 1: Feasibility Study ODOCO-1


4/2007 to 12/2007

Project volume: EUR 48,750

Project officers: Prof. Dr. Matthias Barjenbruch, Technische Universitt Berlin, Institut
fr Bauingenieurwesen, Fachgebiet Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Stiftungsprofessur Veolia
Dr. Bodo Weigert, Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin
Christophe Renner, Anjou Recherche, Veolia

Veolia Water

KWB contact:

Dr. Bodo Weigert

Odours emerging from sewage networks are unpleasant, can cause health impacts on
sewer workers and impair public perception of the operator companies. Corrosion is one
of the causes for the cost of repairs for damages to wastewater systems in the public
sewage network, which are rising extremely [DWA, 2004]. Both phenomena can have
their origin in biogenic acid corrosion that is illustrated in this report. The Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin (KWB) commissioned the Technical University Berlin and the Material Testing Institute of Berlin-Brandenburg to give a report on:

State of the art on control systems for odours and corrosion problems in sewer

State of the art on sensor technologies for water, gas and corrosion parameters
to follow corrosion and H2S production,

Investigation on the feasibility to develop a three-phase model to predict the mass

transfer of H2S from water to the gas phase and to the wall of the pipe through
the biofilm and

Elaboration of a draft of the functional and technical specifications for a sewer

network pilot plant.

Control systems
The report contains recently acquired knowledge about processes and process parameters that lead to odour and corrosion. Biochemical and physical mechanisms as well as
their enhancing and hindering frame conditions are explained in detail. Literature study


and own investigations show that retention time, temperature and biological activity are
relevant in all parts of the system, that is liquid and gaseous phase as well as biofilm below and above water level. Furthermore, redox potential, pH-value and ratio of submerged biofilm to wastewater volume are important quantities in sewage and biofilms.
Type of sewage network, type of pumping and constructive features demonstrate an influence on production of odour and corrosion, too. Attempts were made to quantify the
influence of these parameters. But for all those efforts, neither the critical point of retention time could be determined nor correlation with temperature is generally quantified.
Not even the inclusion of a number of relevant parameters in empirical equations (COD,
sulphur content etc.) of various authors (THISTLETHWAYTE, BOON & LISTER, ATV, US EPA,

result in satisfying predictions. Practical criteria for exam-

ple keeping in a certain H2S-conentration or retention time are not available. So detailed
investigations should be carried out, to get more knowledge about the processes and
their influencing parameters.
Odours and corrosion can be controlled with various countermeasures. Countermeasures that are often used and approved as well as new approaches will be explained.
They utilise methods of enrichment with oxidants, precipitation of sulphide, pHregulation, gas treatment with biofilters, covering systems and constructive solutions.
Feedback control systems permit to ensure the right choice and adjustment of countermeasures. Data on the state of material, online-measured parameters and experienced
patterns trigger the adequate adjustment. Several examples are given for this relatively
new field. It can be concluded, that deeper knowledge about relationships between parameters and odour or corrosion, including knowledge about kinetics of these processes,
would be helpful to adjust countermeasures automatically. Optimized dosage concepts
can achieve economical application of those chemical methods. A reliable prediction
technique based on modeling, could support this.

The investigation on existing sensors in relation to the necessary parameters to be
measured, determining the condition of technical wastewater facilities, regarding the
presence of odour and corrosion effective substances, results in the following:
Plastic corrosion (aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons)
Sensory processes for the continuous monitoring of concentration of halogenated and
aromatic hydrocarbons in sewage do not exist. For detection in the headspace, the IRsensor shows the highest selectivity (detection of CH-binding) and is suitable for environments of very high humidity.


Concrete corrosion (sulphuric acid)

There are no proven methods for continuous sensory determination of pH-values and
concentration of sulphate in biofilm. In particular, the development of sensors for continuous monitoring of pH-values in biofilm of the headspace would be highly relevant for
the early detection of possible damage in wastewater facilities through dissolving concrete corrosion.
There is a functioning prototype of a fibre optic sensor for the sensory detection of pHvalue in reinforced concrete of wastewater facilities currently in development with the
participation of the MPA Berlin-Brandenburg. The system is within the scope of a further
research project, currently being tested.
Odour (H2S)
For the H2S-measurement in the headspace, different measurement principles are established. It cannot definitely be established, to which extent the sensors can deliver sufficiently stable measuring signals for the long-term continuous measurement of H2S in the
headspace of wastewater facilities.
Additional parameters for modelling
For the determination of additional parameters that are important for the acquisition and
modelling of chemical and biological relationships only sensors for continuous determination of oxygen concentration in the wastewater are used in the practice. For the continuous determination of sulphide-content in wastewater, the existing sensors show low
long-time stabilities and high-cross sensitivities. Here are just analysers available that
take virtually continual probes from the wastewater stream and carry out automated
analysis. For all other parameters (e.g. organic sulphur compounds, COD, BOD in
wastewater), there are also only laboratory procedures or expensive virtually continual
procedures where sewage is extracted and analyzed in accordance to laboratory procedures.
The organic load, determined by COD and BOD can be correlated to UV-absorption to
some extent. But anyhow, they need calibration against COD and BOD of a specific
sewage. The practicability of applying UV-probes should be tested in the further experiments.
The procedures for determining biological activity of biofilms are in the development
stage. It is not clear whether the measurement of biofilm activity is sufficiently specific
enough to deliver relevant information on the problems of odour and corrosion. On the
other hand, the measurement of physical parameters (relative humidity, temperature, air
pressure and flow rate), is well established.

Data processing
The necessity to implement an integrated data processing and storage system is
strongly recommended. Large data sets, documenting sensorially and analytically won
measurements, are emerging in the process of monitoring sewage systems for control of
odour and corrosion. Units of data have to be reasonably and automatically captured and
pre-processed. They form the basis for any calibration and validation of the numerical
models, as well as the foundation to assess the model-quality. Since a comprehensive
study investigating the field of data processing was not targeted, only a short depiction of
the required tasks and the potential approaches are given.

Empirical formulas are just capable of giving a very rough estimation of the sulphide development in sewers and they are poorly transferable to general conditions. Urban drainage, wastewater plant and water quality models have some more or less close relations
to the simulation of flow, transport and reactions processes in sewers systems. Among,
the very few models which are capable to simulate the above-mentioned processes, only
the WATS model has been applied to odour and corrosion problems in sewer systems.
The WATS model has its strength in simulating the microbial and chemical reaction
processes of organic matter, sulphur and other components in the water and gas phase
including mass transfer water-gas and corrosion with a focus on dry weather conditions.
Current deficits of WATS are in the flow simulation (no non-uniform and instationary water flow, no turbulence, no gas flow) and the transport simulation (no diffusion / dispersion in water and gas, no sediments and erosion / deposition). Problems dealing for example with rainwater conditions, ventilation, flushing, flow over drops can not be treated
with WATS. Furthermore, the numerics and the software design can be improved. The
WATS model is not public domain, and the sources and the software are not available.
However, the developers are very open for collaborations (personal communication). The
amount of the source code is not very high and all methods are published. The quality of
the WATS model strongly relies on the availability and quality of data, and many data of
the WATS group are published, too.

In future work, a three-phase model will be developed including the phases water, gas
and solid (sewer wall) for prediction odour and corrosion in sewer systems. The model
will solve the coupled equations for flow, transport and reaction in the water and gas
phase including mass-transfer processes (hydrogen sulphide, oxygen). Based on previous work, it will use the Finite-Volume Method and it will be embedded in an objectorientated framework. The major focus of the model will consist of biological and chemivi

cal transformations of carbon, sulphur, and nitrogen. First, a calibration and validation in
a pilot sewer under controlled conditions is required. In further steps, it can applied for
designing countermeasures (ventilation, dosages, flushing, ...) and it can be transferred
to real sewer systems. The three-phase model will be part of a closely linked monitoring
and prediction system.

The results of the feasibility study (ODOCO-1) show that it is possible to develop a prediction technology. Further studies shall be carried out at a sewer pilot plant where conditions can be controlled and parameters of odour and corrosion are adjustable. Existing
sensor technologies will be applied and improved for capturing of correlations. After data
processing and storage, this information is available for investigation on biochemical and
transport processes. A three-phase model will be built on the base of this information.
With the help of this model, countermeasures can be adjusted accurately in a feedback
control system. A detailed draft of a sewer pilot plant is given in the proposal for Developing a prediction technology using studies at a pilot plant ODOCO-2 in the appendix.



Online-berwachungs- und Betriebssystem zur Geruchs- und

Korrosionsverhinderung in Kanalisationsnetzen
Phase 1: Machbarkeitsstudie ODOCO-1


4/2007 bis 12/2007


48.750 Euro


Prof. Dr. Matthias Barjenbruch, Technische Universitt Berlin, Institut fr Bauingenieurwesen, Fachgebiet Siedlungswasserwirtschaft,
Stiftungsprofessur KWB Veolia Wasser
Dr. Bodo Weigert, KWB
Christophe Renner, Anjou Recherche


Veolia Water


Dr. Bodo Weigert

Aus Kanalisationsnetzen aufsteigende Gerche sind unangenehm, sie knnen Gesundheitsprobleme bei Kanalarbeitern hervorrufen und den Ruf der Betreiberfirmen schdigen. Korrosion ist eine der Ursachen fr die stark steigenden Kosten, die bei der Beseitigung von Schden an Abwassersystemen in ffentlichen Kanalisationsnetzen anfallen
[DWA, 2004]. Beide Erscheinungen knnen durch die in diesem Bericht betrachtete biogene Surekorrosion verursacht sein. Das Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin (KWB) beauftragte die Technische Universitt Berlin und das Materialprfungsamt BerlinBrandenburg mit einem Bericht ber:

den Stand der Technik bei Kontrollsystemen fr Geruchs- und Korrosionsprobleme in Kanalisationsnetzen,

den Stand der Technik bei Sensortechnologien fr Wasser-, Gas- und Korrosionsparameter zur Beobachtung der Korrosion und der H2S-Erzeugung,

die Untersuchung der Machbarkeit eines Dreiphasenmodells zur Vorhersage des

Stoffbergangs von H2S aus dem Wasser in die Gasphase und in die Rohrwand
durch den Biofilm und

die Erarbeitung eines Entwurfs der funktionalen und technischen Spezifikationen

fr eine Pilotanlage im Kanalisationsnetz.

Der Bericht enthlt neue Erkenntnisse ber Prozesse und Prozessparameter, die Geruch und Korrosion hervorrufen. Biochemische und physikalische Mechanismen sowie
ihre frderlichen und hinderlichen Rahmenbedingungen werden im Detail erklrt. Ein Literaturstudium und eigene Untersuchungen der Autoren zeigen, dass Retentionszeit,

Temperatur und biologische Aktivitt in allen Teilen des Systems relevant sind, also in
der flssigen und der Gasphase ebenso wie in dem Biofilm ber und unter dem Wasserspiegel. Auerdem sind das Redoxpotential, der pH-Wert und das Verhltnis zwischen
dem Biofilm unter dem Wasserspiegel zum Abwasservolumen wichtige Gren im Abwasser und in Biofilmen. Effekte von Geruch und Korrosion werden auch durch die Art
des Kanalisationsnetzes und der Pumpeinrichtungen sowie die Bauweise beeinflusst. Es
wurde bereits vielfach versucht, den Einfluss dieser Parameter zu quantifizieren. Bei all
diesen Bemhungen konnte aber weder der kritische Punkt der Retentionszeit bestimmt
werden, noch wurde die Korrelation mit der Temperatur berhaupt quantifiziert. Selbst
die Bercksichtigung einiger relevanter Parameter in empirischen Gleichungen (CSB,
Schwefelgehalt usw.) verschiedener Autoren (THISTLETHWAYTE, BOON & LISTER, ATV, US

fhrte nicht zu befriedigenden Ergebnissen. Bei-

spielsweise sind keine praktischen Kriterien fr die Einhaltung einer bestimmten H2SKonzentration oder Retentionszeit verfgbar. Es sollten also eingehendere Untersuchungen durchgefhrt werden, um mehr Wissen ber die Prozesse und die sie beeinflussenden Parameter zu erhalten.
Gerche und Korrosion knnen mit verschiedenen Gegenmanahmen kontrolliert werden. Es werden oft angewendete und erprobte Gegenmanahmen und auch neue Verfahren erlutert. Sie nutzen Methoden der Anreicherung mit Oxidantien, die Sulfidausfllung, die pH-Einstellung, die Gasbehandlung mit Biofiltern, Abdecksysteme und bauliche
Lsungen. Rckkopplungsregelungssysteme geben die Mglichkeit, die richtige Auswahl
und Anpassung der Gegenmanahmen zu gewhrleisten. Daten ber den Materialzustand, online gemessene Parameter und erfahrungsgeme Muster dienen der adquaten Anpassung. Fr dieses verhltnismig neue Gebiet werden mehrere Beispiele gegeben. Man kann daraus schlieen, dass vertieftes Wissen ber Beziehungen zwischen
Parametern und Geruch und Korrosion, einschlielich von Wissen ber die Kinetik dieser
Prozesse, hilfreich bei einer automatischen Anpassung der Gegenmanahmen wre.
Optimierte Dosierungskonzepte knnen fr die wirtschaftliche Anwendung dieser chemischen Verfahren sorgen. Ein auf Modellierung beruhendes zuverlssiges Vorhersageverfahren knnte das untersttzen.

Die Untersuchung vorhandener Sensoren in Bezug auf die zu messenden Parameter fr
die Bestimmung des Zustands technischer Abwasseranlagen unter Bercksichtigung der
Anwesenheit geruchs- und korrosionswirksamer Stoffe kam zu den folgenden Ergebnissen:


Kunststoffkorrosion (aromatische und halogenierte Kohlenwasserstoffe)

Sensorverfahren zur kontinuierlichen berwachung der Konzentration halogenierter und
aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe im Abwasser gibt es nicht. Bei der Messung im Kopfraum zeigt der IR-Sensor die hchste Selektivitt (Anzeige der CH-Bindung). Er ist fr
Umgebungen mit sehr hoher Feuchtigkeit geeignet.
Betonkorrosion (Schwefelsure)
Es gibt keine erprobten Methoden fr die kontinuierliche Sensormessung von pH-Werten
und Sulfitkonzentration im Biofilm. Insbesondere die Entwicklung von Sensoren zur kontinuierlichen Messung von pH-Werten im Biofilm des Kopfraums wre sehr relevant fr
den frhen Nachweis mglicher Schden an Abwasseranlagen durch Beton zerstrende
Es gibt einen funktionierenden Prototyp eines Glasfasersensors zur Bestimmung des
pH-Werts in bewehrtem Beton von Abwasseranlagen, der zur Zeit in Zusammenarbeit
mit der MPA Berlin-Brandenburg entwickelt wird. Das System wird gegenwrtig im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojekts geprft.
Geruch (H2S)
Fr die H2S-Messung im Kopfraum gibt es verschiedene Messverfahren. Es kann nicht
mit Sicherheit festgestellt werden, in welchem Mae die Sensoren hinreichend stabile
Messsignale bei der kontinuierlichen Langzeitmessung von H2S im Kopfraum von Abwasseranlagen liefern knnen.
Weitere Modellierungsparameter
Im Hinblick auf die Bestimmung weiterer Parameter, die fr die Ermittlung und Modellierung chemischer und biologischer Beziehungen von Bedeutung sind, werden in der Praxis nur Sensoren zur Bestimmung der Sauerstoffkonzentration im Abwasser genutzt. Bei
der kontinuierlichen Bestimmung der Sulfidkonzentration im Abwasser weisen die vorhandenen Sensoren niedrige Langzeitstabilitten und hohe Querempfindlichkeiten auf.
Hier gibt es nur Messgerte, die virtuell kontinuierliche Proben aus dem Abwasserstrom
entnehmen und eine automatisierte Analyse vornehmen. Auch bei allen anderen Parametern (z. B. organische Schwefelverbindungen, CBS, BDS im Abwasser) gibt es nur
Laborverfahren oder teure virtuell kontinuierliche Verfahren, bei denen Abwasser extrahiert und mit Hilfe von Laboratoriumsverfahren analysiert wird.
Die durch CSB und BSB bestimmte organische Belastung kann in gewissem Mae mit
der UV-Absorption korreliert werden. Irgendwie mssen diese Messungen aber durch
Beziehen auf CSB und BSB eines bestimmten Abwassers geeicht werden. Die Praktikabilitt der Verwendung von UV-Sonden sollte in weiteren Experimenten geprft werden.

Die Verfahren zur Bestimmung der biologischen Aktivitt von Biofilmen sind noch im
Entwicklungsstadium. Es ist unklar, ob die Messung der Biofilmaktivitt spezifisch genug
ist, um relevante Informationen zu den Problemen von Geruch und Korrosion zu liefern.
Andererseits ist die Messung physikalischer Parameter (relative Feuchtigkeit, Temperatur, Luftdruck und Durchsatz) durchaus bewhrt.
Die Anwendung eines integrierten Datenverarbeitungs- und Speichersystems ist dringend zu empfehlen. Bei der berwachung von Abwassersystemen zur Kontrolle von Geruch und Korrosion fallen groe Datenmengen an, die durch Sensoren oder Analyse
gewonnene Messungen dokumentieren. Die Dateneinheiten mssen in vernnftiger
Weise und automatisch erfasst und vorverarbeitet werden. Sie bilden die Basis fr jede
Eichung und Validierung der numerischen Modelle und sind die Grundlage fr die Bewertung der Modellqualitt. Da eine umfassende Untersuchung in Bezug auf das Gebiet
der Datenverarbeitung nicht beabsichtigt war, wird nur eine kurze Beschreibung der erforderlichen Aufgaben und der potentiellen Verfahren gegeben.

Empirische Formeln knnen nur eine sehr grobe Schtzung der Sulfidentwicklung in
Abwssern liefern und sind schlecht auf allgemeine Bedingungen bertragbar. Stadtentwsserungs-, Klrwerks- und Wasserqualittsmodelle haben einige mehr oder weniger
enge Beziehungen zur Simulation von Strmungs-, Transport- und Reaktionsprozessen
in Kanalisationssystemen. Von den sehr wenigen Modellen, die die oben genannten
Prozesse simulieren knnen, ist nur das WATS-Modell auf Geruchs- und Korrosionsprobleme in Abwassersystemen angewendet worden.
Die Strke des WATS-Modells liegt in der Simulierung der mikrobiellen und chemischen
Reaktionsprozesse von organischer Substanz, Schwefel und anderen Bestandteilen in
der wssrigen und der Gasphase, einschlielich des Stoffaustauschs Wasser-Gas und
der Korrosion, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf den Bedingungen bei trockenem Wetter. Die
derzeitigen Defizite des WATS-Modells liegen in der Strmungssimulation (keine ungleichmige und instationre Wasserstrmung, keine Turbulenz, kein Gasstrom) und
der Transportsimulation (keine Diffusion/Dispersion in Wasser/Gas, keine Sedimente
und Erosion/Ablagerung). Beispielsweise knnen Probleme, die mit Regenwasserbedingungen, Belftung, Splung oder berlufen verbunden sind, nicht mit WATS behandelt
werden. Auerdem sind die Numerik und die Software-Gestaltung verbesserungsfhig.
Das WATS-Modell ist nicht lizenzfrei, und die Quellen und die Software sind nicht verfgbar. Die Entwickler sind jedoch sehr offen fr Zusammenarbeit (persnliche Mittei-


lung). Der Umfang des Quellcodes ist nicht sehr gro und alle Methoden sind verffentlicht. Die Qualitt des WATS-Modells hngt stark von Verfgbarkeit und Qualitt der Daten ab, viele Daten der WATS-Gruppe sind auch verffentlicht.

In der zuknftigen Arbeit wird ein Dreiphasenmodell zur Vorhersage von Geruch und
Korrosion in Kanalisationssystemen entwickelt werden, das die Phasen Wasser, Gas
und Feststoff (Kanalwand) einbezieht. Das Modell wird die gekoppelten Gleichungen fr
Strmung, Transport und Reaktion im Wasser und in der Gasphase lsen, einschlielich
der Stoffaustauschprozesse (Schwefelwasserstoff, Sauerstoff). Auf frheren Arbeiten beruhend wird die Methode finiter Elemente angewendet. Der Schwerpunkt des Modells
wird die Abbildung von biologischen und chemischen Transformationen von Kohlenstoff,
Schwefel und Stickstoff bilden. Zuerst sind eine Eichung und die Validierung in einer Pilotkanalisation unter kontrollierten Bedingungen erforderlich. In weiteren Stufen kann das
Modell fr das Entwerfen von Gegenmanahmen (Belftung, Dosierungen, Splen usw.)
eingesetzt werden, und es kann dann auf reale Kanalisationssysteme angewendet werden. Das Dreiphasenmodell wird Bestandteil eines eng vernetzten berwachungs- und
Vorhersagesystems sein.

Die Ergebnisse der Machbarkeitsstudie (ODOCO-1) zeigen, dass es mglich ist, eine
Vorhersagetechnologie zu entwickeln. Weitere Untersuchungen sollten an einer Abwasserpilotanlage durchgefhrt werden, in der die Bedingungen kontrolliert werden knnen
und die Parameter von Geruch und Korrosion anpassbar sind. Hier knnen vorhandene
Sensortechnologien angewendet und verbessert werden, um Korrelationen zu erfassen.
Nach Datenverarbeitung und Speicherung stehen diese Informationen fr Untersuchungen von biochemischen und Transportvorgngen zur Verfgung. Beruhend auf diesen
Informationen knnte ein Dreiphasenmodell erstellt werden. Mit Hilfe dieses Modells
knnen Gegenmanahmen in einem regelungstechnischen System genau angepasst
werden. Im Anhang ist ein detaillierter Entwurf einer Abwasserkanalpilotanlage enthalten
mit einem Vorschlag zur Entwicklung einer Vorhersagetechnologie auf Grund von Untersuchungen an einer Pilotanlage ODOCO-2.


Nom de projet :

Systme de surveillance en ligne et dexploitation en vue de

prvenir lapparition dodeurs et de corrosion dans les rseaux
Phase 1: tude de faisabilit ODOCO-1

Dure :

04/2007 12/2007

Volume :

48.750 euros

Ralisation :

Prof. Dr. Matthias Barjenbruch, Universit Technique de Berlin,

Institut de gnie civil, Discipline: Gestion des eaux urbaines, Chaire de
fondation KWB Veolia Wasser
Dr. Bodo Weigert, KWB
Christophe Renner, Anjou Recherche

Parrain :

Veolia Water

Contact KWB :

Dr. Bodo Weigert

Les odeurs en provenance des rseaux dassainissement sont dsagrables, elles

peuvent provoquer des problmes de sant chez les goutiers et porter atteinte la
rputation des entreprises exploitantes. La corrosion est une des causes de la forte
augmentation des cots survenant lors de llimination de dommages au niveau des
systmes dvacuation des eaux uses dans les rseaux dassainissement publics
[DWA, 2004]. Ces deux phnomnes peuvent tre causs par la corrosion par acide
biogne faisant lobjet de ce rapport. Le Centre de Comptence des Eaux de Berlin
(KWB) a demand lUniversit Technique de Berlin et lOffice dexamen des matriaux
de Berlin-Brandebourg un rapport sur :

Ltat actuel de la technique en matire de systmes de contrle pour les

problmes dodeurs et de corrosion dans les rseaux dassainissement,

Ltat actuel de la technique en matire de technologies de capteurs pour les

paramtres deau, de gaz et de corrosion en vue de lobservation de la corrosion
et de lapparition de H2S,

Lanalyse de faisabilit dun modle trois phases en vue de prvoir le transfert

de matire de H2S de leau la phase gazeuse et dans la paroi des tubes
travers le biofilm, et

Ltablissement dune bauche des spcifications fonctionnelles et techniques

pour une installation pilote dans le rseau dassainissement.


Systmes de contrle
Le rapport contient de nouvelles connaissances sur les processus et les paramtres de
processus provoquant les odeurs et la corrosion. Les mcanismes biochimiques et
physiques ainsi que les conditions cadres utiles et embarrassantes sont expliqus en
dtail. Une tude bibliographique et les analyses faites des auteurs montrent que le
temps de rtention, la temprature et lactivit biologique dans toutes les parties du
systme sont intressants, donc aussi bien dans la phase liquide et dans la phase
gazeuse que dans le biofilm au-dessus et sous le niveau deau. En outre, le potentiel
redox, la valeur de pH et le rapport entre le biofilm sous le niveau deau et le volume des
eaux uses sont des donnes importantes pour les eaux uses et les biofilms. Les effets
des odeurs et de la corrosion sont galement influencs par le type du rseau
dassainissement et des installations de pompage ainsi que par le mode de construction.
Il a dj t tent plusieurs reprises de quantifier linfluence de ces paramtres. Toutes
ces tentatives nont cependant pu aboutir ni une dtermination du point critique du
temps de rtention ni une quantification de la corrlation avec la temprature. Mme la
prise en compte de certains paramtres intressants dans des quations empiriques
(DCO, teneur en soufre etc.) de diffrents auteurs (THISTLETHWAYTE, BOON & LISTER, ATV,

na su apporter de rsultats satisfaisants. On ne

dispose par exemple daucun critre pratique pour le respect dune certaine
concentration en H2S ou du temps de rtention. Des analyses plus approfondies doivent
donc tre menes afin dobtenir plus dinformations concernant les processus et les
paramtres qui les influencent.
Il est possible de contrler les odeurs et la corrosion avec diffrentes contre-mesures. Le
rapport explique les contre-mesures appliques et prouves mais aussi de nouveaux
procds. Sont utilises des mthodes denrichissement avec des oxydants, la
prcipitation de sulfate, le rglage du pH, le traitement de gaz avec des biofiltres, des
systmes de recouvrement et des solutions de construction. Les systmes de rglage
par rtroaction offrent la possibilit de garantir le bon choix et le bon ajustement des
contre-mesures. Les donnes concernant ltat des matriaux, les paramtres mesurs
en ligne et les modles expriments permettent de raliser un ajustement adquat.
Plusieurs exemples sont donns pour ce domaine relativement nouveau. On peut en
conclure quun savoir approfondi concernant les relations entre paramtres et odeurs et
corrosion, incluant un savoir sur la cintique de ces processus, serait prcieux dans le
cadre dun ajustement automatique des contre-mesures. Des concepts de dosage
optimiss peuvent permettre lapplication rentable de ces procds chimiques. Un
procd de prvision fiable reposant sur une modlisation pourrait servir de support.


Lanalyse des capteurs existants en regard des paramtres mesurer pour la
dtermination de ltat des installations techniques dvacuation des eaux uses, avec
prise en compte de la prsence de matires provoquant odeurs et corrosion, a conduit
aux rsultats suivants :
Corrosion des matires plastiques (hydrocarbures aromatiques et halogniss)
Il nexiste pas de procd de captation pour une surveillance en continu de la
concentration dhydrocarbures halogniss et aromatiques dans les eaux uses. Lors de
la mesure dans lespace de tte, le capteur IR affiche la plus grande slectivit
(affichage de la liaison CH). Il convient aux environnements avec une humidit trs forte.
Corrosion du bton (acide sulfurique)
Il nexiste pas de mthodes prouves pour la mesure par capteur en continu des
valeurs pH et de la concentration en sulfate dans le biofilm. Le dveloppement de
capteurs pour la mesure en continu de valeurs pH dans le biofilm de lespace de tte
serait trs intressant en particulier pour la dmonstration prcoce de dommages
ventuels au niveau dinstallations dvacuation des eaux uses par corrosion dtruisant
le bton.
Il existe un prototype en fonctionnement dun capteur fibre optique pour la
dtermination de la valeur pH dans du bton arm dinstallations dvacuation des eaux
uses, actuellement dvelopp en collaboration avec lOffice dexamen des matriaux
de Berlin-Brandebourg. Le systme est actuellement test dans le cadre dun projet de
Odeurs (H2S)
Il existe diffrents procds de mesure de H2S dans lespace de tte. Il nest pas
possible de dterminer avec certitude dans quelle mesure les capteurs sont en mesure
de fournir suffisamment de signaux de mesure stables dans le cadre de la mesure
longue dure en continu de H2S dans lespace de tte dinstallations dvacuation des
eaux uses.
Autres paramtres de modlisation










lenregistrement et la modlisation de relations chimiques et biologiques, on utilise dans

la pratique des capteurs uniquement pour la dtermination de la concentration
doxygne dans les eaux uses. Dans le cadre de la dtermination en continu de la
concentration de sulfure dans les eaux uses, les capteurs existants prsentent de
faibles stabilits longue dure et des sensibilits transversales leves. Il existe ici


uniquement des appareils de mesure qui prlvent des chantillons virtuellement

continus dans le flux deaux uses et procdent une analyse automatise. Mme dans
le cas des autres paramtres (p.ex. liaisons sulfuriques organiques, DCO, DBO dans les
eaux uses), il nexiste que des procds en laboratoire ou des procds coteux
virtuellement continus pour lextraction des eaux uses et leur analyse laide de
procds de laboratoire.
La contrainte organique dtermine par la DCO et la DBO peut dans une certaine
mesure tre corrle avec labsorption de rayons UV. Ces mesures doivent toutefois tre
jauges dune manire ou dune autre par la mise en rapport de la DCO ou de la DBO
de certaines eaux uses. La praticabilit de lemploi de sondes UV doit tre teste dans
des expriences venir.
Les procds de dtermination de lactivit biologique de biofilms sont encore au stade
de dveloppement. Il nest pas sr que la mesure de lactivit du biofilm soit
suffisamment spcifique pour fournir des informations intressantes quant aux
problmes des odeurs et de la corrosion. Dun autre ct, la mesure de paramtres
physiques (humidit relative, temprature, pression de lair et dbit) est tout fait
Traitement des donnes
Lapplication dun systme intgr de traitement et denregistrement des donnes est
vivement recommande. La surveillance de systmes dvacuation des eaux uses en
vue du contrle des odeurs et de la corrosion engendre dimportantes quantits de
donnes documentant les mesures obtenues par les capteurs ou par analyse. Les units
de donnes doivent tre enregistres et prpares automatiquement de manire
judicieuse. Elles forment la base de tout jaugeage et de toute validation des modles
numriques et sont lorigine de lvaluation de la qualit des modles. Sachant quil
ntait pas prvu de mener une analyse globale se rapportant au secteur du traitement
des donnes, nous ne prsentons ici quune brve description des tches ncessaires et
des procds potentiels.

Les formules empiriques ne peuvent fournir quune estimation trs grossire de
lvolution de sulfure dans les eaux uses et sont difficilement applicables aux conditions
gnrales. Les modles de drainage urbain, dusines dpuration et de qualit de leau
prsentent quelques rapports plus ou moins troits avec la simulation des processus
dcoulement, de transport et de raction dans les systmes dassainissement. Parmi les
rares modles capables de simuler les processus mentionns ci-dessus, seul le modle


WATS a t appliqu aux problmes dodeurs et de corrosion dans les systmes

dvacuation des eaux uses.
La force du modle WATS repose dans la simulation des processus de raction
microbiens et chimiques de substance organique, soufre et autres composantes dans la
phase aqueuse et la phase gazeuse, incluant le transfert de masse eau-gaz et la
corrosion, avec une dominante au niveau des conditions par temps sec. Les dficits
actuels du modle WATS reposent dans la simulation de lcoulement (pas
dcoulement deau non-homogne et non-stationnaire, pas de turbulence, pas de flux
de gaz) et dans la simulation de transport (pas de diffusion/dispersion dans leau/le gaz,
pas de sdiments ni drosion/dpt). WATS ne peut par exemple pas traiter les
problmes lis aux conditions avec eau de pluie, la ventilation, au rinage ou aux
dbordements. En outre, le calcul et la conception du logiciel exigent des amliorations.
Le modle WATS fonctionne avec une licence ; les sources et le logiciel ne sont pas
disponibles. Les concepteurs sont toutefois trs ouverts en matire de collaboration
(communication personnelle). Le volume du code source nest pas trs gros et toutes les
mthodes sont publies. La qualit du modle WATS dpend fortement de la
disponibilit et de la qualit des donnes et beaucoup de donnes du groupe WATS
sont galement publies.

Le travail futur dveloppera pour la prvision des odeurs et de la corrosion dans les
systmes dassainissement un modle trois phases intgrant les phases eau, gaz et
matire solide (paroi de canal). Le modle solutionnera les quations couples
dcoulement, de transport et de raction dans leau et dans la phase gazeuse, incluant
les processus de transfert de masse (sulfure dhydrogne, oxygne). Reposant sur des
travaux dj accomplis, la mthode emploiera des volumes finis et elle sera incorpore
dans un cadre tourn vers les objets. Les transformations biologiques et chimiques de
carbone, de sulfure et dazote formeront la dominante du modle. Tout dabord, un
jaugeage et une validation dans une canalisation pilote dans des conditions contrles
doivent tre effectus. Le modle peut tre utilis dans dautres tapes pour lbauche
de contre-mesures (ventilation, dosages, rinage, ) et peut ensuite tre appliqu sur
des modles de canalisations rels. Le modle trois phases fera partie intgrante dun
systme de surveillance et de prvision troitement mis en rseau.

Les rsultats de ltude de faisabilit (ODOCO-1) montrent quil est possible de
dvelopper une technologie de prvision. Dautres analyses doivent tre menes sur
une installation pilote dvacuation des eaux uses avec possibilit de contrler les

conditions et dadapter les paramtres dodeurs et de corrosion. Il est possible ici

dappliquer et damliorer les technologies de capteurs existantes pour enregistrer des
corrlations. Aprs le traitement des donnes et lenregistrement, ces informations
seront disponibles pour des analyses doprations biochimiques et doprations de
transport. Un modle trois phases pourrait tre mis en place sur la base de ces
informations. laide de ce modle, des contre-mesures peuvent tre ajustes
prcisment dans un systme technique de rgulation. Une bauche dtaille dune
installation pilote de canaux pour lvacuation des eaux uses est jointe en annexe avec
une proposition de Dveloppement dune technologie de prvision sur la base
danalyses menes sur une installation pilote ODOCO-2 .


Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction........................................................................................................... 1

Odour ....................................................................................................................... 1


Corrosion.................................................................................................................. 2

Chapter 2 Causing processes............................................................................................... 4


Aerobic biogenic corrosion of sulphuric acid ............................................................ 4

2.1.1 Formation of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) ..................................................................... 4

2.1.2 Transfer of hydrogen sulphide from wastewater to sewer wall ................................ 8
2.1.3 Formation of sulphuric acid (H2SO4)......................................................................... 9

Typical locations in which odour and corrosion occur ............................................ 11


Concrete corrosion by H2SO4 ................................................................................. 12

2.3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 12
2.3.2 Biogenic acid corrosion .......................................................................................... 12

Plastic corrosion ..................................................................................................... 17

Chapter 3 Measurement ...................................................................................................... 22


Introduction............................................................................................................. 22

Parameters for Corrosion of Plastic ................................................................................ 23

Parameters for Corrosion of Concrete ............................................................................ 23
Parameters for Odour ..................................................................................................... 23
Parameters for Modelling................................................................................................ 24

Existing Sensor Technology................................................................................... 25

3.2.1 Measurement in Sewage........................................................................................ 25

3.2.2 Measurement in Gas .............................................................................................. 42
3.2.3 Measurement in Biofilm.......................................................................................... 56
3.2.4 Measurement in Material (Reinforced Concrete) ................................................... 60

Abstract and Demands for Research & Development Sensors ............................. 64

Chapter 4 Data processing.................................................................................................. 66


Structure of the data base ...................................................................................... 66


Providing data for the simulation ............................................................................ 67


Evaluation of model quality .................................................................................... 68


Data storage technology ........................................................................................ 68


Conclusions of data processing ............................................................................. 68


Chapter 5 Countermeasures............................................................................................... 69

Sewage treatment .................................................................................................. 69

5.1.1 Enrichment and preservation of oxygen in sewage................................................ 70

5.1.2 Precipitation ........................................................................................................... 72
5.1.3 pH-regulation.......................................................................................................... 74
5.1.4 Reduction of biofilms .............................................................................................. 74

Gas treatment ........................................................................................................ 77


Choice of building material ..................................................................................... 81

5.3.1 High-resistant concrete, corrosion protection systems........................................... 81

Chapter 6 Feedback control systems ................................................................................ 84
Chapter 7 Modelling............................................................................................................. 88

Estimation approaches for sulphide development ................................................. 88


Urban-drainage models.......................................................................................... 92


Wastewater-plant models....................................................................................... 95


Water-quality models ............................................................................................. 98


Integrated models ................................................................................................ 100


Flow, transport and reaction models in sewers and the WATS model................. 100

7.6.1 WATS model ........................................................................................................ 101

7.6.2 Conditions for odour and corrosion ...................................................................... 105

Conclusions, deficits and research experiences .................................................. 105

Bibliography ....................................................................................................................... 107


Report ODOCO-1

Chapter 1
The increasing centralisation of wastewater disposal has led to the extension of sewerage networks causing long detention times. A long detention time is an important precondition for wastewater to ferment. Fermenting of sewage in sewers causes several
undesirable effects:

Emergence of odour, particularly at transfer shafts from pressure into gravity systems

Corrosion of sulphuric acid in pipelines, shafts, and special structures

Health impacts on sewer workers

Possibly negative effects on the wastewater purification

Especially the emergence of odour increasingly causes acceptance problems for the
wastewater disposal companies. For this reason, the amount of chemicals used for septicity prevention has risen immensly [YANG & HOBSON, 2001]. In most cases, corrosion
leads to considerable costs in the long run. E.g. Veolia Eau Germany employs 800 t/a
Nutriox for about 200 000 /a.
First, problems of odour and corrosion will be illustrated. In the second section, causing
processes are presented. Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 present sensor technologies to detect all necessary parameters and show how to process and store the resulting data. The
state of the art on countermeasures and control systems for odour and corrosion problems in sewer networks is described in Chapter 5. Existing model concepts are introduced and their potentials for prediction of odour and corrosion are assessed in Chapter
7. Based on the knowledge of causing processes and effects of countermeasures, approved and possible feedback control systems are presented in Chapter 6. A preproposal for further investigation on An Online-Monitoring and Operating System to prevent
Odour and Corrosion in Sewer Networks Pilot Plant and Prediction Model has been
elaborated by the authors and is a supplement to this report.

1.1 Odour
Odour is the property of a substance that is perceptible by the sense of smell [OXFORD

The perception of odour occurs when an odourant (the smell) en-

ters the nasal cavity and excite the osmoreceptors ... Certain parts of an odourous mole-

Report ODOCO-1

cule are responsible for the characteristic smell. These are called osmogenes. The sulphuryl group (SH) is one such osmogene [ENVIRONMENT AGENCY UK, 2001].
Raw sewage from households has a characteristic musty smell, resulting from its components. Although it is not pleasant, it rarely gives rise to odour problems [HORAN &

2003], if there are no industrial discharges that contain primary osmogenes.

Secondary osmogenes need time to develop. Therefore, they emerge from aged sewage
in wastewater treatment systems. Common sewage odour compounds are sulphides
(hydrogen sulphide, methylmercaptan, ethylmercaptan, (di)methyl(di)sulphide), nitrogen
containing compounds (ammonia, (di)methylamine, indole, skatole), acids (acetic, butyric, valeric), aldehydes (formaldehyde) and ketones. The amount of a compound released to the atmosphere depends on various parameters. E.g., the pH-value determines the chemical state of a compound in the liquid phase. Low pH-values favour the
emission of H2S, mercaptans and volatile fatty acids, while high pH-values favour the
emission of ammonia and amines. In general, odours at high pH-values are less intense,
causing rarely odour nuisance. Therefore, it is justified to focus on odours emerging from
neutral to acid wastewater [HORAN & MARA, 2003]. In this range of pH-value, hydrogen
sulphide is acknowledged as a keynote parameter for odour nuisance from household
sewage. As H2S is the dominant odorant here, concentration of H2S in gas phase is an
acceptable surrogate for odour [FRECHEN, 2007]. The buildup of hydrogen sulphide is
described below in sec. 2.1.1.

1.2 Corrosion
The term corrosion describes all reactions on metallic and non-metallic construction
materials with their environment, which lead through chemical, electro-chemical or
microbiological processes to a detraction of the construction material. Inside sewer systems made of concrete or steel three types of corrosion are distinguished. In the submerged parts they consist of

Chemical corrosion, caused directly by acid wastewaters (concrete, metals) and

organic solvents (plastics)

Anaerobic biogenic corrosion, where hydrogen sulphide produced by sulphate

reducing bacteria attacks materials chemically, especially iron metals.

Above water level, dominating process of corrosion is the aerobic biogenic corrosion
of sulphuric acid. Under certain conditions, this is the fastest mechanism of corrosion,
so we focus on this type of corrosion [MATSCH & SARACEVIC, 2007].

Report ODOCO-1

Corrosion ratios in dependence of the appearance of e.g. sulphates or sulphuric acids

are only given for a few materials out of lab-scale experiments [BELIE et al., 2004]. Therefore, there are no forecast values to control prevention measures (see sec. 2.3 and 7.1).

Report ODOCO-1

Chapter 2
Causing processes
2.1 Aerobic biogenic corrosion of sulphuric acid
Hydrogen sulphide, produced below water level, strips out to the sewer atmosphere. It
dissolves in condensed water of the sewer wall where it is transformed to sulphuric acid
attacking the material. Sulphur species are key reactants in this process. Their transformation reactions are described below.

Figure 1: Microbial and chemical processes in a gravity sewer [SEWER PRO-CESSES


2.1.1 Formation of hydrogen sulphide (H2S)

When sewage gets into the sewer system, bacteria from sediments, biofilms and establishing bacteria in the sewage matrix start decomposing organic carbon. As the respiration with O2 as an electron receptor is most energy-gaining, first aerobic bacteria dominate. If the need for O2 is not compensated by O2-solving from the sewer atmosphere,
less energy-gaining processes occur. The order of decreasing preference is oxygen, nitrate, sulphate and carbonate as electron receptors. As there are no considerable
amounts of nitrate in untreated sewage, sulphate is utilised as electron receptor. Sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) dissimilate sulphate producing hydrogen sulphide (H2S).

Report ODOCO-1

They utilise products of fermenting bacteria like alcohols, organic acids and protons as
reducing agent [SEWER PROCESSES AND NETWORK GROUP, 2006; MARA & HORAN, 2003].
Sulphate dissimilation takes place in anoxic parts of submerged biofilm, bulk water and
sediments. HVITVED-JACOBSEN (2002) explains, that because of their slow growing rate,
SRB have no chance to establish in flowing sewage, so biofilms and deposits are relevant locations of their activity. Sulphate dissimilation is the main process of H2Sformation:
SO42- S2- + HS- + H2S

A less important source of sulphide is desulphuration. Fermenting bacteria hydrolyse
sulphur-containing amino acids and produce H2S [LAWA, 2004]:
R-S S2- + HS- + H2S

Characteristics of sulphate reducing bacteria

Distantly related bacteria are capable to reduce sulphate. They belong to genera like
desulfovibrio, desulfuromonas, desulfobulbus, desulfobacter, desulfococcus, desulfosarcina, desulfonema and desulfotomaculum [POSTGATE, 1984 cited in MARA & HORAN,
2003]. Therefore, their only common feature is to dissimilate sulphate.
SRB can survive adverse conditions of temperature (5-75C), aerobicity, salinity and
pressure [MARA & HORAN, 2003].
Catabolism of SRB is strictly anaerobic although they outlive aerobic conditions. This is
why development of sulphide occurs solely, if oxygen in the form of O2 or NO3- is not
available or only available in small amounts.
Redox potentials (Eh ) indicate the states between aerobic and anaerobic. Current redox potential shows how active bacteria gain their energy [SEWER PROCESSES AND NETWORK GROUP,

2006]. At redox potentials within the range of -200 to -300mV they pro-

duce H2S, resulting in a further drop in Eh [MARA & HORAN, 2003; ODOM, 1993; FUCHS,
2007]. According to BITTON (1999), SRB favour a redox potential between -150 and 200mV. HEITZ (1997) measured Eh =-375 to -250 mV on a steel surface below a biofilm
of SRB compared to 50 to 150 mV without biofilm.
Anabolism of SRB is quite variable and flexible between autotrophic and heterotrophic
[FUCHS, 2007]. Some varieties oxidise lactat to acetat, others oxidise it completely
[MATSCHE, 2007]. On account of this, the concentration of hydrocarbons has no direct
influence on H2S-production. The height of concentration of hydrocarbons and their
biodegradability induce the time until dissolved oxygen is depleted. This way it is a

Report ODOCO-1

contributing factor to H2S-production. For this reason, COD or ratio of COD/BOD5 is directly related to the amount of sulphide formed [BOON, 1995; HVITVED-JACOBSEN et al.,
1988 in MARA & HORAN, 2003].
Biofilms on the submerged conduits are supplied with sufficient substrate and consume about 700 mg/m/h oxygen at 15C [BOON & LISTER, 1975 cited in MARA & HORAN,
2003, POMEROY, 1991]. Their influence is discussed controversially. KLOSE (1981) states
that the build-up of sulphide happens independently of the thickness of the submerged
biofilm [LAWA. 2004]. By contrast, YANG & HOBSON (2001) show that it takes up the most
oxygen. The ratio of biofilm surface to wastewater volume is higher in pipes of small diameter. Therefore, their relative rate of sulphide-formation is bigger [ATV-DVWK M 154,
2003]. This is of importance especially in rising mains with small diameters. ECKER
(2003) mentions values of 700 mg O2/(mh) as the maximum oxygen uptake rate in
submerged biofilms [LAWA, 2004]. LOHSE (1986) found a high variability of oxygen uptake between 0,2 and 7 g O2/(mh).
Beside activity of microorganisms in the submerged biofilm, activity in the sewage itself
is important. Raw domestic sewage takes up 2 4 mg O2/l/h [ECKER, 2003 IN LAWA,
2004]. During the retention time, bacteria populations establish and the number of microorganisms in sewage increases. Accordingly, the respiration rate and the rate of uptake of dissolved oxygen accelerate. Then, under anaerobic conditions, a growing number of microorganisms break down complex organic compounds [MARA & HORAN, 2003],
producing readily biodegradable material. This is why the rate of uptake of dissolved
oxygen increases with the retention time from 2 mg/l/h to 14 mg/l/h at 15C [BOON, 1995
cited in MARA & HORAN, 2003].

(2002) presents an empirical formula to calculate oxygen uptake rate of sub-

merged biofilm and sewage to predict oxygen required for preventing the development of
sulphide in rising mains:

D z Abw

OC = 0,024 D L z Sh +
Q24 (cO 2 1)







required oxygen [kg/d]

diameter of pipe [m]
length of pipe [m]
determined oxygen uptake rate of biofilm, around 0.5 to 1.0 g O2/m/h at
determined oxygen uptake rate of sewage, for 2 (respectively 20) hours
aged sewage around 7 (respectively 17 g O2/m/h or 0.5 to 1.0 g O2/m/h
at 20C
median of 24 h flow [m/h]
oxygen concentration at inlet of rising main [mg/l]

Report ODOCO-1

The influence of the retention time is acknowledged. LOHSE (1986 in LAWA, 2004)
proves that the formation of sulphide increases up to retention times of 6 hours. BOON
[1995; HVITVED-JACOBSEN et al., 1988 in MARA & HORAN, 2003] states that the retention
time is proportional to the amount of sulphide formed. This is valuable up to a retention
time of 6 hours. After 6 hours stagnation begins [LAWA, 2004]. MARA & HORAN (2003) focus especially on retaining time under anaerobic conditions as a valuable parameter. A
distinct specification of a critical age does not make sense, because of various parameters [LAWA, 2004].
A small flow velocity (originating from high diameters, improper slope and low water
level) contributes to a higher retention time and causes deposits that enhance anaerobicity [FRECHEN, 2007].
Temperature is a dominant parameter for concentration of H2S in sewer atmosphere
[MATSCH & SARACEVIC, 2007; FRECHEN, 2007]. Its formation increases with temperature
ranging from 15-27C according to KITAGAWA in [LAWA, 2004]. Formation rate is likely to
double for a 10C increase in temperature within the range of about 5-25C [MARA &

2003]. The reasons for this are increased biological activity in general and on the

other hand a smaller solubility of gases like oxygen and H2S in warmer fluids, leading to
a faster depletion of oxygen and a risen part of released H2S (s. sec. 2.1.2) [BOON, 1995;

et al., 1988 in MARA & HORAN, 2003]. If temperatures exceed 25C,

increases in temperature will start to have an adverse effect on growth rate of microorganisms [MARA & HORAN, 2003]. The equation for reaction kinetics of ARRHENIUS describes effects of temperatures on microbiological activity. LOHSE (1986) cites the modified form:
kT = k20 T-20

= uptake rate at temperature T [1/h]


= uptake rate at 20C [1/h]

= temperature coefficient [-]

= temperature [C]

Temperature coefficients vary over a wide range from 1.024 to 1.139 [cited in LOHSE,
1986]. Their vast variety and dependency on temperature range and constitution of
wastewater constrict application of the temperature coefficient [LOHSE, 1986].

Report ODOCO-1

Figure 2: Production of sulphide (Sulfidproduktion) depending on wastewater

temperature [KITAGAWA et al., 1998; cited in LAWA, 2004]

pH tolerance of SRB is between 5.5 and 9. An optimal condition for sulphide production
is a pH between 6.5 [MARA & HORAN, 2003] or 7 [LAWA, 2004] and 8. Its main importance is connected to gas release [FRECHEN, 2007] (s. sec. 2.1.2).
As the largest part of H2S production takes place in the submerged biofilm, a high ratio of
submerged surface area to sewage volume increases specific H2S production [LAWA,
2004; MATSCH & SARACEVIC, 2007; BOON, 1995; HVITVED-JACOBSEN et al., 1988 in MARA
& HORAN, 2003].

2.1.2 Transfer of hydrogen sulphide from wastewater to sewer wall

Hydrogen sulphide partly strips out of wastewater to sewer atmosphere. How much hydrogen sulphide reaches the sewer atmosphere depends on several parameters. It
passes over to the air only as the gas H2S. Therefore, concentration of H2S in water is
the first obvious parameter. H2S is an acid of two protons converting to HS- (pKa1=7.04)
and S2- (pKa2=12.9) [MATSCH, 2005]. According to HVITVED-JACOBSEN (2002), the value
of pKa2 is 14. This is why pH determines the part of sulphide that is available for stripping. Alkalinity as a characteristic of the water shows the potential range of pH [MARA &
HORAN, 2003].

Mass transfer of H2S from water phase to gas phase is liable to the general equation for
mass transfer:

m& = A k (c z c x )

- mass flow of transferring substance [kg/h]

- area of phase interface [m]

Report ODOCO-1

- overall mass-transfer coefficient [m/h]


- equilibrium concentration [kg/m]


- concentration in gas phase [kg/m]

Accordingly, equilibrium concentration establishes. It follows from correlation to partial

pressure pi . Equilibrium partial pressure is described in law of Henry and Dalton:

pi = H i xi = yi ptotal

- partial pressure [bar]

- gaseous component, here H2S


- portion of concentration in liquid [-]

- portion of concentration in gas [-]


- total pressure in system [bar]

- Henry coefficient [bar]

The Henry coefficient depends on constituents of the system and on the temperature.
For a system consisting of H2S, air and water, the Henry coefficient has a value of
481.38 bar at 20C (536 atm/mol at 25C [HVITVED-JACOBSEN, 2002]). It rises with higher
temperatures. Reaching of equilibrium conditions is accelerated by turbulences. The
more intensive the contact between fluid and gas is the merrier is the mass transfer. It
increases with turbulences, sudden falls and changes of direction. They are dominant
parameters for outstripping of H2S [FRECHEN, 2007]. When H2S got into the sewer atmosphere, it quickly builds up a comparable equilibrium with the water phase that is
condensed at the inner wall of the conduit. This place is simultanously a sink, as described in sec. 2.1.3.
If catchment areas are spacious, meteorological differences of pressure increase aeration. On the other hand, locations of odour exposure and risk of corrosion change with
the meteorological situation [FRECHEN, 2007].

2.1.3 Formation of sulphuric acid (H2SO4)

Hydrogen sulphide, solved in condensed water, is oxidised in the biofilm of the inner surface of the conduit. Biofilms above water level have a better supply of oxygen than submerged biofilms. So redox potential is higher and microbiological and chemical oxidation processes occur [SEWER PROCESSES AND NETWORK GROUP, 2006]. The range of redox potentials of chemolitotrophic microorganisms using H2S as electron donor and O2

Report ODOCO-1

as electron receptor is between -0.22 and +0.8V [FUCHS, 2007]. Sulphide and its chemical oxidation products are oxidised by bacteria like Thiobacilli to sulphuric acid, which reacts with concrete to form gypsum [SAND & BOCK, 1984 cited in ODOM, 1993]. As the water at the surface of the conduit is condensed water, it does not provide sufficient alkalinity to prevent low pH-values. Therefore, pH drops without barriers. The optimal pH for
sulphuricating bacteria is 1-3 [FUCHS, 2007].
Sulphuricating bacteria are mostly fastidious lithotrophic, using H2S or other not-oxidised
sulphur-compounds as electron donators. Their anabolism is autotrophic, sometimes
facultative [FUCHS, 2007], which means that they build up their cells with carbon out of
H2S + O2

2 H2O + 2 S

S2- + 2 O2

2 SO42-

S + H2O + 1.5 O2


In addition, H2SO4-production accelerates with the rise of temperature [ODOM, 1993].

The optimal temperature is about 30C [FUCHS, 2007].

Table 1:

Summary of factors that influence the production of sulphide

Sulphate contents

Organic pollution
Redox potential
Flow velocity
Flow time

Operation method

development of sulphide increases with increasing sulphate contents (Monod);
inhibition < 30 mg/l [LOHSE, 2002]
development of sulphide increases with rising temperatures
different results: partly no influence, partly increasing
production of sulphide only if wastewater is in anaerobic
conditions (< 0,1 mg O2/l)
consumes the most oxygen
tolerant in width range of pH; between 5,5 to 9,0
generally no considerable influence; a thicker biofilm is
produced in case of lower flow velocities
in case of long detention periods, wastewater changes
into anaerobic state; critical detention period difficult
(appr. > 2 to 4 hours)
with pumps operating continuously and with flow times of
up to 6 hrs, values are 10-20 % higher than they would be
with discontinuous operation [LOHSE, 2002]


Report ODOCO-1

2.2 Typical locations in which odour and corrosion occur

There are locations in sewer networks likely to suffer odour and corrosion. These are
points where odour-enhancing conditions (described in sec. 2.1.1) coincide. Conditions
of long detention times, depletion of oxygen and turbulences occur, for instance, after rising mains in transferring shafts, pumping stations, ramp manholes and turn-off shafts.
Depending on the construction (separate or combined system, special dewatering methods), the critical osmogenes can develop at different locations in the sewage system and
under different frame conditions (Table 2). It is often experienced that maximum H2Sconcentrations are measured behind points of critical conditions. Generally, it should be
paid attention to the fact that anaerobic wastewater is to be transported as carefully as
possible to avoid any gas emission.

Table 2:

Problematic locations where odour hazards may occur in the sewage


Problematic location Causes

Gravity sewers
anaerobic state (long detention
time; low slope, low vF) (e.g.
during dry weather in a combined sewerage system)
Ramp manhole
depends on the incoming
anaerobic odour
odour low
Turn-off shaft
change of direction or slope
Wastewater pump
long contact times in the collectstations
ing container;
filling of the collection container
above the minimum water level
Wastewater from pressure pipeTransferring shaft of
line has possibly begun to ferrising mains
ment in long flow times
Industrial discharge
wastewater loaded with osmogenes
wastewater with high temperatures

depends on construction and

Stripping out of previously

formed osmogenes and
possibly odour harassment
see above
Creation of an anaerobic milieu
Stripping out of osmogenes

Osmogenes are stripped out

Indirect discharger control

In view of the fact that frame conditions change in many places (only partly developed
settlement and industrial areas, decreased specific wastewater production), the transferring shafts of rising mains with long retention times are particularly problematic, because osmogenes can be emitted from the wastewater with an anaerobic milieu into the
surrounding air. In the long term, it must be expected that corrosion problems will arise
as well (Figure 3).


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Air out

1) Good design:
low turbulence
top of the pressure pipe
constantly covered

Air in

2) Wrong design: strong turbulence, top of pressure pipe not covered



Biofilm producing H2S at long

detention time

Figure 3: Odour development and corrosion at the transferring shaft [KLOSE,

1981] modified

2.3 Concrete corrosion by H2SO4

2.3.1 Introduction
According to the latest survey report 2004 by the German Water Management, Wastewater and Refuse Association (Deutsche Vereinigung fr Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser
und Abfall e.V., DWA) the cost of repairs for damages to wastewater systems in the public sewage network will amount to approx. 55 billion Euros in Germany. It is estimated
that the same amount will have to be invested in the short and medium term for the repair of sewage systems in the private sector (private households, industry).
One of the causes for this is the corrosion of construction material by chemically corrosive substances. The most significant harmful substance for concrete as a construction
material in sewage systems is sulphuric acid.

2.3.2 Biogenic acid corrosion

Concrete is severely damaged by acids. As the aggregates in concrete are normally virtually acid-insoluble, the acids mainly attack the cement matrix of the concrete.
Acids dissolve almost every component of the cement matrix (CSH-phases, Ca(OH)2)
while forming soluble Ca-, Al- and Fe-salts and silicic acid. The calcium hydroxide
(Ca(OH)2) produced to 15-25% mass percentage during the hydration of Portland ce-


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ment (CEM I) is particularly acid-soluble. During the hydration of cement, calcium hydroxide crystallises primarily in those areas that were previously taken up by the mixing
water and on the surface area of the aggregates. This results in the formation of a threedimensionally linked Ca(OH)2-structure through the whole of the concrete.
Figure 4 shows the polarisation microscopic image of a cement matrix. The CSH-phases
and cement clinker are black, the Ca(OH)2 is light-coloured (yellow).

Figure 4: PolMi-image of the three-dimensionally linked calcium hydroxide structure. CSH phases, cement clinker: black; calcium hydroxide: lightcoloured

If the calcium hydroxide is solved by an acid, the dissolution quickly proceeds along
these paths into the centre of the binder matrix. Initially, the resulting damage to the concrete is not visible.
A further reason why concrete is affected so rapidly by an acid is the Grotthuss transport
mechanism for H+ ions (acid ions). Conventional ions, such as sulphate ions, diffuse
through a solution along the concentration gradient. Thus, the ions have to move from
the point of origin to the surface of the substrate during the diffusion process. In contrast,

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H+ ions attach themselves to existing water molecules and form H3O+- ions. The H3O+
ions themselves do not diffuse along the concentration gradient, but give off their surplus H+ ion to an adjacent water molecule. The result is a transport of H+ ions, during
which the H+ ions jump from one water molecule to the next along the concentration
gradient (bucket chain principle). The Grotthuss transport mechanism is virtually independent of the counter diffusion of solved parts of the matrix and up to 5 times faster
than the conventional diffusion of ions.

Figure 5:

Grotthuss transport mechanism for H+ ions (acid ions).

During biogenic corrosion by sulphuric acid, the second step is the diffusion of the sulphuric acids sulphate ions into the concrete along the solved Ca(OH)2 paths, where they
further destroy the concrete in an expanding attack.
The concrete matrix, which is damaged by (biogenic) sulphuric acid (H2SO4), therefore
has two damage fronts. Within the first damage front, seen from the damaged surface,
the concrete matrix is completely destroyed by solving (H+) and expanding (SO42-) attack.
This completely destroyed layer can be removed fairly easily by mechanical means, if it
doesnt fall off of its own accord.
A second damage front, which runs deeper, is invisible to the human eye and can only
be detected microscopically. Within this second layer the acid has damaged the concrete
matrix merely by solving attack. The mechanical durability of this layer has largely been
preserved, as there has been no (or hardly any) expanding attack yet. As the acid hits
unhydrated cement clinker, this begins to hydrate, too. This process leads to a change in
volume which results in the formation of microcracks. Furthermore, the hydration releases alkalines which counteract the lowering of the pH-value by the acid. Thus, this
damage front can neither be detected by a sulphate analysis of drilling powder nor
through the use of phenolphthalein.
Figure 6 shows mortar damaged by sulphuric acid viewed under a scanning electron microscope (backscattered electron image). The two damage fronts are visible.

Report ODOCO-1

Figure 6: Scanning electron microscopic image of mortar damaged by sulphuric

acid (backscattered electron image) with both damage fronts visible.
Aggregates (dark grey). White: Unhydrated cement clinker.

If the concrete is not removed to a sufficient depth in the course of reconstruction measures and if the attack by the acid deep within the concrete is not removed completely, the
corrosion protection system applied to the concrete or the re-profiling will possibly fall off
after a couple of months. The reason for this is that the high pressure water jet, which is
usually used to remove damaged areas of concrete, releases the sulphate from the plaster within the first, completely destroyed damage front, which then reaches the deeper,
damaged areas of the concrete full of cracks. After the re-profiling or the corrosion protection coating is applied, additional plaster is formed, which can push away the reprofiling or the corrosion protection coating in an expanding attack.
Furthermore, the attack deep within the concrete remains invisible for a long time, because the layer of plaster which is formed makes the concrete appear undamaged. Only


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after approx. 2 to 4 years of continuous damage will the completely destroyed outer layer
fall off, and the first damages become visible. The process begins anew, so that the further progression of corrosion again does not become visible until 2 to 4 years later. During the respective intermediate phases no progression of corrosion is visible.

At the MPA BB a testing method has been developed with which the durability of concrete, or rather the depth of the damage, can be determined exactly.
To assess the durability of concrete comparatively for the development of new sewage
systems, test objects are exposed to sulphuric acid with simultaneous simulation of an
abrasive attack in a custom-built system over the course of 3 months. Durability is analysed via the microscopic measurement of the attack depths and the further attack by
acid deep within the concrete.
The damage of concrete in existing sewage systems is likewise assessed via the microscopic measurement of the attack depths and the further attack by acid on drilling cores.
In both cases the attack depths are determined on microsections using a stereomicroscope. The attack by acid deep within the concrete is determined using a polarisation
microscope or scanning electron microscope (backscattered electron image) on thin sections.
Limiting values of acid and sulphate exposure for concrete
DIN EN 206-1, table 2 states, among other things, the limiting values for SO42
concentration and the pH-value for an external groundwater attack on concrete (see
Table 3). These limiting values apply in case the attacking medium is supplied continuously by the groundwater. According to DIN EN 206-1, Table 3, much higher limiting values apply for affected soil, as the attacking medium is not supplied continuously and for
the most part is used up quickly through being bound (sulphate) or buffered by the concrete (sulphate).

Table 3:

External corrosion by groundwater according to DIN EN 206-1 (extract

from table 2)

Corrosion by
Chemical property





200 to 600

> 600 to 3000

> 3000 to 6000

6,5 to 5,5

< 5,5 to 4,5

< 4,5 to 4,0

in mg/l


Exposition classes for chemical attacks

The most restrictive value for each chemical property determines the exposition class.


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In exposition class XA3 (sulphate concentration > 3000 mg/l or pH-value < 4,5) or above
concrete must be protected by anti-corrosion systems.
According to the ATV-M 168 guideline, which is in effect only in Germany, the limiting
values and requirements for concrete shown in Figure 4 apply to internal corrosion by
communal wastewater.
Table 4:

Internal corrosion by communal wastewater according to ATV-M 168

Internal corrosion Limiting values for

Chemical property continuous ex- temporary exposure
SO42- in mg/l

< 3000




ex- if the following

requirements for
concrete are
as below without
HS cement
no limitation
as below with
HS cement
w/z 0,50 and
5,5 for inor- 4
depth of water
ganic acid
penetration (DIN
6 for organic
1048) 3 cm

The most restrictive value for each chemical property determines the requirements.
According to ATV-M 168, concrete (with HS cement) needs additional protection by corrosion protection systems if the sulphate concentration is > 5000 mg/l or the pH-value is
< 5,5 (long-term exposure).

2.4 Plastic corrosion

A chemically corrosive attack on plastics is caused primarily by organic substances; in
principle, oxidizing, strong acids can have corrosive effects as well. The following Table
5 lists chemicals frequently used in industry and trade.


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Table 5: Chemicals frequently used in industry and trade according to DIN 28052-1

Organic solvents are typical organic compounds with a wide range of uses. These substances are employed in technical products or processes, but can also be found in many
ordinary household products.


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Small amounts of organic solvents reach the sewage systems as part of industrial or private wastewater. Large amounts of solvents in sewage systems can be caused by accidents or deliberate illegal disposal.
Depending on the location and the history of the soil, these substances can also affect
the construction material of sewage systems externally. In possibly polluted areas (i. e.
on former sites of the metal-working or chemical industry, or of petrol stations) heavy pollution with the compounds mentioned above, especially aromatic or chlorinated hydrocarbons, can occur. As these are practically water-insoluble, even large amounts of hydrocarbon will lead to only small amounts in the water phase, while the remainder forms
a fluid plume which remains above or below the groundwater, depending on its density.
Within these plumes of harmful substances, the hydrophobic hydrocarbons are thus virtually undiluted. Therefore, the effect of organic solvents on the construction material of
sewage systems has to be examined both from the inside of the pipe as well as from the
Whereas the attack on the outside of the pipe can be expected primarily from the liquid
phase, an attack from the gas phase must be considered inside the pipe, because all
substances in this group are more or less volatile.

Among the compounds with especially high relevance with regard to the amount of the
substance or the corrosive effect on plastics are most notably:

halogenated hydrocarbons

aromatic hydrocarbons

The MPA Berlin-Brandenburg is involved in the planning work for the materials to be
used in the Emscher canal in North Rhine-Westphalia, which is presently the largest
wastewater construction project in Europe, with a total investment volume of 4,5 Billion
Euros. In the course of the evaluation phase, various studies were conducted to assess
the risk of corrosion in sewage systems.
Wastewater and groundwater analyses indicate that the corrosion of plastics (pipes and
seals, for example) by aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons must be taken into
account in sewage systems located in industrial and densely populated areas.
During the loading of aromatic or halogenated hydrocarbons to plastics or plastic
systems it could be observed that many of the standard plastics for sewage systems
showed considerable corrosion to the point of complete disintegration after only a few
hours. An example is shown in the following image.


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Figure 7: Front: GFK-specimen stored in halogenated hydrocarbons for 14 days.

The plastic has dissolved, merely the glass fibres remain.
Back: Specimen without loading for comparison

An unexpected result was that the rapid disintegration after several hours or days of
storage in aromatic or halogenated hydrocarbons occurred not only in the liquid phase,
but also in the gas phase. Several plastic systems also showed signs of corrosion after
storage in sulphuric acid. These facts indicate that plastic corrosion is possibly relevant
to the durability of sewage systems.

Figure 8: Various polymer concretes after 20 hours in the gas phase of halogenated hydrocarbons


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Based on present experience, an online monitoring system should primarily determine

aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons.

In the context of a research project of the Emschergenossenschaft-Lippeverband, which

was conducted by the Gesellschaft fr Materialprfung und Baustofforschung (MBF) as
parent company of the MPA BB in cooperation with the engineering firm Zerna Ingenieure from 2004 to 2006, a test procedure was developed at the MPA Berlin Brandenburg with which the corrosion of plastic corrosion protection systems by hydrocarbons or sulphuric acid (as well as all other relevant corrosive substances) can be determined.


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Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction
Online monitoring, within the scope of a pilot plant, should allow for a most comprehensive acquisition of relevant test measurement parameters, associated with formation and
occurrence of the activity of odour and/or of corrosion substances or groups of correlated
As discussed in sec. 2, depending on the material of technical wastewater facilities,
mainly following substances or groups of substances are active corrosives:

Plastic material primarily damaging: halogenated hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons

Concrete material / reinforced concrete primarily damaging: sulphuric acid, (nitric acid)

The main parameter for odour in wastewater facilities is H2S.

The following Table 6 presents the odour-active and corrosion-active substances for
plastics and concrete as well as the essential ones participating on their formation and
shows where they appear (wastewater, gas, biofilm, pipe material).
In an additional row (desirable to measure) an estimation is made where (wastewater,
gas, biofilm, pipe material) it is meaningful to carry out detection tests for odour- and corrosion-active substances or participating substances in their formation, by sensors (for

Table 6:

Corrosive compounds, their causing parameters, precursors and reaction product and importance to measure

Corrosive Compound




Organic solvents
Desirable to measure




org. sulphuric
SO42-, HS-, S2+ (O2, SO42-S2-)


acid (H3O+),
++ (acid)
+ (sulphate)

Sulphuric acid: (H2SO4)

Desirable to measure





+ (pH-value)

Report ODOCO-1

Parameters for Corrosion of Plastic

Primarily, organic compounds have damaging effects, especially chlorinated hydrocarbons and aromatic carbons, which in turn are used as common solvents. Because the
last mentioned compounds largely show low solubility in water, it can always be assumed, when they are present that they are inhomogeneously distributed in wastewater
(phase separation).
A representative, continuous detection in wastewater would therefore always make a
preceding homogenization necessary, which would always mean a massive intervention
in the equilibrium between the liquid and gas phase ( e.g. for HS-/S2-liquid H2Sgas ).
In addition, after homogenization, organic compounds must be separated from the water
again, as most detection methods for organic compounds react sensitively to water or
are even damaged by it. Due to this fact and the volatility of most of the organic compounds, detection in the headspace of the technical wastewater plant appears to make
most sense.
A sensory compilation, taken directly on the ground of technical wastewater plants (below the sewage line), only makes sense for halogenated hydrocarbons with a higher
density than water.

Parameters for Corrosion of Concrete

Material damages to the concrete are caused mainly by sulphuric acid that is formed in
the biofilm around the headspace of wastewater systems. Primarily the acid (protons)
damage the concrete by a dissolving attack, secondary damage is done by sulphate ions
through an impellent attack.
For the investigation of potential danger of concrete corrosion, the measurement of the
pH-value directly on the concrete surface in the biofilm is essential, subordinated is the
detection of sulphate ion concentration in the biofilm. For the investigation of an ongoing
concrete corrosion, knowledge of the decrease of pH-value in concrete would be important.

Parameters for Odour

A practice-designed online monitoring system must additionally to the methods described before - at least measure the gas H2S which is mainly responsible for the unpleasant odours. As well as the acid concentration in the biofilm and the concentration of
halogenated and aromatic hydrocarbons in the head space, the concentration of H2S has


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to be captured in order to ascertain the current condition of the wastewater systems regarding corrosion and odour.

Parameters for Modelling

For understanding of occuring processes and modelling, in addition to the primary substances that are responsible for odours and corrosion, there are more parameters to be
captured in order to determine the relationship to chemical and biological processes in
practice or in a simulation system under various conditions.
According to chemical and biological processes, that lead to the development of sulphuric acid in the biofilm of the gaseous phase, by using the key precursor H2S provided
by sulphur and sulphate compounds in the wastewater under anaerobic conditions, it
would make sense, to determine the precursor and intermediate products online: concentration of sulphurous organic compounds, sulphates and sulphides in wastewater and
H2S in the headspace.
Since redox processes play the essential role for metabolization of sulphur compounds,
the redox potential of the wastewater and biofilms and the oxygen concentration in the
system are also to be determined. In particular, the oxygen content in the effluent is a
key indicator.
Naturally, the organic load of wastewater has the main influence on biological activity in
wastewater and indirectly on the biofilm. The main parameters for identification of organic load are BOD and COD. These parameters should be regularly surveyed in sewage. Since the metabolic activity of biofilms is responsible for the formation of active corrosive sulphuric acid, determination of biological activity of biofilms is important.
The chemical and biological processes also depend heavily on the physical boundary
conditions such as temperature, air pressure, flow velocity, or mass flow. That is why the
most comprehensive measurement of these parameters for modelling is important.
The same considerations as in the case of sulphuric acid can be made for the formation
of nitric acid from nitrogen precursors. Due to the lower relevance of the biogenesis of nitric acid and thus substantially limited relevance both in the case of odour and corrosion,
the screening of the nitrogen compounds are of less importance. Their relevance rises, if
dosage of nitrate is applied as countermeasure.
Table 7 shows the parameters, which have to be measured to determine the relationship
of chemical and biological processes in the practice, or in a simulation system under
various conditions.


Report ODOCO-1

Table 7:

Necessary parameters for determination of relationships of chemical

and biological processes in wastewater systems
Parameter/ Medium




Redox potential, O2-conc.

organic load:






hydrogen sulphide





biological activity
velocity, flow

organic solvents
concentration of applied chemicals

organic bound sulphur

nitrate, nitrite

Biofilm Pipematerial



3.2 Existing Sensor Technology

In the following a summary of sensors is given that are currently available for the described parameters. If available continuously measuring systems are described as well.
The systems are classified by the medium in which the measurement can be carried out
(sewage headspace biofilm material). The same characteristics are selected for the
description of practicability with all measurement principles. If for one of the characteristics no indication is given, there is no information available.

3.2.1 Measurement in Sewage pH-value
ISFET pH-meter
ISFET stands for ion sensitive field-effect transistor. Analogue to the general field-effect
transistor (FET) the measurement principle is based on the change of the field effect
(training of a space-charge zone) between SOURCE and DRAIN. The function mode of
FET is not described in the following. It is expected to be familiar. In place of the electri-


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cal contact at the GATE a pH-sensitive layer with the ISFET (ex. Ta2O5) applied, which is
brought directly in contact with the measured liquid. Over a bias voltage, which is applied
over a reference electrode, which likewise is in the solution, the operating point of the
ISFET can be specified analogue to the establishment of the operating point of a FET.
Dependent on the concentration of the ions in the solution which can be examined, an
additional surface barrier at the contact between liquid and ion sensitive layer (Nernst
equation) is formed. This potential adds itself on the constantly applied bias voltage and
affects thus the space charge zone between SOURCE and DRAIN. This leads to a
change of the SOURCE drain stream, which can be measured. The changes are directly
proportional therefore to the change of the analyte concentration. Over a calibration, can
be reckoned back, with help of the measured river on the analyte concentration. The ISFET is electrically regarded thereby as a trans-impedance transducer. An electrical potential is measured potentiometrically, without considerable current, and it is converted
into a measurable SOURCE-DRAIN-current. This is in first approximation independent of
following circuits and thus as high impedance power source [GRNDLER, 2003].
There are sensors available on the market for measurements in the wastewater system
which are compiled in the following table:

Measurement range
Speed of response
Materials process tangent
Allowed process temperature
Allowed process force
Minimal allowed process

Emmerson Process Management TFS396

2-12 pH
0,05 pH
99% within 30 sec. after pHchange
stainless steel 1.4401, Polypropylene, EPDM, Ryton, Silicone
0 to 100 C @ 3,45 bar
-0,65 to 6,9 bar @ 50 C
75 S/cm nominal 100 S/cm

pH-Sensor SE 545
0-12 pH

PEEK, Elastomeric
0 to 80C @ 6 bar
0 to 6 bar @ 80C

Specific literature:
Emerson Process Management / Rosemount Analytical: PDS49-TFS396 Rev. C
Knick, Produktkatalog 2007, http://www.knick.de/


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Galvanometric pH-meter
The pH meter is a standard device for measuring pH-values of samples. It is mainly used
in laboratories for discrete measurements. There are pH-meters that can be applied continually.
A glass diaphragm ball filled with a potassium chloride solution is immersed into the liquid that is measured. By the inclination of the hydrogen ions to deposit itself in thin layer
at the glass surface a galvanic voltage develops itself inside the ball. A galvanic cell is
developed, whose electric motor force is relative to a reference electrode independent of
the hydrogen ions one measures [SCHWABE, 1976; BATES, 1954; HLL, 2002; DEV, 2003].
For continuous application, special electrodes are available, which are characterised by
increased robustness. The following table arranges the characteristic values of a selection of such sensors:


Report ODOCO-1


Measurement range
Speed of response
Material tangent

1...14 pH
0,02 pH

Hach Lange,
014 pH
0,05 pH

Casing V4A

safety glas,
PPS case

Allowed process
Allowed process


max 110C


Data logger
with integrated
power source
designed for
field use in river
with automatic

10 bar @



010 pH
0.1 pH

ph-Einstabmesskette Sensolyt SEA
212 pH

steel pipe,
Ground diaphragm ceramic enamelled, Process
head PVDF,
0 to +140C
-16 bar rel.

< 10 bar @
< 1bar @
Mounting in

Specific literature:
{ Driesen & Kern, pH-Log530, http://www.driesen-kern.de/downloads/phlog530.pdf }
{ Hach Lange, ph-8350, Angebotskatalog 2007, Angebot 194460, S. 53-56 }
{ Brkert, pH-Sensor 8201, http://www.buerkert.com/products_data/datasheets/DS8201standard-EU-EN.pdf [2007-09-07] }
{ WTW, pH SEA, Katalolg Online Messtechnik 2006, S.18}

Thick Film pH Sensor

The thick film pH sensor was developed by the Fraunhofer Institute of Ceramic Technologies and Systems in Dresden. Even after demand there was hardly any further disclosures of information to the sensor made available.

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The thick film pH sensor consists of a sturdy mother board of steel which is isolated. On
the isolation layer in the thick-film procedure on one side the test electrode, on the other
side the reference electrode is attached. The sensor works like a pH meter, gets along
however without liquid system components. It is pressure insensitive and compatible to
commercial pH measuring instruments.
The ranges of application which are named for the sensor are the chemical industry,
food technology and medical technology. Its potential strength is shown in the economical fabrication as well as in its break resistance and the adaption possibility of the sensor
layout because of the requirements of application. An application in wastewater is not
described and must be exactly examined. A commercial manufacturer is not known.

Measurement range
speed of response
Allowed process temperature

Thick Film pH Sensor

19 pH
0,3 pH
< 1s
25 55 C
drift < 2mV/d (<0,04 pH/d), drift reference electrode <

Specific literature:
{Fraunhofer-Institut fr Keramische Technologien und Systeme, Informationsblatt Thick
Film pH-Sensor, Messestand Sensor+Test, Nrnberg 2007} O2-Concentration
Oxygen is present both in the gaseous phase in gas form and in the wastewater in dissolved form. The respective concentrations are determined by sensory measurement.
Measurement principles are described below. For the description of the practicability with
all presented measurement principles the same characteristics were selected. If to one
of the characteristics no indication is given, no information is present for this.

Clark-Oxygen Electrode
The main application range of Clark oxygen electrodes lies in the regulation of oxygen
concentration in liquids. Lesser represented, although also feasible, is the measurement
if oxygen concentration is in gas mixtures.


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The Clark-electrode consists usually of a platinum cathode and a silver anode as reference electrode, which stands over an electrolytic solution connection. They are separated by an oxygen-permeable diaphragm from the sample. On the platinum cathode a
bias of -0,8 V rests against the silver anode.
If one brings the solution which can be examined to the measuring chamber now to the
diaphragm, then the CO2 partial pressure difference between diaphragm outside and inside to a CO2 diffusion leads by the diaphragm foil into the measuring chamber. The oxygen is reduced at the cathode, takes up thus electrons of the cathode, whereby hydroxyl
ions (OH) are developed. At the anode to Silver chloride one oxidizes to silver, therefore an Ag/AgCl electrode is also usually used.

O2 + 2 e + 2 H2O H2O2 + 2 OH und H2O2 + 2 e 2 OH


4 Ag 4 Ag+ + 4e und 4 Ag+ + 4Cl 4 AgCl

The result is thus a current, which is directly proportional to the partial pressure p of the
oxygen CO2. This current is measured and becomes back-closed on the concentration of
the oxygen.
Since the oxygen solubility and the permeability of the diaphragm are temperaturedependent, compensation is necessary [HAMANN & VIELSTICH, 1985; GRNDLER, 2003;
RUMP, 2003; HLL, 2002; DEV, 2003].

The application in wastewater, sensors were developed which are especially protected
against contamination. The following table arranges some sensors. No data mean that
no information is present.


Report ODOCO-1

Measurement range
Detection limit
Response time at 25
C (Air > N2)
Signal in Air
Residual signal in
O2-free medium
Flow dependency
Pressure range
Temperature range
Material process

SauerstoffSensor SE 703
pO2 < 1200 mbar

060 mg/l

1 % + 30 ppb
30 ppb
98 % of final
value < 90 s
40 110 nA
0,3 % of signal
in air
0,5 2 bar absolute
0 60 C
Silicone and FKM
(Viton), Membrane:
PTFE (Steel-net
reinforced), PPS

0,1 mg/l



40ppb saturation

< 1%

t90 < 180 s

t98 < 60 s

< 10 bar

04 bar



Frequency of necessary re-calibration


Sensitivity shift
< 10% every 2
months with
25C water
and stable



t90 < 15s

Operating time
with single
Electrolyte filling: several
Total: several
ReferenceElectrode increasing signal stability
and selfmonitoring of
electrolyte replacement

Specific literature:
{Co Knick Berlin, Sauerstoff-Sensor SE 703, http://www.knick.de/hps/ client/knick/public/
index.hbs }
{Co WTW, WTW Welt der online Messtechnik, http://www.wtw.com}
{Co Hamilton, http://www.hamiltoncompany.com/eu-sensors/oxysens.asp}
{Co Ahlborn, Gesamtkatalog Ausgabe 2007/2008, S. 15.08}


Report ODOCO-1

Fibre-optic Sensor
In the last decade a large number of measuring procedures have emerged from the
range of fibre optics. Thereby, the absorption and fluorescence characteristics of materials are used in dependence of the light wave length as well as the change of refraction
characteristics of the light conductor with accumulation of certain materials within ranges
of the conductor.
For the measurement of oxygen, this principle of measurement can be applied both in
the gas phase and for the measurement of liquids.
The fibre-optic oxygen sensors are coated probes that use fluorescence quenching to
measure the partial pressure of dissolved or gaseous oxygen. Different sensing formulas
are available (ruthenium or Pt-porphyrin formulation). The system works like this:
An LED sends excitation light to one leg of a bifurcated optical fibre assembly. The fibre
carries the light to the oxygen probe, which is polished to a 45 angle. The distal end of
the probe tip consists of sensor formulation trapped in a sol-gel matrix, immobilized and
protected from the sample. The light from the LED excites the ruthenium or pophyrin
sensor formulation at the probe tip. The excited complexes fluoresce, emitting energy at
~600 nm and 650nm, respectively.
If the excited complex at the probe tip encounters an oxygen molecule, the excess energy is transferred to the oxygen molecule in a non-radiative transfer, decreasing or
quenching the fluorescence signal. The degree of quenching correlates toe the partial
pressure of oxygen in the sol-gel, which is in dynamic equilibrium with oxygen in the
The fluorescence is collected by the probe and carried to the Spectrometer/MFP
Fluorometer via the second leg of the bifurcated optical fibre assembly.
The following assemblies are available:
Oxygen sensor with spectrofluorometer:
Oxygen is sensed by measuring the decrease in fluorescence intensity of a fluorophore
bound to the tip of an optical fibre. The sensor responds to the partial pressure of oxygen.
Oxygen Sensor with multi-frequency Phase Fluorometer(MFPF):
Oxygen is sensed by measuring the phase shift of fluorescence of a fluorophore bound
to the tip of an optical fibre. The sensor responds to the partial pressure of oxygen.
{cp http://oceanoptics.com/Products/catalogsensors.pdf [2007-09-07]}


Report ODOCO-1

In the following table characteristic values are arranged for a fibre-optic measuring system. The characteristic values refer to the assigned indicator matrix. The advantages of
the procedure are independent from changes in the pH-value, amount of salt and ionic
strength. There is no influence by humidity, CO2 or methane.


Detection limit
time at 25 C
(Air > N2)
Allowed process temperature
Frequency of
necessary recalibration

Ocean Optics,
FOXY Sensor Formulation
0-40 ppm (dissolved),
0-100% (mole percent)
0.02 ppm, 0.05%

Ocean Optics,
HIOXY Sensor Formulation
0-40 ppm (dissolved),
0-100% (mole percent)
0.02 ppm, 0.05%

0.02 ppm (dissolved),

0.05 %
< 45 s

0.02 ppm (dissolved),

0.05 %

-5080 C

-5080 C

Probe: Recondition
once per year
Benign environment,
aqueous liquids and

Probe: Recondition
once per year
designed for monitoring in non-aqueous
fluids: Hydrocarbonbased liquids and vapours, fuels

Lange LDO- Sensor
0.05 to 20 mg/l
0.05 to 20 ppm
0.01 mg/l, 0.01 ppm,
0.01 % saturation 0.1

T 90% < 30 s, programmable

0 to 50 C

Not necessary
Air or inline calibration
One year warranty
No interference from
the following: H2S,
pH, K+, Na+, Mg2+,
Ca2+, NH4+, Al3+, Pb2+,
Cd2+, Zn2+, Crges.,
Fe2+,Fe3+, Mn2+, Cu2+,
Ni2+, Co2+, CN-, NO-,
SO42-, S2-, PO43-, Cl-,
Cl2, anion active tensides, cruide oils

Specific literature:
{Co http://www.hach-lange.de :: DOC053.52.03203.Apr03}
{Ocean Optics Ltd., http://oceanoptics.com/Products/catalogsensors.pdf [2007-09-07]}


Report ODOCO-1
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Redox Potential

Redox Measuring Chain
The measurement of the redox current takes place with a redox measuring chain. Its
structure is similar to the pH meter.
Like the pH-measuring chain (pH meter) the redox measuring chain consists of a measuring and a reference electrode. Instead of the glass diaphragm it possesses a metal
electrode (usually from a precious metal such as gold, silver or platinum), which take
over the measuring function. The inclination of the solved ions to take up or deliver electrons, determines the potential of the test electrode and thus the electrical voltage of the
measuring chain. Commercial redox electrodes contain a silver/ silver chloride element
as reference electrode. All measured voltage refers to its potential. A conversion on the
system of the normal hydrogen electrode (UH) is easily possible:
UH = UMess + URef
Due to the same structure, Redox and pH-measuring chains are often accommodated in
the same probe [HAMANN & VIELSTICH, 1981; GRNDLER, 2003; RUMP, 2003; HLL, 2002;
DEV, 2003].

Sensors, that are similar to each other, are available from various manufacturers. Two
sensors are described exemplary:

Electrode type

Measurement range
Response time
Material process tangent
Allowed process temperature
Allowed process pressure

SensoLyt PtA
Gel-Polymer solid electrolyte, double-fold perforated
+/- 2000 mV

Glass membrane, PVC

protective shell
1 bar @ 60C
10 bar @ 20C

Hach Lange,
1200-S sc Redox
Ag/AgCl Polymer, perforated diaphragm
+/- 1500 mV
t90 < 15s
Stainless steel, PPS,
max 2 bar overpressure

Specific literature:
{ WTW , pH PtA, Katalolg Online Messtechnik 2006, S.18 }
{ Hach Lange, 1200-S sc, Angebots-Katalog, S.46/76 }
{cp http://www.wtw.com/media/LaborundUmweltKatalog2006_I.pdf [2007-09-06] S.22}


Report ODOCO-1
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ COD
The sum value of chemical oxygen demand (COD) is a measurement for all in the water
existing and under certain conditions oxidizable materials. It indicates the quantity of
oxygen (in mg/L) which was needed for its oxidation, if oxygen were the oxidizing agent.
The determination of the COD is usually to be accomplished wet-chemically in the laboratory on the basis of a water test. It is standardized. This process is very complex. For
the determination without the complicated chemical process cycle cuvette high-speed
tests were developed. These measure the dichromate consumption of the sample of water in the test liquid of a prefabricated cuvette according to a photometric principle.
For the quasi-continuous measurement instruments with a sampling mechanism and
automatic analysis are available. A continuous detection is reached using spectrometer
probes. With this procedure it will furthermore be dealt with [RUMP, 2003; HLL, 2002;
DEV, 2003].

Spectrometer Probe
A wide-band spectral measurement is made and reckoned back over correlation functions on the COD content.
The probes measure the spectrum from ultraviolet to the long-wave visible light. From
the high information content the measured values are determined. The foundation is a
long term built up database and the whereupon developed algorithms. The wide-band
measurement permits the compensation of the disturbing influence of the turbidity.
Sensors are used in sewage engineering and are characterised by the following advantages in relation to other procedures:
direct measurement in the process medium
precise measurement due to the spectral analysis of the scanned UV/VIS range in
place of a punctual measurement
high durability by automatic compressed air cleaning before each measurement
One disadvantage of the procedure is the indirect measurement and the necessity to fall
back to an existing database and algorithms. The selection of used data and methods for
correlation has substantial influence on the result and can, with strongly varying wastewater compositions, lead to bad results. Likewise unfavourable is the necessary compressed air connection (3-7 bar) which effects the installation. Such a sensor is offered to


Report ODOCO-1

WTW under the designation CarboVis, the most important characteristics are arranged in
the following table. A study about process stability for the application of UV-VIS-Systems
for sewage and surface water is ongoing at Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin and Institute of Civil Engineering Department Urban Water Management.

Principle of Measurement
Measurement range
Measurement range
Measurement range
Allowed process
Allowed process
Flow velocity
Salinity of mediums

Spectral measurement in UV/VIS
range: 200 - 750nm
0.1800.0 mg/l

UV-Vis spectrum between
200 and 750 nm.
5.0...1500 mg/l 5.0

1500 mg/l
+/-3 %
03000 mg/l (optional)

+/- 5.0 mg/l

Al Mg Si 1, anodized
<= 1 bar

stainless steel


0 - 45 C

<= 3m/s
49 pH
< 5000 mg/l (Chloride)

Specific literature:
{WTW, CarboVis, http://www.wtw.com/media/OnlineMessKatalog2006_I.pdf [2007-0907] S.50ff}
{s::can, Product description http://www.s-can.at/index.php?id=16 } BOD
The laboratory determines the BOD after sampling. There are different methods, which
are all based on the biological processes at constant temperature of the sample within
the entire time. Subsequently, consummation of oxygen can be calculated in different
ways (sometimes collateral). For on-line measurement, these procedures are inadequate, indirect measurements are used [RUMP, 2003; HLL, 2002, DEV, 2003].

Spectrometer Probe
A wide-band spectral measurement is made and reckoned back over correlation functions on the BOD value.


Report ODOCO-1

This is the same principle that also describes the determination of the CSB. The difference in the procedure is only a different underlying data basis and changed correlation
The same statements are valid as under sec., since the same sensor for the determination of the BOD5-value is used. A known sensor is CarboVisTM of WTW.
Specific literature:
{WTW, http://www.wtw.com/media/OnlineMessKatalog2006_I.pdf [2007-09-07] S.50ff} Sulphate
Sulphates are salts or esters of the sulphuric acid. The salts contain as anion the sulphate ion [SO42-]. They are chemically proven, by adding hydrochloric acid and barium
chloride or barium hydroxide solution. A heavy, soluble precipitation of white barium sulphate is developed [JANDER & BLASIUS, 1980; DEV, 2003; RUMP, 2003].
There is commercial sensor for the detection of sulphates in aqueous solutions available.
Research exists, which concentrates on the development of bio sensors. These are,
however, still far away from application in the wastewater range. The work is outlined

Biosensor using Thiobacillus ferrooxidans

The research work took place in the late 90's at the University of Tokyo and a sensor
was developed with which the sulphate content in rain water can be measured.
Thiobacillus ferrooxidans E-15, known to oxidize Fe(II) in the presence of sulphate was
immobilized on the surface of an oxygen electrode. The current decrease at the microbial correlates with the sulphate concentration.
The response time of the sensor was about 30 min. The strongest response was obtained in an environment of 30C, the optimal growing temperature of the microbe, and a
pH-value of 2.75. The microbe immobilised membrane lost its activity 24h after immobilization. Therefore a renewing of the membrane is necessary each day. The lower limit of
detection was 4M with good measurements in the range of 0-200M. Nitrate concentration below 200M and chloride concentration lower than 8.97mM showed no effect on


Report ODOCO-1

the measurements. The researchers suggested a replacement of the membrane after 15

measurements. They stated the low cost of the microbial membrane. Any further developments are not known.
Specific literature:
{Sulfate sensor using Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, Sasaki, Yokoyama, Tamiya, Karube,
Karube, Hayashi, Arikawa, Numata , Analytica Chimica Acta 347, pp.275-280, 1997 Elesevier Science B.V.} Sulphide
Sulphides are salts or esters of hydrogen sulphide (H2S). The sulphide anion (S2-) is
shortly named sulphide. The concentration of the anions is to be determined in the
aqueous phase.

Ion Selective Measurement

The ion-selective measurement is a method relative to the determination of the concentrations of solved ions at small instrument expenditure. Examples of directly in the solutions assignable cations and anions are potassium ions, sodium ions, fluoride or chloride. Indirect procedures like e.g. Titration make the regulation of aluminium ions, nickel
ions or sulphate possible. The measurement with ion-selective electrodes is a potentiometric such as the pH-measurement. The following design can be applied:
1. separated ion-selective electrode and reference electrode
2. ion-selective measuring chain with combined inserted reference electrode
Depending upon which ion should be measured, the diaphragm of the measuring chain
consists either of a barely soluble salt of this ion (solid electrode) with ion-exchange or
ion-carrier modified PVC diaphragm (matrix electrode), glass (glass electrode) or a gas
permeable diaphragm (gas sensitive electrode). The activity of the measuring ions determines the voltage of the measuring chain. With rising activity of anions, the tension
becomes more negative; with cations more positive. A pH/ion meter computes the concentration value of the solution of the measuring chain signal.
There are special sensors for the measurement of sulphide ions in aqueous solutions.
The electrodes are offered by different manufacturers. The most important characteris-


Report ODOCO-1

tics are the exemplary set up of two exemplary products in the following table. No statements are known about the application in wastewater.

Concentration range (M)

Concentration range (ppm)
Temperature range
pH range
Sensor type
Interfering ions

Radiometer analytical,
5 x 10-7 100
0.02 30000
0 60C
12 mm
11 14 (direct meas.)
Equally sensitive to Ag+,
Precipitated cations forming
complexes with sulphides

Recommended reference

ISE Typ Ag/S 800
10-7...1 mol/l
0,003...32000 mg/l


reference electrode incl.

Specific literature:
{Radiometer analytical, ISE25S, MeterLab Guide to Reliable pH, Ion and Conductivity
Measurements (Electrodes) Data Sheet (lit 4416) ,
{WTW, ISE Ag/S, http://www.wtw.com/media/LaborundUmweltKatalog2006_I.pdf [200709-06]}
{http://www.wtw.com/media/LaborundUmweltKatalog2006_I.pdf [2007-09-06]} Organically Bound Sulphur

There is no information about sensors for the determination of organic sulphur in wastewater. The determination can only be carried out in laboratories. Nitrate and Nitrite

Nitrates are the salts and esters of nitric acid (HNO3). Nitrites are the salts and esters of
nitrous acid (HNO2). NO2-and NO3 anions are identified in wastewater.
{cp http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrat , Nitrit}

Ion Selective Measurement

With this procedure nitrate concentrations are assignable in wastewater.


Report ODOCO-1

The principle works potentiometrically with a measuring and a reference electrode. The
function mode of the ion-selective measurement is identical to section 7.1 which has
been described.
Electrodes are available on the market for the measurement of nitrate. The characteristics of some products are summarized in the following table.
Since the ion-selective electrodes are affected by interfering, it makes sense to compensate disturbances. The firm WTW has developed the product "VARiON sensor that the
installation of various electrodes and thus allows compensation for the nitrate measurement, the chloride ions. This sensor was constructed especially for measurement in

Concentration range (M)

Radiometer analytical,
3 x 10-6 100

Concentration range (ppm)


0.2 60000

Temperature range
pH range
Sensor type
Interfering ions

0 50C
12 mm
3 10
PVC membrane
Cl, Br, NO2


Kompensiert VARiON Cl
0,5 4500 mg/l
[Cl-: 1 ...1000 mg/l]
5 mg/l
[Cl-: 1 mg/l]
0 40C
40 mm
4 11

4-8 Months
integrated temperature sensor

Specific literature:
{Radiometer analytical, ISE25S, MeterLab Guide to Reliable pH, Ion and Conductivity
Measurements (Electrodes) Data Sheet (lit 4416), http://www.hach.com/fmmimghach?
{WTW, http://www.wtw.com/media/OnlineMessKatalog2006_I.pdf [2007-09-07] p.38}

Azo Colouring Method (Photometric)

With this method nitrite concentrations can be measured intermittently on-line.
By a reaction with nitrite a reagent produces a rose-pink colouring of the measuring solution. The colour intensity is proportional to the nitrite concentration in the sample and is
measured with a two-jet reference photometer.


Report ODOCO-1

Particularly for the application within the wastewater range, equipment from the company
WTW is available. Its characteristic values are arranged briefly.

Concentration range (M)

Concentration range
Temperature range
pH range
Sensor type
Interfering ions

TresCon ON 510
0,4090,0 mol/l
0,0051,200 mg/l
0,1 mol/l [0,001 mg/l]

year maintenance, calibration 24h,
The Device is analyzing samples taken in 10/15/20 min intervals. Cleaning-, calibration- and reagent-solutions have to be

Specific literature:
{WTW, http://www.wtw.com/media/OnlineMessKatalog2006_I.pdf [2007-09-07] p.45}


The electrical conductivity is a physical quantity, which indicates the ability of a material
to conduct electric current. In aqueous solutions the conductivity as a sum-parameter is
a measure for the ion concentration. The more salts, acids or also bases are dissociated,
the higher the conductivity. The conductivity of wastewater can be easily measured to
get information about possible dilution of wastewater with stormwater run-off.

Conductometric Analysis
The measurement of conductivity is based on the principle of the electro-chemical resistance test. A measuring cell is used which consists of two similar electrodes. An alternating voltage is applied to the electrodes. From the current caused by the ions of the
measured media, the conductivity value is computed. Cell geometry and the temperature
influence the measured current and are considered throughout the computation
[GRNDLER, 2003; HAMANN & VIELSTICH, 1985; DEV, 2003; RUMP, 2003].
Conductivity sensors for the employment in wastewater are available from different manufacturers on the market. The most important characteristics are listed on two products.

Report ODOCO-1

Measurement range

Allowed process pressure
Measurement range
Type of protection

Ranges: 0,05 0,4 1,0
2,0 3,8 7,9 100 mS
better than 0,1% upper limit
of respective range
better than 0,1% upper limit
of respective range
Pt1000-Sensing resistor
0,1 C
0,2 C

TetraCon 700
10S/cm 1000mS/cm
Ranges: 0,0 0,2 2
20 200mS

0-10 bar
0 50C
+/- 0,2K

Specific literature:
01b6f9989a069a33b.html [2007-09-06]}
{WTW, http://www.wtw.com/media/OnlineMessKatalog2006_I.pdf [2007-09-07] S.26}

3.2.2 Measurement in Gas Molecular Oxygen

Zirconium dioxide sensors
Zirconium oxide can be used for the measurement of concentration in gases.
This electro-chemical measuring procedure is based on the oxygen conductivity of zirconium dioxide. The oxygen-containing measuring gas is conducted, for example, by a zirconium dioxide tube heated up to over 700 C, which carries electrodes inside and outside and is exposed outside to the air. Thus, there is a development of electrical voltage
at the electrodes, which depends, according to the Nernst-law, on the absolute electrode
temperature and the relationship of the oxygen partial pressure at the two electrodes.
The oxygen partial pressure of air serves here as comparison value [HAMANN & VIELSTICH, 1985; GRNDLER, 2003; RUMP, 2003; HLL, 2002; DEV, 2003].

By zirconium dioxide sensors oxygen partial pressure within the ppm-range can be
measured without problems. Preferential applications are flue gas measuring probes and
the Lambda probes used in the motor vehicles.

Report ODOCO-1

Special designed devices can be used in the gas phase of sewers for the continuous
measurement. The gas mixture must be sucked in by way of a hose and supplied to the
measuring instrument. The characteristics of a measuring device are listed below. Other
measuring devices are not known.

Measurement range
Detection limit
Response time at 25 C (Air > N2)
Allowed process temperature

Module of oxygen detection ZR5
1 Vol.-ppm100 Vol.-%
relative measuring error < 5 %
1 ppm, made-to-order item up to 10-15 ppm
t90 1 s
050 C, max. 80 % rel. humidity
Ready to operate: < 15 min
flow rate: 8 l/h 2 l/h, controlled by internal pump

Specific literature:
{Co ZIROX GmbH, http://zirox.de/produkte/oem_loesungen/sauerstoffmessmodul_zr5.

Electro-Chemical Oxygen Sensor

The measurement principle of the electro-chemical cell is applied for the measurement of
concentration of oxygen in gas mixtures. Different building methods are well-known,
which differ according to the kind of the oxygen entrance to the measuring cell.
All electrochemical oxygen sensors are of the self-powered, diffusion limited, metal-air
battery type comprising an anode, electrolyte and an air cathode. An oxygen cell can
simply be considered as an enclosure (either a metal can or a plastic moulding) which
holds two electrodes: a flat PTFE tape coated with an active catalyst, the cathode and a
block of lead metal, the anode. This enclosure is airtight apart from a small capillary at
the top of the cell which allows oxygen access to the working electrode. The two electrodes are connected, via current collectors, to the pins which protrude externally and allow the sensor to be electronically connected to an instrument. The entire cell is filled
with conductive electrolyte which allows transfer of ionic species between the electrodes.
The rate at which oxygen can enter the cell is controlled by the size of the capillary hole
at the top of the sensor. When oxygen reaches the working electrode, it is immediately
reduced to hydroxyl ions:
O2 + 2H2O + 4e- 4OHThese hydroxyl ions migrate through the electrolyte to the lead anode where they are involved in the oxidation of the metal to its corresponding oxide.


Report ODOCO-1

2Pb + 4OH- 2PbO + 2H2O + 4eAs the two processes above take place, a current is generated which can be measured
externally by passing it through a known resistance and measuring the potential drop
across it. Since the current produced is proportional to the rate at which these reactions
occur, its measurement allows accurate determination of the oxygen concentration.
As the electro-chemical reaction results in the oxidation of the lead anode these sensors
have a limited life. Once all the available lead has been oxidised they no longer work.
Typically oxygen sensors have 12 year life time, however this can be lengthened by increasing the size of the anode or restricting the amount of oxygen that gets to the anode.
{cp http://citytech.com/technology/02-sensors.asp [2007-09-06]}
Electro-chemical gas sensors are susceptible against condensation. This requires, owing
to circumstances, a complex preliminary drying of the two measured gas mixtures, which
apparently react negatively on application in the wastewater pipe.

Measurement range
Detection limit
Response time at 25 C
(Air > N2)
Signal in Air
Residual signal in O2free medium
Allowed process pressure
Allowed process temperature
Frequency of necessary re-calibration

CitiCel 2FO
0-25% Oxygen, max. 30%

e2v technologies, EC 410

0-30 %
0.1% O2

t95 < 10 s

t90 < 15
300 400 A
40 A (in N2)

Atmospheric 10%,
Pressure coefficient: <0.02%
-20C to +45C
Temperature Coefficient:
0.2% signal/C

Two years in Air,

Drift: <5% signal loss/year
Operating Humidity: 0 to
99% RH non-condensing

90 - 110 kPa (nominal)

0.07% typical signal per
mbar change
20 to +55 C
Temperature Coefficient:
<0.5% signal/C
<2% change in output per
month (long-term drift)
>36 months
15 - 95% RH (noncondensing)

Specific literature:
{ City Technology Ltd, http://www.de.citytech.com/PDF-Datasheets/2fo.pdf }

Fibre-optic Sensor
In the last decade a large number of measuring procedures have emerged from the
range of fibre optics. Thereby, the absorption and fluorescence characteristics of materi-


Report ODOCO-1

als are used in dependence of the light wave length as well as the change of refraction
characteristics of the light conductor with accumulation of certain materials within ranges
of the conductor.
For the measurement of oxygen, this principle of measurement can be applied both in
the gas phase and for the measurement of liquids. For explanation of functionality see
sec. The practicability for measurements in the atmosphere of sewage pipes is
not described. Hydrogen Sulphide

Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) is a badly smelling, poisonous gas. It is an extremely weak
acid, whose salts are the sulphides. The concentration of hydrogen sulphide is to be determined in the gas area of the sewage drain. There are different measuring and sensor
systems, by which some are still being investigated. The measurement principles are
described below.

Surface Chrominated Thick Film BST

The measurement principle still is in research and can therefore only be described
briefly. From literature it is well-known that different solid H2S-sensors based on semiconductors metal oxides (SnO2, ZrO2, CeO2, WO3) were investigated. These can seize
concentrations larger than 10ppm.
In the work mentioned here, a H2S sensor is described and examined, its semi-conductor
layer from Ba




TiO3 (short: BST) is manufactured in the screen printing

method. The semi-conductor layer is improved additionally in the dipping procedure in an

aqueous solution out of chromium trioxide (CrO3). This increases the selectivity regarding the gas H2S. The influence of this surface change was systematically examined and
described in the work. It succeeded to develop a semi-conductor sensor, operated in the
range the 0.1 to 20ppm. The optimal operating temperature sensor is with 350C. The
times for an answer are to 80% with 4 s and regeneration to 80% with 13 s.

Specific literature:
{Surface Chrominated Thick Films of Ba(0.8)Sr(0.2)TiO3 for H2S Gas Sensing, Authors: G.H. Jain , L.A. Patil , P.P. Patil and U.P. Mulik, in sensors ISSN 1424-8220
2007 by MDPI www.mdpi.org/sensors}


Report ODOCO-1

Infrared sensor
The absorption behaviour is used by radiation of a material for the determination of the
The basic principles of operation of infrared gas sensors rely on the exploitation of the
following facts:
A wide range of materials absorb infrared radiation (due to intramolecular vibrations). For
any one material, the strength of absorption (absorbance) varies with wavelength (its absorption spectrum).Different materials have different absorption spectra.
This causes that certain basic components are common to all infrared gas sensors: an
infrared source (e.g. incandescent lamp), a detector (e.g. thermopiles, pyroelectric detectors), a means to select appropriate wavelengths (e.g. band pass interference filter) and
a sample cell. Radiation from the source passes through the sample cell and wavelength
selector. The choice of wavelength has a large bearing on the relative selectivity of the
sensor. The radiation NOT absorbed by the sample is then detected and the ratio of this
to the incident provides a measure of the concentration of target gas in the sample. A
second detector (or channel) tuned to a different wavelength that is not attenuated by
any species likely to be present in the sample is normally used to provide this reference
A further component that enhances the performance of IR gas sensors is a temperature
sensor. All these components have temperature dependencies which must be compensated to provide an accurate measure of gas concentration. This temperature sensor
(typically a thermistor) should be sited within, or in very close proximity to, the detector(s).
Infrared sensors effectively give a measure of the number of target gas molecules in the
light path between source and detector. Consequently, the output signal not only varies
with concentration but also barometric pressure i.e. they are partial pressure devices.
For very high measurement accuracy, compensation for barometric pressure is, therefore, required. This dependency also infers that sensors with longer optical path lengths
(i.e. distance travelled by radiation between source and detector(s)) will have increased
sensitivity and tend to have a lower dynamic range but increased resolution.
In a single target gas, fixed optical light path device under constant barometric pressure,
the signal output (and signal/noise ratio) approximately exponentially decays with increasing concentration i.e. infrared gas sensors are inherently non-linear. The measurement accuracy decreases with increasing concentration.


Report ODOCO-1

The components described above form a typical infrared gas sensor. However, some
supporting electronics is required in any practical system. The more common detector
technologies provide very small analogue signal outputs that require amplification. Basic
analogue filtering of the amplified output signal can then enhance measurement accuracy.
The source also requires a driver circuit. It is usual practice to modulate the source output by pulsing (although some older design used fixed illumination and mechanical
choppers). This creates periodic variations in the emitted intensity and so allows the use
of synchronous detection techniques.
To carry out the temperature and barometric compensations, it is common practice to
use computational algorithms inside a microprocessor. This first requires the analogue
signals to be converted into digital signals. The compensated data is then transmitted to
the user in some form.
{cp http://citytech.com/technology/irsensors.asp [2007-09-06]}
There is no information available, whether this principle can be applied to measure in the
gas phase of sewer networks.

Pellistors employ catalytic combustion to measure combustible gases or vapours in air
up to the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) of the gas.
The standard sensor consists of a matched pair of elements, typically referred to as a
detector and compensator (reference element). The detector comprises a platinum wire
coil embedded within a bead of catalytic material. The compensator is similar except that
the bead does not contain catalytic material and as a consequence is inert.
Both elements are normally operated in a Wheatstone bridge circuit that will produce an
output only if the resistance of the detector differs from that of the compensator.
The bridge is supplied with a constant dc voltage that heats the elements to 500-550C.
Combustible gases are oxidised only on the detector element, where the heat generated
increases its resistance, producing a signal proportional to the concentration of combustible gas. The compensator helps to compensate for changes in ambient temperature,
pressure, and humidity, which affect both elements equally.
Most pellistors have the pairs of elements housed in separate metal cans. In a complete
gas detector (to be used in a potentially explosive atmosphere) the cans will normally be


Report ODOCO-1

mounted inside a flameproof enclosure consisting of a metal sinter and housing. This
enclosure allows gas to reach the sensor whilst ensuring that the hot sensor elements
cannot ignite an explosive gas mixture. As an alternative complete detectors are available with both elements mounted inside a flameproof enclosure approved to the latest
European (ATEX) and North American (CSA & UL) standards.
Detection of explosive atmospheres relies on the accurate measurement of combustible
gases below the LEL concentration. Safety applications, therefore, are not generally
concerned with measuring the volume concentration of gas. Measurements are more
usually expressed as a percentage of the LEL concentration of the gas (%LEL).
Most combustible gas detection techniques are designed to detect a wide range of
gases. Ideally the output of a sensor will be independent of the gas being measured. In
reality, however, the variation in physical properties affects the output. Catalytic oxidation
sensors are no exception, so the response a pellistor gives to the same volume concentration of different gases will vary. However when exposed to the same %LEL concentration of different gases, the variation in output is fairly small compared to other detection
techniques. As safety applications are interested only in %LEL measurements this is a
major advantage.
The variation in output for the same %LEL concentration of different gases is termed
relative sensitivity.
There are effects which limit the application framework of these sensors. The two most
important are outlined briefly:
Some compounds will decompose on the catalyst and form a solid barrier over the catalyst surface. This action is cumulative and prolonged exposure will result in an irreversible decrease in sensitivity. Typical poisons are organic lead and silicon compounds.
Certain other compounds, especially halogenated hydrocarbons, are absorbed or form
compounds that are absorbed by the catalyst. This absorption is so strong that reaction
sites in the catalyst can become blocked and normal reactions are inhibited. The resultant loss of sensitivity is temporary and in most cases a sensor will recover after a period
of operation in clean air.
Pellistors are available for the measurement of H2S on the market. The behaviour of the
sensors depends nonlinearly on concentration, the sensor and the circuit, in which it is


Report ODOCO-1

operated. On their behalf, important characteristics for a specific sensor head are arranged below.

Stabilisation time
Power supply
Sensor current consumption
Output in clean air
Response in 10ppm hydrogen sulphide
Deviation of response at 5ppm
Deviation of response at 25ppm
Life time

e2v technologies, VQ101

6.5V +/- 1.5V
400 mA max.
many years

Specific literature:
{ e2v technologies, http://www.e2v.com/files/sensors/vq101.pdf }
{cp http://citytech.com/technology/pellistors.asp [2007-09-06]}

The general electro-chemical measurement principle was already described for the oxygen measurement [sec.]. It is dealt with more deeply here but with only with the
characteristics for the measurement of H2S.
Electrochemical toxic gas sensors are micro fuel cells. They have a direct response to
volume concentration of gas rather than partial pressure.
The simplest form of electrochemical toxic sensor comprises two electrodes: sensing
and counter, separated by a thin layer of electrolyte. This is enclosed in a plastic housing
that has a small capillary to allow gas entry to the sensing electrode and includes pins
which are electrically attached to both electrodes and allow easy external interface.
These pins may be connected to a simple resistor circuit that allows the voltage drop resulting from any current flow to be measured. Gas diffusing into the sensor is either oxidised or reduced at the sensing electrode and, coupled with a corresponding (but converse) counter reaction at the other electrode, a current is generated through the external circuit. Since the rate of gas entry into the sensor is controlled by the capillary diffusion barrier, the current generated is proportional to the concentration of gas present
outside the sensor and gives a direct measure of the toxic gas present.
The central feature of the design is the gaseous diffusion barrier, which limits the flow of
gas to the sensing electrode. The electrode is therefore able to react with all target gas
as it reaches its surface, and still has electrochemical activity in reserve.


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From the reaction at the counter electrode, it is evident that oxygen is required for the
current generation process to take place. This is usually provided in the sample stream
by air diffusing to the front of the sensor, or by diffusion through the sides of the sensor
(a few thousand ppm is normally sufficient). However, continuous exposure to an anaerobic sample gas may result in signal drift, despite the oxygen access paths and so it
is recommend that toxic sensors are never potted with resin or completely immersed in
an anaerobic gas mixture.
For certain demanding applications where the sensors are frequently exposed to very
high concentrations of the analyte, for example in flue gas analysis, it may be necessary
to ensure there is an additional source of oxygen access to the counter electrode.
2-electrode sensors are the simplest form of toxic gas sensors. However they have limited measuring range due to polarisation of the counter electrode. This polarisation effect
can be eliminated by using a third, reference, electrode with a stable potential in the sensor design. In these sensors the sensing electrode is held at a fixed potential relative to
the reference electrode (from which no current is drawn) so both maintain a constant potential. The counter electrode is still free to polarise, but has no effect on the sensing
electrode and does not limit the sensor in any way.
3-electrode sensors are the most widely used design of electrochemical sensors for detecting toxic gases. Despite this there are some applications where the 3-electrode design proves inadequate. For example cross-interfering gases or zero-offset changes with
temperature can compromise their overall performance. By introducing a fourth auxiliary
sensor accurate sensor performance can be maintained while also allowing the simultaneous measurement of two gases.
A 4th auxiliary electrode can assist in overcoming cross interference from other gases.
The main sensor is responding to the desired gas while the auxiliary electrode is responding to the interfering gas alone. Once the ratio of the responses on each electrode
is known, a compensated signal can be obtained by subtracting the auxiliary signal from
the sensing electrode signal with an analogue circuit or using a microprocessor with appropriate software.
The baseline signal of most electrochemical sensors tends to increase exponentially with
temperature, approximately doubling for every 10C rise in temperature. For the majority
of applications this does not normally present problems but for applications involving
very low concentrations of gases any baseline shift with temperature could seriously affect the ability to measure these gases accurately. The signals from both the sensing
electrode and auxiliary electrode will both show similar responses to changes in temperature but because the auxiliary electrode is not exposed to reactive gas, its signal can


Report ODOCO-1

simply be subtracted from that of sensing electrode. This is a useful method of compensating for any baseline shifts that would normally occur as a result of changes in temperature, but is not ideal.
{cp http://citytech.com/technology/toxic-sensors.asp [2007-09-06]}
Electro-chemically working sensor measuring heads and sensors are available on the
market. The characteristics for a sensor head are indicated below.

Life time
Measuring Range
Sensitivity Range
Zero Current at 20C
Resolution at 20C
Bias Potential
Response Time at 20C
Long Term Sensitivity Drift
Humidity Range

City Technology, H2S 3E 100 S

Amperometric 3 electrode sensor cell
> 48 months
750 nA/ppm 150 nA/ ppm
< 200 nA
< 0.3 ppm
0 mV
< 5% full scale
t50 < 15s, t90 < 30s
< 10% per 6 months
1590% r.H., noncondensing
Effect of Humidity: < 1 ppm at abrupt
changes of humidity

Specific literature:
{City Technology Ltd., http://citytech.com/PDF-Datasheets/h2s3e100s.pdf [2007-09-06]} Organic Solvents

The term organic solvents comprises a multitude of different substances. They are both
present in wastewater and the gas area. As a result of its inhomogeneous distribution
and transport behaviour in wastewater the measurement in the gas phase is to be made.
There is no information known about sensors, which can measure the concentration of
this group of substances online. It would be therefore appropriate to determine this group
of substances with the sum parameter VOC (volatile organic compounds). Electronic
noses could also be applied. No sensors exist for the measurement of VOC. The analysis is complex using special devices, usually gas chromatographs


Report ODOCO-1

Flame ionization detector (FID)

The operational principle is the measurement of the conductivity of a oxyhydrogen gas
flame (gaseous fuel is hydrogen) between two electrodes. Substances which are to be
analyzed are transported with a feed gas stream into the flame and ionized there, thermally. The electrons that are set free with the ionization are captured and noted as a
peak by an attached writer or a data system. An FID is more sensitive up to 1000x than
the heat conductivity detector. Furthermore, the detector signal is linear proportional over
a wide concentration range to the quantity of the carbon content of the analyte. Therefore, the concentration of a hydrocarbon can be derived from the signal without calibration, so that the detector can be applied well for quantification [GRNDLER, 2003,
DRESSLER, 1986].

The most frequently applied detector in the gas chromatography is the FID, since it connects robustness with high sensitivity. An FID is more sensitive up to 1000x than the
heat conductivity detector. The maintenance is extensive because of the supply of pure
detonating gas (H2), which has to be re-filled every few days.
Different manufacturers offer devices with FID-principle for measurement. Different examples with characteristic values of equipment are mentioned below.

Response time
Zero drift
Span drift
Temperature of heated block
Operating temperatures
Scan frequency

Environnement S.A, Graphite 730

0-10/0-100/0-1000/0-10000 ppm
1% of full scale
< 3sec
< 1% / 7d
< 1% / 7d
5 45C
50 h with a B1 cylinder of H2/He at 150 bar

Specific literature: { Environnement S.A, http://www.environnement-sa.com/index2.html }

Photoionization Detector
A photoionization detector or PID uses an ultraviolet (UV) light source to break molecules to positively charged ions that can easily be counted with a detector. Ionization occurs when a molecule absorbs high energy UV light, which excites the molecule, and re-


Report ODOCO-1

sults in temporary loss of a negatively charged electron and the formation of positively
charged ion. The gas becomes electrically charged.
In the PID, the charged particles produce a current that is amplified and measured. This
current correlates to the amount of particles in the analyte.
{cp http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photo_Ionization_Detector }
Different manufacturers offer devices of this principle. The PID as well as the FID just
gives a response according to the sum of VOCs. For identification and quantification of
distinct solvents, a separation of the gas mixture using gas chromatography is necessary.
Specific literature:
{Ama Instruments Gmbh, Produktinformation GC 5000 Process, http://www.amainstruments.com

Infrared sensor
The absorption behaviour is used by radiation of a material for the determination of the
See description above within the sec.
There is no information available, whether this principle can be applied for measure in
the gas phase of sewer networks. Odour measurement with electronic nose

An electronic nose is a technical system for the measurement of odours. For this purpose microelectronic gas sensors produce electronic signals. The term electronic nose
unites recognising of smells with the technical implementation by electronic sensors. It
is to be noted that there cannot be an electronic nose in the technical sense, since
odours must be interpreted by the brain. Technical measuring systems in contrast supply
data about gas concentrations, of non-smelling as well as smell-active gases.
A typical electronic nose consists of a number of gas sensors, whose signals are processed by mathematical methods in the sense of pattern recognition. In practice abstract
mathematical methods, for instance the main component analysis, are applied. Thereby


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the pattern information is projected onto a two-dimensional plane, on which similar patterns overlap the same regions.
A number of different technical sensors are used in electronic noses. The main ones are:

Sensors on basis of semi-conducting metallic oxides, abbr. MOS sensors.

Sensors with electrically conducting polymers. There are independently (intrinsic)

conducting polymers and such, with a conducting component, such as graphite,

Sensors, evaluating mass effects, with the two groups of swinging quartz sensors
(QMB/QCM sensors) and the surface wave sensors (SAW sensors).

Each of these sensor types has its own instrumental characteristic. In particular, the
chemical range measuring of gases differ. MOS sensors preferably measure lowmolecular oxidizable gases. With conducting polymers polar gas components are well
measured, mass-sensitive sensors measure high-molecular materials preferentially. In
technical application however, in particular the measuring stability of the sensors is a
crucial parameter during longer periods, since they must hold the calibration information.
Depending upon the principle of operation of the sensors and their specific application,
hence, measures must be planned for the protection and verification of the sensors.
The gas sensors used in electronic noses are often constructed in the form of specially
grouped gas sensors partially mounted on a microchip. One speaks here of sensor arrays or chemo sensor arrays.
[FRECHEN, 2007; {cp http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elektronische_Nase}]

Sensor-Array with Temperature Gradient (MOS)

The sensors exhibit, depending on the operating temperature, for each gas another specific affinity/detection rate. This is utilised when measurements are taken with the same
sensors at the same time at different temperatures. After applying a complex data analysis the components in the gas mixture and their concentrations can be reconstructed.
The measurement can only be successfully accomplished for a limited number of components in the gas mixture. If unknown compositions with more than 5 components are
involved, no meaningful statements about their concentrations can be derived.
The requirements in the wastewater pipe with its complex and unknown gas mixtures


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cannot be fulfilled by these devices. Therefore further adjustments have to be carried

A piece of equipment lies in the range of 20.000 . In the following table the specifications of the product Artinos are listed.
Gas detecting layer
Gradient membrane
Sensor segments
Temperature sensor
Average operating temperature
Consumption at 300C in stationary air

Si/SiO2 or Al2O3
SnO2 or WO3
38 or 16
9x10 mm (38 Seg.) or 3x4 mm (16 Seg.)
2 heating elements: 4
200 - 400C
ca. 1 Watt (16 Seg., hanging in ceramic card)
ca. 6 Watt (38 Seg., on bearings in PGAsocket

Selection of detection limits at standard environmental conditions

Ozone, NH3, H2S, Xylol, Acrolein, Ethanol, < 100 vppb
Methanol, Acetone, Ethylaceton, Toluol,
Methan, Propan, NO2, SO2, Benzol, CO ... < 1 vppm
CCl4, CHCl3, C2HCl3 ...
< 100 vppm
Specific literature:
{Interview with Co Sysca ber Artinos[2007-05-00]}
{http://sysca-ag.de/ product: Artinos}

Mass sensitive Swinging Quartz-technology

Core elements are several sensitive gas sensors, which work on the basis of mass sensitive swinging quartz technology. In a sensitive layer coating a swinging quartz (10 million oscillations per second) gases and odours are stored. Thus, the mass of the layer
changes and consequently the resonant frequency of the swinging quartz is adjusting.
Such alteration is the measuring signal. The storage of gases corresponds to a dissolving process. When the gas is no longer present in the environment of the quartz, the absorbed molecules leave the layer and the sensor returns to its neutral signal. The measurement can be improved through a gas enrichment by thermal desorption. A partial
separation of gases according to the responding sensor increases the sensitivity, likewise. The applied algorithms in pattern processing are crucial for the evaluation
[GRNDLER, 2003; http://www.sysca-ag.de/artinos.htm].


Report ODOCO-1

A system manufactured by the company AltraSens (OdourVector) is used in practice for
the monitoring of different processes. It consists of 6 sensors, which prefer highmolecular substances with offensive smells.
According to the manufacturer, odour emissions from the sewer system were measured.
Likewise, a biological clarification plant in a long-term monitoring was accompanied.
Specific literature: {Co Altrasens, http://www.altrasens.de}

3.2.3 Measurement in Biofilm pH-value
Principle of measurement and functionality are the same like in wastewater (see sec.
Galvanometric pH-Meter
For the pH measurement in semi-solid materials, for example in the area of the food industry (measurement in meat, sausage and cheese) are puncture-pH-probes for measurements available. These matrices contain bio molecules, as to be expected in biofilms
and in addition triglycerides (fats) and higher protein levels that make pH-value measurements difficult. Therefore, application appears to be possible for pH-determination in
biofilm with these sensors. However, no experience exists for continuous use and application in sewage area with these electrodes.

Measurement area
Allowed process temperature

Hebesberger Mess- & Regelgerte

1...14 pH
0,02 pH
Data logger with its own autonomous battery
conceived for use in waters.
Pt-Temperature measurements and automatic
BNC input jack

Specific Literature: { www. hebesberger. at }


Report ODOCO-1

Thick Film pH-Sensor

The ranges of application, for the sensor, are the chemical industry, food technology and
medical technology. Because of its design without fluid contact to a damageable glass
membrane, its use in the biofilm or even in the condensing atmosphere of sewage might
be theoretically possible. Anyhow, such an application is without description and must be
exactly examined. A commercial manufacturer is not known.

Measurement range
Speed of response
Allowed process temperature

Thick Film pH Sensor

19 pH
0,3 pH
< 1s
25 55 C
drift < 2mV/d (<0,04 pH/d), drift reference electrode
< 1mV/d

Specific literature:
{Fraunhofer Institut Keramische Technologien und Systeme, Informationsblatt Thick Film
pH Sensor, Messestand Sensor+Test, Nrnberg 2007} Determination of biofilm activity

Intensive research in measuring methods for biofilms has been done in the last years. A
set of measurement principles for application on the biofilm were developed. All information is taken from the surrounding fields of research. None of these measurement principles are commercially available yet. The methods are described below.

Optical Sensor
A sensor has been developed which examines the characteristics of the biofilm with
photometric methods.
Transmission, dispersion and fluorescence are measured continuously by the sensor.
The measuring procedure is accomplished in a flashing operational mode of the sensor.
The dark signal is measured in the dark phase between two pulses. Parallel to it a reference signal is measured for the characterization of the linked radiation intensities. Each
measured value is corrected concerning dark signal and standardized on the reference
signal. The transmission, dispersion and fluorescence are measured with 3 different UVwavelengths and a NIR-wavelength. The measured optical values are correlated with the


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biofilm thickness and the number of cells. The characteristics of the biofilm are thus determined
The dynamic behaviour of the different optical parameters in view of the processes in the
biofilm has not yet been sufficiently examined. Precise mathematical-empirical methods
and algorithms for statements about biofilm need to be developed. It is expected that by
the sensor detailed process characteristics and biochemical parameters can be measured.
Specific literature:
{KWB Band 4, Mittenzwey, Szewzyk, Dworak & Schulze Online-Sensor zur Erfassung
von Biofilmen, Berlin 2006}

Ultrasonic Scan
There are studies investigating the application of the procedure of high frequency ultrasound measurement to biofilms. The advantage of this procedure is the production of
three-dimensional in situ pictures of a biofilm sector, which hopefully allows for an exact
analysis of the structure and the development of the biofilm.
The research in this area is still in a very early stage and an application in the laboratory
for the biofilm of a species was examined.
Specific literature:


Two metallic electrodes which are isolated from each other are provided over an energy
source with a potential difference from 50 to 500 mVs. Due to the potential induced depolarization-effects a flowing direct current through the biofilm is measured. Likewise, the
current conduction, which flows after switching the energy source off, is measured, as
well as the electrical resistance between the electrodes which characterizes mainly the
The application of the sensor in wastewater is not clarified. A manufacturer was not
Specific literature: {Source: US Patent 5,356,521 - 18th October 1994}

Report ODOCO-1

Optical Coherence Tomography

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an interferometric, non-invasive optical tomographic imaging technique offering millimetre penetration (approximately 2-3 mm in tissue) with micrometer-scale axial and lateral resolution.
OCT is based on low-coherence interferometry. In conventional interferometry with long
coherence length (laser interferometry), interference of light occurs over a distance of
meters. In OCT, this interference is shortened to a distance of micrometres, thanks to the
use of broadband light sources (sources that can emit light over a broad range of frequencies). Light with broad bandwidths can be generated by using superluminescent diodes (superbright LEDs) or lasers with extremely short pulses (femtosecond lasers).
White light is also a broadband source with lower powers.
Light in an OCT system is broken into two arms, a sample arm (containing the item of interest) and a reference arm (usually a mirror). The combination of reflected light from the
sample arm and reference light from the reference arm gives rise to an interference pattern, but only if light from both arms have travelled the "same" optical distance ("same"
meaning a difference of less than a coherence length). By scanning the mirror in the reference arm, a reflectivity profile of the sample can be obtained (this is time domain
OCT). Areas of the sample that reflect back a lot of light will create greater interference
than areas that don't. Any light that is outside the short coherence length will not interfere. This reflectivity profile, called an A-scan contains information about the spatial dimensions and location of structures within the item of interest. A cross-sectional tomograph (B-scan) may be achieved by laterally combining a series of these axial depth
scans (A-scan). En face imaging (C-scan) at an acquired depth is possible depending on
the imaging engine used.
The procedure of the OCT was applied in the laboratory at TU-Munich for none-invasive
measurement of biofilms in the pipe. Growth and also peel off processes could be recorded on-line. It was possible to record the processes in a temporal resolution within the
range of seconds to minutes. The authors express hope that the procedure will be established as a standard technique for the monitoring of biofilms.

Specific literature:
Meier, Optical Coherence Tomography, Technische Information, Berner Fachhochschule
Technik und Informatik
{cp http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_coherence_tomography [2007-09-06]}


Report ODOCO-1

{"Visualisation of transient processes in biofilms by optical coherence tomography.",

Haisch C, Niessner R.,Water Research 2007 Jun;41(11):S. 2467-72. Epub 2007 Apr 25.}

3.2.4 Measurement in Material (Reinforced Concrete)

Sensor for early detection of corrosion in concrete structures
Steel-reinforced concrete structures such as sewer pipes, cooling towers or rock anchors
are often exposed to a wide variety of damaging influences. Aside from mechanical
stress, corrosion of steel is one of the most relevant damaging processes in steelreinforced concrete. It presents a safety risk to people and environment because failure
can occur without prior indication. Besides moisture and chloride ions concentration, pHvalue is a chemical parameter of major importance in health monitoring of steelreinforced and pre-stressed concrete structures. The lifetime of steel-reinforced concrete
structures depends strongly on their pH state as embedded steels in concrete structures
are only passivated at pH-values higher than about 9. For this reason, long-term monitoring of pH-value in the range from 9 to 13 with a resolution of about 0.5 pH units is relevant for early detection of potential corrosion condition.
Commercially available structure-integrated sensors for early detection of steel corrosion
in concrete structures do not always sufficiently match the in-situ requirements. Fibre optic based sensors are a promising technology for corrosion monitoring because they offer
a large number of attractive features such as small size, flexibility, geometric versatility,
resistance in corrosive and hazardous environments, no signal interference due to present moisture, in-situ and non-destructive measurement, and immunity against lightning
strokes. In order to draw benefit from these advantages, a concrete-embeddable longterm stable fibre optic pH sensor was developed. The most challenging requirements
concern the long-term stability under strong alkaline conditions within the pH range between 13 and 9 over a period of at least 25 years. The sensor has to be integrated in
harsh environments and inaccessible places. It must be guaranteed that the sensing
element has an intimate contact to the concrete matrix to see pH changes. And finally,
the price of pH sensors has to be as low as possible to enable the fabrication of multiplesensor structures.
The fibre optic pH sensor consists of a pH-sensitive layer made of a pH indicator immobilized in a solid substrate. As a result of intense investigations, the absorption method
was preferred because only this method provided reliable measurement results. In order
to overcome instability problems resulting from decrease of the indicator concentration
due to photodegradation or leaching out, drifts of the light source intensity or bending of
optical fibres, a ratiometric method based on the use of the ratio between the intensity at

Report ODOCO-1

two different wavelengths (e.g. at the intensity maximum points or at the isosbestic point)
was applied. Such a ratio of intensities is not altered by external factors. The measurement principle and some more details are described in DANTAN et al. (2005).

light source

fiber bundle

sensor head
measuring fiber
fiber bundle
light-guiding fibers

glass window
reflection layer

pH sensitive membrane

Figure 9:




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Steel tubing

Teflon holder

pH 7
pH 13
pH sensitive membrane
Figure 10:



The diameter is 8 mm; the sensitive layer is protected but sufficiently sensitive for contact to the concrete matrix. The sensitive membrane must not exceed a definite thickness because the ion diffusion is hindered. In order to ensure a reliably stable thickness
of the sensitive membrane, a special powder compacting tool for manufacturing of pHsensitive membranes was developed.
The measurement resolution of the sensor for pH-values between 9 and 12 is in the
range from 0.1 to 0.6 pH units depending on the pH-value. The highest resolution can be
achieved in the middle of the measurement range (between 9.7 and 11). One particular
condition of use is that the pH sensitive membrane must not dry out. This requirement is
mostly fulfilled in hydraulic engineering and geotechnical applications. In order to prevent
drying out before integration into concrete structures, the pH sensitive membrane must
be protected by a small watertight topcoat.

Figure 11:

Prefabricated anchors with fixed pH sensors (arrows). Photo: BAM


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Figure 12:

Water filled topcoat for the pH-sensitive membrane to prevent dehydration.

Photo: STUMP GmbH

Suitability of this sensor has been tested in steel anchors installed in the harbour of
Rostock (North Germany). Fig. 18 shows two of totally 10 pH sensor prototypes that
have been fixed on prefabricated anchor bodies (two in each anchor) before introducing
them into the borehole. The topcoat (Fig. 17) was removed shortly before introducing the
anchor into the borehole and concreting it. This procedure ensured that the membrane
maintained its hydrophilic properties. Since sensor installation in July 2005, seven of 10
installed sensors have provided useful information about the pH-value of the grout. (Two
sensors were damaged already during installing the anchors, one sensor failed after few
The sensor concept has been prepared for commercial supply. Relating to his, special
attention was put on optimization of the robustness of the sensor components and integration technology. A series of investigations have been carried out to clarify whether the
membranes are reliably capable of recording pH changes in concrete structures. For this
purpose, several sensor heads were embedded in fresh mortar test prisms according to
the standardized testing procedures6. After a one-month curing period in water, the mortar samples with integrated sensor heads have been stored in an acid bath for simulation
of pH decrease. The sensor signal has been monitored periodically and showed expected pH changes of the concrete matrix. Currently, the transfer of the research results
into production will be arranged by the research partners of the German research project: BAM Berlin, Schmidt & Haensch GmbH Berlin, MBF GmbH Berlin (MPA Berlin
Brandenburg) and Dietz Geotechnik Consult Hilden.


Report ODOCO-1

3.3 Abstract and Demands for Research & Development Sensors

The investigation on existing sensors in relation to the necessary parameters to be
measured, determining the condition of technical wastewater facilities, regarding the
presence of odour and corrosion effective substances, results in the following:

Plastic corrosion (aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons)

Sensory processes for the continuous monitoring of concentration of halogenated and
aromatic hydrocarbons in sewage do not exist.
For detection in the headspace, there are a number of procedures, but they merely
permit a summarizing measurement of organic compounds in the gas. Of all of the described methods, the IR-sensor shows the highest selectivity (detection of CH-binding).
The sensors are in fact specified for measurements up to 100% rel. humidity. Experience on a continuous application in the headspace of wastewater facilities do not exist.
No sensory processes exist for continuous surveillance of biofilms.

Concrete corrosion (sulphuric acid)

There are no proven methods for continuous sensory determination of pH-values and
concentration of sulphate in biofilm.
In particular, the development of sensors for continuous monitoring of pH-values in
biofilm of the headspace would be highly relevant for the early detection of possible
damage in wastewater facilities through dissolving concrete corrosion.
There is a functioning prototype of a fibre optic sensor for the sensory detection of pHvalue in reinforced concrete of wastewater facilities currently in development with the
participation of the MPA Berlin-Brandenburg. The system is within the scope of a further
research project, currently being tested.

Measurement of H2S for Odour

For the H2S-measurement in the headspace, different measurement principles are established. For example, electrochemical sensors or infrared sensors for measurements over
a shorter period are in practice since years. Tests for endurance have to be carried out
for long-term continuous measurement of H2S in the headspace of wastewater facilities.

Additional parameters for modelling (simulation system)

For the determination of additional parameters that are important for the acquisition and
modelling of chemical and biological relationships (see introduction, sec. 3.1) only sensors for continuous determination of oxygen concentration in the wastewater exist and
are used in the practice.


Report ODOCO-1

For continuous determination of sulphate-content in wastewater, sensors do not exist.

For the continuous determination of sulphide-content in wastewater, the existing sensors
show low long-time stabilities and high-cross sensitivities. Here are just analyzers available that take virtually continual probes from the wastewater stream and carry out automated analysis.
For all other parameters (for example, organic sulphur compounds, COD, BOD in
wastewater), there are also only laboratory procedures or expensive virtually continual
procedures where sewage is extracted and analyzed in accordance to laboratory procedures. The organic load, determined by COD and BOD can be correlated to UVabsorption to some extent (see sec. But anyhow, they need calibration against
COD and BOD of a specific sewage.
The procedures for determining biological activity of biofilms are in the development
stage. It is not clear whether the measurement of biofilm activity is sufficiently specific
enough to deliver relevant information on the problems of odour and corrosion.
On the other hand, the measurement of physical parameters (relative humidity, temperature, air pressure and flow rate), are no problem.
The following table reflects the Table 6 in sec. 3.1, supplemented by information about
sensors that exist for the measurement of major odour-active and corrosion-active substances for plastics and concrete, also for the measurement of substances involved in
the formation of these matters, depending on their resources (wastewater, gas, biofilm,
pipe material).

Table 8:

Corrosive compounds, their causing parameters, precursors and reaction product, importance to measure and existing sensors

Corrosive Compound
Org. Solvents
Desirable to measure
Existing sensors
Sulphuric acid:








acid (H3O+),
(SO42-), bioactivity
++ (acid)
+ (SO42-)
- (acid),
- (SO42-)

O2, org. sulphuric

com-pounds, SO42-,
HS-, S2Desirable to measure + (O2, SO42-S2-)
Existing sensors


+ (O2), - (SO42-),
-+ (S2-)



+ (pHvalue)
0 (prototype)

Report ODOCO-1

Chapter 4
Data processing
The application of a numerical prediction tool to a real sewage system requires a model
of this sewer system. In such a model, temporal-immutable properties, such as the
course of sewage segments, their length, height or slope, pipe diameter, channel types,
intakes or public sewers have to be included. The utilized materials are assigned to various segments. Furthermore, time-varying quantities in the simulation domain are necessary. They are provided as initial and boundary conditions for the simulation. Timevarying variables include all sensory and analytically measured quantities. The parameters controlling the operation of a sewage network have to be included, as well. The
time-varying boundary conditions for the simulation up to the current moment are conveyed of historic measurement data of each sewer segment. For the forecasted periods
the boundary conditions of historical data will be extrapolated or plausibly assumed.
The task of data processing for a pilot plant is to ensure the full and complete documentation of the long-term experiments for a number of years. For this reason an extensive
data base is arising. Out of this data base the necessary input parameters are compiled,
so that the simulations of the processes in sewage pipes are made possible. For the
planned development of hydrodynamic model concepts, a calibration and validation is
essential. For this purpose, recorded measuring data stored in the data base will be
used. For analysis of various hydrodynamic model variations, it is necessary to compare
and evaluate model results with each other. These comparisons are to be documented
for research progress in the numerical simulation and hence, should be stored in the
data base.
The transfer of available techniques for the present task has not yet taken place. Solutions are available for the individual parts linked with the data management for the
planned pilot plant. The implemented work is therefore geared to the application of available concepts and strategies for the necessary data management. Essential tasks in this
context are described below.

4.1 Structure of the data base

Over the entire period in the operation of a pilot plant, data must be recorded in the data
base. The incoming data is being collected for this reason. There are different types of
accumulated data that need to be considered here.
In the area of sensors continuous measured data in an electronic form will be expected.
Which interface is used depends exactly on the sensors and their technical connections.


Report ODOCO-1

The measured data has to be read from data loggers, special bus systems or connections to specially purchased software packages (AgilentVee / LabView).
Data in summary reports of analytical investigations are discontinuously expected. Many
analyzer-instruments and working methods of laboratory professionals prefer an evaluation in tabular form, the data from this area should therefore be exchanged in spreadsheet formats.
The field of plant control lets one expect data of both above procedures.

Especially by use of continuous measuring systems, it is neither sensible nor practicable

to include all measured values as data in the data base. In specific cases data consolidation methods (not compression algorithms!) have to be applied to the measured values.
For example, it may be useful, to insert a date into the data base only then, if the underlying measuring value has changed significantly. The significance depends on the responsiveness and resolution of the sensor and also on the required quality of data for
simulation purposes.
The data have to be filtered based on mathematical methods. The goal is, to detect outliers in measuring series of whole data sets of faulty measuring devices and to eliminate
them. Furthermore, the possibility to cross-analyze between different measurementseries has to be provided. The joint evaluation of several different sensor-data series simultaneously in a joint analysis should be enabled. Thereby, physical parameters derived from the real measuring values will also be inserted into the data base. Otherwise,
it is to be examined whether it is possible to assess the quality of sensors by this jointevaluation. It is expected that through correlation of several parameters, the need for recalibration of individual sensors will be detected by observing a slight deviant behaviour.
Such a detection system would be a real gain in the implementation of measurements.
The use of methods such as principal components analysis, discriminant analysis, regression procedures, (multi-sensor) data-fusion, latent semantic indexing, and so on is
The storage of data has to be accomplished in a way that maintains the topological,
temporal and geometric properties. This is for future input data generation of crucial importance.

4.2 Providing data for the simulation

The proposed numerical simulations discretize the problem along the pipe geometry
(spatially), as well as in time. A simulation requires initial conditions for each discrete
point and boundary conditions as well as values for sink and source terms at discretized
points in time. The input parameters have to be obtained from the values stored in the

Report ODOCO-1

data base. The hurdle to be overcome is the adjustment of the measured values from the
data base with the discretized model, because generally no coincidence of measurement
points or measurement times to the discretization can be expected. In agreement with
the hydrodynamic model implementation, a constraint generator is to be written, that
produces the required values through interpolation and integration and serves them in
the required form to the simulation.

4.3 Evaluation of model quality

The hydrodynamic simulation will be carried out for various periods and during this, the
model parameters will be tuned, so that a good correlation to real behaviour of the
wastewater system is obtained. The quality of the correlation will be rated by evaluating
statistical methods comparing the data of data base against the results of the simulation.
Statistical indicators for prediction quality are to be calculated, so that different simulation
models can be compared in their performance. This is needed for calibration and validation of numerical models.

4.4 Data storage technology

The amount of expected data requires - regarding to scalability - a carefully chosen storage technology. It is important, to achieve an almost linear behaviour, so that no bottlenecks associated with growing data volumes arise.
The documentation of the trial run over several years is a value that has to be protected.
It is proposed, to install the data management redundantly, so that the same systems are
installed for the primary as well as for the reference pipe track. Given this, the data sets
should be mutually replicated. Nevertheless, a data backup system should independent
of it deployed.

4.5 Conclusions of data processing

The authors of this feasibility study strongly agree on the necessity to implement an integrated data processing and storage system. Large data sets, documenting sensorial and
analytically won measurements, are emerging in the process of monitoring sewage systems for control of odour and corrosion. Units of data have to be reasonably and automatically captured and pre-processed. They form the basis for any calibration and validation of the numerical models, as well as the foundation to assess the model-quality.
Since a comprehensive study investigating the field of data processing was not targeted,
only a short depiction of the required tasks and the potential approaches are given.


Report ODOCO-1

Chapter 5
If planners think odour and corrosion problems are likely to arise or if there are already
problems, countermeasures have to be taken. Basically, planners can take the following
into account:

treatment of sewage
- to prevent formation of H2S,
- to eliminate H2S or
- to inhibit its transfer to atmosphere

treatment of gas or

use of corrosion-resistant material.

Respective countermeasures are described below. This report focusses on measures

that are in widespread use or have been established recently.

5.1 Sewage treatment

The aim of sewage treatment is to change odour-promoting conditions by shifting values
of the parameters illustrated in sec. Chapter 2. Concepts of the measures that proved to
be effective will be described below.
Table 9, Table 10 and Table 11 show a selection of technical possibilities to prevent
odour and corrosion problems. For some of the measures, good practical experience has
been made. Other ones have to be looked at in more detail. A complete controlled application with a measurement of the corrosion ratio or sulphate concentration has not been
tested yet. It is important, that for each chosen measure the specific local conditions
have to be adjusted to technical and economical aspects. The advantages and disadvantages of each system have to be considered. In addition to theoretical reflections, practical comparable tests can be very helpful. Just in the last few years, an increasing number of new measures are traded, so that a neutral consultation, trial and a critical assessment should be requested. Preventive or operational methods to minimise odour
and corrosion emergence are often not considered during the planning phases neither
under technical aspects nor under economical aspects, so that most of the costs incurred have to be paid out of the operational budget.


Report ODOCO-1

Table 9: Measures in the planning phase to reduce Odour and corrosion in sewers
[BARJENBRUCH, 2002 expanded]

Operation mode


Reduction of the emission sources

reducing numbers of shafts

limitation of max detention periods

could cause a different problem

Pressure drainage systems

closed sewer system

reduction to max. one transferring

selective and accurate treatment of exhaust water

Competent constructing of pumping stations

often limited effects

Vacuum drainage systems

maintaining state in case of aerobic

waster water; avoid turbulence in
case of anaerobic state
Prevention of H2S development by
constant aerobic transport

Care of conventional
roof ventilation

specific ventilation of the channels by

ventilating the house drain of each individual buildings

Limited length of the system

high precision in constructural laying of
the pipes
problem of detecting leaks
generally, sanitary public health engineering standard; has often not been
taken into consideration recently

Pneumatic pumping

applying compressed air in order to

pump wastewater
always aerobic conditions

higher investments

5.1.1 Enrichment and preservation of oxygen in sewage

The method of this measure is to keep sewage fresh. If there is a sewer atmosphere
rich with oxygen, generation of turbulences dissolves oxygen in water. This can be
achieved by installation of baffles, cascades or falls e.g. at inlets of collecting tanks of
pumping stations (s.

Figure 23), if there is abundant slope. Special options for problematic rising-mains are
blowing-in of pressurised air or technical oxygen, compressed air flushing or a vacuum
drainage systems instead of direct water pumping.
Another procedure is to augment redox potential of wastewater by dosage of chemicals.
There are various chemical compounds increasing redox potential of a solution. First
dosage of technical oxygen was applied, but insufficiently spreading in the water phase
is a considerable disadvantage. Dosage of non-volatile products are easier to handle.
The definite market leading procedure in Germany is the dosage of a Ca(NO3)2solution
called Nutriox. In addition to this, potassium permanganate, ozone, hydrogen peroxide,
sodium chloride and sodim hypochlorite are stronger oxidants in use. Another approach
is to admit building-up of H2S and to eliminate it prior to the point of disturbance. The
Thiox-method consists of the dosing of an oxidating substance (e.g. oxygen) at the last


Report ODOCO-1

section of a pressure pipe. Sulphide oxidating bacteria dominate under these conditions
and metabolise a relevant part of H2S. Some bacteria species that are involved in removing of odourous sulphur compounds have been identified and proved to enhance odour
reduction [GENG et al., 2004, FRIEDRICH et al., 2004]. All fresh keeping methods have in
common that oxidation of organic compounds decreases the fraction of readily biodegradable compounds, which can be necessary at the treatment plant for biological phosphorous elimination and denitrification. Nitrate demand


& HOBSON (2001) propose a calculation for nitrate demand. Underlying the demand

of dissolved oxygen cited from POMEROY (1990) (2 mg/l/h respictively 700 mg/ m/h), they
assume that oxygen-respiring microorganisms are capable to catabolise nitrate, too. For
an equivalent number of electron receptors, 1 mg/l of nitrate-nitrogen can replace approximately 2.86 mg/l of dissolved oxygen. Therefore, the equivalent nitrate consumption
rates for sewage and biofilm are 0.7 mg/l/h of NO3--N and 250 mg/m/h of NO3--N respectively. With these values and estimations for nitrate respiration rates, nitrate demand by a
forced main can be calculated:

M =

LRS + DLR B = 0.00025DL(0.7 + 1)
- - Total nitrate demand [kg NO3--N/h]

- Inner diameter of the rising main [m]

- Length of rising main [m]


- Nitrate respiration rate of sewage [kg NO3--N/m/h]


- Nitrate respiration rate of biofilm [kg NO3--N/m/h]

H2S Content in the air at the transferring shaft

Wihtout any measures


H2S Content in the air at the transferring shaft






Power failure

H2S - Content [ppm]

H2S - Content [ppm]



Start of dosage




0 30.07.01



















Figure 13:


Wednesday Thursday











H2S contents in the end of a pressure pipe

left: reference phase without dosage; right: dosage of NUTRIOX




Report ODOCO-1
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dosage of Ca(NO3)2 Nutriox

The dosage of Ca(NO3)2 will be explained in detail, because it is the most applied oxidation agent. Veolia Eau Germany employs 800 t/a and only one town in Northern Germany applies 42 t/a.
Respiration of dosed nitrate results in a higher yield of energy. Bacteria using this catabolism succeed against fastidious sulphate-reducing and fermenting bacteria. Thus no
osmogens (from H2S or organic acids) emerge, but molecular, volatile nitrogen. For this
reason, gas cushions can evolve, if rising mains are not vented adequately. For operation of this measure, a place for a batcher is necessary where a reaction time of at least
40 minutes can be assured. In addition, the batcher needs access to water supply and a
bus bar. This chemical is low hazardous to waters and lachrymatory. A double wall storage tank is therefore obligatory. This measure has proved high effectiveness and solves
unspecific odour problems, too. Costs are relatively high [ATV, 2003]. YANG & HOBSON
(2001) point out, that it is hard to satisfy nitrate demand in sewage systems with intermittent flow regimes, because nitrate is delivered and transported by sewage flow. When
flow stops, so does the supply of nitrate. Meanwhile, life goes on in the rising main and
exhausts nitrate.
Controlled dosage


of product






Figure 14:

Principle of nitrate dosage

5.1.2 Precipitation
Iron salts (s. Table 10) are used as precipitants to bind the already generated sulphide
as iron sulphide. It is an adequate coagulant, because its solubility is lower than other
ferric compounds in water. The reaction depends on pH. Between pH 7 and 8, least dosage of iron is necessary. It is a selective reaction to reduce H2S, therefore other odourcausing substances are not affected. Some combined products like solution of
Na[Al(OH)4] + FeCl3, ferric nitrate (sold as Anaerite 263) use both mechanisms: stabilisation of redox potential and flocculation (see below).

Report ODOCO-1

H2S Content in the air at the transferring shaft

Wihtout any measures


H2S Content in the air at the transferring shaft

Adding FeClSO4





H2S - Content [ ppm]

H2S - Content [ppm]






0 30.07.01




















Figure 15:







H2S contents in the end of a pressure pipe

left: reference phase without dosage; right: FERRIFLOC dosage

Dosage of iron salts

Iron salts are applied in solid or in liqid form. Solutions of iron II sulphate, iron II chloride,
or iron III chloride sulphate are employed. Agents only react with the already developed
sulphide, that is still in water phase. Like for Nutriox-dosage, a batcher, a bus bar, water
supply and handling of a chemical that is low hazardous to water, have to be provided. In
addition, the acid solution requires corrosion resistant materials. Hindered settling
causes expansion into wastewater treatment plant, where it can reduce demand for precipitation agents for phosphor elimination.
Stoichiometric equation for dosage of trivalent iron is:

2 Fe + 3 H S 2 FeS + 6 H + S


It follows as above, a theoretical demand of 1.17 mg Fe


per mg S

[ATV, 2003]. Daily

demand for precipitation agent is calculated with the following formula:

Qd ( FM ) =

c( S 2 ) M Fe Qd

Qd ( FM )

daily demand for precipitation agent [l/m sewage]

c( S 2 )

concentration of the sum of sulphide, HS- and H2S in

sewage [mg/l]




daily wastewater flow [m/d]


molar mass of substance x [u]

volume portion of iron of precipitation agent [-]

density of of precipitation agent [g/cm]


Report ODOCO-1

Dosage of iron nitrate

Nitrate and ferric suppress development of H2S through different mechanisms and acting
in sequence. Therefore, an extra value may be achieved when they are supplied as the
single agent Fe(NO3)3. As both ions of this salt hinder odour nuisance, demand for the
combined chemical should be reduced compared to FeCl or Ca(NO3)2. It did not turn out
like this in practice. One reason is that there is no constant ratio between H2Sconcentration and nitrate demand. YANG & HOBSON assume a possible delay of action by
ferric following nitrate exhaustion Therefore, theoretical savings are not achievable. A
moderate saving of 5 to 15 % may be possible [YANG & HOBSON, 2001]. Similar observations were made by MATSCH (2004) who determined a three times higher demand in
practice, than theoretically calculated. In addition, specific costs are between 400 and
790 /t, i.e. higher than for Nutriox . Iron nitrate is available as Anaerite from VTA and

5.1.3 pH-regulation
The augmentation of pH withdraws hydrogen from H2S (s. sec. 2.1.2). The resulting ions
HS- and S2- are not volatile. Dosage amounts based on the pKa-values underestimate
demand for pH-increasing chemicals. YANG & HOBSON (2001) hypothesise that pH at the
water surface (point of H2S-transfer) is directed by CO2-transfer. This way, the alkaline
boundary water layer prevents stripping of H2S, while an acid pH is measured in the bulk
of the water. pH-regulators in use are mentioned in Table 10.

5.1.4 Reduction of biofilms

Submerged biofilms have the major part in oxygen consumption [YANG & HOBSON, 2001],
shortening the time span until fermentation starts. That is why there are countermeasures restricting deposition or removing deposits. There are field trials to inhibit sedimentation in rising-mains with quickly varying electromagnetic fields. To build the inductor,
sewers are wrapped with a conductor. Installation is possible in full operation [ECS;

2007]. Some mechanical means are listed in Table 10. VOIGT (2007) re-

ports a measure especially for separate systems: installations to allow a directed discharge of the stormwater at beginning of sewer or at points with sedimentation.


Report ODOCO-1

Table 10:

Sewage treatment to reduce odour and corrosion in sewers

[Barjenbruch, 2002 expanded]


Operation mode
technical oxygen (only to be used
in closed pressure pipes)
Thiox-method; dosing of an oxidant at the last section of the
pressure pipe
Nutriox in form of Ca(NO3)2
Ozone (toxic, AGW value
0,1 ppm)
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) (limited
stability and explosion hazard)
potassium permanganate
NaCl+NaOCl; production of AOX,
effective for a short period only
sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl,
germicidal, possible production of
ferric chloride sulphate solution,
ferric sulphate solution, ferrous
chloride solution
Fe(OH)3 as sludge or conditioned
sludge (dosing of solid substances requires individual test)

preventing anaerobic processes
consumption of organic carbon
reliable method
relatively high costs
gas bubbles can block the pipe
oxidation of the reduced sulphur
increased consumption due to
reaction with other wastewater
high costs of purchase
slight sustainability

dissolvable iron sulphide is produced; it works specific on H2S

additional sludge at wastewater
treatment plant
reducing pH-value and acid capacity
sustainable method; effective
also in downstream network
Regulators of pH-value increase of the pH-value by using stripping of ammonia is possible
precipitation is possible
lime milk, hydrated lime
pH online measuring is advised
production of sulphide is prevented from appr. pH< 9,5 (short only effective as long as pHvalue is at high level
reaction time)
in downstream network section
caustic soda solution, sodium
the pH will increase again
(expensive dosage point)
Combined products
Kemwater-Anaerite (product
have hardly been tested; combased on Fe and NO3-)
bine advantages and disadvanSachtleben company (Al+ NO3-)
tages of the respective basic
ABS-product (Na[Al(OH)4] + FeCl3 materials
VTA-Dolomin (solution of NO3+Ca2+ + Mg2+)
Products to compenproducts to mask odour; covering effect is disputed and depends
sate odour
unpleasant odour
on individual attitude
compensation or fixation
no effect which protects from
Biological active
microorganisms, enzymes, plant mostly not effective
agents e.g. enzymes
extracts, tensides (used as a bio- little experience
catalyst); inhibitors
Precipitation agents


Report ODOCO-1

Belonging to table 10:

Cleaning of the channels

Operation mode
removal of depositions and biofilm
in the channel with shields,
ploughs, high pressure rinsing
surge flushing with automatic flap
gate or others
cleaning of pressure mains with
big balls or small balls of expended clay
Installing a (rotating)
reducing substances with high
odour load which can be easily
Adding external water reducing detention time
(drinking water, pump reducing concentrations in
water or surface water) wastewater for a short period and
increasing oxygen concentration


limited effect
constant repetition necessary
requires a lot of personnel and
addition of inhibitors

requires more maintenance

clogging and blocking
requires more energy
increases the quantity of
not according to the law
adapting to precipitation is

Report ODOCO-1

5.2 Gas treatment

Sewer networks are vast plants and odourous gases spread easily in this atmosphere.
For this reason:

countermeasures have to be installed in a large area or

problematic gases should be focused at certain points, where gas is treated.

Figure 16:

Gel plates before installation in Hanover [ROSENWINKEL, 2007]

Figure 17:

Principle sketch of amorphous covering system

Examples for extensive measures are installations of coverings or gel plates. Gel
plates (BIOTHYS) contain essential oils (terpene alcohols, aldehydes and ketones).
Odourous substances react to them and form compounds, which smell less intense [BIOTHYS].

To ensure the reaction, gel plates need sufficient air ventilation. Therefore,


Report ODOCO-1


(2007) recommends to hang gel plates in shafts right in front of a pump.

Gel plates have to be replaced every 2 to 4 months [BIOTHYS]. For the DRAUSY-measure
a perforated tube is pulled into a gravity sewer. Afterwards air or another oxidant is distributed to keep aerob conditions [LAWA, 2004].
There are covering systems available that are installed inside the manhole. They seal
the manhole with a plastic to avoid escape of gases. A rest of air circulation is manually
adjustable. The type of covering systems that are installed close to the base of the manhole have the advantage to beware the shaft from corrosion. A third type is an amorphous covering system. It consists of a swimming layer of particles that constrict gas
transfer. They are used in pumping stations.
Formverschlusssystem KFVA
Formverschlusssystem FVA

Formverschlusssystem FVK

Figure 18:

Principle sketch of shaft closing system and photo of various types


Report ODOCO-1

Before searching for an adequate method of gas treatment, one should note, that risk for
complaints can be reduced, choosing well directed points for exhausting air. For this
purpose manholes with enlarged ventilation openings should be installed in areas
where odour can not become a nuisance for the population. Flowing wastewater is able
to carry along the airstream above in the sewer. If sewer atmosphere has access to fresh
air, it can provide a certain amount of oxygen. This natural ventilation can be promoted
by installation of manholes with enlarged ventilation openings at adequate points [VOIGT,
2007]. This is one example for constructive enrichment of the O2-concentration.


Clean air


Fresh air

Figure 19:

Forced ventilaton by chimney and ventilator [FRANK, 2007]

If the location of escaping odours is reduced to few spots, a specific gas treatment can
be applied. This is possible at vent openings of rising mains, at pump stations or at
points where flow changes. There is a variety of scrubbers (STUETZ & FRECHEN, 2001).
Their strategy is to oxidise or to sorb sulphur-compounds.
There are biofilters in use with and without forced air stream. Odourants are bound to
materials such as bark mulch, peat, expanded clay etc. Carrier material has to be kept
Another adsorbent is activated carbon. Its surface can be modified by impregnation,
catalytic substances, gas-injection or with immobilised sulphide-oxidating bacteria [YAN et
al., 2004; STUETZ & FRECHEN, 2001]. In Sydneys pumping station a catalytic incineration
of odourous gases utilising a platinum catalyst is in operation. One measure uses
photooxidation. Constituents of exhaust air are cracked by radiation with ultraviolet
light. In this process emerging strong oxidants like oxygen- and hydroxyl-radicals result

Report ODOCO-1

in destruction of odourous substances. Photooxidation functions also in combination with

ozone treatment. Furthermore, there are biotrickling filters, biofilters and bioscrubbers in
use as they are known at wastewater treatment plants. Special bioscrubbers blow
odourous gases even through bioreactors of activated sludge [STUETZ & FRECHEN, 2001].

without electrical energy

with electrical energy

Figure 20:

Stripping of H2S at a selected manhole

Table 11:

Measures in gas phases to reduce odour and corrosion in sewers

[Barjenbruch; 2002 expanded]

Specific stripping
with exhaust air

Covering systems

Treatment inside

Compressed air

Installing a (rotating) contactor

Care of conventional roof ventilation

Operation mode
stripping at points with change of
flow (drop, vacuum aeration)
selective treatment of waste air
(biological or chemical scrubber)

reduced hydraulic efficiency is
space at the surface is needed;
additional operation point, energy
requirement possible
stripping of H2S is prevented
odour nuisance is limited to the
is applied in pump stations and
place where the covering sysmanholes
tems are applied
exhaust air is treated with on-thecorrosion of network cannot be
spot-biofilters or gel plates in the
reduced; maintenance is necesmanhole
sary, odour will be transferred to
other emersion points
difference of head-loss about 4-6
has to be taken into considerabar (BHLER system)
tion when planning the pressure
reduction of the detention time in
pressure pipe
increased investments for comremoval of the biofilm
pressed air stations
reducing substances with high
requires more maintenance
odour load which can be easily de- clogging and blocking
specific ventilation of the channels generally, sanitary public health
by ventilating the house drain of
engineering standard, that has
each individual buildings
often not been taken into consideration recently

Report ODOCO-1

5.3 Choice of building material

The right choice of building material helps to reduce the threat of corrosive attack. BELIE
et al. (2004) have shown that pipes out of concrete with limestone aggregates buffer
against acidification. Therefore, their application has advantages compared to inert materials[VOIGT, 2007]. Materials like thermoplastic (PE, PVC, PP), polymerconcrete, fibreglass reinforced plastic, and coatings out of thermoplastics, elastomeres or glas should
be prefered. Another aim is to reduce moisture of the upper sewerwall to hinder sulphidoxidating bacteria. BELIE et al. (2004) proved that concretes with low values of water absorption are favourable too. Detailed information on specific materials is given below.

5.3.1 High-resistant concrete, corrosion protection systems

One way to minimise damage caused by biogenic acid corrosion, is the use of highresistant concrete. It is often assumed, that concretes with high compressive strength
would automatically be concretes with high resistance against chemical attack. Correct is
only that concretes with high-density and durability are usually high strength concretes,
but not necessarily vice versa.
With use of high-performance concrete as a "monolithic corrosion protection system" two
criteria must be met to ensure high long-term stability of reinforced concrete components
against chemically-corrosive attacks:

The high-performance concrete must have a maximum chemical resistance of the

binder-agent matrix to the possible attacks of inorganic and organic, chemically
corrosive substances. Quartz aggregates are nearly inert against acid chemical
attacks compared to the binding-agent matrix. For this reason the resistance of
concrete is mainly determined by the binding-agent matrix.

The high-performance concrete must have maximum water tightness to act

against the penetration of possibly corrosive chemical substances. This is
achieved through a dense packaging of the total concrete structure right into the
finest particles. At the same time, a minimization of vulnerable binding-agent is

On behalf of RWE Energie AG a highly durable concrete with maximum possible acid resistance was developed at Technische Universitt Berlin, in cooperation with MPA Berlin
With highly durable concrete built of optimally chosen materials and w/z-values between
0.38 and 0.42 a resistance can be achieved, that is approximately 5-to 20 times higher
compared to "traditional" concretes based on CEM I HS. The lifespan increases directly
in proportion to the resistance, too. Above all, no sub-surface-damage to the binding-


Report ODOCO-1

agent matrix takes place when highly durable concrete is applied. The sub-surface damage of the highly resistant concrete corresponds to the depth of the visible damage.
Figure 21 shows two examples of concrete slabs after about 6 months of exposure to
sulphuric acid pH 2. The concrete on the left in Figure 7 shows a concrete with approximately 380 kg HS CEM I, w / z-value 0.42. The concrete on the right in Figure 7 is a
concrete with optimized resistance, densest packing of the overall mix, low binding-agent
content and binding-agent with maximum resistance, compared to acid. Whereas conventional" concrete shows degradation, the optimized concrete shows a virtually intact
surface with only a salt-crust deposit.

Optimized concrete
320kg BM: Z+FA+MS, w/b=0,42

Conventional concrete
380 kg cement, w/z=0,42
Figure 21:

View of concrete slabs after 6 months of exposure to water with sul

phuric acid content (approx. pH = 2). Left: strong degradation.
Right: practically intact surface only with salt-crust deposit.

In 1999, in Niederaussem near Cologne, there was the highest cooling tower in the world
(200 m) built without further corrosion protection on the inside. See also: HILLEMEIER, B.,

R.: High performance concrete - An example of acid resistance. Concrete Plant +

Precast Technology, 66 (2000), H. 1, S. 52-60.

Sewage plants and prefabricated parts for sewage plants with the usual required life
span can be built with optimized resistant concrete if the pH-value caused by biogenic
acid production does not slip under approx. 3.5 to 4. With strong biogenic sulphuric acid
corrosion pH-values can partly reach up to 0.5. Compared with a pH-value of 3.5, this is
thousand fold of acid-ion- concentration. Compared to the natural pH-Value of concrete


Report ODOCO-1

(about 12.6 at CEM I, and about 12.4 at CEM III B), this is an approximately ten trillion
fold! acid-concentration (H+ concentration).Under such conditions, concrete must be
supplemented with a corrosion protection system, against a further attack of sulphuric


Report ODOCO-1

Chapter 6
Feedback control systems
Regulation and adjustment of countermeasures are generally based on information from
suppliers, who provide partly commercial material. Therefore, this type of information is
doubtful. The particular setting for each application is determined by experience and trial
and error [YANG & HOBSON, 2001]. Complaints about odour nuisance are documented
and evaluated. Subsequently, H2S-concentration of the sewer atmosphere is measured
to estimate the demand on countermeasures. Afterwards an apparently suitable countermeasure is implented. Control measurements are carried out to adjust the countermeasure. A more objective and transferable decision process that is applicable for most
cases and types countermeasures should be prefered. It is introduced below.

If it is foreseeable during the planning phase or if problems with odour and corrosion occur within a certain sewer network, the operator has to decide:

Does the intensity of odour and/or corrosion make a technical countermeasure or

rehabilitation necessary?


Which measure is adequate?


To what extent, this measure has to be carried out?

The risk of odour and corrosion depends on parameters that can be regulated by a
feedback control system. This kind of control system is supplied with

data about the kind and state of the material of the network and

data about the influencing conditions.

These data are combined with information about the relations between parameters, results and costs of treatments, resulting in commands to trigger the measure. Afterwards,
data about impacts of the measure is collected and analysed. This way, feedback information enables improvement of the control system.

Criteria for odour assessment

To assess number 1) it has to be mentioned, that there are no generally valid and accepted criteria to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant odour nuisance. The province Nordrhein-Westfalen in Germany has passed a regulation for residential areas for
assessment of odour nuisance. It demands to determine the frequency and time spans
of odours. Accordingly, odours emerging with a frequencies of less than 3 % of the hours
of a year have to be tolerated [MUNLV, 2004]. (Odours causing health impact because
of feeling sickness are an exception.) After emergence from the liquid phase, H2S


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spreads and gets transformed, depending on weather, gas pressure and ventilation. Not
till then, the odour infiltrates and is smelled. Principally, concentration of H2S decreases
during transmission. Therefore, it proved to be practical to aim at a concentration of less
than 3 ppm in sewer atmosphere to assure to go below the threshold-odour concentration of 0.13 ppm H2S in respirated air [BARJENBRUCH, 2006].
Adjustment of countermeasure
To answer number 3) one has to keep in mind, that especially for measures with dosage
of chemicals, adjusting the right amount of dosing is the critical factor. Excessive dosage
has to be avoided because it is wasteful and unwanted side-effects are not justifiable
anymore [STUETZ & FRECHEN, 2001]. The task to find the right amount for dosing is not
trivial, as generation and sorption of H2S at sewer wall does not occur steadily and there
is e.g. no fixed ratio between concentration of sulphide-species and nitrate needed [YANG
& HOBSON, 2001]. Furthermore it was observed that short peaks of very high H2Sconcentrations cause odour problems, meanwhile more than 90% of the time H2Sconcentrations are close to zero. HVITVED-JACOBSEN (2002) assumes that the reason is
the fast degradation of H2S in the biofilm. Adjustment to these very short periods of
odour nuisance is difficult.








Setting value


Serverwith con-



trol function



via mobile-net

opt. measured water






Dosage point
Figure 22:

On-Line Control of the dosage of chemical products

Source: VTA-Hartmann


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A conventional approach would be to start with a survey of the status quo. IATROU et al.,
(1997) in Houston/Texas took samples of sewage and shaft atmosphere, analysing sulphide and H2S for decision-taking. In Martinez (USA) SMITH et al. (2004) combined examination methods of physical investigation, H2S-measure in sewer headspace and sulphide measure in sewage. With help of a model [ASCE, 1989], they calculated expected
lifetime of several sections of the sewer network. Some sections demanded immediate
rehabilitation by installation of PVC sheet liner, slipliner pipe and others. Other sections
showed to have more than 0,635 cm of sacrificial concrete. Operators opposed the estimated costs for measures to reduce H2S-concentration to certain levels to savings by
extended lifetime. The District chose the 0.3 mg/l dissolved sulphide control level. Dosage of hydrogen peroxide and caustic slugging were applicated and adjusted by continous measurement of H2S in sewer atmosphere.
The producers of precipitation agents VTA, KRONOS and Sdflock utilise the parameters H2S-concentration and temperature of sewer atmosphere and temperature of sewage after point of dosage, to plan and to adapt required quantity.
There are also some trials to adjust countermeasures online without time gap. FRECHEN
(2007) tests at Emschergenossenschaft a control system, using the parameters odour
emission potential and H2S-concentration of sewage and H2S-concentration in gas phase
after point of dosage. For determination of odour emission potential odours are stripped
out of the liquid phase and measured with sensor arrays of an electronic nose (see sec.
Yara sells a control system that consists of long-nose a control unit and dosage of
Ca(NO3)2. They include parameters of H2S-concentration in sewer-atmosphere and detention time [MATSCH, 2007]. Variation of certain parameters with time is considerable.
Efforts have been taken to integrate certain weekly patterns of parameters in control systems [MATSCH, 2007; STUETZ & FRECHEN, 2001]. They focus on temperature, sewage
flow and composition, as there is knowledge about their time variation. It is imaginable to
add diurnal or yearly patterns.
An example that has find its way into official rules is described below. Generation of turbulences by falls can be controlled by a level-depending switching mechanism for the
pump. Furthermore, if there is data about state of aerobicity of the wastewater (e.g. the
information, that a slaughterhouse is discharging wastewater with a high content of BOD
at the moment), fill-levels can be adjusted (s.

Figure 23).


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switch-on level


switch-off level
switch-off level

pipe is always below


Figure 23:

Controlled inlets in pumping stations [THISTLETHWAYTE, 1979]

Other parameters that could be considered

Beside fill level, adjustment of flux could be oriented towards quality of wastewater to ensure that e.g. the time span during very readily biodegradable constituents are stored is
shortened [VOIGT, 2007]. If dosing of a chemical is the chosen counter-measure, the aim
of regulation could be to keep a minimal concentration of the agent downstream of the
critical area [YANG & HOBSON, 2001].
It can be concluded, that deeper knowledge about relationships between parameters and
odour or corrosion, including knowledge about kinetics of these processes, would be
helpful to adjust countermeasures automatically for savings of wasteful amounts. A reliable prediction technique based on modelling, could support this.


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Chapter 7
First, we start with an overview on empirical formulas which are applied to estimate the
sulphide development in sewers. There is a number of models which have a certain relation to flow, transport and reaction processes in sewers and the associated odour and
corrosion problems. These models stem from the fields of urban drainage, wastewater
plants and water-quality models. We give an overview on these models also commenting
on the different requirements for modelling odour and corrosion in sewer systems. Then,
we focus on the very few models which have a closer relation to odour and corrosion in
sewer systems, we introduce one model which is already comparatively far developed in
this direction and we also point out the models limitations.
All models which are mentioned in the following are written in capital letters and are
listed in the appendix.

7.1 Estimation approaches for sulphide development

In order to estimate the development of odour and corrosion to be expected in sewage
systems, several empirical approaches to sulphide development have been suggested
In gravity sewers, the sulphide development depends primarily on the pipe circumference submerged in biofilm, and with a limit of 15% maximum, no sulphide problems arise
in practice. Significant parameters for the computational estimation procedure, for example after POMEROY (1970), for the determination of the corrosion parameter ZP are the
biochemical oxygen demand BOD5 (mg O2/l), the wastewater temperature T (C), the
partially filled wastewater flow quantity QT (l/s), the bed slope IS and a function value f,
consisting of the width of the water level b (m), the submerged pipe circumference uhydr
(m) and the quotient of the partially filled wastewater flow quantity and the flow quantity
when completely filled. The evaluation of the result of the rule of thumb given by

(1970) with regard to the corrosion that is to be expected is summarized in

Figure 24.

(BOD5 ) 1,038 (1,8T36)

zP =

f = 1,4
u hy

35,31 Q T I S f



0 , 064

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= parameter of corrosion according to Pomeroy

= bed slope of the drain
= width of the wastewater surface [m]
= submerged pipe circumference [m]
= flow when partially filled [m/s]
= flow when completely filled [m/s]

< 5 000
~ 7 500
~ 10 000
~ 15 000
25 000
Figure 24:

very low sulphide content

sulphide content of several
1/10 mg/l possible
in areas with strong turbulence
in areas with strong turbulence
in areas with strong turbulence
in areas with strong turbulence

no corrosion
slight corrosion
medium corrosion
severe corrosion
very severe corrosion

rule of thumb for the determination of the corrosion pa-

rameter ZP in gravity sewers, after THYSTLETHWAYTE (1972)

For the purpose of practical estimations in pressure mains, various calculation procedures have been suggested internationally and nationally, some of which provided considerably diverging results. The divergence was caused mainly by the input parameters.
Thus the ATV-DVWK 116s approach includes only flow time and diameter, whereas
other authors include BOD5, sulphate content, temperature, flow time, diameter and velocity of flow. The respective approaches are described below.



= C t/D

= 2,0 for pressure pipes

= 1,0 for pipes flushed with pressed air

= flow time [min]

= diameter of pipe [cm]





= S1 + M (t2 t1) [BOD5 1,07(T-20) (4/D + 1,57)]


= concentration of sulphide at time t2 [mg/l]

= empirical coefficient for surface flow of sulphide [m/h]

t2 t1

= flow time [h]


= 1/hydraulic radius of pipe [1/m]

= temperature [C]




= 1,0 10-3 [BOD5] (1,07) (T-20) 4/D (1 + 0,3 D)



= BOD5 1,07 (T-20) (1 + 0,39 D) t / (F D)


= 250 at flow times between 1h and 5h

= 666 at flow times between 0 and 10 min


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= 0,228 10-3 [COD] (1,07) (T-20) 4/D (1 + 0,37 D)



= (COD 1,07 (T-20) (1 + 0,37 D) + t) / (f D)


= 1,096 at flow times between 1h and 5h

= 2,900 at flow times between 0 und 10 min



= 0,5 10-3 v [BOD5] 0,8 [SO4] 0,4 (1,14) (T-20) 4/D



= v [BOD5] 0,8 [SO4] 0,4 (1,139) (T-20) t / (500 D)


= concentration of sulphide in gaseous phase [mg/l]


= sulphide concentration in wastewater flow [mg/l]


= concentration of sulphide [mg/l]

= temperature [C]

= flow time [h]

= diameter of pipe [m]


= 1/hydraulic radius of pipe [m]

= velocity of flow [m/s]


et al.

= 0,975 t/D


= 0,67 t1,07 1,07 (T-20) / D


The authors state that the values are at least half and at most double the calculated
value, and that therefore a safety factor of 2 is necessary [HADJIANGHELOU et al., 1984].




= 4,0 10 3 (COD 47) 0,49 (T-20)



= production of sulphide [g S/(m h)]

= chemical oxygen demand [g O2/m]
= temperature [C]
= 1,07 = correction factor for temperature (Nielson, Hvitved-Jacobsen (1988)).

Following further measuring in pressure mains, Nielsen et al. (1998) develop another
formula for the estimation of sulphide production:

= a (COD 47) 0,5 (T-20)

= 1,03 = correction factor for temperature

= parameter depending on quality of sewage

[g S/(mh)]


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Sulfidentwicklung [mg/l]


Pomeroy; US EPA




Boon und Lister



Fliezeit [h]
Figure 25:

Comparison between different approaches for the determination of

theoretic sulphide development depending on the flow time in a
pressure main [DOHSE, 1999]. Sulfidentwicklung means build-up of
sulphide, Fliezeit means flow time.

All approaches calculate the total amount of sulphide, which does not necessarily have
to be stripped out into the canal atmosphere. A comparison in Figure 25 shows that, under equal boundary conditions (tR = 5 h), the approach according to ATV produces values which are approx. 50% higher, so that the approach used has to be carefully tested.
In the following Figure 26, a comparison of measured and calculated hydrogen sulphide
concentrations is shown for different approaches. For analysing this figure, one has to
take into account that the axes for the measured and calculated hydrogen sulphide concentrations are different. Regression lines have been determined for the measurements
and calculations. The very low correlation coefficients for all approaches indicate their
very poor agreement [LAWA, 2004].


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Calculated Conc. of Hydrogen Sulfide [mg/l]


Linear (US EPA)


Linear (Thistlethwayte)


Linear (Nielsen)

y = 8,9x + 94
R2 = 0,19

Linear (ATV)


Linear (Pomeroy)
Linear (Hadjianghelou)


Linear (Boon/Lister)
y = 3,5x + 63
R2 = 0,25


y = 1,5x + 74
R2 = 0,04


y = 2,38x + 36
R2 = 0,15


y = 0,40x + 39,6
R2 = 0,03

y = 0,75x + 9,1
R2 = 0,10



y = -0,07x + 6,6
R2 = 0,04 14


Measured Conc. of Hydrogen Sulfide [mg/l]

Figure 26:

Comparison of measured and calculated concentrations of hydrogen

sulphid for different approaches (attention: different scaling in horizontal and vertical direction)

There is a number of empirical formulas for the prediction of hydrogen sulphide in both,
gravity sewers and pressure mains. However, the formulas are rather limited to very
specific conditions and they are hardly transferable to general conditions. Therefore, they
are a means to get a very rough estimation, but they are not suitable for a more precise
prediction of odour and corrosion in sewer systems.

7.2 Urban-drainage models

Urban drainage models are already widely used in engineering practice and science of
water resources management. They are applied in urban areas and they are similar to
rainfall-runoff models which are used in river basins or in rural areas. In general, the
processes and model concepts are very similar for urban drainage and rainfall-runoff
models. Well-known rainfall-runoff models are MIKE SHE [REFSGAARD et al., 1995],
WASIM-ETH [SCHULLA et al., 2006] or NASIM [WOLF-SCHUMANN, 1994]. An overview on
urban-drainage models is given in ATV DVWK M 165 (2004), SCHTZE (1998) and

et al. (2001), well-known urban-drainage models are MOUSE / MIKE-URBAN,



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2003]. Urban-drainage and rainfall-runoff models simulate runoff generation and concentration in a catchment. Several models are also capable of simulating polluting loads.
Thus runoff (and polluting loads) is (are) transported to sewer systems (in urbandrainage models) and to rivers (in rainfall-runoff models). In the following, we concentrate on the urban-drainage models.
In the sewers, we distinguish hydrological and hydraulic model concepts for simulating
the flow and polluting loads. Hydrological models are based on translation or retention
concepts, for example linear storage or storage cascasdes. They are computationally
cheap and therefore, they are a very good means, for example for long-term simulations. As the hydrological model concepts only give integral information on the scale of a
catchment, a sub-catchment or a comparatively coarse grid (e.g. 1x1km), they are not
suitable for our purposes because we require refined information about flow fields and
concentration distributions.
Hydraulic models in sewers are based on the solution of the one-dimensional (stationary
or instationary) continuity and momentum equations including concepts for turbulence. If
we have gravity sewers, i.e. a free-surface in the sewer, the above-mentioned equations
can be simplified to the so-called Saint-Venant or shallow-water equations, see for example the models EXTRAN, HEC-RAS. Sometimes, the Saint-Venant or shallow-water
equations are not fully solved in sewer systems, but in a simplified form. It is mentioned
that the flow in rivers is also based on the shallow-water equations. However, the equations are solved for rivers in one, two or three dimensions depending on the problems.
This means that a hydraulic one-dimensional river model is suitable for modelling pipe
flow without any modifications as soon as we have gravity sewers. For pressure mains,
we do not solve the Saint-Venant, but the (one-dimensional) continuity and momentum
equations, also called (one-dimensional) Navier-Stokes or Reynolds equations, for an incompressible fluid, see the models SIR 3S or EPANET [ROSSMAN, 2000], freely available
from the US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). If a sewer system consists of gravity sewers and pressure mains, the corresponding model concepts must be combined,
see the models (SWMM 5, freely available from the US EPA), SIMBA-Sewer (see also
sec. 7.5), STORM. For the practical use of a hydraulic model, the consideration of special buildings like weirs, culverts, pumping stations etc. is very important.
The simulation of gas flow in pipes is similar to the simulation of water flow in pressure
mains. However, gas is considered instead of water and generally, the compressibility
must be taken into account. Models come from the field of gas-supply (SIR 3S) or from
the field of ventilation of shaft in coal mines [INWET, POLLACK, 1987]. To the nowledge of
the authors, there is no model which simulates independent water and gas flow in a
pipe or gravity sewer.

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In the literature, hydraulic models are also called hydrodynamic-numerical or HN or hydro-numerical models, while the models which solve the Navier-Stokes or Reynolds
equations (in two or three dimensions) are also called CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) models.
Hydraulic models are based on the numerical solution of the underlying partial differential
equations, generally based on the Finite-Difference (FDM), Finite-Element (FEM) or Finite-Volume method (FVM) or combinations of these methods. Therefore, a mesh is
generated for the computational domain which subdivides the domain into cells (FDM) or
elements (FEM) or control volumes (FVM) where the unknowns, for example the flow velocities or the concentrations, are computed on the corresponding nodes. In recent
years, the FVM has become more and more popular in hydro- and environmental engineering because it guarantees local conservation behaviour, while the FEM is only
globally conservative. Both methods, FVM and FEM, are applicable to unstructured grids
which should be chosen if the computational domain has complex boundaries or complex inner structures. The FDM as the only solution method is losing on importance as it
is not necessarily conservative and restricted to structured grids. An overview on simulation methods for modelling hydro- and environmental systems is given in HINKELMANN
(2005). If we compare hydraulic and hydrological models, the hydraulic ones require
(much) more computational effort. However, they compute detailed information about the
water level distribution and the flow fields depending on the chosen mesh resolution.
The polluting loads in the catchment are simulated with accumulation and removal approaches and thus they reach the sewer systems. Polluting loads in sewers can be modelled in a similar way as the flow with hydrological and hydro-numerical methods. For the
same reasons as already mentioned in the context of the flow simulations, the hydrological concepts are not suitable for our purposes. The hydro-numerical concepts for transport consist of the numerical solution of the transport equation with the methods already
mentioned (FDM, FEM, FVM and combinations). Principal transport mechanisms are advection, diffusion / dispersion and reaction. The transported components include dissolved and particulate ones. Particulate components can be deposed and eroded. Reaction processes could be based on concepts similar to the ones from the ASM family (see
next section). As the reaction processes are poorly understood today, as they require
many data and as they seem to be not relevant for several purposes which are not concerned with odour and corrosion, they are neglected in many models and just conservative transport is simulated.
The STORM model has a special emphasis on polluting loads based on different hydrological concepts. It also includes the relevant special buildings like storage-space channels, passage or storage basins. The SIMBA Sewer model forsees hydrological and hy94

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dro-numerical components for polluting loads including sedimentation and erosion. However, reaction processes in sewer systems have not been considered in both models
(STORM, SIMBA Sewer; personal communications with the developers). Reaction processes in sewer systems are only accounted for in very few models. This will be discussed together with the aspect of data in sec. 7.6.
For our purposes of modelling odour and corrosion, we require a hydro-numerical model
which is capable to simulate a detailed resolution of the flow processes (distribution of
water levels and flow velocities) and the transport processes (concentration distributions
of pollutants or other components). The Finite-Volume method is desirable because of its
local conservation behaviour. As we just plan one-dimensional modelling, and computers
have become fast in the last years, we generally do not expect to get problems with CPU
times for most of our investigations.

7.3 Wastewater-plant models

The hydraulics in wastewater plants is often simulated as a single or a series of fully
mixed stirrer vessels. Sometimes one-dimensional hydro-numerical concepts as already
introduces before are chosen. In the transport-reaction modelling, diffusion / dispersion is
often neglected. The biochemical transformations are based on the ASM concepts (activated sludge model). ASM1 which has been developed by Henze et al. (1987) covers
the carbon and nitrogen cycle. It solves the transport-reaction or mass-balance equations for 13 components based on the description of 8 processes (see Figure 27).


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Figure 27:

Process matrix for ASM1 [HENZE et al., 1987]

For the description of the reaction and processes, a matrix notation has been introduced
and it has established for such kind of problems since then (see Figure 28).


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Figure 28:

Process matrix for ASM3 (IWA Task Group 2000)

A further step in that direction was ASM2 (HENZE et al. 1995) and ASM2d [HENZE et al.
1999] which included the biological and chemical elimination of phosphorus. As phosphorus will not be of importance for our purposes, we do not comment on it further.

ASM3 is not an extension of ASM2(d), but an extension of ASM1. It was developed by

an IWA Task Group (2000) and it is an improvement of ASM1. ASM3 was also initiated
by the IWA Task Group to serve as a platform for further developments. ASM3 includes
the following processes: hydrolysis, aerobic and anoxic storage of readily biodegradable
substrate, aerobic and anoxic growth of heterotrophs, aerobic and anoxic endogenous
respiration, aerobic and anoxic respiration of storage products. The corresponding kinetic expressions are based on switching functions (hyperbolic or saturation terms,
Monod equations, S/(S+K)). The switching functions stop all biological activity as educts
of a processes approach zero concentrations, one important difference between ASM1
and ASM3. Models for percolating filters, primary clarifiers and clarifiers in wastewater
plants are discussed in SCHTZE (1998) or RAUCH et al. (2001). One very important aspect for all models mentioned in this section is the fact that they all need many data
which partially can be taken from the literature and partially must be measured for driving, calibrating and validating the models.


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The SIMBA model is tool for the simulation of wastewater treatment plants which is
widely-spread in research and engineering practice, especially in Germany. It includes
ASM1, ASM2(d) and ASM3 as well as different other ASM variants. It foresees also several modules for the sludge treatment. It is further commented on in section 7.6. The two
models DENIKAplus and DENISIM are a linked package for dimensioning, optimizing
and simulation wastewater treatment plants. DENIKAplus mainly deals with aeration
tanks and clarifiers, while DENISIM enables dynamic simulation concerning water purification based on ASM1 and ASM2d.
In many respects, a wastewater plant and a sewer are very similar concerning the occurring microbial processes. Therefore, the modelling concepts such as ASM can be similar,
too. However, there are a number of aspects which are different concerning the definition
of the system, dominating processes and a number of details. The heterotrophic biomass
concentration in bulk water of a sewer is typically low compared to activated sludge.
Substrate in a sewer may be relatively abundant. Easily biodegradable substrate is in
young wastewater often available for non-limited biomass growth.

7.4 Water-quality models

Water-quality models for rivers or lakes are also based on simulating flow and transport,
and then they include different kinds of reactions. Most models are just one-dimensional,
however, a few are also two- and three-dimensional. SCHNEIDER (1999) developed a
one-dimensional model which simulates the effects of combined sewer overflow in rivers
focussing on oxygen and ammonium. The one-dimensional model QSIM concentrates
on the biological processes related to oxygen, nutrients, algae and zoo plankton including the interactions with the river bed [KIRCHESCH et al., 1999]. The one-dimensional
WBALMO simulates more than twenty species or species groups and it has its focus on
water quality problems related to post mining areas [KNGETER et al., 2004]. QUAL2K is
a one-dimensional river and stream quality model with a wide range of reaction processes (freely available from the US EPA). The River Quality Model No. 1 (RWQM1) has
been developed by an IWA Task Group [REICHERT et al., 2001] to formulate a standardized and consistent water quality models. It includes the important transformation processes of organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous compounds as well as physical
processes such as sedimentation, resuspension, reaeration, gas exchange at weirs,
overall 24 componentes and 30 processes, see Figure 29.
The multi-dimensional model CAEDYM is especially suitable for water quality in freshwater and marine ecosystems including many reaction processes [HIPSEY et al., 2006].

(1999) developed a water quality model for rivers also based on a three98

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dimensional flow model. She included several reaction processes of the ATV water quality model (ATV-DVWK 2002) and she dealt with the down-scaling of multi-dimensional
water quality models. HUNZE (1996) developed a water quality model for an aeration basin on the basis of ASM1 [HENZE et al., 1987] and she coupled it with a multi-dimensional
flow model.

Figure 29:

Processes and process rates of the RWQM1 model [REICHERT et al.,


Furthermore, it is mentioned that the models from the big software developers for modelling the world of water Danish Hydraulics Institute (DHI; MIKE11, MIKE21, MIKE3),

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from WL / Delft Hydraulics (SOBEK, DELFT3) and from Sogreah (TELEMAC2D, TELEMAC3D) forsee components for simulating water quality.
Water quality models also require many data which partially can be taken from the literature and partially must be measured for driving, calibrating and validating the models.
Some water-quality models for rivers have a certain relation to problems in sewer systems because they also account for some microbial processes which occur in sewers.
However, they generally neither focus on the sulphur cycle nor simulate the mass transfer of components (as hydrogen sulphide) from water to gas.

7.5 Integrated models

There are some integrated models which combine parts of urban drainage, wastewater
plants and water quality in rivers, for example ERBE (2004), SCHRDER et al. (2005) or

(2007). The SIMBA model also belongs to the groups of integrated models as it

combines urban drainage (SIMBA Sewer, see sec. 7.2) and wastewater plants (see sec.
7.3) and as it is principally also capable of integrating water quality in rivers.
The foci of the above-mentioned models is generally on integrated studies which concern the optimization of wastewater management, real time control, rainwater harvesting,
reduction of outflow from combined sewers or other problems. As they do not treat odour
and corrosion in sewers, they are not further commented on, here.

7.6 Flow, transport and reaction models in sewers and the WATS
As already mentioned, there are only very few models with relation to odour or / and corrosion in sewer systems.

et al. (1999) developed a tool for the predicting of in-sewer changes in wastewa-

ter quality under aerobic conditions focussing on dry weather conditions. They used hydro-numerical models for water flow and advective / dispersive transport, while reactions
are based on a concept similar to ASM1. Processes such as reaeration, heterotrophic
growths and decay, hydrolysis, ammonification and biofilm consumption of substrate and
oxygen are considered. They focussed on sensitivity analyses about the model parameters which indicated that the yield and maximum growth rate of heterotrophs were the
most sensitive ones. However, the sulphur cycle was not considered.

(2001) developed a model for transport and transformation processes in com-

bined sewers which has been included into the AQUASIM model. Water flow and transport were modelled with a hydro-numerical approach, reaction processes were based on
the ASM3. The main objectives of the work have been biofilm activities and oxygen bal-


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ances. Sulphur components were included in the model concept, however, their influence was negligible.

7.6.1 WATS model

WATS is the abbreviation of Wastewater Aerobic / anaerobic Transformations in Sewers.
It simulates flow, transport as well as microbial and chemical reaction processes in
sewer systems. WATS accounts for the water, gas and solid (pipe wall) phase, transformations of organic matter, sulphur and nitrogen as well as mass transfer-processes via
the phase interfaces including variable temperature and ph-conditions. The fundamentals of WATS are documented in the book of HVITVED-JACOBSEN (2002) which is based
on the lessons learnt and the experiences of the author and his research group gained in
more than two decades of work. An overview about the processes involved is given in
Figure 30. The WATS model is probably the only one worldwide, which is already capable to simulate odour and corrosion in sewer systems (personal communication with the

Figure 30:

Flow and mass-transfer processes (left) and transformation processes (right) (taken from: www.sewer.dk)


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As WATS concentrates on dry weather conditions, water and gas flow is just considered
in very simple way. The water flow is stationary and uniform based on Mannings friction
law. Therefore, several flow processes which can be determined from the solution of the
Saint-Venant equations such as non-uniform and instationary flow as well as a turbulence parameterisation are not included, i.e. for example that the simulation of the flow
conditions around drops is not possible. However, WATS can be applied to gravity sewers and pressure mains. The gas flow is also assumed to be stationary, i.e. also that
non-uniform and instationary flow as well as turbulence are not treated. The gas flow is
not computed, it is determined from measurements or estimated to be a certain percentage of the water flow, for example 15%. Therefore, WATS is hardly capable to simulate
countermeasure like different ventilation scenarios. A friction condition between the water and gas phase which is common practice in river hydraulics to account for the wind
influence on the water flow is not included.
Concerning the transport simulation, diffusion / dispersion is neglected in the water
phase. In the gas phase, diffusion / dispersion is also not modelled, but estimated from
measurements. Sediment transport, deposition and erosion are also not addressed.
The major emphasis of the WATS model consists of the concept for the microbial and
chemical processes of organic matter, sulphur and nitrogen in the water and gas phase
as well as the mass transfer processes water-gas and gas-solid (pipe wall) including
variable temperature and ph-conditions. An overview is given in Figure 31. The organic
matter (measured as the total COD) is subdivided into four components (heterotrophic
biomass, readily biodegradable substrate, fast and slow hydrolysable substrates), and
three sulphide fractions (dissolved sulphide, particulate sulphide, gaseous hydrogen sulphide) are considered. The kinetics include aerobic and anaerobic transformations of organic matter, hydrogen sulphide formation, sulphide oxidation in water and biofilm, sulphide oxidation in the gas phase / sewer wall (adsorption, corrosion). The mass transfer
between the water and gas phase accounts for reaeration and sulphide emission depending on Henrys law. Corrosion rates are described by a Monod-type reaction depending on the hydrogen sulphide concentration in the gas phase. A matrix notation of
most of the mentioned reaction processes is shown in Figure 32.


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Figure 31:

Model concept for reaction and mass-transfer processes

[after NIELSEN et al., 2006]

Figure 32:

Matrix notation for the reaction processes [HVITVED-JACOBSEN, 2002]


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The processes in biofilms are very complex and a field of science for itself. An overview
about biofilm kinetics is found in HARREMOS (1978), HENZE et al. (1995), LOHSE (1986)
and BROCKMANN (2006). For odour and corrosion in sewers, simpler expressions are
required. Ficks second law of diffusion and a Michaelis-Menten (Monod) kinetic are used
to describe the transport and transformation processes in the biofilm. The aerobic biofilm
growth is approximated with a half order kinetic. Biofilms in the gas phase are not (directly) accounted for. Indirectly, the biofilms in the gas phase have an influence on the
adsorption and corrosion rates which depend on the ph and temperature conditions.
Additonally to the book of HVITVED-JACOBSEN (2002), other literature of his group is worth
to be mentioned and contains newer results compared to 2002. Overall, the studies of
this group resulted in more than 150 publications. In HVITVED-JACOBSEN (1998) the process and model concept for microbial wastewater transformations in gravity sewers is explained much briefer compared to the book. HVITVED-JACOBSEN & VOLLERTSEN (2001) introduce the formation of hydrogen sulphide and odourous substances in wastewater also
much briefer compared to the book. NIELSEN et al. (2005) present simulations of sulphide
buildup in wastewater and atmosphere of sewer networks. This paper has a special focus on the sulphur cycle in water, gas and the sewer wall, and it has implemented the
corrosion rates from ESOY et al. (2002). In that context, the corrosion rates determined by

(2002) are also mentioned (also WEISSENBERGER does not belong to the

group of HVITVED-JACOBSEN). VOLLERTSEN et al. (2005) introduce a stochastic approach

to account for parameter uncertainties and parameter sensitivities. MADSEN et al. (2006)
specially focus on gas-phase transport and ventilation. NIELSEN et al. (2006) present a
field study and simulations about aerobic and anaerobic transformations of sulphide in a
sewer system.
No model output can be better than the model input! Data stem from measurements, the
literature, experiences and model calibration. For example, the wastewater characteristics are a very important input parameter. The group of HVITVED-JACOBSEN has published
many data in the above-mentioned more than 150 publications. This can serve as a
good starting condition for our planned project or other groups which will simulate odour
and corrosion. A number of parameters is very site-specific and must be determined by
model calibration, i.e. by a best ft of measurements and computations. Stochastic methods are used to determine the parameter sensitivity and to decide which parameter must
be measured or calibrated and which parameter can be chosen from the literature or experiences.
The numerical solution of the coupled non-linear differential equations is based on the
FDM. Therefore, there is room for numerical improvements, for example using the FVM.
It is obvious that the parameter uncertainties are much more important here compared to

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highly developed numerics, nevertheless state of the art numerics should be applied.
Furthermore, the software design can be improved, for example using object-orientated

7.6.2 Conditions for odour and corrosion

In gravity sewers, high temperature, low flow velocities and stagnant wastewater, high
turbulence and stripping of hydrogen sulphide, large water depths, large biofilm to water
ratio, high COD concentrations and sediment deposits increase the risk for odour and
corrosion. When wastewater is transported in pressure mains, anaerobic conditions rapidly will develop as no reaeration takes place. Even at low temperatures, significant hydrogen sulphide will be produced at typical transport times and COD concentrations.
Downstream of the pressure main outlets, hydrogen sulphide is stripped out, especially
under highly turbulent conditions.

7.7 Conclusions, deficits and research experiences

Empirical formulas are just capable of giving a very rough estimation of the sulphide development in sewers and they are poorly transferable to general conditions. Urban drainage, wastewater plant and water quality models have some more or less close relations
to the simulation of flow, transport and reactions processes in sewers systems. Among,
the very few models which are capable to simulate the above-mentioned processes, only
the WATS model has been applied to odour and corrosion problems in sewer systems.
The WATS model has its strength in simulating the microbial and chemical reaction
processes of organic matter, sulphur and other components in the water and gas phase
including mass transfer water-gas and corrosion with a focus on dry weather conditions.
Current deficits of WATS are in the flow simulation (no non-uniform and instationary water flow, no turbulence, no gas flow) and the transport simulation (no diffusion / dispersion in water and gas, no sediments and erosion / deposition). Problems dealing for example with rainwater conditions, ventilation, flushing, flow over drops can not be treated
with WATS. Furthermore, the numerics and the software design can be improved. The
WATS model is not public domain, and the sources and the software are not available.
However, the developers are very open for collaborations (personal communication).
The amount of the source code is not very high and all methods are published. The quality of the WATS model strongly relies on the availability and quality of data, and many
data of the WATS group are published, too.


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The author Hinkelmann has more than 15 years research experiences in the fields of the
development and application of models for simulating flow, transport and reaction processes in subsurface (groundwater, water-gas flow) and free-surface flow systems (rivers,
estuaries) as well as in the fields of integrated models and hydroinformatics. His experiences are summarized in the book Efficient Numerical Methods and InformationProcessing Techniques for Modeling Hydro- and Environmental Systems published by
Springer in 2005. Since 2004, he is head of the Department of Water Resources Management and Modeling of Hydrosystems at the Technische Universitt Berlin. Current
research projects and publications are found at www.wahyd.tu-berlin.de.


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