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Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: What is Strategy and why is it important?

What do you mean by Strategy?

o The set of actions that its managers take to outperform the companys
competitors and achieve superior profitability.
o Competitive success and profits in the short run lasting success that can
support growth and secure the companys future over the long term.
A coherent array of well-considered choices about how to compete:
o How to attract and please customers.
o How to compete against rivals.
o How to position the company in the marketplace and capitalize on
attractive opportunities to grow the business.
o How to respond to changing economic and market conditions.
o How to manage each functional piece of the business (R&D, supply chain
activities, production, sales and marketing, distribution, finance, and
human resources).
o How to achieve the companys performance targets.
Some companies opt for wide product lines, while others concentrate their
energies on a narrow product line up.
Some competitors deliberately confine their operations to local or regional
markets; others opt to compete nationally, internationally (several countries), or
globally (all or most of the major country markets worldwide).

Strategy is about competing differently

Every companys strategy needs to have some distinctive element that draws in
customers and produces a competitive edge.
Strategy, at its essence, is about competing differently, doing what rival firms
dont do or what rival firms cant do.
A strategy stands a better chance of succeeding when it is predicated on actions,
business approaches, and competitive moves aimed:
o Appealing to buyers in ways that set a company apart from its rivals
o Staking out a market position that is not crowded with strong competitors.
A companys strategy provides direction and guidance.

Strategy and the Quest for competitive advantage

There are many routes to competitive advantage, but they all involve either
giving buyers what they perceive as superior value compared to the offerings of
rival sellers or giving buyers the same value as others at a lower cost to the firm.
Superior value can mean a good product at a lower price, a superior product that
is worth paying more for, or a best-value offering that represents an attractive
combination of price, features, quality, service, and other attributes.
Delivering superior value or delivering value more efficientlywhatever form it
takesnearly always requires performing value chain activities differently than
rivals do and building competencies and resource capabilities that are not readily

What makes a competitive advantage sustainable (or durable), as opposed to

temporary, are elements of the strategy that give buyers lasting reasons to
prefer a companys products or services over those of competitors reasons that
competitors are unable to nullify or overcome despite their best efforts.
o A company achieves a competitive advantage when it provides buyers
with superior value compared to rival sellers or offers the same value at a
lower cost to the firm.
Five of the most frequently used and dependable strategic approaches to setting
a company apart from rivals:
o A low-cost provider strategy achieving a cost-based advantage over
rivals. Low-cost provider strategies can produce a durable competitive
edge when rivals find it hard to match the low-cost leaders approach to
driving costs out of the business. (Walmart)
o A broad differentiation strategy seeking to differentiate the companys
product or service from that of rivals in ways that will appeal to a broad
spectrum of buyers. One way to sustain this type of competitive
advantage is to be sufficiently innovative to thwart the efforts of clever
rivals to copy or closely imitate the product offering. (Apple)
o A focused low-cost strategy concentrating on a narrow buyer segment
(or market niche) and outcompeting rivals by having lower costs and thus
being able to serve niche members at a lower price.
o A focused differentiation strategy concentrating on a narrow buyer
segment and outcompeting rivals by offering buyers customized attributes
that meet their specialized needs and tastes better than rivals products.
o A best-cost provider strategy giving customers more value for the
money by satisfying their expectations on key quality features,
performance, and/or service attributes while beating their price
expectations. A hybrid strategy that blends elements of low-cost provider
and differentiation strategies; the aim is to have lower costs than rivals
while simultaneously offering better differentiating attributes.

Why a Companys Strategy Evolves over Time

Most of the time, a companys strategy evolves incrementally as management
fine-tunes various pieces of the strategy and adjusts the strategy in response to
unfolding events.
On occasion, major strategy shifts are called for, such as when the strategy is
clearly failing or when industry conditions change in dramatic ways. Industry
environments characterized by high-velocity change require companies to
repeatedly adapt their strategies.
The task of crafting strategy is not a one-time event but always a work in

A Companys Strategy is partly proactive and partly

Proactive, planned initiatives to improve the companys financial performance
and secure a competitive edge
Reactive responses to unanticipated developments and fresh market conditions.
Deliberate strategy, consisting of proactive strategy elements that are both
planned and realized as planned

A portion of a company s strategy is always developed on the fly, coming as a

response to fresh strategic maneuvers on the part of rival firms, unexpected
shifts in customer requirements, fast-changing technological developments,
newly appearing market opportunities, a changing political or economic climate,
or other unanticipated happenings in the surrounding environment Emergent
A companys strategy in toto (its realized strategy) thus tends to be a
combination of proactive and reactive elements, with certain strategy elements
being abandoned because they have become obsolete or ineffective.

A Companys Strategy and Its business model

A business model is managements blueprint for delivering a valuable product or
service to customers in a manner that will generate revenues sufficient to cover
costs and yield an attractive profit.
Two elements of a companys business model:
o Customer value proposition
o Profit formula
The customer value proposition lays out the companys approach to satisfying
buyer wants and needs at a price customers will consider a good value.
The profit formula describes the companys approach to determining a cost
structure that will allow for acceptable profits, given the pricing tied to its
customer value proposition.
Value-Price-Cost Framework:
o The customer value proposition can be expressed as V P, the lower the
costs the greater the ability of the business model to be a moneymaker.
o The profit formula, on a per-unit basis, can be expressed as P C,
revealing how efficiently a company can meet customer wants and needs
and deliver on the value proposition.

What makes a strategy a winner?

The Fit Test (How well does the strategy fit the companys situation)
o To qualify as a winner, a strategy has to be well matched to industry and
competitive conditions, a companys best market opportunities, and other
pertinent aspects of the business environment in which the company
o A good external fit in sync with prevailing market conditions
o A winning strategy must be tailored to the companys resources and
competitive capabilities and be supported by a complementary set of
functional activities
o A good internal fit compatible with a companys ability to execute the
strategy in a competent manner
o A good dynamic fit in the sense that they evolve over time in a manner
that maintains close and effective alignment with the companys situation
even as external and internal conditions change.
The Competitive Advantage Test (Is the strategy helping the company
achieve a sustainable competitive advantage?)

Winning strategies enable a company to achieve a competitive advantage

over key rivals that is long-lasting. The bigger and more durable the
competitive advantage, the more powerful it is.
The Performance Test (Is the strategy producing good company performance?)
o Competitive strength and market standing
o Profitability and financial strength
o Above-average financial performance or gains in market share,
competitive position, or profitability are signs of a winning strategy

Why crafting and executing strategy are important tasks

First, a clear and reasoned strategy is managements prescription for doing
business, its road map to competitive advantage, its game plan for pleasing
customers, and its formula for improving performance.
Second, even the best of strategies will lead to failure if it is not executed
Good Strategy + Good Strategy Execution = Good Management
The better conceived a companys strategy and the more competently it is
executed, the more likely the company will be a standout performer in the

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