Expansion Valves
Expansion Valves
Expansion Valves
Prepared by:
Kamal Mustafa saeed
Basic Operation.
Effect of Pressure Drop across the Valve Port .
Balanced Port TEVs .
Equalization Method .
Thermostatic Charges.
Thermostatic expansion valve or TEV is one of the most commonly used throttling
devices in the refrigerator and air conditioning systems. The thermostatic expansion
valve is the automatic valve that maintains proper flow of the refrigerant in the
evaporator as per the load inside the evaporator. If the load inside the evaporator is
higher it allows the increase in flow of the refrigerant and when the load reduces it
allows the reduction in the flow of the refrigerant. This leads to highly efficient
working of the compressor and the whole refrigeration and the air conditioning plant.
The thermostatic expansion valve also prevents the flooding of the refrigerant to the
compressor ensuring that the plant would run safely without any risk of breakage of
the compressor due to compression of the liquid. The thermostatic expansion valve
does not controls the temperature inside the evaporator and it does not vary the
temperature inside the evaporator as its name may suggest.
Beside the capillary tube, the thermostatic expansion valve is used widely in the
refrigeration and air conditioning systems. While the capillary tube is used in the
small domestic systems, the thermostatic expansion valve is used in the systems of
higher capacities. It is commonly used in the industrial refrigeration plants, high
capacity split air conditioners, packaged air conditioners, central air conditioners and
many other systems.
Equivalent spring pressure is defined as the spring force divided by the effective area
of the diaphragm. The effective area of the diaphragm is simply the portion of the
total diaphragm area which is effectively used by the bulb and equalizer pressures to
provide their respective opening and closing forces. Equivalent spring pressure is
essentially constant once the valve has been adjusted to the desired superheat. As a
result, the TEV functions by controlling the difference between bulb and equalizer
pressures by the amount of the spring pressure. The function of the sensing bulb is to
sense the temperature of the refrigerant vapor as it leaves the evaporator. Ideally, the
bulb temperature will exactly match the refrigerant vapor temperature. As the bulb
temperature increases, bulb
pressure also increases causing the valve pin to move away from the valve port,
allowing more refrigerant to flow into the evaporator. The valve continues in this
opening direction until the equalizer pressure increases sufficiently such that the sum
of the equalizer and spring pressures balance with the bulb pressure. Conversely, as
the bulb temperature decreases, the bulb pressure decreases causing the valve pin
to move toward the valve port, allowing less refrigerant to flow into the evaporator.
The valve continues to close until the equalizer pressure decreases sufficiently such
that the sum of the equalizer and spring pressures balance with the bulb pressure. A
change in refrigerant vapor temperature at the outlet of the evaporator is caused by
one of two events: () the spring pressure is altered by means of the valve adjustment,
() the heat load on the evaporator changes. When spring pressure is increased by
turning the valve adjustment clockwise, refrigerant flow into the evaporator is
decreased. Vapor temperature at the evaporator outlet increases since the point where
the refrigerant completely vaporizes moves further back within the evaporator,
leaving more evaporator
surface area to heat the refrigerant in its vapor form. The actual refrigerant vapor and
bulb temperature will be controlled at the point where bulb pressure balances with the
sum of the equalizer and spring pressures. Conversely, decreasing spring pressure by
turning the valve adjustment counterclockwise increases refrigerant flow into the
evaporator and decreases refrigerant vapor and bulb temperature. Spring pressure
determines the superheat at which the valve controls. Increasing spring pressure
increases superheat, decreasing spring pressure decreases superheat. An increase in
the heat load on the evaporator causes refrigerant to evaporate at a faster rate. As a
result, the point of complete vaporization of the refrigerant flow is moved further
back within the evaporator. Refrigerant vapor and bulb temperature increase, causing
bulb pressure to rise and the valve to move in the opening direction until
the three pressures are in balance. Conversely, a reduction in the heat load on the
evaporator will cause the vapor and bulb temperature to fall and the valve to move in
a closed direction until the three pressures are in balance. Unlike a change in the
spring pressure due to valve adjustment, a
change in the heat load on the evaporator does not appreciably affect the superheat at
which the thermostatic expansion valve controls. This is due to the fact that the TEV
is designed to maintain an essentially constant difference between bulb and equalizer
pressures, thus controlling superheat regardless of the heat load.
- Equalization Method
The operation of the thermostatic expansion valve is determined by the relationship
between three fundamental pressures: bulb pressure,
equalizer pressure, and equivalent spring pressure. illustrated in Figure . The
equalizer pressure is the evaporator pressure the valve senses. The
means used to transmit this pressure from the refrigeration system to the underside of
the valve diaphragm is referred to as the equalization method. Evaporator pressure is
transmitted to the underside of the valve diaphragm by one of two methods. If the
valve is internally equalized, the evaporator pressure at the valve outlet is
transmitted to the diaphragm via a passageway within the valve body or through a
clearance around the
pushrods. If the valve is externally equalized, the underside of the valve diaphragm
is isolated from the valve outlet pressure by the use of packing material around the
pushrods or with pushrods which are closely fitted.
Evaporator pressure is transmitted to the diaphragm by a tube connecting the suction
line near the evaporator outlet to an external fitting on the valve. The external fitting
is connected to a passageway which leads to the underside of the valve diaphragm
See Figure .
- Thermostatic Charges
As previously mentioned, the TEVs sensing bulb transmits pressure to the top of the
diaphragm by a length of capillary tubing. The thermostatic charge is the substance
in the TEVs sensing bulb which responds to suction line temperature to create the
bulb pressure, and it is designed to allow the TEV to operate at a satisfactory level of
superheat over a specific range of evaporating temperatures. The subject of
thermostatic charges is best approached by describing the categories into which
charges are classified. These categories are the following:
. Liquid Charge
. Gas Charge
. Liquid-Cross Charge
. Gas-Cross Charge
. Adsorption Charge
The conventional liquid charge consists of the same refrigerant in the thermostatic
element that is used in the refrigeration system, while the liquid-cross charge consists
of a refrigerant mixture. The term cross charge arises from the fact that the pressuretemperature characteristic of the refrigerant mixture used within the sensing bulb will
cross the saturation curve of the system refrigerant at some point. Both the liquid and
liquid-cross charges possess sufficient liquid such that the bulb, capillary tubing, and
diaphragm chamber will contain some liquid under all temperature conditions. This
characteristic prevents charge migration of the thermostatic charge away from the
sensing bulb if the sensing bulb temperature becomes warmer than other parts of the
thermostatic element. Charge migration will result in loss of valve control. An
additional characteristic of these charges is their lack of a maximum operating
pressure (MOP) feature. A thermostatic charge with an MOP feature causes the
TEV to close above a predetermined evaporator pressure, thereby restricting flow to
the evaporator and limiting the maximum evaporator pressure at which the system
can operate. Similarly, the gas charge consists of the same refrigerant in the
thermostatic element that is used in the refrigeration system, while the gas-cross
charge consists of a refrigerant mixture. Unlike the liquid type charges, both gas
charges are distinguished by having a vapor charge in the thermostatic
element which condenses to a minute quantity of liquid when the TEV is in its
normal operating range. This characteristic provides an MOP for the valve at the bulb
temperature of which the liquid component of the charge becomes vapor. Above this
bulb temperature, a temperature increase does
Not significantly increase thermostatic charge pressure, limiting the maximum
evaporator pressure at which the system can operate. A disadvantage of this type of
thermostatic charge is the possibility of charge migration. The adsorption charge
consists of a noncondensable gas and an adsorbent material located in the sensing
bulb. As the temperature of the bulb increases, gas is expelled (desorbed) from the
adsorbent material increasing bulb pressure. Conversely, as the temperature of the
bulb decreases, gas is adsorbed thus decreasing bulb pressure. Like the liquid and
liquid-cross charges, the adsorption charge does not provide an MOP, and it will not
distributor, the distributor nozzle and tubes must be checked for proper sizing at both
minimum and maximum load conditions.
Superheat Adjustment . The superheat setting of the TEV
Should be set at the highest possible superheat that can be tolerated
at full load conditions. A high superheat setting will reduce problems associated with
mild TEV hunting at low load conditions. High superheats are more acceptable on air
conditioning systems where the wide temperature difference between the refrigerant
and the air allows the TEV to operate at higher superheats without a significant loss
in coil capacity.
Evaporator Coil Design . When the evaporator is circuited to provide counterflow of
the refrigerant relative to the direction of the air flow, superheat will normally have
theleast effect on evaporator capacity and suction pressure fluctuations will be
minimized.Refrigerant velocity inside the evaporator should be high enough to
prevent excessive trapping of liquid refrigerant and oil, which may cause TEV
hunting. Multi-circuited coils should be designed in such a manner that each circuit is
exposed to the same heat load. Air flow across the coil must be evenly distributed.
Large capacity air conditioning evaporator coils are often split into multiple sections
so that one or more of these sections can be shut off for capacity control during partload operation. Therefore, a TEV is required to feed each of these sections. The
methods used to split these coils are referred to as: row split, face split, and
interlaced. Generally,
Manufacturers have tested and approved other methods of piping, these methods
should be used when installing or servicing their systems.
Sensing Bulb Location . The TEVs sensing bulb should be located on a horizontal
section of suction line near the evaporator outlet and, in the case of an externally
equalized valve, upstream of the equalizer connection on the suction line
Vapor Free Liquid Refrigerant. Another important aspect in assuring proper TEV
operation is providing vapor free liquid refrigerant to the inlet of the TEV. Vapor in
the liquid line may severely reduce thecapacity of the TEV hindering
sized liquid-to-suction heat Proper refrigerant flow to the evaporator. An adequately
exchanger will help assure vapor free liquid by providing some amount of sub
cooling to the liquid. In addition, the heat exchanger provides an added advantage to
the system by vaporizing small quantities of liquid refrigerant in the suction line
before the liquid reaches the
Compressor. A Sporlan See All Moisture-Liquid Indicator installed near the TEV
inlet offers a visual check for vapor free refrigerant.
Another variation of this technique is to have each evaporator circuit fed by a single
distributor circuit and size the TEVs and distributors on the expected load of the total
number of circuits fed by each TEV. Reducing evaporate
- R- (Ammonia) Applications
Thermostatic expansion valves for ammonia applications require special design
considerations due to the erosive effects of ammonia vapor. For this type of
application, Sporlan has developed the Types D and A thermostatic expansion valves.
Like other components of any ammonia System, the Types D and A valves are made
from steel and steel alloys.
With ammonia systems, the formation of flash vapor at the expansion valve port
causes valve seat erosion or wire drawing to occur. This effect is further aggravated
by high velocity ammonia mixed with dirt or scale passing through the port of the
expansion valve. Fortunately, seat erosion can be minimized and valve life extended
if the following steps are
. Maintain vapor-free liquid at the TEV inlet at all times.
. Maintain clean ammonia through effective filtration.
. Reduce the velocity of the ammonia through the TEV
port by reducing the pressure drop across the port.