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Fall of Man

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Submitted by
Division: A Roll No: 15010224001 Class: BBA LLB
Of Symbiosis Law School, NOIDA
Symbiosis International University, PUNE
MARCH, 2015
Under the guidance of
Dr. Saroj Dhal,
Assistant Professor,
Symbiosis Law School, NOIDA
Symbiosis International University, PUNE
MARCH, 2015


The Project entitled Fall of Man submitted to the Symbiosis Law School, NOIDA for
Managerial Economics as part of Internal Assessment is based on my original work carried
out under the guidance of Dr. Saroj Dhal from December to March. The research work has
not been submitted elsewhere for award of any degree.
The material borrowed from other sources and incorporated in the project has been duly
acknowledged. I understand that I myself could be held responsible and accountable for
plagiarism, if any, detected later on.

Signature of the candidate:

Name of the Candidate: Aayush



I would like to offer Dr. Saroj Dhal my heartfelt appreciation for

providing me the opportunity to undertake a research project on the topic,
Fall of Man. I would like to thank them for all the necessary help and
guidance they offered in completing my project. Without their help, it
would have not have been possible to carry out this research project. I
would like to thank my college, Symbiosis Law School- Noida, for
providing me with excellent opportunities and facilities to help me
complete my project.

I would also like to thank my parents and my classmates for helping me,
in one way or the other, who have been constant pillars of support for the
successful completion of the research project.












Man, as created, was good. God created man in His own image, in knowledge, righteousness, and holiness.
Well, then, if God created man good, how comes it that all men now are bad? How did sin pass into all
mankind? What caused this stupendous change from good to bad?
Just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so sin spread through all
men.. The effects of the fall are numerous and far reaching. Sin has affected every aspect of our being. It has
affected our lives on earth and our eternal destiny.
Genesis 3 is one of the most important chapters in the Bible. Without it, we cant even begin to understand
the darkness that blankets the earth. With it, we can catch a glimpse of the light, which shines in the
darkness. Have you seen the light?
The fall of man and the fall of the created universe is presented in this project. This is God's Word on that
most defining and influencing of all events. It is the divine record of the entrance of evil into the natural

LITERATURE REVIEW: (Kaufmann Kohler, 2013) finds that the theological construction of the narrative in Genesis assumes the
historical authenticity of the account; and finds corroborative evidence in the many stories current among
various races positing at the beginning of human history a similar state of blissful perfection which,
through the misdeeds of man, came irretrievably to an end, giving way to conditions the reverse of those
hitherto prevailing.
(Machen, 2011) emphasizes the view of the bible by stating that there is in the Bible from beginning to
end no shadow of comfort for the shallow notion that sin is a matter only of individual choices and that a
bad man can, without being changed within, suddenly bring forth good actions. No, the Bible
everywhere finds the root of evil in the heart, and by the heart it does not mean just the feelings but the
whole inner life of man. The heart of man, it tells us, is deceitful above all things and desperately
wicked, and because of that, man is a sinner in the sight of God. An evil man inevitably performs evil
actions; the thing is as certain as that a corrupt tree will bring forth corrupt fruit: but the evil man
performs those evil actions because he wants to perform them; they are his own free personal acts and he
is responsible for them in the sight of God.

(Luginbill) believed that the creation of a new species of spiritual being, capable of moral response to
God's authority, was rightly perceived by Satan as a threat, even a direct challenge to his continued
existence. There could be no doubt that Adam and Eve were "aimed" at him. Mankind was placed on the
same world (now re-constructed) from which the devil had been so unceremoniously evicted after his
rebellion. Also mankind was entrusted with God's delegated authority over the earth and its creatures a
charge very similar to the one which Satan had abused. and it was commanded to multiply.
(Deffinbaugh, 2004) analyses and traces sin and suffering to its earthly origins and causes. Gods Word
clearly and emphatically tells us why the world is in such a pathetic plight: By divine permission Satan
tempted Adam and Eve; they sinned, and God has graciously pronounced upon all creation a curse for
which He has provided the cure. Few could deny that something seems desperately wrong with the world
in which we live. This very day Kurdish people endure unimaginable suffering at the hands of the Iraqi
army and even of nature itself. Innocent children starve to death. The Nazi regime cruelly slaughtered
millions of Jews not so long ago, while the world knew better and chose to look away. Rampant crime,
cruelty, corruption, and injustice exist side by side. Pollution, nuclear waste, disintegration of the ozone
layer, acid rain, and a host of other maladies are bringing the earth itself to the brink of disaster. Among
the informed, little optimism remains.

(Phillips, 2009) argues that the good results come from bad circumstances, such as the case of a man
who eventually became my friend and a Christian after I ran into his car. But frankly, its hard to see a
good purpose behind the sheer quantity of natural and moral evil. He also mentions the presence of four
problems to the fall of the man,i.e, The Standard Is Gods Word, Sin Is Our Problem, Suffering Is
Because of Our Sin, Our Solution Is Christ

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY:The research project undertaken curtails to get the following solutions to the below-mentioned problems:
How human beings cope with failures?
What does the Bible say about failures?
How did the "Fall" affect the humanity?
What is the possibility of punishments inherited from the original sin in the modern society?

HYPOTHESIS OF THE STUDY: Evil spreads through the vices of humanity and man and creation are suffering and groaning due
to the consequences of sin.


This project involves research and analysis of existing research work and data, hence replicating a
"secondary research methodology". The data abstraction sources include previous research papers on
related topics as well as articles and journals. The project is aimed at following and examining the large scale
trends experienced in our society. Further this project makes the use of religious texts to give validity to the
made statements.


Mythology pays heed to the instance when mankind was separated from God. In the Garden of Eden, Adam
and Eve having perfect communion and harmony with God, rebelled against him resulting in disruption in
their harmony and fellowship with God. However, once they became aware of their sin they stood ashamed
before God1. As a consequence of it, they him from which marks the specific instance when mankind started
hiding from God. The words God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might
become the righteousness of God2. It is said that all of creation came into existence in response to the the
spoken Word of God.3 It provides scope for discussion as to what basis did Adam had for believing Gods
every word. Was it Gods word that brought all creation into existence?


Satan is a created being, an angel called a cherub. The Garden of Eden pays tribute to the existence of Satan.
Verses 13 and 17 state Satan was created beautiful. There was a plethora of beautiful stones covering him.
He had a special place of prominence by being the highest form of angels created by God. On the Ark of the
Covenant, it is Cherubs whose out stretched wings guarded the mercy seat 4. It has also been stated quite
eloquently in Verse 15 that he was perfect, being created without any quint of sin.
Yet, Satan sinned against God and he was cast down from his high position by God. He is also called
"Lucifer" which when translated mean the bright one, "the son of the morning". He was cut down to the
ground because of his sin of referring himself above God. He was determined to set up his own throne that
with the hope that men might worship him someday. Yet God said he would be brought down. It is obvious
that Satan first led a rebellion in heaven against God5 and then proceeded to tempt man also to disobey God.
1 Genesis 3:8-10
2 Corianthians 5:21
3 Genesis 1
4 (Ex. 25:20).
5 (Matthew 12:24, 2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6, Revelation 12:4)


One of the most prominent effects of fall which is clearly evident in our day-to-day lifestyle is that human
beings have lost a sense of purpose for which they were created. They are ignorant of their purpose, which
lies in glorifying God and serving as a means of enjoyment for him. All morality and goodness could be
viewed as another form of love to God. The elevation of the self as being supreme has brought in selfishness,
henceforth inviting sin to turn in upon oneself. By placing ourselves upon the throne of our lives we are
usurping Gods role. A state of depravity could also be seen being manufactured in human beings. In such a
state, man is clearly incapable of doing or choosing that which is acceptable to God, apart from divine grace.
The sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to Gods law, nor can it do so.6
The phenomenon of
Death becoming a reality could also be traced back of the fall itself. The creation of Death and subjectivity
of all living beings to it, exemplifies the audacity of sins. The loss of immunity after the rise of death as an
inescapable reality could be summed up as For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life
in Christ Jesus our Lord7.

CONCLUSION:The Fall of Man has been viewed in the light of overall plan of God for creation and it would be safe to say
that the fall seems to take place early, quickly, with no resistance at all. Satan and Eve are prominent in the
account of the fall; Adam is less prominent. The fall reverses the divinely established order of authority. Eve
was deceived: Adam was not. None of the participants assumes responsibility for their actions, and no one
repents of their sin. Satans deception greatly distorted Eves perspective. Satan succeeded in persuading
Adam and Eve to trust his words, while doubting and disobeying Gods Word. Mans disobedience in the
garden is the fruit of unbelief, just as his obedience would have been the fruit of faith. The reasons for
incorporating mans fall and his consequences into his plan of creation could be boiled down to exhibition
Gods glory in response to the fall of man. It could also be said that the Gods plan, established before the
foundation of the world, anticipated sin and suffering it would bring. Also, in Gods plan the curse is a part
of the curse and sin and the curse made possible a cure with blessings better than those lost by Adams sin
and the curse.


Deffinbaugh, R. L. (2004, May 17th). The Fall of Man in God's Perfect Plan. WHAT

6 Romans 8:7
7 Romans 6:23

Kaufmann Kohler, E. G. (2013). Fall of Man. Retrieved February 10, 2016, from A
jewish encyclopaedia: http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/5999-fall-ofman

Luginbill, D. R. Anthropology: the Biblical Study of Man. In D. R. Luginbill, Bible

Basics: Essential Doctrines of the Bible.

Machen, J. G. (2011). Retrieved February 10, 2016, from The Westminster

Presbyterian: http://www.westminsterconfession.org/introduction-to-the-christianfaith/the-consequences-of-the-fall-of-man.php

Phillips, W. (2009, May 27). Lessons From the Fall. Retrieved February 10, 2016,
from Answers in Genesis: https://answersingenesis.org/sin/original-sin/lessonsfrom-the-fall/

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