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Tube CAD Journal Jan 2001

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The Journal
of Tube
Circuit Design

This Issue

The Triode Guild scoops the MacArthur

Foundation and awards your humble editor the
coveted Platinum Brain Award for my
contributions to the thermionic arts. I am deeply
honored and my only qualm is that I am not sure
whether I must donate my brain to medical
research after or before my death.
Tube based shunt regulators and tube
headphone amplifiers are this issue's focus. Next
issue we will revive a lost output topology.
Remember, if you have a request or
suggestion of your own for either an article topic
or circuit explanation, please e-mail:

In This Issue
1Inverted Shunt Regulator
9Portable Tube Headphone Amplifier
Publishing Information
Glossary of Audio Terms
Glass-Ware.com Articles
Classic Magazine articles

Volume 3 Number 1 >>

Inverted Shunt Regulator

The shunt regulator is making a stir in tube
world, but details on its design and use are few
and hard to find. This regulator topology was
usually used in low-current, high-voltage
applications, such as TV 30 kV power supplies.
Thus, since this regulator was not used
extensively even during the glory day of tube
dominance, we must blaze our own trails, which
might be a blessing in disguise, as the past
practices often shackle rather than just inform.
First let's start with a an overview. Both the
series and the shunt regulator share about the
same number of parts. And they share the same
basic goals and functioning: a constant output
voltage achieved by actively comparing the
output to a voltage reference and adjusting the
conduction through an active device such as a
tube or transistor to bring that output inline with
the reference voltage regardless of variation the
wall voltage or variation in the current being
drawn at the regulator's output.
How they differ lies in how the components
are arranged. The defining difference between
shunt and series regulators rests in that the active
element, the pass or losser device, works in
parallel with the load, rather than in series with
it. Yet this seemingly simple topological
rearrangement alters radically the shunt
regulators operational considerations versus
those of the series regulator.


Mechanical analogy of series regulator

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< < January 2001

Volume 3 Number 1 >>



Mechanical analogy of shunt regulator


Simple AC only series regulator

One way of looking at the series regulator is

that its pass device effectively presents a variable
resistance to the power supply. Thus the series
regulator's active device can be likened to a
potentiometer in series with a load. If the load is
simply a resistor, then the goal is simple:
maintain a constant voltage across the resistor in
spite of fluctuations in the power supply voltage.
As the wall voltage rises and falls, and as the
power supply's rectifying of the AC creates
ripple, the potentiometer's wiper is
correspondingly adjusted to cancel any voltage
perturbations from appearing across the resistor.
As the power supply voltage climbs, the
potentiometer's resistance increases; when the
voltage falls, it decreases. With only a resistor
load, the result of this varying resistance is that
load sees a zero-impedance, fixed voltage and
the power supply sees effectively a fixed current
draw, i.e. constant current source.
On the other hand, if the load is a Class B
amplifier, then in terms of voltage, the goal
remains the same: maintain a constant voltage
across the amplifier. But in terms of current, the
amplifier will draw a varying current. In other
words, while the amplifier will see a constant
voltage, the power supply will see a wildly
varying current draw as the amplifier draws a
varying amount of current: almost none at idle
and many amps of current draw at full output.
Now the regulator functions more like a current
mirror, reflecting all the current variations back
into the power supply.

Now, lets turn the schematic sideways and

look at the shunt regulator. The shunt regulator
can be likened to a potentiometer in parallel with
a load, both of which are placed in series with a
fixed resistor. The goal remains the same as
before: maintain a constant voltage across the
load. Just as before, as the wall voltage rises and
falls and the power supply creates ripple, the
potentiometer wiper is correspondingly twisted
to cancel any voltage perturbations from
appearing across the resistor. The twisting must
occur in anti-phase with the potentiometer in the
series regulator example: as the power supply
voltage climbs, the potentiometer's resistance
decreases; when the voltage falls, it increases.



Potentiometer analogy of
shunt and series regulators

The load sees a fixed voltage and the power

supply effectively sees not a current source as in
the series regulator example, but only a fixed
resistance, i.e. the series resistor's resistance.
Regardless whether the load is a simple resistor
or Class B amplifier, the potentiometer's varying




Simple AC
only shunt


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pg. 2



<< January 2001

resistance, in parallel with a load that draws a

constant or varying amount of current, creates a
battery like effect of zero ohms termination for
the load and the series resistor. In other words,
while the load can be as wildly varying as a
Class B amplifier, the power supply will not see
a wildly varying current draw even as the
amplifier draws a varying amount of current.

The power supply's view of
shunt and series regulators

This situation is vastly different from the that

of the series regulator and, in many ways,
preferred. It is as if the current variations
produced by the regulator's load are trapped on
the load's side of the series resistor, preventing
those current variations from re-circulating into
the power supply and from there into other
circuits and stages.
This benefit of increased isolation comes at
the cost of a much greater quiescent idle current
for the shunt regulator. For example, if the load
is a Class B amplifier that has a current draw of
10 ma to 4 amps, then the shunt regulator's idle
current would have to at least equal 4 amps!
(And if we wish to cover a wide range of wall
voltage variation, the idle current might have to
be set to 6 amps. In this case the series resistor
really should be replaced by a current source.
And the argument can be made that in all cases,
the shunt regulator should only use a current
source, rather than the resistor; or in the case
where our only concern is AC regulation, not
DC, the resistor should be replaced by a choke.)
When the shunt regulator faces an amplifier
idling at only 10 mA, the active shunting tube or
solid-state device will have to draw 3.99 amps;
when the amplifier draws 4 amps, shunting
device will have to draw zero current. Compare

pg. 3

Volume 3 Number 1 >>

this hefty idle current demands to that of a series

regulator with the same load: as little as 15 mA
at idle and 4.005 amps at the other extreme.
With savings such as these is it any wonder that
series regulator predominates.
However, when the load draws a constant
current rather than a varying current, both the
series and shunt regulator can use a lower
wattage active device. In the case of the series
regulator, a high wattage resistor can be placed
in parallel with the pass device. This resistor
would provide the larger portion of the current
flowing into the load and the pass device would
have the task of fine tuning the output. Or, in the
case of the shunt regulator, the shunting device
can be scaled back in terms of dissipation, as it
would only have compensate for the small
straying from the reference voltage due to ripple.
For example, if the load is a Class A amplifier
that draws a constant current of 4 amps, the
modified shunt regulator must maintain a total
current draw at idle of slightly greater than 4
amps, let's say, 4.01 amps, which means the
losser device would handle only the 10 mA of
the total. Another example, if the load is an SE
Class A amplifier tube amplifier that draws an
idle current of 150 mA, which climbs to 155 mA
at full output due to rectification effects, the
delta equals only 5 mA. This difference could
easily be handled by a single section of a 5687.
You see the active shunting device only needs to
cover the delta (the difference) in current
fluctuations. In this example, the 5687 placed in
parallel with the output tube, need only draw an
idle current of 10 mA, 5 mA of which it will
give up when the output stage's current draw
increases by 5 mA.

Regulator Analogies
One way to look at the difference between the
series and the shunt regulator is to view the
series regulator as being analogous to a Class B
amplifier and the shunt regulator as being
analogous to a Class A amplifier. If the regulator
is functioning as an amplifier, what is being

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< < January 2001

From this viewpoint, the ground is the signal

and any deviation from that signal at the output
is countered by the feedback until it is
So which is better? Better for what? Better for
needlessly heating the room? Better for using a
battery power supply? Better for isolating
delicate signal currents in an amplifier? Each
finds its own place in tube audio designer's
palette. My preference is to use kind for kind: a
shunt regulator for steady average current draw
circuits, for example Class A amplifier stages,
and a series regulator for variable current draw
circuits, for example Class AB, B output stages.

An Inverted Shunt Regulator

The usual topology is to place the series
resistor in between the load and the B+
connection, just as a choke would normally be
placed in a non-regulated power supply.
However, just as the choke can be placed at the
bottom, between load and negative power
supply, the shunt regulator's series resistor can
be placed at the bottom as well. What advantage
can be wrestled from this inversion? In the case
of the choke, the increased safety of moving the
choke closer to ground stands out as a large
advantage. With the choke at the top, its winding
sees the full B+ voltage and should the wire's
insulation breakdown, the voltage difference
between the B+ voltage and the chokes ground
level metal structure will make for some
fireworks. But when the choke is placed at the
bottom, the choke's winding and case only see
the voltage developed across the DCR of the
choke plus the ripple voltage, a total of 30 volts
let's say. Now, the insulation should not
breakdown and even if it did, 30 volts makes for
much smaller sparks.






Volume 3 Number 1 >>

Placing the series resistor at the bottom also

yields advantages. Some safety enhancement can
be had from having one of the resistor's leads at
ground potential and the other at much lower
voltage than the top arranged series resistor.
(Remember, voltage is analogous to velocity
with moving objects, double the voltage or the
velocity and wallop increase fourfold: kinetic
Energy = MV and Joules = CV. But the big
advantage is that by referencing the ground at
one of the resistor makes the other end a negative
power supply. And negative power supplies are
handy to have in tube equipment, but often
difficult to create. For example, a power
amplifier's output stage might need an negative
power supply to bias the output tubes, but the
high voltage transformer may not have a low or
medium voltage tap.




Inverted shunt regulator

And when a transformer does have this tap, it

is seldom matched with another tap on the other
side of the center tap, which means that only a
half-wave rectifier circuit can be used. The
problem with half-wave rectifier circuits is that
they are useful only if a minuscule amount of
current is drawn from them, as they yield much
more ripple and much less current than the fullwave rectifier circuit. (Excessive current draw
through the half-wave rectifier also tends to
magnetize, i.e. saturate the power transformer's
core, as the current is being only drawn in one
direction through the power transformer
secondary winding.) And the alternative, using a
full-wave bridge rectifier circuit, yields too much
negative voltage and usually precludes using
tube rectifiers.

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pg. 4



<< January 2001

Moving the series resistor to the bottom

does not alter the basic functioning of the shunt
regulator. The output is still monitored for
perturbations and active shunting device acts to
counter those perturbations to yield a stable
output voltage. Furthermore, because we now
have a ready negative power supply, biasing the
shunting tube becomes easy. All that is needed
is a few additional resistors and a potentiometer.
Additionally, the negative power supply is
useful when setting up a zener diode string as a
voltage reference, as the end of the zener string
must be at the negative bias voltage of the
shunting tube.
But the inverting the shunt regulator topology
has at least one more advantage: the use of
cathode resistor in the filtering of the power
supply. In the conventional shunt regulator
topology the cathode resistor is a liability,
wasting heat and requiring an additional
capacitor to shunt the cathode to ground. But in
the inverted shunt regulator, this resistor is just
part of series resistor, Resistors, total resistance.
The cathode does not need a AC path to ground
because it is the ground.

Grounded Grid Amplifier

Shunt Regulator Front-End
One tube is seldom enough. Even the highest
transconductance triode has a paltry amount of
transconductance compared to a solid-state
device, such as transistors or MOSFETs. And it
is transconductance, the change in current flow
due to a change in grid-to-cathode voltage, that
powers a shunt regulator. Adding a first stage of
voltage gain effectively boosts the Gm of the
shunting tube by magnifying the error signal at
the output. One stipulation is that the extra gain
stage cannot invert the phase of the error signal,
which leaves out the grounded cathode
amplifier, but not the grounded grid amplifier.
This circuit is a real sleeper: it does not invert
the input signal phase and offers a wonderfully
high-frequency bandwidth, as its grid shields the
plate. The downside to this circuit is its very low
input impedance: (Ra + rp) / (mu + 1).

pg. 5

Volume 3 Number 1 >>

Antique Electronic
Kits & Power Supplies
Guitar Items
Tools & Chemicals
Other Parts & Supplies
Restoration Products

Tubes, books, transformers, sockets, friendly
folks, capacitors, resistors, literature, cabinet
restoration materials, friendly folks, wire,
grill cloth, gifts, tools, information...and did
we mention the friendly folks?

68 pages of products and

information (most of
which are also available
on our Web site). It's all

Get our 2001 catalog

absolutely free!

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< < January 2001



grid amplifier

Volume 3 Number 1 >>







But the since the input signal is the noise at

the power supply B+ connection, the power
supply noise can be easily relayed to the cathode
through a large valued electrolytic capacitor.
And since the power supply noise frequency is
twice the line frequency and since harmonics
seldom extend beyond the 5th, exceptional high
frequency transmission is not necessary. In fact,
the usual disadvantage, power supply noise
leaking into the output of the grounded grid or
cathode amplifier, works in our favor in a shunt
regulator circuit and against us in a comparable
series regulator. Furthermore, the need to offer
the pentode's screen grid a clean AC path to
ground also disappears, as triode connecting the
pentode works to increase the effectiveness of a
shunting pentode tube. And do forget the
advantage all tube shunt regulators share: the
shunting tube's heater does not require a separate
power supply, as its cathode is at ground level.








1M -10




Grounded-grid front end inverted shunt regulator









+2vdc 160k







The appearance of the diodes (connected by

dashed lines) will have many readers scratching
their heads. They are there as a safety measure;
should the output accidentally short to ground,
they will become forward biased when the
capacitor that is connected to the grounded grid
stage's cathode attempts to becomes a negative
400 voltage source. Remember, always try to
imagine the worst case scenario.
We come this far, yet something is missing. So
far all the examples have shown AC only shunt
regulators. DC regulation can be implemented
by paralleling the grounded grid stage's capacitor
with a zener string and replacing the coupling
capacitor to the shunting tube with a zener string
that terminates into a resistor that leads to the
negative power supply. Because this last
arrangement will require much tweaking in
construction and much adjustment in use, I
would rather use an Op-Amp to adjust the DC
portion of the regulator's output and let the tubes
handle the AC portion where music falls. Two
versions are shown below: the first is for
shunting tubes that require a high negative bias
and the second is for those tubes that do not.







Grounded-grid front end for a

pentode based shunt regulator


Grounded-grid front end shunt regulator




DC and AC sensitive shunt regulator

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pg. 6



<< January 2001


The math is simple enough: at idle, the entire

regulator circuit including load draws 200 mA
and dissipates 112 watts, as 200 mA times 560
volts equals 112 watts; the series resistor
dissipates 32 watts, as 200 mA squared against
800 ohms equals 32 watts; the shunting tube at
idle dissipates 32 watts, as 80 mA times 400
volts equals 32 watts. But if the wall voltage
drops or climbs only 10%, the math looks quite
different. A 10% increase in wall voltage equals
a 48% increase the regulator's total dissipation
and almost a 100% increase in shunting tube and
series resistor dissipation. In stark contrast to the
series regulator, the DC sensitive shunt regulator
suffers when the load is removed. Where the
series regulator is relieved by the load's
departure, the shunt regulator burdened by the
missing current draw that the shunting tube must
supply. For example, if we use the shunt
regulator from the last example, then we can
rework the math. With the load that draws 120
mA of current, the shunting tube dissipates 32
watts at idle, but when the load is removed, it
must dissipate 80 watts, as it must now draw the
full 200 mA to bring the regulator's output
voltage to 400 volts. Conversely and opposite to
a series regulator, when the load's conduction
increases, its dissipation drops.









1M -10






Volume 3 Number 1 >>


Low bias DC and AC sensitive shunt regulator

Other DC sensitive topologies are certainly

possible. But in all shunt regulators the key
points remain the same: the greater the
transconductance of the shunting tube and the
larger the value of the series resistor, the better
the performance. Bear in mind the potentially
destructive increase in current a DC sensitive
shunting regulator face when assumptions fail to
appear. For example, the wall voltage climbs or
drops only 10% from its nominal value, or the
load is removed while the regulator is in use.
Given a raw DC power supply voltage of 560
volts, a Class AB power amplifier for a load that
draws low of 120 mA and a high of 180 mA, a
series resistor equal to 800 ohms, and a shunting
tube that draws an average of 80 mA.

Series Shunting Shunting Shunting Regulator
Raw B+
Resistor Resistor Resistor





























pg. 7

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< < January 2001

A Series-Shunt Regulator
Combining the series and the shunt regulator
might prove the best compromise. The benefits
from each type can be added together in one
regulator. The series regulator half provides the
compliant current sourcing that improves the
efficiency and PSRR of the regulator and the
shunt half of regulator provides the net current
canceling function to keep load's current swings
contained to the regulator. Putting both regulator
together requires only a little imagination, as the
regulator will look and function much like a
totem pole push-pull amplifier.


I = (1 + mu) / rp,
Which equals the absolute decrease in current
the top triode experiences:
I = -1 / rp + -1 x Gm
I = -1 / rp + -mu / rp
I = -(1 + mu) / rp.
In other words, 100% feedback from plate to
grind in a grounded cathode amplifier make this
amplifier function identically to a cathode
follower, which also experiences 100%
degenerative feedback.






Series-Shunt voltage regulator

The regulator shown above relies on both

tubes to counter any perturbations at the output
of the regulator. The top tube functions as a
cathode follower whose grid is AC grounded;
the bottom tube functions as a grounded cathode
amplifier with 100% feedback from the plate
being applied to its grid. In effect what is
created is two cathode followers, as the
feedback given to the bottom tube yields the
same performance as the top tube achieves as a
cathode follower. Put analytically, a 1 volt pulse
applied to the bottom triode's plate will be met
with an increase in current flow through the
triode equal to the 1 volt divided by the rp of the
triode plus the transconductance of the triode
times the 1 volt, which can be expressed as
I = 1 / rp + 1 x Gm
I = 1 / rp + mu / rp

Volume 3 Number 1 >>

Adding DC sensitivity to the regulator can

accomplished by working on the top or the
bottom triode's grid, but not both. Asides from
extra complexity, it is not a good idea to have an
internecine battle between both triodes over
small reference voltage differences. The circuit
below is one example of how DC correction
could be added to the regulator (note the
replacement of the zener by the plate resistor).






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pg. 8



<< January 2001

Portable Tube
Headphone Amplifier (part 1)

Front of possible headphone amplifier

Volume 3 Number 1 >>

Designing a portable tube headphone

amplifier requires making many compromises.
Large chokes and potted output transformers are
out of consideration, as are large output tubes
such as the 6C33 or 6AS7. In fact, even the
6BX7 or 5687 are out of the running because of
their heavy heater current draw. Realistically, we
must limit the size and power consumption of the
amplifier, if we hope to make the amplifier
portable and use a battery power source. Four
6DJ8s require almost 9 watts just to power the
heaters; four 5687s, almost 23 watts. A strong
AA type battery yields about 1.4 watts for one
hour. Thus at least 7 cells would be needed just
to heat four 6DJ8s for one hour. Additional cells
would be needed to supply the B+ voltage.

Battery Concerns

Back of possible headphone amplifier

In the last issue's letter section, I promised that

in this issue we would begin covering the
designing of a portable tube headphone amplifier
for driving dynamic headphones. As always, this
will be a more of a broad design example than a
how-to-construction article, although in this case
it will be a short a jump to finished amplifier by
the next installment. First we need a goal and this
time the goal is an amplifier that is small enough
to fit in a backpack or briefcase, that is powered
by either a wall wart transformer or a 12 volt
battery, that is robust enough to drive
headphones as low 32 ohms and as high as 300
ohms. Different goals are certainly possible, such
as limiting the amplifier's size to that which
would comfortably fit in a shirt pocket or driving
electrostatic headphones. Different goals limit
choices and results, but having a goal is as
important as having a destination before packing
for a trip, as it helps free us from ill-considered
whimsies, such as the amplifier specifying that
must use tube rectifiers and 300B output tubes.

pg. 9

Several options present themselves when

considering how to battery power the amplifier.
We can use only batteries and no DC-DC
converters. Impractical, yet elegant, what could
be more hum free than a battery? This option
would require four C or AA cells for the heaters
and eight 9 volt cells in series to establish the B+
voltage. This assumes normal non-rechargeable
batteries. Rechargeable batteries yield fewer
volts: 1.2 for the single cells and 7.2 volts for the
9 volt package. Thus using rechargeable batteries
would require five C or AA cells and ten "9 volt"
batteries. Alternatively, we could use only "9
volt" batteries and use a DC-DC converter to
step down the B+ to 6 volts for the heater supply.
The obstruction in this path is the losses in the
DC conversion, since the heaters are the biggest
power hogs in the amplifier. Well then, why not
low voltage batteries for the heaters and step
their voltage up to the B+ value with a DC-DC
converter? This is probably the best path to
follow, as it allows for the use of a low voltage
lead-acid battery. Still new problem arise.
Finding a DC-DC converters can be a headache.
Off the shelf units are amazingly expensive and
few in voltage increments. Designing a
switching boost regulator is difficult and the
results almost always require much tweaking.

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< < January 2001

Still, this last option is worth pursing, if you

have the skill and time and patience.
Fortunately, a maker of DC-DC converters,
Newport Components, has come out with a two
devices for phone equipment that offers 80%
efficiency, 72 volts output from a 5 or a 12 volt
source, 42 mA of current output, and a oscillator
frequency of 85 kHz. The NMT1272SZ uses a
12 volt input and the NMT0572SZ, 5 volts. Both
are packaged in an 8 pin SIP case and are
wonderfully cheap, $15.00. If this sound too
good to be true, it's because it is. The devices do
not offer a tight regulation of the output voltage
or a very low output noise voltage. The 12 volt
version offer much better specs than the 5 volt
version does, but it is still not close enough to
what we need in a headphone amplifier.
Fortunately, the same tricks that work in a
conventional power amplifier also work in a
portable headphone amplifier, i.e. chokes and pi
filters. The noise voltage equals 1.2 volts, which
an output capacitor and choke and final capacitor
would shrink greatly.



Volume 3 Number 1 >>

By using this DC-DC converter, a 12 volt

power source, whether it be a battery or a wall
wart, can feed the heaters directly and power one
or two DC-to-DC converters. The output is
isolated on these devices, so placing two outputs
in series or parallel is possible. As is adding the
input voltage to the output voltage to yield 84
volts of B+ or using the battery voltage for a
negative power supply.
Now 84 volts may not seem like much, but it
is enough to make a tube headphone amplifier
possible. This low B+ voltage dictates that the
output tubes must be able to draw a fairly high
current at low plate voltages, which requires low
rp, high perveance tubes, such as the 12B4,
6DJ8, 7111 or 6N1P. Yet the tubes must have a
low heater current consumption: a catch 22 in the
making. Thus fewer stages, thus fewer tubes are
a better bet to lowering power consumption,
which will limit the choices in circuit topology
somewhat. In addition, the choice of output stage
mode of operation must be addressed: Class B or
A or AB?. Fortunately, here we get a break, as
headphones require so little power that we can
tolerate less efficiency; if we are repaid by better
sound that is. Still, we should know how much
efficiency we are giving up.

Modes of Operation
Class A output stages, whether push-pull or
single-ended, strive to meat a theoretical limit of
efficiency of 50%, where efficiency is defined as
power delivered into the load divided by the
power dissipated by the output stage. For
example, if an amplifier's output stage consumes
100 watts and puts out 50 watts into a load, its
efficiency would be 50%. Solid-state Class A
amplifiers come close with efficiencies of up to
48%, pentodes usually fare worse, with
efficiencies of only 25 to 40%, and triodes
usually fare the worst, with efficiencies of only
10 to 35%. If the stipulation that the grid never
enter grid current is removed (Class A2), then the
efficiency of tube output stages can move closer
to the 50% theoretical limit, but at the cost of a
much more robust, higher-current driver stage.

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pg. 10



<< January 2001

All of this assumes transformer or inductive

loading of an SE or a push-pull amplifier.
Inductive loading means using an inductor
(choke) to load the output device. Both tube and
solid-state amplifiers, whether single-ended or
push-pull, can be inductively loaded as long as
they run in strict Class A. The inductor
dissipates virtually no heat, yet provides a
current source like functioning for audio
frequencies. Furthermore the inductor does not
subtract from the available B+ voltage as a
current source would. You can readily see how
brilliant a decision it was to use a inductive load
so as to increase the efficiency of a Class A
amplifier. But as very few amplifiers used today
are Class A designs, the inductive load has
almost been forgotten. (A big mistake.)


Inductive loaded amplifiers

Resistor or current source loading, on the

other hand, necessarily decreases the efficiency
of the output stage, as the resistor or current
source parasitically drag on the output stage,
whereas, the transformer or inductive load
displaces no voltage and gives back what
current it takes. Remember a perfect transformer
or inductor, like a perfect capacitor, dissipates
no energy, as it see no voltage potential across
its leads at idle. An inductor stressed by a DC
current flow of 4 amps, gives up that 4 amps
when unstressed. The resistor and the current
source, on the other hand, do dissipate heat, as
they do see both a voltage differential and a
current flow at idle. In fact, the current source at
idle must see all the voltage and current that the
load will see at peak output, so that the current
source can pull the load resistance to that peak
when the active device nears cutoff.

pg. 11

Volume 3 Number 1 >>







Current source and resistor loaded amplifiers

Consequently, we know that the active device,

at idle, so as to match the current source, must
also see all the voltage and current that the load
will see at peak output. Thus, the maximum
theoretical efficiency of a optimally designed
current source loaded Class A amplifier is half
that of the inductive loaded amplifier: only 25%.
For example, delivering 2 amps into a speaker
requires that current source and tube draw 2
amps at idle. So that when the tube approaches
cutoff the current source can provide 2 amps into
the load. And the tube must draw peaks of 4
amps so that it can over come 2 amps from the
current source and deliver 2 amps into the load
impedance. If the B+ voltage is 32 volts, the total
dissipation of the amplifier's output stage comes
in at 64 watts, which when divided into the 16
watts RMS that is given into the speaker, equals
25%. This example assumes the active devices
are themselves perfectly efficient; they aren't.
With the resistor loaded output stage, the
efficiency is even worse. Normally, we are not
much bothered by the low efficiency of a
resistor loaded grounded cathode amplifier or
cathode follower, as our aim is usually voltage
amplification, not power delivery. But consider
the woeful efficiency of an amplifier that
dissipates 2 watts in the load resistor the tube
(100 volts each at 10 mA), yet only delivers 1
mW into a load resistance (10 volts RMS into a
100k resistor). The recommended practice of
specifying a plate resistor or cathode resistor one
fifth the value of the load resistance means that
maximum effective efficiency of that amplifier
can only be on fifth of its theoretical maximum.

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< < January 2001


Volume 3 Number 1 >>








Where the current source loading allowed all

the idle current to be delivered into the load, the
resistor loading prevents the full idle current to
ever be delivered. This limitation arises from
resistor drawing a varying amount of current
depending on the voltage across it. When the
voltage increases, so to the current through the
resistor. Thus when the amplifier's output tries to
pull the load up in voltage, it must also pull the
load resistor .





How much current is available from the

resistor loaded amplifier? Assuming a capacitor
coupled output or a DC coupled output with a
negative power supply for the loading resistor
and the loading resistor equaling the load
impedance, the peak negative going output
current is one half the idle current. For example,
if the idle current is 30 mA, then only 15 mA
can be delivered into the load when the tube is
cutoff. The math is simple enough: when the
tube is cutoff, the load impedance sees the
negative power supply voltage or the voltage
stored in the coupling capacitor, through the
loading resistor; and as these two resistance
equal each other, the load impedance only sees
half of the available voltage and thus half the
idle current. What if a different resistor ratio is
used? Greater voltage or current can be
delivered into the load impedance, but at lower
amplifier efficiency.

Successful design and analysis of a

single-ended amplifier output stage
requires an accurate model of the
tube's plate curves. SE Amp CAD is a
tube audio design program that has a
library of 30 tubes and over 100 output
transformers and SE Amp CAD knows
how these tubes really curve in a
singled-ended amplifier.
Windows 3.1 / 95 / 98 / Me /NT

For more information, please visit

Web site or write us at:

PO Box 2
Santa Cruz CA 95063 USA

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pg. 12



<< January 2001

Now you can readily see why push-pull, Class

AB, B is so popular. Well then, the answer seems
easy enough: use either an inductor or current
source to load the output stage. Now a few
problems arise. First, finding high quality, high
inductance, small chokes is not easy. Second,
small, high inductance chokes have a
correspondingly high DCR, which will displace
some of the precious B+ voltage. Third, active
current sources do not function all way down to
zero volts; instead, their impedance falls when
the voltage differential falls to just a few volts in
the case of solid-state current sources, and tens of
volts in the case of tube current sources.

Volume 3 Number 1 >>

In other words, while these devices are in

general good ideas to implement, we may not
gain all the efficiency enhancement promised by
these devices. What about output transformers?
In theory, this would be the best design path to
pursue, as a transformer would provide both a
better impedance matching between tube and
headphone and a means of protecting the
headphone from DC offsets. But in practice, it is
extremely difficult to find high quality low
wattage output transformers that offer
bandwidth down to 20 Hz. Additionally, the
simplicity of a single resistor and coupling
capacitor are truly compelling.
















60 mA

30 mA
0 mA





60 mA
45 mA
30 mA
15 mA
0 mA
60 mA
45 mA
30 mA
15 mA
0 mA RL













pg. 13

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< < January 2001



Click on image to see enlargement

Plate Curves

Tube Substitutions


Tube Outlines

Volume 3 Number 1 >>

A true 32-bit Windows program,

GlassWare Tube Manual is both user
friendly and powerful. It's all here: plate
curves, mu, rp, Gm, Vh, Ih, base and outline
schematics, and essential characteristics for
many of the tubes. Powerful search and
filtering tools give control over this tube
manual's large library of tubes (11,000).
Look up your favorite tubes (6SN7, KT88,
2A3, and 6922) and discover other great
tubes you didn't know existed. With the aid
of easy-to-use editing tools, tubes can be
added or subtracted to the database. Keep
track of your own tube collection with your
personal tube database. Like all GlassWare
programs, GlassWare Tube Manual allows
you to print the results. Hard copies of all
the tubes in in this tube manual are a button
click away. And tube substitutions are given
for over 2000 tube types.
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For more information, please visit our

Web site or write us at:

PO Box 2
Santa Cruz CA 95063 USA
Live Curves for over 40 tubes

Database editor

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pg. 14



<< January 2001

Compliant Current Sources

If by adding sufficient circuitry we can
eliminate the coupling capacitor, then the added
complexity might well be worth the effort. A DC
servo loop can be wrapped around the current
source, rather than the tube. This creates a
compliant current source that tracks the tube's
quiescent current and nulls a DC offset at the
output. This circuit was covered in a GlassWare
Tube circuit of the Month article, No Gain, No
Pain and is quoted here:
This trick consists of a Cathode Follower that
is loaded at its output by a compliant current
source, that is a current source that does not
have a predetermined quiescent current. What is
constant about it is that it strives to maintain a
DC ground potential input regardless of the
current flowing through it.
Is it then really a current source? In AC
terms, yes; in DC, no. It offers a very high
impedance (roughly, 1 meg) to any AC signal it
sees and in this respect it is identical to a typical
active current source. In DC terms it works to
adjust its quiescent current until its input is
zeroed at ground potential (0 volts) over time
(roughly, 3 Hz).

Volume 3 Number 1 >>

This piece of magic is the result of a DC servo

loop that is wrapped around the input of the
current source and the output of the Op-Amp. If
the input moves toward the positive over a long
period of time, that net DC drift is fed into the
non-inverting input of the Op-Amp, which causes
its output to go positive. This positive voltage
will further drive the MOSFET into greater
conduction, which will pull the output towards
negative. On the other hand, if the output moves
toward the negative over a long period of time,
that net DC drift is fed into the same noninverting input of the Op-Amp, which causes its
output to go negative. This negative voltage will
move the MOSFET into less conduction, which
will move the output towards positive.
The subtlety here is that the MOSFET is
within the DC feedback loop, but outside the AC
feedback loop of the Op-Amp. As the time
constant of the RC network made up of the two 1
meg resistors in parallel and the .1 f capacitor
is so long that no music can fall into it, the OpAmp presents a virtually constant DC voltage to
the gate of the MOSFET. This steady voltage sets
the amount of current that flows through the
MOSFET; if the tubes idle current drifts over

+100vdc to +150vdc

(5687 or 12AU7 or 7119 or 12BH7 or 12SN7)









Diodes =1N4001





pg. 15







-16v to -20v

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< < January 2001


time, the Op-Amps output will drift with it.

While responding to the music signal, the
Cathode Followers output voltage and current
will vary, but variation is far too fast to register
at the input of the OP Amp and will be ignored.
(If the Op-Amps is extended to include the
source of the MOSFET, then the Op-Amp would
respond to the change in current through the
Cathode Follower. Not a good idea.)
The 150k resistor that connects from the B+
voltage to the output is there to give the
compliant current source a current path in the
absence of a tube in its socket or at startup when
the tube has yet to conduct any current.

Volume 3 Number 1 >>

Audio Gadgets

Shown above is the power supply design page,

which is only one of ten audio pages.

Basic integrator and non-inverting integrator

The basis of the compliant current source is a

non-inverting integrator, which is nested in an
inverting integrator. (If your head is beginning to
hurt, jump to the next section.) The MOSFET is
configured in a grounded source topology that
inverts the output; the tube, a cathode follower
topology that doesn't invert the output phase.
Thus the overall effect of this circuit is to apply a
DC servo loop to the cathode follower output and
to match the idle current of the cathode follower
with a AC current source.
This circuit eliminates the need for a coupling
capacitor. If feat seems trivial, then maybe the
math involved should be reviewed. The coupling
capacitor's value is set by:
C = 1/(2piFR),
where C is in farads and F is the lowest
frequency and R is the resistance of the
headphone; rewriting the formula for
microfarads yields:
C = 159155/F/Resistor.
For example, given a low frequency cutoff of 20

Audio Gadgets is software for the

technically minded audiophile. The
quickest way to understand what
Audio Gadgets is all about is to
imagine a programmable calculator
designed for the audio enthusiast.
Audio Gadgets does far too much to fit
in even a 21" monitor; consequently,
the notebook metaphor is used to hold
ten pages of audio topics. Stepped
attenuators to tube circuits.
Windows 3.1/ 95/98/Me/NT

For more information, please visit our

web site or write us at:

PO Box 2
Santa Cruz CA 95063 USA

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pg. 16



<< January 2001

Hz and an impedance of 32 ohms, the coupling

capacitor value must equal 250 F. Two of these
capacitors were they high quality film capacitors
would fill a large cabinet, leaving no room for
the circuitry and batteries! The alternative to
using film capacitors is either using electrolytic
or a blend of electrolytic and film. Working on
the assumption that the best capacitor is no
capacitor, this circuit is definitely worth a
second look.

A Transformer Coupled Example

Transformers help tubes work into low
impedance loads and they also protect the load
from the high voltage on the other side of the
transformer. Both these tasks seem ideally suited
to a tube headphone amplifier. Even 300 ohm
headphones are awfully low for most tubes and
even a small DC offset at the output could
damage the headphone's drive element. A good
transformer could leverage the even Grado's 32
ohms up to a manageable 3200 ohms and offer
zero DC offset.
The problem is finding a good transformer.
Even the best transformer in the world isn't all
that good. Aside from bandwidth issues, a
transformer is plagued with a large size and
heavy weight, leakage inductance, primary and
secondary DCR, saturation, eddy currents within
its core, proximity hum pickup, physical noise
generation, and sometimes untamable high
frequency resonances. Add to this list that
headphone impedance spread of 32 to 300 ohms
makes finding a transformer with useful
secondary taps difficult. Let us also add to this
list that array of useful output transformers has
shrunk since the tube glory days; I have a few
old catalogs that list a few ideal transformers
(out of hundreds and hundreds that were not
suitable) that are no longer in production. The
capacitor does not look so bad now does it?
Assuming that a good transformer can be
found, the design of the headphone amplifier is
really no different from the design of power
amplifier, a smaller in scale, but not
fundamentally different.

pg. 17

Volume 3 Number 1 >>

The single-ended amplifier's general of 2rp for

a primary impedance is a good starting point.
Given that the spread of useful rp's begins at 1k
and ends at 4k, we need a transformer whose
primary impedance falls between 2k to 8k and
centers on 4k. A primary of 4k coupling into a
secondary of 300 ohms gives us a winding ratio
of 3.65:1, as dictated by the formula:
Ratio = (primary / secondary).
We need to know this ratio because it is unlikely
that we will find a transformer specified for a
300 ohm secondary load. In other words, a
transformer that has a primary impedance of 8k
and a secondary of 600 ohms has the required
winding ratio. The ratio also gives the current
magnification and the voltage division from
primary to secondary. For example, a 36.5 volt
swing and a 1 mA current swing on the primary
equals a 10 volt and 3.65 mA swing into the 300
ohm load impedance. In addition, the ratio
indirectly gives us the output impedance, as the
ratio squared is the impedance ratio of the
transformer. Thus, for example, an rp of 2k
becomes an output impedance of 150 ohms.
With secondary of 300 ohms how do we drive
32 ohm headphones? If the secondary winding
does not have multiple taps, we don't try, in this
case, our best bet is to find a transformer with an
11:1 winding ratio and preload the secondary
with a 100 ohm resistor. This resistor will give
the transformer's limited inductance something
to bite on when the load is 300 ohms. But if the
secondary has multiple taps, the going gets
easier. A center-tap will yield a secondary
impedance of 75 ohms; a .707 tap, 150 ohms;
third-tap, 33 ohms. In other words, a center-tap
increases the winding ratio by 2.
The next question is where to place the
transformer. Should it go at the plate or the
cathode? Should it be used directly or in a parafeed arrangement? The plate loaded amplifier
gives us gain; cathode loading, a much lower
output impedance and less distortion, but at the
cost of no gain and a high input voltage swing;
and a para-feed arrangement, a potentially lower
noise output and no primary current.

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< < January 2001



On the other hand, cathode loading, with

either para-feed or directly attached, will
necessitate at least two stages and thus at least
two tube envelopes, and thus half the available
battery time. But this penalty might be worth
the benefits of a lower output impedance and
lower distortion. Two such amplifier layouts
are shown below.





Directly cathode loaded headphone amplifier










Furthermore, nickel based transformers have

cores that cannot abide unbalanced DC current,
as they saturate easily in the presence of
unidirectional DC current. But by using a using
a coupling capacitor in a para-feed arrangement
we ensure that there is no net DC current. In
other words, the para-feed arrangement allows
for the use of a higher quality output
transformer. I am sure that either the Jensen
transformer company or SESCOM might have
an excellent nickel transformer on the shelf
Plate loading, with either para-feed or
directly arranged, might allow for only getting
away with only one triode per channel, i.e. one
tube envelope, as the output transformer's
stepping down of the output voltage would be
cancelled by the plate's gain. Feedback could
even be wrapped around the amplifier to a
small degree. Two such amplifier layouts are
shown below.

Volume 3 Number 1 >>









Plate loaded headphone amplifiers

Note that the para-feed arrangement shown

above does not use a choke, but instead a solidstate current source. The current source might
prove a better choice than a choke, as high
quality chokes are also hard to find. Most
chokes were designed for use in power supplies
and do not work well across the audio band. A
simple test of a choke is to place two in series
with each other. Then ground one end of the
string and attach the other end to a function
generator. Finally, observe the waveform
fidelity at the midpoint between the two chokes
on an oscilloscope.






Current source cathode loaded amplifier







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pg. 18



<< January 2001

Note the 140 volts power supply requirement

of the third schematic, which is the cost of
eliminating the interstage coupling capacitor.
But the increase in available cathode-to-plate
voltage must be added to the advantage list.

Transformer Coupled Amplifiers
Since the music sources, portable CD players,
MP3 player, and pocket FM radios, are all
single-ended output devices, a phase splitter will
be needed to drive a push-pull output stage,
which will greatly increase the complexity and
tube count of a design. Or will it? The White
cathode follower and the SRPP are push-pull
circuits that accept a single-ended, an
unbalanced input. And even a traditional pushpull output stage with two output tubes sharing a
common cathode resistor and plates terminated
into the output transformer's primary, may get
away without a tube phase splitter. An input
transformer with a center-tapped secondary is a
phase splitter. Additionally, a phase splitter can
be from as little as a two resistors! The circuit
below makes the point.

Volume 3 Number 1 >>

Alternatively, a tube phase splitter could be

used so as to eliminating the need for a separate
floating power supply per channel, the major
liability of the previous circuit. (The minor
liability is its halving of the input voltage.)
Which phase splitter topology should we use?
The answer depends on whether more gain is
needed. The split load phase splitter has the best
balance, but offers no gain. The long tail phase
splitter offers gain, but a poorer balance and
requires a second triode. Some possible circuits
are shown below.









Split load phase splitter front end













Gain stage and phase splitter front end







Phase splitter by two resistors

The secret to unraveling this circuit is the

realization that the power supply for the output
tubes is floating, i.e. it does not find a ground at
the source's ground, but rather at the midpoint of
the two resistors that span the source's output
and the source's ground.

pg. 19




Long tail phase splitter front end

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< < January 2001


Note the use of the a plate resistor rather than

a current source in the first circuit; it was used
purposely. It is common knowledge that a pushpull amplifier will reject the amplification of
common mode noise, and while this statement
needs some fine tuning, it is basically correct.
What is not common knowledge is that noise
leaving a driver stage or phase splitter may not
offer a balanced common mode noise for the
push-pull amplifier to reject. For example, if one
half of the balanced signal is thick with power
supply noise, but other half is wonderfully noise
free because of some power supply
modification, then the noise will be amplified
along with the music. Removing the
modification will have the paradoxical effect of
lowering the output noise by reintroducing the
noise. Noise rejection requires balance in a pushpull amplifier. (Here is a question: How much
noise can be rejected when one tube ceases to
conduction in a Class AB, B amplifier?)
The long tail phase splitter at first glance
would seem the easy winner in balanced noise
race and the split load phase splitter the clear
loser, as it offers a very asymmetric PSRR on its
outputs. The reality is that as long as we factor
this asymmetry in our calculations, it is not
really a concern. As all of this has been covered
here before, I will jump to the punch line: if the
split load phase splitter's grid receives half of the
power supply noise, then the amount of noise on
each output phase will be equal in both phase
and magnitude. This magic results from the
noise leaving the cathode in phase and equal
with grid and the noise leaving the plate in antiphase to the power supply's noise: 1 - = .
Power supply
balancing in
a split load
phase splitter

OTL Output Stages

Having scared many readers with the list of
transformer faults, let us now examine the
alternative, no output transformer. Tube OTL
amplifiers have intrigued tube fanciers for
decades. The eliminating the output transformer
is like releasing the tube from a prison. If you a
balking at this metaphor try the following
experiment: place two tube output transformers
in opposition to each other, i.e. connect the
primaries together and attach one secondary to
the output of an amplifier and the other
secondary to a loudspeaker. If the transformer
are perfect the sound from the loudspeaker
should not differ from what it sound like when
attached directly to the amplifier.

Simple sonic test of output transformers

If you believe that the DCRs of the winding

are spoiling the result reverse the transformers
and terminate the last primary with a resistor
equal to the primary's nominal impedance. Then
place this circuit in between your preamp and
power amplifier.
On to the how to make an OTL. Many
mistakenly believe that all OTL amplifier are
push-pull. Most certainly are, but need not
necessarily be. Single-ended OTL amplifier are
possible even for tube headphone amplifiers.
Below are some possibilities.












Volume 3 Number 1 >>







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pg. 20



<< January 2001












OTL single-ended headphone amplifier

In the second example, the DCR of the choke

serves to bias the output tube. Both circuits will
just barely drive a 300 ohm Sennheiser
headphone certainly not a 32 ohm Grado. More
triodes are needed. How many? How much
current do wish to deliver into load? Each triode
section can yield up to 10 mA with a 6DJ8. How
was this figure determined? The best approach is
to examine the plate curves of the tube. But for
rough estimating, the following formula is
Current = Vp/2rp

Volume 3 Number 1 >>

This formula gives us the idle current per

output tube as well as the peak output current
per tube. Now we take the desired peak output
current into the load and divide it by the idle
current per output tube. For example, given a B+
of 80 volts, a rp of 3300 ohms, a 9 volt span
across a current source, the idle current per
triode should be 10.75 mA, as
10.75 = (80 - 9) / (2 x 3300),
which we round down to 10 mA.
Thus a peak of 30 mA into the load requires
three triodes. This will bring the tube envelope
count up to 4, thus halving the battery playback
time. But then no one ever said that Class A,
single-ended, OTL was cheap. (Well, no one
other than advertising departments).
How was the value of 9 volts picked for the
current source voltage displacement? It comes
from multiplying the peak output current against
the load impedance, 30 ohms. This value is, in
practical terms, insufficient. The FET within the
current source stops acting as a current source
when the voltage drops too far, as it enters its
triode region. Even if a more elaborate current
source is used, say 3-pin terminal voltage
regulator configured as a current source, at some
point a dropout voltage will be encountered.

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pg. 19

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< < January 2001

Volume 3 Number 1 >>













OTL single-ended
amplifier using
3 output triodes
and a choke load




OTL Push-Pull Output Stages

The choke, on the other hand, theoretically
displaces no voltage, but in actual practice the
DCR of the choke must be factored into our
calculations. If the value is too great to allow the
simple biasing arrangement of one capacitor and
one resistor at the grid, then a second resistor can
be added to pull up the bias voltage from ground
potential. Conversely, if the DCR is too low, a
resistor, or even a forward bias diode, can be
placed in series with the choke to correctly bias
the output tubes. In other words, the choke
replaces the cathode resistor in a grounded
cathode amplifier.

Class A push-pull amplifiers offer the

advantage of delivering twice the idle current
into the load. The single-ended amplifiers can
only deliver the idle current. Understand that the
relative efficiency remains the same: 50% tops.
The disadvantage of the push-pull totem pole
arrangement is that it necessitates twice the B+
voltage, which means that two 72 volts DC-DC
converters will be needed. While this seems to
constitute a huge liability, but do not forget that
tubes thrive on voltage. Doubling the B+ in this
example will not increase the output tubes Vp
voltage, but it does increase the voltage available
to the input and phase splitter tubes.









63v 0vdc










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pg. 20



Volume 3 Number 1 >>
By making the bottom selectively insensitive,
The idle current of the push-pull output stage
sets the peak (Class A) output current, 2Ip. Since we have taken care of two problems with the
we want to avoid positive grid voltages, the idle Class AB amplifier. Class AB amplifiers were
current must be set carefully. A quick calculation devised to correct the gross crossover distortion
of the Class B amplifier. By increase the overlap
yields the following formula:
between output devices, the crossover notch
Ipeak = B+ / 2(rp + Rl).
This formula not only gives us the peak output where neither device conducted is filled. But this
current, but by extension, the value of twice the overlap created a new problem: the effective
transconductance of the two devices is twice that
idle current, 2Ip.
One topological variation worth a second look of a single device. This Gm doubling causes the
is the Class A-AB amplifier, which is modeled output impedance to dip over the portion of the
after the Nelson Pass single-ended amplifier that overlap. It is as if a crack in the road was
breaks into Class AB, push-pull functioning after repaired by placing a speed bump over it. Where
set output is exceed. Yes, it is something like the notch caused one disturbance in the
having your cake and eating it as well. Do not waveform, the Gm doubling causes two, one
forget the most import watt is the first watt. where the bottom tube ceases to conduct and one
While amplifier may put out peaks of hundreds where the top tube ceases to conduct. Second,
of watts, most of the listening will be in that first these disturbances often occur in the first few
watt. This why crossover distortion irks the ear watts where the ear is very sensitive.
The Class A-AB overcomes these two
so much and this is why small wattage singleended tube amps can triumph over big wattage problems by eliminating Gm doubling
mechanism and by shifting the transition point
solid-state amplifiers.
The explanation of the Class A-AB amplifier between tubes to outside the first few watts.
has been covered in past issues. So let's get down Below is the output stage from the last schematic
to the details of converting the last schematic to altered to function as a Class A-AB output stage.
Class A-AB. We want the top triode to be the
main single-ended tube. It will be the only output
tube experiencing the current variations as it
powers the headphone driver. The bottom tube
will be the current source that is immune to the
input signals. Up to a certain point that is.
After -4.7 mA has been exceeded, we want the
bottom triode to cease acting as a current source
and begin acting as an active output device; and
once +4.7 mA has been exceeded, we want the
top triode to continue conducting current beyond
twice the idle current. So what we have is one
tube, the bottom one, always conducting some
current and the other one only ceasing to conduct
after the bottom tube begins to conduct beyond
The idle for the output stage is set by the
its idle current.
In other words, what we have is a modified current source. Since 4.7 mA is the limit for the
Class AB amplifier. If the bottom tube is made to small current regulating diodes, we will choose
respond to the input in the same way that the top this value as the idle value. The top triode will
tube must, we would just have a very richly function as the amplifier sole output device
within 4.7 mA, which means that it will
biased Class AB amplifier.
<< January 2001


pg. 21

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< < January 2001

deliver the first 0.15 volts into a 32 ohm load

and the first 1.5 volts into a 300 ohm load.
Thereafter, the bottom tube will share in the
active driving of the load, as once the input
signal exceeds the difference between zener and
cathode voltage, the bottom tube becomes
active. The potentiometer does not set the idle
current, as the current source will adjust the
cathode voltage to track the potentiometer's
movements. Instead, the potentiometer is used to
adjust the transition point between the two tubes.
The potentiometer's adjustment should be made
with a dummy load and the feedback loop
opened. A triangular waveform is perfect for
showing discontinuities.
Where do we go from here? The next
installment will bring us closer to a final design.
Until then, your comments are encouraged and if
anyone knows of any readily available high
quality output transformer's, please let us know
about them.
Coming Next Issue
Next time around, we promise we will get
around to reviving an old, but good topology
for output stages. And expect part 2 of
designing a portable headphone amplifier.


Volume 3 Number 1 >>

Subject: printing articles, dropping filament
voltages, balanced phono amps
Hi, I got your address out of the current
Audio Electronics. I have tried printing out 2
articles, so far. I have a Compaq Presario
running IE5 You have stops between each page,
so they are printed out individually, each with
your header! So, the second page comes out
with just one line, listing the title and page 2 or
a short remainder, pushed down by the space
your header takes up. This wastes twice as much
paper! Why don't you fix this? Otherwise, your
magazine is quite informative.
A comment on John Atwood's Ultrapath
circuit. I tried it with the Fender stand alone
reverb CKT - a single ended 6K6 - as I was
building a new guitar amp which included it,
recently. The output hummed loudly and I
traced this to the fact that the capacitor was
coupling power supply noise to the cathode of
the 6K6 and the tube was amplifying it! I had to
add a second choke and cap section to get rid of
the residual hum on the B+.
Hot Wall Voltages
I work on guitar amps. Out here on Cape Cod
they "improved" the power system a while back.
In summer, when it is so hot in Boston that they
send the government workers home... and
predict brown outs, the line voltage down here
is still 123-4 volts! This means that you have
7V on you filaments - perpetually (5.7V on
rectifiers) - in your 115-117V amplifier. What
to do? You mention in-rush current limiters and
there are not many choices. The only applicable
ones are CL-10 (CL-11), CL-20 (CL-22) and - I
believe - CL-100 (Keystone parts - they have renumbered them!) These are the three lowest
resistance values @ 6, 8 & 16 amp ratings. In
practice, they all work about the same. A single
one in a typical BF/SF Fender Pro, Twin, etc.
with non CT filament winding will bring the
voltage down to about 6.3 (or 5) volts. Check it

www.tubecad.com Copyright 2001 GlassWare. All Rights Reserved

pg. 22



<< January 2001

FET Preamps
Allen Wright goes into this in great detail in
his Preamp Cookbook! Get the transistors - at
reasonable prices - from MCM, 2SK170,
2SK369, single or - I believe - 2SK398? dual
version in the BL? or V (medium or high IdSS
versions) - MCM does not differentiate, so you
can ask them to check, or take your chances.
The 2SK147 is no longer with us but these use
the same die!
The whole issue of printing would disappear
with the creation of a PDF file for the Tube
CAD Journal. Thanks to readers Johan, Ken,
and Yury the latest PDF renditions look much
better and print beautifully. One problem
remains: the files are too large because they
hold two identical versions of the Tube CAD
Journal issue! Every variable has been tried and
it still comes out with a redundant internal file.
Once this bug is stamped out, I will post a PDF
version of this journal.
As for printing right now, set your browser's
page setup options to .25 inch margins and clear
the header and footer entries.
As for the Ultrapath circuit, the blame does
not belong to John Atwood, as I believe it is
from Jack Elliano of Electra-Print. I have heard
good reviews of his amplifiers and transformers,
but I am sure that it does hum, you see it is only
half wrong, or rather, half right. The complete
UltraUltrapath circuit is covered in the second
issue of this journal in an article titled
"Lowering the Single Ended Amplifiers Output
As for the hot line voltages you are
experiencing, where I live on the California
coast, the wall voltage is 122 VAC. But I have a
friend who live 70 miles north in San Francisco
and his wall voltage is only 108 VAC. He lives
in old apartment building that loses 2 volts per
floor. Consequently, his heaters are being under
heated. What to do?

pg. 23

Volume 3 Number 1 >>

The answer might be to place the secondary

of a 8 volt transformer in series with the primary
of your amplifier's power transformer.
Depending on the phase relationship between
these two windings, the amplifier's transformer
will see either plus or minus 8 volts on top of
the wall voltage. Because this second
transformer need only supply the same amount
of current that the power transformer draws it
cannot be that physically large.
As for FETs for hybrid preamps, thanks for
tips. I have a nice stock of matched 2SK147s
and 2SK146s, I haven't had to shop for any for
quite sometime. A few words on their use. They
are amazingly quiet, which I dearly appreciate.
Yet I remember once listening to a $3,500 FET
based preamp from one of America's premier
solid-state high-end manufacturers that was
wonderfully quiet. But after 20 minutes of
listening, I felt that something was missing; it
was as if it lost not only the noise, but some of
the music as well. Four voices became two;
room echoes vanished. Of course, some
recordings benefit from this subtractive
function, but most don't. In other words, more
experimentation is required.
Here is another example: I recently made a
test of several types of resistors, metal film, bulk
foil, carbon film, carbon composition, noninductive metal film. The test was easy, as only
one plate resistor needed to be replaced. The
surprise was just how good the carbon
composition sounded. Yet, I still remember
when I had replaced every carbon resistor in a
solid-state preamp with a metal film resistor.
The metal film beat the carbon handily. If one
carbon resistor sounded much better than one
metal film resistor, how can 50 metal resistors
sound better than 50 carbon film resistors? Is it
possible that the sonically detrimental effects of
a metal film are not additive, but those of the
carbon resistor are?
The subject of testing components is
deserving of an article or two in this journal. We
will see what can be put together.

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< < January 2001


Subject: Circlotron
John I think you need to offer us one more
article on the circlotron amp, this time
addressing offset adjustment. Like the Atmasphere boys I plan to use one stage of gain, but
cascoded with MOSFET to eliminate the need
for a ridiculously high driver stage B+ to obtain
the necessary current draw through the triodes
and also solving the heater to cathode voltage
Also a pot tying the cathodes together with it's
wiper arm connected to a resistor to ground in
the first stage, followed by a cathode follower
driving twelve 6AS7G's. Global cross coupled
feedback will be introduced into the fully
differential drive stage. Thanks to you I will be
making use of the abundant and cheap supply of
12SN7's or 8SN7's. I find the circlotron to be
absolutely simply and straight forward. I implore
you to compile all your work into a book, we
will buy it in honor of the magnificent tutor you
are. You are not of the average tube specie, your
articles are modern classics, I'll be on your ass
until I see the book.
First of al thanks for the compliments. I don't
think this circuit is anywhere near being
exhausted. Now that I own a pair of AtmoSphere MA-1s, definitely expect some more
MOSFET cascoding of a triode does allow for
big voltage swings. But do not forget that like all
cascode circuits, the cascoded differential
amplifier has virtually no PSRR. So either a
supremely well filtered or regulated power
supply or some of the noise reduction tricks this
journal expounds will be needed.
Feedback can be placed at the cathodes of the
differential pair or at the top of the plate resistors
by cross coupling, which may help preserve the
gain of the driver stage.
As for the book, I am asked monthly to come
out with a book and I should consider it.

Volume 3 Number 1 >>

Subject: Ideas for articles

I enjoy you magazine very much, it's just a
pity that it is a bit irregular at present, though we
all have problems.......
I have an idea for an article which may or may
not appeal to you (it doesn't to me, but seems
necessary) is one of tube (valve) substitution,
particularly in push pull output stages.
What I want to be able to do is replace the
KT66's which are becoming far too expensive
for me in my Leak TL25+'s, with another valve
which has nearly the same characteristics, but
need re-biasing to work properly. Perhaps also, I
may need to alter the voltage to the screens, but
cannot alter the taps on the transformer, for
example. So, in effect I need to be able to work
backwards in designing an output stage, having
certain givens, for example a-a impedance,
supply voltage etc. screen taps at 43% etc.
In view of the increasing rarity of some
valves, and the almost plentiful supply of similar
valves, it seems that an article like this is
becoming more and more necessary to keep old
amps alive. Maybe the performance won't be as
good as original, but that's better than none in
my case.
Keep up the good work! (as we say here in
The issue of tube replacement has always been
a headache. Amplifiers designed around a
certain tube that is no longer made or made well
are particularly problematic. The supremely fine
EL34s made by Telefunken could handle huge
plate voltage that no current EL34 can match.
The same holds true of the 5AR4 rectifiers being
made today.
What to do? I would give Eric Barbour's kind
grunt work on this topic at the Svetlana web site
a look. In your particular case I would hunt
down one of the better 6L6 type tubes being
made today by Sovtek or Svetlana.

www.tubecad.com Copyright 2001 GlassWare. All Rights Reserved



Subject: Possible topic for next issue

Firstly I am glad to tell you your Journal being
for me the only interesting webzine regarding
tubes! My compliments!
Perhaps I have an interesting topic for one of
the next issues:
I have experimented with several topologies
for hybrid class A power amps to combine the
superior voltage gain characteristics of tubes
with the current capabilities of solid state
devices. Other goals were to eliminate output
capacitors, preferably even using no coupling
capacitors at all nor using interstage
transformers. I really dislike the sound of DC
servo circuits sometimes seen.
Today I am rather satisfied with this topology:
an ECC83 as long tailed pair receiving the input
and the voltage feedback signal DC coupled to a
SRPP built around an ECC88. The SRPP is
'grounded' through a 100V zener diode string,
carrying 10 ma. The SRPP output I have coupled
through a zener diode string into the gates of 2
MOSFETs ( 2SK1530 ) in parallel, loaded by a
constant current source of 2 identical MOSFETs.
This zener diode string conducts 1 mA DC
created by a resistor from MOSFET gate to
These amplifiers deliver 20 watts in 7 ohm.
The sound quality combines detail, warmth,
sound staging with firm and precise bass.
Especially the 'attack' or liveliness is remarkable.
High-end friends are always very impressed.
However, being always looking for
improvement, I have following questions for
1. what is your opinion on using zener diodes
to carry ac (in stead of capacitors or interstage
2. is there a better substitute for MOSFETS as
follower, e.g. a Darlington, Quad triplet or
compound transistors? I believe in current gain
transistors are essentially more linear than


Volume 3 Number 1 >>

3. do you know any other hybrid topology?

Thank you very much in advance for your time.
best regards.
In spite of the plentiful appearance of zener
diodes in this journal's schematics, I fear the
zener's sometime erratic break voltage and noise.
I have found that bypassing a zener seldom
eliminates all the noise. Consequently, when a
voltage reference is needed, the best plan is to
decouple the zener's output with an RC network.

One trick seldom used is just to use a two

resistor voltage divider. Yes, you will lose signal
voltage, but often we have more signal voltage
than we need. But nothing is going to beat the
purity of the signal leaving the resistor divider.
MOSFETs are not all that their PR and
rumors make them out to be. The high
impedance, voltage driven aspect of their grid is
welcome, but not the heavy capacitance. The
negative conduction with increasing temperature
relationship that prevent thermal runaway is
often true at only excessively high currents.


<< January 2001



Gate-to-source V
Notice that at low currents the positive
relationship between temperature and current

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< < January 2001


Let's add the lack of true complementary P

and N channel devices. Still, are transistors any
better? Once again, better for what? If a solidstate uses global feedback, the transistor wins
easily. Why? Because it has much greater
transconductance, which means more gain,
which means more feedback. On the other hand,
if the amplifier is feedback free, the MOSFET
probably wins, as its static transfer function is
straighter. Still only a little emitter degeneration
across a small valued resistor performs wonders
in straightening out the transistor.
I wish some company would look into
bringing out the Gridister or the Lateral Punch
Through Transistor. Or maybe we can make a
compound device out of existing devices. One
such circuit is shown below.

Volume 3 Number 1 >>

E-Mail from where?

The rule has been to omit last names and email addresses unless the writer had clearly
expressed for their inclusion. This rule will
continue. However, a few readers have asked
that all e-mails include the country of the
sender. I like this idea and hope to see these
inclusions. So please where are you from?

Is it a bird, a plane, a MOSFET, or a triode

The circuit shown above is not efficient, but it

may sound great. By selecting the right resistor
values, we select the rp and Gm of the circuit
Hybrid power amplifiers is a topic that is ripe
for an article or two in this journal. Singleended and push-pull hybrid amplifiers might be
the best compromise when a budget is tight.
Who knows? It might also be the best
compromise period. Let's see what the next
issue brings.


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<< January 2001

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Volume 3 Number 1 >>

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Tube CAD Journal Publishing

GlassWare, creators of Audio Design Software

Our Purpose
The Tube CAD Journal is a monthly online magazine
devoted to tube audio circuit design. Each month we will
present some fresh looks at some old tube circuits and
some altogether fresh tube circuits as well (yes, new tube
circuits are possible). Circuits and more circuits. While
we plan on covering complex tube circuits, like phono
preamps or power amplifiers, our focus will be primarily
on elemental circuits. Elemental circuits are the primary
topologies, or part configurations, arrangements that can
stand on their own as recognizable functional circuits
although they may be part of a larger circuit. A power
amplifier circuit, such as the famous Williamson,
comprises several sub-circuits: the Grounded Cathode
amplifier, the Split-Load phase splitter, the Differential
amplifier and finally a push-pull output stage. Just as we
must understand how a resistor or a capacitor functions in
a simple circuit, we must understand the function and
logic of these elemental circuits before we can
understand more complex compound circuits.

Why a Webzine?
The original intent was to print a conventional
magazine. We knew there was a need. A query on our
Tube CAD registration cards that a magazine devoted to
tube circuit design drew an overwhelmingly loud YES.
Still, we knew the difficulty and impracticality of starting
yet another underground tube audio magazine.
The Web offers the publisher some great advantages
over the traditional approach: worldwide distribution,
free subscriptions, no paper (for those who must own a
paper version, the size of the journal has been left small
enough to be printed on A4 or 8.5" by 11" three-hole
punched paper for compilation in a three-ring binder),
live forums, no Post Office, color, motion, a glossary.
Schematics can now evolve, as the web allows for the
easy display of animated GIFs, which display color and
motion. Schematics can now show more than just part
connections, they can reveal voltage potentials, current
flow directions, and possibly, relative impedances.
Math errors and typos will not live indefinitely on a
paper page; once spotted, the Web page can be corrected
We look forward to your letters, suggestions and


Editorial Staff
Editor: John E. R. Broskie
Copy Editor: Anna Russomano Broskie

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 67271
Scotts Valley, CA 95067-7271

E-Mail Address

Letters to the Editor

The Tube CAD Journal welcomes letters from its
readers. Please share your views, opinions, design
ideas, and critiques with us. Letters should be brief and
accompanied by your name, e-mail address (please
indicate if we can publish your e-mail address), city and
country. All letters become the property of Tube
CAD Journal and will be edited for length and clarity.
Please send letters to the POB or our e-mail address.

Article Submission
A self addressed, stamped envelope must accompany
all mailed editorial submissions. We are not responsible
for unsolicited materials.

Please contact us if you are interested in placing an ad
in the Tube CAD Journal.

While no portion of Tube CAD Journal can be
reproduced for profit without the written permission of
the publisher, we encourage the reader to print a
copy of each Web page for easier reading and personal
archiving. First, click File and then Page Setup
on your browser menu bar and set the left page margin
to inch.

Tube CAD Journal is published monthly by

GlassWare. 2000 All Rights Reserved.

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