Yashwant Kumar N.
IHM Chennai
Tea is nearly 5,000 years old and was discovered, as legend has it, in 2737 B.C. by a
Chinese Emperor when some tea leaves accidentally blew into a pot of boiling water. In
the 1600s, tea became popular throughout Europe and the American colonies. Since
colonial days, tea has played a role in American culture and customs. Today American
schoolchildren learn about the famous Boston Tea Party protesting the British tea tax --
one of the acts leading to the Revolutionary War. During this century, two major
American contributions to the tea industry occurred. In 1904, iced tea was created at the
World's Fair in St. Louis, and in 1908, Thomas Sullivan of New York developed the
concept of tea in a bag. Tea breaks down into three basic types: Black, Green,
and Oolong. In the U.S., over 90 percent of the tea consumed is black tea, which has
been fully oxidized or fermented and yields a hearty-flavored, amber brew. Some of the
popular black teas include English breakfast (good breakfast choice since its hearty flavor
mixes well with milk), Darjeeling (a blend of Himalayan teas with a flowery bouquet
suited for lunch) and Orange Pekoe (a blend of Ceylon teas that is the most widely used
of the tea blends). Green tea skips the oxidizing step. It has a more delicate taste and is
light green/golden in color. Green tea, a staple in the Orient, is gaining popularity in the
U.S. due in, part to recent, scientific studies linking green tea drinking with reduced
cancer risk. Oolong tea, popular in China, is partly oxidized and is a cross between black
and green tea in color and taste. While flavored teas evolve from these three basic teas,
flowers, berries, peels, seeds, leaves, and roots of many different plants.
STORY OF TEA began in ancient China over 5,000 years ago. According to legend,
the Shen Nong, an early emperor was a skilled ruler, creative scientist, and patron of the
arts. His far-sighted edicts required, among other things, that all drinking water be boiled
as a hygienic precaution. One summer day while visiting a distant region of his realm, he
and the court stopped to rest. In accordance with his ruling, the servants began to boil
water for the court to drink. Dried leaves from the near by bush fell into the boiling
water, and a brown liquid was infused into the water. As a scientist, the Emperor was
interested in the new liquid, drank some, and found it very refreshing. Therefore,
according to legend, tea was created. (This myth maintains such a practical narrative, that
many mythologists believe it may relate closely to the actual events, now lost in ancient
Tea consumption spread throughout the Chinese culture reaching into every aspect of the
society. In 800 A.D., Lu Yu wrote the first definitive book on tea, the Ch'a Ching. This
amazing man was orphaned as a child and raised by scholarly Buddhist monks in one of
China's finest monasteries. However, as a young man, he rebelled against the discipline
of priestly training, which had made him a skilled observer. His fame as a performer
increased with each year, but he felt his life lacked meaning. Finally, in mid-life, he
retired for five years into seclusion. Drawing from his vast memory of observed events
and places, he codified the various methods of tea cultivation and preparation in ancient
his own lifetime. Patronized by the Emperor himself, his work clearly showed the Zen
Buddhist philosophy to which he was exposed as a child. It was this form of tea service
The returning Buddhist priest brought the first tea seeds to Japan. Yeisei, who had seen
the value of tea in China in enhancing religious mediation. As a result, he is known as the
"Father of Tea" in Japan. Because of this early association, tea in Japan has always been
associated with Zen Buddhism. Tea received almost instant imperial sponsorship and
spread rapidly from the royal court and monasteries to the other sections of Japanese
While tea was at this high level of development in both Japan and China, information
concerning this then unknown beverage began to filter back to Europe. Earlier caravan
leaders had mentioned it, but were unclear as to its service format or appearance. (One
reference suggests the leaves be boiled, salted, buttered, and eaten!) The first European to
personally encounter tea and write about it was the Portuguese Jesuit Father Jasper de
Cruz in 1560. Portugal, with her technologically advanced navy, had been successful in
gaining the first right of trade with China. It was as a missionary on that first commercial
mission that Father de Cruz had tasted tea four years before. The Portuguese developed a
trade route by which they shipped their tea to Lisbon, and then Dutch ships transported it
affiliated with Portugal. When this alliance was altered in 1602, Holland, with her
excellent navy, entered into full Pacific trade in her own right.) When tea finally arrived
in Europe, Elizabeth I had more years to live, and Rembrandt was only six years old.
Because of the success of the Dutch navy in the Pacific, tea became very fashionable in
the Dutch capital, The Hague. This was due in part to the high cost of the tea (over $100
per pound), which immediately made it the domain of the wealthy. Slowly, as the amount
of tea imported increased, the price fell as the volume of sale expanded. Initially available
to the public in apothecaries along with such rare and new spices as ginger and sugar, by
1675 it was available in common food shops throughout Holland. As the consumption of
tea increased dramatically in Dutch society, doctors and university authorities argued
back and forth as to the negative and/or positive benefits of tea. Known as "Tea
Heretics", the public largely ignored the scholarly debate and continued to enjoy their
new beverage though the controversy lasted from 1635 to roughly 1657. Throughout this
period France and Holland led Europe in the use of tea. As the craze for things oriental
swept Europe, tea became part of the way of life. The social critic Marie de Rabutin-
Chantal, the Marquise de Seven makes the first mention in 1680 of adding milk to tea.
During the same period, Dutch inns provided the first restaurant service of tea. Tavern
owners would furnish guests with a portable tea set complete with a heating unit. The
independent Dutchman would then prepare tea for himself and his friends outside in the
tavern's garden.
By 1650, the Dutch were actively involved in trade throughout the Western world. Peter
Stuyvesant brought the first tea to America to the colonists in the Dutch settlement of
New Amsterdam (later re-named New York by the English). Settlers here were
confirmed tea drinkers. In addition, indeed, on acquiring the colony, the English found
that the small settlement consumed more tea at that time then all of England put together.
Great Britain was the last of the three great sea-faring nations to break into the Chinese
and East Indian trade routes. This was due in part to the unsteady ascension to the throne
of the Stuarts and the Cromwellian Civil War. The first samples of tea reached England
between 1652 and 1654. Tea quickly proved popular enough to replace Ale as the
national drink of England. As in Holland, it was the nobility that provided the necessary
stamp of approval and so insured its acceptance. King Charles II had married, while in
exile, the Portuguese Infanta Catherine de Braganza (1662). Charles himself had grown
up in the Dutch capital. As a result, both he and his Portuguese bride were confirmed tea
drinkers. When the monarchy was re-established, the two rulers brought this foreign tea
tradition to England with them. As early as 1600, Elizabeth I had founded The John
Company for the purpose of promoting Asian trade. When Catherine de Braganza
Suddenly, the John Company had a base of operations. The John Company was granted
the unbelievably wide monopoly of all trade east of the Cape of Good Hope and west of
Cape Horn. Its powers were almost without limit and included among others the right to:
Legally acquire territory and govern it. Coin money. Raise arms and build forts. Form
foreign alliances. Declare war. Conclude peace. Pass laws. Try and punish lawbreakers. It
was the single largest, most powerful monopoly to ever exist in the world. In addition, its
power was based on the importation of tea. At the same time, the newer East India
Company floundered against such competition. Appealing to Parliament for relief, the
decision was made to merge the John Company and the East India Company (1773).
Their re-drafted charts gave the new East India Company a complete and total trade
monopoly on all commerce in China and India. As a result, the price of tea was kept
artificially high, leading to later global difficulties for the British crown. Tea mania swept
across England as it had earlier spread throughout France and Holland. Tea importation
rose from 40,000 pounds in 1699 to an annual average of 240,000 pounds by 1708.
TEA CUISINE: Tea cuisine quickly expanded in range to quickly include wafer thin
crust less sandwiches, shrimp, or fish pates, toasted breads with jams, and regional
British pastries such as scones (Scottish) and crumpets (English).At this time two distinct
"Low Tea” (served in the low part of the afternoon) was served in aristocratic homes of
the wealthy and featured gourmet tidbits rather than solid meals. The emphasis was on
meal of the middle and lower classes and consisted of mostly full dinner items such as
England. Small, locked wooden boxes were placed on the tables throughout the Garden.
Inscribed on each were the letters "T.I.P.S." which stood for the sentence "To Insure
Prompt Service". If a guest wished the waiter to hurry (and so insure the tea arrived hot
from the often-distant kitchen) he dropped a coin into the box on being seated "to insure
The Boston Tea Party: By December 16 events had deteriorated enough that the men of
Boston, dressed as Indians (remember the original justification for taxation had been the
expense of the French and Indian War) threw hundreds of pounds of tea into the harbor.
Such leading citizens as Samuel Adams and John Hancock took part. England had had
enough. In retaliation, the port of Boston was closed and the city occupied by royal
troops. The colonial leaders met and revolution declared. The Trade Continued in the
Orient Though concerned over developments in America, English tea interests still
centered on the product's source-the Orient. There the trading of tea had become a way of
life, developing its own language known as "Pidgin English". Created solely to facilitate
commerce, the language was composed of English, Portuguese, and Indian words all
pronounced in Chinese. Indeed, the word "Pidgin" is a corrupted form of the Chinese
word for “does business”. So dominant was the tea culture within the English speaking
cultures that many of these words came to hold a permanent place in our
official empowered by the emperor to trade tea. "Cash" (from the Portuguese "caixa"
meaning case or money box)-the currency of tea transactions. "Caddy" (from the
Chinese word for one pound weight)-the standard tea trade container."Chow" (from the
The Clipper Days: By the mid-1800 the world was involved in a global clipper race as
nations competed with each other to claim the fastest ships. England and America were
the leading rivals. Each year the tall ships would race from China to the Tea Exchange in
London to bring in the first tea for auction. Though beginning half way around the world,
the mastery of the crews was such that the great ships often raced up the Thames
separated by only by minutes. However, by 1871 the newer steamships began to replace
Global Tea Plantations Develop: The Scottish botanist/adventurer Robert Fortune, who
spoke fluent Chinese, was able to sneak into Mainland China the first year after the
Opium War. He obtained some of the closely guarded tea seeds and made notes on tea
cultivation. With support from the Crown, various experiments in growing tea in India
were attempted. Many of these failed due to bad soil selection and incorrect planting
techniques, ruining many a younger son of a noble family. Through each failure,
however, the technology was perfected. Finally, after years of trial and error, fortunes
made and lost, the English tea plantations in India and other parts of Asia flourished. The
great English tea marketing companies were founded and production mechanized as the
government, strengthened her economy, and expanded her borders and interests. By
1904, the United States was ready for the world to see her development at the St. Louis
World's Fair. Trade exhibitors from around the world brought their products to America's
first World's Fair. One such merchant was Richard Blechynden, a tea plantation owner.
Originally, he had planned to give away free samples of hot tea to fair visitors. However,
when a heat wave hit, no one was interested. To save his investment of time and travel,
he dumped a load of ice into the brewed tea and served the first "iced tea". It was (along
with the Egyptian fan dancer) the hit of the Fair. Four years later, Thomas Sullivan of
New York developed the concept of "bagged tea". As a tea merchant, he carefully
natural marketing opportunity when he realized the restaurants were brewing the samples
"in the bags" to avoid the mess of tealeaves in the kitchens. Tea Rooms, Tea Courts, and
Tea Dances Beginning in the late 1880's in both America and England, fine hotels began
to offer tea service in tearooms and tea courts. Served in the late afternoon, Victorian
ladies (and their gentlemen friends) could meet for tea and conversation. Many of these
tea services became the hallmark of the elegance of the hotel, such as the tea services at
the Ritz (Boston) and the Plaza (New York).By 1910, hotels began to host afternoon tea
dances as dance craze after dance craze swept the United States and England. Often
considered wasteful by older people they provided a place for the new "working girl" to
meet men in a city, far from home and family. (Indeed, the editor of Vogue once fired a
large number of female secretarial workers for "wasting their time at tea dances").
English Breakfast: The prototype of this most popular of all teas was developed over a
hundred years ago by the Scottish Tea Master Drysdale in EdInburgh. It was marketed
simply as "Breakfast Tea". It became popular in England due to the craze Queen Victoria
created for things Scottish (the summer home of Victoria and Albert was the Highland
castle of Balmoral). Teashops in London, however, changed the name and marketed it as
"English Breakfast Tea". It is a blend of fine black teas, often including some Keemun
tea. Many tea authorities suggest that the Keemun tea blended with milk creates a
bouquet that reminds people of "toast hot from the oven" and maybe the original source
for the name. It should be offered with milk or lemon. (One never serves lemon to a guest
if they request milk-the lemon is never used. It would curdle the milk.) It may also be
Irish Breakfast: The Irish have always been great tea drinkers, and they drink their tea
brewed very strong. In fact, there is a common tea saying among the Irish that a "proper
cup of tea" should be "strong enough for a mouse to trot on”. Along the same line, the
Irish believed there were only three types of tea fit to drink. The first and best of quality
was in China with the Chinese, of course. The second best was sent directly to Ireland.
The third and lowest in quality was sent to the English. Irish Breakfast because of its
robust flavor is usually drunk only in the morning (except for the Irish who drink it all
day). Usually it is blended from an Assam tea base. Because of its full taste, it is served
with lots of sugar (loose is considered correct here-sugar cubes are an English matter) and
with coffee. The milk is always served at room temperature, never cold, as it cools the tea
too quickly).Caravan: This excellent tea was created in imperial Russia from the teas
brought overland by camel from Asia. Because the trade route was dangerous and
supplies unsteady, Russian tea merchants blended the varying incoming tea cargoes,
selling a blend rather then a single tea form. It was usually a combination of China and
India black teas. Like the Irish, the Russian favored this tea all day long.
Earl Grey: Earl Grey (1764-1845) was an actual person who, though he was prime
minister of England under William IV, is better remembered for the tea named after him.
Tea legends say a Chinese Mandarin gave the blend to him seeking to influence trade
relations. A smoky tea with a hint of sweetness to it, it is served plain and is the second
most popular tea in the world today. It is generally a blend of black teas and bergamot oil.
Black Teas and Oolong Darjeeling: Refers to tea grown in this mountain area of India.
The mountain altitude and gentle misting rains of the region, produce a unique full
bodied but light flavor with a subtly lingering aroma reminiscent of Muscatel. Reserved
for afternoon use, it is traditionally offered to guests plain. One might take a lemon with
it, if the Darjeeling were of the highest grade, but never milk. (Milk would "bury" the
Oolong: The elegant tea is sometimes known as the "champagne of teas". Originally
grown in the Fukien province of China, it was first imported to England in 1869 by John
Dodd. Today, the highest grade Oolongs (Formosa Oolongs) are grown in Taiwan. A
cross between green and black teas, it is fermented to achieve a delicious fruity taste that
Green Teas: Green tea makes up only ten percent of the world's produced tea. The
Japanese tea service (in which green tea is used), is an art form in and of itself. The
serving of a full Japanese tea service would be beyond the ability of most properties and
as a result, should not be attempted. Green tea is not generally part of the afternoon tea
China TeasKeemun: Is the most famous of China's black teas. Because of its subtle and
complex nature, it is considered the "burgundy of teas". It is a mellow tea that will stand
alone as well as support sugar and/or milk. Because of its "wine-like" quality, lemon
Tea is the agricultural product of the leaves, leaf buds, and internodes of the Camellia
sinensisplant, prepared and cured by various methods. “Tea” also refers to the
aromatic beverage prepared from the cured leaves by combination with hot or boiling
water, and is the common name for the Camellia sinensis plant itself. Although tea
contains various types of polyphenols, “contrary to widespread belief, tea does not
After water, tea is the most widely-consumed beverage in the world. It has a cooling,
There are at least six varieties of tea; white, yellow, green, oolong, black and pu-erh of
which the most commonly found on the market are white, green, oolong and black. All
tea are made from the same species of plant, though different varieties may be used, and
13 HISTORY OF TEA | Yashwant Kumar N.
the leaves are processed differently, and, in the case of fine white tea, grown
leaves, flowers, fruit, herbs or other plant material that contains no Camellia sinensis. The
term “red tea” refers to an infusion made from either black tea (mainly in Chinese,
Korean, Japanese and other East Asian languages) or theSouth African rooibos plant
Camellia sinensis is an evergreen plant that grows mainly in tropical and sub-
tropical climates. Nevertheless, some varieties can also tolerate marine climates and are
In addition to a zone 8 climate or warmer, tea plants require at least 50 inches of rainfall a
year and prefer acidic soils. Traditional Chinese Tea Cultivation and Studies believes that
high-quality tea plants are cultivated at elevations of up to 1,500 metres (4,900 ft): at
these heights, the plants grow more slowly and acquire a better flavour.
Only the top 1-2 inches of the mature plant are picked. These buds and leaves are
called flushes. A plant will grow a new flush every seven to ten days during the growing
A tea plant will grow into a tree if left undisturbed, but cultivated plants are pruned to
Chinese, Formosan and Japanese teas (but not Pu-erh); and the clonal Assam plant (C.
sinensis assamica), used in most Indian and other teas (but not Darjeeling). Within these
botanical varieties, there are many strains and modern Indian clonal varieties. Leaf size is
the chief criterion for the classification of tea plants: tea is classified into (1) Assam type,
characterized by the largest leaves; (2) China type, characterized by the smallest leaves;
sinensis soon begin to wilt and oxidize, if not dried quickly after picking. The leaves turn
progressively darker as their chlorophyll breaks down and tannins are released. This
process, enzymatic oxidation, is called fermentation in the tea industry, although it is not
which deactivates the enzymes responsible. With black tea, this step is executed
Without careful moisture and temperature control during manufacture and packaging, the
tea will grow fungi. The fungus causes real fermentation that will contaminate the tea
with toxic and sometimes carcinogenic substances, as well as off-flavors, rendering the
Tea is traditionally classified based on the techniques with which it is produced and
White tea is a tea made with leaves that are processed in a manner to let them wilt
slightly and lose the "grassy" taste of green tea, while undergoing minimal oxidation.
Like green, oolong andblack tea, white tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant.
White tea is a specialty of the Chinese province Fujian. The leaves come from varieties of
tea cultivars. Popular are Da Bai (Large White), Xiao Bai (Small
White), Narcissus and Chaicha bushes. According to the standards of picking and
selection, white teas can be classified into a number of grades, described in the varieties
Bai Hao Yinzhen : The highest grade of the Bai Hao Yinzhen should be fleshy,
bright colored and covered with tiny white hairs. The shape should be very uniform,
with no stems or leaves. The very best Yinzhen are picked between March 15 and
April 10 when it is not raining and only using undamaged and unopened buds. Fujian
Province, China.
Bai Mu Dan (白牡丹) (White Peony): A grade down from Bai Hao Yinzhen tea,
incorporating the bud and two leaves which should be covered with a fine, silvery-
white down. From Fujian Province, China. (Sometimes spelled Pai Mu Tan.)
Shou Mei (Noble, Long Life Eyebrow): A fruity, furry white tea that is a mix of
tips and upper leaf, it has a stronger flavor than other white teas, similar to Oolong. It
is the fourth grade of white tea and is plucked later than Bai Mu Dan hence the tea
may be darker in color. From Fujian Province and Guangxi Province in China
White Puerh Tea: Harvested in the spring from plantations found high on remote
mountain peaks of Yunnan Province, China. Very labor-intensive, with each step
processed by hand, these luxury whites are wonderfully rich in fragrance, and possess
Ceylon White: Grown in Sri Lanka. Ceylon White tea can fetch much higher
prices than black teafrom the area. The tea has a light liquoring with notes of pine and
Darjeeling White It has a delicate aroma and brews to a pale golden cup with a
Assam White: White tea production in the Assam, north eastern region of India is
rare. Lighter in body than the traditional black teas, a white Assam yields a refined
silver needles (Yin Zhen) type made of assamensis buds; usually higher in caffeine
Health benefits
A 2009 Kingston University study showed that white tea had high anti-inflammatory,
the risks of developing rheumatoid arthritis, some cancers, heart disease & slow the
enzymatic break down of elastin and collagen (ie wrinkles or sagging) which accompany
Generally, around 2 to 2.5 grams of tea per 200 ml (6 ounces) of water, or about 1.5
teaspoons of white tea per cup, should be used. White teas should be prepared with 80°C
(180°F) water (not boiling) and steeped for 2 to 3 minutes. Many tea graders, however,
choose to brew this tea for much longer, as long as 10 minutes on the first infusion, to
allow the delicate aromas to develop. Finer teas expose more flavor and complexity with
no bitterness. Lower grade teas do not always stand this test well and develop bitter
flavors or tannins. On successive brews (white teas produce three very good brews and a
fourth that is passable), extend the time by several minutes per brewing. The third brew
may require as long as 15 minutes to develop well. Temperature is crucial: if it is too hot,
the brew will be bitter and the finer flavors will be overpowered.
usually implies a special tea processed similarly to green tea, but with a slower drying
phase, where the damp tea leaves are allowed to sit and yellow. The tea generally has a
very yellow-green appearance and a smell different from both white tea and green tea.
The smell is sometimes mistaken for black if the tea is cured with other herbs, but
similarities in taste can still be drawn between yellow, green and white teas.
It can, however, also describe high-quality teas served at the Imperial court, although this
Green tea is tea made solely with the leaves of Camellia sinensis that have undergone
minimaloxidation during processing. Green tea originates from China and has become
associated with many cultures in Asia from Japan to the Middle East. Recently, it has
become more widespread in theWest, where black tea is traditionally consumed. Many
varieties of green tea have been created in countries where it is grown. These varieties
can differ substantially due to variable growing conditions, processing and harvesting
Over the last few decades green tea has been subjected to many scientific and medical
studies to determine the extent of its long-purported health benefits, with some evidence
suggesting regular green tea drinkers may have lower chances of heart disease and
developing certain types of cancer. Green tea has also been claimed as useful for "weight
such as PubMed.
Green tea is ubiquitous in Japan and therefore is more commonly known simply as
"tea".It is even referred to as "Japanese tea" though it was first used in China during
the Song Dynasty, and brought to Japan by Myōan Eisai, a Japanese Buddhist priest who
also introduced the Rinzai school of Zen Buddhism. Types of tea are commonly graded
20 HISTORY OF TEA | Yashwant Kumar N.
depending on the quality and the parts of the plant used as well as how they are
processed. There are large variations in both price and quality within these broad
categories, and there are many specialty green teas that fall outside this spectrum. The
best Japanese green tea is said to be that from the Yame region of Fukuoka
Prefecture and the Uji region of Kyoto. Shizuoka Prefecture produces 40% of raw tea
The highest grade Japanese green tea cultivated in special way. Gyokuro's name
refers to the pale green color of the infusion. The leaves are grown in the shade
Kabusecha is made from the leaves grown in the shade prior to harvest, although
not for as long as Gyokuro. It has a more delicate flavor than Sencha. It is
The first and second flush of green tea, which is the most common green tea in
Fukamushi is steamed two times longer than usual Sencha. It gives a deeper color.
Generally, 2 grams of tea per 100ml of water, or about one teaspoon of green tea per 5
ounce cup (150ml), should be used. With very high quality teas like gyokuro, more than
this amount of leaf is used, and the leaf is steeped multiple times for short durations.
Green tea brewing time and temperature varies with individual teas. The hottest brewing
temperatures are 180°F to 190°F (81°C to 87°C) water and the longest steeping times 2 to
3 minutes. The coolest brewing temperatures are 140°F to 160°F (61°C to 69°C) and the
shortest times about 30 seconds. In general, lower quality green teas are steeped hotter
and longer, while higher quality teas are steeped cooler and shorter. Steeping green tea
too hot or too long will result in a bitter, astringent brew, regardless of the initial quality.
It is thought that excessively hot water results in tannin chemical release, which is
especially problematic in green teas as they have higher contents of these. High quality
green teas can be and usually are steeped multiple times; 2 or 3 steepings is typical. The
brewing technique also plays a very important role to avoid the tea developing an
overcooked taste. Preferably, the container in which the tea is steeped or teapot should
also be warmed beforehand so that the tea does not immediately cool down.
Unless specifically decaffeinated, green tea contains caffeine. Normal green tea itself
may contain more caffeine than coffee (by dry weight--for caffeine per serving size, see
below), but the length of infusion with hot water and the number of times the leaves are
reused can greatly alter caffeine intake. Using a given amount of green tea leaves steeped
in 100 mL of water, experiments have shown that after the first 5 minutes of brewing, the
third five minute brew, the caffeine drops to 12 mg and then 4 mg, respectively.
While coffee and tea are both sources of caffeine, the amounts of caffeine in any single
serving of these beverages varies significantly. An average serving of coffee contains the
most caffeine, the same serving size of tea provides 1/2 to 1/3 as much. One of the more
confusing aspects of caffeine content is the fact that coffee contains less caffeine than tea
when measured in its dry form. The caffeine content of a prepared cup of coffee is
than caffeine.
Health effects
particularly catechins, the most abundant of which is epigallocatechin gallate. In vitro and
suggest that green tea can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer as well as
beneficially impact bone density, cognitive function, dental cavities, and kidney stones.
However, the human studies are sometimes mixed and inconsistent. Green tea also
contains carotenoids, tocopherols, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), minerals such as chromium,
antioxidant thanblack tea, although black tea has substances which green tea does not
such as theaflavin.
studies. Animal studies have found that it can reduce cholesterol. However, several small,
brief human trials found that tea consumption did not reduce cholesterol in humans. In
2003 a randomized clinical trial found that a green tea extract with added theaflavin from
between green and black in oxidation. It ranges from 10% to 70% oxidation. It is among
as qīngchá( literally "clear tea"). Oolong has a taste more akin to green tea than to black
tea: it has neither the rosy, sweet aroma of black tea nor the stridently grassy vegetal
notes that typify green tea. It is commonly brewed to be strong, with the bitterness
the Wuyi Mountains of northern Fujian and in the central mountains of Taiwan, are
Oolong tea leaves are processed in two different ways. Some teas are rolled into long
curly leaves, while some are pressed into a ball-like form similar to gunpowder tea. The
The name oolong tea comes into the English language from the Chinese name which is
pronounced as O·-liông tê in the Min Nan spoken variant. The Chinese name means
Tea connoisseurs classify the tea by its aroma (often floral or fruity), taste and aftertaste
(often melony). Oolongs comes in either roasted or light. While most oolongs can be
consumed immediately postproduction, like pu-erh tea, many oolong can benefit from
long aging with regular light roasting with a low charcoal fire. Before roasting, Oolong
tea leaves are rolled and bruised to break open cell walls and stimulate enzymatic
activity. The process of roasting removes unwanted odours from the tea and reduces any
sour or astringent tastes; in addition, the process is believed to make the oolong tea more
The most famous and expensive Oolong teas are made here but the production is still
usually accredited as organic. A lot of Shuǐ Xiān is grown elsewhere in Fujian. Some of
Dà Hóng Páo
Big Red Robe in Chinese, a highly prized tea and a Si Da Ming Cong (四大名樅,
literally: The Four Great Bushes). This tea is also one of the two Oolongs that make it to
Tiě Luóhàn
Bái Jī Guān
White Cockscomb in Chinese, a Si Da Ming Cong tea. A light tea with light, yellowish
Ròu Guì
Shuǐ Xiān
Fújiàn province
Iron Guanyin in Chinese, this is a tea from Anxi in South Fujian. It is very famous, in fact
Guangdong province
Dān Cōng
A family of stripe-style oolong teas from Guangdong Province. The doppelganger of teas,
Dancong teas are noted for their ability to naturally imitate the flavors and fragrances of
various flowers and fruits, such as orange blossom, orchid, grapefruit, almond, ginger
flower, etc.
bush, grove, or clone. This is not correct. Dan cong is a botanical term that refers to the
morphology of the tea plant. Most tea bushes emerge from the ground as a cluster of
branches, however, the uncommon dan cong variety emerges as a single trunk that
Tea cultivation only began in Taiwan in the mid 19th century. Since then, many of the
teas which are grown in Fujian province have also been grown in Taiwan. Since the
1970s the tea industry in Taiwan has grown at a rapid rate, in line with the rest of
Taiwan's economy. Due to high domestic demand and a strong tea culture, the majority
As the weather in Taiwan is highly variable, quality of tea may differ from season to
season. Although the island is not particularly large, it is geographically varied, with
high, steep mountains rising quickly from low-lying coastal plains. The different weather
aroma and flavour of the tea grown in Taiwan. In some mountainous areas, teas have
been cultivated at ever higher elevations to produce a unique sweet taste that fetches a
premium price.
The name means Frozen Summit or Ice Peak. Dong Ding is a mountain in Nantou
County, Central Taiwan. This is a tightly rolled tea with a light, distinctive fragrance.
Dongfang Meiren
tippy (the leaves frequently have white or golden tips), with natural fruity aromas, a
Ali Shan
Grown in the Alishan area of Chiayi County, this tea has large rolled leaves that have a
There is only a short period during the growing season when the sun is strong, which
results in a sweeter and less astringent brew. It produces a golden yellow tea which has a
Grown in the north-central region of Taiwan this tea is very similar in appearance to
Alishan teas but is often considered to be one of the best teas from Taiwan. It is grown at
an elevation of above 1000 metres with Dayuling, Lishan, and Fusou being the best well
Also romanized as Baozhong, the lightest and most floral Oolong, with unrolled leaves of
a light green to brown color. Originally grown in Fujian it is now widely cultivated and
Vietnamese Oolong
Thai Oolong
Nepali Oolong
Black tea is a variety of tea that is more oxidized than the oolong, green,
and whitevarieties. All four varieties are made from leaves of Camellia sinensis. Black
tea is generally stronger in flavor and contains more caffeine than the less oxidized teas.
Two principal varieties of the species are used, the small-leaved Chinese variety plant (C.
sinensis subsp. sinensis), also used for green and white teas, and the large-leaved
Assamese plant (C. sinensis subsp. assamica), which was traditionally only used for black
In Chinese and Chinese influenced languages, black tea is known as "crimson tea", an
accurate description of the colour of the liquid. The term black tea refers to the colour of
the oxidized leaves. In Chinese, "black tea" is a commonly used classification forpost-
fermented teas, such as Pu-erh tea; in the Western world, "red tea" more commonly refers
While green tea usually loses its flavor within a year, black tea retains its flavour for
several years. For this reason, it has long been an article of trade, and compressed bricks
and Siberia into the 19th century. The tea originally imported to Europe was either green
or semi-oxidized. Only in the 19th century did black tea surpass green in
benefits, black tea still accounts for over ninety percent of all tea sold in the West.
The expression "black tea" is also used to describe a cup of tea without milk ("served
from Vietnam, similar to some cheaper Yunnan teas, with a pleasant and sweet aroma but
from Rize Province on the eastern Black Sea coast of Turkey, that is crystal clear and
("koyu" dark) or weak ("açık" light), in small glasses with cubed sugar.
Thai tea
from Thailand
Azerbaijani tea
Georgian tea
Krasnodar tea
Java tea
from Indonesia, has a nutty aroma, very different from both Chinese and Indian teas.
Sumatra tea
Cameron tea
Guatemalan tea
Almost all teas in bags and most other teas sold in the West are blends. Blending may
occur in the tea-planting area (as in the case of Assam), or teas from many areas may be
blended. The aim is to obtain better taste, higher price, or both, as a more expensive,
Some teas are not pure varieties, but have been enhanced through additives or special
processing. Tea is highly receptive to inclusion of various aromas; this may cause
problems in processing, transportation and storage, but also allows for the design of an
Tea contains catechins, a type of antioxidant. In a freshly-picked tea leaf, catechins can
compose up to 30% of the dry weight. Catechins are highest in concentration in white and
green teas, while black tea has substantially fewer due to its oxidative
preparation. Research by the U.S. Department of Agriculture has suggested that levels of
antioxidants in green and black tea do not differ greatly, with green tea having an Oxygen
Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) of 1253 and black tea an ORAC of 1128
(measured in μmolTE/100g). Tea also contains theanine and the stimulant caffeine at
about 3% of its dry weight, translating to between 30 mg and 90 mg per 8 oz (250 ml)
cup depending on type, brand and brewing method. Tea also contains small amounts
of theobromine and theophylline, as well as fluoride, with certain types of brick tea made
than dry tea in preparing the beverage, which means that a cup of brewed tea contains
The Chinese have consumed tea for thousands of years. People of the Han Dynasty used
tea as medicine (though the first use of tea as a stimulant is unknown). China is
considered to have the earliest records of tea consumption, with records dating back to
Laozi (ca. 600-517 BC), the classical Chinese philosopher, described tea as “the froth of
the liquid jade” and named it an indispensable ingredient to the elixir of life. Legend has
it that master Lao was saddened by society's moral decay and, sensing that the end of the
dynasty was near, he journeyed westward to the unsettled territories, never to be seen
again. While passing along the nation's border, he encountered and was offered tea by a
customs inspector named Yin Hsi. Yin Hsi encouraged him to compile his teachings into
a single book so that future generations might benefit from his wisdom. This then became
In 59 BC, Wang Bao wrote the first known book with instructions on buying and
preparing tea.
During the Sui Dynasty (589-618 AD) tea was introduced to Japan by Buddhist monks.
According to Cha Jing tea drinking was widespread. The book describes how tea plants
were grown, the leaves processed, and tea prepared as a beverage. It also describes how
tea was evaluated. The book also discusses where the best tea leaves were produced. Teas
produced in this period were mainly tea bricks which were often used as currency,
especially further from the center of the empire where coins lost their value.
During the Song Dynasty (960-1279), production and preparation of all tea changed. The
tea of Song included many loose-leaf styles (to preserve the delicate character favored by
court society), but a new powdered form of tea emerged. Steaming tea leaves was the
primary process used for centuries in the preparation of tea. After the transition from
compressed tea to the powdered form, the production of tea for trade and distribution
changed once again. The Chinese learned to process tea in a different way in the mid-
13th century. Tea leaves were roasted and then crumbled rather than steamed. This is the
Tea production in China, historically, was a laborious process, conducted in distant and
often poorly accessible regions. This led to the rise of many apocryphal stories and
legends surrounding the harvesting process. For example, one story that has been told for
many years is that of a village where monkeys pick tea. According to this legend, the
villagers stand below the monkeys and taunt them. The monkeys, in turn, become angry,
and grab handfuls of tea leaves and throw them at the villagers. There are products sold
today that claim to be harvested in this manner, but no reliable commentators have
35 HISTORY OF TEA | Yashwant Kumar N.
observed this firsthand, and most doubt that it happened at all. For many hundreds of
years the commercially-used tea tree has been, in shape, more of a bush than a
tree. “Monkey picked tea” is more likely a name of certain varieties than a description of
In 1391, the Ming court issued a decree that only loose tea would be accepted as a
“tribute.” As a result, loose tea production increased and processing techniques advanced.
Soon, most tea was distributed in full-leaf, loose form and steeped in earthenware vessels.
Through out Greece & Cyprus Greek tea, (Greek τσάι or Tsai), is made with (kanelles) or
The cultivation and brewing of tea in India has a long history of applications
in traditional systems of medicine and for consumption. Tea had been known for
millennia in India as a medicinal plant. The consumption of tea in India was first clearly
documented in the ancient epic Ramayana (circa 500 BC). Research shows that tea is also
indigenous to eastern and northern India, and was cultivated and consumed there for
thousands of years. However, commercial production of tea in India did not begin until
the arrival of the British East India Company, at which point large tracts of land were
The Chinese variety is used for Darjeeling tea, and the Assamese variety, native to the
Indian state ofAssam, everywhere else. The British started commercial tea plantations in
India and in Ceylon: “In 1824 tea plants were discovered in the hills along the frontier
India in 1836 and into Ceylon (Sri Lanka) in 1867. At first they used seeds from China,
but later seeds from the Assam plant were used.” Only black tea was produced until
recent decades.
India was the top producer of tea for nearly a century, but was displaced by China as the
top tea producer in the 21st century. Indian tea companies have acquired a number of
iconic foreign tea enterprises including British brands Tetley and Typhoo. While India is
the largest consumer of tea worldwide, the per-capita consumption of tea in India remains
a modest 750 grams per person every year. A lot of huge companies have emerged
including 'Golden Tips Tea Co', and many other major brands that specialise and
emphasize on Darjeeling tea and tourism in Darjeeling, one of the prime beautiful
Top station, 41 km (1 Hour) from Munnar, is aptly named, as it is home to some of the
highest tea plantations in India. It lies on the state border between Kerala and Tamil Nadu
Tea use spread to Japan about the sixth century. Tea became a drink of the religious
classes in Japan when Japanese priests and envoys, sent to China to learn about its
culture, brought tea to Japan. Ancient recordings indicate the first batch of tea seeds were
brought by a priest named Saichō in 805 and then by another namedKūkai in 806. It
emperor, encouraged the growth of tea plants. Seeds were imported from China, and
In 1191, the famous Zen priest Eisai brought back tea seeds to Kyoto. Some of the tea
seeds were given to the priest Myoe Shonin, and became the basis for Uji tea. The oldest
tea specialty book in Japan, Kissa Yōjōki (喫茶養生記?, How to Stay Healthy by
Drinking Tea), was written by Eisai. The two-volume book was written in 1211 after his
second and last visit to China. The first sentence states, “Tea is the ultimate mental and
medical remedy and has the ability to make one’s life more full and complete.” Eisai was
also instrumental in introducing tea consumption to the warrior class, which rose to
Green tea became a staple among cultured people in Japan—a brew for the gentry and
the Buddhist priesthood alike. Production grew and tea became increasingly accessible,
though still a privilege enjoyed mostly by the upper classes. The tea ceremony of
Japan was introduced from China in the 15th century by Buddhists as a semi-religious
social custom. The modern tea ceremony developed over several centuries by Zen
Buddhist monks under the original guidance of the monk Sen no Rikyū(1522-1591). In
fact, both the beverage and the ceremony surrounding it played a prominent role in feudal
In 1738, Soen Nagatani developed Japanese sencha, literally roasted tea, which is an
unfermented form of green tea. It is the most popular form of tea in Japan today. In 1835,
Kahei Yamamoto developed gyokuro, literally jewel dew, by shading tea trees during the
manufacturing of green tea was introduced and began replacing handmade tea.
The first historical record documenting the offering of tea to an ancestral god describes a
rite in the year 661 in which a tea offering was made to the spirit of King Suro, the
founder of the Geumgwan Gaya Kingdom (42-562). Records from the Goryeo Dynasty
(918-1392) show that tea offerings were made in Buddhist temples to the spirits of
revered monks.
During the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910), the royal Yi family and the aristocracy used tea
for simple rites. The “Day Tea Rite” was a common daytime ceremony, whereas the
“Special Tea Rite” was reserved for specific occasions. Toward the end of the Joseon
Dynasty, commoners joined the trend and used tea for ancestral rites, following the
Stoneware was common, ceramic more frequent, mostly made in provincial kilns, with
porcelain rare, imperial porcelain with dragons the rarest. The earliest kinds of tea used in
tea ceremonies were heavily pressed cakes of black tea, the equivalent of aged pu-erh
tea still popular in China. However, importation of tea plants by Buddhist monks brought
a more delicate series of teas into Korea, and the tea ceremony. Green tea, “chaksol” or
tea,persimmon leaf tea, or mugwort tea may be served at different times of the year.
Taiwan is famous for the making of Oolong tea and green tea, as well as many western-
styled teas.Bubble Tea or “Zhen Zhu Nai Cha” is black tea mixed with sweetened
condensed milk and tapioca. Since the island was known to Westerners for many
centuries as Formosa — short for the Portuguese Ilha Formosa, or “beautiful island” —
Thai tea or “cha-yen” (Thai: ชาเย็น) in Thailand, is a drink made from strongly-brewed
black tea (“red tea” in East Asia). Other ingredients may include added orange blossom
water, star anise, crushedtamarind seed or red and yellow food coloring, and sometimes
other spices as well. This tea is sweetened with sugar and condensed milk.
Usually, Thai people drink Thai hot tea in the morning, frequently with Yau ja
- *Thai hot tea (Thai: ชาร้อน, cha-ron) Thai tea served hot.
- *Dark Thai hot tea (Thai: ชาดำาร้อน, cha-dam-ron) Thai tea served hot with no milk
Turkey is traditionally one of the largest tea markets in the world. Turkish black tea is the
most popular drink in Turkey, even more popular than Turkish coffee.
Vietnamese green teas have been largely unknown outside of mainland Asia until the
present day. Recent free-enterprise initiatives are introducing these green teas to outside
countries through new export activities. Some specialty Vietnamese teas include Lotus
tea and Jasmine tea. Vietnam also produces black and oolong teas in lesser quantities.
Vietnamese teas are produced in many areas that have been known for tea-house
“retreats.” For example some are, located amidst immense tea forests of the Lamdong
highlands, where there is a community of ancient Ruong houses built at the end of the
18th century.
The earliest record of tea in a more occidental writing is said to be found in the statement
of an Arabian traveler, that after the year 879 the main sources of revenue inCanton were
the duties on salt and tea. Marco Polorecords the deposition of a Chinese minister of
finance in 1285 for his arbitrary augmentation of the tea taxes. The travelers Giovanni
Batista Ramusio (1559), L. Almeida (1576), Maffei (1588), and Teixeira (1610) also
mentioned tea. In 1557, Portugal established a trading port in Macauand word of the
Chinese drink “chá” spread quickly, but there is no mention of them bringing any
samples home. In the early 17th century, a ship of the Dutch East India Company brought
the first green tea leaves to Amsterdamfrom China. Tea was known in France by 1636. It
enjoyed a brief period of popularity in Paris around 1648. The history of tea in Russia can
also be traced back to the seventeenth century. Tea was first offered by China as a gift to
Czar Michael I in 1618. The Russian ambassador tried the drink; he did not care for it and
rejected the offer, delaying tea's Russian introduction by fifty years. In 1689, tea was
41 HISTORY OF TEA | Yashwant Kumar N.
regularly imported from China to Russia via a caravan of hundreds of camels traveling
the year-long journey, making it a precious commodity at the time. Tea was appearing
in German apothecaries by 1657 but never gained much esteem except in coastal areas
such as Ostfriesland. Tea first appeared publicly in England during the 1650s, where it
was introduced through coffee houses. From there it was introduced to British colonies in
The importing of tea into Britain began in the 1660s with the marriage of King Charles
II to thePortuguese princess Catherine of Braganza, who brought to the court the habit of
drinking tea. On 25 September 1660 Samuel Pepys recorded in his diary: “I did send for a
cup of tee (a China drink) of which I never had drank before.” It is probable that early
Regular trade began in Guangzhou (Canton). Trade was controlled by two monopolies:
the Chinese Hongs (trading companies) and the British East India Company. The Hongs
acquired tea from 'the tea men' who had an elaborate supply chain into the mountains and
The East India Company brought back many products, of which tea was just one, but it
was to prove one of the most successful. It was initially promoted as a medicinal
beverage or tonic. By the end of the seventeenth century tea was taken as a drink, albeit
mainly by the aristocracy. In 1690 nobody would have predicted that by 1750 tea would
be the national drink. The origin of large trade in tea was the need for a return cargo from
the East Indies. Merchantmen ships delivered fabrics manufactured in Britain to India
among the common people in Britain and develop it as a viable return cargo.
The escalation of tea importation and sales over the period 1690 to 1750 is mirrored
closely by the increase in importation and sales of cane sugar: the British were not
drinking just tea but sweet tea. Thus, two of Britain's trading triangles were to meet
within the cup: the sugar sourced from Britain's trading triangle encompassing Britain,
Africa and the West Indies and the tea from the triangle encompassing Britain, India and
Britain had to pay China for its tea, but China had little need of British goods, so much of
it was paid for with silver bullion. Although the Chinese did not need the silver, China's
government eventually accepted the silver as the payments for the first few good Chinese
tea shipments.Critics of the tea trade at this time would point to the damage caused to
China, British importation of opium in large amounts began in 1781 and between 1821
and 1837 import increased fivefold. The Qing government largely ignored the problem
With demand for the drug among the Chinese rising, the British forced China to trade tea
for opium as part of several treaties after the Opium Wars. In another attempt to
circumvent its dependence on Chinese tea, the East India Company sent Scottish
botanist Robert Fortune to China to steal and smuggle out of China tea plants, which
Tea became a very important item in Britain's global trade, contributing to Britain's
global dominance by the end of the eighteenth century. To this day tea is seen worldwide
The London 2012 section of the paralympic handover in Beijing included tea as part of
the routine. A cup or mug of tea in Britain is usually made in a different way than is
common in China and other Eastern countries. Over 90% of tea consumed is black tea,
often but not always with a small amount of milk and / or sugar added. Today the British
mug of tea is often made by placing one tea bag in the mug and pouring boiling water on
it till seven eighths of the mug is full. The mixture is then stirred to help the tea dissolve
out of the tea bag into the hot water and often the tea bag is then squeezed against the
inside of the mug with the spoon to dissolve still more tea before the tea bag is thrown
away. The tea bag is not soaked in the tea for more than a minute otherwise the tea will
be much too strong for most people's tastes. A little milk may well then be added and
perhaps sugar according to the drinker's taste with another final stir of the mixture. A cup
of tea may be made in the same way or just as likely will be poured out of a traditional
tea pot where tea bags and hot water have already been mixed. The drinker then adding
milk and sugar, if required, and stirring the ingredients together before gently,
occasionally, sipping the hot beverage, often while talking, reading, working, watching
TV, gazing out the window or simply day dreaming. On semi-formal occasions tea is
almost always drunk from cups, and perhaps from the best china cups on really formal
at home. Tea and coffee are the most popular hot beverages in the United Kingdom.
As of 2009 the UK can boast two commercial tea plantations, one in Cornwall owned by
the Tregothnan Estate and a slightly more northern one in Pembrokeshire, Wales, owned
While coffee is by far more popular, hot brewed black tea is enjoyed both with meals and
In the Southern states sweet tea, sweetened with large amounts of sugar or an artificial
sweetener and chilled, is the fashion. Outside the South, sweet tea is sometimes found,
The American specialty tea market has quadrupled in the years from 1993–2008, now
being worth $6.8 billion a year. Similar to the trend of better coffee and better wines, this
tremendous increase was partly due to consumers who choose to trade up. Specialty tea
Tea consumption decreased in America sharply after the American Revolution, as “The
Americans love it very much, but they had resolved to drink it no longer, as the famous
duty on the tea had occasioned the war. The Boston Tea Party was an act of protest by
American colonists against the British Government in which they destroyed many crates
of tea from the British East India Company ships in Boston Harbor. The incident, which
Sri Lanka is renowned for its high quality tea and as the fourth biggest tea producing
country globally, after China, India and Kenya (see the chart below) and has a production
share of 9% in the international sphere. The total extent of land under tea cultivation has
The plantations started by the British were initially taken over by the government in the
1960s, but have been privatized and are now run by 'plantation companies' which own a
Ceylon tea is divided into 3 groups as Upcountry, Mid country and Low country tea
Africa and South America have seen greatly increased tea production in recent decades,
the great majority for export to Europe and North America respectively, produced on
large estates, often owned by tea companies from the export markets. Almost all
Curl method. Kenya is now the third largest global producer (figures below), after China
and India, and is now the largest exporter of tea to the United Kingdom. There is also a
sinensis beverage rooibos is popular. In South America, yerba mate, a tisane, is popular.
The health benefits of tea is a controversial topic with many proponents and detractors.
An article from the Nutrition (1999, pp. 946–949) journal as related on PubMed states:
The possible beneficial effects of tea consumption in the prevention of cancer and
studies in vitro. Similar beneficial effects, however, have not been convincingly
demonstrated in humans: beneficial effects have been demonstrated in some studies but
not in others. If such beneficial effects do exist in humans, they are likely to be mild,
factors in certain populations. Another concern is that the amounts of tea consumed by
humans are lower than the doses required for demonstrating the disease-prevention
effects in animal models. Caution should be applied, however, in the use of high
concentrations of tea for disease prevention. Ingestion of large amounts of tea may cause
nutritional and other problems because of the caffeine content and the strong binding
activities of tea polyphenols, although there are no solid data on the harmful effects of tea
consumption. More research is needed to elucidate the biologic activities of green and
black tea and to determine the optimal amount of tea consumption for possible health-
beneficial effects.
much higher than regularly consumed by humans, at which dosage levels may prove to
be harmful to health.
Several of the potential health benefits proposed for tea are outlined in this excerpt
Tea leaves contain more than 700 chemicals, among which the compounds closely
related to human health are flavanoides, amino acids, vitamins (C, E and K), caffeine
and polysaccharides. Moreover, tea drinking has recently proven to be associated with
cell-mediated immune function of the human body. Tea plays an important role in
intestinal disorders and in protecting cell membranes from oxidative damage. Tea also
prevents dental caries due to the presence of fluorine. The role of tea is well established
possesses germicidal and germistatic activities against various gram-positive and gram
negativehuman pathogenic bacteria. Both green and black tea infusions contain a number
tumoric properties.
In a large study of over 11,000 Scottish men and women completed in 1993 and
published in the 1999 Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (1999, pp. 481-
487), there was an increase in the risk of coronary disease with the regular consumption
of tea, although it disappeared after adjustment for confounding factors (age and
occupational status).
under the skins of mice showed some cancerous growths. However, it has not been
possible to prove that tea affects humans in similar ways through consumption.
Tea culture
In many cultures, tea is often had at high class social events, such as afternoon tea and
the tea party. It may be consumed early in the day to heighten alertness; it
contains theophylline and bound caffeine (sometimes called “theine”), although there are
also decaffeinated teas. In many cultures such as Arab culture tea is a focal point for
social gatherings. Moreover, the history of tea in Iran - in the Persian culture- is another
to explore. One source cites: “the first thing you will be offered when a guest at an
There are tea ceremonies which have arisen in different cultures, Japan's complex, formal
and serene one being one of the most well known. Other examples are the Chinese tea
ceremony which uses some traditional ways of brewing tea. One form of Chinese tea
ceremony is theGongfu tea ceremony, which typically uses small Yixing clay
The American poet Wallace Stevens, a tea-fancier, is credited by Eleanor Cook with a
“delicately implicit trope of drinking tea as a metaphor for reading (ingesting a drink
The traditional method of making a cup of tea is to place loose tea leaves, either directly,
or in a tea infuser, into a tea pot or teacup and pour hot water over the leaves. After a
49 HISTORY OF TEA | Yashwant Kumar N.
couple of minutes the leaves are usually removed again, either by removing the infuser,
Most green teas should be allowed to steep for about three minutes, although some types
of tea require as much as ten. The strength of the tea should be varied by changing the
amount of tea leaves used, not by changing the steeping time. The amount of tea to be
used per amount of water differs from tea to tea but one basic recipe may be one slightly
heaped teaspoon of tea (about 5 ml) for each teacup of water (200 ml) (8 oz) prepared as
above. Stronger teas, such as Assam, to be drunk with milk are often prepared with more
leaves, and more delicate high grown teas such as a Darjeeling are prepared with a little
less (as the stronger mid-flavors can overwhelm the champagne notes).
The best temperature for brewing tea depends on its type. Teas that have little or no
oxidation period, such as a green or white tea, are best brewed at lower temperatures,
between 65 and 85 °C (149 and 185 °F), while teas with longer oxidation periods should
be brewed at higher temperatures around 100 °C (212 °F). The higher temperatures are
required to extract the large, complex, flavorful phenolic molecules found in fermented
tea, although boiling the water reduces the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water.
Some tea sorts are often brewed several times using the same tea leaves. Historically,
in China, tea is divided into a number of infusions. The first infusion is immediately
poured out to wash the tea, and then the second and further infusions are drunk. The third
through fifth are nearly always considered the best infusions of tea, although different
teas open up differently and may require more infusions of hot water to bring them to
50 HISTORY OF TEA | Yashwant Kumar N.
One way to taste a tea, throughout its entire process, is to add hot water to a cup
containing the leaves and after about 30 seconds to taste the tea. As the tea leaves unfold
(known as “The Agony of the Leaves”) they give up various parts of themselves to the
water and thus the taste evolves. Continuing this from the very first flavours to the time
beyond which the tea is quite stewed will allow an appreciation of the tea throughout its
entire length.
The water for black teas should be added near boiling point 99 °C (210 °F). Many of the
active substances in black tea do not develop at temperatures lower than 90°C (195°F).
For some more delicate teas lower temperatures are recommended. The temperature will
have as large an effect on the final flavor as the type of tea used. The most common fault
when making black tea is to use water at too low a temperature. Since boiling point drops
with increasing altitude, this makes it difficult to brew black tea properly in mountainous
areas. It is also recommended that the teapot be warmed before preparing tea, easily done
by adding a small amount of boiling water to the pot, swirling briefly, before discarding.
Black teas are usually brewed for about 4 minutes and should not be allowed to steep for
less than 30 seconds or more than about five minutes (a process known
asbrewing or mashing in Britain). It is commonly said that a steeping time above five
minutes makes the tea bitter (at this point it is referred to as being stewed in Britain), but
in reality the precise time depends on a number of factors, such as the type of tea and the
water quality, and bitterness can occur as early as three minutes, or not at all even after
prolonged steeping. When the tea has brewed long enough to suit the tastes of the
includeAssam tea, Nepal tea, Darjeeling tea, Nilgiri tea and Ceylon tea.
Water for green tea, according to most accounts, should be around 80 to 85 °C (176 to
185 °F); the higher the quality of the leaves, the lower the temperature. Hotter water will
burn green-tea leaves, producing a bitter taste. Preferably, the container in which the tea
is steeped, the mug, or teapot should also be warmed beforehand so that the tea does not
immediately cool down. High-quality green and white teas can have new water added as
Oolong teas should be brewed around 90 to 100 °C (194 to 212 °F), and again the
clay teapots are the traditional brewing vessel for oolong tea. For best results use spring
water, as the minerals in spring water tend to bring out more flavor in the tea. High
quality oolong can be brewed multiple times from the same leaves, and unlike green tea it
improves with reuse. It is common to brew the same leaves three to five times, the third
Some teas, especially green teas and delicate Oolong teas, are steeped for shorter periods,
sometimes less than 30 seconds. Using a tea strainer separates the leaves from the water
at the end of the brewing time if a tea bag is not being used. However, black Darjeeling
tea, the premium Indian tea, needs a longer than average steeping time. Elevation and
Pu-erh teas require boiling water for infusion. Some prefer to quickly rinse pu-erh for
several seconds with boiling water to remove tea dust which accumulates from the aging
process. Infuse pu-erh at the boiling point (100 °C or 212 °F), and allow to steep for 30
In order to preserve the pre-tannin tea without requiring it all to be poured into cups, a
second teapot may be used. The steeping pot is best unglazed earthenware; Yixing pots
are the best known of these, famed for the high quality clay from which they are made.
The serving pot is generally porcelain, which retains the heat better. Larger teapots are a
post-19th century invention, as tea before this time was very rare and very expensive.
Experienced tea-drinkers often insist that the tea should not be stirred around while it is
steeping (sometimes called winding in the UK). This, they say, will do little to strengthen
the tea, but is likely to bring the tannins out in the same way that brewing too long will
do. For the same reason one should not squeeze the last drops out of a teabag; if stronger
The addition of milk to tea in Europe was first mentioned in 1680 by the
epistolist Madame de Sévigné. Many teas are traditionally drunk with milk in cultures
where dairy products are consumed. These include Indian masala chai, and British tea
through the milk, such as Assams, or the East Friesian blend. Milk is thought to
neutralize remaining tannins and reduce acidity. The Chinese (Hans) do not usually drink
milk with tea (or indeed use milk at all) but the Manchurians do, and the elite of the Qing
Dynastyof the Chinese Empire continued to do so in the pass. Hong Kong-style milk
tea is based on British colonial habits. Tibetans and other Himalayan peoples traditionally
The order of steps in preparing a cup of tea is a much-debated topic. Some say that it is
preferable to add the milk before the tea, as the high temperature of freshly brewed tea
can denature the proteins found in fresh milk, similar to the change in taste of UHT milk,
resulting in an inferior tasting beverage. Others insist that it is better to add the milk after
brewing the tea, as most teas need to be brewed as close to boiling as possible. The
addition of milk chills the beverage during the crucial brewing phase, if brewing in a cup
rather than using a pot, meaning that the delicate flavor of a good tea cannot be fully
appreciated. By adding the milk afterwards, it is easier to dissolve sugar in the tea and
also to ensure that the desired amount of milk is added, as the color of the tea can be
Other additives
Many flavourings are added to varieties of tea during processing. Among the best known
are ChineseJasmine tea, with jasmine oil or flowers, the spices in Indian Masala
chai and Earl Grey tea, which contains oil of bergamot. A great range of modern flavours
have been added to these traditional ones.In eastern India people also drink lemon tea or
lemon masala tea. Lemon tea simply contains hot tea with lemon juice and sugar. Masala
Other popular additives to tea by the tea-brewer or drinker include sugar, liquid honey or
a solidHoney Drop, lemon (traditional in Russia and Italy), fruit jams, and mint. In China
sweetening tea was traditionally regarded as a feminine practice. In colder regions such
butter tea contains rock salt and dre (yak) butter, which is then churned vigorously in a
cylindrical vessel closely resembling a butter churn. The same may be said for salt tea,
The flavor of the tea can also be altered by pouring it from different heights, resulting in
people in Northern Africa (e.g. Morocco and Libya), but also in West Africa
(e.g. Guinea, Mali, Senegal) and can positively alter the flavor of the tea, but it is more
cultures the tea is given different names depending on the height it is poured from.
In Mali, gunpowder tea is served in series of three, starting with the highest oxidization
or strongest, unsweetened tea (cooked from fresh leaves), locally referred to as “bitter as
death.” Follows a second serving, where the same tea leaves are boiled again with some
sugar added (“pleasant as life”), and a third one, where the same tea leaves are boiled for
the third time with yet more sugar added (“sweet as love”). Green tea is the central
ingredient of a distinctly Malian custom, the “Grin,” informal social gathering that cuts
across social and economic lines, starting in front of family compound gates in the
urban areas.
In Southeast Asia, particularly in Malaysia, the practice of pouring tea from a height has
been refined further using black tea to which condensed milk is added, poured from a
height from one cup to another several times in alternating fashion and in quick
succession, to create a tea with entrapped air bubbles creating a frothy “head” in the cup.
This beverage, teh tarik, literally, “pulled tea,” has a creamier taste than flat milk tea and
is extremely popular in the region. Tea pouring in Malaysia has been further developed
into an art form in which a dance is done by people pouring tea from one container to
another, which in any case takes skill and precision. The participants, each holding two
containers, one full of tea, pour it from one to another. They stand in lines and squares
and pour the tea into each others' pots. The dance must be choreographed to allow anyone
who has both pots full to empty them and refill whoever has no tea at any one point.
Economics of tea
Tea is the most popular drink in the world in terms of consumption. Its consumption
equals all other manufactured drinks in the world — including coffee, chocolate, soft
drinks, and alcohol — put together. Most tea consumed outside East Asia is produced on
large plantations in India or Sri Lanka, and is destined to be sold to large businesses.
Opposite this large-scale industrial production there are many small “gardens,”
gourmets. These teas are both rare and expensive, and can be compared to some of the
remains a modest 750 grams per person every year. Turkey, with 2.5 kg of tea consumed
per person per year, is the world's greatest per capita consumer.
In 2003, world tea production was 3.21 million tonnes annually. In 2008, world tea
production reached over 4.73 million tonnes. The largest producers of tea are The
According to the FAO, in 2007 the largest importer of tea, by weight, was the Russian
Federation, followed by the United Kingdom, Pakistan, and the United States. Kenya and
China were the largest exporters of tea in 2007. The largest exporter of black tea is
Tea bags
In 1907, American tea merchant Thomas Sullivan began distributing samples of his tea in
small bags of Chinese silkwith a drawstring. Consumers noticed that they could simply
leave the tea in the bag and re-use it with fresh tea. However, the potential of this
distribution/packaging method would not be fully realized until later on. During World
War II, tea was rationed. In 1953 (after rationing in the UK ended), Tetley launched
bag. The use of tea bags is easy and convenient, making tea bags popular for many
people today. However, the tea used in tea bags has an industry name—it is
called fannings or “dust” and is the waste product produced from the sorting of higher
quality loose leaf tea, although this certainly is not true for all brands of tea, especially in
the case of many specialty, high quality teas now available in bag form. It is commonly
held among tea aficionados that this method provides an inferior taste and experience.
The paper used for the bag can also be tasted by many, which can detract from the tea's
flavor. Because fannings and dust are a lower quality of the tea to begin with, the tea
found in tea bags is less finicky when it comes to brewing time and temperature.
Dried tea loses its flavor quickly on exposure to air. Most bag teas (although not
all) contain leaves broken into small pieces; the greatsurface area to volume ratio of
the leaves in tea bags exposes them to more air, and therefore causes them to go stale
faster. Loose tea leaves are likely to be in larger pieces, or to be entirely intact.
The small size of the bag does not allow leaves to diffuse and steep properly.
Some tea bags are made using a wet paper strength-reinforcing coating
The “pyramid tea bag,” introduced by Lipton and PG Tips in 1996, has a unique design
that addresses one of connoisseurs' arguments against paper tea bags, because its three-
However, some types of pyramid tea bags have been criticized as being environmentally
unfriendly, since their synthetic material does not break down in landfills as loose tea
Loose tea
The tea leaves are packaged loosely in a canister or other container. Rolled gunpowder
tea leaves, which resist crumbling, are commonly vacuum packed for freshness
in aluminized packaging for storage and retail. The portions must be individually
measured by the consumer for use in a cup, mug, or teapot. This allows greater
flexibility, letting the consumer brew weaker or stronger tea as desired, but convenience
is sacrificed. Strainers, “tea presses,” filtered teapots, and infusion bags are available
commercially to avoid having to drink the floating loose leaves and to prevent over-
brewing. A more traditional, yet perhaps more effective way around this problem is to
use a three-piece lidded teacup, called a gaiwan. The lid of the gaiwan can be tilted to
decant the leaves while pouring the tea into a different cup for consumption.
Compressed tea
Some teas (particularly Pu-erh tea) are still compressed for transport, storage, and aging
convenience. The tea brick remains in use in the Himalayan countries. The tea is prepared
and steeped by first loosening leaves off the compressed cake using a small
knife. Compressed teascan usually be stored for longer periods of time without spoilage
In recent times, “instant teas” are becoming popular, similar to freeze dried instant coffee.
Instant tea was developed in the 1930s, but not commercialized until the late 1950s, and
is only more recently becoming popular. These products often come with added flavors,
such asvanilla, honey or fruit, and may also contain powdered milk. Similar products also
exist for instant iced tea, due to the convenience of not requiring boiling water.
Tea connoisseurs tend to criticize these products for sacrificing the delicacies of tea
Canned tea
Canned tea was first launched in 1981 in Japan. As such, it is a fairly recent innovation,
Tea has a shelf life that varies with storage conditions and type of tea. Black tea has a
longer shelf life than green tea. Some teas such as flower teas may go bad in a month or
so. An exception, Pu-erh tea improves with age. Tea stays freshest when stored in a dry,
cool, dark place in an air-tight container. Black tea stored in a bag inside a sealed opaque
canister may keep for two years. Green tea loses its freshness more quickly, usually in
less than a year. Gunpowder tea, its leaves being tightly rolled, keeps longer than the
more open-leafed Chun Mee tea. Storage life for all teas can be extended by
BOH Plantations
Barry's Tea
Benoist (tea)
Brooke Bond
Celestial Seasonings
Gold Tea
Honest Tea
Kusmi Tea
Lancashire Tea
L cont.
Mariage Frères
Matthew Algie
Ñandú (mate)
PG Tips
Persian nectar
Pickwick tea
Salada tea
Scottish Blend
Tanganda Tea
T cont.
Tavalon Tea
Tea Forté
Teh botol
Turkey Hill
Wissotzky Tea
Yogi Tea
Yorkshire Tea
The health effects of tea have been examined ever since the first infusions of Camellia
sinensis about 4700 years ago in China. The legendary emperor Shennong claimed in The
Divine Farmer's Herb-Root Classic that Camellia sinensis infusions were useful for
possible beneficial health effects of tea consumption have been suggested and supported
by some studies, but others have found no beneficial effects. The studies contrast other
claims, including antinutritional effects such as preventing absorption of iron and protein,
usually attributed to tannin. The vast majority of studies have been of green tea; however,
some studies have been made of the other types of tea derived from Camellia sinensis,
such as white, oolong, and black tea. Green tea has been claimed to be helpful
for atherosclerosis, LDL cholesterol, cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, liver
Potential benefits
Anti-cancer properties
An article in New Scientist magazine mentions that numerous studies suggest that green
tea protects against a range of cancers, including lung, prostate and breast cancer. The
Tachibana's team at Kyushu University. Their research showed that growth of human
lung cancer cells with a cell receptor called 67 LR is slowed significantly after drinking
just two or three cups of green tea, which contains EGCG. The research also showed that
Jakob (related to mad cow disease in animals). This is not direct evidence of tea's effect
on prion diseases, but a hint that EGCG's effect on 67 LR is an interesting lead in the
Santana-Rios et al.
Another study from the Life Science journal Carcinogenesis demonstrated that green tea,
vitro human breast cancer tumors and in vivo animal experiments in mice. A study
at Taiwan's Chung Shan Medical University found that people who drank at least one cup
of green tea per day were five times less likely to develop lung cancer than those who did
The anticarcinogenic effect of green tea on gastric cancer was refuted by a large-scale,
population-based, prospective cohort study in Japan that involved more than 26,000
residents. Several case control studies suggest an inverse relation between green tea
consumption and gastric cancer. Further evaluation is needed to assess the role of green
Topical applications of green tea extracts (EGCG) have protective effects on UVA-
In a July 2005 review of claims made about the health benefits of green tea, the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration concluded that it was highly unlikely that green tea
reduces the risk of breast and prostate cancer. The FDA believes that the evidence does
not support qualified health claims for green tea consumption and a reduced risk of
Birmingham indicate that green tea raises metabolic rates, speeds up fat oxidation and
improves insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. In addition to caffeine, green tea
contains catechin polyphenols that raise thermogenesis (the production of heat by the
There is also a suggestion that it can increase endurance in exercise by improving fat
There is also epidemiological evidence that drinking green tea and black tea may help
prevent diabetes, although it is worth noting that this is evidence of an association, and
The amino acid L-theanine, found almost exclusively in the tea plant, actively alters the
September 2007. It has been proposed that theanine is absorbed by the small intestine and
crosses the blood-brain barrier, where it affects the brain's neurotransmitters and
increases alpha brain-wave activity. The result is a calmer, yet more alert, state of mind.
On 21 April 2003 the Brigham and Women's Hospital released details of a research
project which indicated that theanine may help the body's immune system response when
fighting infection, by boosting the disease-fighting capacity of gamma delta T cells. The
consumed 600ml of coffee or black tea daily. Blood sample analysis found that the
A 2006 study showed that elderly Japanese people who consumed more than 2 cups of
green tea a day had a 50 percent lower chance of having cognitive impairment, in
comparison to those who drank fewer than 2 cups a day, or who consumed other tested
beverages. This is probably due to the effect of EGCG, which passes through the blood-
brain barrier.
According to a study by researchers at University College London, drinking black tea can
lead to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol after a stressful event. Fifty minutes
after being subjected to challenging tasks, subjects who had been drinking 4 cups of
black tea daily for 6 weeks, had a 20% greater drop in cortisol than the placebo group.
Blood platelet activation, which is linked to blood clotting and the risk of heart attacks
Effects on HIV
A recent study appearing in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology was the
subject of an article on BBC News. It stated that epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) found
in green tea can lead to the inhibition of HIV virus binding and may be used as a
complementary therapy for HIV patients, but qualified it by noting that "It is not a cure,
combination with conventional medicines to improve quality of life for those infected." It
was an in vitro (test tube) study, not an in vivostudy, which only tested effects of a
chemical in green tea. "Many substances shown to prevent HIV infection in the test tube
turn out to have little or no effect in real life, so I think there's a long way to go before
The polyphenols in green tea have been shown to reduce intestinal inflammation in
mouse models of IBD. This effect seems to be related to tea’s ability to interrupt the
Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago stated that polyphenols help inhibit
Researchers in Germany have found that a daily cup of black tea can help stop excess
iron damaging the bodies of people who suffer from hemochromatosis due to its high
content of flavonoids (commonly mistaken for tannins), which limit iron absorption.
A cup of green tea contains between 15 and 50 mg of caffeine. Certain cognitive benefits
of Parkinson's disease and a temporary increase in short term memory. Further, caffeine
consumption has been linked with greater athletic performance, healthy weight loss,
of asthma.
University of Louisville researchers report that green tea polyphenols may stave off the
cognitive deficits that occur with obstructive sleep apnea, in the second issue for May,
2008 of the American Thoracic Society’s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical
Care Medicine. Researchers examined the effects of green tea polyphenols administered
through drinking water, on rats that were intermittently deprived of oxygen during 12-
hour “night” cycles, mimicking the intermittent hypoxia that humans with OSA
A study at Pace University reported in American Society For Microbiology (May 2008)
as Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, pneumonia and dental caries. White tea was also found
chrysogenum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Researchers also reported that white tea
Anti-venom effects
Antivenin activity of melanin extracted from black tea (MEBT) was reported for the first
time in 2004. Low toxicity of MEBT in combination with its antagonistic activity against
different venoms may allow effective life-saving treatment against snakebites. Such
Research presented at the International Stroke Conference in February 2009 found that
drinking three or more cups of tea per day can reduce the risk of suffering a stroke by as
Angeles (UCLA), found that drinking green and black varieties of teas has a significant
Cardiovascular health
the Unilever-owned Lipton Institute of Tea suggests that drinking just one cup of regular,
black tea per day may help to protect against cardiovascular disease.The research showed
that black tea consumption does - depending on dose - improve blood vessel reactivity,
reduce both blood pressure and arterial stiffness, indicating a notably better
Anogenital warts
Sinecatechin, an extract from green tea, was shown to be effective in treating anogenital
warts in a double-blinded, randomized controlled trial of greater than 500 subjects. The
affected area for up to 4 months, and were followed for 3 months after treatment. More
than half of the subjects in the treatment group (57%) experienced a complete resolution
of their warts, compared with a third (34%) in the control group. 78% of the patients in
needed to treat was 4-5 patients. The green tea extract treatment was well-tolerated, with
Antidepressant properties
In a Japanese study Green tea consumption was inversely associated with psychological
A more frequent consumption of green tea was associated with a lower prevalence of
prevalence of mild and severe depressive symptoms was 34.1 percent and 20.2 percent,
respectively. After adjustment for confounding factors, the odds ratios for mild and
severe depressive symptoms when higher green tea consumption was compared with
green tea consumption of 1 cup/d were: 2 to 3 cups green tea/d and 4 cups green tea/d.
Similar relations were also observed in the case of severe depressive symptoms.
Potential drawbacks
Some tea bags are made using a wet paper strength reinforcing coating
using epichlorohydrin, which is known to be carcinogenic. Uses are not limited to tea
bags, as coffee filters and sausage/salami casings can have the same issues. The problem
can be avoided by using loose-leaf tea or tea bags which do not use the coating.
All tea leaves contain fluoride; however, mature leaves contain as much as 10 to 20 times
the fluoride levels of young leaves from the same plant. White tea contains less fluoride
than green tea and black tea, because it is made of buds and young leaves only.
The fluoride content of tea depends directly on the fluoride content of the soil in which it
is grown; tea plants absorbs this element at a greater rate than other plants. Care in the
choice of the location where the plant is grown may reduce the risk.
Caffeine is an addictive drug and overuse of tea can result in harmful side effects, such as
in both black and green dry teas by about 15 times and 3 times respectively.
One consideration to take into account when investigating the relationship between
caffeine and diuresis is the dose size of caffeine ingested. Where the dose relationship has
been systematically investigated it is only at a high dose of 360 mg that a diuretic action
is found. A recent systematic review of the accumulated evidence has shown that acute
diuretic effects are observed generally in cases where at least 300 mg of caffeine is
ingested. This finding suggests that tea does not have a diuretic effect unless the amount
of tea consumed at one sitting contains more than 250–300 mg of caffeine, equivalent to
Tea contains oxalate, overconsumption of which can cause kidney damage, as well as
soak up free calcium in the body; other minerals could be soaked up as well.
It has been suggested that chemicals known as tannins may increase one's risk
of esophageal cancer, with some studies having found that tea drinking may in fact be
A study at the Charité Hospital of the Berlin Universities showed that adding milk to tea
will block the normal, healthful effects that tea has in protecting against cardiovascular
disease. This occurs because casein from the milk binds to the molecules in tea that cause
the arteries to relax, especially EGCG. Milk may also block tea's effect on other things,
such as cancer. Other studies have found little to no effect from milk on the observed
increase in total plasma antioxidant activity. Teas with high EGCG content, such as green
tea, are not typically consumed with milk. Previous studies have observed a beneficial
effect from black tea which was not attributable to the catechin content. Plant-based
"milks", such as soy milk, do not contain casein and are not known to have similar effects
on tea.
Drinking tea, particularly green tea, with citrus such as lemon juice is common. Studies,
including a study from Purdue University in 2007, found that most of the
antioxidant catechins are not absorbed into the bloodstream when tea is drunk by itself.