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Qos and Atm: Kimmo Ahonen Nokia Telecommunications

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QoS and ATM

Kimmo Ahonen
Nokia Telecommunications


The Quality of Service from the user point of view has a

meaning of providing information in timely manner. The
information has to be delivered fast and reliable. From
the technical point of view the Quality of Service (QoS)
is characterized by different measurable variables.
Technical QoS parameters are adjusted to get the best
possible perceived performance from the network.
Classifying different types of traffic for different uses
can do this.


ATM network is designer to transport a wide variety of

traffic classes satisfying a range of transfer capacity
needs and network performance objectives[4].
The quality parameters are measured based of the aspect
of data loss, minimal (or no) induced delay or latency,
consistent delay characteristics (also known as jitter),
and the capability to determine the most efficient use of
network resources (such as the shortest distance between
two endpoints or maximum efficiency of circuit
bandwidth) [6].
This paper concentrates on Quality of Service in ATM
networks. The subject is studied based classification of
services in ATM networks.

ATM Network architecture

ATM involves the transfer of data in discrete chunks and

it allows multiple logical connections to be multiplexed
over a single physical interface. The information flow in
ATM networks in each logical connection is organized
into fixed-size packets called cells.
ATM protocol in itself does not have any error
controlling mechanisms except for header error control.
This is done to prevent the distribution of erroneously
routed packets to the application. Also the flow control
capabilities are minimal in ATM networks, as flow
control is understood as method of destination entity to
regulate the flow of Protocol Data Units (PDUs) sent by
the source entity[11].
The minimized error control and flow control
mechanisms reduce the needed overhead of processing
ATM cells and the number of overhead bits required
with each cell. ATM is designed for high data rates and
fixed cell size simplifies the needed methods of ATM
The ATM protocol architecture is based on two-layer
model. The basic architecture model is an interface
between user and network. The layer below ATM model
is the physical layer, which is the transmission medium
and a signal-encoding scheme. The data rates specified

at the physical layer include 155.52 Mbps and 622.08

Mbps. Also higher and lower data rates are possible.
Currently 1000 Mbps[2] and 2488 Mbps[3] connections
are in draft stage.
The maximum possible data transfer rate is limited by
the electronics at both ends of fiber to between 50 and
1000 Gbps. This is still below the fiber's maximum
transfer capability, which is between 50 and 75 terabits
per second. [6]
Two layers of the protocol architecture relate to ATM
functions. There is an ATM layer common to all services
that provide packet transfer capabilities, and an ATM
Adaptation Layer (AAL) that is service dependent. The
ATM layer defines the transmission of data in fixed size
cells and the use of logical connections.
The use of ATM creates the need for an adaptation layer
to support information transfer protocols other than
ATM. The AAL maps higher layer information into
ATM cells to be transported over an ATM network and
then collects information from ATM cells for delivery to
higher layers.

ATM Traffic Management


The capability to control traffic in the ATM network is

crucial to ensuring the success of delivering
differentiated QoS to the various applications that
request and rely on the controls themselves. The primary
responsibility of traffic management mechanisms in the
ATM network is to promote network efficiency and
avoid congestion situations so that the overall
performance of the network does not degenerate. It is
also a critical design objective of ATM that the network
utilization imposed by transporting one form of
application data does not adversely impact the capability
to efficiently transport other traffic in the network.[6]
To deliver stability in the networks ATM Forum has
defined the following traffic management and control of
network resources [7]:
Connection Admission Control (CAC) is defined as
the set of actions taken by the network during the
call set up phase in order to determine whether a
connection request can be accepted or should be
rejected (or whether a request for reallocation can be
Feedback controls are defined as the set of actions
taken by the network and by end systems to regulate
the traffic submitted on ATM connections according
to the state of network elements.
Usage Parameter Control (UPC) is defined as the set
of actions taken by the network to monitor and
control traffic, in terms of traffic offered and
validity of the ATM connection, at the end system
access. Its main purpose is to protect network
resources from malicious as well as unintentional
misbehavior, which can affect the QoS of other
already established connections, by detecting
violations of negotiated parameters and taking

ATM connections and cell


ATM switches are connected by using physical medium

to transfer information. Control cost of network is
becoming an increasingly higher proportion of the
overall network cost. The transmission medium is able to
transfer in higher data rates than switches. In ATM
networks transmission path is divided into multiple
virtual paths, which in turn are divided into multiple
virtual channels.

Virtual channel is formed between two end users through

the network and thus a Virtual Channel Connection
(VCC) is formed. VCCs are also used for user and
network information exchange in the form of control
signaling and between network elements for network
management and routing information sharing.
A Virtual Path Connection (VPC) is a bundle of VCCs
that have the same end points. Thus, all of the cells
flowing over all of the VCCs in a single VPC are
switched along the same path. [11]

5.1 ATM Cell Structure

ATM cells consists of a 5-octet header and a 48-octet
information field. The fixed cell size reduces queuing
time for priority cells and switching is easier to make by
using hardware implementations.
ATM has specific cell structures for user connection to
network and connections between networks, which are
User to Network Interface (UNI) and Network to
Network Interface (NNI). Figure Error! Not a valid
link. shows the UNI and NNI cell structures.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

48 octets


5-octet header
53-octet cell

appropriate actions. Such actions may include cell

discard and cell tagging.
Cell Loss Priority control: For some service
categories the end system may generate traffic flows
of cells with Cell Loss Priority (CLP) marking. The
network may follow models, which treat this
marking as transparent or as significant. If treated as
significant, the network may selectively discard
cells marked with a low priority to protect, as far as
possible, the QoS objectives of cells with high
Traffic Shaping: Traffic shaping mechanisms may
be used to achieve a desired modification of the
traffic characteristics.
Network Resource Management (NRM): The
service architecture allows logical separation of
connections according to service characteristics.
Although cell scheduling and resource provisioning
are implementation and network specific, they can
be utilized to provide appropriate isolation and
access to resources. Virtual Paths are a useful tool
for resource management.
Frame Discard: A congested network that needs to
discard cells may discard at the frame level rather
than at the cell level. The concept of a frame is
defined in below.
Available Bit Rate (ABR) Flow Control: The ABR
flow control protocol may be used to adaptively
share the available bandwidth among participating
Other generic functions are for further study.
If a network element needs to discard cells, it is in many
cases more effective to discard at the frame level rather
than at the cell level. The term "frame" means the AAL
protocol data unit. The network detects the frame
boundaries by examining the SDU-type in the payload
type field of the ATM cell header. Frame discard may be
used whenever it is possible to delineate frame
boundaries by examining the SDU-type in the payload
type field of the ATM cell header. [7]
Frame discard is effective if AAL frame size is bigger
than the ATM cell and the application cannot tolerate
errors in transfer. In case of TCP a single lost ATM cell
corrupts the entire data packet, which means that the data
must be retransmitted.

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

48 octets

General Flow Control

Virtual Path Identifier
Virtual Channel Identifier
Payload Type
Cell Loss Priority
Header Error Control

Figure 1: ATM cell structure

General Flow Control appears only in UNI interface and
it can be used to assist the customer in controlling the
flow of traffic for different qualities of service. The use
of this field is currently under study [11].
The Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) constitutes a routing
field for the network. It is 8 bits at the user-network
interface and 12 bits at the network-network interface,
allowing for more virtual paths to be supported within
the network. The Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI) is
used for routing to and from the end user. [11]
The Payload Type (PT) field indicates the type of
information in the information field. Table Error! Not a
valid link. indicates the use of PT field.

Table 1 Payload Type (PT) Field Coding

PT Coding

User data cell, congestion not
experienced, SDU type = 0
User data cell, congestion not
experienced, SDU type =1
User data cell, congestion
experienced, SDU type = 0
User data cell, congestion
experienced = 1
OAM segment associated cell
OAM end-to-end associated cell
Resource management cell
Reserved for future function
SDU = Service Data Unit, OAM = Operations,
Administrations, and Maintenance
A value of 0 in the first bit indicates user information.
That is information from the next higher layer. In this
case, the second bit indicates whether congestion has
been experienced. The third bit service data unit SDU is
dependant on the context.
A value 1 in the first bit of the payload type field
indicates that this cell carries network management or
maintenance information (OAM = Operations,
Administration and Maintenance)
The Cell Loss Priority (CLP) is used to provide guidance
to the network in the event of congestion. A value 0
indicates a cell of relatively higher priority, which
should not be discarded unless no other alternative is
available. A value 1 indicates that this cell is subject to
discard within the network. A value 1 is set at the UNI if
user transmits data at the higher rate than specified in
agreement concerning traffic parameters.
Each ATM cell includes 8 bit Header Error Control
(HEC) field that is calculated based on the remaining 32
bits of the header.

Figure 2 Virtual channels and virtual paths[5]

A Virtual Path (VP) groups VCs carried between two
ATM entities and may also involve many ATM VP
links. The VCs associated with a VP are globally
switched without unbundling or processing the
individual VC. Thus, the VCI numbers of a VP are
preserved on a single VP connection. The sell sequence
of each VC is preserved, and the quality of service of the
VP depends on the most demanding VC.

5.3 ATM Adaptation Layer

The use of ATM creates the need for an adaptation layer
to support information transfer protocols not based on
ATM. The AAL is used to map between ATM transfer
modes and user data modes.
To minimize the number of different AAL protocols that
must be specified to meet a variety of needs, ITU-T has
defined four classes of service that cover a broad range
of requirements. The traffic is classified according to the
following classes: [7]
Service Class A: Circuit Emulation, Constant Bit
Rate Video
Service Class B: Variable Bit Rate Audio and Video
Service Class C: Connection-Oriented Data Transfer
Service Class D: Connectionless Data Transfer
Table Error! Not a valid link. gives the different AAL
protocols to meet different types of requirements.
Table 2 Service Classification for AAL

5.2 ATM connection

A VCC is a connection between two communicating
ATM end entities, which may consist of a concatenation
of several ATM Virtual Channel (VC) links. All
communication proceeds along the same VCC, which
preserves cell sequence and provides a certain quality of
service. A VCC is set up between any source and any
destination in the ATM network, regardless of the way it
is being routed across the network. The network sets up
the connection by using signaling.
Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI) in the ATM cell header
is assigned per network entity-to-entity link. This VCI
may change across the network within the same VCC.
[5]This is explained in the picture Error! Not a valid

Class A
Timing relation between
source and destination
Bit rate

Class C

Connection oriented

Type 1

Class D

Not required


Connection mode
AAL Protocol

Class B


Type 2

Type 3/4
Type 5

The AAL protocol is divided into two different

sublayers: the Convergence Sublayer (CS) and the
Segmentation and Reassembly sublayer (SAR). The
Convergence Sublayer provides the functions needed to
support specific applications using AAL and the CS
sublayer is service dependant. In all AAL protocols a
block of data is from a higher layer is encapsulated into a
Protocol Data Unit (PDU).
The SAR sublayer is responsible for packaging
information received from CS into cells for transmission
and unpacking the information at the other end. CD layer
is above SAR layer. The SAR is responsible of

packaging SAR headers and CS information into 48

payload octets of ATM cell.
AAL Type 1 is intended for constant bit rate
applications. AAL Type 2 deals with variable bit rate
information such as video and audio, which require
timing information but do not require a constant bit rate.
AAL Type 3/4 and AAL Type 5 can both be used for
data transfer. AAL Type 5 is becoming increasingly
popular, especially in ATM LAN applications. AAL
Type 5 has been introduced to reduce protocol
processing overhead, reduce transmission overhead and
ensure adaptability to existing transport protocols [11].
AAL Type 3/4 has processing overhead compared with
AAL Type 5.

5.4 ATM signalling

ATM is a connection-oriented technology in which one
must establish a connection a priori information transfer.
ATM signaling has different standards for connection
A User to Network Interface UNI signaling consists of
definitions done for dynamically establishing,
maintaining and clearing ATM connections. The
signaling is based on a broadband signaling protocol
standards Q.2931. The signaling protocol is extended
with necessary capabilities to support the parameters
defined by ATM forum. On a connection basis the
following end-to-end parameters can be specified[4]:
The AAL type (e.g., Type 1, 3/4, or 5)
The method of protocol multiplexing (e.g., LLC vs.
For VC-based multiplexing, the protocol that is
encapsulated (e.g., any of the list of known routed
protocols or bridged protocols).
Protocol above the network layer
LLC is a Logical Link Control and is defined by IEEE
standard 802.2. LLC is part of Data Link layer, which is
responsible for transmission of data between two
adjacent nodes on the network. [10] The ATM Forum
defines LAN traffic to be routed in ATM networks by
LAN Emulation (LANE). [1]
The signaling between switches is done according to
Private to Network-Node Interface (PNNI). The PNNI
protocol is used between private ATM switches, and
between groups of private ATM switches[8,9].

ATM Service Categories

An ATM network is designed to be able to transfer

different types of traffic simultaneously, including realtime flows such as voice, video, and bursty TCP flows.
Although each such traffic flow is handled as a stream of
53-octet cells travelling through a virtual channel, the
way in which each data flow is handled within the
network depends on the characteristics of the traffic flow
and the requirements of the application. [11]

CBR Constant Bit Rate: Requires that a fixed data

rate be made available by the ATM provider. The
network must ensure that this capacity is available
and also policies the incoming traffic on a CBR
connection to ensure that the subscriber does not
exceed its allocation
rt-VBR Real-Time Variable Bit Rate: Intended for
applications that require tightly constrained delay
and delay variation but does not exhibit the fixed
data rate of CBR. rt-VBR connections are
characterized in terms of a Peak Cell Rate (PCR),
Sustainable Cell Rate (SCR), and Maximum Burst
Size (MBS) [7]
nrt-VBR Non-Real-Time Variable Bit Rate: The
non-real-time (VBR) service category is intended
for non-real-time applications, which have bursty
traffic characteristics and which are characterized in
terms of a PCR, SCR and MBS. For those cells,
which are transferred within the traffic contract, the
applications expects a low cell loss ratio. Non-realtime VBR service may support statistical
multiplexing of connections[7]. In statistical
multiplexing the network sets the capacity of VPC
to be grater than or equal to the average data rates of
all the VCCs but less than aggregate peak demand.
No delay bounds are associated with statistical
multiplexing service category. [7]
UBR Unspecified Bit Rate: This is a best effort
service. No amount of capacity is guaranteed, and
any cells may be discarded.
ABR Available Bit Rate: Provides the user with a
guaranteed minimum capacity. When additional
capacity is available, the user may burst above the
minimum rate with minimized risk of cell loss.
These service categories relate traffic characteristics and
QoS requirements to network behavior. Functions such
as routing, CAC, and resource allocation are, in general,
structured differently for each service category. Service
categories are distinguished as being either real-time or
non-real-time. For real-time traffic, there are two
categories, CBR and rt-VBR, distinguished by whether
the traffic descriptor contains only the Peak Cell Rate
(PCR) or both PCR and the Sustainable Cell Rate (SCR)
parameters. [7]
Non real time services are intended for applications that
have bursty traffic characteristics and do not have tight
constraints on delay and delay variation. Accordingly,
the network has greater flexibility in handling such
traffic flows and can make greater use of statistical
multiplexing to increase network efficiency. [11] There
are three non-real-time categories (nrt-VBR, UBR, and
ABR). All service categories apply to both VCCs and
VPCs [7].

connection. The sender is allowed to use any data rate

between zero and ACR. ICR is the initial value assigned
to ACR.
Feedback is used to control transfer in the ABR
connection. The Figure illustrates the effect of feedback
on ACR.

ATM service categories use following QoS

Maximum Cell Transfer Delay (maxCTD)
Peak-to-peak Cell Delay Variation (peak-to-peak
Cell Loss Ratio (CLR)
Cell transfer delay consists of fixed minimum delay and
variable delay. Fixed minimum delay is due to the
processing on the network and transmission, which
cannot be reduced for given connection. Variable delay
is caused by variations in network traffic.
The maximum allowed delay for the connection is
defined with maxCTD and it is the sum of fixed
minimum delay and maximum variable delay for
connection. Peak-to-peak CDV is the maximum allowed
variation in network delay for connection.
The cell loss ratio is the ratio of lost cells to total
transmitted cell on a connection[11].

6.1 Available Bit Rate

Available Bit Rate (ABR) is an ATM layer service
category for which the limiting ATM layer transfer
characteristics provided by the network may change
subsequent to connection establishment. A flow control
mechanism is specified which support feedback to
control the source rate in response to changing ATM
layer transfer characteristics. This feedback is conveyed
to the source through control cells called Resource
Management Cells, or RM-cells.
The end system is expected to adapt its transfer
capabilities according to feedback.
On the establishment of an ABR connection, the endsystem specifies to the network both a maximum
required bandwidth and a minimum usable bandwidth.
These parameters are specified by using Peak Cell Rate
(PCR), and the Minimum Cell Rate (MCR). The MCR
may be specified as zero. The bandwidth available from
the network may vary, but shall not become less than
MCR[7].Additionally the ABR connections have
Allowed Cell Rate (ACR) and initial cell rate (ICR).
ACR is the maximum cell rate, which may be used at the

Figure 3 Variations in allowed cell rate

There are three possible operation modes in ABR
transfer: sender is allowed to increase, sender must
decrease or sender ABR must stay the same. If the
sender is allowed to increase ACR, the increase is linear.
In case the sender must decrease the amount of traffic,
the rate of decrease is exponential. The actual amount of
decrease is defined as fraction of current ACR and the
rate may vary.
With linear increase and exponential decrease, the source
will slowly increase its rate when there is no evidence of
congestion, but at high rates will rapidly decrease the
rate when there is indication of congestion[11].

TCP over ATM

A typical implementation of TCP/IP over ATM uses the

following protocol stack[11]:
Figure Error! Not a valid link. is an example of the
relationship among the various layers. In this example,
an entire TCP segment is carried in an IP datagram. If it
is necessary, the TCP segment can be fragmented into
pieces carried in multiple IP datagrams.
The IP datagrams are mapped to CS PDUs. This
mapping must be one to one mapping between an IP
datagram and the CS PDU that carries it. That is each CS
PDU carries exactly on IP datagram. The CS PDU
includes an 8-octet trailer any padding required to make
the CS PDU an integer multiple of 48 octets.
The CS PDU is segmented into blocks of 48 octets and
packed into ATM cells. In each cell except the last, the
SDU type bit is set to zero. The SDU type bit is set to
one in the last cell to signal the SAR sublayer that an
entire CS PDU has been delivered.

20 octets 20 octets


TCP segment

IP datagram

8 octets




ATM cell

48 octets

53 octets



Figure 4 TCP/IP over AAL5/ATM

The IP datagram is padded to fit exactly with fixed size
ATM cells. In addition CPCS (Common Part
Convergence Sublayer) is added at CS PDU for error
control and length of data [1]. Data length is needed to
separate the padding from the payload data.
The number of needed ATM cells varies according to IP
packet size. The packet size varies usually between 512
octets to 9180 octets. A packet size of 512 is common in
IP networks; 1500 is the maximum for Ethernet[11] and
9180 is the default for IP over ATM [RFC 1626].
ATM switches must be able to discard cells at frame
level in order to support high quality TCP traffic. TCP
connections cannot handle missing data packets in the
TCP packet. If part of TCP packet is missing, the entire
TCP packet must be resent.


The current development of Internet and telephone

companies are directed to higher transferred data rates in
the network.
The Internet community is used to inexpensive
connections and are demanding decreasing prices on
services. The telephone connection prices are expected
to decrease. The Internet transfers information on best
effort method and data throughput is sometimes
The telecommunication companies have traditionally
provided constant bit rate end to end connection for
speech. The end users are demanding more throughput
for data transfer and cheaper telephone prices.
The third previously unrecognized user type is a
corporate user who demands predictable data
throughput. An example of this type of customers is
stock market, where the data becomes invalid in a matter
of seconds.
The speech may be transferred in the future by using
AAL Type 2 traffic. The end user may not be able to
recognize if some parts of the speech are missing and
variable bit rate AAL Type 2 suits to speech transfer
better than constant bit rate AAL Type 1. This requires

that PCM like speech is transferred to more suitable

compressed data.
The AAL Type 5 is most suitable for Internet data
traffic. The debate is whether to use UBR or ABR
service category.. ABR connections include more
processing than UBR, which is currently the bottleneck
in ATM switching.
The business critical users cannot accept the general
reliability of Internet traffic. One possible way is to use
PPP links between end points and transfer data using
AAL Type 1 or 2. If network service providers are able
to differentiate the customers and dedicate network
resources, the AAL Type 5 can be used for business
critical data.
The customer specified Quality of Service can be
provided by classifying user data to different groups and
prioritizing the traffic by user interest. The premium
customer must also be willing to pay premium price for
better service. If the premium customer is only willing to
pay slightly higher price than standard customer then the
best effort business model is going to dominate the
The increasing demand for bandwidth is likely going to
continue. The switching capability is going to stay the
limiting factor of information transfer and the different
classes of service are needed.


[1] Advanced ATM, London, Lynross Training &

Consultancy, 1998
[2] Battistello, Patrick: 1000 Mbit/s Cell-Based
Physical Layer Living List, ATM Forum Technical
Committee, 1999
[3] Battistello, Patrick: 622 and 2488 Mbit/s Cell-Based
Physical Layer Living List, ATM Forum Technical
Committee, 1999
[4] Dobrowski, George: ATM User-Network Interface
Specification - Version 3.1, Mountain View, ATM
Forum Technical Committee, 1994
[5] Dobrowski, George: ATM Anchorage, Mountain
View, 1997
[6] Ferguson, Paul et al. Quality of Service, New York,
John Wiley & Sons, 1998
[7] Giroux, Natalie: Traffic Management Specification
Version 4.0, Mountain View, ATM Forum
Technical Committee, 1996
[8] Goguen, Mike et al.: Private Network-Network
Interface Specification Version 1.0 (PNNI 1.0),
Mountain View, ATM Forum Technical Committee,
[9] Interim Inter-switch Signaling Protocol (IISP)
Specification v.1.0, Mountain View, ATM Forum
Technical Committee, 1994
[10] Karanjit, Siyan: Inside TCP/IP - Third Edition,
Indianapolis, New Riders, 1997
[11] Stallings, William. High Speed Networks - TCP/IP
and ATM Design Principles, London, Prentice Hall,

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