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FM 1-514



This chapter discusses procedures required for UNBALANCED SEMIRIGID ROTOR SYSTEMS
alignment and balancing of rotor blades. Specific
procedures for aligning blades vary with different Lateral
types of helicopters. Prior to aligning blades, consult When troubleshooting a semirigid main rotor system,
the appropriate technical manual for specific instruc- the repairer must understand the basics of alignment
tions and maximum allowable tolerance. This chap- and balance to act quickly yet skillfully. An un-
ter also includes a description of the Vibrex balancing balanced system causes the most problems in the
kit. field. The trouble that results is called lateral vibra-
MAIN ROTOR BLADE ALIGNMENT tion. A few indicators of lateral vibration are worn
parts and bearings, broken parts and bearings, loose
Main rotor blade alignment is the centering of the parts and fittings, and cracked parts and fittings. The
mass (distribution of weight) of the main rotor as- repairer must determine if the unbalanced condition
sembly across the center of rotation to balance it. is caused by chordwise or spanwise torque before it
The alignment of the rotor system has a distinct effect can be corrected.
on balance because of the great weight and long aim
involved. A greater weight on one side of the center Chordwise
of rotation will cause a lateral vibration. The require- To differentiate between a chordwise and a spanwise
ment for manually aligning the main rotor blades unbalanced condition, apply a strip of tape to the tip
applies to rigid and semirigid rotor systems only. The of one blade and hover the helicopter. If the lateral
fully articulated rotor system automatically aligns vibration decreases and then increases, this indicates
itself as centrifugal force increases and pulls the that spanwise balance is okay but chordwise un-
blades into a pure radial position. The most common balance exists. To balance a rotor system chordwise,
method of manually aligning main rotor blades is the select a blade and sweep it to the rear by shortening
telescope method. the drag brace. Before making adjustments,
A small bore rifle telescope is the basic tool used to matchmark all drag brace parts so that they can be
align the main rotor assembly (Figure 4-1). A fixture returned to the same setting to regain alignment.
to hold the telescope is fitted onto the hub directly Hover the helicopter. Should the lateral vibration
over the center of rotation. A repairer should be increase, you have selected the wrong blade. Return
concerned with the vertical cross hair only. Ignore the drag brace to the original alignment as
the horizontal cross hair. Place a zeroed telescope in matchmarked. Repeat drag brace sweeping on the
the holding fixture and sight the vertical cross hair on opposite blade. Make small sweep corrections until
a reference point of the blade. The reference point the vibration stops. Secure and safety the drag
normally used is a rivet in the skin at the tip of the braces.
blade in line with the feathering axis. Adjust a Spanwise
misaligned rivet by moving the blade in the the hub To isolate spanwise balance, apply a strip of 2-inch
to bring the rivet into alignment. Align the other tape to the tip of one blade. Hover the helicopter.
(opposite) blade using the same procedure. Align-
ment of the main rotor assembly has been achieved Should the vibration increase, the wrong blade has
when both blades have been adjusted so that the been selected. Remove the tape and apply it to the
vertical cross hair of the telescope is positioned at the opposite blade. Add the tape one strip at a time until
center of both rivets. the vibration is gone. Then replace the tape with

FM 1-514

equal weight or secure weight approximating equal VERTICAL VIBRATIONS

moments at a specific location on the system. For
example, apply a 3.1-ounce, lead-in retention bolt for Vertical vibrations – the bouncing of the helicopter
each wrap of tape at the tip or as authorized in the up and down – are caused by a blade being out of
applicable maintenance manual. track. Vibration is caused by a blade lifting the
helicopter in one quadrant of rotation and suddenly
Combined losing lift in the remaining quadrant during cyclic
It is not unusual for a combined chordwise-spanwise travel. When present once during each revolution,
unbalance to exist in a main rotor system. When the this force is referred to as a one-per-revolution or
unit is balanced spanwise, the chordwise unbalance 1-to-1 vibration. Two bounces of the fuselage is
becomes evident. In this case, each unbalance must known as a two-per-revolution or 2-to-1 vibration.
be corrected separately. If the system cannot be Someone not familiar with the helicopter can deter-
balanced by the above operations, inspect it for loose, mine vertical vibration by looking at the tips of the
worn, or cracked parts and for frozen Teflon bearings skids. A vertical vibration will cause the tip of the
or ratcheting roller or ball bearings. skid to bounce vertically against the ground.
Depending on the shape of the main rotor and the

FM 1-514

helicopter manufacturer, the vibration may be cor- vibration is started by a gust effect that causes a
rected. This is done by rolling the blade grips up or momentary increase of lift in one blade giving a
down using the pitch-change links or adjusting the one-revolution vibration. The momentary vibration
trim tab to get a blade track that will stop the vibra- is normal. However, if picked up by the rotating
tion. One method is to blade-track at low RPM using collective controls and fed back to the rotor causing
pitch-change links and at high RPM using trim tabs cycles of one revolution, then it is undesirable. This
and links with power applied. The blades are tracked condition is usually caused by too much differential
using a tracking flag or trackometer. The helicopter tab in the blades. It can be corrected by rolling one
is then flown at cruise airspeed to see if blade cross- blade at the grip and changing angular adjustment of
over exists. Blade crossover occurs when blades are the tab. Two-per-revolution (2/rev) vibrations are
almost perfectly in track. During forward flight inherent with a two-bladed rotor system, and a low
(cruise) dissymmetry of lift causes a blade to fly high level of vibration is always present. When the 2/rev
through 180° of rotation and low in the remaining vibration rises to an unacceptable level, it is due to
180°. Corrections are made by adjusting either trim faulty vibration dampers or loose and worn hardware
tab up or down to cause the blade to track high or low in the rotor system.
within limits. Crossover is corrected by the pressure
exerted by the trim tab, which forces the blade up or Medium Frequency
down throughout 360° of rotation. Medium-frequency vibrations at four to six per
Extreme Low Frequency revolution are inherent with most rotor systems. An
increase in the level of vibration is caused by a change
Extreme low-frequency vibration is essentially in the capability of the fuselage to absorb vibration
limited to pylon rock. Pylon rocking of two or three due to loose hardware, structural damage, or load.
cycles per second is inherent with the rotor, mast, and Normally this vibration is caused by loose parts –
transmission systems. To keep the vibration from either a regular part of the aircraft or the external
reaching noticeable levels, transmission mount load.
dampers are installed to absorb the rocking. The High Frequency
damper system may be checked by the pilot while at
a hover. Moving the cyclic control forward and back- High-frequency vibrations can be caused by anything
ward at about one movement per second will cause in the ship that rotates or vibrates at a speed equal to
the pylon to start rocking. How long it takes for the or greater than that of the tail rotor. Unless the
rocking to die out after the motion of the cyclic is vibration is isolated to one part of the aircraft – under
stopped indicates the condition of the damper sys- a shaft bearing, for example – the first step generally
tem. is checking the tail rotor track.
One-revolution and two-revolution vibrations are Blade tracking (Figure 4-2) is the procedure for
caused by the rotor. One-revolution vibrations are of measuring, recording, and adjusting the tip path
two basic types: lateral and vertical. Low-frequency plane of the rotor blades. The measurements taken

FM 1-514

while the blades are turning show the vertical posi- blades in the set relative to the predetermined refer-
tion of the rotor blade tips in relation to each other. ence rotor blade. Refer to Figure 4-4 for an example.
The positions of the blade tips must be kept within a
certain tolerance, usually ±.25 inch. Tolerance for
each helicopter will be listed in the applicable main-
tenance manual. Several methods used to track
blades are —
• Electronic blade tracker.
• Reflector tracking.
• Strobe light.
Rotor blade assemblies may also be tracked with an Reflector
electronic blade-tracking unit (Figure 4-3). The unit
is made up of three major components: The reflector tracking method uses the principle of
persistency of vision, which occurs when looking at a
• A phase detector with a magnetic pickup at- beam that is being intercepted by two light reflectors.
tached to the swash plate’s stationary ring and One reflector is installed at the tip of each main rotor
a sweep attached to its rotating ring. blade. The surface of one reflector is plain white, and
the surface of the other is white with a horizontal
black stripe painted across the center of the face. As
the blades rotate and the light beam is intercepted by
the reflectors, the observer will see two white bands
and one black band. One white band will be above
and the other below the black band. A perfect in-
track condition exists when both white bands are the
same width. If one reflector image moves vertically
relative to the other, one white band will become
larger than the other. All tracking should be done at
engine-rated RPM to obtain the best track (or as
specified in the applicable repair manual). Refer to
Figure 4-5 for an example.
Strobe Light
The strobe light blade-tracking system includes—
• A portable power supply.
• A hand-held strobe lamp.
• A computer containing the electronic cir-
cuits, adjusting knobs, and meter.
• An electronic eye unit.
The electronic blade tracker unit permits blade
tracking during adverse weather and at night. The
electronic blade tracker is operated when the rotat-
ing rotor blades interrupt the electronic eye beam,
sending a signal into the computer in conjunction
with a signal from the phase detector. The computer
then determines the blade tip path plane above an
automatically selected reference plane. The meter
shows the height in fractions of an inch of the rotor

FM 1-514

• Blade tip targets. vertically relative to the others, the colored lines of
• Magnetic phase pickup. the affected blade target will become visible to the
• Pickup plates. operator. Refer to Figure 4-6 for an example.
A concentrated parallel light beam from the strobe
light is manually directed toward a predetermined The Vibrex balancing kit (hereinafter referred to
spot on the rotor blade disc to strike the blade tip as Vibrex) is used to measure and indicate the level
targets. The strobe light trigger switch is then of vibrations induced by the main and tail rotors of a
depressed to allow strobing of the blade tip targets. helicopter. The Vibrex analyzes the vibration in-
The pulse signal for strobe effect is provided by the duced by out-of-track or out-of-balance rotors.
magnetic pickup unit mounted on the stationary Then by plotting vibration amplitude and clock angle
swash plate ring. This strobe effect sends a pulse on a chart, it determines the amount and location of
each time one of the pickup plates passes over the rotor track or weight changes. The Vibrex is also
magnetic pickup unit. The pickup is mounted on used in troubleshooting to measure the RPM or fre-
each rotor blade pitch-change link lower attaching quency of unknown disturbances. DA Pam 738-751
bolt. The strobe light targets are attached to the prescribes forms, records, and reports to be used by
blade tips with patterns facing inboard. The targets maintenance personnel at all levels.
have silver reflective tape with an identifying pattern The Vibrex is housed in a carrying case; it consists of
for each blade (a straight line pattern on the red the components detailed in Figure 4-7. The main
blade, a right-slanting pattern on the yellow blade, a units of the Vibrex are the Balancer/Phazor,
left-slanting pattern on the green blade). When the 177M6A; the Strobex tracker, 135M11; and the
single line of the master blade target is aligned axially Vibrex tester 11. Three accelerometers, 4177B, and
with the centerline of the other blade targets, the two magnetic pickups, 303AN, are the primary
system is in track. If one target image is displayed airframe-mounted components.

FM 1-514

section contains a phase meter that reads clock angle,

or phase angle, between a one-per-revolution mag-
netic pickup azimuth signal from the rotor and a
vibration signal from the accelerometer.
Strobex Tracker, 135M11
The Strobex tracker (hereinafter referred to as a
Strobex) is a small hand-held, lightweight, combina-
tion power supply and strobe flash tube (Figure 4-9).
Balancer/Phazor, 177M6A It illuminates reflective targets on the tail rotor to
The key feature of the Balancer/Phazor (hereinafter measure tail rotor clock angle and on the main rotor
referred to as a balancer) is a tunable, electronic to indicate rotor track and lead-lag.
hand-pass filter which is tuned to reject all but the Vibrex Tester 11
one frequency or vibration under study (Figure 4-8).
The meter reads the level of vibration at the rate The Vibrex tester (hereinafter referred to as a tester)
(RPM) of concern, which indicates the amount of the provides accurate calibration and a complete func-
required change (track or balance). The Phazor tional check of the Vibrex (Figure 4-10). The tester

FM 1-514

FM 1-514

FM 1-514

shakes (vibrates) the accelerometer to measure • Magnetic pickups and interrupter sets.
vibration amplitude in inches per second (IPS) and These devices provide magnetic impulses
rate (RPM) functions of the balancer. Phase or clock from rotor to balancer. Magnetic pickups are
angle functions of the Phazor section are verified by located on stationary platforms; interrupter
a rotating interrupter plate and the magnetic pickup sets are located on rotating platforms.
to provide double and single interrupter logic signals. • Accelerometers. Accelerometers provide
The RPM dial of the Strobex is accurately checked the balancer with an electrical representation
against the known rotor speed of the tester motor. of the physical motion of the point to which it
Accessories is attached.
• Reflective and tip target sets. These sets
Following is a list of accessories that are used with the reflect Strobex flash pulses back to the
balancer, Strobex, and tester: Strobex operator.

FM 1-514

• Balancer and tracking charts. These charts PRESERVATION

are used to calculate weight, sweep, pitch link, Preservation is the term used for protection of equip-
tab, and so forth to correct rotor problems. ment against deterioration due to exposure to atmos-
pheric conditions during storage and shipment. The
NOTE: For further information on how to use following items are needed for preservation:
the Vibrex, refer to TM 55-4920-402-13&P. • Mild soap and water.
• Solvent – PD-680.
• Moisture-absorbent cloth or filtered com-
pressed air.
• Corrosion-preventive compound (CPC).
• Greaseproof paper.
• Desiccant bags.
• Padded contours (jute felt).
• Historical records.
• Parking and stenciling materials.
Temporary Preservation and Storage
When rotor blades are removed from an aircraft and
stored for any length of time, they must be properly
preserved to remain in serviceable condition.
Preservation procedures are the same for all rotor
blades in the Army inventory. After the blades
have been removed from the aircraft, clean
painted surfaces with mild soap and water and
unpainted surfaces with solvent, PD-680. Never use
solvent on painted blade surfaces because it can

FM 1-514

loosen the bonding. After cleaning dry rotor gel) absorbs moisture. Jute felt padding comes with
blades with a moisture-absorbent cloth or filtered blade containers from the manufacturer. The pad-
compressed air, make sure all surfaces and contours ding is a plant fiber made to the shape of the blade
are completely dry. Then apply a corrosion- and used to support the blade at different points
preventive compound to the blades. CPC is a liq- along its span. Place the blade in the container with
uid; it should be spread only on the machined the jute felt padding supporting it.
surfaces and only with a brush. Be careful to include Main rotor blades are secured inside containers at
the inside of all retention bolt holes. The painted the root ends by either of two methods: by bolting a
surfaces should not be coated. If the blades are to be cuff fixture to the blade and its container wall, or by
stored for no longer than 3 months, they may be welding along bolt at one end of the container, which
placed in a slotted rack. Periodic inspection of protrudes through the retention bolt holes and is
stored blades is essential to prevent corrosion of secured with a nut.
machined surfaces and to keep painted surfaces
clean. Blades are stored in slots with the leading edge Place the lid on the container and secure it. Make
down and the trailing edge up. sure that the outside of the container is stenciled with
the sender, receiver, and serial number of item being
Shipment and Long-Term Storage shipped. Remove the container’s old serial number.
When preparing a rotor blade for immediate ship- A new center-of-balance line should also be stenciled
ment or long-term storage, use the procedures ex- on at this time.
plained above to first clean, dry, and process it. Then Use DA Form 2402 (Exchange Tag) and DA Form
prepare the blade for shipment in a container. Metal 2410 (Component Removal and Repair/Overhaul
containers are used Armywide for shipment and Record) to ship rotor blades. Prepare two copies
storage of rotor blades. of DA Form 2402. Tie one to the item being
After preserving the blade with a CPC, wrap the shipped. Tape one on the outside of the shipping
blade, sockets, cuffs, retention plates, and machined container or place it in the cylinder, which is used
surfaces with greaseproof paper and tape them. This for historical records. Complete one copy of DA
further protects the blade at these areas from mois- Form 2410 and place it in the cylinder. If blades
ture, condensation, and wear during shipment. are to be stored, the containers can be stacked on
top of each other in a warehouse. Check stored
Place a bag of desiccant inside the container to aid in blades periodically for corrosion and for forms
dehumidifying the interior. The desiccant (silica required by TM 55-1500-344-23.


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