Chap 01
Chap 01
Chap 01
determinethe weather, are not turbulence themselves, even though their characteristics may be influenced strongly by small-scale turbulence (generated
somewhere by shear or buoyancy), which interacts with the large-scaleflow.
In summary, turbulent flows always exhibit high levels of fluctuating vor-,
ticity. For example, random waves on the surface of oceans are not in turbulent motion since they are essentially irrotational.
Dissipation Turbulent flows are always dissipative. Viscous shear stresses
perform deformation work which increasesthe internal energy of the fluid a t
the expense of kinetic energy of the turbulence. Turbulence needs a continuous supply of energy to make up for these viscous losses. If no energy is
supplied, turbulence decays rapidly. Random motions, such as gravity waves
in planetary atmospheres and random sound waves (acoustic noise), have
insignificant viscous losses and, therefore, are not turbulent. In other words,
the major distinction between random waves and turbulence is that waves are
essentially nondissipative (though they often are dispersive), while turbulence
is essentially dissipative.
Continuum Turbulence is a continuum phenomenon, governed by the equations of fluid mechanics. Even the smallest scales occurring in a turbulent
flow are ordinarily far larger than any molecular length scale. We return to
this point in Section 1.5.
Turbulent flows are flows Turbulence is not a feature of fluids but of fluid
flows. Most of the dynamics of turbulence is the same in all fluids, whether
they are liquids or gases, if the Reynolds number of the turbulence is large
enough; the major characteristics of turbulent flows are not controlled by the
molecular properties of the fluid in which the turbulence occurs. Since the
equations of motion are nonlinear, each individual flow pattern has certain
unique characteristics that are associated with i t s initial and boundary conditions. No general solution to the Navier-Stokes equations is known; consequently, no general solutions to problems in turbulent flow are available.
Since every flow is different, it follows that every turbulent flow i s different,
wen though all turbulent flows have many characteristics in common.
Students of turbulence, of course, disregard the uniqueness of any particular
turbulent flow and concentrate on the discovery and formulation of laws that
describe entire classes or families of turbulent flows.
Methods of analysis
Turbulent flows have been investigated for more than a century, but, as was
remarked earlier, no general approach to the solution of problems in turbulence exists. The equations of motion have been analyzed in great detail,
but it is still next to impossible to make accurate quantitative predictions
without relying heavily on empirical data. Statistical studies of the equations
of motion always lead to a situation in which there are more unknowns than
equations. This is called the closure problem of turbulence theory: one has to
make (very often ad hoc) assumptions to make the number of equations
equal to the number of unknowns. Efforts t o construct viable formal perturbation schemes have not been very successful so far. The success of attempts
to solve problems in turbulence depends strongly on the inspiration involved
in making the crucial assumption.
This book has been designed to get this point across. In turbulence, the
equations do not give the entire story. One must be willing to use (and
capable of using) simple physical concepts based on experience t o bridge the
gap between the equations and actual flows. We do not want to imply that
the equations are of little use; we merely want to make it unmistakably clear
that turbulence needs spirited inventors just as badly as dedicated analysts.
We recognize that this i s a very specific, and possibly biased, point of view. It
is possible that a t some time in the future, someone will succeed in developing
a completely formal theory of turbulence. However, we believe that there is a
far better chance of developing a physical model of turbulence in the spirit of
the Rutherford model of the atom. The model need not be complete, but it
would be very useful. The real challenge, it seems to us, is that no adequate
model of turbulence exists today.
Turbulence theory is limited in the same way that general fluid dynamics
would be if the Stokes relation between stress and rate of strain in Newtonian
fluids were unknown. This illustration is not arbitrary: one approach to turbulence theory is to postulate a relation between stress and rate of strain that
involves a turbulence-generated "viscosity," which then supposedly plays a
The origin of turbulence
In flows which are originally laminar, turbulence arises from instabilities at
large Reynolds numbers. Laminar pipe flow becomes turbulent at a Reynolds
number (based on mean velocity and diameter) in the neighborhood of 2,000
unless great care is taken to avoid creating small disturbances that might
trigger transition from laminar to turbulent flow. Boundary layers in zero
pressure gradient become unstable a t a Reynolds number U6"lv = 600
approximately (6" i s the displacement thickness, U is the free-stream velocity, and v is the kinematic viscosity). Free shear flows, such as the flow in a
mixing layer, become unstable a t very low Reynolds numbers because of an
inviscid instability mechanism that does not operate in boundary-layerand
pipe flow. Early stages of transition can easily be seen in the smoke rising
from a cigarette.
On the other hand, turbulence cannot maintain itself but depends on its
environment to obtain energy. A common source of energy for turbulent
velocity fluctuations is shear in the mean flow; other sources, such as buoyancy, exist too. Turbulent flows are generally shear flows. If turbulence
arrives in an environmentwhere there is no shear or other maintenance mechanism, it decays: the Reynolds number decreases and the flow tends to
become laminar again. The classic example is turbulence produced by a grid
in uniform flow in a wind tunnel.
Another way to make a turbulent flow laminar or to prevent a laminar
flow from becoming turbulent is to provide for a mechanism that consumes
turbulent kinetic energy. This situation prevails in turbulent flows with
imposed magnetic fields a t low magnetic Reynolds numbers and in atmospheric flows with a stable density stratification, to cite two examples.
Mathematically, the details of transition from laminar t o turbulent flow
are rather poorly understood. Much of the theory of instabilities in laminar
flows is linearized theory, valid for very small disturbances; it cannot deal
with the large fluctuation levels in turbulent flow. On the other hand, almost
all of the theory of turbulent flow is asymptotic theory, fairly accurate at
very high Reynolds numbers but inaccurate and incomplete for Reynolds
numbers a t which the turbulence cannot maintain itself. A noteworthy exception is the theory of the late stage of decay of wind-tunnel turbulence
(Batchelor, 1953).
Experiments have shown that transition is commonly initiated by a pri-
Diffusivity of turbulence
The outstanding characteristic of turbulent motion is its ability to transport
or mix momentum, kinetic energy, and contaminants such as heat, particles,
and moisture. The rates of transfer and mixing are several orders of magnitude greater than the rates due to molecular diffusion: the heat transfer and
combustion rates of turbulent combustion in an incinerator are orders of
magnitude larger than the corresponding rates in the laminar flame of a
Diffusion in a problem with an imposed length scale Contrasting laminar and
turbulent diffusion rates is a useful exercise not only for getting acquainted
with turbulence but also for recognizing the multifaceted role of the Reynolds number. Suppose one has a room (with a characteristic linear dimension
L ) in which a heating element (radiator) is installed. If there is no air motion
in the room, heat has to be distributed by molecular diffusion. This process is
governed by the diffusion equation (8 is the temperature; 7 is the thermal
diffusivity, assumed to be constant):
We are not looking for a specific solution of (1.4.1) with a given set of
boundary conditions. Instead, we want to discover the gross consequencesof
(1.4.1) with the simple tools of dimensional analysis. Dimensionally, (1.4.1)
may be interpreted as
-- r p '
which relates the time scale T,,, of the molecular diffusion to the independent
parameters L and y. If the characteristic linear dimension L (the length scale)
of the room is 5 m, the time scale T
, of this diffusion process is of the order
of lo6 sec (more than 100 h). In this estimate the value of y for air at room
temperature and pressure has been used (y = 0.20 cm2/sec).We conclude that
molecular diffusion is rather ineffective in distributing heat through a room.
On the other hand, even fairly weak motions, such as those generated by
small density differences (buoyancy), can disperse heat through the room
quickly. Suppose that the turbulent motion of the air in the room may also
be characterized by the length scale L (that is, motions are present of scales
L). This is a fair assumption, since large-scale motions are most effective in
distributing heat and since the largest possible scales of motion can be no
larger than the size of the room. We also need a characteristic velocity u (this
u may be thought of as an rms amplitude of the velocity fluctuations in the
room). For flow with a length scale L and a velocity scale u , the characteristic
time is
based on the dissipation of kinetic energy; those are discussed in Section 1.5).
The temperature gradients associated with these small eddies are smeared out
by molecular diffusion in a time of ordereZ/y (see Section 7.31,which is only a
few seconds if e = 1 cm.
Diffusion by random motion apparently is very rapid compared to
molecular diffusion. The ratio of the turbulent time scale Tt to the molecular
time scale T, is the inverse of t h e Peclet number:
Since for gases the heat conductivity y i s of the same order of magnitude as
the kinematic viscosity v (for air vly = 0.73; this ratio is known as the Prandtl
number), and since we are discussing only orders of magnitude, we may write
without compromise,
In our example, the Reynolds number R i s about 15,000.
This exercise shows that the Reynolds number of a turbulent flow may be
interpreted as a ratio of a turbulence time scale to a molecular time scale that
would prevail in the absence of turbulence in a problem with the same length
scale. This point of view is often more reliable than thinking of R as a ratio of
inertia terms to viscous terms in the governing equations. The latter point of
view tends to be misleading because a t high Reynolds numbers viscous and
other diffusion effects tend to operate on smaller length scales than inertia
Eddy diffusivity Since the equations governing turbulent flow are very
complicated, it is tempting to treat the diffusive nature of turbulence by
means of a properly chosen effective diffusivity. In doing so, the idea of
trying to understand the turbulence itself is partly discarded. If we use an
effective diffusivity, we tend to treat turbulence as a property of a fluid
rather than as a property of a flow. Conceptually, this is a very dangerous
approach. However, it often makes the mathematics a good deal easier.
If the effects of turbulence could be represented by a simple, constant
scalar diffusivity, one should be able to write for the diffusion of heat by
turbulent motions,
and the actual time scale is Tt, given by (1.4.4). Equating T with Tt, one finds
One concludes that this particular Reynolds number may also be interpreted
as a ratio of apparent (or turbulent) viscosity to molecular viscosity. A note
of warning is in order, though. In most flow problems, many different length
scales exist, so that the interpretation of Reynolds numbers based on these
length scales may not always be as straightfotward as in the example used
It cannot be stressed too strongly that the eddy diffusivity K is an artifice
which may or may not represent the effects of turbulence faithfully. We
investigate this question carefully in Chapter 2.
Diffusion in a problem with an imposed time scale As another example of
the diffusivity of turbulence, we look a t boundary layers in the atmosphere.
The boundary layer in the atmosphere i s exposed to the rotation of the earth.
(1.4.1 1)
With v = 0.15 cm2 sec-' and T = f-' = lo4 sec, this gives L, = 40 cm.
In reality, however, the atmospheric boundary layer is nearly always
turbulent; a typical thickness is about lo3 m (1 km). One can obtain some
appreciation for this by replacing v by K in (1.4.11) and substituting for K
with (1.4.9). This yields
(1.4.1 2)
Figure 1.1. Large eddies in a turbulent boundary layer. The flow above the boundary
layer has a velocity U ; the eddies have velocities u . The largest eddy size ( l )is comparable
to the boundary-layer thickness (Lt).The interface between the turbulence and the flow
above the boundary layer is quite sharp (Corrsin and Kistler, 1954).
Lt =41ulf
would give very close agreement between theory and experimental evidence.
Using (1.4.111,(1.4.12),
and T = l / f , we find the ratio between the
thicknesses of the laminar and turbulent atmospheric boundary layers to be
This is the square root of the Reynolds number associated with the turbulent
boundary layer in the atmosphere, since u/f is proportional to the actual
length scale L,. In this example, the Reynolds number R is clearly associated
with the ratio of the turbulent and molecular diffusion length scales:
turbulent flow penetrates much deeper into the atmosphere than laminar
flow. In our example, R lo.
The results obtained here concerning the different aspects of the Reynolds
number may be summarized by stating that in flows with imposed length
scales the Reynolds number is proportional to the ratio of time scales, while
in flows with imposed time scales the Reynolds number is proportional to the
square of a ratio of length scales. Since the Reynolds numbers of most flows
are large, these relations clearly show that turbulence is a far more effective
diffusion agent than molecular motion.
The examples discussed here are rather crude because only a single length
or time scale has been taken into account. Most turbulent flows are far more
complicated; this introduction would not be complete without a look a t
turbulence as a multiple lengthscale problem.
Length scales in turbulent flows
The fluid dynamics of flows a t high Reynolds numbers is characterized by the
existence of several length scales, some of which assume very specific roles in
the description and analysis of flows. In turbulent flows a wide range of
length scales exists, bounded from above by the dimensions of the flow field
and bounded from below by the diffusive action of molecular viscosity.
Incidentally, this is the reason why spectral analysis of turbulent motion is
Laminar boundary layers Let us take a look a t the problem of multiple
scales in laminar shear flows. For steady flow of an incompressible fluid with
constant viscosity, t h e Navier-Stokesequations are
One would be tempted to estimate the inertia terms as Uz/L (U being a
characteristic velocity and L a characteristic length) and to estimate the
viscous terms as vU/L2. The ratio of these terms is UL/v = R, indicating that
viscous terms should become negligible a t large Reynolds numbers. However,
boundary conditions or initial conditions may make it impossible to neglect
viscous terms everywhere in the flow field. For example, a boundary layer has
to exist in the flow along a solid surface to satisfy the no-slip condition. This
can be understood by allowing for the possibility that viscous effects may be
associated with small length scales. The viscous terms can survive a t high
Reynolds numbers only by choosing a new length scale tsuch that the viscous
terms are of the same order of magnitude as the inertia terms. Formally,
U 2 / L-vu/P.
( 1.5.2)
The viscous length t i s thus related to the scale L of the flow field as
Figure 1.2. Length scales, diffusion, and convection in a laminar boundary layer over a
flat plate.
Figure 1.3. Length and velocity scales in a turbulent boundary layer. The time passed
since the fluid at L passed the origin of the boundary layer is o f order L/U.
These relations merely relate characteristic lengths and velocities; they should
not be used as formulas to compute the rate of spreading of a turbulent
boundary layer. The relation between the time scales, (1.5.51,rephrases the
fundamental assumption we implicitly encountered earlier, that is, that in a
situation with an imposed external flow the turbulence, being part of the
flow, must have a time scale commensurate with the time scale of the flow. As
we will see later, this assumption conflicts with eddy-viscosity concepts.
Fortunately, not all of the turbulence has such a large time scale: the small
eddies in turbulence have very short time scales, which tend to make them
statistically independent of the mean flow.
Laminar and turbulent friction If we compare (1.5.3)and (1.5.4)and
introduce experimental data, which suggest that u/U is of the order of lo-'
over a wide range of Reynolds numbers, we again get some appreciation for
the relatively rapid growth of turbulent shear flows. This rapid growth should
correspond to a larger drag coefficient.
For a steady laminar boundary layer in twodimensional flow on a plate
with length L, the drag D per unit span is equal to the total rate of loss of
momentum. Estimating the momentum loss as pU2e, where 8 is a boundarylayer thickness a t the end of the plate, we may put
pU 2t.
Substituting (1.5.6)into (1.5.7)and using the relation for t/L given by
we obtain
e = 2R-112.
For a turbulent boundary layer, on the other hand, the mass flow deficit
a t the end of the plate is proportional to pul (see Chapter 51,so that the rate
of loss of momentum is proportional to (pu4U. Consequently,
The drag coefficient then becomes, if we use the definition (1.5.7) and the
scale relation (1.5.4),
( 1.5.1 0)
Experimental evidence shows that the turbulence level u/U varies very slowly
with Reynolds number, so that the drag coefficient of a turbulent boundary
layer, given by (1.5.101, should be very much greater than the drag
coefficient of a laminar boundary layer (1.5.8). Figure 1.4 illustrates this
point. Similar conclusions are valid for heat- and mass-transfer coefficients.
Equation (1.5.4) has another interesting implication. In boundary layers
and wakes u/U and t/L tend to zero as L increases beyond limit. In jets
entering fluid a t rest and shear layers, on the other hand,u/U andL/L approach
finite asymptotic values as L +m. This distinction is the origin of
some important differences in the asymptotic treatment of the two different
types of flow. In particular, jets and mixing layers spread linearly, while
wakes and boundary layers grow slower the farther downstream they travel.
Even so, most turbulent shear flows spread slowly enough to make& + 0 a
useful approximation.
Small scales in turbulence So far only the largest eddy sizes in turbulent
flows have been considered, because the large eddies do most of the transport
of momentum and contaminants. We have suggested that large eddies are as
big as the width of the flow and that the latter is the relevant length scale in
the analysis of the interaction of the turbulence with the mean flow. For
some of the other aspects of the dynamics of turbulence, however, other
length scales are needed.
We shall attempt to find the smallest length scales in turbulent flows. At
very small length scales, viscosity can be effective in smoothing out velocity
fluctuations. The generation of small-scale fluctuations is due to the nonlinear
terms in the equations of motion; the viscous terms prevent the generation of
infinitely small scales of motion by dissipating small-scale energy into heat.
This is characteristic of a small parameter like Y (more properly 1 / R ) with a
singular behavior. One might expect that a t large Reynolds numbers the
relative magnitude of viscosity is so small that viscous effects in a flow tend
t o become vanishingly small. The nonlinear terms in the Navier-Stokes
equation counteract this threat by generating motion a t scales small enough
to be affected by viscosity. The smallest scale of motion automatically adjusts
itself to the value of the viscosity. There seems to be no way of doing away
with viscosity: as soon as the scale of the flow field becomes so large that
viscosity effects could conceivably be neglected, the flow creates small-scale
motion, thus keeping viscosity effects (in particular dissipation rates) a t a
finite level.
Since small-scale motions tend to have small time scales, one may assume
that these motions are statistically independent of the relatively slow
large-scaleturbulence and of the mean flow. If this assumption makes sense,
the small-scale motion should depend only on the rate a t which it is supplied
with energy by the large-scalemotion and on the kinematic viscosity. It is fair
to assume that the rate of energy supply should be equal to the rate of
dissipation, because the net rate of change of small-scale energy is related to
the time scale of the flow as a whole. The net rate of change, therefore,
should be small compared to the rate a t which energy is dissipated. This is the
basis for what is called Kolmogorov's universal equilibrium theory of the
small-scale structure (Chapter 8).
This discussion suggests that the parameters governing the small-scale
motion include a t least the dissipation rate per unit mass E (m2 S ~ C - ~and
kinematic viscosity v (mZ sec-' 1. With these parameters, one can form length,
time, and velocity scales as follows:
(1.5.1 1)
These scales are referred to as t h e Kolmogorov microscales of length, time,
and velocity (see Friedlander and Topper, 1962). In the Russian literature,
these scales are called "inner" scales.
The Reynolds number formed with q and u is equal to one
qulv = 1,
which states that viscous dissipation of energy can be estimated from the
large-scale dynamics, which do not involve viscosity. In this sense, dissipation
again is clearly seen as a passive process in the sense t h a t it proceeds a t a rate
dictated by the inviscid inertial behavior of the large eddies.
The estimate (1.5.13) should not be passed over lightly. It is one of the
qlt- (~elv)-~'~
= R-3'4.
( 1.5.14)
rule- r / t = (u&)-'"
= R-''2,
( u ~ v ) - "=~R-'I4.
These relations indicate that the length, time, and velocity scales of the
smallest eddies are very much smaller than those of the largest eddies. The
separation in scales widens as the Reynolds number increases, so t h a t one
may suspect that the statistical independence and the dynamical equilibrium
state of the small-scale structure of turbulence will be most evident at very
large Reynolds numbers.
The main difference between two turbulent flows with different Reynolds
numbers but with the same integral scale is the size of the smallest eddies: a
turbulent flow a t a relatively low Reynolds number has a relatively "coarse"
small-scale structure (Figure 1.6). Visual evidence of the small-scale structure
can be obtained if temperature fluctuations are present in the turbulence.
Temperature and index of refraction gradients are steepest if they are
associated with the smallest eddies; any optical system t h a t is sensitive t o
such fluctuating gradients "sees" the small-scale structure of turbulence. The
trembling, jittery horizon seen on a very hot day and the random pattern of
Figure 1.6. Turbulent jets a t different Reynolds numben: (a) relatively low Reynolds
number, (b) relatively high Reynolds number (adapted from a film sequence by R . W.
Stewart, 1969). The shading pattern used closely resembles the small-scale structure of
turbulence seen in shadowgraph pictures.
light and dark seen on the wall next to a heating element in sunlight are good
Vorticity has the dimensions of a frequency (sec-' 1. The vorticity of the
small-scale eddies should be proportional to the reciprocal of the time scale 7.
From (1.5.1 5) we conclude that the vorticity of the small-scaleeddies is very
much larger than that of the large-scalemotion. On the other hand, (1.5.16)
indicates that the small-scale energy is small compared to the large-scale
energy. This is typical of all turbulence: most of the energy is associated with
large-scale motions, most of the vorticity is associated with small-scale
Molecular and turbulent scales The Kolmogorov length and time scales are
the smallest scales occurring in turbulent motion. At this point, it is
convenient to demonstrate that most turbulent flows are indeed continuum
phenomena. The Kolmogorov scales of length and time decrease with
increasing dissipation rates. High dissipation rates are associated with large
values of u. In gases, large values of u are more likely to occur than in liquids.
Therefore, it is sufficient to show that in gases the smallest turbulent scales of
motion are normally very much larger than molecular scales of motion. The
relevant molecular length scale is the mean free path t . The velocity scale of
molecular motion in a gas is proportional to the speed of sound a in the gas.
Kinetic theory of gases shows that the product a5 is proportional to
the kinematic viscosity of the gas:
v at.
The ratio of the mean free path t to the Kolmogorov length scale q (this
might be called a microstructure Knudsen number) becomes (Corrsin, 1959)
ra/g- R ' I 2 M P 2 .
Outline of the material
The bird's-eye view of turbulence dynamics given in the preceding sectioris
sets the stage for a brief outline of this book. In Chapter 2, we deal with
eddy-viscosity and mixing-length theories. The dimensional framework of
these theories is useful in the analysis of typical shear flows. In Chapter 3, the
energy and vorticity equations of turbulent flow are derived. In Chapter 4,
some free shear flows like wakes and jets are discussed. In Chapter 5,
boundary layers are analyzed. To prepare a formal basis for the study of
diffusion and spectral dynamics, an introduction to statistics is given in
Chapter 6. In Chapter 7, turbulent diffusion and mixing are studied.
The study of the spatial dynamics of turbulent flows precedes that of the
spectral dynamics. There exist many similarities and analogies between spatial
and spectral dynamics of turbulence. Also, spatial dynamics can be visualized
more easily by those new to the subject. Once some of the subtle features of
turbulent shear flow are understood, the dynamics of turbulence in wavenumber space should not be too perplexing. Spectral dynamics is studied in
Chapter 8.
1.1 Estimate the energy dissipation rate in a cumulus cloud, both per unit
mass and for the entirecloud. Base your estimates on velocity and length
scales typical of cumulus clouds. Compute the total dissipation rate in
kilowatts. Also estimate the Kolmogorov microscale 7.Use p = 1.25 kg/m3
and Y = 15 x
1.3 The large eddies in a turbulent flow have a length scalet, a velocity
=&I. The smallest eddies have a length
scale v(fl = u, and a time scale