WSM Analysis Guideline Focal Mechanisms PDF
WSM Analysis Guideline Focal Mechanisms PDF
WSM Analysis Guideline Focal Mechanisms PDF
Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1
Determination of FMS............................................................................................. 2
First-motion of P waves .......................................................................................... 2
Moment tensor inversion......................................................................................... 4
Reliability of fault plane solutions .......................................................................... 5
1. Introduction
One of the most evident effects of stress release in the crust are tectonic earthquakes. Due to the large
amount of existing earthquake focal mechanisms from regional studies and the steadily increasing
number of CMT solutions made routinely public by e.g. the Global CMT Project (formerly by the
Harvard seismology group) or the NEIC/USGS, single earthquake focal mechanisms (FMS) make up
the majority of data records in the WSM database. Focal mechanism data provide information on the
relative magnitudes of the principal stresses, so that a tectonic regime can be assigned.
The determination of principal stress orientations and relative magnitudes from these mechanisms
must be done with appreciable caution. Three types of data records from focal mechanisms are
distinguished in the WSM database: Single (FMS), formal inversions (FMF), and average/composite
(FMA) focal mechanisms. The main difference between these in terms of stress indication is their
reliability to indicate regional tectonic stress.
P wave
tectonic earthquake
S wave
Figure 1: P and S wave radiation patterns of a double couple source.
Figure 2: Focal sphere of an earthquake source. Shown is a ray path with azimuth and angle of emergence i0.
The P axis lies within the quadrant of dilatational initial motions, whereas the T axis lies within the
quadrant of compressional initial motions (Fig. 3). Both are perpendicular to the intersection of the
two nodal planes. The axis formed by this intersection is called the B- or the null axis. The FMS is
fully described by the orientation (dip direction and dip) of the P-, T-, and B-axes.
First motion on
seismograph at
Observation of P wave
first motion pattern
first motions
first motions
nodal p
first motions
nodal p
first motions
nodal planes
quadrant of dilatational
initial motions of P-waves
Figure 3: Elements of a fault plane solution (see text for more explanation).
acting along the coordinate axes. If the earth's structure is known and waveform data is available, the
seismic moment tensor M and thus the focal mechanism of an earthquake can be calculated by
inversion. More detailed introductions on moment tensors can be found in Jost and Hermann (1989) or
Stein and Wysession (2003) and various textbooks on seismology. Centroid moment tensors (CMT)
include the additional inversion for source time and location (Dziewonski et al., 1981) and are
routinely provided by the Global CMT Project (
Figure 4: The nine force couples of the seismic moment tensor.
The pole of the auxiliary plane is colinear with the slip vector on the fault plane.
The B-axis is coincident with the intersection of the two nodal planes, and so is contained within
both of the nodal planes.
The P-axis is in the middle of the quadrant with dilatational (down) first motions, and the T-axis is
in the middle of the quadrant with compressional (up) first motions.
The T- and P-axes bisect the dihedral angles between the nodal planes; that is, the T- and P-axes
are 45 from the nodal planes.
The plane defined by the T- and P-axes also contains the vectors normal to the nodal planes, one
of which is the slip vector.
Therefore, on the basis of polarity readings or moment tensor inversion alone, it can not be decided
which nodal plane is the fault plane. This can only be decided by calculating higher degree moment
tensors (Dahm and Krger, 1999), the analysis of aftershock distributions (commonly located on the
rupture plane), field evidence from surface rupture in case of strong earthquakes, or seismotectonic
considerations. Taking into account additional data on azimuthal amplitude and frequency or waveform patterns, which are controlled by the Doppler effect of the moving source may allow resolving
this ambiguity too. The latter can be studied more easily in low-frequency teleseismic recordings
while in the local distance range high-frequency waveforms and amplitudes may be strongly
influenced by resonance effects due to low-velocity near-surface layers.
2.2.3. Internal friction, stress orientations and possible plate boundary events
One should also be aware that the assumed angle of 45 between the fault plane and S1 and S3 is only
true in case of new fracture generation in a homogeneous isotropic medium. In this case the principal
axes of the seismic moment tensor (the principal strain axes) would coinside with the principal stress
axes. However, this may not be correct in a heterogeneous anisotropic medium (as the crust), a given
stress environment and tectonic situation. In by far most cases tectonic earthquakes represent
reactivation of faults in shear. Because of the fault plane ambiguity it is not known a priori which of
the two nodal planes of the focal mechanism is the rupture plane and the P-, B- and T-axes are used as
a proxy for the orientation of the principal stress axes.
Townend (2006) reviews the difference between P-, B-, T- and S1-, S2-, S3-axes for plate boundary
strike-slip faults and shows that these faults are oriented at higher angles to the orientation of
maximum horizontal compressive stress SH than a typical internal friction assumed for the brittle
continental crust would suggest. Since earthquakes concentrate on plate boundaries the influence of
plate boundary geometry might be dominating the overall kinematics and therefore the inferred
"stress" orientations. Plate boundaries are characterized by faults with preferred orientations and
presumably include major faults with a low coefficient of internal friction. These faults can not sustain
high shear stresses, and thus can be reactivated even when SH is almost perpendicular to the fault
strike (e.g. Zoback et al, 1987). Thus, the orientation of the P-, B-, and T-axis from FMS could deviate
considerably from the principal stress orientations. To account for this inaccuracy data derived from
FMS are given a quality of not better than C regardless of the size of the earthquake and how well the
focal mechanism is constraint. Assuming that major plate boundaries are weak in general, FMS data
records in their vicinity are flagged as Possible Plate Boundary Events (PBE) when three criteria are
1. The event is located within a critical distance dcrit relative to the closest plate boundary segment.
This critical distance depends on the plate boundary type following the global plate boundary
type classification of Bird (2003). We estimated dcrit by means of a statistical analysis as being
45 km for continental transform faults, 80 km for oceanic transform faults, 70 km for oceanic
spreading ridges, and 200 km for subduction zones.
2. The angle between the strike of the nodal plane and the strike of the plate boundary is smaller
than 30.
3. The tectonic regime of the FMS reflects the plate boundary kinematics, i.e. thrust faulting (TF,
TS) near subduction zones, strike-slip faulting (SS, NS, TS) near oceanic and continental
transforms, and normal faulting (NF, NS) near oceanic spreading ridges.
Stress data records flagged as PBE are not down-ranked in quality and remain as C-quality in the
WSM database. By default they are not plotted on stress maps created with CASMO (online database
interface; For each data record additional information (plate
boundary type and distance) is available in the database, which helps the user to evaluate the influence
of plate boundary kinematics on the stress orientation at a specific location.
A stress inversion determines the orientation of the principal stresses that minimises the average
difference between the slip vector and the orientation of maximum shear stress on the inverted faults.
This angle is commonly called misfit angle. Different algorithms of stress inversion have been
developed by various authors (the most common routines are described by Gephart and Forsyth, 1984;
Michael, 1984; Angelier, 1979; Rivera and Cisternas, 1990). A major difference between stress
inversion techniques is the handling of the fault plane ambiguity. Since stress inversion was first used
for slickenside field data, some algorithms need the fault plane to be determined a priori. In most cases
this is not possible, since further information is to determine the fault plane (see Chapter 2.2.2.).
Angelier (2002) provided a method automatically choosing the fault plane. Gephart and Forsyth
(1984) perform the inversion as if all nodal planes were independent data, primary and remove the
worse fitted auxiliary planes in a second step. The final inversion then includes the planes that are best
fitted by a uniform stress field. A third approach applies a bootstrap routine that picks x mechanisms at
random from the original x events. Each dataset than will have some mechanisms repeated two or
more times (Michael, 1987). Random decisions of the true fault plane and a variety of bootstrapped
datasets finally give a statistical determination of the stress orientation. A recent approach additionally
includes a-priori information on the stress field into a probabilistic stress analysis of FMS that
accounts for the fault plane ambiguity by calculating probability density functions for the orientations
of the principal stress axes (Arnold and Townend, 2007). The different inversion techniques all result
in a deviatoric stress tensor, which gives four parameters, the orientation of the three principal stress
axes and the relative magnitudes of the intermediate principal stress with respect to the maximum and
minimum principal stress. However, stress inversion is not capable of determining stress magnitudes.
The three principal stress axes (reported in the WSM database columns S1AZ, S1PL, S2AZ, S2PL,
S3AZ, S3PL) plus the stress ratio of the stress magnitudes RATIO=(S1-S2)/(S2-S3) build up the
reduced stress tensor. For the incorporation of new FMF data the specification of RATIO is
mandatory. The availability of this information enables to calculate the shape and orientation of the
stress ellipsoid and thus the true orientation of SH. It is recommended to use the formulas given by
Lund and Townend (2007) for SH-determination when the reduced (or full) stress tensor is available.
The adequate binning into regions with a constant stress field in space and time is crucial, but still
under debate, especially for regions near to major plate boundaries. Here, dominating fault orientations
may distort the inferred stress orientations, what may also count for some intraplate regions. It is still
in question, whether plate boundary faults are fundamentally different from smaller intraplate faults.
For the discussion of these aspects we refer to the studies of Townend and Zoback (2006) and
Hardebeck and Michael (2004).
Anyhow, there are no advantages of an average mechanism compared to FMF since the matter of an
adequate binning is relevant for both methods. In future, FMF should be preferred to FMA, since FMF
considers the difference between stress tensor and moment tensor, where FMA does not.
Figure 5: Schematic illustration of the five general tectonic regimes and the according orientations of the
principle stress axes (after Anderson, 1951, and Zoback, 1992).
Table 1: Tectonic regime assignment (Zoback, 1992).
pl > 52
pl < 35
azim. of B-axis
40 < pl < 52
pl < 20
azim. of T-axis + 90
pl < 40
pl > 45
pl < 20
azim. of T-axis + 90
pl < 20
pl > 45
pl < 40
azim. of P-axis
pl < 20
40 < pl < 52
azim. of P-axis
pl < 35
pl > 52
azim. of P-axis
The exact cut-off values defining the tectonic regime categories are subjective. Zoback (1992) used
the broadest possible categorization consistent with actual P-, B-, and T-axes values. The choice of
axes used to infer the SH orientation is displayed in the table above, e.g. the SH orientation is taken as
the azimuth of the B-axis in case of a pure normal faulting regime (NF) and as 90 + T-axis azimuth in
the NS case when the B-axis generally plunges more steeply than the T-axis. The data which fall
outside these categories are assigned to an unknown stress regime ("U") and are given an E-quality
indicating that the maximum horizontal stress azimuth is not defined.
Ideally, the regional stress field would be estimated from a number of events in a given area with a
broad azimuthal distribution of fault orientations. The more reliable stress orientation is reflected in
the higher WSM quality for the formal inversion of several focal mechanisms (FMF). A-quality data
are believed to record the stress orientation to within 15, B-quality data to within 20. Single focal
mechanisms (FMS) are given a C-quality indicating their reliability to within 25.
Composite as well as average focal mechanisms (FMA) do not take into account the conceptional
difference between the stress tensor and the moment tensor (see chapter 2.2). So they might be even
less precise in fault plane orientations than FMS and are assigned to D-quality (reliable within 40).
Criteria for down-ranking the WSM quality are:
instability of the solution due to minor changes in the dataset or in the inversion parameters
a high CLVD and/or isotropic part in the moment tensor (Jost and Hermann, 1989)
Table 2: World Stress Map quality ranking criteria for formal stress inversions FMF (s.d. = standard deviation).
Formal inversion of 15
well constrained single
event solutions in close
geographic proximity
and s.d. or misfit
angle 12
Formal inversion of 8
well constrained single
event solutions in close
geographic proximity
and s.d. or misfit
angle 20
Table 3: World Stress Map quality ranking criteria for single focal mechanisms FMS (M = local magnitude).
Well constraint
single event solution
(M 2.5)
Mechanism with
P,B,T axes all
plunging 25-40
Mechanism with P
and T axes both
plunging 40-50
Table 4: World Stress Map quality ranking criteria for average and composite focal mechanisms FMA.
Average of P-axis
Composite solutions
Mechanism with
P,B,T axes all
plunging 25-40
Mechanism with P
and T axes both
plunging 40-50
We thank John Townend for helpful discussions that complement and improve these guidelines.
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World Stress Map Project, 2008