An Historical Overview: The Changing Times
An Historical Overview: The Changing Times
An Historical Overview: The Changing Times
An Historical Overview
Spirits, demons and other beings existed beyond the realm of the
senses; and this spiritual world somehow controlled and dominat-
ed life in the physical world. Of course there were many world-
views thriving under premodernism. Animism, mythology, Greek
philosophy and Christianity all flourished and battled during the
premodern era, but as diverse as they were all held firmly to a be-
lief in some form of a supernatural spirit-world.
Biblical Christianity is obviously premodern in this sense.
When presenting the gospel it was not necessary to convince peo-
ple that spiritual beings or gods existed — everyone believed this.
The challenge was to persuade individuals that there was only one
true God, who sent his Son into the world as the God-man to die
for their sins. In many ways the premodern worldview (which still
exists in numerous places throughout the world) was a more fertile
environment for the spread of the gospel than either modernism or
postmodernism. One of the criticisms levelled at Christianity dur-
ing the last three centuries is that since it is steeped in premodernity
it is primitive and foolish. The supernatural carries no regard in
modern thought; therefore, the supernatural had to be jettisoned
by the liberal church to gain respectability in Western society. But
we are getting ahead of ourselves.