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Example of Abstract

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A Guide to Writing Scientific Papers for Introduction to foreign literature on agricultural machinery

A Guide to Writing Scientific Papers (Extended Abstract)

This guide, as the name implies, is not intended to make students good writers
overnight. Many of us are still working at it many decades after graduating. Instead, I hope to
give you a glimpse of how the writing process is most effectively tackled, and in so doing give
some hints and strategies that you can adapt to fit to your writing style.

Understanding the Writing Process

Why is it necessary to think about the approach to writing you may ask? The reason is
because it can both influence the degree of enjoyment or pain experienced by the writer and the
quality of the end product.
Many students make the mistake of:
Skimping on the planning stage (do not do enough)
Expecting to write the perfect paper in one sitting
Investing a lot of time writing the perfect sentence, one sentence at a time
Expecting not to do much cutting or editing of the text
Viewing the writing process solely as a task of informing the reader (not as part of
the research and refining of thinking)
This is a recipe for making writing a stressful and inefficient activity, or one that you will
try to put off doing (procrastinate) for as long as possible.
Nobody builds a house by going out and grabbing some nails and wood, and starts
hammering, not at least without a detailed plan. Similarly, experienced writers do not expect to
produce a finished product in one smooth, uninterrupted sitting. Like the person planning to
build a house, there are stages a student typically goes through in writing a scientific paper like
an extended abstract.
Typically there are 3 stages for effective writing; a preparation or pre-writing (planning)
stage, a first draft stage, and a revision stage. My personal guidelines for the time allocation for
each stage are as follows:
Preparation (Pre-writing)
First draft


Now I will go through each of these stages.

A Guide to Writing Scientific Papers for Introduction to foreign literature on agricultural machinery

1. Preparation/ Pre-writing
The purpose, content and general structure of the extended abstract is decided during this
stage. The more time you spend on this, sorting out and organizing your ideas, the smoother the
draft writing stage will go.
This stage can be further divided into:
1.1 Gather in-depth information
Strategies for gathering this information include:
Start broadly, work on details later (search strategy: first gain overview and then
proceed to more a more detailed search by refining the specific keywords used in the
reference search)
Archive your sources as you go (Use a bibliographic reference database1: see example
Where possible save sources as pdf or word files with a naming system so you can
readily find the material (see example of stored reference sources below).
Example of bibliographic database software

1: Frequently used bibliographic reference databases include Endnote, RefWorks, and

Zotero (an open source program).
Also see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_reference_management_software

A Guide to Writing Scientific Papers for Introduction to foreign literature on agricultural machinery

Example of reference sources stored for easy access

1.2 Evaluate content

As you are gathering and organizing reference sources and information you need to also
be considering what perspective or approach you are going to take in the extended abstract. To
this end you should be:

Reading for inspiration.

To determine what perspective are you going to take?
What to put in and what to leave out

1.3 Group content

This is the process of assembling information into similar topics or themes.
To do this I open an empty word file and then begin to read through my reference sources
and noting any ideas I think may be relevant to the paper in this word document. At this stage
there is no order to how the notes are put into the word document.. When doing this be careful to
note the source of the idea for later ease of quoting if necessary. Once all the reference sources
have been read, I then begin to group ideas within the IMRaD structure (see below). And then I
group into similar themes or topics. In this way a rough outline of the ideas to used in the paper
is being formed.
1.4 Organize Content/ Establish Framework
Take the grouped topics and turn them into rough paragraphs.
This is fulfilling two functions:
Brainstorming: strategy for generating and exploring ideas, may include mind mapping.
Outlining: it is like a plan, a way of logically organizing the major ideas (hierarchically).

A Guide to Writing Scientific Papers for Introduction to foreign literature on agricultural machinery

The sciences have a standard written format for manuscripts referred to as IMRaD (see box
below). Use this to form the basic structure of the abstract. In the case of an abstract this
can be simplified to introduction, body, and conclusion.
Outlining then provides further details to this structure. It is a tentative structure to hang
your ideas on.
IMRaD Format
This establishes the topic and the purpose of the automation being documented.
Provide context for robotics application
Reveal problem with manual procedure
Show how the automation is intended to solve problem

Provides the reader with an understanding of how the robot works and what can be
expected in the results and discussion section.
Describe Mechanism/ Instrumentation
Results & Discussion
Main section of abstract
Use visual aids where possible (Label all graphs, charts and visuals clearly.
Use text to highlight key results
Explain results and identify conclusions
Explain significance of conclusions
Identify potential limitations

2. First Draft
The first draft should be relatively a quick and easy stage. The time spent on the
drafting process is inversely proportional to time spent on planning and outlining.
Follow your outline
Write quickly
Dont try to be perfect. Dont expect a beautiful piece of writing
Draft = Rough
Write what you can; skip sections you are having trouble with
No need to write in order; the order often written in is: Method > Results & Discussion >
Introduction > Title.
Dont try to revise
Keep the writing simple; no need for complex sentences

A Guide to Writing Scientific Papers for Introduction to foreign literature on agricultural machinery

3. Revision
3.1 Revise
Analyze abstract at macro (global) level and paragraph level organization. Reverse outlining
helps with this.
Addresses focus or purpose of the abstract
Structure is logical and supports the purpose of the abstract
Remove non-essentials

Reverse Outlining
Steps to write reverse outline
1. Identify the main topic of the paragraph
2. Write this in left hand margin
3. How does the paragraph advance the argument?
4. Write this in right hand margin
5. Arrange these topics in an outline
6. Analyse this outline
Levels of revision
Text structure (`Big picture`)
Is the purpose of the writing clearly defined?
Paragraphs logically organized?
What is the paragraph trying to achieve?
Paragraph structure (Function)
Clear topic sentences?
Supporting sentences relate to topic?
Clear linking?
Sentence Structure (Style/ Grammar)
Sentences well written/ Easy to understand?
Style appropriate?
(See appendix for revision sheet and references for guides to revising paragraphs and
sentences )

3.2 Editing
Examines each sentence to see if serves the topic of the paragraph and provides a logical
flow to the paragraph. (see Williams et. Al. 2010, Zinsser 2001)

A Guide to Writing Scientific Papers for Introduction to foreign literature on agricultural machinery

Each paragraph has one main topic or point, and supporting evidence for this topic
Remove non-essentials

3.3 Proofreading
Check for grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors
Read each sentence aloud
Allow time for several readings
Take a break, to give a fresh perspective
Add active verbs
Ask a friend to read and review
Use spell/ grammar checker, but dont rely solely on these

Writing is like exercise: the more you practice the

better you get!
Katz M.J. 2009. From research to manuscript: A guide to scientific writing. Springer.
Lindsay D. 2011. Technical writing = Thinking in words. Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing
Matthews JR, Matthews R.W. 2007. Successful scientific writing. A step-by-step guide for the
biological and medical sciences. 3rd Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Perelman L.C., Barrett E., Taradis J. 2001. Mayfield electronic handbook of technical &
scientific writing. [Internet] http://www.mhhe.com/mayfieldpub/tsw/toc.htm#1
(Accessed 11 Dec. 2012)
Williams J.M., Colomb G.G. 2010. Style: Lessons in clarity and grace (10th ed.). New York:
Zinsser W. 2001. On writing well. 25th Anniversary Edition. New York: HarperCollins.

A Guide to Writing Scientific Papers for Introduction to foreign literature on agricultural machinery

Reverse Outline Revision Sheet1

Adapted from: Simons D. 2012. Musings on writing.

[Internet] http://www.dansimons.com/resources/Simons_on_writing.pdf (Accessed 6 Nov. 2012)

o Print your paper with large margins on both sides
o Create a reverse outline: short topic sentence in left margin; supporting arguments in
right margin
Macro Level (Big picture)
o Focus of paper clear from outline
o The structure of argument is clear from the outline
o Each topic in the outline follows a logical order
o Each paragraph topic needed for core argument
o Opening paragraph establishes context & creates interest
o Final paragraph draws conclusion & places results or arguments in context
Paragraph Level
o Each paragraph has only one topic
o Each sentence supports the topic of sentence
o Each sentence follows logically from the one before
o No tangential sentences
o Last sentence is memorable
o Provide topic early in the paragraph
Sentence Level
o Sentences in active voice
o Rewrite weak verbs (is, are was were, etc.) with a more powerful verb
o Cut clutter (reduce wordiness)
o Avoid turning verbs into nouns
o Avoid negatives
o Use punctuation to vary sentence structure & clarify meaning

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