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Suspension Math Model

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An engineering mathematics course project on

modelling automobile suspension system

Shengyong Zhang
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
College of Engineering and Technology
Purdue University North Central

The importance of engineering mathematics can never be overemphasized for
mechanical engineering students. Engineering mathematics provides students with
mathematical tools for many other mechanical engineering courses and equips students
with modelling skills to formulate engineering problems into mathematical forms.
Another objective of this course at the Purdue University North Central is to teach
students about how a major project is to be accomplished from start to finish.
A course project on analyzing the dynamic responses of an automobile suspension
system has been designed based upon quarter-car model. This project helps students
develop ability to apply engineering mathematical knowledge (differential equation,
Laplace transform, and transfer function, for example) to identify, formulate and solve
problems in the area of mechanical engineering. This paper describes the project
assignment in detail, summarizes the outcomes of this course project, and discusses
the relationship between this project and the mechanical engineering curriculums
educational objectives.
With the background in calculus and differential equations, the junior students in the
Mechanical Engineering Program at the Purdue University North Central take the
engineering mathematics course which focuses on the theories and applications of
ordinary and partial differential equations [Zill, 2010]. This course provides students
with the necessary engineering mathematical knowledge for some core courses in
Mechanical Engineering. For example, there are many applications of vector calculus in
the Fluid Mechanics, applications of eigenvalue problems in the Vibration Analysis, and
applications of various boundary value problems in the Engineering Numerical Methods
(finite element method, for example). Also knowledge of Fourier series, Fourier
transform, and Laplace transform improves students abilities to analyze problems in the
area of mechanical engineering.
Although realizing the importance of this engineering mathematics course, most
students feel unaware of the practical applications of what they have learned in class.

This class project has been designed to build a bridge between the abstract
mathematical theorems and practical mechanical engineering problems. The project
focuses on the characteristic analysis of vehicle suspension system based on quartercar model [Gillespie,1992]. One objective of the project is to help students develop
ability to apply engineering mathematical skills (differential equation, Laplace transform,
and transfer function, for example) to model and solve a spring-mass-damper system
that is widely used in mechanical engineering. Another objective is to teach students
about how a major project is accomplished from start to finish, prior to their senior
design project. In this paper the project assignment will be presented in detail, along
with a discussion of its outcome, and its contribution to the mechanical engineering
curriculums educational objectives.
Project Description
Quarter-car model is widely used in automotive engineering to simulate the dynamic
behavior of vehicle suspension systems. The main function of suspension is usually
simulated by spring and damper components which provide the necessary ride isolation
at each wheel. Figure 1 shows a simple quarter-car model. The sprung mass (M)
represents the mass of the vehicle supported on the suspension and the unsprung
mass (m) is defined as the total mass of the parts being connected to the wheel directly.
The stiffness and damping coefficient of the suspension are denoted, respectively, by K s
and C s. Kt denotes the stiffness of the tire whose damping effect is ignored.

Figure 1 Schematic diagram of quarter car model

The dynamic behavior can be characterized most meaningfully by considering the inputoutput relationships. The input may be any of excitations (road roughness, deriveline
excitation, excitation from the internal combustion engine, or excitation from the
tire/wheel assembly, for example). The road excitation, Zr, is chosen to be the input to
the suspension system, and it will be transmitted to the occupants through the wheel/tire
assembly, suspension system, frame, and cab. From the ride quality point of view,

designers are mostly interested in the vibration of the sprung mass, which is used as
the system output. The term transmissibility is usually adopted to represent the nondimensional ratio of the response amplitude of the sprung mass to the excitation
amplitude of the rough road.
The sprung and unsprung masses are known, while other system parameters including
the stiffness of the spring components and damping coefficient of the dashpot are to be
determined by students. The project is conducted based mainly upon the strategy
shown in Figure 2. Students determine, through literature research, the appropriate
ranges of the stiffness and damping coefficient according to the known sprung mass.
Also they learn the assumptions upon which the quarter-car model is built, as well as
the state-of-the-art of the research in this area. The literature review findings are
summarized in their final reports. The differential equations for modelling the motions of
the sprung mass and unsprung mass are derived from free body diagrams. This has
been proven to be a critical component of the project. Students enhance their
understanding of the differential equations from engineering point of view, instead of
mathematics point of view. Compared to that in time domain, it is difficult for most
students to understand and interpret the analysis results in frequency domain.
Transmissibility is the non-dimensional ratio of response amplitude to excitation
amplitude in a form of either displacement, or velocity, or accelerations. Laplace
transform is applied to manipulate the derived differential motion equations to yield
system transmissibility as a function of exciting frequency (Although students are
familiar with the properties, theorems, and techniques associated with Laplace
transform through class discussions and homework assignments, they are lack of the
experience of applying this powerful mathematical tool to practical engineering
problems). By plotting the transmissibility with respect to variable stiffness and damping
coefficient in the predetermined ranges, students learn to relate the system response
characteristics (e.g. natural frequency, under/critical/over damping) with the
coefficients in the differential equations. Students may be excited to find that they can
predict the system output (resonance, for example) based on the designed system
parameters (e.g. mass, stiffness, and damping coefficient).
Project Management
The Purdue University North Central has taken the Association of American Colleges
and Universities (AAC&U) Essential Learning Outcomes for its general education
curriculum. One of the purposes of the Essential Learning Outcomes is to prepare
students for gaining knowledge of intellectual and practical skills, including inquiry and
analysis, critical and creative thinking, written and oral communication, team work and
problem solving. This project assignment helps students achieve the course outcomes
in developing students ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and
engineering in the field of mechanical engineering and to identify, formulate, and solve
mechanical engineering problems.
The class is divided into four teams of at least three students each. Team project is
superior to individual project in that more and more engineering research problems

require collaboration of investigators with different expertise. It also provides students

an opportunity to practice in the professional conferences, meetings, and consulting
activities. Another advantage of team work over individual work is the improvement of
students skills for dealing with personality clashes and making decisions efficiently.
Each team is formed voluntarily without any interference from the instructor and it is
completely the junior students responsibility to allocate workloads among the team
members. It is found that the depth and completeness of the project research partially
depend on the research strategy, organization, and time spent on the project.
Grading for each individual is based upon the project report and oral presentation.
Recommended outline for the final report includes a brief introduction and statement of
objectives, a complete sufficiency analysis, and a discussion of the results. The
programming source codes and supporting analyses may be arranged in the appendix
section. Students are encouraged to prepare their reports in a form that conforms to the
same standards as the project proposal, including the specifications on the font,
margins, page numbers, paragraphs, and section. Equations should be centered with
sequential number in parenthesis. Figures and Tables must be captioned and
sequentially numbered. The oral presentation plays an important role in the project
assignment. Each team has ten minutes for presentation in which at least two minutes
should be reserved for audience questions. Team members cooperate in the
presentation, illustrating their work on the research background, analysis details, and
concluding remarks. Other teams may put forward questions concerning the
presenters analysis and results, or they may challenge the presenters with questions
from their own studies. Each student is graded individually by other students, including
his/her teammates, mainly based upon the logical sequence organized in the
presentation, professional behavior during presentation, and presenters responses to
audience questions.

Figure 2 Flowchart for conducting project research


This paper documents the authors attempt to introduce a course project in engineering
mathematics teaching. The project is about the dynamic behavior analysis of a vehicle
suspension subsystem. It is believed that students have enhanced their understandings
of the differential equations through modelling the suspension behavior, Laplace
transform through transferring the analysis results from time domain to frequency
domain, and the transfer function through analyzing the sensitivity of the system
characteristics with respect to the system parameters. Also this project is served to
teach students, prior to their senior design project, how to accomplish a project from
start to finish. Detailed descriptions about the course project are presented, along with
a discussion of its contribution to the mechanical engineering curriculums educational
1. Gillespie, T. 1992, Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics, Society of Automotive
Engineering, Inc.
2. Zill, D. and Wright W. 2010, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 4th edition, Jones
and Bartlett Publishers

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