Fleiss 1981
Fleiss 1981
Fleiss 1981
L. Fleiss
for illustration.
Inter-rater reliability studies are frequently conducted prior to the initiation of a research undertaking in order to ascertain how reliable the ratings to be obtained in the major study may be expected to be. Suppose that m raters are to be compared in a reliability study, but that fewer than m
are able to rate any given subject. For example, if the rating is to be made on the basis of a detailed
examination or interview of the subject, then there may be a limit to the number of times the subject
can be repeatedly examined. If one rater conducts an interview in the presence of the other raters, and
they all make their observations and ratings at the same time, then the difficulty and expense in having all raters present at each interview places a great burden on the investigator.
Suppose that k (< m) is the number of raters who can feasibly rate any single subject. If there is
little or no interest in comparing the mean levels of rating for the several raters, then a simple random
sample of k out of the m raters may be selected, separately and independently for each subject.
Shrout and Fleiss (1979) have discussed the occasional appropriateness of this kind of study (a oneway random effects design, in the terminology of the analysis of variance).
If, however, there is interest in the mean levels of rating for the m raters, and if it is required that
each raters mean be estimated with the same precision, then a degree of structure must be imposed
on the assignment of raters to subjects. The balanced incomplete block design (originally proposed by
Yates, 1936) is presented in this paper as an appropriate study method for the problem at hand.
Methods for estimating and comparing the mean levels of rating are then discussed, followed by
methods for estimating and making inferences about the intraclass correlation coefficient of relia-
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Consider the reliability study design laid out in Table 1, where each entry is the rating given by
the indicated rater to the indicated subject. Note the following features of the design.
1. Each of the 10 subjects is rated by three raters;
2. Each of the six raters rates five subjects; and
3. Each pair of raters jointly rate two subjects.
These features characterize the study as a balanced incomplete block design (BIBD).
Let, in general, m denote the total number of raters involved in the study, n the total number of
subjects being rated, k the number of raters rating any subject (k<m), r the number of subjects rated
by any rater (r<n), and A the number of subjects rated by any pair of raters. Necessary conditions for
the existence of a BIBD with these parameters are
Note that the above design satisfies these conditions, with m=6, n=10, k=3, r=5, and ~l=2. Listings of
BIBDs for a wide variety of parameter values are given in Cochran and Cox (1957, pp. 469-482).
The actual reliability study associated with a BIBD can be executed in a variety of ways, provided
that randomization is applied at some stage. Perhaps the simplest method is to order the n groupings
of raters in some arbitrary fashion. Whenever a subject becomes available for study, one grouping of
raters is selected at random to jointly rate that subject, and the selected grouping is not used again.
Table 1.
Results of a Reliability Study of a Rating Scale
for Depression Designed as a BIBD
Equation 4, ~ is the mean level of rating in the population of subjects, averaged over all raters; a, is
s; is the effect due to the jh subject, with the s;s assumed to be independently and normally distributed with mean 0 and variance o,2; and eij is the residual random error of measurement. The e,,s
are assumed to be mutually independent, independent of the s;s, and normally distributed with mean
0 and variance e,. Finally, the assumption is made of no rater-by-subject interaction.
Define X, to be the mean of the r ratings given by rater i, and Xj to be the mean of the k ratings
on subject j. Define M, to be the mean of the X,s for those r subjects rated by rater i; in Table 1, for
the so-called efficiency factor of the given design. The quantity l-E is the maximum proportionate
reduction in efficiency (i.e., precision) for the given design relative to a randomized block design with
each of m raters rating each of r subjects. If the setting in which the ratings are made is such that
chance measurement errors increase as the number of raters per subject increases, the loss in efficiency will be less than I-E.
The statistic
is the least squares estimate of a;, the effect due to the il rater, and X..+ ai is the least squares estimate of the ih raters mean, where X.. is the grand mean of all the ratings.
The estimation of the rater means for the data of Table 1 is shown in Table 2. Note that the value
.80. The loss in efficiency relative to a ranof the efficiency factor E is (5x2+2)/(5x3)
domized block design with six raters and five subjects is no greater than 20%. The least squares
estimates of the rater means are a great deal closer one to another than a comparison of the simple
mean values, the Xi.s, would suggest. The latter are more variable than the least squares estimates
because they fail to take account of the particular subjects assigned, at random, to the m raters.
Table 3 presents the algebra of the analysis of variance for analyzing the raters effects. The sum
of squares for subjects ignoring raters is the usual sum of squares that would be calculated for measuring variability among the subjects means. It measures differences among the rater effects as well
Table 2
Table 1
(1) 0
8 CH
CL~ Q)
H 8
subject-to-subject variability, however, as seen in the column of expected mean squares. It is calonly to permit the easy determination of the correct error sum of squares by subtraction.
When divided by its degrees of freedom, the resulting mean square for error, MSE, is an unbiased estimate of oe. In the formula for the total sum of squares, 7-7-Xl denotes the sum of the squares of the
nk ratings actually made.
The hypothesis that all m rater means are equal (equivalently, that a,=...=am=0) may be tested by
referring the value of
to tables of the F
distribution with m-1 and ~r-~!-M+l degrees of freedom, and rejecting the hypothesis if the calculated F ratio is significantly large. If the hypothesis is rejected, the Scheff6 (1959)
method of multiple comparisons may be used to test which raters have significantly different mean
levels of rating from which others. If the efficiency factor E is low (less than ~3, say), comparisons
among raters may be much less powerful than in the corresponding randomized block design.
Let Ci, C2,,,,,Cm be any set of constants, at least two of which are unequal, that sum to zero. The
the tabulated critical F value with m-1 and wr-~!-M+l degrees of freedom. When one of the raters
(say the first) appears to have an effect different from that of the others, the constants will be c i = +1I
and C2 =...= c_ = -1/(m-1). When one set of raters (say the firstp) seem to have effects different from
that of the others, the constants will be Cl =... = cp = I lp, and Cp+1 =...=c&dquo;, _ -1/(m p).
Table 3 also presents the analysis of variance table for analyzing the rater effects for the data in
Table 1. The value of FR is less than unity, indicating the absence of significant variation among the
analysis begins with the calculation of the sum of squares for raters ignoring subjects, the usual
of squares for measuring variability among the raters means. It measures subject-to-subject
variability as well as differences among the rater effects, however. With the total sum of squares calculated in the usual way, and with the residual sum of squares given in Table 3, the correct sum of
squares for subjects, with rater effects eliminated, is obtained by subtraction.
An estimate of the intraclass correlation coefficient is
a) 0
H If.-
Unlike the case for a completely balanced design, the distribution of Fs is not exactly that of a constant times a central F variate (Wald, 1941), but it may be so approximated quite well. Let Fa denote
the tabulated critical F value with n-1 and mr-m-n+1 degrees of freedom. An approximate onesided 100(1-a)% confidence interval for the population intraclass correlation (see Feldt, 1965) is
The value of F, is 92.35/9.23 = 10.01, and an estimate of the intraclass correlation coefficient is
indicating good reliability. From tables of the F distribution, the critical .05 value for F with 9 and 15
degrees of freedom is found to be F,, 2.59. An approximate one-sided 95% confidence interval for
the population coefficient is therefore
The efficiency factor E defined in Equation 6 appears several times in the analysis. If the design
completely balanced as in a randomized block design, with each rater rating each subject, the
value of E would be unity. For a BIBD, the value of E is always less than unity. Values of E less than
.67 or so usually mean such a great loss of efficiency that an alternative BIBD, with more raters rating
each subject, should be considered.
Probably the most serious drawback to a BIBD for an inter-rater reliability study is the possibility
that one or more raters may fail to make ratings as scheduled. The analysis becomes exceedingly complicated when data are missing (Cochran & Cox, 1957, pp. 450-452). If the investigator deems the
likelihood high that vagaries of schedules or other factors will produce missing ratings, he or she
should not plan a BIBD, should let chance determine which raters rate which subjects, and should
not expect to learn much about systematic differences among the raters means. The intraclass correlation coefficient of reliability would still be estimable, however (Shrout & Fleiss, 1979).
Cochran, W. G., & Cox, G. M. Experimental designs
(2nd ed.). New York: Wiley, 1957.
Feldt, L. S. The approximate sampling distribution
of Kuder-Richardson reliability coefficient twenty.
, 357-370.
, 1965,
Wiley, 1959.
Shrout, P. E., & Fleiss, J. L. Intraclass correlations:
Uses in
reliability. Psychological
Bulletin, 1979,
, 420-428.
Wald, A. On the analysis of variance in case of multiclassifications with unequal class frequencies.
Annals of Mathematical Statistics
, 1941, 12
Yates, F. Incomplete randomised blocks. Annals of
, 121-140.
Eugenics, 1936,
Authors Address
This work was supported in part by grant MH
28655 from the National Institute of Mental Health.
West 168