13 Accounting Concepts
13 Accounting Concepts
13 Accounting Concepts
Accounting has come to present status after a period of several hundred years. During this period certain accounting assumptions,
concepts and conventions have emerged. Accounting assumptions, concepts and conventions are called Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles (GAAP) since they have been commonly accepted by professional accounting world as general guidelines for
preparing financial statements and reports. Thus accounting principles are rules of action adopted by accountants.
Basic Accounting Concepts
Entity Concept:
In accounting, the entity of business is considered separate from the existence of its owners. Accounts are kept for the entity as
distinct from owners. Thus, money invested by the proprietor by way of capital is considered to be the liability of the business to the
proprietor. If proprietor withdraws some cash or goods, they are treated as drawings but not as business expense. Capital is
reduced by the amount of drawings.
Going Concern Concept:
This concept assumes that the business will exist for certain foreseeable future with the specified goal or for specified duration.
Thus recording and valuation of long-term assets and liabilities are based on this assumption. Fixed assets are recorded on
historical costs and written down over the expected life of the assets. Similarly long-term liabilities, i.e., debentures, preference
shares, long-term loans are raised and their terms of repayment are settled on this assumption. The going concern concept is the
backbone of accounting and is based on the following assumptions:
Business has an indefinite life.
Assets are depreciated on the basis of their expected life without caring for their current values.
In case of innovations or new inventions, their effect is measured in financial terms and assets are depreciated to allow for such
innovations or inventions.
Money Measurement Concept:
In accounting, a record is made only of those facts or transactions that can be expressed in monetary terms. It provides a common
yardstick, i.e., money for measuring, recording and summarizing the transaction. Events, which cannot be expressed in money
terms, do not find a place in account books. For example, salary paid to manager is recorded in account books but his competence
Cost Concept:
According to this concept, all transactions and events are recorded in the book of account at the actual price involved. This price is
called cost. All assets are carried in the books of accounts from year to year at their acquisition cost (also called historical cost)
irrespective of any change in their market value. Acquisition cost is considered highly objective, reliable, definite and free from bias.
Thus when a machine is purchased for Rs. 5 lakhs, transportation expenses are Rs. 20,000, installation expenses are Rs. 10,000,
the machine is valued at Rs. 5,30,000. This is the historical cost of machine.
Dual Aspect Concept :( Double Entry System)
Every transaction entered into by a firm has two aspects, viz., debit and credit. Debit represents creation of or addition to an asset
or an expense or the reduction or elimination of a liability. Credit means reduction or elimination of an asset or an expense or the
creation of or addition of a liability. Therefore, according to dual aspect concept, at any time, the total assets of a business are equal
to its total liabilities. In the equation form:
Assets = Capital + Liabilities
Assets denote the resources owned by a business while the term liability refers to external claim. And capital is the claim of the
owners against the assets of the business.
Accounting Period Concept:
All the transactions are recorded in the books of accounts on the assumption that profits on these transactions are to
be ascertained for a specified period. This is known as accounting period concept. Thus, this concept requires
that a balance sheet and profit and loss account should be prepared at regular intervals. This is necessary for
different purposes like, calculation of profit, ascertaining financial position, tax computation etc. Further, this concept
assumes that, indefinite life of business is divided into parts. These parts are known as Accounting Period. It may be
of one year, six months, three months, one month, etc. But usually one year is taken as one accounting period which
may be a calendar year or a financial year.
Periodic Matching Concept and revenue concept:
The objective of running business is to earn profit in order to ascertain the profit made by the business during a period. It is
necessary that the revenues of the period should be matched with the cost (Expenses) of the period. The term matching means
appropriate association of related revenues and expenses.
Realization Concept:
Revenue is recognized when a sale is made. Sale is consider to be made at the point when the property in good passes to the buyer
and he becomes legally liable to pay.
Accounting Conventions
The term "conventions" includes those customs or traditions which guide the accountants while preparing the accounting
statements. The following are the important accounting conventions.
Convention of Conservatism:
This convention means a caution approach or policy of "play safe". This convention ensures that uncertainties and risks inherent in
business transactions should be given a proper consideration. If there is a possibility of loss, it should be taken into account at the
earliest. On the other hand, a prospect of profit should be ignored up to the time it does not materialize. On account of this reason,
the accountants follow the rule 'anticipate no profit but provide for all possible losses'.
On account of this convention, the inventory is valued 'at cost or market price whichever is less.' The effect of the above is that in
case market price has gone down then provide for the 'anticipated loss' but if the market price has gone up then ignore the
'anticipated profits.' Similarly a provision is made for possible bad and doubtful debt out of current year's profits.
Critics point out that conservatism to an excess degree will result in the creation of secrets reserves.
Convention of Disclosure:
The disclosure of all significant information is one of the important accounting conventions. It implies that accounts should be
prepared in such a way that all material information is clearly disclosed to the reader. The idea behind this convention is that
anybody who want to study the financial statements should not be mislead. He should be able to make a free judgment.
Convention of Consistency:
This convention means that accounting practices should remain unchanged from one period to another. For example, if stock is
valued at cost or market price whichever less is; this principle should be followed year after year. Similarly, if depreciation is charged
on fixed assets according to diminishing balance method, it should be done year after year. This is necessary for the purpose of
comparison. However, consistency does not mean inflexibility. It does not forbid introduction of improved accounting techniques. If a
change becomes necessary, the change and its effect should be stated clearly.
Convention of Materiality:
The accounting convention of materiality means that the effect of all significant or material transactions must be reported in
conformity with the general accepted accounting principles. This convention puts a check on the necessary disclosure in the
financial statements. The financial statements should not be bulky with unnecessary details which are not material. A separate
disclosure would be necessary, if an item is material in nature. The Companies Act, 1956 also says that a separate disclosure of
items of income and expenses should be made if it exceeds 1% of total revenue of the company.