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W68130 ROCLINK 800 Configuration Software


This file describes release 1.90 of ROCLINK 800 Configuration Software (W68130).
The file describes the items addressed in this release, addresses compatibility,
and provides upgrade instructions. It also includes a revision history.
Version 1.89 --> 1.90 (19-Oct-2011)
RL80000003292 The FST Editor will now compile when Extended HART Point Type 84
parameters are accessed.
RL80000003129 Added a warning dialog when updating a ROC800 to version 3.30 or
greater that user-defined points in the range of 239-254 are reserved for
application modules.
RL80000003157 FB107 LCD firmware updates are now supported.
RL80000003158 Added option to allow user to Enable/Disable Soft Point logging
for FB107.
RL80000003159 Added support for FB107 Opcode 17 logout/disconnect.
RL80000003160 Added support for FB107 Security Timeout parameter.
RL80000003171 Resolved FST run-time error when invalid characters are entered.
RL80000003172 Added support for FB107 LCD ON feature.
RL80000003180 Resolved viewing LCD information in FB107 offline configuration
RL80000003198 Resolved viewing I/O Monitor for FB103, FB104, FB503 and FB504
device types.
RL80000003200 Resolved displaying of floating-point values.
RL80000003210 Resolved run-time error when viewing ROC800 User Program
RL80000003223 Added support for FB107 slot 7 User C programs.
Version 1.88 --> 1.89 (2-Aug-2011)
RL80000002706 Enabled users to specify beginning and end collection dates for
EFM data
RL80000003181 Resolved (for ROC800-series, File > New) the range error that
occurred when selecting a HART Module
RL80000003154 Enabled (for ROC800-Series) download of Type 92 parameters
RL80000003153 Increased (for ROC800-Series) the number of logicals of point
type 92 (Logon Parameters)
RL80000003151 Added additional user defined point checkboxes when downloading
a configuration file
RL80000003149 Enhanced (for the DL8000) EFM Report Conversion so that Weights
& Measures (W&M) events now transfer to .aga/.det file
RL80000003146 Enhanced (for FB107) the creation process for newly created
configs to provide four (rather than three) standard LCD user lists
RL80000003132 Unable to View > History from File when the ActiveView is
RL80000003128 Restricted firmware update of SAM module to same subtype as
existing firmware
RL80000003115 Enhanced the descriptive name for a default config file name
(File > Save)
RL80000003112 Improved usability of Communications Monitor, increasing the
capture size and export ability
RL80000003108 Enhanced (for the DL8000) usability aspects during configuration
RL80000003107 Improved (for FB107), the selections for Meter Setup units
RL80000003101 Improved collection of data for EFM Reports / CFX Conversion
accumulated pulse history when flow input is not set to pulse

RL80000003098 Improved printing functionality for custom user displays

RL80000003096 Resolved (for FB107 with firmware version 1.33) the error
messages that occurred when downloading offline config file
RL80000003094 Enhanced the Event Log to show Point Type 0 events
RL80000003090 Added (for the ROC800L) Weights and Measures events to the EFM
Report PGAS Conversion
RL80000003089 Added (for the ROC800L) Weights and Measures events to the EFM
Report Flo-Cal Conversion to .cfx file
RL80000003081 Corrected (for FB107 firmware version 1.33) Save Configuration
function (File > Save Configuration) to prevent failures
RL80000003079 Resolved compiler error in FST Editor when encountering an
undefined TLP
RL80000003075 Enabled (for FB107) the read of the HART Point Type from the
config file
RL80000003074 Fixed error after adding a module to offline configuration file
when also connected to another device.
RL80000003073 Fixed (for ROC300 with FlashPAC and Measurement Canada) the
opcode error that occurred when reading the FlashPAC
RL80000003072 Enhanced (for ROC827 Series 2) the capability to view more than
200 history points.
RL80000003077 Enhanced the download (File > Download) of comm port parameters
RL80000003062 Added (for ROC800-Series 2) support for the Application Module
RL80000003059 Included (for ROC800L) the Weights and Measures log in EFM
Report collection
RL80000003052 Enhanced EFM reporting daily totals to display a minimum of
three places after the decimal point
RL80000003051 Added method to automatically save configuration files
RL80000003048 Corrected (for FB107) the offline config to show correct first
history point
RL80000003044 Resolved error that occurred when saving a User Display (with an
undefined picture object on the canvas) to file
RL80000003041 Added Softpoint Data description to OpcodeTable CurrentValues
tab and to TLP picker box
RL80000003040 Corrected data display (for ROC800 Series 1) in APM modules
configuration window
RL80000003035 Added (for FB107) description field for each Soft Point
RL80000003033 Added (for FB107) Tag, Parameter Description, and Current Value
for each Opcode Table TLP
RL80000002974 Enabled refresh for a corrupt cached user display
RL80000002866 Added (for ROC800) alarm codes for flow calculation alarms
RL80000002029 Change the Scan Period in a printed configuration from "number
of 50 millisecond intervals" to actual number of seconds
Version 1.87 --> 1.88 (3-November-2010)
Added support for ROC800L version 1.01.
FB407 Industry Canada view history is now supported for version 1.08a
Enhanced EFM reporting totals to display a minimum of three places after the
decimal point (RL80000002992).
FB107 EFM Conversion to Flow-Cal will set "L" in cfx file when "At beginning
of period" history time stamp is selected (RL80000002979).
Added support to download ROC800 AI read/write midpoints (RL80000002966).
Added support for ROC800 Opcode 17 logoff command (RL80000002964).

Added support for ROC800 user entered security timeout (RL80000002963).

Added support for ROC800 MVS module temperature bias (RL80000002962).
Added support for the new ROC800 RTD module (RL80000002961).
Added support for new ROC800 Thermocouple module (RL80000002958).
Added support for HART units tag parameter (RL80000002953).
Added support for off line addition of new IO modules to an existing ROC800
configuration file (RL80000002632).
Enhanced calibration report to include Station\Meter ID, Meter input range,
type of connection, plate size, and time of day (RL80000002563).
FB107 COM buffer data correctly reports in hexadecimal format.
Resolved FB107 "Key is not unique in collection" error message opening a saved
configuration file (RL80000002944).
.aga/.det conversion shows AGA7 raw pulses and uncorrected volume
Added current value field to the select TLP dialog window (RL80000002935).
Added support for ROC800 Series 2 115200 baud rate selection (RL80000002932).
ROC800L now shows AI point types as selectable for Meter Run Inputs
Added ROC800, file new support for new HART and DO Relay cross platform
modules (RL80000002888).
Add support for AI calibration report (RL80000002837).
Modified the ROC800 HART A/D counts for AO to be read/write rather than just
read (RL80000002678).
Supports totalize and accumulation history archives for flow and energy for
.aga/.det conversion (RL80000002526).
AATM user program TLP is now available in meter run input TLP selector
Enhanced History Segment Point tab text to match the History Segment
Configuration tag (RL80000001965).
Modified FST editor to not allow user to write to read-only parameters
Version 1.86 --> 1.87 (27-May-2010)
Added support for ROC800L version 1.00
Resolved .aga/.det conversion invalid use of null issue (RL80000002920).
Resolved Flow-Cal AGA7 conversion missing raw volume data when the user has
point type 47,x,51 configured to totalize the uncorrected pulses for the day
Added a means for the user to view the source (TLP) for any displayed value
ROC800 APM alarm values are now displayed into the alarm log (RL80000002916).
Resolved problem converting FB407 .efm file to .det file. (RL80000002887).
800 Series Hart Calibration values now can be written without restriction
allowing calibration of HART AO points(RL80000002878).
Added support for additional ROC800 platform Soft Point Parameters
Added support for ROC800 Joule Thompson configuration parameters
(RL80000002874, RL80000002844).
Added support for ROC800 Modbus Master over TCP/IP (RL80000002847).
Resolved problem calibrating MVS with RL800 (1.86) on ROC800 running firmware
version 2.01 or earlier (RL80000002804).
Added support for new alarm codes returned by Opcode 118 (RL80000002866,
RL80000002864, and RL80000002862).
Resolved virtual DO updated firmware download selection issue (RL80000002860).

Added support for ROC800 platform APM level A pulse checking and alarming
(RL80000002858, RL80000002792).
Enhanced ROC800L APM Level A bad pulse alarm descriptions (RL80000002850).
Add support for 6 point DO relay in 800 series 2 devices (RL80000002848).
Added support for ROC800 platform differential and linear meter accumulator
double precision parameters with configurable rollover (RL80000002844,
Added support for ROC800 US, Metric (kpa), Metric (bar) Station units
Changed the default alarm log value column width to display scientific
notation values (RL80000002831).
Added progress bar for downloading user displays (RL80000002824).
Added support for Advanced Pulse Module check/marker pulse verification
Added support for new ROC800 HART-2 module in ROC800 firmware v3.10
Added option for viewing communication buffers in ROC memory for ROC300,
FB407, FB500 and FB103 products (RL80000002830).
Enhanced the display editor to allow more than eight tabs (RL80000002257).
Added FB107 pseudo PI points to File New default configuration
Added support for sampler without meter runs on ROC800.
Added support for the FB107 LCD touch screen inactivity timer (RL80000002775).
Added support for FB107 Modbus option to select the Year Format for Events and
Added variable K factors to the ROC800 EFM report.
Enhanced custom display editor chart legend to show IO tag name.
Added support for FB407 Measurement Canada version 1.05.
Version 1.85 --> 1.86 (14-December-2009)
Added support for the new ROC800 HART Module.
Provide ability to collect only new data and append to file.
Added ability to save partial EFM data to file on communications failure.
Added FB107 Measurement Canada support.
Added support for ROC300 and FB407 Measurement Canada legacy devices.
Added compressibility to the meter values window for the FB107 and ROC800.
Added support for ROC800L parameters.
Enhanced FB107 Mass meter EFM report to include data for the Average Specific
Gravity, Average K-Factor, and Mass accumulation.
Added "start all" selection to the User Program Administrator.
Added PI frequency to the IO monitor.
RL80000002766 Warm start now performed on FB107 after number of active Meter
Runs or PIDs points are changed to synchronize the user programs with the number
of runs.
RL80000002722 Resolved "Compile FST Error 3021. Either BOF or EOF is True, The
current record has been deleted." compile FST issue.
RL80000002677 Resolved FB107 production manager UDP point read issue.
RL80000002676 Resolved PC Communication Port Refresh 94 issues.

RL80000002673 Adjusted communications section to resolve Bluetooth connection

Version 1.84 --> 1.85 (1-July-2009)
Added ability to launch a user created display on startup.
Added ability to change point, logical, or parameter individually for TLP data
type in a FB107 FST
Added support for FB107 extended soft points.
Added ability to write to FB107 Discrete Output physical output when in manual
Added support for FB107 TCP Modbus master.
Added support for FB107 Message #2 FST parameter.
Added FB107 HART support.
Added ability to write to the FB107 Analog Output physical output parameter
when in manual mode.
Added File\New support for FB107 AO\DO module.
Added support for the FB107 Enhanced Communications Module
Added support for ROC800 virtual Discrete Output point type.
Added support for ROC800 ARP parameters.
Added support for ROC800 for static pressure Fpwl parameter.
Added ROC800 version 3.01 Discrete Output invert parameter support.
Added ROC800 Series 2 File\New support.
Enhanced RL800 to reduce connection time for large user defined point types.
Added a refresh tree option that updates user program logical and tag names in
the configuration tree.
Added ability to add user displays to the pull down menu and tree.
Enhanced RL800 to recognize up to 256 communications ports.
Added ability to configure user access security levels.
Increased maximum vertical display size.
RL80000002657 Adjusted the ROC800 Series 2 File\New history point default to
RL80000002655 Adjusted the ROC800 System AI File\New logic #3 adjusted 0 &
100% default value.
RL80000002654 Adjusted the ROC800 RTD File\New adjusted 0 and 100% default
RL80000002653 Adjusted the ROC800 AO File New adjusted 0 and 100% default
RL80000002646 Resolved problem downloading ROC800 Series 2 history points to
Series 1 unit.
RL80000002639 Adjusted FB107 PID default tuning values
RL80000002616 Resolved problem with user display tags in tree menu.
RL80000002569 Resolved turbine meter calibration issue when high alarm is set
to 9999999.9 and low alarm set -9999999.9
RL80000002586 Included FB107 version 1.21 in the ROC.mdb
RL80000002585 Resolved version 1.84 problem opening MODBUS configuration
RL80000002537 Resolved ROC800 Error Log Tool problem retrieving logs.
RL80000002532 Resolved loss of event detail on EFM file to .CFX format

Version 1.83 --> 1.84 (12-March-2009)

Added support for FB107 Message #2 FST parameter.
Added support for ROC800 virtual Discrete Output point type.
Added ability to write to the FB107 Discrete and Analog Output physical output
parameter when in manual mode.
Enhanced RL800 to recognize up to 256 communications ports.
Added ROC800 version 3.01 Discrete Output invert parameter support.
Enhanced RL800 to reduce connection time for large user defined point types.
Added a refresh tree option that updates user program logical and tag names in
the configuration tree.
RL80000002552 Resolved APM alarm log problem when alarm exceeds thirty
RL80000002538 Resolved problem setting the FB500 clock when device responds
with out of range data time values.
RL80000002536 Modified ROC800 imperial file new default viscosity value.
RL80000002522 Modified FB107 file new Analog Input 0% and 100% Adjusted A\D
default values.
Version 1.82 --> 1.83 (5-January-2009)
Correction made to allow collection and display of FB107 December 31st leap
year history.
RL80000002535 Correction made to allow collection and display of FB107
December 31st leap year history.
Version 1.81 --> 1.82 (15-December-2008)

support for DL8000 Series 2 Preset controller.

Discrete Output to DL8000 Filtered Upstream\Downstream point selection
Discrete Output invert mode support for DL8000 Series 1 and 2.
Station name to title bar for user defined displays.
"Auto Scan" support for legacy device PID point types.

RL80000002515 Resolved problem opening custom and user displays.
RL80000002508 Resolved date change issue requiring multiple applies.
RL80000002477 Enhanced FB107 EFM report to include all variable K factors.
Version 1.80 --> 1.81 (24-October-2008)

Added support for DL8000 Series 2 CPU.

Added support for ROC800 MVS IO module.
Added support for ROC800 AI-16 module.
Added configurable EFM report utility.
Added RTD Bias calibration parameter support to analog inputs and meter runs
for ROC800 Series 2 and DL8000 version 1.12 and greater.
Added ROC800 Series 2 ISO5167-2003 calculation standard support.
Added support for new ROC800 Series 2 APM module parameters.
Added ROC800 Modbus ASCII conversion code 81 support.
Enhanced FB107 EFM report to support Coriolis meter types.
Added support for AGA11 (Coriolis) in the meter history wizard.
Added Coriolis meter type and pressure effect parameters to the Flow-Cal
conversion when a mass meter type is selected.
Added FB107 history unit parameter support.
Added FB107 modem module support.
Enhanced FST editor to display FST name.
Added "Auto Scan" support for IO, FST register, and PID point types.
RL80000002487 Resolved FB407 MVS IO calibrations verify issue.
RL80000002470 Meter runs with invalid characters in the tag name will now
present the "Save As" dialog window.
RL80000002453 Resolved ROC800 flash file read 230 bytes offset issue.
RL80000002353 Modified online\offline status indicator to display offline when
Ethernet connection is lost.
Version 1.75 --> 1.80 (7-July-2008)
Added support for print of user displays.
Added active flow and property calculation standard information to meter setup
and values windows.
Resolved issue viewing pulse inputs on FB107 with Russian regional setting.
Added support for option to disable logging of FB503 AGA limit type events.
Added support for APM pulse input tags and reverse pulse counts.
Added support for ROC800 Series 2.
Added ability to calibrate MVS via the configuration window.
Added all user point data to a configuration file save.
Added coriolis meter type to the Flow-Cal conversion when a mass meter type is
Added station name to the online title bar.
Added mass meter configuration parameters to the ROC800 EFM report.
Added FB107 upstream temperature calculation support.
Added FB107 configuration option to disable splitting logs on configuration
Added support for the FB107 Modbus history table expansion.
Enhanced ROC809 Modbus configuration dialog screens.
Added ROC800 history wizard.
Added FB107 history wizard.
Added mouse over graphics for the ROC800 device.
Added ability to view displays from file & device to access level 1.
Changed ability to create and edit custom display to access level 5.
Added support for the FB107 Application Modules.
Added Mass meter data to the IO monitor listing.

ROCLINK 800 automatically reconnects on change of FB107 baud rate.

Added support for the FB107 six channel DO Relay module.
Added support for the FB107 eight channel AI/DI module
Added port owner field to the FB107 communications port window.
Added differential pressure, uncorrected volume, static pressure and
temperature to the I/O monitor.
to define an IP

Resolved over writing display number on export/import of display

Moved all FST parameters to the end of a ROC800 download
Added ability to enter a forward slash in the phone number field
port for CDMA modems.
Added Factor "Fa" for Flashpac 1985 EFM report.
Enabled Print Preview button after device communications loss.
Increased delays when downloading or deleting large FB107 user C
Removed ROC300 MVS meter calibration static pressure offset
Resolved application launch problems with South Africa regional
EFM conversion changes meter tag "special" characters to a

Version 1.74 --> 1.75 (16-October-2007)

Added support for Windows Vista. Please read the computer requirements section
of this document for more information.
Added support for ROC800 APM point fail alarms.
Added support for DL8000 transactional history modifications.
Added ability to convert ROC306/312/364, FB103/104, FB107, FB407, FB503/504
device types .efm report format to .CFX Flow-Cal format.
Added ability to convert ROC800 .efm report files to .det format.
Limited to the first five configured meter runs
Requires one meter run per station
Alarms are not converted
Added ability to edit FST code offline from a .800 configuration file.
RL80000002279 Moved FST point types to the end of the download sequence to
prevent issues with start of an FST prior to download of associated point type
RL80000002278 Increased display size limits for saving ROC800 configurations
with large keypad display user program files.
RL80000002277 Converted FB504, FB104, and FB107 EFM files properly display the
uncorrected volume for .aga and .det file formats.
RL80000002251 Corrected need to first configure a FB103 or FB107 DI point type
for download of DI configuration.
RL80000002246 Added ability to store ROC800/DL8000 user displays in the RL800
folder instead of in unit.
RL80000002242 Enhanced modem number string to allow decimal point.

RL80000002241 Resolved issue where six characters can be entered for an FST
RL80000002222 Activated FB107 PID Apply button on a paste of data.
RL80000002185 Resolved issue with "invalid reference" notifications reading
FB407 and ROC300 FST code after downloading the configuration file.
RL800-0002112 Enhanced FB500 series configuration download to include the
system variables.
RL80000002148 Changed FB107 converted file format to a .det from .aga.
Version 1.73 --> 1.74 (11-June-2007)
Added support for MVS IO module.
Added support for ROC800 User defined history segment configuration.
Added support for ROC800 read directory contents, Opcode 203.
Added support for ROC800 version 2.10 expanded DS800 point type 122
Enhanced PI frequency parameter to allow data entry when in manual mode.
Removed daylight saving time for support of ROC800 updates.
Added support for ROC800 PID minimum control time parameter.
Added support for ROC800 communications response delay parameter.
Added support for ROC800 maximum number of FST instructions attempted
Added support for ROC800 Thermocouple EU offset for meter runs.
Added support for GridBoss District Regulator and Low Pressure Point products.
Added support for DL8000 device type.
RL80000002173 ROC800 Master Comm Status is now a read/write parameter.
RL80000002179 Enhance EFM report to display FB107 ISO calculation method.
RL80000002176 Enhanced FB103 EFM report to display ISO user program
calculation methods.
RL80000002169 Added the ability to enter an offset (zero shift) for the ROC800
v2.02 static pressure.
RL80000002162 Resolved issue with HART AI calibration sequence.
RL80000002123 TLP IO mapping resolves problem with addition of IO to a ROC300
and FB407.
RL80000002051 Enhanced ROCLINK 800 to use TLP IO mapping for FSTs.
RL80000000965 ROCLINK continues reading data when it encounters a timestamp
value of 0.
Version 1.71 --> 1.73 (23-Feb-2007)
Added the capability to import and export display objects to more efficiently
merge and edit displays.
Added support for FloBoss 107 license key administration.
Added capability to display history from ROC800 keypad display.
Added support for ROC800 v2.10 FST parameters.
Enhanced security filtering by adding user program tree and menu selections.

RL80000002121 Added EFM File Conversion support for non-TLP-related alarms and
RL80000002107 Enhanced ROCLINK 800 to perform retries on download on ROC800
after system-variable warm start.
RL80000002103 Enhanced ROCLINK 800 to assure retention of meter station
selections during ROC800 download.
RL80000002100 Enhanced ROC300 and FB407 converted EFM report to properly
display uncorrected volume.
RL80000002099 Increased resolution for total mole to the same resolution as
the molecular weights.
RL80000002088 Enhanced ROCLINK 800 to retain FB100 toolbar and menu IO
selections updates after a cold start.
RL80000002084 Added pass-through support to the FB107 configuration file.
RL80000001527 Enhanced FB107 display administrator to show memory used and
available information.
Version 1.70 --> 1.71 (17-Nov-2006)
Support added for FloBoss 107 device type.
Support added for ROC800 version 2.10 parameters.
Enhanced calibration to include support for static pressure offset for the
RL80000002066 RL800 version 1.71 ROC800 configuration files indicate presence
of ACIO modules only when modules are present in the device.
RL80000002041 RL800 version 1.71 allows user to re-span AI value in
calibration mode on ROC300 and FB407.
RL80000002035 Addition of frequency to I/O monitor for FB107 Pulse Input point
RL80000002024 Changed ROC800 PI point today's total read/write from read/only
for version 2.10.
RL80000002015 Changed ROC800 FST instruction pointer from read/only to
read/write for version 2.10.
Version 1.60 --> 1.70 (29-Sep-2006)
Support added for ROC800 user define point types 196 through 255
Support added for ROC800 version 2.10 parameters
Support added for ACIO Module
Support added for Advanced Pulse Module.
Enhanced calibration to include support for static pressure offset for the
FB103, FB500, ROC300.
Support added for ROC300 1985 AGA meter run configurations.
Enhanced Modbus history table to include support for override mode 2 in the
Enhanced meter calibration form to allow multiple deadweight tester entries
for mid point 3.
Enhanced FB103 and ROC809 calibration window to include history.
Support added for new ROC800 meter alarms.
Support added for accessing TLP data types from a ROC300 and FB407 FST.

RL80000002007 Addition of Override PID threshold field for ROC800 Firmware
RL80000001994 ROC800 Analog Input adjusted A/D 0% and 100% is now a read/write
parameter in ROC800 Firmware 2.10
RL80000001973 Addition of %Deviation field to FB500 Meter input verifications.
RL80000001970 Addition of radio button to Modbus history table for support of
point type 119 parameter 123
RL80000001953 Calibration, change made to store the previous range for
calculating the calibration report as found value.
RL80000001922 Default configuration files have been added for the ROC300,
FB407, and FB500 products.
RL80000001920 Number of points are now updated on pull down menu or toolbar.
RL80000001912 User Correction Factor has been added to the FB103 and FB503 EFM
RL80000001906 Config Tree error is no longer received after update of FB407
RL80000001904 The Modbus Host Parameters of the Communications port screen has
been enhanced to show the correct value.
RL80000001497 FST, allow user access to meter input TLPs for ROC300 and 400.
Version 1.51 --> 1.60 (06-Dec-2005)
FB503/FB504 support added.
User manual and help updated.
PGAS conversion upgraded to version
FlowCal conversion upgraded to version
EFM Export conversion upgraded to version
RL80000001354 A utility for downloading flash to the FB104 PIM and FB103/104
6-Point I/O Termination Boards has been added.
RL80000001672 MVS calibration, event log entry may indicate successful
calibration even though communication was lost with MVS.
RL80000001674 Improve MVS calibration sequence when a sensor or communication
failure occurs.
RL80000001775 A batch EFM conversion utility has been added.
RL80000001801 For FloBoss 504 units, added TIM Integrity level to EFM report.
RL80000001819 For FB103/104 and FB503/504 units, allow only pulse input points
to be assigned to the meter input in AGA7 applications.
RL80000001823 While connected to a ROC800, the PID Tuning Screen's label has
changed from "Integral Deadband" to "Control Deadband".
RL80000001824 The File > New screen for the ROC800 has been enhanced to
support version 2.XX of firmware.
RL80000001829 The Update Hardware procedure for FB103/104 units allows the
user to skip firmware update when the firmware is already at the latest version.
RL80000001834 FST Editor handles use of the compare instruction (>) with large
constant values.
RL80000001837 File > New for the ROC800 has been enhanced to default the COMM
port of an MVS module to 9600 baud.
RL80000001840 ROCLINK calculates and displays a program CRC for user programs
downloaded to FB103/104, FB407, and ROC300 units.
RL80000001841 Filling all of the ROC800's User Define Points will no longer
cause errors to be displayed.

RL80000001842 For FB407 units, a floating point value can be entered for scan
period of I/O point types.
RL80000001848 When creating a new configuration for a FB103 unit, unit labels
are properly updated when the Metric option is selected.
RL80000001851 PGAS, FlowCal, and EFM Export has been updated to the latest OCX
RL80000001853 Full support for version 1.04 of the FB407 has been added.
RL80000001858 Added Modbus conversion codes options.
RL80000001859 Data precision value is saved to keypad display file.
RL80000001871 A NaN value can now be overwritten. Previously, once a NaN
value was shown in a Softpoint, for example, attempting to place a new value in
the softpoint would be unsuccessful.
RL80000001878 A warm start and reconnect is not required on expanded 8-point
to 16-point change.
Version 1.50 --> 1.51 (31-Aug-2005)
Added MMI 3711 and 4700 support.
ROC300 Flashpac version 2.20 and greater support.
Number of FST lines increased for FB103/104.
RL80000001698 User Display, User point tag in point number field doesn't
update without reconnecting.
RL80000001720 User Displays, Data type S32 (INT32) not displayed properly.
RL80000001738 ROC809, AGA7 Static K Factor label should show correct units for
Meter Type.
RL80000001742 ROC809, User Program Status not saved to/loaded from
configuration file.
RL80000001762 After EFM conversion to .AGA format, the history for Today's
Total shows zeros.
RL80000001771 WDB & WTM data does not get displayed properly when viewing
RL80000001774 FST - Number lines increased from 300 to 400 for FB103/104.
RL80000001786 Range checking for Configure/Modbus/Configuration /Start
Register is incorrect.
Version 1.40 --> 1.50 (22-Feb-2005)
ROC809 Keypad/Display support.
FB103/FB104 flash firmware version 2.12 support.
Various help additions and enhancements.
RL80000000070 You will only be prompted to save an FST if a change has been
RL80000001112 Print Preview, conversion to .xls format no longer causes file
corruption error on very large conversions.
RL80000001228 Support for the ROC809's Keypad and Display has been added.
RL80000001338 The screen layout for the EFM conversions screen has been
changed to more clearly show the options available for the various ROC types.
RL80000001398 File\New, support has been added for the HART module when using
a ROC809.
RL80000001417 EFM, Daily and Periodic report data is now placed under the
header instead of on the next page.

RL80000001432 Min\Max values are now viewable for the FB407.

RL80000001433 Viewing of history is now consistent with labeling of periodic
data for the FB103 and the ROC809.
RL80000001480 Flags, an enable/disable flag for user programs was added to the
RL80000001507 After downloading an FST, you are now prompted to enable the
RL80000001519 Calibration, ROC809 meter calibration will now allow calibration
of thermocouples.
RL80000001522 After creating a .800 file from File-New, you are now prompted
to open the file.
RL80000001529 Displays are now cached after reading them once (from the ROC)
for the session.
RL80000001538 FB103, FST instruction pointer is now writable.
RL80000001542 FB407 User Program Administrator now has a "Download & Start"
button to be consistent with other product screens.
RL80000001543 ROC809, when downloading a configuration to the ROC, the HART
point type is now sent with the other I/O points. This will ensure that the
points are available if they are used by such things as history or meter runs.
RL80000001546 FB103, the header of the history point when viewing history is
now displayed correctly.
RL80000001570 ROC809 HART, cancellation of a calibration no longer displays a
misleading dialog box.
RL80000001578 FB103/FB104 - Added support for Point Type 55, parameters 56 and
57 (MODBUS current date and time registers).
RL80000001596 ROC809, additional HART parameters have been added to the
default list of available inputs for sampler and PID.
RL80000001606 ROC809, The HART channel I/O object has changed from a radio
button to a label.
RL80000001608 ROC809, support for parameter 123, History Index Mode, for point
type 119 has been added.
RL80000001641 FB103, PID set point input is now disabled in manual mode when
set point tracking is enabled.
RL80000001647 Additional communications are now shown in the Debug
Communications Dialog box. It now shows communications that was received
between the last valid response and the next request.
RL80000001648 RTS timing and the decoding of responses with noise ahead of the
valid bytes have improved.
Version 1.30 --> 1.40 (22-Oct-2004)
ROC809 HART Module Support.
ROCLINK 800 Display Editor Enhancements.
PGAS conversion upgraded to version
FlowCal conversion upgraded to version
RL80000001303 IP, reconnect to ROC809 is now established after a warm or cold
RL80000001308 Upgrade Exports using Active Reports was upgrade to version
RL80000001309 File > New, Added 6 point I/O board for the FB103/FB104
RL80000001310 PGAS, quotation marks at the beginning and end of .vol file are
no longer created.

RL80000001322 Installer: Created a directory to place the custom displays for

user programs.
RL80000001337 The ROC_User.mdb file no longer has the chance of getting
overwritten on an upgrade.
RL80000001340 A copy of the ROC_User.mdb file is made during the installation
(upgrades) for backup purposes.
RL80000001352 Flo-Cal conversion, the correct archive type (134) is referenced
for totalization instead of 124.
RL80000001357 Calibration, percent deviation calculation in a calibration
report (for a calibration verify) has been updated.
RL80000001358 The icons for soft points and thermocouple have been changed.
RL80000001379 ROC809, meter calibration zero shift no longer sends a value
with the incorrect sign to the device.
RL80000001384 Flow-Cal version is now included in the installation.
RL80000001387 Calibration, AI points was previously left in manual if the AI
Calibration tab is left before selecting the combo box and points to another AI
Calibration tab.
RL80000001388 ROC809, Modbus Registers - Selecting of a com that has been
renamed to a number between 1 and 5 caused problems with the selection.
RL80000001389 ROC809 HART module support was added.
RL80000001394 If more than one modem is installed, the selection box (to
select which one to use) is no longer covered by another window.
RL80000001396 The example displays shipped with ROCLINK 800 have been updated
to show some of the new features available with the new display editor.
RL80000001400 File > New, for FB103 and FB104 have been updated.
RL80000001412 PGAS conversion version has been added to the installer.
RL80000001436 ROC809 History now supports mixing of FST date, FST data, User
Program date, User Program data, and regular history data and dates.
RL80000001444 FST, read of Timers is now performed properly.
RL80000001449 Calibration, support has been added for static pressure offset
for the FB407.
RL80000001452 FB407 - PID, in override mode, you were unable to correctly
configure the Primary PV and Override Output.
RL80000001455 Idle time between packets of Data for the FB103 and FB104 are
now configurable.
RL80000001456 The ability to download and retrieve User Displays in the
FB103/104 have been added.
RL80000001469 ROC809, inputs are now put into manual when the Freeze
pushbutton is pressed.
RL80000001470 Help, various help sections have been updated.
RL80000001476 Display - Added the ability to download User Display with UserC
Version 1.23 --> 1.30 (21-Apr-2004)
Support for version 1.30 of ROC809 firmware.
Support for version 2.00 of FB103 firmware.
Support for version 1.11 of FB407 firmware.
PGAS conversion upgrade to version
FlowCal conversion upgrade to version
RL80000001241 PGAS, volume data is now consistent between totalize and
RL80000001238 PGAS, conversion of volume data will now properly handle force
end of day.

RL80000001237 ROC809, change from momentary mode to toggle no longer only

sends the change to momentary.
RL80000001234 PGAS, volume file - periodic ending data is now associated with
the correct time (not one hour late).
RL80000001218 ROC809, added support for modbus over IP parameters.
RL80000001217 Modem communications is now handled consistently independent of
the override modem init string selection.
RL80000001209 ROC809, update firmware menu selection is now correctly enabled
when the ROC is in firmware update mode.
RL80000001206 ROC809, added support for variable K-factor to turbine meter
RL80000001197 The Device Type is now appended to the Station name and
connection type in the form name.
RL80000001187 A 50 character modem phone number is now supported.
RL80000001182 FB103 the User program status correctly shows that current
status following a download.
RL80000001171 ROC809, the Frequency parameter has been added for the pulse
RL80000001168 For the TLP selection form, the Point Type is not displayed if
the logicals don't exist.
RL80000001157 FB407, the second DO output of the PID is now correctly written
to the correct parameter.
RL80000001154 FB407, downgrades (to an older version of flash code) are now
RL80000001153 FlowCal conversion, now handles an MVS configuration set to hold
last value correctly.
RL80000001152 FlowCal conversion, now handles MVS calibration and alarm limits
RL80000001144 Although this has not been tested and is therefore not
supported, you can run multiple version of ROCLINK 800 by using the '/multi'
switch. From Start-Run, you can type in: "c:\program
files\roclink800\roclink.exe" /multi to allow the second instance to run.
RL80000001143 FB103, allows for the editing of daylight savings time clock
parameter in a configuration file.
RL80000001142 Clock, leap year dates are now read correctly.
RL80000001136 ROC809, the Master Poll Timeout and Master Poll Number of
Retries parameters have been added to the modbus configuration screen.
Version 1.22 --> 1.23 (29-Oct-2003)
Saving of more than 32,767 records of history is now supported.
FB103 configurable history point sizes are now supported.
RL80000001110 Saving and 'Print Previewing' of more than 32,767 records of
history is now supported.
RL80000001113 FB103, An opcode error no longer occurs after downsizing the
number of history points. Requests were being made for points that were
RL80000001114 A regional setting of 'Spanish - Mexico' no longer causes the
MSJET database engine to cause an error while saving a configuration.
RL80000001119 Saving a configuration with UDP's configured and no user program
installed no longer fails while downloading.
RL80000001124 FB103, changes to the DO status on power reset was incorrectly
sending the value to the status parameter.

Version 1.21 --> 1.22 (15-Oct-2003)

Included a workaround for running out of resources when reading a lot of
entries in history.
RL80000001104 Reading of more than roughly 20,000 history entries no longer
results in the automation client running out of resources.
Version 1.20 --> 1.21 (10-Oct-2003)
Tested with FB103 version 1.20.
Tested with ROC809 version 1.22/1.23.
Corrected FB407 version 1.08 support in the areas of FSTs and EFM Reports.
EFM Export utility for the FB103 has been improved.
RL80000001017 Range checking has been added for Point Type 13, parameters
21,22 and 23.
RL80000001018 Various EFM Enhancements for the FB407 - removed stream and tap
type reference.
RL80000001019 Various EFM Enhancements for the FB407 - added meter factor
RL80000001021 Various EFM Enhancements for the FB407 - more precision added
for Flow Minutes and Uncorr Volume.
RL80000001022 Various EFM Enhancements - change uncorrected flow input
parameters from number to text.
RL80000001024 The "ABC, 2000" entry has been removed from the ROCLINK 800
security database.
RL80000001025 ROCLINK 800 now correctly reads and interprets the user data
(user point type) parameters from the FB407 version 1.08.
RL80000001027 Various error 91 errors have been corrected when working with a
FB407 - FST editing offline.
RL80000001028 Various error 91 errors have been corrected when working with a
FB407 - frmConfigTree error 91 is no longer received on close of online window.
RL80000001030 Various EFM changes - raw pulses for input other than first PI
will no longer be zero.
RL80000001031 When an export is performed from a .EFM to a Flow-Cal, the GMT
bit is now set to default.
RL80000001032 The EFM conversion utility now correctly uses Point Type 10
instead of Point Type 3 for DP.
RL80000001035 A error 2704 is no longer received when an attempt to select a
new user program during start sequence.
RL80000001036 Using a FB103 configuration file, a PID tree item is not longer
shown if the file was created without a PID.
RL80000001037 The message when connecting to an unsupported device now lists
the FB407 as a supported device.
RL80000001038 Plot, a run-time error no longer appears if the only segment
archive types are FST data\time.
RL80000001039 When viewing ROC memory, a space is no longer displayed as a .
in the text representation window.
RL80000001044 The EFM conversion/export utility status bar now correctly
updates even when overwriting a file.
RL80000001046 When connected to a ROC809 with firmware < 1.20, saving the
configuration will no longer display an error attempting to read displays (Note:

Before this update, the configuration WAS saved in its entirety with the
exception of the FST's which should be saved by hand).
RL80000001047 Various EFM Enhancements for the FB407 version 1.08 - no longer
displays Primary Scale Factor in Uncorr Flow input.
RL80000001051 Selecting ROC Security when connected to a ROC809 with version
1.1X version of firmware will no longer result in an indefinite showing of the
RL80000001053 Most ROC and FB references have been changed to 'Device' for
RL80000001061 An error 91 is no longer received on a cancel of FB103 update
RL80000001060 Various EFM Enhancements for the FB407 - flange\pipe pressure
tap has been removed from a FB103 AGA92 EFM report.
RL80000001059 Various EFM Enhancements for the FB407 - daily history for FB407
version 1.08 is now displayed.
RL80000001058 Reconnecting to a ROC809 with a version of firmware prior to
1.21 no longer redisplays the warning message about the firmware and RTD
RL80000001057 Within the TLP list, the description of parameters within Point
Type 42 now also shows (Km3).
RL80000001055 EFM reports now correctly display data for the pulse input
configured even if it is not the first one.
RL80000001054 The Station Base Density parameter (Pt 112, Param 61) is now R/W
from user display.
RL80000001073 FB407, User displays with data type of single-character ASCII no
longer creates a field that's too small to enter valid data.
RL80000001074 FB407, FSTS accessing the AO, DO, and TDO points, now correctly
compile with the correct references.
RL80000001076 AI calibration cancel event is now properly decoded. It no
longer shows OPC 1.
RL80000001081 FB407, FST labels are now read and saved to file.
RL80000001082 FB407, Instruction pointer are now correct when monitoring an
RL80000001083 FB407, FST - start timer is now displayed with the correct
RL80000001087 User Programs displays, widened ASCII fields to view all
RL80000001088 809, Update firmware has been disabled when connected via
Ethernet since it is not supported.
RL80000001090 FB103, download of configuration file now correctly sets the
daylight savings time setting.
RL80000001091 FB407, update firmware event description for main flash update
is now "Main".
Version 1.10 --> 1.20 (6-Aug-2003)
Added Support for the FB103 version 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, and it is expected that
it will work with the 1.20 release.
Added Support for the FB407 version 1.08 and it is expected that it will work
with the 1.10 release.
Added support for ROC809 Flash Firmware Versions 1.21 and is expected that it
will work with the 1.22 release.
.EFM files can now be exported to .AGA and .DET files if it was created for a
FB103 or FB407.

RL80000000119 Access levels have been added to the security model.

RL80000000145 Indication now given that the reset occurred.
RL80000000235 The MVS sensor screen now changes units when set to metric (on
the screen only).
RL80000000236 The user is now prompted asking that a write to MVS is necessary
when an applicable parameter is changed.
RL80000000251 A parameter has been added to change the rate at which displays
are updated.
RL80000000286 ROC809 PID form: the update button graphical border is now
longer 'cut off' on the left-hand side.
RL80000000300 You are now able to change both the Status and the Scanning
parameters within DO's of the ROC809.
RL80000000320 RTD/TC: 'Units' is no longer the caption for 2 different
RL80000000354 Download, status bar is now more linear, with respect to time,
during data downloaded.
RL80000000393 Utilities, MVS 'set to factory defaults' now has an "Are you
sure?" pop-up box.
RL80000000454 You can now plot the first 4 history points retrieved in the
history view.
RL80000000497 You can now view memory of the FB103 and FB407.
RL80000000504 User programs, name and version field are now cleared when a
user program is cleared for the FB103.
RL80000000581 PID Loop Value column has been made more intuitive.
RL80000000606 In all TLP List Selections, the Data Type and read access (ReadOnly or Read/Write) is now listed for reference.
RL80000000658 ROC809 ROC Displays are now supported in versions 1.21 or 1.22
of firmware.
RL80000000706 User defined displays are now saved with the configuration file.
RL80000000707 You can now use the saved user defined displays when working
off-line with a configuration file.
RL80000000712 System AI's and the I/O Board AI scan period are now
RL80000000728 A notification is provided when attached to the FB103 and FB407
when a user program is already installed when downloading it.
RL80000000732 Various locals are now supported.
RL80000000734 The modem initialization string should be a length of 50.
RL80000000735 The phone number now allows '#' and *'' for ROCLINK
RL80000000754 ROC809, System AI, the units selection has now been added to the
RL80000000767 When setting the clock, the correct AM or PM is now sent to the
RL80000000768 Small floating point values (absolute value < 0.0001) are now
RL80000000775 When working with displays, ROCLINK 800 now requests the correct
logical number for multiple logical type displays.
RL80000000776 Once a user program is started, a reconnection occurs to take
advantage of any possible TLPs that have been added.
RL80000000810 809, Download: additional parameters can now be downloaded for
the System AI's, Time, DS800, and Internet configuration.
RL80000000819 When exiting calibration, a message is provided asking if the
points should be placed on-scan.
RL80000000837 User Level Security Support has been added.
RL80000000847 A warning is provided if an RTD Module is detected with version
of ROC809 firmware of less than 1.21.

RL80000000860 Within viewing of history, the year is now correctly represented

when connected to the FB103.
RL80000000864 User Alarms now correctly show that it has been set or cleared
within the alarm log viewing while attached to the ROC809.
RL80000000878 Firmware updates and configuration file downloads are now logged
to the Roc.
RL80000000881 'From disk to ROC event' is now logged by ROCLINK 800.
RL80000000892 Exit box on 'download firmware version mismatch' pop-up message
now cancels operation.
RL80000000902 Help about, build date is now correctly displayed no matter what
date format is selected within the operating system.
RL80000000908 FB103: DP, SP, and TMP meter values fields are no longer always
displayed in imperial units.
RL80000000914 WDB & WTM data now gets displayed properly when viewing history.
RL80000000916 NAN values are now handled more elegantly within displays.
RL80000000917 ROC809, the reference temperature parameter has been added to
the sensor write notification window.
RL80000000919 Displaying of very large numbers have been enhanced in displays.
RL80000000921 The number of RAM history points are now reported in the EFM
report system parameters section.
RL80000000933 Event and alarm log export formats have had their need date\time
header adjusted.
RL80000000934 History, press of close button or X box will now stop requesting
more data.
RL80000000935 When exporting to Excel(TM) format, the sixth data column now
lines up with its header information.
RL80000000936 Export of Daily history to html format has been enhanced as far
as the position of the date and time.
RL80000000941 When talking to an TCP (IP) or CDPD device, the packets are no
longer split based on the amount of activity.
RL80000000949 Range checking is now performed on custom displays based on the
data type of the parameter.
RL80000000967 EFM, Reynolds number for ROC809 is now displayed in same units
as meter values.
RL80000000968 EFM, Energy Yesterday units is now displayed the same in the
meter values window.
RL80000000969 EFM, liquid calculation standard is displayed as "ISO".
RL80000000972 License Key Administrator - the width of Application Name has
been widened.
RL80000000973 Additional items are displayed in print preview while running at
800X600 screen resolution.
RL80000000978 Added EFM Export support for the FB103.
RL80000000979 Added EFM Export support for the FB407.
Version 1.00 --> 1.10 (3-Feb-2003)
Added Support for the FB103. Firmware Versions 1.00 and 1.10 are now
PGAS/Flow-Cal native format support is provided via a conversion from a
collected EFM Report.
Added support for ROC809 Flash Firmware Versions 1.10/1.11/1.12/1.20.
(c) 2003 - 2011 Remote Automation Solutions, division of Emerson Process
Management. All Rights Reserved

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