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New Software Engineering

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A New Software Engineering

What happened to the promise of rigorous, disciplined,
professional practices for software development?
Ivar Jacobson and Ed Seidewitz, Ivar Jacobson International
What happened to software engineering? What happened to the promise of rigorous, disciplined,
professional practices for software development, like those observed in other engineering disciplines?
What has been adopted under the rubric of software engineering is a set of practices largely
adapted from other engineering disciplines: project management, design and blueprinting, process
control, and so forth. The basic analogy was to treat software as a manufactured product, with all
the real engineering going on upstream of thatin requirements analysis, design, modeling, etc.
Doing the job this way in other engineering disciplines makes sense because the up-front work is
based on a strong foundational understanding, so the results can be trusted. Software engineering
has had no such basis, so big up-front design often has just not paid off. Indeed, the ethos of
software engineering has tended to devalue coders (if not explicitly, then implicitly through
controlling practices). Coders, though, are the ones who actually have to make the software work
which they do, regardless of what the design blueprints say should be done.
Not surprisingly, this has led to a lot of dissatisfaction.
Todays software craftsmanship movement is a direct reaction to the engineering approach.
Focusing on the craft of software development, this movement questions whether it even makes
sense to engineer software. Is this the more sensible view?
Since it is the code that has to be made to work in the end anyway, it does seem sensible to
focus on crafting quality code from the beginning. Coding, as a craft discipline, can then build on
the experience of software masters, leading the community to build better and better code. In
addition, many of the technical practices of agile development have made it possible to create highquality software systems of significant size using a craft approachnegating a major impetus for all
the up-front activities of software engineering in the first place.
In the end, however, a craft discipline can take you only so far. From ancient times through the
Middle Ages, skilled artisans and craftsmen created many marvelous structures, from the Pyramids
to Gothic cathedrals. Unfortunately, these structures were incredibly expensive and time consuming
to buildand they sometimes collapsed in disastrous ways for reasons that were often not well
Modern structures such as skyscrapers became possible only with the development of a true
engineering approach. Modern construction engineering has a firm foundation in materials science
and the theory of structures, and construction engineers use this theoretical foundation as the basis
of a careful, disciplined approach to designing the structures they are to build.
Of course, such structures still sometimes fail. When they do, however, a thorough analysis is
again done to determine whether the failure was caused by malfeasance or a shortcoming in the


underlying theory used in the original design. Then, in the latter case, new understanding can be
incorporated into the foundational practice and future theory.
Construction engineering serves as an example of how a true engineering discipline combines
craftsmanship with an applied theoretical foundation. The understanding captured in such an
accepted foundation is used to educate entrants into the discipline. It then provides them with a
basis for methodically analyzing and addressing engineering problems, even when those problems
are outside the experience of the engineers.
From this point of view, todays software engineering is not really an engineering discipline at all.
What is needed instead is a new software engineering built on the experience of software
craftsmen, capturing their understanding in a foundation that can then be used to educate and
support a new generation of practitioners. Because craftsmanship is really all about the practitioner,
and the whole point of an engineering theory is to support practitioners, this is essentially what was
missing from previous incarnations of software engineering.
How does the software community go about this task of refounding software engineering?
The SEMAT (Software Engineering Method and Theory) initiative is an international effort
dedicated to answering this question (http://www.semat.org). As the name indicates, SEMAT is
focusing both on supporting the craft (methods) and on building foundational understanding
This is still a work in progress, but the essence of a new software engineering is becoming clear.
The remainder of this article explores what this essence is and what its implications are for the future
of the discipline.


A method (equivalently, methodology or process) is a description of a way of working to carry out an
endeavor, such as developing software. Ultimately, all methods are derived from experience with
what does and does not work in carrying out the subject endeavor. This experience is distilled,
first into rules of thumb and then into guidelines and, when there is consensus, eventually into
In a craft discipline, methods are largely developed by masters, who have the long experience
necessary. In older times, the methods of a master were closely guarded and passed down only to
trusted apprentices. In todays world, however, various approaches based on the work of master
craftsmen are often widely published and promoted.
As a craft develops into an engineering discipline, it is important to recognize commonality
between the methods of various masters, based on the underlying shared experience of the endeavor
being carried out. This common understanding is then captured in a theory that can be used as a
basis for all the different methods to be applied to the endeavor.
In this sense, theory is not the bad word it is sometimes treated as in our culture (Oh, thats
just a theory). As noted earlier, having a theoretical foundation is, in fact, the key that allows for
disciplined engineering analysis. This is true of materials science for construction engineering,
electromagnetic theory for electrical engineering, aerodynamics for aeronautical engineering, and so
Of course, the interplay between the historical development of an engineering discipline and its
associated theory is generally more complicated than this simple explanation implies. Engineering


experience is distilled into theory, which then promotes better engineering, and back again.
Nevertheless, the important point to realize here is this: traditional software engineering did not
have such an underlying theory.
One might suggest that computer science provides the underlying theory for software
engineeringand this was, perhaps, the original expectation when software engineering was
first conceived. In reality, however, computer science has remained a largely academic discipline,
focused on the science of computing in general but mostly separated from the creation of software
engineering methods in industry. While formal methods from computer science provide the
promise of some useful theoretical analysis of software, practitioners have largely shunned such
methods (except in a few specialized areas such as methods for precise numerical computation).
As a result, there have often been cycles of dueling methodologies for software engineering,
without a true foundational theory to unite them. In the end, many of these methods didnt even
address the true needs of the skilled craft practitioners of the industry.
So, how to proceed?
The creation of a complete, new theory of software engineering will take some time. Rather
than starting with an academic approach, we can begin, as already mentioned, by capturing the
commonality among the methods that have proven successful in the craft of software development.
This, in turn, requires a common way of describing, understanding, and combining various
software-development techniques, instead of setting them up in competition with each other.
To see how this might be accomplished, lets take a closer look at methods and the teams of
practitioners that really use them.


The current movement to promote agility in software development complements the recognition
of software craftsmanship. As the name suggests, agile software development is about promoting
flexibility and adaptability in the face of inevitably changing requirements. This is done by
producing software in small increments, obtaining feedback in rapid iterations, and continually
adjusting as necessary.
Agile software development teams take charge of their own way of working. Such a team applies
the methods it feels it needs for the project at hand as they are needed, adapting the development
process throughout a project. In effect, an agile team needs to evolve and improve its methods in as
agile a fashion as it develops its software.
A lack of agility in methods is a central failure of traditional software engineering.
Software is, by its very nature, malleable and (physically) easy to change. A complicated software
system, however, can exhibit a kind of intellectual rigidity in which it is hard to make changes
correctly, with each change introducing as many or more errors as it resolves. In the face of this, the
response of traditional software engineering was to adopt process-control and project-management
techniques such as those used to handle similar problems with complicated hardware systems.
From an agile viewpoint, however, the application of hardware-engineering techniques was a
mistake. Agile techniques, instead, take advantage of the changeable nature of software, using quick
feedback cycles allowed by continuous integration and integrated testing to manage complexity,
rather than process control. As a result, agile development focuses on supporting the practitioner in
building quality software, rather than requiring the practitioner to support the process.


So, how do you introduce agility into software-engineering methods? By looking at the basic
things that practitioners actually dotheir practices.


A method may appear monolithic, but any method may be analyzed as being composed of a number
of practices. A practice is a repeatable approach to doing something with a specific purpose in mind.
Practices are the things that practitioners actually do.
For example, the agile method of Extreme Programming is described as having 12 practices,
including pair programming, test-driven development, and continuous integration. The agile
framework Scrum, on the other hand, introduces practices such as maintaining a backlog, daily
scrums, and sprints. Scrum is not really a complete method but a composite practice built from
a number of other practices designed to work together. Scrum, however, can be used as a process
framework combined with practices from, say, Extreme Programming, to form the method used by
an agile team.
That exemplifies the power of explicitly considering how methods are made up of practices. Teams
can pull together the practices that best fit the development task at hand and the skills of the team
members involved. Further, when necessary, a team can evolve its method not only in small steps,
but also in more radical and bigger steps such as replacing an old practice with a better practice
(without having to change any other practices).
Note how the focus is on teams and the practitioners in teams, rather than method engineers,
who create methods for other people to carry out. Creating their own way of working is a new
responsibility for a lot of teams, however, and it is also necessary to support a teams ability to do this
across projects. It is also useful, therefore, to provide for groups interested in creating and extending
practices, outside of any specific project, so they can then be used as appropriate by project teams.
This can be seen as a separation of concerns: practices can be created and grown within an
organization, or even by cross-organization industry groups (such as is effectively the case with
Extreme Programming and Scrum); practitioners on project teams can then adopt, adapt, and apply
these practices as appropriate.
What assurance do project teams have that disparately created practices can actually be smoothly
combined to produce effective methods? This is where a new software-engineering foundation is
needed, independent of practices and methods but able to provide a common underpinning for


The first tangible result of the SEMAT initiative is what is known as the kernel for software
engineering. This kernel can be thought of as the minimal set of things that are universal to all
software-development endeavors. The kernel consists of three parts:
A means for measuring the progress and health of an endeavor.
A categorization of the activities necessary to advance the progress of an endeavor.
A set of competencies necessary to carry out such activities.
Of particular importance is having a common means for understanding how an endeavor is
progressing. The SEMAT kernel defines seven dimensions for measuring this progress, known as
alphas. (The term alpha was originally an acronym for abstract-level progress health attribute but


is now simply used as the word for a progress and health dimension as defined in the kernel. Many
other existing terms were considered, but all had connotations that clashed with the essentially new
concept being introduced for the kernel. In the end, a new term was adopted without any of the old
baggage.) The seven dimensions are: opportunity, stakeholders, requirements, software system, work,
team, and way of working. These alphas relate to each other as shown in figure 1.
Each alpha has a specific set of states that codify points along the dimension of progress
represented by the alpha. Each of the states has a checklist to help practitioners monitor the current
state of their endeavor along a certain alpha and to understand the state they need to move toward
next. The idea is to provide an intuitive tool for practitioners to reason about the progress and health
of their endeavors in a common, method-independent way.
One way to visualize the seven-dimensional space of alphas is using the spider chart1 shown in
figure 2. In this chart, the shaded area represents how far an endeavor has progressed, while the
white area shows what still needs to be completed before the endeavor is done. A quick look at such a
diagram provides a good idea of where a project is at any point in time.
The alphas can be made even more tangible by putting each of the alpha states on a card, along
with the state checklist in an abbreviated form (see figure 3). The deck of all such cards can then fit
easily into a persons pocket. Although more detailed guidelines are available, these cards contain
key reminders that can be used by development teams in their daily work, much like an engineers
handbook in other disciplines.












scopes and

set up to








nd c


<performs and plans



way of



use and




The Kernel Alphas




Tracking Progress with Alphas


way of working





software system

A more complete discussion of the kernel and its application is available in previous work.2,3
The kernel itself is formally defined as part of the Essence specification that has been standardized
through the Object Management Group.6 In addition to the full kernel, the Essence standard also
defines a language that can be used both to represent the kernel and to describe practices and
methods in terms of the kernel. Importantly, this language is intended to be usable by practitioners,
not just method engineers; for basic uses, it can be learned in just a couple of hours (the alpha state
cards are a simple example of this).
Of course, this ability to use the kernel to describe practices is exactly what is needed as a
foundation for true software engineering methods.


A practice can be expressed in terms of the kernel by:
Identifying the areas in which it advances the endeavor.
Describing the activities used to achieve this advancement and the work products produced.
Describing the specific competencies needed to carry out these activities.
A practice can also extend the kernel with additional states, checklists, or even new alphas.
The critical point is that the kernel provides a common framework for describing all practices and
allowing them to be combined into methods. Bringing a set of practices into this common system
allows gaps and overlaps to be more easily identified. The gaps can then be filled with additional
practices and the overlaps resolved by connecting the overlapping practices together appropriately.
For example, consider two practices: one about using a backlog to manage the work to be carried
out by a team (advancing the work alpha), the other about defining requirements using user stories


Alphas Made Tangible with Cards





opportunity identied that

could be addressed by a
software-based solution
a stakeholder wishes to
make an investment in better
understanding potential
other stakeholders who
share opportunity identied

stakeholder representatives
carry out responsibilities
stakeholder representatives
provide feedback & take part
in decisions in timely way
stakeholder representatives
promptly communicate to
stakeholder group




Software System



enough requirements are

implemented for the system
to be acceptable
stakeholders agree the
system is worth making

key architecture characteristics demonstrated

relevant stakeholders agree
architecture is appropriate
critical interface and system
congurations exercised





Under Control
work going well, risks being
unplanned work & re-work
under control
work items completed
within estimates
measures tracked


Way of Working

In Use

team working eciently and

adapts to changing context
Produce high quality output
minimal backtracking and
waste continually eliminated

some members of the team

are using the way of working
use of practices and tools
regularly inspected
practices and tools being
adapted and supported by
procedures in place to handle



(advancing the requirements alpha). The backlog practice does not prescribe what the items on
the backlog must be, while the user-story practice does not prescribe how the team should manage
the implementation of those stories. The two practices are thus complementary and can be used
togetherbut, when so combined, they overlap. The two practices can be connected in a smooth


and intuitive way within an overall method by identifying backlog items from the one with user
stories from the other, so that user stories become the items managed on the backlog.
Note, in particular, how the common framework of the kernel provides a predictive capability.
A construction engineer can use materials science and the theory of structures to understand at
an early stage whether a proposed building is likely to stand or fall. Similarly, using the kernel, a
software developer can understand whether a proposed method is well constructed, and, if there are
gaps or overlaps in its practices, how to resolve those.
Further, through the separation of concerns discussed earlier, an organization or community can
build up a library of practices and even basic methods that a new project team may draw on to form
its initial way of working. Each team can then continue to agilely adapt and evolve its own methods
within the common Essence framework.4
Ultimately, the goal will be, as an industry, to provide for the standardization of particularly
useful and successful practices, while enhancing, not limiting, the agility of teams in applying and
adapting those practices, as well as building new ones as necessary. And that, finally, is the path
toward a true discipline of software engineering.

The term paradigm shift may be a bit overused these days; nevertheless, the kernel-based Essence
approach to software engineering can quite reasonably be considered to be such a shift. It truly
represents a profound change of viewpoint for the software-engineering community.
When Thomas Kuhn introduced the concept of a paradigm shift in his influential book, The
Structure of Scientific Revolutions,5 he stressed the difficulty (Kuhn even claimed impossibility) of
translating the language and theory of one paradigm into another. The software-development
community has actually seen such shifts before, in which those steeped in the old paradigm have
trouble even understanding what the new paradigm is all about. The move to object orientation was
one such shift, as, in many ways, is the current shift to agile methods.
In this regard, Essence can, indeed, be considered a paradigm shift in two ways. First, those
steeped in the old school of software engineering have to start thinking about the true engineering
of software specifically, rather than just applying practices largely adapted from other engineering
disciplines. Second, those in the software craftsmanship and agile communities need to see the
development of a true engineering discipline as a necessary evolution from their (just recently hardwon!) craft discipline.
In regard to the second point, in his foreword to The Essence of Software Engineering: Applying the
SEMAT Kernel,3 Robert Martin, one of the SEMAT signatories, describes a classic pendulum swing
away from software engineering toward software craftsmanship. Martins assessment is correct, but
it is important to note that this proverbial pendulum should not simply swing back in the direction
it came. To the contrary, while swing it must, it now needs to swing in almost a 90-degree different
direction than the one from which it came, in order to move toward a new discipline of true software
There is, perhaps, hardly a better image for a paradigm shift than that. In the end, the
new paradigm of software engineering, while building on the current paradigm of software
craftsmanship, must move beyond it, but it will also be a shift away from the old paradigm of
traditional software engineering. And, like all paradigm shifts before, this one will take considerable


time and effort before it is completeat which point, as the new paradigm, everyone will consider
its benefits obvious.
Even as it stands today, though, using Essence can provide a team with some key benefits. Essence
helps teams to be agile when working with methods and to measure progress in terms of real
outcomes and results of interest to stakeholders. These progress measurements are not only on one
dimension, but along the seven dimensions of the kernel alphas, all of which need to move along at
some pace to reduce risks and achieve results.
Further, Essence can allow organizations to simplify governance of methods, using a pool
of practices that may be adopted and adapted by project teams. Having Essence as a common
foundation for this also allows practitioners to learn from one another more readily.
The real shift, however, will only come as teams truly realize the benefits of Essence today and
as SEMAT builds on Essence to complete the new software engineering paradigm. A community
of practitioners is now contributing their experience and becoming part of this refounding of
software engineeringor, perhaps, really founding it for the first time.
1. Graziotin, D., Abrahamsson, P. 2013. A Web-based modeling tool for the SEMAT Essence theory of
software engineering. Journal of Open Research Software 1(1): e4; http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/jors.ad.
2. Jacobson, I., Ng, P-W., McMahon, P., Spence, I., Lidman, S. 2012. The Essence of software
engineering: the SEMAT kernel. ACM Queue 10(10); http://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=2389616.
3. Jacobson, I., Ng, P.-W., McMahon, P. E., Spence, I., Lidman, S. 2013. The Essence of Software
Engineering: Applying the SEMAT Kernel. Addison-Wesley.
4. Jacobson, I., Spence, I., Ng, P.-W. 2013. Agile and SEMATPerfect Partners. Communications of the
ACM 6(11); http://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2013/11/169027-agile-and-semat/abstract.
5. K
 uhn, T. 1962. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. University of Chicago Press.
6. Object Management Group. 2014. EssenceKernel and language for software engineering
methods; http://www.omg.org/spec/Essence.
IVAR JACOBSON is the founder and chairman of Ivar Jacobson International. He is a father of
components and component architecture, use cases, aspect-oriented software development, modern
business engineering, the Unified Modeling Language, and the Rational Unified Process.
ED SEIDEWITZ is the former CTO, Americas, for Ivar Jacobson International and is currently chair of the
ongoing Essence Revision Task Force. With Ivar Jacobson International, he has led agile system architecture
and development engagements in both the commercial and government sectors and participated in
practice development.
2014 ACM 1542-7730/14/1000 $10.00

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