Effect of Cyclic Loading On Flexural Behaviour of FRP Strengthened RC Beams: A Stability Point Approach
Effect of Cyclic Loading On Flexural Behaviour of FRP Strengthened RC Beams: A Stability Point Approach
Effect of Cyclic Loading On Flexural Behaviour of FRP Strengthened RC Beams: A Stability Point Approach
ISSN: 2278-6252
*Reacher Scholar, CE & AMD, SGSITS, Indore (MP), India, and FET, MGCG Vishwavidayalaya,
Chitrakoot, Distt-Satna (MP), India
**Professor, CE & AMD, SGSITS, Indore (MP), India
***Professor & Head, CE & AMD, SGSITS, Indore (MP), India
Vol. 2 | No. 6 | June 2013
ISSN: 2278-6252
Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP), a new construction material with proven structural
application, is showing increased use. It is largely used for repairing and strengthening of
Reinforced Concrete (RC) structures.1 Strengthening of RC structures using FRP is a relatively
new, attractive and efficient technique. FRP has tremendous potential and has great
advantage over conventional materials and techniques of retrofitting of RC structures.2 It is
established that using this technique flexural strength can be increased considerably.3,4,5 The
information regarding its short term behaviour is in abundant and well documented too.
Various design manuals, codes and standards on FRP strengthening are also prevailing.6,7,,8,9
As far as long term behaviour is concerned, a significant, however, insufficient amount of
research has been done so far, and the information is still limited. Because of the limited
information, codes and standards also could not give the perfect recommendations/
guidelines in this regard by now.10
Many experimental and analytical studies have been conducted on flexural behaviour of FRP
strengthened RC beams under fatigue/cyclic loading. Meier U et al11 conducted fatigue tests
on RC beams strengthened with CFRP sheets. Fatigue life of the beams, damage to sheet
and sheet to concrete bond were observed. Inoue S et al12 studied about fatigue strength
and deformation characteristics of RC beams strengthened with CFRP plates. The
experiment reveals that the mode of failure for the beam bonded with a CFRP plate under
the repetitive loading was not produced by the fatigue fracture of CFRP plate but by that of
steel bars. Heffernan P J and Erki M A 13 discussed the effect on fatigue life on increasing the
amount of CFRP. The fatigue life of a CFRP strengthened reinforced concrete beam
appeared to be at least as long as for an equivalent strength conventionally reinforced
concrete beam subjected to the same loads, where that fatigue life is largely dependent on
the stress range applied to the steel reinforcement. No significant degradation in the CFRP
sheets or the CFRP to concrete interface occurred due to cyclic loading, and the basic
assumptions for monotonic behavior remained valid for beams loaded cyclically. Barnes R A
and Mays G C14 showed that the fatigue fracture of the internal reinforcement steel is the
dominant factor governing failure in strengthened beams.
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Papakonstantinou C G et al15 observed that cyclic loading lead to increase in deflections for
both control and strengthened beams. The deflection increases are slightly lower for
strengthened beams. Papakonstantinou C G et al16 realized increase in fatigue life of
strengthened beams, however, the failure mechanism, fatigue of the steel reinforcement,
remained the same in both strengthened and non-strengthened beams and concluded that
predicting the fatigue life of a cyclically loaded beam using existing fatigue models is
Harries K A et al17 observed that the addition of CFRP material increased the load carrying
capacity and reduced the displacement capacity (ductility) of the beams, many smaller strips
may be superior to fewer wider strips; the stress range in the internal reinforcing steel is
observed to increase proportionally with the number of cycles of fatigue loading. It is also
reported that the secant stiffness of the fatigue load cycle degrades with fatigue life and
fatigue cycling of the low-modulus specimens had detrimental effects on the debonding
behavior. Kim Y J and Heffernan P J18 summarized and discussed the available literature on
the fatigue behavior of externally strengthened concrete beams with fiber-reinforced
polymers. The review focuses specifically on the fatigue life as a function of the applied load
range, bond behavior of externally bonded FRP, damage accumulation, crack propagation,
size effects, residual strength, and failure modes.
In this paper experimental study conducted on FRP strengthened RC beams under cyclic
loading is presented. Main objective of the present work is to study the flexural behaviour
of FRP strengthened beams under cyclic loading19,20 with a particular reference to obtain
permissible load level such that the accumulation of strains to failure does not occur.
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casting of beam specimens. Moulds were lubricated with oil before the concrete was
poured. Beams were filled in 4-5 layers each of approximately 50 mm deep. Each layer was
rammed properly and the concrete was very well compacted. The side forms of moulds
were stripped after 24 hours of casting. Beams were transported to curing pond after 48
hours. After 28 days beams were taken out of curing pond and left for air curing till the time
of test.
B. Strengthening of Test Specimens
Scheme of Strengthening and Designation of Test Specimens : As per the scheme described
in section (II. A), strengthening of test specimens has been carried out. In all 9 RC beam test
specimens -3 from each group A, B and C, were flexurally strengthened. All the test
specimens have different designations and designated as X-Y-Z, where X- indicates type of
group (A, B or C), Y- indicates FRP strengthening configuration number (1,2 or 3) and for
unstrengthened beams Y is 0, Z- indicates test type- for current study it is S i.e. cyclic loading
test for stability points. For example, the beam specimen A-1-S is the beam from group A,
strengthened using FRP strengthening configuration number 1 and tested under cyclic
loading for stability points.
FRP Material:
Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd., was used for strengthening purpose in this investigation. In this
system, Nitowrap (CF) fabric was used in conjunction with an epoxy sealer cum primer;
Nitowrap 30 and a high build epoxy saturant Nitowrap 410. Primer and saturant both come
in two pack system (base and hardner).
C. External bonded FRP Application
In the present investigation, at least 6 months after casting of the beams the strengthening
process was begun. The surface region of the concrete was effectively dried out and the
concrete gained sufficient strength before handling and inverting of the RC beams for FRP
application by this time. The CFRP strips were externally bonded in three configurations as
discussed in section (II. A), to the tension faces of the 9 beams-3 from each group. During
the application of both the epoxy and the CFRP, the manufacturers instructions for
installation were followed. Safety precautions were also taken care of.
Application of FRP: Strengthening of the beams begun after the beams had sufficiently
cured, and carried out as per the FRP manufacturers instructions. The CFRP was ready for
Vol. 2 | No. 6 | June 2013
ISSN: 2278-6252
application as the CFRP was cut to desired size and the concrete surface was prepared. For
convenience, the application of FRP has been done with the tension faces of beams up as
opposed to field application where application has to be carried out up hand from beneath
of the beams. The mixed material of Nitowrap 30 epoxy primer was applied uniformly
within the pot life, over the prepared and cleaned surface of tension face of the beam. It
was ensured that all the surface area to be in contact with CFRP had a layer of epoxy.
Wearing good quality hand gloves, the application was carried out using a one inch brush
and allowed for drying for about 24 hours before application of saturant.
To apply strips of the Nitowrap CF fabric ready for installation, the mixed material of
Nitowrap 410 saturant was applied uniformly over the tack free primer using separate
brush. The strip of desired size was laid on to the saturant applied area, at the desired place
for getting the required strengthening configuration. The strip was then pressed by gloved
hand, starting from the center of the beam and moving outward toward the supports. The
strip was then pressed firmly into the saturant to remove air bubbles or any voids in the
saturant with uniform pressure from hard rubber rollers and fingertips, squeezing excess
saturant out along the edges of the strip. In this way a uniform application is obtained. One
more coat of the saturant was applied over the carbon fabric after a time lapse of 30
minutes. Care was taken to ensure that the fibre orientation is not disturbed while applying
the second
coat of saturant. The same procedure was followed for double layer
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frame and load distributor placed on the test specimen. Gap in between test frame and
plate was filled by spacers. Loading arrangement for beam specimens is shown in Fig. 3
E. Instrumentation
The beam specimens were instrumented to measure maximum deflection at mid span of
the beams. The LVDT (linear variable displacement transducer) and load cell were used to
record deflection and load respectively. A high precision dial gauge was also placed nearby
LVDT to put a cross check on measurements.
X-Y plotter was used to plot load- deflection response of test beams. LVDT output was
connected to X-axis of X-Y plotter and Load cell output was connected to Y-axis of plotter. A
12 volts D.C. battery provides input to LVDT.
F. Test Procedure
The experimental programme includes testing of unstrengthened and FRP strengthened
beams under cyclic loading for stability points. Loading arrangement, instrumentation etc.
are as shown in Fig. 3. Test beam specimens were kept simply supported over a span of
1700 mm and tested under two point loading. Two line loads 100 mm apart were placed at
center of the beam.
A continuous graphic plot of load vs deflection was obtained throughout the test. In
addition, loads and deflections were measured at frequent intervals with the load cell
through load meter and dial gage, respectively. The continuous plot was particularly useful
in observing the intersection point of unloading-reloading curves, needed for the cyclic
loading tests for obtaining stability points. The plot was also useful in observing the shape of
unloading-reloading curves.
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monotonic loading tests reported elsewhere, and then released to zero. For each cycle,
loading and unloading were repeated when reloading curve intersects with the initial
unloading curve of that cycle.
The incremental load and deflection were chosen so that the loading curve, in each cycle
attained the envelope curve. This was done by monitoring the incremental load up to yield
and incremental deflection after yield in each cycle. An incremental load of 10 kN up to yield
and an incremental deflection of about 2.0-5.0 mm after yield point in each cycle was found
to be appropriate for the loading curve to attain the envelop curve and to obtain number of
stability points for all the beams.
In this test, in each cycle, loading and unloading were repeated many times until a closed
hysteresis loop was obtained [Fig. 5 and Fig. 6]. Each time unloading was done when the
reloading curve intersected with the initial unloading curve of that cycle e.g. points B and
C on Fig. 6. This point of intersection descended gradually and stabilised at a lower bound
e.g. point D on Fig. 6, and further cycling led to the formation of a closed hysteresis loop in
which there was no apparent damage to the beam specimen. Such lower bound points are
termed as stability points e.g. point D on Fig. 6. The upper most point of intersection of the
reloading curve with the initial unloading curve of that cycle is termed as common point e.g.
point B. Load above this upper limit will lead to additional strains, in turn deflections, while
the load below this will lead the load-deflection curve into a closed hysteresis loop, giving
no additional deflection and in turn no additional strains.
The stability point curves were obtained by normalising load and deflection co-ordinates
(corresponding to various stability points) with respect to the maximum load Pm and, the
deflection corresponding to the maximum load m, respectively.
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Load-deflection curves under cyclic loading for stability points are plotted for all the 12 test
specimens, but due to lack of space, curves for only two specimens are presented here for
example in Fig.8 and Fig.9 . The beams considered in present study were all under
reinforced, and four significant points are observed in their load-deflection curves which are
discussed below.
The point 1 corresponds to the stage of initial cracking of concrete when the beam cracked
in the tension zone, which is determined from the first abrupt change in slope of load
deflection curve. Beyond this point the stiffness of beam is reduced compared to that of
uncracked section and the slope of load-deflection curve changed accordingly. The load
corresponding to this point is termed as First crack load ( Pfc ). Before cracking, deflection
was directly proportional to load applied. After first crack though stiffness of beam reduced,
however, the load-deflection behaviour remained almost linear till yield load.
The second significant stage in load-deflection curve was the yield point i.e. point 2, which is
determined by the intersection of the elastic tangent and the post yield tangent on load
deflection curve. The load corresponding to this point is Yield load ( Py ). As the members
were under-reinforced,
strains in concrete and till this stage no cracks on top face of beams were observed,
however, the flexural cracks developed near bottom face get little widened and propagated
upwards. By this time, the moment at nearby sections of central zone also crossed the first
cracking moment resulting in development of more flexural cracks on either side of central
zone of beam.
Beyond yield point a gradual change in slope of load-deflection curves associated with
comparatively more deflections was observed, non-linearity in load-deflection curve is
clearly visible. In this way the yield point has its own importance as it marked the boundary
between elastic and inelastic behaviour as observed from load-deflection curves. After yield
point, deflections increased at faster rate. It was also observed at the time of testing that
near this load small horizontal cracks were developed at the top face of beam in the vicinity
of central line of beam span and small chips of concrete spalled out. On tension face the
initial flexural cracks propagated upwards. The second stage cracks also became well distinct
resulting in development of yield moment at that section.
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The point 3 corresponds to maximum load on the load deflection curve ( Pm ). The loaddeflection curve became almost horizontal at point 3 in case of RC beams. It indicates that
concrete has reached to its full capacity. It was observed during testing that at this stage
cracks lying on the top face of beam got spread horizontally as well as vertically onwards
causing crushing of concrete on comparatively bigger area. In case of FRP strengthened RC
beams, as beams were under reinforced and very small amount of FRP has been used for
strengthening, FRP reached to its maximum capacity and failed suddenly in most of the
cases due to FRP rupture at a load too high for the yielded steel to handle, resulting in
catastrophic failure. At the same time concrete crushing at top of beam was also observed
in all cases.
The fourth significant stage is point 4 corresponding to ultimate load ( Pu ), which
corresponds to failure of the beam. Failure is defined here as when load can not be
sustained or when large deflections in the order of 40-50 mm occur, whichever occurs first.
In case of FRP strengthened beams, this point corresponds to sudden failure of FRP.
However, to grasp overall behaviour, testing was continued till 40-50 mm central deflection
or till the load could not be sustained, whichever occurred first. After maximum load level
and FRP failure, FRP strengthened beams behaved like unstrengthened beams with yielded
steel. In case of unstrengthened beams, continuous loading caused excessive deflections
thereby resulting in more and more widening of flexural cracks. The cracking of compression
concrete got spread over bigger area, big pieces of concrete spalled out and in some cases
stirrups and top reinforcement got exposed. Finally, failure of the unstrengthened beams
has been considered with large deflections in the order of 40-50 mm or when load could not
be sustained, whichever occurred first.
As all beams tested in this program were under reinforced and FRP strengthened beams
were strengthened with very small amount of FRP (only 0.00053 percentage), in general,
failure of the FRP strengthened beams were initiated by yielding of steel followed by sudden
FRP rupture with sound, at the same time concrete crushing at top of beam was also
observed in all cases. However, in no case end-span debonding has been observed.
Extending FRP to the supports i.e. zero moment regions effectively mitigated the concrete
cover delamination. Concrete cover delamination involves full depth of concrete cover,
while with mid-span debonding (observed in some cases beyond the scope of present
Vol. 2 | No. 6 | June 2013
ISSN: 2278-6252
investigation) only thin layer of concrete is peeled off with FRP. In case of specimen A-3-S,
after failure of FRP as loading was continued to grasp overall behaviour, one of the steel bar
broke-up near 45 mm deflection and the remaining bar too failed with continued loading.
Failure of unstrengthened beams was ductile failure, with large deflection in the order of
40-50 mm at ultimate load.
B. Effectiveness and efficiency of the scheme applied for flexural strengthening using FRP
Effect of Strengthening using FRP related to mode of failure has been discussed previously.
From the load-deflection curves and the Table 1 (generated from the load-deflection
curves), effect of strengthening using FRP on strength and deformation capacity is observed
as follows1. It is observed that flexural strengthening of RC Beams using FRP provides additional
strength but with brittle mode of failure. Though use of higher percentage of FRP may result
in higher increase in strength, it will be at cost of ductility and will show highly brittle
behaviour with catastrophic failure.
2. As already seen and discussed in previous section, failure of FRP strengthened under
reinforced RC beams initiates with yielding of steel followed by sudden FRP rupture causing
sudden loss of load. FRP fails elastically at a load too high for the yielded steel to handle,
resulting in catastrophic failure. After FRP rupture, beams show behaviour of
unstrengthened beams with yielded steel.
3. Deflection at maximum load of FRP strengthened RC beams is very less as compared to
unstrengthened RC beams. Decrease in deflection due to FRP strengthening can be very
useful to overcome excessive deflection problem of under reinforced RC beams having very
small amount of tensile steel.
4. Extending FRP to the supports i.e. zero moment regions effectively mitigated the
concrete cover delamination. However in some cases outside the scope of present
investigation mid-span debonding has been observed.
5. In case of strengthened beams of group A , higher additional strength provided
by the same amount of FRP and better deformation capacity has been observed as
compared to strengthened beams of other two groups viz B and C which were reinforced
with higher amount of internal tensile steel. This observation indicates that strengthening
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using FRP is more effective and better in case of under reinforced RC beams having lower
amount of steel.
6. In general more number of thinner cracks, increased values of first crack load and
ultimate load however not that significant, and better deformation capacity were observed
in case of FRP configuration no. 2, where two symmetrically placed FRP strips were used in
single layer as compared to other two configurations of the same group of beams, where in
configuration no. 1- single FRP strip was placed at center, and in configuration no. 3 two
FRP strips were placed in double layer at center; amount of FRP being the same in all the
three configurations. This is observed for all the three groups- A, B and C of beams having
different amount of steel. Distributing FRP over the tension face provides more effective
and better configuration.
A comparison of stability point curves of both types of beams for the groups is shown in
Fig.9. Here also the stability point curves for FRP strengthened beams lay above that of
unstrengthened beam, and that the curve for beam with FRP strengthening configuration 2,
supersedes other two configuration 1 and 3. This is observed for all the three groups of the
beams -A, B and C
C. Permissible load capacity of FRP strengthened beams under cyclic loading
The permissible load level for FRP strengthened RC beams is obtained from stability point
curves, as 0.87 to 0.90, .83 to .88, and .83 to .84 of maximum load (Pm) for beams of groups
A, B and C respectively. Therefore it is recommended that due consideration be given to
cyclic behaviour of beams, as live loads are of cyclic nature for most of the structures, and
maximum load may be reduced for cyclic loading to at an average 0.88, .85 and .83 of
estimated maximum load capacity of beams of groups A, B and C respectively.
Flexural strengthening of RC Beams using FRP provides additional strength but it will be at
cost of ductility and will show highly brittle behaviour with catastrophic failure.
Failure of FRP strengthened under reinforced RC beams initiates with yielding of steel
followed by sudden FRP rupture/debonding. After FRP rupture, beams show behaviour of
unstrengthened beams with yielded steel.
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Extending FRP to the supports effectively mitigated the concrete cover delamination/endspan debonding.
Strengthening using FRP is more effective and better in case of under reinforced RC beams
having lower amount of steel.
Distributing FRP over the tension face provides more effective and better configuration.
It is recommended that due consideration be given to cyclic behaviour of beams, and
maximum load may be reduced for cyclic loading. The permissible load level for FRP
strengthened RC beams is peak of stability point curves,
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[5] Duthinh Dat and Starnes Monica, Strength and Ductility of Concrete Beams Reinforced
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Strengthened with GFRP Sheets, Jr. of Composites for Construction, ASCE, 5(4), 2001,
Factors Affecting Monotonic and Fatigue Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-toConcrete Bond in Reinforced Concrete Beams, ACI Structural Journal, Nov/Dec, 2007.
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ISSN: 2278-6252
Normalised Load
Normalised Load
stability points
specimen A-0-S.
stability points
specimen A-1-S.
Normalised Deflection
Normalised Deflection
Unstrengthened RC Beam (A-0-S)
Normalised Load.
specimen A-0-S
specimen A-1-S
specimen A-2-S
specimen A-3-S
Normalised Deflection
ISSN: 2278-6252
Load Capacity of Beams Under Cyclic Loading
Load at
Designation First
Pfc (kN)
Load at
Py (kN)
Pm (kN)
Group A Beams
Group B Beams
Group C Beams
Pu (kN)
Type of Test
Cyclic Test
for Stability
Cyclic Test
for Stability
Cyclic Test
for Stability
ISSN: 2278-6252