Supplementary PROCESS Documentation: Decimal Place Precision in Output
Supplementary PROCESS Documentation: Decimal Place Precision in Output
Supplementary PROCESS Documentation: Decimal Place Precision in Output
This document is an addendum to Appendix A of Introduction to Mediation,
Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis that describes options and output added to PROCESS since the printing of the book in May 2013. Whenever a new feature is added to PROCESS the version number is changed.
This supplementary documentation is cumulative. All features described
as additions to earlier releases can be found in later releases as well. This
document was produced and uploaded to on February 27,
percent of cases in the data with values of the moderator above (% above)
or below (% below) the points of transition in signicance identied using
the JN method. For example, output such as
Moderator value(s) defining Johnson-Neyman significance region(s)
% below
% above
reects that in the data, only 1.55% of the cases have a value of moderator
less than 3.5087, whereas 98.45% of the cases have a value of the moderator
larger than 3.5087. Similarly, 44.19% of the cases have a value of moderator
less than 4.9753 and 55.81% of the cases have a value of the moderator
larger than 4.9753.
Models 75 and 76
(Version 2.10)
Two new conditional process models are added to PROCESS that specify two moderators of the X M, M Y, and/or X Y paths. See
the conceptual and statistical diagrams in the model templates document
available through the web page for Introduction to Mediation, Moderation,
and Conditional Process Analysis at
7 and 8
58 (dichotomous W only)
59 (dichotomous W only)
SDX+ (ab)
= SDX+ (abps )
Thus, these two measures gauge the indirect eect relative to variation in
Y and (for the completely standardized indirect eect) X not accounted for
by the covariate(s).
When one or more covariates are included in the model of Y, the total
eect of X is no longer the regression weight for X in a model of Y that
includes only X (denoted c throughout Chapters 4 and 5). As a result, the
ratio of the indirect to the total eect, PM , is no longer ab/c but, rather, the
more general
PM =
c + ab
The denominator of PM above is the regression weight for X in a model
estimating Y from X and the covariate(s) (and cluster variable dummies
when the cluster option is used) but not the mediator(s).
The eect size measures described by Fairchild et al. (2009) (variance in
Y explained by the indirect eect) as well as 2 (Preacher & Kelley, 2011)
have not been generalized to models with covariates and so PROCESS
suppresses their printing in this case. No eect size measures are generated
in models in which the covariates are restricted to the models of M only
(covmy=1) or Y only (covmy=2).
Hayes, A. F. (2015). An index and test of linear moderated mediation.
Multivariate Behavioral Research, 50, 1-22.
Hayes, A. F. (2014). Comparing conditional eects in moderated multiple regression: Implementation using PROCESS for SPSS and SAS. White paper
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