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Corrsion P110 Casing CO2 Saturated (2015)

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Int. J. Electrochem. Sci.

, 10 (2015) 5756 - 5769

International Journal of


Short Communication

Electrochemical Study on Corrosion Behaviors of P110 Casing

Steel in a Carbon Dioxide-Saturated Oilfield Formation Water
Runcheng XIE1,2,*, Zhanyu GU3, Yong YAO2, Hao XU2, Kun DENG2, Yi LIU2

State Key Lab of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation,Chengdu University of
Technology, Chengdu 610059 China;
College of Resources,Chengdu University of Technolog y, Chengdu 610059 China;
Southwest Branch Company,SINOPEC,Chengdu 610041,China
E-mail: xieruncheng@cdut.cn
Received: 15 April 2015 / Accepted: 9 May 2015 / Published: 27 May 2015

The corrosion behaviors of P110 casing steel in a CO2-saturated oilfield formation water were
investigated by electrochemical measurements and surface characterization. The corrosion resistance
was obtained by weight loss method and immersion tests. The corrosion behaviors and corrosion
mechanisms were investigated by using the scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive
spectrometry (EDS), open circuit potential (OCP) monitoring, polarization test and electrochemical
impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. The results showed that, in CO2 environment, the corrosion
film that formed on the P110 steel surface mainly consisted FeCO3. There was a short period with no
film covering on the steel surface, due to the insufficient Fe2+ concentration in the solution. As the
corrosion proceeding, the concentration of Fe2+ increased. When the value of [Fe2+] [CO32-] reached
high enough, FeCO3 would deposit on the steel surface continuously. Therefore, a complete-covered
FeCO3 film formed on the steel surface, and thus the corrosion of the steel substrate was restrained.

Keywords: P110 casing steel; CO2 corrosion; Corrosion resistance; Corrosion film

Since 1970s, there have been so many pipeline failures reported around the world. In the oil
and gas industry, carbon dioxide (CO2) is believed to exist in most oil and gas resources, which
dissolves in water, and thus causing serious corrosion on casing steels, such as P110 carbon steel [1-5].
On the other, the CO2-enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technique has become more and more widely used
in the modern petroleum industry owing to its positive contributions to the geological storage of

Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Vol. 10, 2015


carbon, especially for deep wells and super deep wells [6]. Therefore, the control of the carbon dioxide
corrosion has become a research hotspot recently.
For carbon steels used as casing in CO2 environment, corrosion resistance is of vital importance,
which has been studied by numerous researchers. A lot have reported that a protective film forms on
the steel surface in CO2 environment, which decreases the substrate corrosion in the later period of the
corrosion process [7-10]. However, there is still no general agreement about the CO2 corrosion
mechanisms as a result of the multitudinous influence factors and the complexity of the chemical
reaction mechanism, especially the unknown intermediates in the reactions occurred on the steel
surface. For the anode reaction, one reaction was believed that the iron atom loses two electrons into
bivalent iron ion, but the intermediate is still not conclusive. Presently, there is a popular conclusion
which believes that this intermediate is FeOH [11,13,16,17]. However, there are still insufficient
experimental proofs on this conclusion. For cathode reaction, points of view are different. In the early
time, most believed that the H2CO3 is reduced directly [18,19]. However, despite more than three
decades of intense research, it is still unknown with absolute certainly whether H2CO3 is reduced
directly or the final step in the cathode reaction follows the dissociation of the H 2CO3. Moreover, Gray
[20] has suggested that the direct reduction of bicarbonate ion becomes dominant at higher pH level,
which is due to the increasing concentration of bicarbonate with the pH increasing. A recent study also
shows that pH is a key factor for the cathode reaction on the carbon steels and low alloy steels, and
brings forward two critical pH values for the changing of the cathode reactions on a low alloy steel
surface, which suggests that the direct reduction of HCO3- was the dominant reaction at pH > 4.7,
while at pH < 3.9, the direct reduction of H+ was the dominant reaction [15].
In this work, a P110 carbon steel which is usually used as casing steel in oil petroleum was
chosen as the experimental material. The corrosion resistance and electrochemical corrosion behaviors
of this steel in a CO2-saturated oil field formation water were investigated by immersion tests, surface
analysis and electrochemical techniques.

2.1 Materials and solutions
The experimental material was P110 casing steel. Table 1 lists the main chemical composition
of P110 steel.

Table 1. Composition of P110 steel (t, %)















0.01 0.01





< 0.01


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The solution, simulating the formation water in an oil field in Southwest China, were made
from analytical grade reagents and deionized water, with a chemical composition shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Main composition of formation water




HCO3- Na+





Concentration mg/L









2.2 Preparation of corrosion film

The immersion tests were performed to obtain the corrosion film on the P100 casing steel
surface. The solution was deaerated by pouring CO2 for 8 h before the test. Then the specimen was
immersed into the solution. At the same time, the CO2 was purged at a low flowing rate, which will
ensure the saturation of CO2 during the entire test. After various periods (2, 24, 72 and 120 h) of
immersion, the corroded specimens were removed from the solution and rinsed with absolute ethyl
The surface and cross-section morphologies for the corrosion film on the steel surface were
observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and quadrant back scattering detector (QBSD).

2.3 Electrochemical measurements

A three-electrode electrochemical cell was used for potentiodynamic sweeps and
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements. The working electrodes (WE) were
made from P110 steel. Coupons were cut into 10 mm 10 mm 5 mm. The unexposed faces and
edges were coated with epoxy resin, and the WE had an exposed area of 1 cm2. Before each test, the
working surface of WE was polished by silicon carbide sand paper to a 1000 grit grade, rinsed with
deionized water, acetone and absolute ethyl alcohol successively. A platinum sheet, as a counter
electrode (CE), was used in sweep and EIS tests. The surface area of the CE was 2.25 cm2, which was
much larger than the surface area of working electrode (WE). A saturated calomel electrode (SCE) was
connected to the cell via a Luggin capillary through a porous Vycor frit. The electrochemical tests were
done using a potentiostat. In potentiodynamic sweeps, the WE was polarized from a potential of 300
mV below OCP to a potential of 300 mV. The scan rate was 0.5 mVs-1. The impedance spectra were
recorded at different time intervals using a 10 mV sinusoidal perturbing signal in the frequency range
between 100 kHz and 10 mHz with six points per decade.
In all tests, the test temperature was 90 oC and the pressure was the atmospheric pressure with
pure CO2.

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3.1 Corrosion rates
As a key indicator to the evaluation of the material corrosion performance, the corrosion rates
of P110 steel corroded in CO2 environment were obtained by the weight loss method. Fig. 1 shows the
corrosion rates for P110 casing steel after 2, 24, 72 and 120 h of immersion in the CO2-saturated
oilfield formation water. It can be found that the corrosion rate for P110 steel decreased with the
corrosion time increasing. At the initial corrosion period, i.e. after 2 h immersion, the corrosion rata
was very high, which was up to approximately 14 mm/y. After the immersion of 24 h, the corrosion
rate kept at a high level, about 12 mm/y. This was probably caused by the protective film not yet
forming on the steel surface. When the immersion time reached 120 h, the corrosion rate reached a
quite low value (~ 4 mm/y),which was much lower than the initial corrosion rate (14 mm/y). This was
probably due to the formation of the complete-covered protective film on the steel surface. In a word,
the corrosion rate of P110 steel decreased with corrosion proceeding. This was consistent with the
experimental results from the other researchers [11].


Corrosion rate - P110 steel

Corrosion rate, mm/y





Times, h

Figure 1. Corrosion rates for P110 casing steel in a CO2-saturated oilfield formation water
3.2 Phase equilibrium of a CO2-saturated solution
Knowing the concentration of all kinds of ions in the CO2 solution is of vital importance to the
investigation of the corrosion performance and the corrosion mechanism for the steel. Therefore, in
this section the equilibria of the CO2-saturated solution at 90 oC and 1 bar CO2 pressure was obtained
by a phase equilibrium mathematical model which was proposed by Zhu [15]. Fig. 2 shows the

Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Vol. 10, 2015


calculating results for the phase equilibrium of a CO2-saturated solution in an open system. Overall, it
can be found that the concentration of H2CO3 kept constant at about 1.5810-5 mol/L as a result of the
CO2 continuous pouring into the solution in an open system. On the other hand, both the
concentrations of HCO3- and CO32- increased exponentially with the pH increasing. At pH 6, the
concentration of HCO3- reached about 0.224 mol/L, which was about 4 magnitude greater than that of
CO32- (~ 1.6610-5 mol/L). So, it can be suggested that the direct reduction of HCO3- (Eq. 1 and 2 [15])
is probably the dominant reaction during the corrosion of P110 steel under the given experimental
conditions in this work.
HCO3 e Hads CO32

Concentrition of species mol/L

HCO3 +Hads e H2 CO32






































pH 6


Figure 2. Equilibria of a CO2-saturated solution obtained by using Zhus model [15]

3.3 Surface and cross-section morphologies
Fig. 3 shows the surface morphologies of the corrosion film that formed on the P110 steel
surface with different pre-corrosion periods. In Fig. 3a, it can be seen that there was no corrosion
product distributed on the steel surface, indicating that no film formed and there was a short no-film
stage in the initial corrosion of P110 steel in the CO2-saturated solution. This was related to the
supersaturation (SS), which was defined as the ratio of the crystallizing substance concentration to the
solubility product for FeCO3 (Ksp) (Eq. 3). The solubility product, Ksp, of FeCO3 and supersaturation
(SS) can be expressed [21]:
[Fe2+ ] [CO32 ]
SS =

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As the corrosion period increasing, the concentration of Fe2+ in the solution increased. Only
when the product of [Fe2+] and [CO3-] exceeds Ksp of FeCO3 (i.e. SS > 1), can FeCO3 begin to nucleate
and deposit on the steel surface. Therefore, the initial stage of the corrosion had a no-film period. This
is also the reason why that the initial corrosion rate of P110 steel in Fig. 1 was so high. The bare steel
without any protective covering could dissolve quickly and therefore exhibited a very high corrosion
rate, about 14 mm/y at 0.2 h (see Fig. 1).
After 24 h of immersion, as shown in Fig. 3b, some cubic particles with size of about 5-10 um
were distributed on the steel surface due to the Fe2+ concentration increasing with the corrosion
proceeding. A lot previous researchers have proposed that these particles were mainly composed of
FeCO3. In order to confirm this statement, the energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) measurement was
conducted on the particles in Fig. 3b. As shown in Fig. 4, two clearly peaks corresponding to O and Fe
were observed in the EDS spectrum. The C element was not able to be detected in the EDS test. Also,
the O/Fe ratio was near to 3, indicating that the particles formed on the steel surface probably
contained FeCO3, which was consistent with the results from the previous studies. Although corrosion
product began to form on the steel surface, the amount was too small. Therefore, these scattered
particles of corrosion product were not able to protect the steel substrate effectively, and the corrosion
rate of the steel still kept at a high level (~ 12 mm/y).
Fig. 3c and Fig. 3d show the SEM photos of the corrosion film that formed on the steel surface
after 72 and 120 h of immersion, respectively. Obviously, there were much more corrosion products
that covered on the steel surface in Fig. 3c and d than those in Fig. 3a and b. With corrosion period
increasing, the Fe2+ concentration increased due to the continuous corrosion of the substrate.
Therefore, the Fe2+ and CO32- combined and FeCO3 deposited on the steel surface continuously. In this
way, a much denser corrosion film formed, and the corrosion rate decreased. At 120 h, the corrosion
rate fell to about 4 mm/y as shown in Fig. 1. On the other hand, the FeCO 3 particles in Fig. 3d were
much bigger than those in Fig. 3c. At 120 h, the grain size of the FeCO3 particles reached
approximately 15~20 um, which was about two times larger than that of 72 h. This was related to the
growing of the crystals with the corrosion proceeding.

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Figure 3. Surface morphologies of corrosion films formed on P110 steel with various immersion
times: (a) 2 h; (b) 24 h; (c) 72 h; (d) 120 h

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Figure 4. EDS results for the corrosion product on the P110 steel surface after 24 h immersion

Fig. 5a-d show the cross-sectional morphologies of the corrosion films that formed on P110
casing steel after 2, 24, 72 and 120 h, respectively. It can be seen that no film was observed on the steel
surface in Fig. 5a and b. After 24 h of immersion, a looser film with about 5~8 um thickness was
observed on the steel surface (Fig. 5c). When the corrosion period reached 120 h, the film became
much thicker (about 20~30 um) and denser, which was due to the continuous nucleation and growth of
the corrosion product on the steel surface (Fig. 5d). This was consistent with the results in Fig. 3.

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Figure 5. Cross-section morphologies of corrosion films formed on P110 steel with various immersion
times: (a) 2 h; (b) 24 h; (c) 72 h; (d) 120 h

3.3 Electrochemical measurements

The open circuit potential (OCP) monitoring is very important to the investigation of the
corrosion behaviors and corrosion proceeding analysis for the steel. Fig. 6 shows the OCP values
changing with the corrosion time for P110 steel in a CO2-saturated oilfield formation water. It can be
found that the OCP values changed with time and tend to be steady after a certain period of the
immersion. About before 150 s, the OCP values kept increase with the increasing of the time, which
increased from -718 mV to -711 mV (vs. SCE, the same below). After that, the OCP values tended to
be steady, and fluctuated between -710 mV and -712 mV. Then, when the OCP values were steady, the
potentiodynamic polarization measurement was conducted on the electrode surface. Fig. 7 gives the
potentiodynamic polarization curve for the P110 steel corroded in CO2 environments. For the cathode
domain, the curve was much straighter than that in the anode region. For anode domain, no passivation
behavior was observed and the corrosion current density always increased with the applied potential
increasing. This was probably related to the lower pH values in the CO2 solutions. In our given
solution, the pH was 6, which was not alkaline enough to make the steel in passivation. Therefore, the
steel in our given environment corroded seriously and the corrosion rate was very high during the
initial corrosion period.

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Open circuit potential vs. SCE, V













Time, s

Figure 6. Open circuit potential monitoring result for the P110 steel corroded in a CO2-saturated


P110 steel

Current (A)









Potential (V)

Figure 7. Potentiodynamic polarization curves of X60 and Cr2Ni steels.

It is well known that the corrosion rate measurements illustrate the evolution of the dissolution
of the steel surface under the given environment in this work. Electrochemical impedance
spectroscopy (EIS) measurements can provide insight into the corrosion mechanisms occurring at the

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interface. Therefore, to give a deeper investigation on the growth of the corrosion film and corrosion
mechanism for the P110 steel in the CO2-saturated solution, the EIS measurements were performed in
this section. Fig. 8, Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 show the Nyquist diagrams for the P110 steel after the
immersion of 2, 72 and 120 h in a CO2-saturated oilfield formation water, respectively. It is seen that,
as shown in Fig. 7, after 2 h of immersion the impedance spectra exhibited a capacitive semicircle in
the high frequency range and an inductive loop in the low frequency range. The inductive loop in the
low frequency range was probably related to the adsorption of the intermediate product [22,23]. After
72 h of immersion, the high frequency capacitive semicircle increased and the low frequency inductive
loop shrank. This was contributed to the formation of the FeCO3 film on the steel surface. As shown in
Fig. 3c, a film has formed and covered on the steel surface, whcih protected the substrate from the
further corrosion, thus the capacitive semicircle increased. However, this film was not completecovered. Therefore, the inductive loop still existed and shrank. At 120 h, the impedance spectrum was
consisted of two capacitive semicircles, indicating that a complete-covered film formed, which is
consistent with the SEM result in Fig. 3d. Moreover, the semicircle increased significantly at 120 h,
corresponding to the lowest corrosion rate in this stage.


0.2 h

-Z", ohm cm2







Z', ohm cm2

Figure 8. Nyquist diagram for P110 steel in the CO2-saturated solution obtained after the immersion
of 2 h.

Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Vol. 10, 2015




0.2 h

-Z", ohm cm2










Z', ohm cm2

Figure 9. Nyquist diagram for P110 steel in the CO2-saturated solution obtained after the immersion
of 48 h.


0.2 h

-Z", ohm cm2









Z', ohm cm2

Figure 10. Nyquist diagram for P110 steel in the CO2-saturated solution obtained after the immersion
of 120 h.

The main conclusions which can be drawn from this study are:

In a CO2-saturated oilfield formation water, the corrosion rate of P110 steel was very
high at the initial corrosion stage. It decreased sharply when a FeCO3 film of good protectiveness
formed on the steel surface.

The SEM results indicate that a short no-film period existed during the initial corrosion

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of P110 steel, due to the insufficient Fe2+ concentration. After 24 h of immersion, the corrosion
product (FeCO3) began to deposit on the steel surface. As the corrosion proceeding, a completecovered film formed at last, which protected the steel substrate from the further corrosion.

The work is funded by National Postdoctoral Science Foundation Project of the Peoples Repulic of
China under Contract No. 20110491740 and the authors acknowledge the assistance.

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2015 The Authors. Published by ESG (www.electrochemsci.org). This article is an open access
article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license

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