4-Sps de Guzman V Ochoa
4-Sps de Guzman V Ochoa
4-Sps de Guzman V Ochoa
This is a petition for review on certiorari assailing the August 11, 2005 Decision 1 of
the Court of Appeals (CA), in CA-G.R. SP No. 89329, led by petitioners, Spouses
Francisco De Guzman, Jr. and Amparo O. De Guzman (petitioners). In the assailed
decision, the CA found no commission of grave abuse of discretion when the public
respondent therein, Judge Amelia A. Fabros (Judge Fabros) , Presiding Judge of the
Regional Trial Court, Pasig City, Branch 160 (RTC), denied petitioners' second
motion to dismiss, in Civil Case No. 68896, an action for annulment of contract and
The facts of the case have been succinctly summarized by the CA as follows:
On March 25, 2002, respondent spouses Cesar Ochoa and Sylvia Ochoa,
through respondent Araceli Azores, ostensibly acting as attorney-in-fact,
commenced in the Regional Trial Court (RTC) in Pasig City an action seeking
the annulment of contract of mortgage, foreclosure sale, certicate of sale
and damages. The action, docketed as Civil Case No. 68896 and entitled
Cesar Ochoa and Sylvia A. Ochoa, etc. v. Josefa M. Guevarra, et al. , was
raffled to Branch 160, presided by the respondent RTC Judge.
On May 22, 2002, the petitioners, as defendants in Civil Case No. 68896,
led a motion to dismiss , alleging the sole ground that the complaint did not
state a cause of action. The petitioners' motion to dismiss was formally
opposed by the private respondents.
On December 16, 2002, the respondent RTC Judge denied petitioners'
motion to dismiss and at the same time set Civil Case No. 68896 for pre-trial
conference, directing the parties to submit their respective pre-trial briefs.
On March 31, 2003, the petitioners led a second motion to dismiss , alleging
that the certication against forum shopping attached to the complaint was
not executed by the principal parties (plaintis) in violation of Sec. 5, Rule 7,
1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, rendering the complaint fatally defective and
thus dismissible.
Aggrieved, petitioners elevated the order of denial to the CA via a petition for
certiorari contending that the RTC should have dismissed the complaint motu
proprio since it was fatally defective. They pointed out that the Verication and
Certication of Non-Forum Shopping attached to the complaint was not signed by
Cesar Ochoa or Sylvia Ochoa but by Araceli S. Azores (Azores), who was acting as
the attorney-in-fact of Cesar Ochoa only. They invited the attention of the RTC to
the fact that the powers delegated to Azores did not include the authority to
institute an action in court. Thus, according to the petitioners, the denial by the RTC
of their motion to dismiss was capricious, whimsical and arbitrary, amounting to
lack or excess of jurisdiction and should be struck down as null and void.
On August 11, 2005, the CA denied the petition for lack of merit. The CA, in its
decision, agreed with the RTC that following the omnibus motion rule, the defects
of the complaint pointed out by the petitioners were deemed waived when they
failed to raise it in their first motion to dismiss.
Not in conformity, the petitioners led this petition for review under Rule 45,
anchored on this:
It is the position of the petitioners that the second motion to dismiss does not
violate the Omnibus Motion Rule under Section 8, Rule 15 of the Rules of Court
because the issue raised in the second motion was a question of jurisdiction. For said
reason, the matter of the defective verication and certication cannot be
considered to have been waived when it was not interposed at the rst instance.
Considering that the issue is jurisdictional, the RTC should have dismissed the
complaint motu proprio.
The Court disagrees with the petitioners.
An order denying a motion to dismiss is an interlocutory order which neither
terminates the case nor nally disposes of it, as it leaves something to be done by
the court before the case is nally decided on the merits. As such, the general rule is
that the denial of a motion to dismiss cannot be questioned in a special civil action
for certiorari which is a remedy designed to correct errors of jurisdiction and not
errors of judgment. 3
Therefore, an order denying a motion to dismiss may only be reviewed in the
ordinary course of law by an appeal from the judgment after trial. The ordinary
procedure to be followed in such cases is to le an answer, go to trial, and if the
decision is adverse, reiterate the issue on appeal from the final judgment. 4
Only in exceptional cases where the denial of the motion to dismiss is tainted with
grave abuse of discretion that the Court allows the extraordinary remedy of
certiorari. By "grave abuse of discretion," we mean such capricious and whimsical
exercise of judgment that is equivalent to lack of jurisdiction. The abuse of
discretion must be grave as where the power is exercised in an arbitrary or despotic
manner by reason of passion or personal hostility, and must be so patent and gross
as to amount to an evasion of positive duty or to a virtual refusal to perform the
duty enjoined by or to act all in contemplation of law. 5
action pending between the same parties for the same cause (litis pendentia); [c]
the action is barred by prior judgment (res judicata); and [d] the action is barred by
the statute of limitations or prescription.
In the case at bench, the petitioners raised the ground of defective verication and
certication of forum shopping only when they led their second motion to dismiss,
despite the fact that this ground was existent and available to them at the time of
the ling of their rst motion to dismiss. Absent any justiable reason to explain
this fatal omission, the ground of defective verication and certication of forum
shopping was deemed waived and could no longer be questioned by the petitioners
in their second motion to dismiss.
Moreover, contrary to petitioners' assertion, the requirement regarding verication
of a pleading is formal, not jurisdictional. Such requirement is simply a condition
aecting the form of the pleading, and non-compliance with which does not
necessarily render the pleading fatally defective. Verication is simply intended to
secure an assurance that the allegations in the pleading are true and correct and not
the product of the imagination or a matter of speculation, and that the pleading is
led in good faith. In fact, the court may order the correction of the pleading if
verication is lacking or act on the pleading although it is not veried, if the
attending circumstances are such that strict compliance with the rules may be
dispensed with in order that the ends of justice may thereby be served. 6
Similarly, the rule requiring the submission of such certication of non-forum
shopping, although obligatory, is not jurisdictional. 7 The certication requirement is
rooted in the principle that a party-litigant shall not be allowed to pursue
simultaneous remedies in dierent fora, as this practice is detrimental to an orderly
judicial procedure. 8
As to whether the trial court should have dismissed the complaint motu proprio, the
Court rules in the negative. Section 5, Rule 7 of the Rules of Court is clear that
failure to comply with the requirements on the rule against forum shopping shall be
cause for the dismissal of the case "upon motion and after hearing."
Id. at 96-97.