Gkantidis Et Al-2011-Journal of Anatomy
Gkantidis Et Al-2011-Journal of Anatomy
Gkantidis Et Al-2011-Journal of Anatomy
doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7580.2011.01346.x
The primary aim of the present study was to assess morphological covariation between the face and the basicranium (midline and lateral), and to evaluate patterns of integration at two specific developmental stages. A
group of 71 children (610 years) was compared with a group of 71 adults (2035 years). Lateral cephalometric
radiographs were digitized and a total of 28 landmarks were placed on three areas; the midline cranial base,
the lateral cranial base and the face. Geometric morphometric methods were applied and partial least squares
analysis was used to evaluate correlation between the three shape blocks. Morphological integration was tested
both with and without removing the effect of allometry. In children, mainly the midline and, to a lesser extent,
the lateral cranial base were moderately correlated to the face. In adults, the correlation between the face and
the midline cranial base, which ceases development earlier than the lateral base, was reduced. However, the
lateral cranial base retained and even strengthened its correlation to the face. This suggests that the duration
of common developmental timing is an important factor that influences integration between craniofacial structures. However, despite the apparent switch of primary roles between the cranial bases during development,
the patterns of integration remained stable, thereby supporting the role of genetics over function in the establishment and development of craniofacial shape.
Key words: covariation; development; geometric morphometrics; malocclusion.
The craniofacial complex serves a multitude of functional
demands in a tightly packed space and is, therefore, a challenging area where the concepts of modularity and integration can improve our understanding of developmental and
evolutionary issues. At the coarsest scale, three main units
can be identified: the cranial base, the cranial vault and the
face. These units, each deriving from embryologically distinct regions and serving separate functional purposes, can
be considered modules. The concept of modularity is difficult to define explicitly (Bolker, 2000). The term module,
as used here, denotes a unit that is internally coherent due
to strong interactions among its parts, but is relatively independent from other such units with which, if connected, it
has weaker or fewer interactions (Klingenberg, 2009).
Strong internal coherency leads to relatively independent
Nikolaos Gkantidis, Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry,
University of Athens, 2 Thivon Street, Goudi, Athens, GR-11527,
Greece. T: + 306947262688; F: + 302310999549; E: nikosgant@
Accepted for publication 14 January 2011
Article published online 16 February 2011
of the morphology of the facial module (Enlow, 1990; Lieberman et al. 2000a,b; Goodrich, 2005; Bastir & Rosas, 2006;
Rosas et al. 2008). The cranial base is the center upon which
the rest of the skull grows and attaches, and shows morphological and developmental conservatism in mammals
compared with other regions of the skull (Lieberman et al.
2000a). During growth and development, the neurocranium interacts with the face and vice versa through the basicranium. Thus, the basicranium may have some influence on
the growth and development of the face (Enlow, 1990).
However, recent research, which has mainly focused on
the midline cranial base, has failed to establish a definite
relationship between it (its shape, size and or flexion) and
the morphology of the face, including malocclusion patterns (Lieberman et al. 2000a; Bastir & Rosas, 2006; Polat &
Kaya, 2007; Proff et al. 2008). In an attempt to resolve this
issue, morphometric studies have focused on the role of
the lateral cranial base structures instead (Bastir et al. 2004;
Bastir & Rosas, 2005). These studies have analyzed basicranial and mandibular covariation and suggested that,
because of spatial and temporal relations, the middle cranial fossa (encompassing lateral structures), rather than the
midline cranial base, may be more relevant to the morphological development of the mandible. Also, findings of high
morphological integration between lateral base and facial
structures, compared to almost no integration between
midline base and face in adults (Bastir & Rosas, 2006), and
studies of ontogenetic maturation (Chang et al. 2005)
all indicate that the effective interface between the neurocranium and the face might be the lateral basicranium. A
more recent study of endocranial base variation in modern
humans strengthened the evidence for the dissociation
between midsagittal and lateral components of the basicranium (Bruner & Ripani, 2008).
Developmental and ontogenetic factors that may account
for low correlations between facial patterns and basicranial
angulation (Lieberman et al. 2000a), or low integration
between facial and midline base shape in adults (Bastir &
Rosas, 2006) have not been adequately investigated so far.
However, it is important to explore variations in patterns of
integration during growth and development (Arthur, 2002)
and to know the processes that underlie integration in the
mature organism (Boughner & Hallgrmsson, 2008). This
helps to understand mechanisms that are responsible for
the final shape configuration of the craniofacial complex.
Bastir et al. (2006) investigated the ontogeny of the
human skull in a longitudinal sample using 2D geometric
morphometric methods and concluded that the midline cranial base achieves adult shape at 78 years, while the lateral
cranial floor attains adult shape at 1112 years. The face
achieves adult shape at 1516 years (Bastir et al. 2006), thus
sharing more common developmental timing with the lateral cranial floor compared to that of the midline basicranium. These findings are generally in line with those of
traditional studies that used linear or angular measure-
Method error
To test the error of point identification, 20 radiographs were redigitized 10 days after the first digitization by the same investigator (N.G.). Random error was evaluated by assessing: (i) differences between repeated measures of x and y landmark
coordinates using Dahlbergs formula (Houston, 1983), and (ii)
Euclidean distances between the first and second location of
each landmark. The average random error of the x and y point
coordinates was 0.70 mm (range 0.123.74 mm, SD 0.69 mm).
The average value of the landmark distances between repeated
measurements was 1.03 mm (range 0.284.32 mm, SD 0.94 mm).
Systematic error was evaluated by paired t-tests of the x and y
coordinates of each landmark (Houston, 1983). Because of the
large number of t-tests, we performed a Bonferroni correction
of the traditional level of statistical significance (P = 0.05) to
avoid Type I errors. The P-value was adjusted by dividing the initial P-value by the number of t-tests (60) (Zelditch et al. 2004).
No systematic error was detected in any measurement.
Sexual dimorphism and size differences
Table 1 Mean of logarithm of centroid size (standard deviation in parentheses) by age group and sex. Unpaired t-tests comparing male and
female subjects within age groups.
lnCS children 610 years
All points
All points
explained (%)
explained (%)
The null hypothesis of no difference in morphological integration between the lateral basicranium and the face compared to the midline basicranium and the face at the two
developmental stages (childhood and adult life) was
rejected, supporting the idea that common developmental
timing is an important factor that influences patterns of
integration between craniofacial structures. When only
female subjects were analyzed, the results indicated the
same patterns of integration as those presented for our original mixed sex sample. These data are not presented or
analyzed here due to space considerations.
The presence of allometry influenced the strength of
morphological covariation in specific cases (mainly in
covariation between Latbase and Face, at dimension 2) in
children and adults. However, this did not substantially
affect the patterns of integration and the sequence of
changes through the development and maturation of the
organism (Table 3). Thus, for reasons of clarity, we mention
Age group
Blocks of data
Correlation r
explained %
610 years
Midbase Face
0.49 0.48
0.36 0.38
0.43 0.46
0.41 0.47
0.43 0.40
0.44 0.46
0.56 0.56
0.64 0.44
0.08 0.10
0.52 0.42
0.21 0.15
0.17 0.02
0.17 0.32
0.14 0.07
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.13
44.0 43.5
27.8 26.0
47.7 52.6
29.9 30.5
60.2 50.4
16.6 21.1
61.2 50.5
23.2 31.5
Latbase Face
2035 years
Midbase Face
Latbase Face
First value is without removing allometry and second value is after regressing out allometry. Dimensions represent SW axes,
correlations (r) represent the strength of integration between blocks, P-value shows the statistical significance (permutation test) of
the correlation coefficient (r), and the last column presents the percentage of covariance explained by each dimension. Numbers in
bold signify statistical significance at P 0.10.
correlations, with the exception of covariation between Latbase and Face, at dimension 2 for adults, for reasons
explained earlier. We did not detect appreciable differences
between TPS grids obtained with and without removing
the effect of allometry. It seems that allometry exerts an
influence only on the strength of morphological covariation
between structures, but does not affect the way structures
are morphologically integrated. For consistency, we present
the TPS grids that resulted after regressing out allometry
(Figs 37).
Concerning singular warp analysis, one important finding is that the main characteristics of the morphological
covariation patterns between cranial base structures and
the face remain stable through ontogeny, even though
the strength and amount of integration between structures change.
SW1 explained 43.5% of the covariance of the midline
cranial base with the face in children (Table 3). The correla-
The present study was conducted on subjects that presented a wide range of dental and skeletal patterns. A matter of concern was whether the sample included subjects
with extreme morphological patterns, resulting perhaps
from undiagnosed pathologies that would skew the results.
We sought these potential outliers by performing PCA analyses on the four landmarks sets, separately for each age
group. After removing those outliers identified by visual
inspection of the PCA plots and equalizing the number of
subjects between groups, we arrived at an alternative study
sample of 65 children and 65 adults. This produced similar
results to those obtained from the original sample (71 children, 71 adults), so it will not be discussed further.
Concerning the variation present in the sample, PCA
clearly demonstrated the wide range of skeletal malocclusion patterns included in the sample, in the anteroposterior
and vertical dimension. The first two PCs described divergency of skeletal planes and anteroposterior intermaxillary
relationship, in accord with previous findings from a different orthodontic sample (Halazonetis, 2004). TPS grids showing variation in overall shape revealed that children, on
average, had a relatively more retruded mandible and protruded maxilla (Class II pattern) than adults (Fig. 2). These
findings are consistent with present knowledge regarding
normal growth and development of the human craniofacial
complex (Bjork & Skieller, 1983; Enlow & Hans, 1996). Individuals with different levels of jaw discrepancies are demonstrated along PC1 axis, but this is expected as the shape
variation of the sample according to skeletal relations is
The different male female ratio between the two groups,
the size differences between sexes, and the detected sexual
We are grateful to Markus Bastir for helpful comments on a
first draft of the manuscript. We also thank the Editor and two
anonymous reviewers for their efforts and their valuable comments. This research was supported by the European Virtual
Anthropology Network, a Marie Curie Research Training Network (MRTN-CT-2005-019564).
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