CC 11904
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There are a vast number of operations carried out
every year, with a small proportion of patients being
at highest risk of mortality and morbidity. There has
been considerable work to try and identify these
high-risk patients. In this paper, we look in detail at
the commonly used perioperative risk prediction
models. Finally, we will be looking at the evolution
and evidence for functional assessment and the
National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (in the
USA), both topical and exciting areas of perioperative
There are an estimated 234 million surgical operations
every year worldwide [1], of which 4.2million operations
are carried out in England [2]. A precise estimation of
perioperative complications and postoperative morbidity
is dicult to gain, but it has been suggested this may
occur in between 3 and 17% of cases [3,4]. This wide
range in reported complications is probably related to
variable reporting, as well as disputed classication of
complications. These complications cover a range of
organ systems, including gastrointestinal, infectious, pulmonary, renal, haematological and cardiovascular [5,6].
These complications can be anaesthetic related (for
example, postoperative nausea and vomiting or hypoxaemia in the recovery room) or surgical (for example,
wound related, ileus or haemorrhage).
Postoperative mortality across all procedures is
approximately 0.5%, although it may exceed 12% in older
patients undergoing emergency surgery in the UK [7]. A
small high-risk group of patients has been shown to be
responsible for approximately 83% of deaths and
signicantly longer hospital stays, despite making up only
General Intensive Care Unit, St Georges Hospital, Blackshaw Road, Tooting,
London, SW17 0QT, UK
Accurate gures for surgical complication rates are
dicult to obtain because of the lack of consensus
amongst surgeons on what constitutes a postoperative
complication. This diculty is further exacerbated by
disagreement on a structured classication of postoperative complications and morbidity, making it dicult
to compare dierent surgical techniques or predictive
models for surgical complications. In 1992 a model for
classication of surgical complications was proposed by
Clavien and colleagues [10]. Uptake of this model of
classication was slow, due in part to a lack of evidence of
international validation. The model was updated in 2004,
and evaluated in a large cohort of patients by an
international survey. This new model allows grading of
postoperative complications, regardless of the initial
surgery. The dierent categories are broad, permitting
clear placement of complications in the various grades
To accurately record postoperative complications, it is
important to have a validated questionnaire. The Postoperative Morbidity Survey is one such questionnaire
[5,11]. This survey is well-validated and provides objective evidence of postoperative complications, tting the
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Minor complication that can be easily treated on the ward with simple procedures or medications (for example, intravenous catheter,
nasogastric tube, anti-emetic, simple analgesic)
Postoperative transfusion or treatment with medications other than those simple agents permitted under grade 1
Needing invasive therapy either surgical, endoscopic or radiological without general anaesthesia
Needing invasive therapy either surgical, endoscopic or radiological with general anaesthesia
Suffix d
There are a number of guidelines available to both aid in
the identication of and guide the care of the high-risk
In 2010 the Association of Anaesthetists of Great
Britain and Ireland published guidelines on the preoperative assessment of a patient having an anaesthetic [12].
This document encourages a formal preoperative
assessment process, which should start the process of
identifying high-risk patients, as well as preparing the
patient for their anaesthetic. These guidelines incorporate
the guidelines issued by the National Institute for Clinical
Excellence in 2003 on the use of routine preoperative
tests for elective surgery [13].
The American Heart Association published guidelines
on perioperative cardiovascular evaluation and care for
noncardiac surgery in 2007 [14]. These were updated in
2009 to incorporate new evidence relating to perioperative -blockade [15]. Similar guidelines were also
issued by the European Society of Cardiology and
endorsed by the European Society of Anesthesiology in
2009 [16]. One important predictive element suggested
by the guidelines is the use of metabolic equivalents
(METs): 1MET is the oxygen consumption of a 40-yearold, 70 kg man, and is approximately 3.5 ml/minute/kg.
Patients unable to reach 4 METS (equivalent of climbing
a ight of stairs) are suggested to be at increased risk
during surgery [17].
The Royal College of Surgeons of England and the
Department of Health have also set up a Working Group
on the Peri-operative Care of the Higher Risk General
Surgical Patient, which has issued a set of guidelines on
the care of the high-risk surgical patient [9]. In addition
to the detection of complications following surgery, these
guidelines emphasise the importance of a rapid, appropriate response to limit the number and severity of
Risk prediction
Evidently it would be preferable to identify high-risk
patients prior to starting any operations. To make this
identication it is necessary to have an agreed denition
of what constitutes a high-risk patient. The Royal College
of Surgeons of England Working Group has dened a
high-risk patient as one with an estimated mortality 5%,
with consultant presence being encouraged if this value
exceeds 10%. The group go on to suggest that any patients
with estimated mortality >10% should be admitted to
critical care postoperatively.
To accurately estimate probable mortality and morbidity, we should ideally use an approach that combines
the patients physiological characteristics with the
procedure to be carried out to calculate a predictive risk.
The ideal risk prediction score should be simple, easily
reproducible, objective, applicable to all patients and
operations, and both sensitive and specic. Furthermore,
this score should be equally easily applied to both the
emergent and non-emergent patient and setting. Whilst
in the non-emergent setting the anaesthetist has access to
all of the patients investigations and to more elaborate
physiological investigations, the emergent scenario
requires decisions based on the acute physiological
condition and quick investigations. The two scenarios
can therefore be very dierent, and it may not be possible
to use one risk score for both emergent and nonemergent operations.
There are various risk scoring systems that have been
described in the literature. These systems can be classied as those estimating population risk or individual risk
[18,19]. Scores predicting individual risk can be general,
organ specic, or procedure specic. It is important not
to use population-based scoring systems in isolation to
make individual decisions because they cannot always be
extrapolated to specic patients.
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Organ system
Drug-related diarrhoea
Cerebrovascular accident/haemorrhage
An example of a general score that is based on estimating population risk is the American Society of
Anesthetists (ASA) classication [20]. The ASA classication was not originally composed as a risk prediction
score, although it is often used as such. The dierent ASA
classes have been shown to be good predictors of
mortality [21], while the rate of postoperative morbidity
has also been noted to vary with class [22]. The ASA
system has the advantage of being a simple, easily applied
score, which is widely known. However, the ASA classication is subjective and does not provide individual or
procedure specic information. The system has also been
shown to have poor sensitivity and specicity for
individual patient morbidity and mortality [23].
The Charlson Comorbidity Index is a generic score
based on weighting various preoperative diseases and
predicting long-term survival [24]. This score is relatively
simple to use, but also does not take into account the
surgical operation, and relies on a subjective assessment
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Source of data
Use within last 24 hours of: packed red cells, platelets, fresh-frozen
plasma, cryoprecipitate
Surgical wound
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Currently, preoperative risk stratication is often not part
of the standard preoperative assessment (with the exception of the ASA classication). There are a number of
reasons for this omission. The currently available scores
are often complicated, needing multiple tests or time to
complete. Facilities and sta time/training may not be
available for functional testing. Traditionally, junior
doctors, in addition to their other clinical duties, carried
out preoperative assessment they may not have been
aware of the guidelines and risk stratication scores for
use in surgery. Additionally, mortality and morbidity
tables for individual hospitals and surgeons/surgeries are
not routinely published for noncardiac surgery. As a
result, this is often not a priority for hospital managers or
clinicians who may or may not know accurate outcome
statistics for their patients. However, the current nancial
restraints on the National Health Service are likely to
lead to renewed eorts to reduce the length of stay in
hospital by reducing postoperative morbidity. The
governments stated aim to increase competition (and in
so doing improve results) is likely to lead to increased
interest in also reducing mortality. In the absence of a
British version of NSQIP, there is likely to be increased
focus on preoperative risk stratication scoring. As well
as potentially reducing costs and improving performance,
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ACS, American College of Surgeons; APACHE, Acute Physiology and Chronic
Health Evaluation; ASA, American Society of Anesthetists; MET, metabolic
equivalent; NSQIP, National Surgical Quality Improvement Program; POSSUM,
Physiological and Operative Severity Score for the Enumeration of Mortality
and Morbidity.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Published: 7 May 2013
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Cite this article as: Shah N, Hamilton M: Clinical Review: Can we predict
which patients are at risk of complications following surgery? Critical Care
2013, 17:226.