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An Analysis of Investor's Behaviour On Various Investments Avenues in India

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A Project Report on

“An Analysis of Investor’s Behaviour on Various

Investments Avenues in India”
Made by an Individual Research

Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award





(2008 – 2010)

Department of Business Management

(A Constituent College of Osmania University)
Basheerbagh, Hyderabad

This is to certify that the Project Report titled

“An Analysis of Investor’s Behaviour on Various

Investments Avenues in India”

Submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of MBA Programme of

Department of Business Management, O.U. Hyderabad was carried

out by Rakesh Reddy E under my guidance. This has not been

submitted to any other University or Institution for the award of any


Name and address of the Guide Signature of the Guide


I hereby declare that this Project Report titled “An Analysis of

Investor’s Behaviour on Various Investments Avenues in India”

Submitted by me to the Department of Business Management, O.U.,

Hyderabad, is a bonafide work undertaken by me and it is not

submitted to any other University or Institution for the award of any

degree diploma / certificate or published any time before.

Name and Address of the Student : Signature of the Student

Rakesh Reddy E
H. No: 4-69/61/1
Road # 1
Karimnagar, A.P

My very special gratitude and heartfelt thanks to our College Principal

Dr. Naidu Ashok, and Vice Principal Dr. A. Nakula Reddy for their best

wishes to carry out my project work.

I would like to express my deep gratitude and thanks to our Head of the

Department and my project guide Dr. M. Usha, M.Com, M.Phil, Ph. D., who is

responsible for moulding our thinking to complete this project.

I am extremely thankful to my company guide Mr. Ch. Srinivas,

Relationship Manager, LICMF AMC, Basheerbagh, Hyd, for taking keen

interest and giving valuable guidance at every stage of this project.

I wish to express my sincere thanks to my external guide Ms. Vinita

Sharma, Associate Professor, A. V. College, Postgraduate Centre,

Gaganmahal, Hyd, for her kind support and guidance to complete my project.

I am also thankful to the faculty members Mrs. Madhavi and Mrs.

Saritha for their kind and valuable cooperation, for guiding me all the way for

timely completion of the project. I would also like to thank my parents, friends

and well wishers who encourage me to complete this project successfully.



Indian investor today have to endure a sluggish economy, the steep market declines

prompted by deteriorating revenues, alarming reports of scandals ranging from illegal

corporate accounting practices like that of Satyam to insider trading to make investment

decisions. Stock market’s performance is not simply the result of intelligible characteristics

but also due to the emotions that are still baffling to the analysts. Despite loads of

information bombarding from all directions, it is not the cold calculations of financial

wizards, or company’s performance or widely accepted criterion of stock performance but

the investor’s irrational emotions like overconfidence, fear, risk aversion, etc., seem to

decisively drive and dictate the fortunes of the market.

This Report while discussing the characteristics of the Indian individual investors

along makes an attempt to discover the relationship between a dependent variable i.e., Risk

Tolerance level and independent variables such as Age, an individual investor on the basis of

the survey. Indian investors are high income, well educated, salaried, and independent in

making investment decisions and conservative investors. From the analysis it was found that

irrespective of gender, most of the investors (54%) are found to have low risk tolerance level

and many others (34%) have moderate risk tolerance level, only 12 % of the investor’s had

high risk tolerance level. It is also found that there is a strong negative correlation between

Age and Risk tolerance level of the investor. Television is the media that is largely

influencing the investor’s decisions. Hence, this study can facilitate the investment product

designers to design products which can cater to the investors who are low risk tolerant.

chapter -1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction to the Report 2
1.2 Objectives of the study 3
1.3 Need for the study 5
1.4 Value addition 6
1.5 Limitations of the study 7
1.6 Research Methodology 8
1.7 Sources of Information 9
Chapter - 2 Literature Review 10
Chapter - 3 Industry Profile 13
Chapter - 4 Data Analysis & Interpretation 41
Chapter - 5 Findings & Sugestions 64
Chapter - 6 Summary & Conclusion 68
Bibiliography 70

Table 1 Demographics of the sample investor 43

Table 2 Other characteristics of sample investors 45

Table 2.1 Investors Risk of losing principal amount 45

Table 2.2 Time period preferred to invest 45

Table 2.3 Frequency of monitoring the investment 46

Table 2.4 Investment in equity market 47

Table 2.5 Family Budget 48

Table 2.6 Investment Target 48

Table 2.7 Financial Advisor 49

Table 3 Objectives of Investment 49

Table 3.1 Savings objective 50

Table 3.2 Purpose behind investment 51
Table 3.3 Factors considering before investing 52

Table 4 Demographics based on Occupation 54

Table 5 Investment preference based on occupation 57

Table 5.1 preferred investment avenues for salaried 57

Table 5.2 preferred investment avenues for business people 57

Table 5.3 preferred investment avenues for professionals 58
Table 5.4 preferred investment avenues for housewives 59
Table 5.5 preferred investment avenues for - Overall 59
Table 6 Finding relationship between age and risk 61
Table 7 Suggested Portfolio Construction 67

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