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Mechanical Properties Improvement of Low Carbon Steel

by Combined Heat Treatments

J. Abou-Jahjah and J. Dobrnszky.*

The improvement of the Mechanical properties of the low Carbon steel and increasing its
strength, was the goal of some heat treatment technologies developed in the last twenty years.
One of these technologies is the Rapid Heat Treatment (RHT), by which the strength of steel
increases with the crystalline grain size decrease obtained from the rapidity of austenitizing,
and more strength increase may be obtained, if the action of austenitizing is followed by
rapid cooling or quenching, but in this case, ductility will decrease simultaneously by
increasing the cooling rate.
Another mechanical properties improving heat treatment, is the Intercritical Heat Treatment
(IHT), by which the ferrite-pearlite structure of low Carbon steel transforms to Dual-Phase
structure of ferrite and martensite resulting increase in strength, while a great deal of its
ductility is restored.
Authors in this paper report about their experiments carried out on a low Carbon-steel, trying
to get the advantages of the two above mentioned technologies, by subjecting the formerly
rapid heat treated steel, to intercritical heat treatment,. Applying this treatment on the steel in
different temperatures inside the intercritical zone, remarkable results were obtained and

Jamil Abou-Jahjah, Dr. Eng. Prof. University of Damascus. Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical
Engineering, Damascus P.O.B. 86, Syria, Fax: (963) 11-5423296 ; and Jnos Dobrnszky, Dr.
Eng. Member of the research group for metals technology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Technical University of Budapest, Goldman Gy. tr 3,Hungary, Fax: (36) 1-4633250.

The mechanical properties of any structural metallic material - with certain chemical
composition - are functions of its micro- structure. So the aim of any heat treatment
technology is the improvement, or control of the mechanical properties by controlling the
microstructure to suit the requirements restricted on a certain piece, even for use, or for
subjecting to a forming or machining technology
The Rapid Heat Treatment (RHT) is one of the newly developed technologies to improve the
mechanical properties of low Carbon steels, by annealing it at a temperature above AC3 to be
transformed to austenite in a very short time (0,001 - 0,5 sec.) which can be achieved by using
the Joule heat of the steel itself (Ref. 1), and then cooling it by different rates. The mechanical
properties improvement especially strength is (in compliance with Hall-Petch equation) a
function of the grain size of the transient phase (austenite), which depends on the heating and
transforming rate (Ref. 1,3), and a function of the quality of the final microstructure, which
depends on the cooling rate.
RHT experiments carried out using two types of low Carbon steels, show that, tensile strength
could be increased up to 200 % of its original value, with a moderate decrease of its
elongation (Ref. 1) .
Another effective heat treatment for improving the mechanical properties of low carbon steels
is the Intercritical Heat Treatment (IHT), in which the original ferrite-pearlite structure,
transforms to dual-phase structure of ferrite and martensite. In this treatment, the steel is
annealed at a temperature within the intercritical zone (between A1 and A3) at where the
pearlite and a part of ferrite (depending on temperature) transform to austenite and then
quenched or cooled in a high cooling rate to transform the austenite to martensite. The higher
the annealing temperature selected in this zone, the more austenite forms and transforms to
martensite, but the less Carbon content in this Martensite (Ref. 4,5,6).

Other version of IHT is the Reversed Intercritical Heat Treatment (RIHT) , by which
martensite in dual phase structure can be controlled to form a network or massive matrix
around the ferrite, otherwise the ferrite surrounds the martensite while the later is less then 50
%. , and more mechanical properties improvement may be gained by this technique (Ref. 2).
The essential point of the Reversed Intercritical Heat Treatment is that, the steel should be
treated by two steps. The first step is the annealing of the steel at a temperature above Ac3 and
quenching it to have martensite structure (in low carbon steel cubic martensite is forming), the
second step is the intercritical annealing and quenching again. At annealing at an intercritical
temperature the austenite starts to appear and grow on the crystalline boundaries forming a
network, which transforms to martensite at quenching (Ref. 2).
We suppose that, if a rapid heat treated steel is subjected to intercritical heat treatment, more
mechanical properties improvement may be gained. So the goal of this work was the
clarification of this supposition, and finding the intercritical annealing temperature, or
temperature interval from which quenching results better mechanical properties.

The experimental material was a rapid heat treated low carbon steel wire, with a diameter of
5,5 mm.. The chemical composition of the steel is shown in table 1.
Table 1.: The chemical composition of the steel.










The microstructure of the steel as rapid heat-treated is shown in (figure 1), and its mechanical
properties in its original state, and after rapid heat treating is shown in table 2.

Table 2.: The mechanical properties of the steel before and after (RHT).

Rm (MPa)

Re (MPa)

A5 %





After RHT



Tension specimens were prepared, from the formerly rapid heat-treated steel, grouped into
sets and numbered. Every set of specimens was heated and hold for 15 minutes at one of the
11 different temperatures, 8 of them were between A1 and A3, one temperature was about the
calculated Ac3 and the other 2 were above it. The calculated Ac3. considering the chemical
composition of the steel (Ref. 7) is about : 850oC.
By finishing the heat treating, all specimens were subjected to tension test on an Instron
universal testing machine, selecting a constant loading speed of 2 mm/min. The tension test
results are included in table 3 and diagram (figure 2).
Table 3 : The mechanical properties of the steel after IHT.
set No. temperature [oC]

Ultimate tensile
strength: Rm [MPa]

Yield strength:
RP0,2 [MPa]

elongation: A5















































Microscopic test specimens from one broken tension specimen of every set, ware cut,
sectioned (longitudinal and cross sectional), prepared and examined by light microscope.
(Figure 3), shows samples of microstructures of intercritically heat-treated specimens,
annealed at different temperatures. (SEM) micrographs were prepared about fracture surfaces
of some specimens, one of these belongs to specimen annealed at 810oC is shown in figure 4.
It illustrates the characteristics of Dual-Phase fracture, where equiaxial dimples characterize
the ferrite fracture (fig. 4a) and quasi-cleavage are observed where martensite are existing
(fig. 4b).


From results obtained from tension tests (table 3 and fig. 2) the followings could be
concluded and discussed:
Taking in consideration that the tensile strength of the used steel in its original state is about
370 MPa, and after RHT it can reach 800 MPa, considerable increase in its tensile strength
could be achieved by subjecting it to IHT, with the proper selection of the annealing
temperature,(1170 MPa after quenching from 8400C). Farther more, as it is obvious from
(figure 2), a wide range of combination between strength and elongation could be controlled.
The mechanical properties achieved by IHT are functions of the annealing temperature. So
the tensile strength increases with rising of the annealing temperature (because the martensite
content in the structure is increasing), with slight decrease of elongation.. The tensile strength
in our case has reached its maximum value where the annealing temperature was 8400C, and
by using higher temperatures, although martensite content in the structure was still increasing
the tensile strength started slightly to decrease, which seems to be in a contradiction with the
impression of martensite increase. But however it is evident that when martensite increases in
the Dual-Phase structure in the same steel, the carbon content of this martensite will decrease

by sliding up on the GS line in the phase diagram, and its ductility and formability also
increases. The changes of martensite volume fraction and its carbon content with annealing
temperature as calculated with reference to the phase diagram is shown in (figure 5), and the
developing of plastic deformation of martensite with the annealing temperature can be
observed in (figure 6).
When the carbon content in martensite decreases to about 0,25%, then cubic martensite will
start to exist instead of tetragonal martensite. So the decrease of tensile strength may be due
to the increasing existence of the cubic martensite, and if it is so, that means the annealing
temperature which results the max. tensile strength (optimum temperature) is the same for all
low carbon steels in which the carbon content does not exceed the 0,25 % and when only
carbon is the dominant component. But if other components are existing in the steel such as
Si, Ni, V, Mo. ... etc., then this temperature will vary in the same way Ac3 varies. Since
elements contained in steel effect the optimum annealing temperature, from which quenching
results maximum tensile strength, in the same way they effect the Ac3. The determination of
this temperature can be roughly done by calculation from the composition of the steel,
considering the carbon content 0,25 %, whatever the real content is. But better result needs to
combine the calculation with experiments.
It is most likely be that the decrease of strength started from the so-called optimum
temperature is attributed to grain size growth of the structure. The annealing time in our
experiments was the same (15 min.) at all temperatures, and at higher temperatures this period
was more long than that needed to homogenize the existing elements in the structure and
grain size was simultaneously increased by rising the temperature. So better results and no
jutting out optimum temperature could be obtained if the annealing time is simultaneously
reduced by rising the annealing temperature, taking in consideration the quality and quantity
of existing alloying elements and diffusion conditions at different temperatures.

The prediction of mechanical properties of Dual-Phase steel based on mixture-role calculation

(Ref 8) should take in consideration not only the volume fraction of martensite but also the
variation of its properties due to variation of its carbon content by varying the annealing
The final structure obtained from RHT with continuous cooling may be (in addition to the





martensite, or martensite according to the cooling rate executed, but none of the phases which
compose any of those structures are homogeneous, especially the last two structures, because
the short transformation period to austenite during RHT and short holding time in the
austenite zone, do not give diffusion the opportunity to homogenize the carbon in the
austenite, and heterogeneous austenite will transform to heterogeneous phases, especially
when high cooling rates are executed. Therefore it is advisable to follow RHT by IHT even if
sufficient or required strength was obtained from RHT because homogeneity and more
ductility can be gained.
The Rapid Heat Treated steel used in this work was cooled with somewhat lower cooling rate
then its critical cooling rate, so its structure was containing ferrite, pearlite, bainite and
martensite, But when the cooling rate exceeds the critical one, and martensitic structure is
obtained, then the following intercritical heat treatment could be considered as Reversed
Intercritical Heat Treatment (RIHT), in this case transformation to austenite at intercritical
annealing needs shorter time than usually at IHT and great deal of grain growth could be
avoided with more controllability of structure and properties.

The permission of Professor J. Ginsztler, head of department of Mechanical Technology and
Material Science, and Professor I. Artinger, deputy head of department, to use the facilities of
their department. Their help and support. The help of all Colleagues and workers of the
department. Are gratefully acknowledged.
The useful discussions have been had with Professor J. Prohszka, and his helpful advises
worth to be specially acknowledged and thanked.

1. J. Prohszka, J. Dobrnszky, Quality Improvement of Low Carbon Reinforcing Steel by
Rapid Heat Treatment, J. Heat Treating , Vol. 9, No. 1, 1991, p 63-67., Springer Verlag,
New York Inc.
2. J. Abou-Jahjah, The effects of Heating Temperature and Distribution of Martesite on the
Mechanical Properties of a Dual-Phase Steel (Arabic and English), Proc. of the 2nd
Jordanian International Conf. on Mech. Eng. Amman, 1997, Vol. 2, p. 853-865, Pub. Org.
Comm. Dr. M. Hammad Chairman, Ed. Jor. University, 1997.
3. J. Bnard, A. Michel, J. Philibert and J. Talbot, Mtallurgie Gnrale, 2e- d. Masson,
Paris, 1991,p 179.
4. G. Krauss, Principles of Heat Treatment of Steel, p.240-246, Ed. M. A. Grossmann and
E.C. Bain, Pub. ASM, Ohio, 1980.
5. G. R. Speich, Physical Metallurgy of Dual-Phase Steels, p. 4-10 in Fundamentals of
Dual-Phase Steels, Conf. Proc. The Metal. Soc. of AIME 1981, Ed. R.A. Kot and B.L.
Bramfitt, Warrendale, Pa. 1981.
6. Pierre Messien, Jean-Claude Herman, Tony Grday, Phase Transformation and
microstructures of intercritically annealed Dual-Phase Steels, p. 161 in Fundamentals of
Dual-Phase Steels, Conf. Proc. The Metal. Soc. of AIME 1981, Ed. R.A. Kot B.L.
Bramfitt ,. WarreNdale, Pa. 1981.
7. B. L. Bramfitt, Anil K. Hingwe Annealing of steels, ASM Handbook, Vol. 4, Heat
treating, USA 1991, p. 42-55
8. G. R. Speich, Tempering of Ferrite-Martensite Steels, p. 279-303 in Fundamentals of
Dual-Phase Steels, Conf. Proc. The Metal. Soc. of AIME 1981, Ed. R.A. Kot and B.L.
Bramfitt, Warrendale, Pa. 1981.

Fig. 1 The microstructure of the rapid heat treated steel used in experiments,(500x).
Fig. 2 Variation of mechanical properties of the intercritically heat treated steel with
annealing temperature
Fig. 3 Variation of Dual-Phase structure as quenched from different annealing temperatures,
a.) quenched from 750oC, b.) quenched from 780oC, c.) quenched from 810oC, d.)
quenched from 840oC and e.) quenched from 865oC, (500x).
Fig. 4 Fracture surface (SEM) micrograph of tension specimen annealed at 810oC.
Fig. 5 Variation of martensite volume fraction and its carbon content with annealing
Fig. 6 Development of plastic deformation of martensite with rising the annealing
temperature, a.) quenched from 750oC, b.) quenched from 780oC and c.) quenched
from 810oC, (500x).


Fig. 1 The microstructure of the rapid heat treated steel used in experiments.













Stress, [MPa]



Elongation, A 5 [%]






Temperature, [C]

Fig. 2 Variation of mechanical properties of the intercritically heat treated steel with
annealing temperature.


Fig. 3 Variation of Dual-Phase structure as quenched from different annealing temperatures,

a.) quenched from 750oC, b.) quenched from 780oC, c.) quenched from 810oC, d.) quenched
from 840oC and e.) quenched from 865oC.


Fig. 4 Fracture surface (SEM) micrograph of tension specimen annealed at 810oC.



martensite %










Martentensite volume fraction [%]

Carbon content of martensite, [%]


700 720 740 760 780 800 820 840 860 880 900

Temperature, [C]

Fig. 5 Variation of martensite volume fraction and its carbon content with the annealing


Fig. 6 Development of plastic deformation of martensite with rising the annealing

a.) quenched from 750oC,
b.) quenched from 780oC and
c.) quenched from 810oC


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