Prescription For Addiction: Update
Prescription For Addiction: Update
Prescription For Addiction: Update
FCD Educational Services, Inc. A Nonprofit Organization Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Education Fall 2001
continued from page 1 from 10 to 160 milligrams of oxycodone. release and absorption of oxycodone and
relief), to respiratory depression to The euphoric effects of Oxycontin abuse a quick, powerful, euphoric high. Abusers
euphoria. Individuals who use Oxycontin are similar to those experienced by heroin obtain the drug in a variety of ways. Many
or other opioids for prolonged periods users, making the pill attractive to the acquire pills by “doctor shopping,” i.e.,
can develop a tolerance to the drug, and same abuser population. In addition, visiting several doctors, often in more
require higher doses to achieve the same Oxycontin commands a high price on the than one state, to obtain multiple quanti-
effect. While most patients who take street, generally between 50 cents and $1 ties of the drug which they then use them-
these drugs do not become addicted, they per milligram. Thus, a bottle of 100 40 mg selves or sell to others. Physicians have
may become physically dependent and pills that would cost $400 in a pharmacy been charged with writing fraudulent
need to go through a program of with- could be resold for $2,000 to $4,000 on prescriptions in exchange for money or
drawal under the supervision of a quali- the black market. sexual favors. Pharmacists have also been
fied physician.1 arrested for diverting Oxycontin from
pharmacy shelves. And, as the media have
Many police and health
What’s the difference between noted, some abusers acquire the drug by
physical dependence and departments around burglary or armed robbery.
Physical dependence is defined as the the country are finding How widespread and
body’s state of adaptation to, and reliance dangerous is Oxycontin abuse?
upon, a substance. Patients who rely on that Oxycontin has Studies indicate a significant increase in
opioids for pain relief may develop toler- Oxycontin abuse. Many police and health
ance and physical dependence during surpassed cocaine, departments around the country are find-
treatment. Absence of the substance leads ing that Oxycontin has surpassed cocaine,
to withdrawal symptoms in which those methamphetamines, methamphetamines, and heroin as
functions previously suppressed by the the leading drug of abuse in their area.
drug are stimulated, and those functions and heroin as the Oxycontin-related thefts, burglaries, and
previously stimulated by the drug are sup- health-care fraud incidents are being
pressed. Since opioids can cause drowsi- leading drug of abuse reported in ever-increasing numbers.
ness, calmness, and constipation, signs of Numerous deaths have resulted from
withdrawal can include sleeplessness, anx- in their area. Oxycontin overdoses.
iety, and diarrhea. A gradual decrease in
dosage over time will, with a minimum of Oxycontin-related thefts, CENTRAL NERVOUS
withdrawal symptoms, restore the patient SYSTEM DEPRESSANTS
to a drug-free state. Opiate-addicted indi- burglaries, and CNS depressants slow normal brain func-
viduals generally take higher doses than tion. As such, they are useful for treating
are needed to manage their pain, seek a health-care fraud anxiety, stress, and sleep disorders.
rush or high from the medication, and,
in the absence of the drug, experience incidents are What are some common
uncontrollable cravings to reproduce CNS depressants?
the feeling. being reported in CNS depressants fall into two categories:
barbiturates and benzodiazepines.
Why are pharmacies being held ever-increasing numbers. Barbiturates include mephobarbital
up for Ocycontin? Why don’t (Mebaral), and pentobarbital sodium
we hear of Percodan robberies?
Numerous deaths (Nembutal), which are used to treat
Because of Oxycontin’s potency. One anxiety, tension, and sleep disorders.
dose of Percodan has 2.25 milligrams of
have resulted from Benzodiazepines are generally prescribed
oxycodone; Percocet and Tylox contain for more acute anxiety, stress, and
five milligrams. Oxycontin is available in
Oxycontin overdoses. panic attacks. These include diazepam
12-hour timed-release tablets ranging (Valium), chlordiazepoxide HCI
How is Oxycontin abused? (Librium), and alprazolam (Xanax).
1. In one NIDA-sponsored study, only four out
of 12,000+ patients taking opioids for severe Some Oxycontin abusers chew the drug. Other benzodiazepines, such as triazolam
pain became addicted to the drugs. In another Others crush the tablet and snort it, or (Halcion) and estazolam (ProSom), have
study of 38 individuals who had taken opioids dilute it with water and inject it. Snorting a sedating effect, and are used to treat
for four to seven years for chronic pain, only
two (both with a history of drug abuse), actual- and/or injecting the drug cancel out the sleep disorders.
ly became addicted. timed-release function, causing the rapid continued on page 6
Some Commonly Prescribed – and Abused – Medications
• Triazolam (Halcion)
• Estazolam (ProSom)
• Opioids attach to opioid receptors in • Central nervous system depressants slow brain • Stimulants enhance brain activity, causing an
the brain and spinal cord, blocking activity through actions on the GABA system increase in alertness, attention, and energy.
the transmission of pain messages to and, therefore, produce a calming effect.
the brain.
• Blocked pain messages • A “sleepy” and uncoordinated feeling during • Elevated blood pressure
the first few days; as the body becomes
• Drowsiness • Increased heart rate
accustomed (tolerant) to the effects, these
• Constipation feelings diminish. • Increased respiration
• Sleep deprivation
• Potential for tolerance, physical • Potential for tolerance, physical dependence, • Potential for addiction
dependence, withdrawal, and/or addiction withdrawal, and/or addiction
• Severe respiratory depression or death • Seizures following a rebound in brain activity • Dangerously high body temperatures or an
following a large single dose after reducing or discontinuing use irregular heartbeat after taking high doses
• Other substances that cause CNS depression, • Other substances that cause CNS depression, • Over-the-counter cold medicines containing
including: including: decongestants
— Alcohol — Alcohol • Antidepressants, unless supervised by a
— Antihistamines — Prescription opioid pain medicines physician
— Barbiturates — Some over-the-counter cold and allergy • Some asthma medications
— Benzodiazepines medications
— General anesthetics
The information in this table is derived from a National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Report entitled Prescription Drugs: Abuse and Addiction.
continued from page 3 Stimulants were originally used to treat alert, or experience euphoria are placing
How do CNS depressants asthma, obesity, respiratory problems, and themselves at considerable risk.
work? neurological disorders. Use of stimulants
These substances stimulate neurotrans- to treat these ailments has diminished as How widespread is Ritalin
mitters in the brain. Neurotransmitters are their potential for abuse and addiction has abuse?
chemicals that facilitate communication become more evident. Today, stimulants Ritalin is a valuable medication when
between brain cells. Most CNS depres- are used primarily for the treatment of taken as prescribed for attention-deficit
sants act on the neurotransmitter gamma- narcolepsy, ADHD, and depression. hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In fact,
aminobutyric acid (GABA). Increased a recent study found that boys with ADHD
amounts of GABA slow brain activity, How do stimulants work? who take stimulants such as Ritalin are sig-
causing sensations of calm and drowsi- Stimulants increase levels of a family of nificantly less likely to abuse alcohol and
ness. Side effects include light-headedness neurotransmitters called monoamines. other drugs when they are older than are
or poor coordination. Among these are norepinephrine and boys with ADHD who receive no treat-
dopamine. Increased production of these ment.2 Because of its stimulant effects,
How prone to abuse are CNS chemicals constricts blood vessels, increas- however, some individuals – often adoles-
depressants? es blood glucose, enhances respiratory cents – abuse Ritalin to suppress appetite,
Barbiturates and benzodiazepines have a functions, and creates a sense of euphoria. improve focus and wakefulness, and/or
high potential for abuse. The body devel- experience a euphoric feeling. Abusers
ops tolerance over time, requiring larger take the pills orally or crush and snort
In Boston, [Ritalin] them. Some users dissolve the tablets in
doses to achieve the same effect. This can
lead to physical dependence and with- water and inject the mixture, sometimes in
abuse is especially combination with heroin and/or cocaine for
drawal symptoms if use is reduced or
stopped. If an individual abruptly stops a more powerful effect. Insoluble fillers in
noted among middle- Ritalin tablets can block small blood
taking the drug, the brain, having become
accustomed to sedated activity, can race vessels when injected into the bloodstream.
and upper-income From FCD’s work with tens of thousands
out of control. This can lead to seizures
and other serious or life-threatening con- of young people every year, and reports
communities. In addition, from NIDA’s Community Epidemiology
sequences. Close monitoring by a quali-
fied physician is critical to the safe use of, Work Group, it seems clear that Ritalin
Ritalin-related calls to abuse is a growing concern within the pre-
and withdrawal from, these medications.
vention field. Such abuse has been report-
poison centers and
Can CNS depressants be used ed in cities all across America, particularly
safely with other medications? among middle and high school students.
emergency rooms are In Boston, abuse is especially noted among
CNS depressants should not be combined
with other drugs or substances that slow middle- and upper-income communities.
being reported with In addition, Ritalin-related calls to poison
CNS functions (e.g., over-the-counter cold
and allergy medications, pain relievers), centers and emergency rooms are being
increasing frequency. reported with increasing frequency.
without the strict supervision of a physi-
cian. The combination of alcohol and CNS
depressants can lead to death by slowing How prone to abuse are Can stimulants be used safely
heart and respiratory functions. stimulants? with other medications?
While most people who take stimulants Stimulants should only be taken by
STIMULANTS do not abuse them or become addicted, those under strict medical supervision.
As the name suggests, stimulants speed up these drugs should be taken with caution. The combination of stimulants and over-
brain activity. This leads to elevated blood Use can create physical dependence and the-counter cold medicines containing
pressure, increased heart and respiratory resultant withdrawal symptoms. High decongestants can lead to dangerously
rates, and enhanced feelings of alertness, doses can cause irregular heartbeats and high blood pressure and irregular heart
focus, and energy. high body temperatures, leading to lethal rhythms. Since antidepressants enhance
seizures and/or cardiovascular failure. the effects of stimulants, any combination
What are some common Long-term use can trigger anxiety, halluci- of the two must be carefully monitored.
stimulants? nations, and severe depression. Even
The best known stimulants are dextro- short-term use can cause feelings of hostil- 2. Joseph Biederman, et al., Pharmacotherapy
of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
amphetamine (Dexedrine) and methyl- ity and paranoia. Young people who use Reduces Risk for Substance Use Disorder,
phenidate (Ritalin). these medications to lose weight, stay Pediatrics, 1999, 104:e20.
Did you
by the National Institute on Alcohol use among boys. Of the boys who smoked,
Abuse and Alcoholism at the National eighty-three percent said they used alcohol;
Institutes of Health, researchers found of the non-smokers, only 36.6 percent
that mice with artificially blocked endo- reported drinking.3
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