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Guidelines For Submission of Project

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Guidelines for submission of MCA/M.Sc(CS),/M.

Sc(IT) Major Project

All the candidates of MCA/M.Sc(CS),/M.Sc(IT) final project are required to submit a

project report based on the work done by him/her during the project period.


The Guide for MCA/M.Sc(CS),/M.Sc(IT) would be a person having MCA/B. Tech with 3
years experience in IT.

A guide cannot guide more than three projects of MCU at a given time.


The MCA Major Projects would be approximately 600 man-hours and carries a total of
800 marks.

The M.Sc(CS),/M.Sc(IT) Major Projects would be approximately 225 man-hours and

carries a total of 380 marks.

Additional two months time is given to the students for Project work to
M.Sc(CS),/M.Sc(IT) students . The Project topics should be based on syllabus or

Number of students in a project group will not be more than two for
M.Sc(CS),/M.Sc(IT) and not more than one for MCA.

Project Evaluation Guidelines.

The project is evaluated on the basis of following heads :

Presentation - 25% of total marks.

Viva - 20% of total marks.

Thesis/Project report - 30% of total marks.

Software Coding

i) Documentation - 10% of total marks.

ii) Software - 15% of total marks.

Note: If the company/organization in which the student has done his project is
not allowing the student to submit the code to the University then the
company/oraganisation has to send a confidential report, clearly indicating the
percentage of marks obtained by the student for his software project.

If on the basis of viva if the examiner feels that the project work has not
actually being done by the student then he/she can allot zero marks for software


All students must submit a summary/abstract separately with the project report.
Summary, preferably, should be of about 3-4 pages. The content should be as brief as
is sufficient enough to explain the objective and implementation of the project that the
candidate is going to take up. The write up must adhere to the guidelines and should
include the following

q Name / Title of the Project

q Statement about the Problem
q Why is the particular topic chosen?
q Objective and scope of the Project
q Methodology (including a summary of the project)
q Hardware & Software to be used
q Testing Technologies used
q What contribution would the project make?
TOPIC OF THE PROJECT- This should be explicitly mentioned at the beginning of the
Synopsis. Since the topic itself gives a peep into the project to be taken up, candidate is
advised to be prudent on naming the project. This being the overall impression on the
future work, the topic should corroborate the work.

OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE: This should give a clear picture of the project. Objective
should be clearly specified. What the project ends up to and in what way this is going to
help the end user has to be mentioned.

PROCESS DISCRIPTION: The process of the whole software system proposed, to be

developed, should be mentioned in brief. This may be supported by DFDs / Flowcharts
to explain the flow of the information.

RESOURCES AND LIMITATIONS: The requirement of the resources for designing and
developing the proposed system must be given. The resources might be in form of the
hardware/software or the data from the industry. The limitation of the proposed system
in respect of a larger and comprehensive system must be given.

CONCLUSION: The write -up must end with the concluding remarks-briefly describing
innovation in the approach for implementing the Project, main achievements and also
any other important feature that makes the system stand out from the rest.

The following suggested guidelines must be followed in preparing the Final

project Report:

Good quality white executive bond paper A4 size should be used for typing and
duplication. Care should be taken to avoid smudging while duplicating the copies.

Page Specification :(Written paper and source code)

Left margin - 3.0 cms

Right margin- 2.0 cms
Top margin 2.54 cms
Bottom margin 2.54 cms
Page numbers - All text pages as well as Program source code listing should be
numbered at the bottom center of the pages.
Normal Body Text: Font Size: 12, Times New Roman, Double Spacing, Justified. 6
point above and below para spacing
Paragraph Heading Font Size: 14, Times New Roman, Underlined, Left Aligned. 12
point above & be low spacing.
Chapter Heading Font Size: 20, Times New Roman, Centre Aligned, 30 point above
and below spacing.
Coding Font size : 10, Courier New, Normal
Submission of Project Report to the University : The student will submit his/her
project report in the prescribed format. The Project Report should include:
q One copy of the summary/abstract.
q One hard Copy of the Project Report.
q Soft copy of project on Floppy/CD in a thick envelope pasted inside of the back
cover of the project report.
q The Project Report may be about 75 pages (excluding coding).
1. Cover Page as per format
2. Acknowledgement
3. Certificate of the project guide/Centre Manager as at Annexure III
4. Certificate of the Company/Organisation(for direct candidates)
5. Synopsis of the Project
6. Main Report
q Objective & Scope of the Project
q Theoretical Background
q Definition of Problem
q System Analysis & Design vis-a-vis User Requirements
q System Planning (PERT Chart)
q Methodology adopted, System Implementation & Details of Hardware & Software
q System Maintenance & Evaluation
q Cost and benefit Analysis
q Detailed Life Cycle of the Project
o Input and Output Screen Design
o Process involved
o Methodology used for testing:
o Test Report, Printout of the Reports, Printout of the Code Sheet
q User/Operational Manual - including security aspects, access rights, back up,
controls, etc.


1. Brief background of the organisation where the student has developed the project.

2. Data Dictionary (This should give a catalogue of the data elements used in the
system / sub system developed. The following are the details required. Write NA if
NOT applicable :

Data Name ,
Aliases, if any
Length (Size) Type,
Numeric, Alpha, Binary etc.

3. List of abbreviations, Figures, Tables

4. References
5. Soft copy of the project on CD/Floppy

Guide Name
Full Address


This is to certify that this project entitled “ xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxx”

submitted in partial fulfillment of the degree of MASTER IN SCIENCE (Computer

Science) to the Makhanlal Chaturvedi Rashtriya Patrakarita Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal

through xxxxxx xxxxx (Study Centre Name), done by Mr./Ms._______________________,

Roll No. ________________ is an is an authentic work carried out by him/her at

________________________________ under my guidance. The matter embodied in this

project work has not been submitted earlier for award of any degree or diploma to the

best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature of the student Signature of the Guide

Title of the thesis/report
(Times New Roman, Italic, Font size = 24 )

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements

for the award of the degree of M.Sc in Computer Science
(Bookman Old Style, 16 point, centre)

Study Centre Name and City

Guide Submitted by:

(Guide Name) (Student’s name)
Roll No.:

Submitted To
Makhanlal Chaturvedi
Rashtriya Patrakarita Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal


This is to certify that the dissertation/project report entitled

“___________________________________________________” is done by me is an authentic

work carried out for the partial fulfilment of the requirements

for the award of the degree of M.Sc in Computer Science under the guidance of

______________________________. The matter embodied in this project work has not been

submitted earlier for award of any degree or diploma to the best of my knowledge and


Signature of the student

Name of the Student
Roll No.
Study Centre Name


In the “Acknowledgement” page, the writer recognises his indebtedness for guidance
and assistance of the thesis adviser and other members of the faculty. Courtesy
demands that he also recognise specific contributions by other persons or institutions
such as libraries and research foundations. Acknowledgements should be expressed
simply, tastefully, and tactfully.


1. D.L. Carney, J.I. Cochrane, “The 5ESS Switching System: Architectural

Overview,” AT&T Technical Journal, vol. 64 , no. 6 , July-August 1985, pp. 1339-
2. A. Stevens, C++ Database Development, MIS Press, New York, 1992, p. 34.
3. J. Martin, Computer Data-base Organization, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
NJ,1977, p. 53.
4. www. Ibm.com/in
5. www.intel.com/india

Binding & Color code of the report/Thesis

For MCA – first Semester (Term Paper – I)

Spiral Binding,
Front Cover – Transparent
Back Cover – Black

For MCA – Second Semester (Term Paper – II)

Spiral Binding
Front Cover – Transparent
Back Cover – Blue

For MCA – Third Semester (Minor Project Work)

Hard Bound Report
Background of the cover page - light green
Letters in Black

For MCA – VI Semester (Dissertation/Major Project work)

Hard Bound Report
Background of the cover page – pink
Letters in Black

For M.Tech – Fourth Semester (Project Report)

Hard Bound Report
Background colour of the cover page – Light Sky Blue
Letters in Black

For M.Sc. [IT] – Fourth Semester

Hard Bound Report
Background colour of the cover page – Navy Blue
Letters in silver white colour

For M.Sc. [CS] – Fourth Semester

Hard Bound Report
Background colour of the cover page – Navy Blue
Letters in silver white colour

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