Redesigned New York State Domestic Incident Report
Redesigned New York State Domestic Incident Report
Redesigned New York State Domestic Incident Report
(Form 3221-03/2016)
REMEMBER: Whenever possible, ask complainant the DIR questions OUT of
earshot and eyesight of suspect
When completing the DIR please be sure:
Recommended Wording
(VICTIM FEARFUL?) Are you currently concerned or in fear for your safety or the safety of someone else
because of _______s behavior? (Note: Document specific fear and reasons for it. Fear may be an element
of an offense (e.g. menacing, coercion, stalking, etc.). Also, document in statement of allegations.
INFORM VICTIM. A victim advocate can help you with SAFETY PLANNING, an important issue to be
discussed with a local service provider. On the back of a form that I will give you are some phone
numbers that can assist you. Do you need assistance with making arrangements for
transportation to another location? Note: CPL 530.11(6) requires a police officer to advise a victim
of local available services. )
Officers are NOT required to arrest each person in dual complaint situations.
Officers must identify the PRIMARY PHYSICAL AGGRESSOR. Consider injuries, threats of past and future harm, history of domestic violence, and self-defense responses. An ARREST DECISION shall NOT be based on the willingness of a person to testify or participate in a judicial proceeding (refer to the Primary/Dominant Aggressor Law, (CPL 140.10 (4)(c)).
Below is a list of some frequently seen offenses in
domestic violence incidents.
REMEMBER to CHARGE all relevant offenses
and charge at the highest degree appropriate for the
Family Offenses
(refer to CPL articles 140 and 530.11)
Aggravated Family Offense (240.75; E Felony)
Aggravated Harassment 2nd (240.30; A Misd.)
Assault 2nd (120.05; D Felony)
Assault 3rd (120.00; A Misdemeanor)
Attempted Assault (110.00)
Criminal Mischief 1st (145.12; B Felony)
Criminal Mischief 2nd (145.10; D Felony)
Criminal Mischief 3rd (145.05; E Felony)
Criminal Mischief 4th (145.00; A Misdemeanor)
Disorderly Conduct (240.20; Violation)
Forcible Touching (130.52; A Misdemeanor)
Harassment 1st (240.25; B Misdemeanor)
Harassment 2nd (240.26; Violation)
Menacing 2nd (120.14; A Misdemeanor)
Menacing 3rd (120.15; B Misdemeanor)
Reckless Endangerment 1st (120.25; D Felony)
Reckless Endangerment 2nd (120.20; A Misd.)
Sexual Abuse 2nd (130.60(1); A Misdemeanor)
Sexual Abuse 3rd (130.55; B Misdemeanor)
Sexual Misconduct (130.20; A Misd.)
Stalking 1st (120.60; D Felony)
Stalking 2nd (120.55; E Felony)
Stalking 3rd (120.50; A Misdemeanor)
Stalking 4th (120.45; B Misdemeanor)
Criminal Obstruction of Breathing or
Blood Circulation (121.11; A Misd.)
Strangulation 1st (121.13; C Felony)
Strangulation 2nd (121.12; D Felony)
Coercion 2nd (135.60(1) (2) (3); A Misd.)
Grand Larceny 3rd (155.35; D Felony)
Grand Larceny 4th (155.30; E Felony)
Identity Theft 1st (190.80; D Felony)
Identity Theft 2nd (190.79; E Felony)
Identity Theft 3rd (190.78; A Misdemeanor)
Victim (P1)
Complaint #
Female Male
Suspect (P2)
Incident #
Victim Interview
What were the first words that VICTIM said to the Responding Officers at the scene regarding the incident?
Access to Guns? Yes
Injured? Yes No If yes, describe:
In Pain ? Yes No If yes, describe:
Weapon Used?
710.30 completed?
Yes No
Incident Narrative
Yes No Order of Protection Registry checked? Yes No Order of Protection in effect? Yes No Refrain Stay Away
Victim Injury Suspect Injury Other Evidence: Damaged Property Videos Destruction of Property? Yes No
Yes No Other:
If yes, Describe:
Electronic Evidence Other:
Offense Committed?
Offense 1
Offense 2
Law (e.g. PL)
Law (e.g. PL)
Yes No
If no, explain:
Offense Evid
Victim (P1)
Complaint #
Female Male
Suspect (P2)
Incident #
Victim Interview
What were the first words that VICTIM said to the Responding Officers at the scene regarding the incident?
Access to Guns? Yes
Injured? Yes No If yes, describe:
In Pain ? Yes No If yes, describe:
Weapon Used?
710.30 completed?
Yes No
Incident Narrative
Yes No Order of Protection Registry checked? Yes No Order of Protection in effect? Yes No Refrain Stay Away
Victim Injury Suspect Injury Other Evidence: Damaged Property Videos Destruction of Property? Yes No
Yes No Other:
If yes, Describe:
Electronic Evidence Other:
Offense Committed?
Offense 1
Offense 2
Law (e.g. PL)
Law (e.g. PL)
Yes No
If no, explain:
Offense Evid
Victim (P1)
Complaint #
Zipsafely contact you?
How State,
can we
Female Male
Suspect (P2)
Incident #
Victim Interview
What were the first words that VICTIM said to the Responding Officers at the scene regarding the incident?
Access to Guns? Yes
Injured? Yes No If yes, describe:
In Pain ? Yes No If yes, describe:
Weapon Used?
710.30 completed?
Yes No
Incident Narrative
Yes No Order of Protection Registry checked? Yes No Order of Protection in effect? Yes No Refrain Stay Away
Victim Injury Suspect Injury Other Evidence: Damaged Property Videos Destruction of Property? Yes No
Yes No Other:
If yes, Describe:
Electronic Evidence Other:
Offense Committed?
Offense 1
Offense 2
Law (e.g. PL)
Law (e.g. PL)
Yes No
If no, explain:
Offense Evid
Prior History
Complaint #
Incident #
(Last, W orst, First) :
If the Victim answers yes to any questions in this box refer to the NYS Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline at 1 -800-942-6906 or
Local Domestic Violence Service Provider: (
) _________________.
Has Suspect ever:
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Has the physical violence increased in frequency or severity over the past 6 months?
Yes No
Is there reasonable cause to suspect a child may be the victim of abuse, neglect, maltreatment or endangerment?
Yes No
If Yes, the Officer must contact the NYS Child Abuse Hotline Registry # 1-800-635-1522.
Was DIR given to the Victim at the scene?
Yes No
if NO, Why:
Supervisor (Print and Sign include Rank and ID#)
False Statements made herein are punishable as a Class A Misdemeanor, pursuant to section 210.45 of the Penal Law.
Victim/Deponent Signature
Whether or not this form
is signed, this DIR Form
will be filed with Law
Prior History
Complaint #
Incident #
(Last, W orst, First) :
If the Victim answers yes to any questions in this box refer to the NYS Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline at 1 -800-942-6906 or
Local Domestic Violence Service Provider: (
) _________________.
Has Suspect ever:
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Has the physical violence increased in frequency or severity over the past 6 months?
Yes No
Is there reasonable cause to suspect a child may be the victim of abuse, neglect, maltreatment or endangerment?
Yes No
If Yes, the Officer must contact the NYS Child Abuse Hotline Registry # 1-800-635-1522.
Was DIR given to the Victim at the scene?
Yes No
if NO, Why:
Supervisor (Print and Sign include Rank and ID#)
False Statements made herein are punishable as a Class A Misdemeanor, pursuant to section 210.45 of the Penal Law.
Victim/Deponent Signature
Whether or not this form
is signed, this DIR Form
will be filed with Law
Prior History
Complaint #
Incident #
(Last, W orst, First) :
If the Victim answers yes to any questions in this box refer to the NYS Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline at 1 -800-942-6906 or
Local Domestic Violence Service Provider: (
) _________________.
Has Suspect ever:
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Has the physical violence increased in frequency or severity over the past 6 months?
Yes No
Is there reasonable cause to suspect a child may be the victim of abuse, neglect, maltreatment or endangerment?
Yes No
If Yes, the Officer must contact the NYS Child Abuse Hotline Registry # 1-800-635-1522.
Was DIR given to the Victim at the scene?
Yes No
if NO, Why:
Supervisor (Print and Sign include Rank and ID#)
False Statements made herein are punishable as a Class A Misdemeanor, pursuant to section 210.45 of the Penal Law.
Victim/Deponent Signature
Whether or not this form
is signed, this DIR Form
will be filed with Law
What the Police Can Do:
*Assist you with finding a safe place, a place away from the violence.
*Inform you about how the court can help protect you from the violence.
*Help you and your children get medical care for any injuries you received.
*Assist you in getting necessary belongings from your home.
*Provide you with copies of police reports about the violence.
*File a complaint in criminal court, and tell you where your local criminal and family courts are located.
New York Law States: If you are the victim of domestic violence, you may request that the officer assist in
providing for your safety and that of your children, including providing information on how to obtain a temporary order
of protection. You may also request that the officer assist you in obtaining your essential personal effects and locating
and taking you, or assist in making arrangements to take you, and your children to a safe place within such officer's
jurisdiction, including but not limited to a domestic violence program, a family member's or a friend's residence, or a
similar place of safety. When the officer's jurisdiction is more than a single county, you may ask the officer to take you
or make arrangements to take you and your children to a place of safety in the county where the incident occurred. If
you or your children are in need of medical treatment, you have the right to request that the officer assist you in
obtaining such medical treatment. You may request a copy of any incident reports at no cost from the law enforcement
agency. You have the right to seek legal counsel of your own choosing and if you proceed in family court and if it is
determined that you cannot afford an attorney, one must be appointed to represent you without cost to you. You may
ask the district attorney or a law enforcement officer to file a criminal complaint. You also have the right to file a petition
in the family court when a family offense has been committed against you. You have the right to have your petition and
request for an order of protection filed on the same day you appear in court, and such request must be heard that
same day or the next day court is in session. Either court may issue an order of protection from conduct constituting a
family offense which could include, among other provisions, an order for the respondent or defendant to stay away
from you and your children. The family court may also order the payment of temporary child support and award
temporary custody of your children. If the family court is not in session, you may seek immediate assistance from the
criminal court in obtaining an order of protection. The forms you need to obtain an order of protection are available
from the family court and the local criminal court. The resources available in this community for information relating to
domestic violence, treatment of injuries, and places of safety and shelters can be accessed by calling the following 800
numbers. Filing a criminal complaint or a family court petition containing allegations that are knowingly false is a crime.
(NYS Criminal Procedure Law, Section 530.11 (6))
New York CityCriminal Court Information
To obtain court information for other areas of NYS, ask the
responding officer for court numbers,
consult your phone directory, or call the Domestic and
Sexual Violence Hotline (1-800-942-6906)
La Ley de Nueva York establece que: Si usted es vctima de violencia domstica, puede pedirle al oficial de la polica que
resguarde su seguridad y la de sus hijos. Incluso, puede pedirle que le proporcione informacin sobre cmo obtener una orden
temporal de proteccin. Asimismo, puede solicitar que dicho oficial de la polica le ayude a obtener sus efectos personales
esenciales y a localizar un lugar seguro, al igual que transportarle a usted y a sus hijos a dicho lugar, o ayudarle a hacer arreglos
para obtener dicha transportacin dentro de la jurisdiccin de dicho oficial de la polica, incluyendo pero sin limitarse a
transportacin a un programa que provea servicios contra la violencia domstica, la residencia de un miembro de su familia o la
residencia de un amigo, o un lugar que sea igualmente seguro. Cuando la jurisdiccin de dicho oficial de la polica abarca ms de
un condado, usted puede pedirle al oficial que le transporte o que haga arreglos para transportarle a usted y a sus hijos a un lugar
seguro en el condado donde ocurri el incidente. Si usted o sus hijos necesitan tratamiento mdico, usted tiene derecho a
solicitar que dicho oficial de la polica le ayude a obtener dicho tratamiento mdico. Usted puede solicitar que la agencia policial le
provea una copia gratis de cualquier informe del incidente. Usted tiene derecho a buscar y escoger su propio consejero legal y si
usted procede a utilizar el tribunal de familia y se determina que usted no puede pagar por los servicios de un abogado, uno
deber ser designado para que le represente sin costo para usted. Usted puede pedirle al fiscal de distrito o a un oficial de la
polica que radique una querella penal. Usted tambin tiene derecho a presentar una peticin ante el tribunal de familia cuando
una ofensa de familia ha sido cometida contra usted. Usted tiene derecho a presentar dicha peticin y a solicitar una orden de
proteccin el mismo da que usted comparece en tribunales, y dicha peticin debe ser vista el tribunal ese mismo da, o el prximo
da en que est en sesin. Cualquiera de los tribunales puede expedir una orden de proteccin un causa de una conducta que
constituya una ofensa de familia, la cual puede incluir entre otras disposiciones, una orden contra el demandado o acusado que le
requiera permanecer lejos de usted y de sus nios. El tribunal de familia tambin puede ordenar el pago temporal de manutencin
para sus nios y otorgarle a usted la custodia temporal de sus nios. Si el tribunal de familia no est en sesin, usted puede solicitar ayuda inmediata del tribunal en lo penal para obtener una orden de proteccin. Los formularios que usted necesita para obtener una orden de proteccin estn disponibles en el tribunal de familia y en el tribunal en lo penal. Para acceso a los recursos
disponibles en esta comunidad que proveen informacin sobre violencia domstica, tratamiento de lesiones, y lugares seguros y
refugios, llame a los siguientes nmeros gratuitos. Es un delito radicar una querella penal o una peticin ante el tribunal de familia,
a sabiendas de que dicha querella o peticin contiene alegaciones falsas. (NYS Criminal Procedure Law, Section 530.11 (6))