Project On Corruption
Project On Corruption
Project On Corruption
Philosophy Project
Topic :
Submitted To :
Mrs. Anjli Soni
Subitted By :
Manpreet Laddy
Roll No:- 14
Corruption in India
What is Corruption?
Different concepts of Corruption
Types of Corruption
Different examples of Corruptors
Causes of corruption
Consequences of Corruption
Statement of the Problem
Nothing is possible without the grace of god. So,
firstly, I would like to thank god for his blessings and
strength provided so that I am capable of completing my
Corruption is rampant in India. It is like a cancer that is eating
away at the innards of the country. Government employees are
some of the most corrupt people in India.Of course not all of
them are corrupt but a good percentage ofthem take bribes
from those who approach them to get something done. If you
want to get a driving license or a ration card or a marriage
certificate or a birth or death certificate, mostprobably you
mayhave to greasesomeones palm in the concerned office.
Corruption is a cause of serious concern for the people
of India. Since, it is adversely affecting all aspects of their lifesocial,spiritual, political,economical,educational,moral. It is
spreading like tumour in all systems and administrations.Hence,
it is a responsibility one very citizen of India to make our
country free ofcorruption.
Corruption in
A 2005 study conducted by
What is
Corruption ?
Different concepts of
corruption :
In philosophical, theological, or moral
discussions,corruption is spiritual or moral impurity or deviation
from an ideal.
* In economy, corruption is payment for services or material
which there cipient is not due,under law. This may be called
bribery, kickback, or, in theMiddle East, baksheesh.
Types of corruption :
The different types of corruption which are commonly
seen in our daily life; but no one is taking action against them.
It can be categorized in three types. First is -Political
corruption, Second -Administrative corruption and third one
Professional corruption.
{1} Political
{2} Administrative
{3} Professional
Different examples of
corruptors :
Corruption is an act done by taking undue
advantage of ones position, power or authority to gain certain
rewards and favours.Corruption opposes development and growth.
It is very harmful and detrimental for all aspectsof society and
life. It corrodes their beauty, values, strength and resources.
In India, the epidemic of corruption is spreading rapidly
in every fields and departments. {1} Contractors and builders
are constructing weak and low standard roads, bridges and
{2} Students are engaged in mass copying.
{3} Teachers and examining body are indulge in leaking out
question papers.
{4} Doctors prescribe unnecessary medicines and pathology
examinations for commissions.
{5} Traders are engaged in over charging, adulteration and
under weighing.
{6} Government officials take bribe for doing or sanctioning
any work or contracts.
Scams in banks, financial institutions, sports, defence
department, religious places, and government projects are
the order of the day. Hence, it has become biggest threat to
Causes of corruption in
India :
There are various causes of
corruption in India. If every citizen of a country will become
honest, then that country will surely grow by leaps and
bounds. Honesty leads to growth, development and progress in
all aspects of life and society. The opposite of honesty is
corruption. In order to cure society from this deadly social
pathology. We should know its causes.
Lack of autonomy:
Establishment and expansion of private and
business sector depend on approval of politician. Many
politician misuse their authority and power. They have only
one criterion for approval "Pay us otherwise you will not get
paid". Bribery has become necessary for the establishment
of an organization. Companies and contractors secure
contracts and government projects due to bribe.
In India, some agencies are
working day and night to stop corruption. But some officials
of these agencies get tempted towards illegal commissions
and leave corrupt people without any penalty and punishment.
Corruption breeds corruption. To keep a check on corers of
people, more agencies and more honest officials are required.
India From
Consequences of
{1} Loss of National wealth:
This is the greatest loss for the people of
India. Since independence, India is showing tremendous
growth in corruption (Jeep deal to 2 G spectrum scams). India
lost billions and billions dollars of money in various scams.
Instead of becoming independent affluent nation, India is
dependent on international loans, grants and favors due to
{2} Backwardness:
{3} Poverty:
Due to corruption, government is unable to eradicate
poverty. Rich are becoming richer by snatching the rights and
wealth of poor. Various packages, reservations for poor
people, minorities and backward community are announced by
government from time to time. But these disadvantaged
sections of society hardly get any benefits.
and positions.
Statement of the
problem :
To study
about the awareness regarding corruption among the
ludhiana .
To study about the problem of Corruption.
2. To study the extent up to which the people are
Sources of Data:
Data collection
{1} Name:
{2} Date of Birth:
{3} Age:
{4} Gender:
{5} Marital status:
{6} Qualification:
{7} Occupation:
{8} Would you categorize India as a developing country?
{9} Do you think corruption become a part of business culture in
{10} Is India losing its status in the world due to corruption?
{11} Should Indian government make some codes of conduct for
{12} Do high wages for
bureaucrats reduces corruption?
{13} Does corruption adversely affect growth of India ?
{14} Do like Anna's revolution against corruption?
{15} Have you in the favor of Lok Pal Bill?
{16} Do you think Indian Government system increase corruption?
{17} Is India becomes the most corrupted country in the world?
{18} Would you participate Anna's revolution against corruption?
We have assumed that people of the
city are not aware about the evil of
corruption. But they take it as a routine
of life. Even after the survey I can say
that they are not interested in taking any
steps against this dangerous problem.
They thought that hard steps taken by
Suggestions to stop
corruption :
{1} Value education:
Parents and teachers should in collate
moral values in children." Practice is more persuasive than
{5} Media:
{6} Legislation:
{7} Transparency:
Every process of selection, dealing and
appointments of different fields should be made transparent.
People should be made aware of reasons and merit for
government and non-government agencies should work in coordination with media, educational institutions and corporate
sectors to control and eradicate corruption. They should be
united in their efforts against corruption.
{12} Gratitude:
We Indian should show gratitude towards all
those honest people who sacrificed and laid their lives for
eradicating corruption from our beautiful country. It is now
our turn to take this greatest responsibility and make our
nation free from corruption.