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Project On Corruption

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses the topic of corruption in India, including what it is, causes of it, its consequences, and suggestions to address it.

The topic of the document is a philosophy project on corruption in India submitted by Manpreet Laddy.

Some causes of corruption mentioned are the seeking of bribes to get routine work done in government offices and a lack of transparency in processes like selection and appointments.


Philosophy Project

Topic :
Submitted To :
Mrs. Anjli Soni

Subitted By :
Manpreet Laddy
Roll No:- 14

Corruption in India
What is Corruption?
Different concepts of Corruption
Types of Corruption
Different examples of Corruptors
Causes of corruption
Consequences of Corruption
Statement of the Problem

Primary Data & Secondary Data

Actual carrying out of the Project
Data Analysis
Data interpretation
Hypothesis verification

Nothing is possible without the grace of god. So,
firstly, I would like to thank god for his blessings and
strength provided so that I am capable of completing my

I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of

them. I am highly in debted to Mrs. Anjli Soni (Madam)
for her guidance and constant supervision as well as for
providing necessary information regarding the project &

also for their support in completing the project and give

me an opportunity to have such a great experience.

I would like to thank my friends who supported me

throughout the carrying out of my Project. Last but not

least I would like to my parents who has been a
continuous source of inspiration for me.

Corruption is rampant in India. It is like a cancer that is eating
away at the innards of the country. Government employees are
some of the most corrupt people in India.Of course not all of
them are corrupt but a good percentage ofthem take bribes
from those who approach them to get something done. If you
want to get a driving license or a ration card or a marriage
certificate or a birth or death certificate, mostprobably you
mayhave to greasesomeones palm in the concerned office.
Corruption is a cause of serious concern for the people
of India. Since, it is adversely affecting all aspects of their lifesocial,spiritual, political,economical,educational,moral. It is
spreading like tumour in all systems and administrations.Hence,
it is a responsibility one very citizen of India to make our
country free ofcorruption.

Anti - Corruption Day :


Corruption in
A 2005 study conducted by

Transparency International in India found that more

than 55% of Indians had first-hand experienceof paying
bribes or influence peddling to get jobs done in public
offices successfully.
* Transparency International estimates that truckers
pay US$5 billion in bribes annually.
* In 2011 India was ranked 95th out of 178 countries
inTransparencyInternational'sCorruption Perceptions
*The books estimates that corruption has virtually

enveloped India growing annually by over 100 percent

and most bribery is accrued from the transport
industry, real estate and "other public services
* The recent scams involving unimaginably big amounts
of money, such as the 2G spectrum scam, are well known.

What is
Corruption ?

Corruption means any abuse of a position of trust in order

to gain an undue advantage. This involves the conduct of both

sides that of the person who abuses his position of trust as
well as that of the person who seeks to gain an undue
advantage by this abuse. Corruption can occur in relation to
officials as well as between private persons. It is particularly
prevalent in certain kinds of transactions (for example, when
awarding public contracts), in certain economic sectors (for
example, in extractive industries), and in certain countries.
Corrupt practices can range from small favours in anticipation
of a future advantage to the payment of large sums of money
to senior members of governments.

Different concepts of
corruption :
In philosophical, theological, or moral
discussions,corruption is spiritual or moral impurity or deviation
from an ideal.
* In economy, corruption is payment for services or material
which there cipient is not due,under law. This may be called
bribery, kickback, or, in theMiddle East, baksheesh.

* In philosophical discussions, corruption takes the form of

contrasting a pure spiritual form with a corrupted manifestation
in the physical world. Many philosophers, in fact,have regarded
the physical world as inevitably corrupt
* In a moral sense, corruption generally refers to decadence or
* In theological or political debates, certain view points are some
times accused of being corruptions of orthodox systems of
belief, which is to say, they are accused of having deviated from
some older correct view.

Types of corruption :
The different types of corruption which are commonly
seen in our daily life; but no one is taking action against them.
It can be categorized in three types. First is -Political
corruption, Second -Administrative corruption and third one
Professional corruption.

{1} Political

Corruption includes kidnapping, murder,

violence, injustice etc. To win in election, political leaders are

using wine, women, wealth and everything among the people.

{2} Administrative

Corruption includes persons

like higher authorities, officers, police officers, clerks, peons,

etc. For example, If we give money, then we can get anything
difficult, easily. By Bribe, a blind and handicap can also get
driving license. Money makes the marego. In hospital, court, &
other Govt. Offices everywhere you have to give money for any
kind of job.

{3} Professional

Corruption means related to

business. It includes duplicating medicines, duplicating import

items/theft items, duplicating hygienic products etc. Mixture
in spices, stones in cereals, animal fats in ghee, kerosene in
petrol etc. are under professional corruption. All these
corruptions are due to the leaders of this country, as well as
the citizens.


Different examples of
corruptors :
Corruption is an act done by taking undue
advantage of ones position, power or authority to gain certain
rewards and favours.Corruption opposes development and growth.
It is very harmful and detrimental for all aspectsof society and
life. It corrodes their beauty, values, strength and resources.
In India, the epidemic of corruption is spreading rapidly
in every fields and departments. {1} Contractors and builders
are constructing weak and low standard roads, bridges and
{2} Students are engaged in mass copying.
{3} Teachers and examining body are indulge in leaking out
question papers.
{4} Doctors prescribe unnecessary medicines and pathology
examinations for commissions.
{5} Traders are engaged in over charging, adulteration and
under weighing.
{6} Government officials take bribe for doing or sanctioning
any work or contracts.
Scams in banks, financial institutions, sports, defence
department, religious places, and government projects are
the order of the day. Hence, it has become biggest threat to

the social and economical development of India. There is

tremendous loss of national wealth due to various scams.

Corruption makes Economic


Causes of corruption in
India :
There are various causes of
corruption in India. If every citizen of a country will become
honest, then that country will surely grow by leaps and
bounds. Honesty leads to growth, development and progress in
all aspects of life and society. The opposite of honesty is
corruption. In order to cure society from this deadly social
pathology. We should know its causes.

{1} Lack of effective management :

Due to mismanagement and

disorganization, there is a weak control on various
departments and their working. This leads to lack of coordination and control among departments and levels of
organization. This uncontrolled and unsupervised
administration gives rise to corruption on large scale.

{2} Lack of economical stability:

Economical crisis and price hike are major causes of

corruption. Economical crisis leads to unemployment and
change in standard of living. It develops a feeling of
insecurity in the minds of affected people. Most of the
people do not have patience and courage to face this
situation. They do not want to work hard again for achieving
the same position and post. They use various illegal short
cuts for achieving them.

{3} Lack of effective leadership:

Good leaders can only lead
people towards growth, development and progress. They play
significant role in eradication of social evils. In India, there
is tremendous shortage of good leaders. A country cannot
survive without honest and sincere leaders. There is urgent
need of leaders like "Mahatma Gandhi ji ".

{4} Lack of values:

Home and educational institution play a

significant role in character building of citizens. Moral values

are only taught in most of these institutions. But, they are
not properly inculcated in individual. This is the basic cause
of corruption. Many parents and teachers do not practice
what they preach. Children imitate parents. "If parents are
corrupt, it is more likely that children will also become

{5} Lack of proper system:

In India, corruption exists in all

levels and areas of system. Very few honest people survive in
this corrupt system. Those who raise their voice against
corruption are killed or forced to resign. Most of the people
involved in Indian system have take
corruption as part and parcel of their duties. They dont have
hatred or ill feeling towards corruption.


Lack of autonomy:
Establishment and expansion of private and
business sector depend on approval of politician. Many
politician misuse their authority and power. They have only
one criterion for approval "Pay us otherwise you will not get
paid". Bribery has become necessary for the establishment
of an organization. Companies and contractors secure
contracts and government projects due to bribe.

{7} Lack of good control and

In India, some agencies are
working day and night to stop corruption. But some officials
of these agencies get tempted towards illegal commissions
and leave corrupt people without any penalty and punishment.
Corruption breeds corruption. To keep a check on corers of
people, more agencies and more honest officials are required.

{8} Lack of employment:

Many unemployed educated youth fall

prey to corruption. They are willing to pay huge amount for
jobs. Many employer take undue advantage of this situation.
They take bribe and give appointment letters. The appointed
employee uses all means (legal and illegal) to recover his lost
money as early as possible. They take bribe from candidates
for jobs. These traditions of corruption continue from
generation to generation without any check and control.

Who will save

India From
Consequences of
{1} Loss of National wealth:
This is the greatest loss for the people of
India. Since independence, India is showing tremendous
growth in corruption (Jeep deal to 2 G spectrum scams). India
lost billions and billions dollars of money in various scams.
Instead of becoming independent affluent nation, India is
dependent on international loans, grants and favors due to

this tremendous of wealth in corruption.

{2} Backwardness:

Due to corruption, India is behind in almost

every field-"sports, inventions, health, medicine, research,
education, economy,defence, infrastructure,technology "and
so on. Many scientists do not have latest equipments and
technology for research and development. Sportsmen do not
have proper facilities, equipments, coaching and training.
Many Doctors lack specialized and modern skills of treatment
and diagnosis.

{3} Poverty:
Due to corruption, government is unable to eradicate
poverty. Rich are becoming richer by snatching the rights and
wealth of poor. Various packages, reservations for poor
people, minorities and backward community are announced by
government from time to time. But these disadvantaged
sections of society hardly get any benefits.

{4} Authority and power in wrong


Ineligible and incapable candidates are

selected for various important positions. They pay and get
selected. Due to their inefficiency, there exist many faults
and weaknesses in system and management. The deserving and
creative candidates satisfy themselves with unsuitable jobs

and positions.

{5} Brain drain:

Corrupt employers and mediators offer jobs to
unskilled and incapable candidates by taking bribe. They get
their share of wealth. But nation loses its valuable share. Due
to lack of good opportunities in India, many creative and
talented Indian are serving developed nations. "This is a
tremendous loss for India".

{6} Rise in terrorism and crimes:

One of the reasons for rise in

crimes is corruption in police administration. Police
departments grant security and protection to the citizens.
When this departments get engaged in corrupt activities.
Then there is no control on crimes and brutal killings.

Statement of the
problem :
To study
about the awareness regarding corruption among the
ludhiana .


Survey Method refers to obtain first

hand information by practical work. In the field of
history, the required information is collected by utilizing
the area and then this collected information is analyzed.
Survey means to form gereralider or
inspection of the conditions described in WEBSTER'S
New Collegiate Dictionary. A survey is a critical
inspection often official or provides exact information.
The main theme of survey is to get first hand

To study about the problem of Corruption.
2. To study the extent up to which the people are

aware of problems of Corruption.


To study the extent up to which people face the

problem in their daily life.

Sources of Data:

There are mainly two types of data.

{1} Primary sources:

Data which is personally

collected for an investigation is called Primary sources.
It is first hand information fetched from the sources
Primary sources. Primary sources are eyewitness icons.
They are reported by an actual observer in event.
Primary sources include historical and legal documents,
eye witness accounts, results of experiments, statistical
data, pieces of creative writing and art objects.

{2} Secondary sources :

A secondary source is something written about

a primary source. Secondary sources include comments
on; inter petitions of, or discussions about the original
material. We can think of secondary sources as secondhand information. "If I tell you something, I am the
primary source. If you tell someone else what I told you,
you are the secondary source" .Secondary source
materials can be articles in newspapers or popular
magazines, book or movie reviews, or articles found in
scholarly journals that discuss or evaluate someone

else's original rese

Actual carrying out of

the Project :
for as my study is concerned both the method of data
were used. I personally collected the information from
the public. The Questionnaire designed by me keep in
mind the objectives of study and comprises of relevant
question from all respect of study. Secondary Data was
collected from various websites & books. In all
introduction 30 persons. Survey Method refers to firsthand information. It is collected visiting to persons at
their place and then Analyses.

Data collection
{1} Name:
{2} Date of Birth:

{3} Age:
{4} Gender:
{5} Marital status:
{6} Qualification:
{7} Occupation:
{8} Would you categorize India as a developing country?
{9} Do you think corruption become a part of business culture in
{10} Is India losing its status in the world due to corruption?
{11} Should Indian government make some codes of conduct for
{12} Do high wages for
bureaucrats reduces corruption?
{13} Does corruption adversely affect growth of India ?
{14} Do like Anna's revolution against corruption?
{15} Have you in the favor of Lok Pal Bill?
{16} Do you think Indian Government system increase corruption?
{17} Is India becomes the most corrupted country in the world?
{18} Would you participate Anna's revolution against corruption?

{19} Is lack of our tradition values main causes of corruption?

{20} Is corruption affected Indian Economy?
{21} Do you think there should be transparency in every field?
{22} Is the Right to information decreases the level
corruption in India?
{23} Is lazy Judiciary system a part of modern corruption?
{24} Is government employees are more corrupted then private
employees ?
{25} Do you think the present academic field based on merit
{26} Are the poor & illiterate people most affected by corruption?
{27} Is corruption responsible for increases the cost of government
subsidized services? (Yes/No)
{28} Can competion reduce corruption?
{29} Do you think Indian government have been very few successful
attempts to fight corruption?

We have assumed that people of the
city are not aware about the evil of
corruption. But they take it as a routine
of life. Even after the survey I can say
that they are not interested in taking any
steps against this dangerous problem.
They thought that hard steps taken by

government can help the country to rid of


Suggestions to stop
corruption :
{1} Value education:
Parents and teachers should in collate
moral values in children." Practice is more persuasive than

preaching. The best way to inculcate values in children is not

only to preach but to set an example by actual doing. They
should set them selves as a models of good behaviour.They
should not leave any stone unturned for achieving this great

{2} Effective and regular vigilance:

Strict action should be taken

against lazy and corrupt officials. Number of agencies and
officials should be increased. They should be properly trained
in the latest investigative skills. Government should supervise
and monitor these agencies They should not delay their
investigation and inspection .

{3} Responsible citizen:

"If an individual is corrupt, he cannot
expect those in power to be free from corruption ". Hence, it is
essential for every citizen to perform his duties faithfully and
to the best of their abilities. People of India should report
cases of corruption to vigilance department immediately
without delay.

{4} Strong and Effective leadership

and administration: All those who are granted
powers and authority by people should fulfill their promises
and pledge. They should strive their utmost to eradicate

corruption from systems and administrations. Government and

vigilance agencies should keep a check on their source of
income and bank accounts. If any leader is not performing his
duties properly, then he should be immediately terminated
from the position. It should be performance based position.

{5} Media:

Media has wider coverage and impact. It plays an

important role in changing the life of people. It should
frequently expose the cases of corruption. It should educate
people against corruption on regular basis. Journalists and
editors should give complete information about the issues
related to corruption in their newspapers. Reporters should
give more importance to the news and information on
corruption; they should report corruption cases immediately.

{6} Legislation:

Government should frame strict and stringent

anti-corruption laws. Severe punishments and penalties should
be imposed on corrupt people. The justice and proceedings
should not be delayed. The punishment should act as a good
lesson for other corrupt people.

{7} Transparency:
Every process of selection, dealing and
appointments of different fields should be made transparent.
People should be made aware of reasons and merit for

selection of candidates,contracts,tenders, etc.

{8} Appointment and admissions:

Selection of students, managers,
officers and executives should only be based on merit. It is
the responsibility of candidates and parents to critically
examine the selection and appointment procedures. They
should report irregularities to the higher authorities without

{9} Co-ordination and control:

government and non-government agencies should work in coordination with media, educational institutions and corporate
sectors to control and eradicate corruption. They should be
united in their efforts against corruption.

{10} Creative writers:

" Pen is mightier than sword ". Creative
writers should write appealing articles and books against
corruption. They should write interesting short stories based
on honesty.

{11} College and Universities:

These institutions should educate and

train the youth against corruption. They should organize
symposium, debates,groupdiscussion, seminars and lectures for
this purpose.

{12} Gratitude:
We Indian should show gratitude towards all
those honest people who sacrificed and laid their lives for
eradicating corruption from our beautiful country. It is now
our turn to take this greatest responsibility and make our
nation free from corruption.

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