Newsletter August 09
Newsletter August 09
Newsletter August 09
Head Teacher
Dear Parents/Carers,
Where does the summer go? Here we are again at the start of a new school year and
guess what? It is raining again….
We have welcomed all our New Primary ones into school and also lots of new
children to the Nursery classes. We also welcomed six new children throughout the
school. Primary 1 will start full days on Monday 31st August.
On Tuesday 22nd September we will hold a Curriculum Eve for P1 parents/carers at
6.30pm. At this meeting Mrs McKenna, Miss Gibson and myself will discuss with you
how P1 progress through the year, as well as having Early Years resources on
As you are all aware, we have brought the lunch hour forward by 10 minutes (12.20 –
1.05 pm) as some pupils had felt “quite hungry” with the old times. Primary 1 and
their parents will try out their first school lunch on Friday 28th August at the special
one off time of 12 noon. Please remember to send dinner money in on a Monday.
As the classes are doing their China project, issuing of general reading books and
homework has not started. Children are reading in school. Reading books and
homework will be given out on Friday 4th September. Please read the guidelines in
your child’s homework jotter and sign that homework has been completed.
Once again the grounds are looking good. We have lots of bird and bee friendly
flowers growing as well as herbs for the cook to use in school dinners. We will soon
be lifting our potato crop as well. Help to complete our Wildflower Meadow area
would be greatly appreciated.
Now that pupils have returned to school there is a possibility that this may become
more prevalent. We are taking all the advice given by the Council, NHS Tayside and
the Scottish Government. All classes are having a visit from the school nurse to
remind them about thorough hand washing. They will also discuss how to “catch
sneezes” and other precautions against passing on infections.
The most important way of stopping the spread of infections is by ensuring that
children who are unwell do not attend school. If your child has a temperature and any
other symptoms, please do not send them to school. The advice is to phone NHS 24
or your own GP.
We have also been told by the Coiuncil not to have any SOFT TOYS out for play in
Nursery or Primary classes. This also means that children cannot bring their own soft
toys to school to play with. Please support us in this.
Yours sincerely,
Jane Sheldon
Head Teacher