[This document should not be used to create a tenancy where the initial fixed term is to be for more than three years;
you should consult a Solicitor, as such an agreement must be created by Deed]
This agreement contains the terms and obligations of the tenancy. It sets out the promises made by the
Landlord to the Tenant and by the Tenant to the Landlord. These promises will be legally binding once the
agreement has been signed by both parties and then dated. You should read it carefully to ensure it contains
everything you want and nothing that you are not prepared to agree to. Whilst every attempt has been made
to compose this agreement using plain and intelligible language, it inevitably contains some legal terms or
If either party does not understand this agreement, or anything in it, it is strongly suggested you
ask for an explanation before signing it. You might consider consulting a Solicitor,
Citizens Advice Bureau or Housing Advice Centre.
The Name and Address of the Letting Agent (if any) who arranged this tenancy is :THAMESVIEW ESTATE AGENTS LTD
TW13 6LL
8 College Court
The intention of providing this list of definitions is to help explain or clarify some terms or
expressions that may be found in this tenancy agreement. It is not meant to be an exhaustive or complete list. In
the event of a dispute, only a court can decide on a definitive interpretation or meaning of any clause, or of any part
of this agreement.
The premises
The premises include all, or any parts of the dwelling-house, gardens, paths, fences, boundaries or other
outbuildings which form part of the let. Where the premises form only part of another premises (e.g. in a
block of flats), the letting includes the use, in common with others, of communal access ways and other
similar facilities.
Binding Date
A tenancy agreement is not, technically, a legally binding contract until it has been executed by being
Dated, after both parties (or their authorised representatives) have signed; although it might be possible for
either party to take legal action against the other if they withdraw prior to this date.
A person or persons who at any relevant time own, or have a formal interest in, the premises that gives them
the right to possession of the premises.
A person, or persons, who at any relevant time are entitled to occupy the premises under the terms of this
tenancy agreement.
The expression joint and several liability means that jointly the Tenants are liable for the payment of all rents
and all liabilities falling upon the Tenants during the tenancy as well as any breach of the Agreement.
Individually each Tenant is responsible for payment of all rent and all liabilities falling upon the Tenant as
well as any breach of the Agreement until all payments have been made in full. A maximum of four people
can be such joint Tenants.
People, or persons, to whom the ownership or interest in the Leasehold premises might revert in the fullness
of time, following the expiry of the term of any head, or superior, lease.
Head or Superior
Means a Lease (if any) under which the Landlord himself holds, or owns the premises and which contains
the obligations of which the Landlord, or his Tenants in turn, may be bound.
Fixtures and
References to fixtures and fittings relate to any of the Landlords furniture, furnishings, sanitaryware,
decorative features, white goods, other equipment or any floor, ceiling or wall coverings and include anything
listed in any Inventory and/or Schedule of Condition supplied.
References to the term or the tenancy include any extension or continuation, or any statutory periodic
tenancy which may arise following the end of the period set out in clause 1.8
Deposit held as
This means that at the end of the tenancy, the two parties to the tenancy agreement should jointly agree on,
in writing, the apportionment of any deductions from the deposit, e.g. for costs or compensation for damage,
or for breaches of, or failure to comply with, the Tenants obligations. Any portion in dispute should not be
paid over to, or taken by, either party until and unless mutual agreement is reached, or unless the consent of
the court or an adjudication decision from TDS is received.
Consent of the
Landlord or his
Where the consent of the Landlord or his Agent is required for the Tenant to carry out some action it is
strongly recommended that where such consent is granted, the Tenant obtain confirmation in writing so as
to avoid misunderstandings or disputes at a later date.
Water charges
This includes charges, rates or costs relating to water, sewerage and environmental services
This includes charges, rates or costs relating to telephone, gas, electricity, oil and Council Tax.
Following changes, which came into force on 1st December 2003, the responsibility for paying any Stamp
Duty Land Tax (SDLT) that might be due on a tenancy agreement, is solely the Tenants. This is a legal
obligation and the Inland Revenue may impose fines or penalties for failure to comply. The calculation of the
liability for duty on rent over the relevant threshold is subject to a number of factors and calculations. More
information and guidance can be obtained from either or
Any reference to either one gender includes the other and any reference in the singular shall include the
plural, if appropriate.
Masculine &
feminine and
singular & plural
Any letting or managing Agent, or any other duly authorised person, notified to the Tenant, who is acting
from time to time on behalf of the Landlord.
Month / Monthly
Inventory and or
Schedule of
This refers to any document prepared by the Landlord, the Agent or an inventory clerk and provided to the
Tenant detailing the Landlords fixtures, fittings, furnishings, equipment etc., the decor and condition of the
premises generally. Such a document may subsequently be relied upon at the end of the tenancy in
assessing damage or compensation for damage (over and above fair wear & tear) and so should be
checked carefully at commencement of the tenancy. Any significant mistakes, misdescriptions or other
amendments should be notified to the Landlord or his Agent as soon as practicable after the tenancy starts.
In order to avoid misunderstandings or disputes later, it is strongly recommended that this notification be in
writing and a copy kept for future reference.
Money used to provide the Landlord with security in the form of a reserve fund in the event of damage
and/or default on the part of the Tenant. To be held by Thamesview Estate Agents Limited in a Client
Account. Barclays Corporate, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 1AX.
Sort Code 20 11 74, Account Number 90552526.
8 College Court
Name(s) of TENANT(S) :
ADDRESS of Tenant(s) :
8 College Court
The Mall
W5 2PY
EXCLUSIONS from the Let premises (e.g. Garage or other outbuildings etc)
20 June 2015
19 June 2018
Rent is payable in advance and is due in cleared funds on or prior to the 20th of each month payable by one
standing order mandate. The first payment (or proportionate part) is to be made on or before the signing of
this agreement.
A security DEPOSIT
Is paid by the Tenant to the Landlords Agent on or
before the signing of this agreement
The Agent is a Member of a Tenancy Deposit Scheme and the deposit will be held by the Agent as
Any interest earned will belong to the Agent.
8 College Court
PLEASE NOTE: These are the things that the Tenant agrees to do or not to do. It is important for the Tenant to
understand what he must or must not do. If the Tenant breaks, or does not comply with any of these obligations,
the Landlord may be entitled to claim damages or compensation from the Tenant, or to seek other legal remedies
against the Tenant, including the possibility of eviction.
As joint and several Tenants to be responsible and liable for all obligations under this agreement.
To pay the rent, whether formally demanded or not, and all other sums due to the Landlord on time. Payments by
other persons on behalf of the Tenants will be considered as if payments from the Tenants. The Landlord reserves
the right to charge interest (calculated from day to day) at 3% over the Bank of England base rate on late payments
and the Landlord may recover the interest as though it were rent. 25.00 per letter will be charged to the Tenants
for any rent arrears letters that are sent by the accounts department of Thamesview Estate Agents Ltd
To occupy the premises as the Tenants only or principal home.
To be held liable for the fair net costs involved in carrying out repair and maintenance to the premises or its fixtures
or fittings where such action is required as a result of negligence, or significant breach of this agreement, or
mis-use, by the Tenant or his invited guests or visitors.
To be responsible for payment of Council Tax (or any other similar charge replacing the Council Tax) during the
tenancy in respect of the premises or, if the Landlord pays it, to reimburse the Landlord.
To be responsible for the payment of all associated charges in respect of the use and supply at the premises during
the tenancy of any telephone service, of electricity, gas, oil and any other relevant fuels, water and environmental
services etc.
Where the premises are served by a septic tank or cesspit, to be responsible for the reasonable costs of emptying
or clearing such facilities, as required, during the tenancy.
To notify, at commencement of the tenancy, the local authority responsible for the collection of Council Tax and the
suppliers of such services or utilities of the Tenants liability for their charges and to have all such accounts
transferred into the Tenants name for the duration of the tenancy.
Where the Tenant allows, either by default of payment or by specific instruction, the utility or other services to be
cut off, either during, or at the end of the tenancy, to pay or be liable to pay, the costs associated with reconnecting
or resuming those services.
Not to tamper, interfere with, alter or add to the gas, water or electrical installations or meters, either in or serving
the premises.
Not to have or allow a key meter to be installed or any other meter which is operated by the insertion of coins, or a
pre-paid card, or key, without the prior consent of the Landlord or his Agent which will not be unreasonably
withheld. (In order to avoid misunderstandings or disputes later, it is strongly recommended that the Tenant obtain
confirmation in writing of any such consent granted.) The Landlord or his Agent reserves the right to withdraw, for
reasonable grounds and upon reasonable notice, any such consent previously given.
Not to change the supplier of the domestic utilities or services referred to in the above clauses without the prior
consent of the Landlord or his Agent. Such consent will not be unreasonably withheld. Where such consent is
given, the Tenant undertakes to promptly provide the Landlord or his Agent with full details of the new supplier and
account numbers etc. (In order to avoid misunderstandings or disputes later, it is strongly recommended that the
Tenant obtain confirmation in writing of any such consent granted.) The Landlord or his Agent reserves the right to
withdraw, for reasonable grounds and upon reasonable notice, any such consent previously given.
Not to change or transfer any existing telephone number at the premises without the prior consent of the Landlord
or his Agent. Such consent will not be unreasonably withheld. Where such consent is given, the Tenant undertakes
to promptly provide the Landlord or his Agent with the details of the new number and, at the request of the
Landlord, pay the telephone companies reasonable standard costs of storing the Landlords number for re-use at
the end of the tenancy. (In order to avoid misunderstandings or disputes later, it is strongly recommended that the
Tenant obtain confirmation in writing of any such consent granted.)
If the Tenant brings into the premises any gas appliance(s), he must ensure they are safe to use and are properly
connected to the appropriate pipework in the premises by a suitably qualified GasSafe engineer and to immediately
stop using and remove any such gas appliance which is, or becomes known to be, unsafe or dangerous to either
the occupants or the premises.
Where the Tenant is notified prior to commencement of the tenancy, in writing or by the provision of copy
documents, of any agreements or restrictions contained in any superior or head lease affecting the premises which
may bind the Landlord (and his Tenant) in the use or occupation of the premises, not to break such agreements or
Not to use the premises, or knowingly allow it to be used, for illegal or immoral purposes and that includes the use
of any illegal drugs which are or become prohibited or restricted by statute.
For the duration of the tenancy, to pay the appropriate terrestrial television licence fee, cable television or satellite
television charges (if any) for the use of any television, or associated broadcast receiving equipment (if any) on the
To use the premises only as a single private residence for the occupation of the Tenant and not to carry on any
formal or registered trade, business or profession there.
8 College Court
INSURANCE - (For the avoidance of doubt, the Tenants belongings, furnishings or equipment within the
premises are his and are not covered by any insurance policy maintained by the Landlord)
In the event of loss or damage by fire, theft, attempted theft, impact or other causes to the Landlords premises or
its contents, to promptly inform the authorities as appropriate and the Landlord or his Agent as soon as is
practicable. Subsequently to provide, as soon as is practicable, full written details of the incident in order for the
Landlord or his Agent to assess whether to make a claim on any relevant insurance policy.
Not to deliberately do anything, and to take reasonable and prudent steps not to allow anything to be done by
invited guests or visitors, which leads to devastation, harm or ruin of the premises or its contents.
To reimburse the Landlord for any excess sum, up to a maximum of 100, payable under the Landlords
insurance policy for each and any claim on the Landlords policy resulting from any action or inaction on the part
of the Tenant, his invited visitors or guests in breach of this agreement.
Not to sublet, take in lodgers or paying guests without the Landlord or his Agents prior consent. (In order to
avoid misunderstandings or disputes later, it is strongly recommended that the Tenant obtain confirmation in
writing of any such consent granted.) The Landlord or his Agent reserves the right to withdraw, for reasonable
grounds and upon reasonable notice, any such consent previously given.
Not to assign the tenancy of the premises or any part of it without the Landlords prior consent, which will not be
unreasonably withheld. (In order to avoid misunderstandings or disputes later, it is strongly recommended that
the Tenant obtain confirmation in writing of any such consent granted.) The Tenant will be liable for the
reasonable fees and expenses incurred by the Landlord in arranging any assignment granted.
As quickly as is practical after receipt, to send to the Landlord or his Agent any formal or legal notice or orders or
other similar document delivered to the premises by a third party which relate to, or might significantly affect, the
premises, its boundaries or adjacent properties.
The Tenant will pay/indemnify the Landlord and/or his Agent for all reasonable costs (including legal fees)
incurred by the Landlord as a result of 1) failing to pay the rent as and when it falls due and/or 2) breaching any
of the Tenants obligations in this tenancy and/or 3) failing to vacate the Premises following service of a notice
pursuant to section 21 of the Housing Act 1988. For avoidance of doubt, this shall include costs incurred
whether or not Court proceeding are issued.
To be liable at any time to reimburse the Landlord or his Agent any sums which the Landlord or his Agent is
required to repay to the local authority in respect of Housing Benefit which has been paid direct to the Landlord
or his Agent on behalf of the Tenant, and accepted in good faith, but is subsequently shown to have been paid
incorrectly or as a result of fraud, error or ineligibility of the Tenant.
Before leaving the premises empty or unoccupied for any continuous period in excess of 14 days, to notify the
Landlord or his Agent in advance and to fully co-operate and comply (and bear the fair cost of such compliance)
with any reasonable requirements or conditions relating to the security or safety of the premises and its contents
whilst being left empty or unoccupied.
Not to change any burglar alarm codes (if any) without the prior consent of the Landlord or his Agent. Such
consent will not be unreasonably withheld. Where such consent is given, to promptly provide the Landlord or his
Agent with the relevant new code. (In order to avoid misunderstandings or disputes later, it is strongly
recommended that the Tenant obtain confirmation in writing of any such consent granted.)
Not to change, alter, add to or otherwise damage any locks or bolts on the premises (except in the case of an
emergency) without the prior consent of the Landlord or his Agent. Such consent will not be unreasonably
withheld. (In order to avoid misunderstandings or disputes later, it is strongly recommended that the Tenant
obtain confirmation in writing of any such consent granted.) Where any new or additional locks or bolts are fitted
to the premises, to promptly provide the Landlord or his Agent with an appropriate set of keys.
If any lock or bolt is installed or changed on or in the premises without the prior consent of the Landlord or his
Agent to remove them if so required by the Landlord or his Agent and be responsible for the fair costs of making
good any resultant damage to the premises or spoilage of decoration.
To take adequate precautions to keep the premises, including its external doors and windows, locked and
secured, and any burglar alarm set, when the premises are empty.
During the tenancy, to take such reasonable precautions expected of a householder to keep the premises free of
infestation by vermin, rodents or animal fleas. Where such infestation occurs as the result of action or inaction on
behalf of the Tenants, to be responsible for the appropriate costs in fumigating and cleaning any affected parts
as appropriate and for rectifying and or removing the causes of such an infestation.
Not to dig up, or cut down, any trees, shrubs or bushes or timber (if any), except with the Landlords prior consent.
(In order to avoid misunderstandings or disputes later, it is strongly recommended that the Tenant obtain
confirmation in writing of any such consent granted.)
To cut the grass (if any) of the premises with an appropriate garden mower as necessary from time to time to keep
the grass in, or bring about, a neat and tidy condition. Furthermore, to keep the patio areas (if any), paths, garden
areas, lawns, flower beds, shrubs or bushes and borders (if any) as tidy, weed free and cultivated, as at
commencement of the tenancy.
8 College Court
To take reasonable and proper care in the use of the premises, its fixtures and fittings and not to deliberately
damage or alter the premises, its dcor, fixtures and fittings either internally or externally.
At least once every nine-months of the tenancy to have any working chimneys, made use of by the Tenant, swept
by an appropriate person and retain a suitable record, receipt or invoice to demonstrate compliance with this
To clean or have cleaned both internally and externally all reasonably accessible windows of the premises as
necessary during the tenancy, and within one month prior to the end of the tenancy.
Where the Tenant, his invited guests or visitors are responsible by any action for any cracked or broken windows
or door glass on the premises, to promptly repair or replace such glass to the required specification and be liable
for the costs involved.
To take care not to cause an overload of the electrical circuits by the inappropriate use of multi socket electrical
adaptors or extension cables when connecting appliances to the mains electric system.
To take care to replace or have replaced appropriately, light bulbs, fluorescent tubes, fuses etc. as and when
necessary during the tenancy and to ensure that all light bulbs, fluorescent tubes, fuses are in place and in working
order at the end of the tenancy.
To test at regular intervals any battery operated smoke alarms fitted in the premises and replace any battery in an
alarm, which is found not to be working. If the alarm is not working after the fitting of a new battery, to promptly
inform the Landlord or his Agent. The smoke alarm should not be switched off and with the exception of battery
replacement should not be tampered with.
To be responsible for unblocking or clearing stoppages in any sink, or basin, or toilet, or waste pipe which serve
such fixtures if they become blocked with the Tenants waste, or as a result of the actions or inactions of the
Tenant (or his invited visitors or guests) in breach of obligations under this agreement.
To test at regular intervals any battery operated carbon monoxide alarm in the premises and replace any battery in
the alarm which is found not to be working. If the alarm is not working after the fitting of a new battery, to promptly
inform the Landlord or his Agent. The carbon monoxide alarm should not be switched off and with the exception of
battery replacement should not be tampered with.
Not to alter the appearance or decoration or structure of the premises or its fixtures or fittings either internally or
externally without first obtaining the prior consent of the Landlord or his Agent. Such consent will not be
unreasonably withheld. (In order to avoid misunderstandings or disputes later, it is strongly recommended that the
Tenant obtain confirmation in writing of any such consent granted.)
To take care not to put, or allow to be put, any damaging oil, grease or other harmful or corrosive substances into
the washing or sanitary appliances or drains within the premises.
To notify the Landlord or his Agent as immediately as is practicable of any defect, damage or disrepair which
develops or occurs at the premises which might be, or might reasonably be expected to become, a hazard or
danger to life or limb or to the fabric of the premises itself. The Tenant must not carry out or authorise repairs
himself except to take reasonable steps in an emergency to restrict or diminish such immediate dangers or
Not to keep on, or bring into the premises, any inflammable or other material or equipment (apart from properly
stored fuel or similar material in quantities appropriate for normal domestic use) which might reasonably be
considered to be a fire hazard, or otherwise dangerous to the premises or the health of its occupants or of the
To take such reasonable and prudent precautions expected of a householder as may be required from time to
time, but particularly between and including the months of November to February, to prevent damage by frost or
freezing occurring to the premises, its fixtures or fittings.
Not to place or fix any aerial, satellite dish, or notice or advertisement or board onto the premises (either externally
or internally) without first obtaining the prior consent of the Landlord or his Agent. Such consent will not be
unreasonably withheld. (In order to avoid misunderstandings or disputes later, it is strongly recommended that the
Tenant obtain confirmation in writing of any such consent granted.) Where granted, the Tenant will meet all costs
of installation and subsequent removal and the reasonable costs of making good of any resultant damage or
redecoration if so required by the Landlord. The Landlord or his Agent reserves the right to withdraw, for
reasonable grounds and upon reasonable notice, any such consent previously given.
Not to do anything at the premises (including the playing of excessively loud music) which is a nuisance or
annoyance or causes damage to the premises or adjacent or adjoining premises or neighbours or might
reasonably be considered to be anti-social behaviour.
Not to remove from the premises any of the Landlords fixtures or fittings, or to store them in a loft, basement,
garage or outbuildings (if any) without obtaining the prior consent of the Landlord or his Agent. (In order to avoid
misunderstandings or disputes later, it is strongly recommended that the Tenant obtain confirmation in writing of
any such consent granted.) Where such consent is granted, to ensure that any such items are stored safely
without damage or deterioration and at the end of the tenancy are returned, within reason, to the same places from
which they were removed.
Not to fix or hang, any posters, pictures, photographs or ornaments to the walls or ceilings or woodwork with nails,
glue, sticky tape, blu-tac or similar adhesive fixings other than solely with a reasonable number of commercially
made picture hooks appropriate for the purpose and to make good at the end of the tenancy, or be liable for the
fair costs of making good, any unreasonable damage or marks or holes caused by such fixings or their removal.
8 College Court
Not to store or keep on the premises or any communal car park any boat, caravan or commercial vehicle without
the prior consent of the Landlord or his Agent. (In order to avoid misunderstandings or disputes later, it is strongly
recommended that the Tenant obtain confirmation in writing of any such consent granted.) Such consent not to be
unreasonably withheld. The Landlord reserves the right to withdraw, for reasonable grounds and upon reasonable
notice, any such consent previously given.
Not to repair cars, motorcycles, vans or other commercial vehicles at the premises apart from general
maintenance, from time to time, to a vehicle of which the Tenant is the registered keeper.
To take reasonable and prudent steps to adequately heat and ventilate the premises in order to help prevent
condensation. Where such condensation may occur, to take care to promptly wipe down and clean surfaces as
required from time to time to stop the build up of mould growth or damage to the premises, its fixtures and fittings.
Where the Tenant clearly breaks, or fails to comply with, any of the obligations relating to looking after or the use
and occupation of the premises set out under this agreement, the Tenant agrees to carry out (at his own cost) any
reasonable and necessary corrective measures or action within a maximum of four weeks, or within any alternative
timescale agreed with the Landlord or his Agent, or earlier if urgency requires it, of being asked in writing to do so
by the Landlord or his Agent. After that time, the Landlord or his Agent may notify the Tenant that the Landlord is
arranging for the work to be done and in such circumstances the Tenant agrees to be responsible and liable for the
fair costs involved in those arrangements and for the carrying out of such works.
During the last two months of the tenancy, upon a minimum of 24 hours prior notification, to permit the premises to
be viewed during working hours and or at other reasonable times including at week-ends by prospective Tenants
or purchasers who are authorised to do so by the Landlord or his appointed Agent. Except where mutually agreed
otherwise with the Tenant, the Landlord or his authorised Agent or representative will accompany these viewing
During the last two months of the tenancy to permit, at the discretion of the Landlord or his Agent, a For Sale or To
Let board to be displayed on the premises.
In order to comply with the requirements of the Party Walls etc. Act 1996 (but only upon appropriate formal written
notice), to permit the owner of a neighbouring premises, or their authorised workman or their professional advisors,
access to the Landlords premises in order to carry out any work required to the premises or their neighbouring
premises under the Party Walls etc. Act 1996.
To permit the Landlord or his Agent or authorised workman, from time to time upon a minimum of 24 hours prior
written notification (except in the case of emergency), to enter the premises during working hours and or at other
reasonable times including at week-ends, to inspect the premises, its fixtures and fittings, and to do work which
might be required from time to time in order to fulfil obligations under this agreement or relevant legislation.
To clean to (or pay for the cleaning to) a standard equal to that of the check in, the premises, its fixtures and fittings,
including the cleaning of any carpets, curtains (including net curtains), blankets, bedding, upholstery etc. which have
become soiled, stained or marked during the tenancy. To provide, upon request, receipts to the Landlord or his
Agent to demonstrate compliance with this clause.
To remove all the Tenants refuse and rubbish from within the premises and to ensure that it is stored outside in
proper receptacles and, where appropriate, make arrangements with the local authority or others for its prompt
removal at the expense of the Tenant.
To return all keys to the premises (including any new or additional or duplicate keys cut during the tenancy) to the
Landlord or his Agent promptly on the last day of the tenancy.
Having replaced the Landlords items in the same areas of the premises (as far as is practicable) as at
commencement of the tenancy, to co-operate in the checking of any Inventory and or Schedule of Condition and to
pay, or be liable to pay, for any previously agreed costs involved in the checking of any Inventory and or Schedule of
To remove all the Tenants belongings, or property, or personal effects, or foodstuffs, or furnishings and equipment
from the premises on, or before, the last day of the tenancy.
By signing this contract it is accepted that unless otherwise agreed and confirmed in writing by the Landlord or his
Agent any of the Tenants belongings, or property, or personal effects, or foodstuffs or furnishings and equipment
left behind at the premises will be considered abandoned. Furthermore after 48 hours from the end of the tenancy
the Landlord, or his Agent, may remove and dispose of any such items as he sees fit. The Tenant will remain liable
for the fair costs of arranging such removal and disposal and such costs may be deducted from the sale proceeds (if
any) or deposit and any surplus costs after such deduction will remain the liability of the Tenant.
Where such items belonging to the Tenant described in clause 2.62, 2.65, 2.66 above are of a bulky or unwieldy
nature, (either individually or as a collection) which may inhibit, or unreasonably inconvenience the Landlord or other
persons immediate ability to comfortably occupy or make use of, or relet, or sell the premises, or any part of the
premises, the Landlord reserves the right to charge the Tenant damages or compensation at a rate equivalent to the
rent, calculated on a daily basis, until the items are removed, either by the Tenant, or in line with clause 2.66.
To promptly provide as soon as is practicable just before or immediately at the end of the tenancy a forwarding or
correspondence address to the Landlord or his Agent; for ease of administration and communication between the
parties, including the processes involved in the return of the deposit.
8 College Court
PLEASE NOTE: These are the things that the Landlord agrees to do or not to do. If the Landlord breaks or does not
comply with any of his obligations in this agreement or of his statutory obligations, the Tenant may be entitled to
claim damages or compensation from the Landlord, or to seek other legal remedies against the Landlord.
The Landlord agrees to the following :
To keep the premises and the Landlords contents (if any) insured for such sums and on such terms as the
Landlord feels appropriate against fire and other risks normally covered by a comprehensive household policy and
any other such risks as the Landlord considers necessary from time to time.
Not to interrupt or interfere with the Tenants lawful occupation, enjoyment or use of the premises other than in an
emergency or in the normal and lawful process of exercising or implementing the Landlords rights and obligations
under this agreement and having provided at least a minimum of 24 hours prior written notification.
To comply with the requirements of section 11 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 which imposes obligations on
the Landlord to repair the structure and exterior (including drains, gutters and external pipes) of the premises; to
keep in repair and proper working order the installations in the premises for supply of water, gas and electricity and
for sanitation (including basins, sinks, baths and sanitary conveniences, but not other fixtures, fittings and
appliances for making use of water, gas or electricity); to keep in repair and proper working order the installations
in the premises for space heating and heating water. In determining the standard of repair required by the Landlord
under this clause, regard shall be had to the age, character and prospective life of the premises and the locality in
which it is situated.
Where the Landlord supplies a working burglar alarm with the premises at commencement of the tenancy; to keep
it in working order and repair, but only where such a repair is not caused by negligence or mis-use by the Tenant,
his invited guests or visitors.
To take reasonable steps to ensure that the Landlords domestic gas and electrical appliances and other similar
mechanical appliances in the premises for which he is responsible are safe, in proper working order and in repair
both at commencement of, and during the tenancy, as may be necessary from time to time in order to comply with
the Landlords obligations under the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998, the Electrical Equipment
(Safety) Regulations 1994, the Plugs and Sockets etc., (Safety) Regulations 1994.
The Landlord confirms that he is the sole or joint owner of the leasehold or freehold interest in the premises and
that all appropriate consents necessary for him to sign this agreement have been obtained.
Where the Landlords normal place of abode is not in the United Kingdom he agrees to nominate a representative
or appoint an Agent to whom the rent due under this agreement shall be paid. If the Landlord fails to appoint such
a representative or Agent the Landlord agrees that the Tenant will be entitled to deduct, and hold for payment to
the Inland Revenue, basic rate tax from the rent as may be required by the Finance Act 1995 or subsequent similar
legislation as it relates to non UK resident Landlords. For further information Tenants should visit
The Landlord will return to the Tenant any rent payable for any period during which the premises may have been
rendered uninhabitable by fire or any other risk which the Landlord has insured.
To ensure that as a minimum a battery operated smoke alarm is provided on each floor of the premises. Where a
hard wired smoke alarm is required to ensure that the hard wired alarm is fitted to each floor of the premises.
To ensure that a functioning audible carbon monoxide detector is fitted to every room where a fixed gas, liquid or
solid fuel appliance is installed.
The deposit referred to in clause 1.11 has been taken for the following purposes
Any damage, or compensation for damage, to the premises its fixtures and fittings or for missing items for which the
Tenant may be liable, subject to an apportionment or allowance for fair wear and tear, the age and condition of
each and any such item at the commencement of the tenancy, insured risks and repairs that are the responsibility
of the Landlord.
The reasonable costs incurred in compensating the Landlord for, or for rectifying or remedying any major breach by
the Tenant of the Tenant's obligations under the tenancy agreement, including those relating to the cleaning of the
premises, its fixtures and fittings.
Any sum which is or becomes repayable by the Landlord or his Agent to the local authority with regard to Housing
Benefit which has previously been paid directly to the Landlord or his Agent relating to the Tenant named in this
Any rent or other money due or payable by the Tenant under the tenancy agreement of which the Tenant has been
made aware and which remains unpaid after the end of the tenancy.
Any unpaid accounts for utilities or water charges or environmental services or other similar services or Council Tax
incurred at the premises for which the Tenant is liable.
8 College Court
The holder of the Deposit will register the Deposit with and provide other required information to the Tenancy
Deposit Scheme within 30 days of the commencement of the Tenancy and provide proof to the Tenant of
compliance. If the holder of the Deposit fails to provide proof within 30 days the Tenant should take independent
legal advice from a solicitor, Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) or other housing advisory service. The procedure for
instigating a dispute regarding deductions from the Deposit at the end of the Tenancy are explained in clauses
(4.11 to 4.21) shown below. No deductions can be made from the Deposit without written consent from both parties
to the Tenancy Agreement.
At the end of the tenancy
The Agent/Landlord must tell the Tenant as soon as is practicable if they propose to make any deductions from the
The Tenant should try to inform the Agent/Landlord in writing if the Tenant intends to dispute any of the deductions
regarded by the Landlord or the Agent as due from the deposit within 20 working days of receiving details of the
proposed deductions. The Independent Case Examiner (ICE) may regard failure to comply with the time limit as a
breach of the rules of TDS and if the ICE is later asked to resolve any dispute may refuse to adjudicate in the
Following notification of a dispute to the Agent/Landlord and reasonable attempts having been made in that time to
resolve any differences of opinion, there remains an unresolved dispute between the Landlord and the Tenant over
the allocation of the Deposit the dispute will (subject to 4.10 below) be submitted to the ICE for adjudication. All
parties agree to co-operate with the adjudication.
If there is no dispute the Landlord/Agent will keep or repay the Deposit, according to the agreed deductions and the
conditions of the tenancy agreement. Payment of the Deposit or any balance of it will be made within 10 working
days of the Landlord and the Tenant agreeing the allocation of the deposit.
The statutory rights of the Landlord and the Tenant to take legal action through the County Court remain unaffected
by clauses (4.6 to 4.9) above.
When the Landlord and Tenant agree how the deposit should be returned, in full or in part, it must be paid back
within 10 working days. Failure to return the deposit within the specified period will be grounds for the Tenant to
refer the matter directly to the ICE.
It is not compulsory for the parties to refer the dispute to the ICE for adjudication. They may, if they choose, seek
the decision of the Court. However, this may take longer and may incur further costs. Judges may, because it is a
condition of the Tenancy Agreement signed by both parties, refer the dispute back to the ICE for adjudication. If
the parties do agree that the dispute should be resolved by the ICE, they must accept the decision as final and
The Agent, the Landlord or the Tenant can instigate a dispute by completing the Notification of Dispute form
(TDS.2) and submitting it to the ICE. The form can be downloaded from the website or be
obtained directly from The Dispute Service Ltd at the address or telephone number 0845 226 7837.
If the Agent/ Landlord instigates a dispute they must send with the Notification of Dispute to the TDS the full
deposit, less any amounts already agreed by the parties and repaid. Where one of the parties to the Tenancy
raises the dispute, the Agent/Landlord must send the deposit or the balance in dispute together with the relevant
evidence being a copy of the tenancy agreement, inventory and schedule of condition, any check in or check out
report correspondence and invoices or estimates within 10 days of being told that a dispute has been registered
with TDS whether or not the Agent/Landlord or the other party want to contest it. Failure to do so will not delay the
adjudication but the TDS will take appropriate action to recover the deposit and discipline the Agent/Landlord
The sum in dispute must be remitted to The Dispute Service Ltd within 10 days of being requested to do so,
whether or not the parties wish the ICE to resolve the dispute.
The ICE will aim to resolve the dispute within 28 days of receiving the final documentation that is once all the
evidence considered necessary has been gathered or requested and a suitable time period has been allowed for
TDS will pay out the money within 10 working days of the decision of the ICE or instruction of the court as
The time-scale specified may be varied at the discretion of the ICE if he considers it necessary to seek legal or
other expert advice, or in exceptional circumstances which affect the ability of either party to the Tenancy being
able to provide information promptly.
The Agent/Landlord and the parties to the Tenancy must co-operate with the ICE in the consideration of the dispute
and follow the recommendations of the ICE concerning the method of resolution of the dispute
If one party raises a dispute with TDS the TDS will contact the other party giving a right to reply within 10 days. If
the other party fails to reply TDS will make their adjudication and decision upon the information already held and
find accordingly for the party raising the dispute.
If the Landlord or the Agent are unable to contact the Tenant despite making reasonable efforts to so do or the
Tenant is unable to contact the Landlord or the Agent despite making reasonable efforts to do so action must be
taken through the County Court system to get a judgement for the return of or deductions from the Deposit.
8 College Court
The Landlords repairing obligations referred to in clause 3.3 shall not be construed as requiring the Landlord to (a)
carry out works or repairs for which the Tenant is liable by virtue of his duty to use the premises in a Tenant-like
manner; (b) to rebuild or reinstate the premises in the case of destruction or damage by fire or by tempest, flood or
other inevitable accident; or (c) to keep in repair or maintain anything which the Tenant is entitled to remove from
the premises.
The Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 does not apply to this agreement.
This agreement is subject to all laws and statutes affecting assured shorthold tenancies. If a court decides that
some part of the agreement is invalid or unenforceable, the rest of the agreement will still be valid and binding on
all parties.
In accordance with section 196 of the Law of Property Act 1925 as amended by the Recorded Delivery Service Act
1962; if the Landlord or his Agent delivers a Notice or document (and retains reasonable evidence of that delivery)
required to be served under this agreement or any Act of Parliament, to the premises (or the last known address of
the Tenant if different) by hand or sends it by recorded or registered delivery or by first class post, addressed to the
Tenant then the Tenant will be treated as though they have received it.
Strictly with the Landlords or his Agents prior written consent and subject to certain conditions that may include the
Landlords reasonable costs associated with the re-letting of the premises, the Tenant might be allowed to
surrender or give up this tenancy before it could otherwise lawfully be ended.
The Tenant will be responsible for assessing their liability, if any and at any time, for Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT)
and for submitting the appropriate forms and payment to the Inland Revenue.
Letting Agents may share details about the performance of obligations under this agreement by the Landlord and
Tenant; past, present and future known addresses of the parties, with each other, with credit and reference
providers for referencing purposes and rental decisions; with Utility and Water Companies, local authority Council
Tax and Housing Benefit departments, Mortgage lenders, to help prevent dishonesty, for administrative and
accounting purposes, or for occasional debt tracing and fraud prevention. Under the Data Protection Act 1998 you
are entitled, on payment of a fee which will be no greater than that set by statute, to see a copy of personal
information held about you and to have it amended if it is shown to be incorrect.
8 College Court
In order to exercise his legal rights under this clause, 5.8 a Landlord will first
need to obtain a court order.
Ground 1. The Landlord gives notice to the Tenant that possession of the premises may be sought under Ground I
of part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 1988 in that:- At some time before the beginning of the tenancy the
Landlord, or in the case of joint Landlords at least one of them, occupied the premises as his only or principal
home; or, the Landlord, or in the case of joint Landlords at least one of them, requires the premises as his or his
spouses only or principal home.
Ground 2. The Landlord gives notice to the Tenant that possession of the premises may be sought under Ground II
of part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 1988 in that:- The premises are subject to a mortgage granted before the
beginning of the tenancy and; the mortgagee is entitled to exercise a power of sale conferred on him by the
mortgage or by section 101 of the Law of Property Act 1925; and the mortgagee requires possession of the
premises for the purpose of disposing of it in exercise of that power and; either notice was given as mentioned in
Ground 1 above or a Court is satisfied that it is just and equitable to do so. For the purposes of this Ground
mortgage includes a charge and mortgagee shall be construed accordingly.
If at any time the rent, or any part of the rent, shall remain unpaid for 14 days after becoming due, whether
formally demanded or not, or if any major agreement or major obligation on the Tenants part is not
complied with, or if any of the circumstances mentioned in the following Grounds as set out in Part 2 of
Schedule 2 to the Housing Act 1988 (as amended by the Housing Act 1996) shall arise, then the Landlord
may re-enter the premises and the tenancy shall be terminated. Any such action will not restrict or limit any
other legal rights, which the Landlord may have in pursuing the Tenant for breaches of the Tenants
obligations under this agreement.;
Ground 8. (that both at the time of notice of the intention to commence proceedings and at the time of the court
proceedings there is (a) at least eight weeks rent unpaid where rent is payable weekly or fortnightly; (b) at least two
months rent is unpaid if rent is payable monthly; (c) at least one quarters rent is more than three months in arrears if
rent is payable quarterly; (d) at least three months rent is more than three months in arrears if rent is payable
yearly), as set out in Part I of Schedule 2 to the Housing Act 1988 (as amended by the Housing Act 1996)
Ground 10. (that both at the time of notice of the intention to commence proceedings and at the time of the court
proceedings there is some rent outstanding),
Ground 11. (that there is a history of persistently being behind with rent),
Ground 12. (that the Tenant has broken one or more of his obligations under the tenancy agreement),
Ground 13. (that the condition of the premises or the common parts has deteriorated because of the behaviour of
the Tenant, or any other person living there),
Ground 14. (that the Tenant or someone living or visiting the premises has been guilty of conduct which is, or is
likely to cause, a nuisance or annoyance to neighbours; Or, that a person residing or visiting the premises has been
convicted of using the premises, or allowing it to be used, for immoral or illegal purposes or has committed an
arrestable offence in or in the locality of, the premises)
Ground 15. (that the condition of the furniture has deteriorated because it has been ill treated by the Tenant or
someone living at the premises)
Ground 17. (that the Landlord was induced to grant the tenancy by a false statement made knowingly or recklessly
by either the Tenant or a person acting at the Tenant's instigation)
8 College Court
This Agreement shall be effective and legally binding when signed below. Photocopy, facsimile, electronic or other copies
shall have the same effect for all purposes as well as or in absence of an ink-signed original.
Pets Exclusion - The Tenant agrees neither to keep any animals, birds or reptiles or rodents in or on the premises nor to
allow his invited guests or visitors to do so.
Smoking Exclusion - The Tenant agrees neither to smoke in or on the premises nor to allow his invited guests or visitors
to do so. In breach of this clause to be responsible for the reasonable costs or rectification of any damage caused or for
any appropriate cleaning, fumigation etc., required.
The Tenants agree to pay 100.00 + VAT to cover the administrative costs to the Landlord's Agents should the Agreement
be renewed or extended for any period.
This is a fixed term tenancy agreement for the period specified. There is no provision for the Tenant/s or the Landlord/s to
terminate the agreement before the expiration of the fixed period. In the event that both parties agree to vary this clause
rent will be due up until the end of this agreement or when the Landlord or a new Tenant takes possession of the said
premises. In addition, if the request to vary this clause was at the request of the Tenant, the Tenant will reimburse the
Landlord the letting commission (10% of the rent + vat) from the date of early termination until the date that this contract
was originally due to expire.
If the Tenant intends to vacate at the end of the fixed Term or later he must give the Landlord at least two clear months
prior notice in writing.
Both parties agree that the cost of a professional inventory and check in (if any) is to be met by the Landlord. The cost
(120.00 plus VAT) of a professional check out (if any) is to be met by the Tenant/s.
The Tenants agree to aim to vacate the premises prior to 12.00 midday on their agreed expiry date.
The Landlord agrees to provide one wardrobe, one arm chair and one coffee table prior to the commencement of the
8 College Court
Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013
The Tenant agrees to waive any right the Tenant has to cancel this Agreement within the 14 working days cooling off period
commencing from the date of this Agreement and allowed under the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and
Additional Charges) Regulations 2013.
By the
DocuSigned by:
8 College Court
(b) A leaflet entitled What is the Tenancy Deposit Scheme?, which explains the operation of the provisions
contained in sections 212 to 215 of, and Schedule 10 to, Housing Act 2004, must accompany this document
when given to the tenant and any relevant person.
(c) The procedures that apply under the scheme by which an amount in respect of a deposit may be paid or
repaid to the tenant at the end of the tenancy are set out in the scheme leaflet: What is the Tenancy Deposit
Scheme?, which accompanies this document.
(d) The procedures that apply under the scheme where either the landlord or the tenant is not contactable at the
end of the tenancy are set out in the Scheme Leaflet: What is the Tenancy Deposit Scheme?
(e) The procedures that apply where the landlord and the tenant dispute the amount of the deposit to be paid or
repaid are summarised in the Scheme Leaflet What is the Tenancy Deposit Scheme? More detailed information
is available on:
(f) The facilities available under the scheme for enabling a dispute relating to the deposit to be resolved without
recourse to litigation are set out in the Scheme Leaflet: What is the Tenancy Deposit Scheme? More detailed
information is available on:
A3. Address
Contact details for the tenant(s) to be used at the end of the tenancy
A10. Name(s):
A11. Address:
A12. Email Address:
A13. Mobile Number:
A14. Fax Number:
Please provide the details requested in A8A14 for each tenant (please provide this information on a separate
sheet if necessary). If there is a relevant person (i.e. anyone who has arranged to pay the deposit on the
tenant's behalf) the details requested in A8A14 must be provided for them, as part of the Prescribed
Information. Use a separate sheet for this purpose.
The circumstances when all or part of the deposit may be retained by the landlords by reference to the
terms of the tenancy are set out in clause(s) 4.1 to 4.21 of the tenancy agreement. No deduction can be paid
from the deposit until the parties to the tenancy agreement have agreed the deduction, or an award has been
made by TDS or by the court.
The landlord certifies and confirms that:
the information provided is accurate to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and
I/we have given the tenant the opportunity to sign this document by way of confirmation that the
information is accurate to the best of the tenant's knowledge and belief.
I/we have been given the opportunity to read the information provided and
I/we sign this document to confirm that the information is accurate to the best of my/our knowledge and
DocuSigned by:
ttSWtilM. s~wc /t2s/
DocuSigned by: