INMR Conference 2005 Paper HUDA
INMR Conference 2005 Paper HUDA
INMR Conference 2005 Paper HUDA
for Insulators
Reliability and Beyond
Faisal HUDA, General Manager
CSL Silicones Inc., Guelph, CANADA
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Regardless of the unavoidable havocs of nature, overly centralized generation or highly integrated
systems, the critical fault leading to unreliability is the dangerously low margin between capacity
(supply) and demand. Catastrophic blackouts are a result of a diminishing surplus of capacity (see
Figure 1). The unavoidable factors mentioned above are mere catalysts and accelerators towards
massive outages, particularly during peak demand periods when the surplus is driven to near-zero
In the wake of the blackout in 2003 in London, UK, concerns are being expressed that the UK is on the
verge of winter blackouts as spare capacity in the system has reached an all-time low of only 15 percent.
This places the entire world economy at risk as London is arguably the hub of the global financial
Locations Affected
30 million customers
20,000 MW of demand
Up to 13 hours
9 million customers
6,000 MW of demand
Up to 26 hours
SD, parts of TX, UT, WA and WY
Canada: Alberta and British Columbia
Mexico: Baja Norte
2 million customers
11,850 MW of demand
21 million customers
11,000 MW of demand
Up to 6 hours
SD, parts of TX, UT, WA and WY
Canada: Alberta and British Columbia
Mexico: Baja Norte
Up to 9 hours
152,000 customers
950 MW of demand
19 hours
20 million customers
25,000 MW of demand
Up to 30 hours
13 hours
Up to 5 days
3 million customers
40 minutes
5 million customers
3,000 MW (20% of total) of
Up to 30 hours
Up to 2 days
Table 1: Selected cases of catastrophic power outages around the world since 1965
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of composite insulator technology have not materialized. The greatest factor counting against them is
their unreliability a clearly unacceptable trait in this digital age.
Utilities from Southeast Asia, to the Middle East to the USA have reported gross inconsistencies in
composite insulator performance. Single purchase orders by these utilities have yielded variations in
insulator service life from eight months to eight years where the insulators were installed less than a
kilometer from each other and on the same line.
In April 2003, EPRI issued a technical brief titled Polymer Insulator Survey that extensively described
the failings of this technology. It was found that over 15 percent of utilities that had installed composite
insulators either banned their use or restricted their use only to areas where vandalism posed a
significant threat. While the 2003 report presents data that indicates (amongst those surveyed) the vast
majority of composite insulators were installed between 1978 and 1990, the average service life
remained at under six-and-a-half years. Perhaps most damning is that amongst all reported failures,
more than two-thirds had occurred in under ten years of service.
Although not widely publicized, one of the worlds premiere manufacturers of insulators found that
sales of composite insulators plateaued and had begun to decline as early as the year 2000 in the more
sophisticated economies of North America, Australia and Western Europe. This manufacturer
subsequently divested itself of its composite insulator business unit.
Thus, the issue of leakage current on transmission and distribution lines remains unresolved and a
prevalent issue. The international power industry views the narrowing margin between capacity and
demand separate from issues of insulator contamination. However, as this paper endeavours to
illustrate, the two are intimately linked and the connection is oft-overlooked. A discussion of successful
leakage current suppression technology will help draw the connection more lucidly.
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optimal particle sizes. CSL, through its early research, discovered the merits of the 13 micron median
particle size, which leads to an extended service life. Other products that either cannot employ this
particle size due to patent rights (or that choose to avoid the expense of ATH in their formulation) are
apparently limited in the matter of service life when compared to Si-COAT.
One early drawback to the larger grain size of ATH that posed issues in the Si-COAT HVIC was settling of
the ATH during storage of the material. The ATH was then very difficult to stir back into solution at the
time of application. Unwilling to compromise on the performance afforded by the larger ATH particle,
CSL refined its manufacturing processes to ensure the ATH would not settle out of suspension during
extended storage. Si-COAT HVIC has by-and-large overcome the issue of the settling of solids since the
improvement in manufacturing was introduced in the late 1990s.
Diagram A:
A coated insulator, after water washing, will regain its
monolayer of LMWS within minutes. A water droplet
resting on the fresh monolayer of LMWS will achieve a
mean angle of hydrophobicity () of 120 on Si-COAT
Diagram B:
Contamination particles that come to rest on the
coated insulator are quickly encapsulated by the very
low surface free energy LMWS. The encapsulated
particles form microstructures on the coatings surface,
upon whose tips a water droplet will sit.
The droplet remains in contact primarily with air and
shows only small hysteresis. Hysteresis is the
difference between the droplets advancing and
receding angles of hydrophobicity. The angle of
hydrophobicity () achieved in this case is greater than
The benefit of the large contact angle and small
hysteresis is that water droplets roll off the insulator
more easily, further reducing the likelihood of leakage
current development.
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The waxy secretions are inherently hydrophobic whereas the microstructures of a feather are made
hydrophobic by the oils the duck secretes. When water droplets come into contact with the
hydrophobic peaks they rest on the tips of the peaks. Thereby, the water droplet remains in contact
mainly with the surrounding air. This allows for a water droplet that is almost spherical and with very
low hysteresis (the macroscopic difference in the angle of contact with the surface between the leading
edge and the lagging edge of a rolling water droplet). The combined effect is a droplet that dances off
the surface; ultra-hydrophobicity.
Ultra-hydrophobicity is achieved by Si-COAT when the contaminants that collect on the coatings
surface themselves form the microstructures as found on a lotus leaf or duck feather. These
microstructures are made hydrophobic by the LMWS secreted from Si-COATs rich reserves.
Thus, field experience over the products 18 year history has led to CSLs suggestion to NOT water wash
the coating. Water washing will unnecessarily deplete the LMWS and destroy the microstructures on
the coatings surface that are contributing to ultra-hydrophobicity.
Interestingly, attempts are being made at the manufacturing stage of composite insulators to introduce
the microstructures necessary for improved hydrophobicity. While the concept is novel, the risk in this
approach to achieving elevated hydrophobicity is two-fold. Firstly, composite insulator technology has
shown itself to lose the necessary low molecular weight silicone oils that offer ongoing hydrophobicity.
Without resolution of this fact, the manufactured microstructures will prove inconsequential. Secondly,
fine contamination particles that collect on these novel composite insulators will gather first in the
valleys between the microstructures, creating a level surface and potentially defeating the point of
manufacturing microstructures in the first place.
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Other RTV silicone coatings were not considered suitable as a result of negative experience from their
use at other nuclear facilities. One such example was the premature breakdown of the RTV silicone
coating used at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station in Waterford, CT, USA. There, the RTV silicone
coating was removed after approximately six years of service under 345 kV. Analysis by the Electrical
Insulation Research Centre of the University of Connecticut observed charring, cracking, flaking and
depolymerization of the coating. These observations and a thorough analysis were reported by the
Research Centre in December-94.
Laboratory tests by KEMA of the Netherlands, Kinectrics (formerly Ontario Hydro Research) of Canada,
the Chinese government, the University of Queensland in Australia and CESI of Italy, among others, back
up the findings on Si-COAT HVIC reported above.
Field testing has also yielded significant findings in favour of Si-COAT HVICs ability to suppress leakage
current. In Europe, Enel of Italy took great interest in CSLs RTV technology. They engaged in a five year
field study employing their research arm, CESI, headquartered in Milan, Italy. As part of their study, the
Italians took thermographic images via infrared cameras of coated and uncoated post insulators in an
IEC Class III contamination zone.
What was found, as described in Figure 3, is that while uncoated insulators were leaking roughly 18 mA
of current, those coated with Si-COAT HVIC were able to suppress leakage current to a near zero level.
Another field study on the island of Crete, Greece under IEC Class IV contamination conditions, although
unpublished, revealed significant findings in terms of Si-COAT HVICs ability to suppress leakage current.
Over a 30 day period from July-02 to August-02, leakage current measurements were recorded from an
uncoated post insulator and an identical insulator treated with Si-COAT HVIC. Both insulators were
subject to 132 kV of electrical stress. What was observed was the uncoated insulator had leaked 18,000
kJ of energy over the 30 day period while the Si-COAT-coated insulator leaked only 3 kJ of energy.
Calculations reveal a 99.983 percent reduction in energy losses with the use of Si-COAT. As a corollary,
leakage current was reduced through the use of Si-COAT by nearly 100 percent.
Si-COAT HVIC Thermal Imaging
Thermal imaging via infrared cameras measures
the rise in temperature, above ambient, of
various structures. Since leakage current
generates heat, thermal imaging is an ideal and
cost-efficient tool to measure approximate levels
of leakage current.
Thermal imaging by infrared cameras of
insulators coated with Si-COAT and those left
uncoated reveal that uncoated insulators
undergo an appreciable rise in temperature.
Each Celsius degree rise in temperature above
ambient roughly correlates to 2 mA of leakage
coated insulator
(at ambient temp.)
(at elevated
Figure 3: Thermographic image via infrared camera of uncoated insulators versus insulators coated with Si-COAT RTV silicone
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An ongoing extensive field study is also being carried out by EdF of France at their test station on the
Mediterranean coast in Martigues, 13500 France. Martigues is a short drive west of Marseilles. At the
time of writing, EdFs test had been running for 14 years. The results remain unpublished, but insulators
coated with Si-COAT HVIC still show excellent hydrophobicity, the ability to suppress leakage current
and the mitigation of flashovers. Insulators coated with other RTV silicone coatings have shown
IEC 61109 Si-COAT
Leakage Current
Measurement; 5,000 Hours
KEMA High Voltage Labs,
the Netherlands
The extremely harsh IEC
61109 salt-fog test on
insulators coated with
Si-COAT HVIC revealed
a very low level of leakage
current over the tests
5,000 hour duration.
Uncoated insulators would
have evolved leakage
current orders of
magnitudes higher.
Figure 4: Testing under the IEC 61109 test standard of Si-COAT HVIC
Field studies were also conducted by the US Department of Energy under IEC Class IV contamination
conditions. They found in their 1993/94 season of severe contamination running from September-93 to
April-94 that broad band maximum leakage current readings from uncoated insulators exceeded 39
mA. On 18-December-93 the leakage current was 50 mA on the uncoated insulator. In April-94 the
maximum broad band leakage current reached 100 mA on the uncoated insulator. However, the
insulator coated with Si-COAT HVIC did not develop leakage current at these times that exceeded 0.25
The reliability offered by RTV silicone technology through suppression of leakage current leading to
flashover is evident. Remarkably, though, transmission and distribution lines, the greatest potential
benefactors of this feature, have gone largely without benefit.
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The erosion of our safety margin between supply and demand has gone unabated and is evident in the
increasing frequency and severity of large-scale, catastrophic power outages in industrialized nations
around the globe. Yet, all the while there has been a solution to our dilemma readily available and in
use by the industry. This solution is substantially less expensive than building new generation units to
widen the safety margin over power demand. The cost of additional capacity through augmented
generation is more than just capital cost and is not only economic in nature; impacts to the
environment are also costly and must be accounted for. In this vein, TVO, the Finnish electric power
company, conducted an economic study that determined nuclear power to be the most economic
option for new generating capacity (see Figure 5).
of Various
Generating Options
TVO of Finland
Despite a greater
capital cost for
nuclear energy
compared to most
options, this source
of power represents
the most economic
option for new
generating capacity
when including the
costs of fuel,
operation &
maintenance and
emission allowances
From the strict perspective of the balance sheet, estimates from Westinghouse-Bechtel, GE-Black &
Veatch and the Energy Information Administration place the overnight capital cost for new nuclear
stations today between US$1,400 and US$2,000 per kW of capacity.
Despite nuclear energy being the most economic option, the capital cost associated with new
generation is still massive. This cost to widen the crucial margin of safety can be significantly reduced
and in some cases deferred by broader use of RTV silicone technology. The value of RTV coating
technology extends well beyond its ability to reduce maintenance costs in substations.
Power dissipation in a substation is much less than the dissipation along a transmission or even a
distribution line. Therefore, when leakage current is suppressed in a substation, the appreciably
quantifiable benefit realized amounts to no more than the savings in maintenance expenditure.
However, when the economics of leakage current suppression along a transmission or distribution line
are computed, the numbers not only become more meaningful, they become truly significant. Thus,
the greatest benefit of leakage current suppression is the cushioning of the margin between power
capacity and demand. The secondary and equally attractive benefit is an economic one and is realized
upon the coating of insulators on transmission and distribution lines.
This idea is not an abstraction but a reality. It is a benefit not afforded by composite insulator
technology, which has proven itself questionable in terms of reliability and inconsistent in service life. It
is a benefit realized through RTV silicone technology applied over ceramic insulators. The combined
RTV/ceramic insulator offers both high mechanical and electrical integrity, overcoming the shortfalls of
polymer composite insulators.
Work has already begun in this new field spawned from the mating of two proven workhorses of the
industry. From their field evaluations since the late 1990s, Enel of Italy proceeded in 2002 towards a
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= 2 10 3 10 10 6
1,000 km
= 36 Amperes
Thus, additional power reclaimed
= $1.3 million
per year
The calculations detailed in Case 1 show the order of magnitude gain in power and the associated
revenue enhancement figures with leakage current suppression in a relatively benign contamination
zone. For the case presented, the overnight capital cost of Si-COAT, installed, would be circa US$5
million, or US$1,041 per kW of capacity recovered. For an equal gain in capacity through the
construction of a new nuclear facility, Si-COAT represents a 25 percent to 50 percent savings in
overnight capital costs. A deeper analysis of the benefits of Si-COAT reveals that the economic benefit
is even greater since this solution comes without fuel, operating & maintenance and emission
allowance costs. Furthermore, the case presented is only for the benefit realized in relatively unpolluted
zones. The power recovered and economics realized are even more substantial in IEC Class III and Class
IV zones.
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7 Concluding Remarks
At the end of the day, while it may be easy to explain away worsening cases and an increasing
frequency of catastrophic power outages through exceptional circumstances and Acts of Nature, there
is no escaping the fact that the present predicament is the result of under-investment in power
infrastructure. The lack of investment in combination with the effects of globalization, balkanization
and privatization has yielded a situation in which the demand for power in industrialized nations is fast
approaching supply. As the margin grows narrower, our ability to rapidly recover from freak incidents
in power supply interruption is weakened to the point that large scale blackouts are becoming
commonplace. This unreliability in power supply, if left unattended, threatens to stymie the worlds
advancement through the digital age.
The knee-jerk reaction to resolving the dilemma is to build additional generating capacity and the
associated infrastructure required. But this alternative comes at a massive cost both in economic and
environmental terms. Curiously, the cost-efficient solution to this conundrum has been in use in
isolated pockets of the power industry for about 20 years. The ability of RTV silicone high voltage
insulator coating technology to effectively suppress leakage current has afforded reduced maintenance
expenditure in electrical substations for decades. The solution to our woes lies in breaking through the
limits of our thinking and to extending the use of this technology to transmission and distribution lines.
Here, the power dissipation is great enough that suppression of leakage current recovers vast quantities
of power at a fraction of the cost of building new generating capacity.
CSL Silicones Inc. of Canada is at the forefront of this movement. With its patented Si-COAT RTV silicone
coating technology, CSL has demonstrated in adverse conditions around the world that this is more
than just a pipe dream; it is a reality. Early partners in this field characterized by innovative thinking
include Enel of Italy and utilities in the Middle East. Their initiative in coating tens upon tens of
thousands of transmission line insulators with Si-COAT RTV silicone HVIC secures the positions of their
power industries in the digital revolution.
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