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Homelessness and Health: Poverty and Human Development

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Poverty and human development

Homelessness and health

Jeffrey Turnbull MD MEd, Wendy Muckle RN MHA, Christina Masters BSc


omelessness is evolving into a national and international crisis. Within developed countries, homeless
rates are now believed to approximate 1% of most
urban populations.1 In the 2001 Canadian census, 14 145 people were counted as living in a shelter. Of note, 1490 (0r 10%)
people were under the age of 15.2 This is made even more
worrisome by the fact that these data likely underreport the
true extent of homelessness because the census data represent the number of people living in a shelter on one day in
May. This figure does not include the number of people staying in motels, transiently with friends, at a YMCA or a YWCA
or on the street. This number also does not include people
who may have recently become homeless and who were enumerated at their previous residence. Furthermore, these figures would have been drastically different if the census had
been done in January when most shelters are at their capacity.
In Ottawa in 2006, 1163 children had to stay in an emergency
family shelter, and in Australia, the 2001 census reported that
10% of homeless people were children.1
In 2006, 9010 people in Ottawa spent time in a shelter for
the homeless.3 This is an increase from 8664 people only 2
years before.3 In addition to this substantial increase, the
face of homelessness has changed from single adult male alcoholics to adolescents, single mothers, underemployed
people, elderly people and recent immigrants.3 Homeless
people are the unstably housed and the addicted. They are
also the vulnerable people in our communities who experience a health crisis or a family breakdown. Almost any life
crisis can precipitate homelessness and shamefully, a large
proportion of homeless people are children. Raising children in a shelter or on the streets predicts lifelong problems
and places these children at high risk for homelessness as
adults.4,5 In addition, young adolescents who find themselves on the street quickly become part of the street culture
of violence, sexual exploitation and addiction.4,6
On the surface, homelessness takes its origins from increased urbanization and gaps in the social safety net. The reality of what brings one to the streets and the circumstances
that lead to chronic homelessness are infinitely more complex. Poverty, lack of social and family support, failed government policy, fetal alcohol syndrome, societal isolation, lack of
resilience, psychiatric illness, and drug and alcohol addiction
are all important variables that perpetuate homelessness and
are resistant to simple solutions.7 Living on the streets of a
large urban centre is as much about being part of a culture or
society with different norms and rules as it is about being
without housing.
The cost of homelessness to society as a whole and to
homeless people themselves goes well beyond the nuisance
of public intoxication and pan handling and the impact on

Key points of the article

The face of homelessness has changed from the adult male
alcoholic to an increasingly diverse population with complex
medical illnesses
Despite substantially higher rates of illness, homeless people often lack effective health services
Like any other complex social phenomena, the solutions will
require complex, evidence-based integrated strategies that
will require courage to implement

tourism.8 Despite our attempts to socially isolate homeless

people, they are responsible for a disproportionate use of judicial, social and health care resources.9 At the same time,
they do not materially benefit from this investment as they,
for example, have similar health indices as those living in underdeveloped countries. Their age-adjusted mortality is 2- to
8-fold greater than the housed population.10 Those living on
the streets suffer from the same spectrum of medical illness
as the housed population, yet the frequency of illness is substantially higher among homeless people. In addition, they
may suffer from psychiatric disease, mental and physical disability and the consequences of drug and alcohol abuse, including violence, sexual exploitation and infectious diseases
such as tuberculosis, HIV and hepatitis C. For example, the
incidence of diseases such as diabetes and HIV in the chronically homeless population are substantially higher than in the
housed population.1012 A review of the literature shows that
the incidence of HIV among Canadian youth living on the
street is 6.1 per 1000, as compared with 0.20 per 1000 in the
general population.12
Although actual measures of substance use among homeless people are hard to ascertain, it is estimated that the they
are 67 times more likely than people in the general population to develop persistent and pervasive alcohol-related problems.13 However, it is important to note that the addiction
profile among homeless people has shifted from the predominant use of alcohol to polysubstance use, which includes opiates, crack and crystal methamphetamines.12 The
war on drugs has not curtailed the exploitation of people living in shelters.
Despite the public perception that the lives of people without homes are responsibility free and that these people
choose not to have housing, homeless people report increased violence and drug availability, reduced meaningful
social services and a correspondingly hostile community.

From Ottawa Inner City Health Inc. and the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ont.

All editorial matter in CMAJ represents the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the Canadian Medical Association.

CMAJ October 23, 2007 177(9)

2007 Canadian Medical Association or its licensors



They are discouraged by a system that works for others but

that works against them. For example, negotiating a complex
health care system is almost impossible for many. Despite
their heavy burden of illness, they lack access primary or preventive health services.5,7,1012 In addition, transportation to
and from medical appointments is often impossible because
of timing and expense. Health cards, prescriptions and integrated health services are not usually within their grasp, although health and social policy dictates that they are entitled
to these benefits. As a consequence, often the only health care
homeless people receive is through the emergency department, which is costly and ineffective.9,11 These problems are
not unique to health care: they apply equally to the housing,
judicial and social systems.
Despite the many challenges, there is hope. There is now
an emerging body of evidence identifying cost-effective approaches to address many of the root causes of homelessness
and the associated health and social consequences.5,10 These
strategies include affordable and supportive housing, enhanced social inclusion, harm-reduction strategies, individual and community empowerment, community mental health
services and poverty-reduction strategies.14
Unfortunately, effective strategies run counter to the ideologies, beliefs and expectations of citizen groups and political parties. In addition, our elected representatives often seek
politically expedient, simple and short-term solutions to
complex social and health problems. The controversy surrounding strategies like social housing and harm reduction
are filled with emotion and strong positions. However, like
all complex social issues, they are seldom explained in a short
sound bite or within the mandate of a political party despite
their best intentions. Successful models such as housing
first require a long-term integrated strategy that is not solely
driven by short-term cost savings.
In order to stem this crisis, first we must identify eradication of homelessness as a major social problem that deserves
meaningful government funding. Community engagement
and leadership are key to making this metastatic social cancer
a front-and-centre priority. Second, every effort should be
made to depoliticize the problem of homelessness. This
may be achieved by focused dialogue involving stakeholders
from different backgrounds, ideologies and political colours.
Third, strategic investments and energy should largely be fo-


cused on evidence-based programs, so that we invest in programs that work rather than in ideologic solutions. We do not
believe in a radical departure from the past, but rather in enhanced leadership, collaboration and targeted evidence-based
investments. There is no shortage of great ideas, and effective
solutions are well within our reach.
This article has been peer reviewed.
Competing interests: None declared for Wendy Muckle and Christina Masters.
Jeffery Turnbull has received honoraria from Ottawa Inner City Health Inc.
Contributors: All of the authors contributed to the conception and design of
the manuscript, drafted the article and revised it critically for important intellectual content. All of the authors approved the final version for publication.



Rebeccas Community. Homeless Statistics. Australia: The Community. Available:

www.homeless.org.au/statistics/ (accessed 2007 Sept 25).
Statistics Canada. 2001 Census analysis series: collective dwellings. Ottawa: Statistics Canada: 2002. Available: www12.statcan.ca/english/census01/Products
/Analytic/companion/coll/pdf/96F0030XIE2001004.pdf (accessed 2007 Sept 26).
Alliance to End Homelessness. Experiencing homelessness: third report card on
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Hwang SW. Mortality among men using homeless shelters in Toronto, Ontario.
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Schanzer B, Dominques B, Shrout P, et al. Homelessness, health status and health
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Boivin JF, Roy E, Haley N, et al. The health of street youth: a Canadian perspective.
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Correspondence to: Dr. Jeffrey Turnbull, Ottawa Inner City Health

Inc., Unit G, 500 Old St. Patrick St., Ottawa ON K1N 9G4;
fax 613 562 4505; turnbull@ottawahospital.on.ca

CMAJ October 23, 2007 177(9)

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