Staff Acquisition Business Reference Model
Staff Acquisition Business Reference Model
Staff Acquisition Business Reference Model
of America
Working for America
Staff Acquisition
Establishes procedures for recruiting and selecting high quality, productive
employees with the right skills and competencies in accordance with merit system
Develop Staff Acquisition Inputs: Overall Assessment of Staffing Needs, Overall Staffing Projections.
Strategy Staffing Compliance Requirements, Identification of Existing and Needed Staffing
Flexibilities; Sourcing Strategies.
Develop a staff acquisition strategy that summarizes approaches to identify,
3.1.4 Role: attract and retain a qualified and diverse pool to meet current, ongoing
Management and future staffing needs. The development of the SA Strategy may include
identification of performance metrics for measuring actual results against the
HR Organization strategy.
Outputs: Staff Acquisition Strategy.
Develop Staff Acquisition Plan Inputs: Staff Acquisition Strategy, Staffing Requests Matched with Descriptions
of Duties or Classified Jobs, Job Requirements, Source Alternatives, Resource
3.2.3 Role: Develop a Staff Acquisition Plan that identifies recruiting goals along with the
activities to take place over a period of time to successfully meet those goals.
Management It also specifies time frames and resource requirements.
HR Organization Outputs: Staff Acquisition Plan.
Apply Federal Rules on Inputs: Candidates to be Referred, Federal Rules on Preferences (external),
Preferences Staffing Compliance Requirements.
Review Federal hiring rules to determine applicability to the referable
candidates. This may result in assigning a preferred standing to candidates.
Outputs: Applicants with Identified Federal Preferences (e.g., veterans, displaced
HR Organization employees).
Make Tentative Selection Inputs: List of Referred Candidates with Appropriate Guidance, Applicant
Documentation, Assessment Results.
Review candidate(s) applicant documentation and consider outcomes of the
3.5.6 Role: preceding candidate evaluation activities to identify the preferred candidate(s).
HR provides consultative support to agency management to ensure Federal hiring
Management policies and guidelines are being adhered to.
HR Organization Outputs: List of Selectees for Job Offer(s).
Extend Job Offer Inputs: Validated List of Selectee(s) for Job Offer(s), Job Offer Terms.
Extend tentative job offers to selectee(s). Offers may be conditional and
contingent on the prospective employee fulfilling certain criteria (e.g.,
3.6.2 Role:
successful background check, security clearance). Receive and record the
Management candidate(s) responses to their offer(s) for employment.
Personnel Management
1900 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20415