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Staff Acquisition Business Reference Model

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The key takeaways are that the document outlines the process for recruiting and selecting employees including developing a staff acquisition strategy, identifying sourcing strategies, and communicating the strategy. It then details the hiring process from extending a job offer to bringing the new employee onboard.

The purpose of developing a staff acquisition strategy is to summarize the agency's approaches to identify, attract, and retain a qualified and diverse pool of candidates to meet current and future staffing needs.

The main activities involved in developing a staff acquisition strategy are analyzing staffing needs, reviewing relevant laws and policies, identifying sourcing strategies, developing the strategy, and communicating the strategy to stakeholders.

United States

of America
Working for America

Staff Acquisition
Establishes procedures for recruiting and selecting high quality, productive
employees with the right skills and competencies in accordance with merit system

Process 3.1 Develop Staff Acquisition Strategy

ID Activity Name Activity Definition

Inputs: Quantified Staffing Needs, FY Staffing Budget, Human Capital Implementation

Plan, Existing Vacancies, Agency Strategic Plan, Workforce Plan, Succession
Analyze Staffing Needs Plan, FY Performance Budget, Marketplace and Diversity Data, Past Recruitment
3.1.1 Examine information that correlates to future hiring activity including approved
Management FTE budgets, overall staffing needs and vacancies. This analysis provides the
overall perspective necessary to create a strategy for acquiring staff at the
HR Organization
agency level.
Outputs: Overall Assessment of Staffing Needs, Overall Staffing Projections.

Inputs: Federal HR-Related Legislation; Executive Orders; HR Laws, Regulations

and Policies, HR Guidelines, Agreements, Overall Assessment of Staffing Needs,
Review Laws, Regulations, Overall Staffing Projections.
Policies, Guidelines
Review and analyze legislation, HR laws, regulations, policies and guidelines,
3.1.2 Role: union contracts, other agreements, and any other information that can help
HR Organization provide a basis for strategic thinking in the areas of staff acquisition,
recruiting and retention.
Outputs: Staffing Compliance Requirements, Identification of Existing and Needed
Staffing Flexibilities.

Target Business Process

Office of Per sonnel M a nagemen t - Hu m a n R esou rces L ine of Business

Business R efer ence Model - 11/ 15/2005 R E V ISION

Process 3.1 Develop Staff Acquisition Strategy (continued)

ID Activity Name Activity Definition

Inputs: Overall Assessment of Staffing Needs, Overall Staffing Projections.

Identify Sourcing Strategies Staffing Compliance Requirements, Identification of Existing and Needed Staffing
3.1.3 Identify sourcing strategies based on the analysis of hiring needs. The sourcing
Management strategies may include recruitment, internal movement, contracting, competitive
sourcing, workforce reshaping and other staffing methods.
HR Organization
Outputs: Sourcing Strategies.

Develop Staff Acquisition Inputs: Overall Assessment of Staffing Needs, Overall Staffing Projections.
Strategy Staffing Compliance Requirements, Identification of Existing and Needed Staffing
Flexibilities; Sourcing Strategies.
Develop a staff acquisition strategy that summarizes approaches to identify,
3.1.4 Role: attract and retain a qualified and diverse pool to meet current, ongoing
Management and future staffing needs. The development of the SA Strategy may include
identification of performance metrics for measuring actual results against the
HR Organization strategy.
Outputs: Staff Acquisition Strategy.

Communicate Staff Acquisition

Strategy Inputs: Staff Acquisition Strategy.
Convey the staff acquisition strategy to various populations (e.g., agency
executives, HR staff, agency line managers, employees, unions. and other key
Role: stakeholders) and collaborate with stakeholders to obtain input and address
Outputs: Communicated Staff Acquisition Strategy
HR Organization

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Business R efer ence Model - 11/ 15/2005 R E V ISION

Process 3.2 Develop Staff Acquisition Plan

ID Activity Name Activity Definition

Inputs: Staffing Requests, Position Management Program Review Results,

Match Staffing Requests to Classification Standards, Descriptions of Duties, Classified Jobs, Authorized
Descriptions of Duties Staffing Patterns.
Match staffing requests to descriptions of duties or request new descriptions
of duties. The staffing requests may reflect requirements for a specific position
Role: or for a class or group of positions. The descriptions of duties document the
requirements of the positions based on organizational need, and reflect the tasks
Management to be performed and the knowledge, skills and abilities required to successfully
HR Organization perform the tasks.
Outputs: Staffing Requests Matched with Descriptions of Duties or Classified Jobs.

Determine Appropriate Source

Options Inputs: Staffing Requests Matched with Descriptions of Duties or Classified
Jobs, Staff Acquisition Strategy, Sourcing Strategies, Previous Sourcing Results,
Turnover Statistics by Position.
Role: Identify available options given the source types indicated in the Staff
Acquisition Strategy.
Outputs: Source Alternatives.
HR Organization

Develop Staff Acquisition Plan Inputs: Staff Acquisition Strategy, Staffing Requests Matched with Descriptions
of Duties or Classified Jobs, Job Requirements, Source Alternatives, Resource
3.2.3 Role: Develop a Staff Acquisition Plan that identifies recruiting goals along with the
activities to take place over a period of time to successfully meet those goals.
Management It also specifies time frames and resource requirements.
HR Organization Outputs: Staff Acquisition Plan.

Communicate Staff Acquisition

Plan Inputs: Staff Acquisition Plan.
Convey the staff acquisition plan to various populations (e.g., agency executives,
3.2.4 HR staff, agency line managers, employees, unions, and other key stakeholders)
and collaborate with stakeholders to obtain input and address feedback.
Outputs: Communicated Staff Acquisition Plan.
HR Organization

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Process 3.3 Establish Evaluation Approach

ID Activity Name Activity Definition

Inputs: Federal and Agency-Specific Qualification Standards, Classified Descriptions

Conduct Job Analysis of Duties and/or Job Requirements, Staff Acquisition Plan, Performance Standards,
Competency Libraries, Subject Matter Expert Input.
Gather, document, and analyze information about the content, context, and
3.3.1 Role: requirements of the job. Demonstrate that there is a clear relationship between
the tasks performed on the job and the competencies/KSAs required to perform
Management the tasks. Job analysis information is used to develop employee selection
HR Organization procedures, identify training needs, define performance standards, and other uses.
Outputs: Job Analysis Results.

Conduct Job Analysis

Inputs: Job Analysis Results.
Use job analysis information to develop employee selection criteria. Validate
Role: and verify rating criteria and qualification requirements based on the results
Management of the job analysis and within existing Federal and agency-specific qualification
HR Organization
Outputs: Assessment Criteria, Qualification Requirements.

Develop Assessment Approach

Inputs: Job Analysis Results, Assessment Criteria, Qualification Requirements.
Select or develop assessment tools and instruments based on the results of the
3.3.3 Role: job analysis on existing best practices.
Management Outputs: Assessment Tools and Instruments
HR Organization

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Process 3.4 Source Candidate

ID Activity Name Activity Definition

Inputs: Classified Descriptions of Duties and/or Job Requirements, Staff

Acquisition Plan, Historical Data from Previous Years, FY Staffing Budget, Specific
Finalize Applicant Sources Applicant Sources.
Determine specific internal and external candidate sources (both competitive and
non competitive) guided by the source options that were identified in the Staff
3.4.1 Role: Acquisition Plan. This sourcing activity occurs for detailees and temporary
assignees. In addition to permanent employees, this sourcing activity occurs
Management for permanent employees. Candidate sources with specific priority consideration
HR Organization (e.g., reemployment priority lists (RPL), career transition assistance program
(CTAP)) are considered at this point.
Outputs: Candidate Sources.

Conduct Pre-Announcement Inputs: Source Alternatives. Candidates Sources.

In accordance with merit principles, engage in specific recruiting, marketing, and
outreach activity to build the applicant pool. Conduct advance marketing (e.g.,
3.4.2 solicit referrals, develop and/or post paid advertisements, mine data, utilize
search firms, host and/or attend recruitment events). An option at this point
Management would be to identify name request candidates.

HR Organization Outputs: Potential Applicant Sources.

Inputs: Classified Description of Duties and/or Job Requirements, Staff

Announce/Market Jobs Acquisition Plan, Selection Criteria, Assessment Instruments, Potential Applicant
Sources, Pre-announcement Recruiting Materials.
Develop and distribute position announcements, job advertisements and other
3.4.3 Role:
marketing materials. Satisfy public notice requirements where applicable. Notify
Management pre-announcement recruits of vacancy application process.

HR Organization Outputs: Vacancy Announcements, Job Advertisements, Marketing Materials, Vacancy

Case File.

Apply for Employment

Inputs: Vacancy Announcements, Job Advertisements, Marketing Materials,
Assessment Instruments.
3.4.4 Role: Complete and submit employment application and/or resume and supporting
Prospective Employee
Outputs: Applicant Documentation.

Receive Applicant Documentation Inputs: Applicant Documentation.

Receive applicant documentation and capture it in a manner that makes it
3.4.5 available to the people who need it.
Outputs: Acknowledgement of Receipt of Applicant Documentation, Recorded
HR Organization Applicant Documentation.

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Process 3.5 Evaluate Candidate

ID Activity Name Activity Definition

Inputs: Recorded Applicant Documentation, Selection Criteria, Eligibility

Determine Qualified/Eligible Requirements, Qualification Standards, and Selection Factors.
Applicants Determine applicant eligibility and qualifications by reviewing applications
for completeness and conformance to eligibility, qualifications and/or legal
requirements (e.g., degree accreditation) including ICTAP. Those found to
Role: be ineligible are provided no further consideration. This activity includes
identifying candidates who qualify for consideration under special appointing
Management authorities.
HR Organization Outputs: List of Qualified/Eligible Applicants, List of Special Authority
Candidates, Candidate Notifications.

Assess Candidates to be Referred

Inputs: Assessment Instruments and Tools, List of Qualified/Eligible Candidates,
Staff Acquisition Plan.
3.5.2 Role:
Apply assessment instruments and tools to candidates.
Outputs: Candidates to be Referred, Documentation of Relevant Qualifications.
HR Organization

Apply Federal Rules on Inputs: Candidates to be Referred, Federal Rules on Preferences (external),
Preferences Staffing Compliance Requirements.
Review Federal hiring rules to determine applicability to the referable
candidates. This may result in assigning a preferred standing to candidates.
Outputs: Applicants with Identified Federal Preferences (e.g., veterans, displaced
HR Organization employees).

Refer Candidates for

Consideration Inputs: Candidates to be Referred, Documentation of Relevant Qualifications,
Candidates with Identified Federal Preferences.
3.5.4 Identify and refer candidates to management for consideration.
Outputs: List(s) of Referred Candidates with Appropriate Guidance, Candidate
HR Organization

Assess Candidates for Selection

Inputs: List(s) of Referred Candidates with Appropriate Guidance, Applicant
Documentation, References, Supervisory History.
3.5.5 Role: Determine and execute assessment approaches to be used, (e.g., interviews,
reference checks, testing).
Outputs: Assessment Results.
HR Organization

Make Tentative Selection Inputs: List of Referred Candidates with Appropriate Guidance, Applicant
Documentation, Assessment Results.
Review candidate(s) applicant documentation and consider outcomes of the
3.5.6 Role: preceding candidate evaluation activities to identify the preferred candidate(s).
HR provides consultative support to agency management to ensure Federal hiring
Management policies and guidelines are being adhered to.
HR Organization Outputs: List of Selectees for Job Offer(s).

Inputs: Federal Rules on Preferences (external), Government-wide Laws, Rules and

Validate Selections Regulations, Requirements, Guidelines, Staffing Compliance Requirements, List of
Selectees for Job Offers, Staff Acquisition Plan.
3.5.7 Validate that selections have been made in accordance with applicable laws,
Role: regulations and requirements and that the selected candidate(s) is(are) eligible
for appointment.
HR Organization
Outputs: Validated List of Selectee(s) for Job Offer(s).
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Office of Per sonnel M a nagemen t - Hu m a n R esou rces L ine of Business

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Process 3.6 Hire Employee

ID Activity Name Activity Definition

Determine Terms of Offer

Inputs: Validated List of Selectees for Job Offer(s), Government-wide Laws, Rules
and Regulations, Internal Guidelines.
3.6.1 Role: Provide advice and counsel to selecting official on offer parameters (e.g.,
recruitment incentives, pay setting).
Outputs: Job Offer Terms.

Extend Job Offer Inputs: Validated List of Selectee(s) for Job Offer(s), Job Offer Terms.
Extend tentative job offers to selectee(s). Offers may be conditional and
contingent on the prospective employee fulfilling certain criteria (e.g.,
3.6.2 Role:
successful background check, security clearance). Receive and record the
Management candidate(s) responses to their offer(s) for employment.

HR Organization Outputs: Job Offers Extended to Selectees With Terms of Employment.

Respond to Job Offer

Inputs: Job Offers Extended to Selectees with Terms of Employment.
Accept, decline and/or negotiate the terms of employment. HR receives and
3.6.3 Role: records the selectee’s response to the offer of employment.
HR Organization Outputs: Selectee Decision to Accept (or Decline) Employment Based Upon Job Offer
Prospective Employee

Inputs: Government-wide Laws, Rules and Regulations, Internal Guidelines,

Initiate Pre-employment Processes Selectee Decisions to Accept Employment Based Upon Job Offer Terms
Build the prospective employee record or, if the prospective employee is already
an employee of former employee of the Federal government, obtain the employee’s
3.6.4 Role : information from the previous agency or record center. Initiate administrative
activities as required of the job (e.g., security clearance, suitability
HR Organization determination, drug testing, medical screening, polygraph, relocation paperwork).
Employee Outputs: Pre-employment Data for Review/Analysis (e.g., security process,
suitability determination).

Certify Compliance with Pre

employment Requirements
Inputs: Results of Pre-employment Data Review/Analysis.
Certify that prescribed pre-employment activities are complete and employment
Role: contingencies are satisfied.
Management Outputs: Authorization to Hire.
HR Organization

Bring Selectee On Board

Inputs: Authorization to Hire, Employee Data.
Role: Negotiate the entrance on duty date and provide notification to begin processes
3.6.6 (e.g., orientation, work location and workstation, granting of security access).
Management Conduct in-processing and enter employee information into automated systems.
HR Organization Outputs: Selectee Hired, Data Collection Complete.

Close Out Case File Inputs: Vacancy Case File.

Close the vacancy case file, and audit as required. Notify remaining candidates
3.6.7 they were not selected and flag them as non-selected in the applicant database
Role: for future reference and reporting, as applicable.
HR Organization Outputs: Notifications, Employee Files, Closed Vacancy Case File.

Target Business Process

United States Office of

Personnel Management

1900 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20415

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