Isbn: 978-1-4315-0574-6
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heal the divisions of the past and establish a society based on democratic
values, social justice and fundamental human rights;
improve the quality of life of all citizens and free the potential of each person;
lay the foundations for a democratic and open society in which government is
based on the will of the people and every citizen is equally protected by law;
build a united and democratic South Africa able to take its rightful place as a sovereign state in the family of
Education and the curriculum have an important role to play in realising these aims.
in 1997 we introduced outcomes-based education to overcome the curricular divisions of the past, but the experience
of implementation prompted a review in 2000. This led to the first curriculum revision: the Revised National Curriculum
Statement Grades R-9 and the National Curriculum Statement Grades 10-12 (2002).
Ongoing implementation challenges resulted in another review in 2009 and we revised the Revised National
Curriculum Statement (2002) and the National Curriculum Statement Grades 10-12 to produce this document.
From 2012 the two national Curriculum statements, for Grades R-9 and Grades 10-12 respectively, are combined
in a single document and will simply be known as the National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12. the National
Curriculum Statement for Grades R-12 builds on the previous curriculum but also updates it and aims to provide
clearer specification of what is to be taught and learnt on a term-by-term basis.
the National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 represents a policy statement for learning and teaching in south
African schools and comprises of the following:
Curriculum and Assessment Policy statements (CAPs) for all approved subjects listed in this document;
National policy pertaining to the programme and promotion requirements of the National Curriculum Statement
Grades R-12; and
1.1 Background......................................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Overview...........................................................................................................................................................3
1.3 General aims of the South African Curriculum.............................................................................................4
1.4 Time allocation.................................................................................................................................................6
Formal assessment....................................................................................................................................... 97
Programme of assessment.......................................................................................................................... 98
Overview........................................................................................................................................ 104
Time and mark allocation............................................................................................................... 104
Additional information regarding examination papers.................................................................... 105
Paper 1 and Paper 2 compared..................................................................................................... 108
Contexts......................................................................................................................................... 108
Weighting of topics......................................................................................................................... 109
Distribution of marks according to taxonomy levels....................................................................... 109
Additional information on the mid-year examinations.................................................................... 109
4.5 Recording and reporting............................................................................................................................ 110
4.6 Moderation of assessment..........................................................................................................................111
4.7 Appendices.................................................................................................................................................. 112
Appendix 1 Description of the levels in the mathematical literacy assessment taxonomy....................... 112
Appendix 2 Assessment task example: Responsible use of paracetamol............................................... 117
Appendix 3 Further interpretation of the levels in the mathematical literacy assessment taxonomy...... 120
4.8 General......................................................................................................................................................... 128
INTRODUCTION TO THE Curriculum and Assessment Policy StatementS for
1.1 Background
The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 (NCS) stipulates policy on curriculum and assessment in the
schooling sector.
To improve implementation, the National Curriculum Statement was amended, with the amendments coming into
effect in January 2012. A single comprehensive Curriculum and Assessment Policy document was developed for
each subject to replace Subject Statements, Learning Programme Guidelines and Subject Assessment Guidelines
in Grades R-12.
1.2 Overview
(a) The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 (January 2012) represents a policy statement for learning
and teaching in South African schools and comprises the following:
Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements for each approved school subject;
The policy document, National policy pertaining to the programme and promotion requirements of the
National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12; and
The policy document, National Protocol for Assessment Grades R-12 (January 2012).
(b) The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 (January 2012) replaces the two current national curricula
statements, namely the
Revised National Curriculum Statement Grades R-9, Government Gazette No. 23406 of 31 May 2002,
National Curriculum Statement Grades 10-12 Government Gazettes, No. 25545 of 6 October 2003 and
No. 27594 of 17 May 2005.
The national curriculum statements contemplated in subparagraphs b(i) and (ii) comprise the following policy
documents which will be incrementally repealed by the National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 (January
2012) during the period 2012-2014:
The Learning Area/Subject Statements, Learning Programme Guidelines and Subject Assessment
Guidelines for Grades R-9 and Grades 10-12;
The policy document, National Policy on assessment and qualifications for schools in the General
Education and Training Band, promulgated in Government Notice No. 124 in Government Gazette No.
29626 of 12 February 2007;
The policy document, the National Senior Certificate: A qualification at Level 4 on the National
Qualifications Framework (NQF), promulgated in Government Gazette No.27819 of 20 July 2005;
The policy document, An addendum to the policy document, the National Senior Certificate: A
qualification at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), regarding learners with special
needs, published in Government Gazette, No.29466 of 11 December 2006, is incorporated in the policy
document, National policy pertaining to the programme and promotion requirements of the National
Curriculum Statement Grades R-12; and
The policy document, An addendum to the policy document, the National Senior Certificate: A
qualification at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), regarding the National Protocol
for Assessment (Grades R-12), promulgated in Government Notice No.1267 in Government Gazette
No. 29467 of 11 December 2006.
The policy document, National policy pertaining to the programme and promotion requirements of the
National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12, and the sections on the Curriculum and Assessment Policy as
contemplated in Chapters 2, 3 and 4 of this document constitute the norms and standards of the National
Curriculum Statement Grades R-12. It will therefore, in terms of section 6A of the South African Schools Act,
1996 (Act No. 84 of 1996,) form the basis for the Minister of Basic Education to determine minimum outcomes
and standards, as well as the processes and procedures for the assessment of learner achievement to be
applicable to public and independent schools.
The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 serves the purposes of:
equipping learners, irrespective of their socio-economic background, race, gender, physical ability or
intellectual ability, with the knowledge, skills and values necessary for self-fulfilment, and meaningful
participation in society as citizens of a free country;
providing access to higher education;
facilitating the transition of learners from education institutions to the workplace; and
providing employers with a sufficient profile of a learners competences.
The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 is based on the following principles:
Social transformation: ensuring that the educational imbalances of the past are redressed, and that equal
educational opportunities are provided for all sections of the population;
Active and critical learning: encouraging an active and critical approach to learning, rather than rote and
uncritical learning of given truths;
High knowledge and high skills: the minimum standards of knowledge and skills to be achieved at each
grade are specified and set high, achievable standards in all subjects;
Progression: content and context of each grade shows progression from simple to complex;
The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 aims to produce learners that are able to:
identify and solve problems and make decisions using critical and creative thinking;
work effectively as individuals and with others as members of a team;
organise and manage themselves and their activities responsibly and effectively;
collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information;
communicate effectively using visual, symbolic and/or language skills in various modes;
use science and technology effectively and critically showing responsibility towards the environment and
the health of others; and
demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that problem solving
contexts do not exist in isolation.
Inclusivity should become a central part of the organisation, planning and teaching at each school. This can
only happen if all teachers have a sound understanding of how to recognise and address barriers to learning,
and how to plan for diversity.
The key to managing inclusivity is ensuring that barriers are identified and addressed by all the relevant support
structures within the school community, including teachers, District-Based Support Teams, Institutional-Level
Support Teams, parents and Special Schools as Resource Centres. To address barriers in the classroom,
teachers should use various curriculum differentiation strategies such as those included in the Department of
Basic Educations Guidelines for Inclusive Teaching and Learning (2010).
Life Skills
Beginning Knowledge
Creative Arts
Physical Education
Instructional time for Grades R, 1 and 2 is 23 hours and for Grade 3 is 25 hours.
Ten hours are allocated for languages in Grades R-2 and 11 hours in Grade 3. A maximum of 8 hours and a
minimum of 7 hours are allocated for Home Language and a minimum of 2 hours and a maximum of 3 hours for
Additional Language in Grades 1-2. In Grade 3 a maximum of 8 hours and a minimum of 7 hours are allocated
for Home Language and a minimum of 3 hours and a maximum of 4 hours for First Additional Language.
In Life Skills Beginning Knowledge is allocated 1 hour in Grades R-2 and 2 hours as indicated by the hours in
brackets for Grade 3.
Home Language
Social Sciences
Life Skills
Creative Arts
Physical Education
Home Language
Natural Sciences
Social Sciences
Life Orientation
Creative Arts
Home Language
Life Orientation
minimum of any three subjects selected from Group B
Annexure B, Tables B1-B8 of the policy document, National policy
pertaining to the programme and promotion requirements of
the National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12, subject to the
provisos stipulated in paragraph 28 of the said policy document.
12 (3x4h)
The allocated time per week may be utilised only for the minimum required NCS subjects as specified above,
and may not be used for any additional subjects added to the list of minimum subjects. Should a learner wish
to offer additional subjects, additional time must be allocated for the offering of these subjects.
2.1 What is Mathematical Literacy?
The competencies developed through Mathematical Literacy allow individuals to make sense of, participate in and
contribute to the twenty-first century world a world characterised by numbers, numerically based arguments
and data represented and misrepresented in a number of different ways. Such competencies include the ability to
reason, make decisions, solve problems, manage resources, interpret information, schedule events and use and
apply technology. Learners must be exposed to both mathematical content and real-life contexts to develop these
competencies. Mathematical content is needed to make sense of real-life contexts; on the other hand, contexts
determine the content that is needed.
The subject Mathematical Literacy should enable the learner to become a self-managing person, a contributing
worker and a participating citizen in a developing democracy. The teaching and learning of Mathematical Literacy
should thus provide opportunities to analyse problems and devise ways to work mathematically in solving such
problems. Opportunities to engage mathematically in this way will also assist learners to become astute consumers
of the mathematics reflected in the media.
There are five key elements of Mathematical Literacy.
The mathematical content of Mathematical Literacy is limited to those elementary mathematical concepts and skills
that are relevant to making sense of numerically and statistically based scenarios faced in the everyday lives of
individuals (self-managing individuals) and the workplace (contributing workers), and to participating as critical
citizens in social and political discussions. In general, the focus is not on abstract mathematical concepts. As a rule
of thumb, if the required calculations cannot be performed using a basic four-function calculator, then the calculation
is in all likelihood not appropriate for Mathematical Literacy. Furthermore, since the focus in Mathematical Literacy is
on making sense of real-life contexts and scenarios, in the Mathematical Literacy classroom mathematical content
should not be taught in the absence of context.
In exploring and solving real-world problems, it is essential that the contexts learners are exposed to in this subject
are authentic (i.e. are drawn from genuine and reaslitic situations) and relevant, and relate to daily life, the workplace
and the wider social, political and global environments. Wherever possible, learners must be able to work with actual
real-life problems and resources, rather than with problems developed around constructed, semi-real, contrived and/
or fictitious scenarios. E.g. learners must be exposed to real accounts containing complex and messy figures rather
than contrived and constructed replicas containing only clean and rounded figures.
Alongside using mathematical knowledge and skills to explore and solve problems related to authentic real-life
contexts, learners should also be expected to draw on non-mathematical skills and considerations in making sense
of those contexts. E.g. although calculations may reveal that a 10 kg bag of maize meal is the most cost-effective,
consideration of the context may dictate that the 5 kg bag will have to be bought because the 10 kg bag cannot fit
inside the taxi and/or the buyer does not have enough money to buy the 10 kg bag and/or the buyer has no use for
It is unrealistic to expect that in the teaching of Mathematical Literacy learners will always be exposed to contexts
that are specifically relevant to their lives, and that they will be exposed to all of the contexts that they will one
day encounter in the world. Rather, the purpose of this subject is to equip learners with the necessary knowledge
and skills to be able to solve problems in any context that they may encounter in daily life and in the workplace,
irrespective of whether the context is specifically relevant to their lives or whether the context is familiar. Learners
who are mathematically literate should have the capacity and confidence to interpret any real-life context that they
encounter, and be able to identify and perform the techniques, calculations and/or other considerations needed to
make sense of the context. In this sense Mathematical Literacy develops a general set of skills needed to deal with
a particular range of problems.
If Mathematical Literacy is seen in this way, then a primary aim in this subject is to equip learners with a set of skills
that transcends both the mathematical content used in solving problems and the context in which the problem is
situated. In other words, both the mathematical content and the context are simply tools: the mathematical content
provides learners with a means through which to explore contexts; and the contexts add meaning to the mathematical
content. But what is more important is that learners develop the ability to devise and apply both mathematical and
non-mathematical techniques and considerations in order to explore and make sense of any context, whether the
context is familiar or not.
The interplay between content, contexts and solving problems is illustrated in the following diagram:1
Mathematical Content
Real-life Contexts
Income and
Running a
Linear graphs
Drawing graphs
Figure 1: Interplay between content, context and problem-solving skills in Mathematical Literacy
A mathematically literate individual is able to weigh up options by comparing solutions, make decisions regarding
the most appropriate choice for a given set of conditions, and communicate decisions using terminology (both
Adapted from: Brombacher, A. 2007. Mathematical Literacy A Reader. Cape Town: Bateleur Books.
Mathematical Literacy involves the use of integrated content and/or skills in solving problems.
The content, skills and contexts in this document are organised and categorised according to topics. However,
problems encountered in everyday contexts are never structured according to individual content topics. Rather, the
solving of real-life problems commonly involves the use of content and/or skills drawn from a range of topics, and
so, being able to solve problems based in real-life contexts requires the ability to identify and use a wide variety of
techniques and skills integrated from across a range of content topics.
Context: The context is authentic, as drawn from a newspaper, and is relevant in that many people often have to make a choice
between different cellphone contract options.
Notice, however, that although the context is authentic, it is highly unlikely that this context will be relevant or familiar for all
learners. Nonetheless, situations in life in which we are expected to make comparisons occur frequently and a mathematically
literate individual is able to make sense of those situations irrespective of the context.
Content: To determine the conditions under which each of these contracts will be the most cost-effective, we could perform
calculations, complete tables or draw graphs. Whatever method we might choose, though, the method requires an understanding
of only basic mathematical concepts and calculations, and does not require an understanding of complex and/or abstract
mathematical principles.
It is also crucial to notice that the primary aim in working with these adverts is not to test understanding of a particular section of
mathematical content or calculation. Rather, the primary aim is to make sense of the context in order to make a decision about
which contract is the most cost-effective under a certain set of conditions.
Non-mathematical considerations: Although we can use mathematical calculations to determine the conditions for which
one contract is more cost-effective than the other, many people will choose a particular contract not because of cost, but
because of the make and model of cellphone that comes with the contract and/or the features attached to the phone. In other
words, although mathematical calculations provide us with a deeper insight into a scenario, there are often non-mathematical
considerations that affect the decisions we make. A mathematically literate person has the capacity to take into account both
mathematical and non-mathematical considerations and to be aware that there are factors other than economy which may
influence decisions.
Decision making and communication: Although we can use mathematical tools to explore the options, what is equally important
is being able to interpret the findings, make a decision about which contract is the most cost-effective option under certain
conditions, and communicate the decision with an awareness of non-mathematical considerations such as preference for
make, model, colour, features, etc. The mathematical calculations are meaningless without decision making and appropriate
Integrated content: In order to make sense of each of the contracts, we could perform cost calculations involving addition,
multiplication and division. An alternative approach would be to draw two graphs to represent each of the contract options
on the same set of axes. A still further approach involves completing a table of values. Irrespective of the method used,
interpretation and decision-making and communication skills will be needed to make sense of the calculated answers.
The point is that in order to make sense of the different cellphone contracts, a variety of techniques, calculations, skills and
content topics can and should be utilised. This approach must be adopted for all problem-solving scenarios.
Data handling
Much of the content in the Basic Skills Topics comprises elementary mathematical content and skills that learners
have already been exposed to in Grade 9 (e.g. different number formats and conventions, calculating percentages,
drawing graphs from tables of values, and so on). The inclusion of this content in this document provides teachers
with the opportunity to revise these important concepts and provide learners with the opportunity to explore these
concepts in contexts. It is expected that a firm grasp of the concepts in the Basic Skills Topics is necessary for making
sense of the content and contexts outlined in the Application Topics.
The Application Topics contain the contexts related to scenarios involving daily life, workplace and business
environments, and wider social, national and global issues that learners are expected to make sense of, and the
content and skills needed to make sense of those contexts. It is expected that learners will integrate content/skills
from the Basic Skills Topics in making sense of the contexts and content outlined in the Application Topics.
Figure 2 shows an overview and weighting of the topics according to which the Mathematical Literacy curriculum has
been organised for Grades 10, 11 and 12.
Data handling
9 - 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
outlined in this topic will be integrated and taught throughout all of the other topics.
Week Number
Also note that the topic Interpreting and communicating answers and calculations does not appear in this work schedule. This is because it is expected that the skills
with the opportunity to revise the concepts contained in these topics. However, it is essential that these concepts are not taught in the absence of contexts but that
The topics Numbers and calculations with numbers and Patterns, relationships and representations have been included in this work schedule to provide teachers
Below is a suggested work schedule that outlines estimated time allocations per topic as well as a particular sequence of teaching.
Grade 10
End-of-year examination (2 papers; 1 hours each; 75 marks each) (covering all topics in the Grade 10 curriculum)
Control test (covering Finance, Measurement and Models and Plans, integrated with Numbers and Patterns concepts)
Contexts focusing on Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world
Week Number
Week Number
Mid-year examinations (2 papers; 1 hour each; 50 marks each ) (covering Finance, Measurement, Maps, and Probability integrated with Numbers and Patterns
Contexts focusing on Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world
Week Number
Control test (covering Numbers and calculations with numbers, patterns, relationships and representations and measurement)
Week Number
Week Number
Control test (covering Measurement, Models and Plans, Finance and Probability, integrated with Numbers and Patterns concepts)
Contexts focusing on Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world
Week Number
Mid-year examinations (2 papers; 1 hours each; 75 marks each) (covering Finance, Measurement and Maps, integrated with Numbers and Patterns
Contexts focusing on Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world
Control test (covering Measurement and Finance, integrated with Numbers and Patterns concepts)
End-of-year examinations (2 papers; 2 hours each; 100 marks each) (covering all topics in the curriculum)
Week Number
Week Number
Week Number
End-of-year examinations (2 papers; 3 hours each; 150 marks each) (covering all topics in the curriculum)
Trial examinations (2 papers; 3 hours each; 150 marks each) (covering all topics in the curriculum)
Control test (covering Data Handling and/or Probability integrated with Numbers and Patterns concepts)
Contexts focusing on Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world
Contexts focusing on Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world
Week Number
Mid-year examinations (2 papers; 2 hours each; 100 marks each) (covering Finance, Maps, and Measurement, integrated with Numbers and Patterns
Contexts focusing on Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world
Control test (covering Measurement, Finance, and Data Handling, integrated with Numbers and Patterns concepts)
Assignment + Investigation
(Financial documents; Tariff systems; Income, expenditure, profit/loss, income-andexpenditure statements and budgets; Cost price and selling price; Break-even analysis)
3.1 Introduction
This part of the CAPS document provides a detailed outline of the content and/or skills and suggested contexts to be
taught in each grade. The content is organised according to topics and sections.
The topics have been separated into Basic Skills Topics and Application Topics. Each topic has been further organised
into sections which contain comprehensive descriptions of the content, skills and suggested contexts that learners
should be exposed to in each grade.
The document does not provide separate descriptions of content for Grades 10, 11 and 12. Rather, a single description
of content is provided that includes Grade 10 content, Grade 11 content and Grade 12 content, and an indication
is provided as to which parts of the description relate to Grade 10, which to Grade 11 and which to Grade 12. This
provides a clear description of expected progression in terms of content and contexts from Grade 10 to Grade 12.
The following diagram illustrates how the curriculum is structured in the pages below.
Examples to illustrate possible contexts and problems relating to the content and skills outlined in each section are
provided. These examples provide a guideline rather than an exhaustive list.
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Numbers and
calculations with
Interpreting and
answers and
Multiplication and division by 10, 100 and 1 000 without the use of a calculator
Number conventions (e.g. different numbering conventions used in cricket or in flat numbering systems)
Number formats: decimal comma; thousands separator; positive and negative numbers as directional indicators;
numbers in word format
Justify comparisons and opinions with calculations or with information provided in the context
Recognise that an error in measurement or a small change in rounding can make a large difference to an answer if the
error or change is compounded over many calculations or through a large multiplication
Interpreting answers
Round numbers up, down, or off (to an appropriate number of decimal places) depending on the requirements of the
Learners will use the content and/or skills outlined in the Basic Skills Topics to understand situations and solve problems in scenarios involving Finance, Measurement, Maps, plans and
other representations of the physical world, Data handling and Probability. How learners make use of these basic skills concepts will be determined by the contexts in which particular
problems are situated e.g. banking, or the construction of a house, or interpreting population statistics.
3.2 Overview of contexts, content and/or skills per topic and grade
relationships and
Representations of relationships in
tables, equations and graphs
no estimation required in
determining values in tables and
single relationship
Grade 10
Grade 12
two relationships
Grade 11
Rate notation, types of rates (constant, average, cost, consumption and distance, speed and time rates) and rate
Grade 12
Grade 11
Numbers and
calculations with
Grade 10
Measuring volume
Measuring weight
Measuring length
Exchange rates
Break-even analysis
Tariff systems
Financial documents
Application Topics
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Data handling
Maps, plans
and other
representations of
the physical world
Expressions of probability
Representing data
Summarising data
Collecting data
Developing questions
weather predictions
Grade 10
weather predictions
weather predictions
Grade 12
Grade 11
Part 1:
Basic Skills Topics
Interpretation of
Justify comparisons and opinions with calculations or with information provided in the context.
(e.g. On a map with a scale of 1:500 000, an inaccurate measurement of 0,5cm on the map will result in an error calculation of 2,5km in actual
Recognise that an error in measurement or a small change in rounding can make a large difference to an answer if the error or change is compounded
over many calculations or through a large multiplication.
(e.g. Recalculating the monthly repayment amount on a car loan as a result of an increase in the interest rate.)
(e.g. When working with maps, lengths are commonly measured in mm or cm, but actual distances are commonly expressed in m or km; furthermore,
actual distances are commonly quoted in full kilometres without decimal values.)
Determine the most appropriate units in which to express the answer as determined by the context in which the problem is posed.
Round numbers up, down, or off to an appropriate number of decimal places depending on context.
(e.g. If it is calculated that 6,2 litres of paint is needed to paint a wall, this value must be rounded up to 7 litres since more than 6 litres is needed and
paint is not sold in decimal portions of a litre. Furthermore, if this paint is sold only in 5 litre tins, 10 litres of paint will have to be bought and not the
calculated 6,2 litres or the rounded 7 litres.)
and 12
10, 11
and 12
10, 11
The skills associated with interpreting and communicating answers are applicable to every topic and section in the curriculum and across every grade. Learners have to be shown
continuously how to interpret answers in relation to the context in which the answers have been calculated and how to communicate their answers in an appropriate way. For this
reason there is no indication of Suggested teaching time or the Term in which this section must be taught.
Grade 10
Grade 12
Number concepts to be used in the context
Finance personal, household,
business, workplace, national and global
Measurement complex tasks in familiar
and unfamiliar contexts
Maps, plans and other representations
of the physical world maps and plans
of possibly unfamiliar contexts and/or
complex structures
Data handling data related to the
personal lives of learners, wider social
issues and national/global issues
Probability games with coins and
dice, weather predictions, tests where
there is the chance of inaccurate results,
cosmetic and other products
making statements regarding probability,
lottery and other gambling games,
risk assessments, newspaper articles
containing references to probability
Grade 11
Number concepts to be used in the
context of:
Finance personal, household,
business and workplace finance
Measurement larger tasks in
familiar contexts of the household
and school
Maps, plans and other
representations of the physical
world maps and plans of less
familiar contexts and/or structures
Data handling data related to the
personal lives of learners and wider
social issues
Probability games with coins
and dice, weather predictions,
tests where there is the chance of
inaccurate results, cosmetic and
other products making statements
regarding probability
Teaching time is allocated only to the revision and/or teaching of these number concepts in Grade 10. There are no new number concepts in Grades 11 and 12. Rather, it is expected
that learners perform any calculation involving number concepts with confidence in any context or problem in which number concepts have application.
It is expected that learners will make use of a variety of number concepts and calculations as they explore contexts and solve problems relating to situations involving the topics of
Finance, Measurement, Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world, Data handling and Probability. The content and/or skills outlined in this topic should be used in
conjunction with the content and/or skills and contexts outlined in the other application topics. How learners make use of these number concepts will be determined by the contexts in
which particular problems are situated - such as personal finance, painting a room or planning a trip.
Basic Skills for Mathematical Literacy (2009) booklet published by the DBE
Content/skills to be developed in appropriate contexts
formats and
and 12
1 million = 1 000 00
10, 11
Make sense of scenarios involving the topics of Finance, Measurement, Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world, Data handling and
In order to:
Interpret, understand and use different numbering conventions in contexts and recognise that although these representations look like numbers, they cannot
be manipulated in the same way (e.g. an over in cricket is completed when 6 balls have passed; 1214 in building numbers refers to unit 14 on the 12th
positive and negative numbers as directional indicators (e.g. 10 indicates 10 degrees below freezing point; R300,00 indicates credit while R300,00
indicates debit)
For all calculations involving numbers, learners are expected to be able to work with numbers expressed in the following formats: whole numbers; decimals; fractions; percentages.
on numbers
and calculator
on numbers
and calculator
and 12
10, 11
In Mathematical Literacy, learners are only expected to be able to perform calculations using a basic (non-scientific) calculator.
) is required
only squaring (raising to the power of 2) and cubing (raising to the power of 3) are required
* Estimating an answer to a problem is a crucial step in any calculation for two reasons. Firstly, before estimation can occur, a proper understanding of the problem
should be developed. Secondly, an estimated answer provides a benchmark against which to compare the calculated answer: if the calculated answer and the
estimation are very different, then this provides evidence of a possible problem. It is expected that learners will be shown methods for estimating answers for every
type of calculation that they are exposed to, including calculations involving decimals and fractions, ratios, proportion, rates and percentages.
Additional comments:
Make sense of scenarios involving the topics of Finance, Measurement, Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world, Data handling and
In order to:
memory (M+, M, MRC), clear (C) and clear all (CE) keys
- add, subtract, multiply and divide both with and without the use of a calculator
- convert between equivalent forms of fractions
- find the decimal equivalent of any fraction using a calculator
find the square and the cube of a number with the use of a calculator+
apply addition and multiplication facts (distributive and associative properties) to simplify calculations - it is not necessary to know the names of these facts
recognise the effect of brackets on the order of operations and make use of brackets in ordering and performing calculations
add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals both with and without using a calculator
Perform the following calculations for numbers expressed as whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages
Investigate the impact of rounding the measured distance up and down on the calculation of the final distance
In Grades 11 and 12, it is expected that learners will determine the most appropriate form of rounding and/or number of decimal places for a given context or
* In Grade 10, instructions will be provided as to the type of rounding and/or appropriate number of decimal places to which an answer should be rounded.
Additional comments:
Make sense of contexts and problems involving the topics of Finance, Measurement, Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world, Data
handling and Probability.
In order to:
(e.g., When working with a scale of 1:500 000 on a map, a 1 mm error in measurement will result in a calculation of actual distance that is inaccurate by
of the possible effect of rounding values within a calculation on the final calculated answer
(e.g. Money is generally rounded off to two decimal places; paint quantities are generally rounded up to the nearest litre; solutions involving people are
generally rounded up or down to the nearest whole value depending on the context)
and 12
10, 11
that the way in which a value has to be rounded and/or the number of decimal places to which a value is rounded will be determined by the context in
which the rounding occurs
with an understanding:
off to the nearest 5 (a common practice in supermarkets since 1 c and 2 c pieces are no longer available)
any other scenarios involving the topics of Finance, Measurement, Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world, Data handling and
Probability, in which ratios have application
expressions of probability
percentage calculations
mixing quantities
In order to:
how to write a ratio in unit form (e.g. 3:8 can be written as 1:2,667)
(e.g. How many millilitres of tint and peroxide will a hairdresser need to make a 50 ml mixture if the tint and peroxide is mixed in the ratio 1:2?)
and 12
10, 11
(e.g. If cement, sand and stone is to be mixed in the ratio 1:2:2 to make high-strength concrete, how many wheelbarrows of sand and stone should be
mixed with 50 wheelbarrows of cement?)
(e.g. If the scale of a plan is 1:100, then 1 cm measured on the plan is equal to 1 m (100 cm) in actual length)
Investigate, describe and explain the shapes of the graphs in relation to each scenario
Choose two different authentic real-life scenarios involving direct proportion and inverse proportion
Possible assessment:
* This section requires integration with the content/skills and contexts related to graphs outlined in the topic Patterns, relationships and representations.
Make sense of contexts and problems involving the topics of Finance, Measurement, Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world, Data
handling and Probability.
In order to:
Interpret graphs representing situations involving direct and inverse proportion and illustrating the difference between the two types of proportion.*
(e.g. A soccer season ticket costs R800,00. If you watch only one game during the season, the cost per game is R800,00; for two games the effective
cost per game is R400,00; and so on)
and 12
10, 11
(e.g. If the cost of a trip is R5,00 per km, then an 85km trip will cost R5,00/km85km=R425,00; if 50 m2 of carpeting costs R1 750,00, then 1m2 of
carpeting will cost R1750,0050=R35,00)
direct proportion
Discuss reasons other than cost that may affect the size of a grocery item that a person will choose to buy
Discuss reasons why a particular size for a particular grocery item may be the most cost-effective
Determine the most cost-effective size for each of the grocery items
Visit a supermarket and record pricing and size/weight/volume information for different grocery items
Possible assessment:
any other problems in the context of the topics of Finance, Measurement, Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world, Data handling and
Probability, in which rates have application
and 12
how to simplify and compare rates (e.g. Is it more cost-effective to buy a 4 kg box of washing powder that costs R42,99 or a 5 kg box that costs R47,50?)
In order to:
10, 11
the difference between constant and average rates (e.g.The price of chicken in Rand/kg is a constant rate while the speed of a car in km/h is an average
the meaning of / as per and the relevance of this term in relation to the values in the rate (e.g. km/h means the number of km travelled in 1 hour)
more complex rates (e.g. petrol consumption of a car expressed in litres/100 km; the running speed of a marathon runner measured in min/km)
distance, time and speed rates (e.g. average speed of a car in km/h)
and 0,5
any other problems in the context of the topics of Finance, Measurement, Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world, Data handling and
Probability, in which percentages have application
expressions of probability
In order to:
(e.g. If the price of a pair of shoes after a 15% discount is R325,00, what was the original price of the shoes?)
determine the original value when given a value to which a percentage has been added or subtracted
and 12
10, 11
determine percentage increase and/or decrease (e.g. If the price of a bag of maize meal increases from R48,99 to R52,49, by what percentage has the
price increased?)
express a part of a whole as a percentage (e.g.If a learner scores a mark of 42/60 for a test, what percentage was scored for the test?)
(e.g. If you are given a 10% discount on a R300,00 pair of shoes, how much will you pay for the shoes?)
decrease a value by a percentage (that is, calculating a percentage of a value and subtracting it from the value)
(e.g. If a bottle of milk that costs R8,20 increases in price by 5%, what will the new price of the milk be?)
increase a value by a percentage (that is, calculating a percentage of a value and adding it to the value)
calculate a percentage of a value (e.g. If 14% discount is offered on a R200,00 pair of shoes, how much discount will you receive?)
compare the actual increase to the percentage increase and discuss the usefulness of percentages.
work out the percentage change in price for each of the items
work out the actual Rand increase in price for each of the items
Consider two different items whose prices have increased and then
Possible assessment:
Basic Skills for Mathematical Literacy (2009) booklet published by the DBE
Grade 10
Making sense of graphs that tell a story In Grade 10, Patterns, relationships
and representations of relationships
are limited to contexts involving:
constant (fixed), linear and inverse
proportion relationships
Patterns and relationships
only one relationship in a table or
on a set of axes (e.g. exploring the
cost of a single cell-phone contract
rather than comparing two different
Representations of relationships in
tables, equations and graphs
Grade 12
Grade 11
Teaching time is allocated only to the revision and/or teaching of these patterns, relationships and representation concepts in Grades 10 and 11. There is no new content in Grade 12.
Rather, it is expected that learners will construct and interpret tables, equations and graphs to make sense of any context or problem in which these concepts have application and in
particular will be able to work with two (Grade 11) or more (Grade 12) relationships at the same time in a single representation (table and/or graph).
Learners will make use of a variety of patterns, relationships and representations of those relationships as they explore contexts and solve problems in Finance, Measurement, Maps,
plans and other representations of the physical world, Data handling and Probability. The content and/or skills outlined in this topic shouldt be used in conjunction with the content and/
or skills and contexts outlined in the other application topics. How learners make use of these concepts will be determined by the contexts in which particular problems are situated, e.g.
tariff systems or business finance.
Making sense of
graphs that tell a
and 12
10, 11
* The primary purpose of this section is to provide learners with the opportunity to investigate a variety of different types of graphs in order to develop a feel for
working with graphs and an understanding that graphs tell a story and present a message to the reader, without getting bogged down by formal mathematical
procedures involving equations, plotting points, substitution, etc. This section is also intended to provide learners with the opportunity to describe graphs using
everyday and/or familiar terminology (e.g. going up; top) rather than explicit mathematical terminology (e.g. increasing; maximum). The focus in this section
must be on understanding the graphs and the message displayed in the graphs rather than on formal graphing procedures and terminology.
Additional comments:
the point where the graph(s) cross the vertical and horizontal axes;
Recognise and describe the meaning of different points on the graph, including:
Recognise and describe how the shape and direction of a graph and changes to the shape/direction affect the story/message represented in the graph
Recognise that graphs represent a relationship between two or more items/quantities and be able to identify those items and describe the relationship
Recognise that graphs tell a story and be able to explain the story/message/impression represented in a graph
In order to:
Work with a variety of graphs found in newspapers, magazines and other resources for which there are no obvious or available equations and/or
patterns between the variables represented in the graphs.
Patterns and
R1 600,00
R 2 200, 00
no. of teachers
R2 010,00
R2 020,05
R2 030,15
R2 040,30
current months balance = previous months balance + 0,5% previous months balance.
The amount is increasing at a rate of 0,5% of the balance in the account during the previous month and can be calculated using the following
Account balance
e.g. The table below shows the amount of money in a fixed deposit account over time.
Relationships where there is a constant ratio between the terms in the pattern.
pay per month, and the cost per teacher is calculated using the method
There is an inverse proportion relationship between the number of teachers in the transport club and the amount that every teacher will have to
R2 200,00
No. of teachers
Relationships where there is an inverse proportion between the terms in the relationship.
e.g. The table below shows how much each teacher who is part of a taxi hire scheme will have to pay per month for the hire of the taxi as
dependent on the number of people who are part of the scheme.
The cost increases at a constant rate of R7,50 for every litre of petrol bought.
e.g. The table below shows the cost of filling a car with petrol at a cost of R7,50 per litre.
Relationships where there is a constant difference between the terms in the relationship (that is, direct proportion relationships and other linear
e.g. A school hires a bus at a cost of R10000,00 per day. This cost remains fixed no matter how far the bus travels or how many people use the
Relationships where there is no difference (that is, constant or fixed relationship) between the terms in the relationship.
11 and
and 12
10, 11
Work with the following types of formal relationships between quantities found in both numerical (e.g. cell phone costs) and geometric (e.g. tiling
patterns) forms in the context of situations involving the topics of Finance, Measurement, Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world,
Data handling and Probability.
Patterns and
Monthly cost
The relationship between litres of petrol and cost is R7,50 for every litre of petrol. Therefore the cost of filling a car with 3litres of petrol is R7,50/
3 =R22,50
The difference between consecutive cost values is R7,50. So, to find the cost of buying 3 litres of petrol you can add R7,50 to the cost of buying 2
litres (that is, R15,00) 3 litres would cost R15,00 + R7,50 = R22,50
There are two ways to determine the pattern in the values in the table:
e.g. Consider the table on the right that shows the cost of filling a car with petrol.
Use a range of techniques to determine missing and/or additional terms in a pattern, including:
e.g. Consider a cell phone contract where the cost of talking on the phone is R1,50 per minute. In this scenario, cost is dependent on the amount
of time spent talking on the cell phone; also, the relationship between cost and talktime is an increasing relationship, with cost increasing at a fixed
rate of R1,50 per minute
e.g. A graph showing the effect that changes in the interest rate will have on the outstanding balance on a loan.
Relationships for which there is no obvious pattern, or for which no formula is available, or which develop out of the exploration of a context.
For the first 100 minutes there is a fixed relationship between monthly cost and talktime. After 100 minutes, there is a constant difference
relationship, with an increase in cost of R1,50 for every minute of talktime.
Talktime (min)
and 12
10, 11
Patterns and
R1 500,00
R1 505,00
R1 510,00
2 000
1 000
any other situations in which patterns, relationships and representations can be used to solve problems relating to contexts involving the topics of
Finance, Measurement, Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world, Data handling and Probability.
maps, plans and other representations of the physical world (e.g. using formulae and graphs to determine travelling costs for a journey)
measurement (e.g. temperature conversions; use of formulae in perimeter, area and volume calculations)
finance (e.g. tariff systems; growth/decline of investments and loans; changes in the inflation rate)
In order to:
Analysing the values in the table will reveal that the relationship between drip rate, volume of the drip and drip time is an inverse proportion
We can use the formula to construct the following table to show how the drip rate for a 4 litre drip with a drip factor of 15 gtt/ml will vary over time:
Drip rate = [total volume of the drip (ml) total time for which the drip is administered (min)] drip factor
e.g. The following formula can be used to determine the rate at which medicine will flow from a drip:
Pages photocopied
and 12
10, 11
e.g. A quotation states that the cost of hiring a photocopier is R1500,00 per month with an additional charge of R0,50 per copy. The following table
can be constructed to represent the relationship between number of copies and cost:
Construct patterns from descriptions given in words (instructions) and/or formulae and represent these patterns in a table or picture.
Describe and/or represent patterns for constant, constant difference and inverse proportion relationships using:
of relationships in
tables, equations
and graphs
solving (that is, determine the value of the independent variable for given value(s) of the dependent variable), using:
substitution (that is, determine the value of the dependent variable for given value(s) of the independent variable)
-- linear relationships
determine formulae and/or equations to describe relationships represented in tables and/or graphs for:
-- maximum/minimum values
-- zero values
identify independent variable values associated with the critical points of the dependent variable including:
In working with relationships (from those described above) represented in tables, equations and graphs:
-- matching formulae/equations to graphs and/or tables of values of the relationship based on features and/or trends.
tables, formulae and graphs can be used to provide different representations of the same relationship*
and 12
10, 11
of relationships in
tables, equations
and graphs
Any other situations in which patterns, relationships and representations can be used to solve problems relating to contexts involving the topics of
Finance, Measurement, Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world, Data handling and Probability.
Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world (e.g. using formulae and graphs to determine travelling costs for a journey)
Measurement (e.g. temperature conversions; use of formulae in perimeter, area and volume calculations)
Finance (e.g. tariff systems; growth/decline of investments and loans; changes in the inflation rate)
In order to:
e.g. In order to compare the monthly cost of making calls on two different cell phone contracts, tables of cost value can be drawn up for each of the
contracts and then the information from the tables can be represented on graphs. Analysing these graphs will make it possible to decide which contract
is the better option for a certain number of minutes of talktime during a month.
Choose and develop the most effective representation (including tables, graphs and/or equations) for solving a problem.+
e.g. For graphs showing a comparison between the amount of money in an investment over time, if both simple and compound interest are
calculated on the investment, how long will it take for the money in each investment to increase to R5 000,00?
-- identify the independent variable values for which two relationships have the same dependent variable value
e.g. Consider a straight line graph showing the cost of filling a car with petrol where the cost of petrol is R7,50 per litre. The graph is a straight line
because for every 1 litre that you fill, the cost increases by a fixed amount of R7,50
-- explain the significance of the shape of the graph in relation to the variables and scenario being represented on the graph
and 12
10, 11
11 and
11 and
and 12
10, 11
e.g. In a graph showing the change in the price of bread during the course of a year, between which months did the price of bread increase?
-- identify independent variable values for intervals over which the dependent variable values increase and/or decrease
-- labelling the vertical and horizontal axes and the chart appropriately
-- constructing axes with an appropriate scale chosen for both the vertical and horizontal
-- plotting points from a given table of values or from a table of values constructed from given or constructed equations
draw graphs of one (Grade 10), two (Grade 11) or more (Grade 12) relationships on the same set of axes by:
of relationships in
tables, equations
and graphs
Represent the costs involved in making calls on this contract on an appropriate graph.
Select an advert for a cell phone contract that includes a monthly subscription fee, free airtime or free minutes, and a fixed per minute or per second
tariff (e.g. R1,50 per minute)
Possible assessment:
Draw a graph to represent the monthly cost of electricity as dependent on the units of electricity used during the month.
Found out the different charges for electricity in the municipality in which your home is situated
Select a scenario in daily life involving a fixed, linear or inverse proportion relationship
Possible assessment:
In Grade 10 it is expected that learners will be instructed on the most appropriate representation of a relationship required for solving a problem. In Grades 11
and 12, however, it is expected that learners will be able to decide on the most appropriate representation for a given scenario and then construct, interpret and
analyse that representation.
* It is very important for learners to understand that tables, graphs and equations can all describe the same relationship, but in different ways. Learners should
develop the ability to move flexibly between these different representations.
Additional comments:
Working with
two or more
11 and
Refer to the sections on Tariff systems, Break-even analysis and Banking, investments and loans in the topic Finance for more specific details regarding contexts
in which learners are expected to make use of comparisons of two or more relationships.
Learners are not expected to determine the values for which two or more relationships are equal through algebraic calculations (that is, solving equations
simultaneously). Rather, they should be able to read off and, if necessary, estimate the values of the dependent and independent variables for which the
relationships are equal from graphs and/or values presented in tables, through trial and improvement, and substitution using equations.
In Grade 12 it is expected that learners will work with two or more relationships in a representation (table and/or graph) and comparisons of those relationships.
* In Grade 11 it is expected that learners will work with two relationships in a representation (table and/or graph) and comparisons of those relationships.
Additional comments:
any other situations in which comparing two or more relationships can be used to solve problems relating to contexts involving the topics of Finance,
Measurement, Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world, Data handling and Probability.
In order to:
e.g. Two graphs are drawn to show the total monthly cost of two different cell phone contracts as dependent on a monthly subscription value and the
number of minutes of talktime used during the month. The point at which the graphs intersect, represents the number of minutes that you can talk on
each of the contracts for the monthly cost to be the same.
identify the values of the dependent and independent variables for which two or more relationships are equal (e.g. the points of intersection of three
graphs) and explain the meaning of these values+ in relation to the context in which the problem is posed.
In situations involving representations of two (Grade 11) or more relationships (Grade 12) (from those described above) on the same set of axes:
Working with
two or more
11 and
e.g. Two graphs are drawn to show the monthly cost of electricity on a pre-paid system compared to a flat-rate system.
Refer to the sections on Tariff systems, Break-even analysis and Banking, investments and loans in the topic Finance for more specific details regarding contexts
in which learners are expected to make use of comparisons of two or more relationships.
If you use an average of 650 kWh of electricity per month, then the cost of being on the pre-paid option and the flat-rate option are the same. However, if you use
less than 650 kWh per month, then it will be cheaper to be on the pre-paid option. And if you use more than 650 kWh, it will be cheaper to be on the flat-rate option.
The fact that the graph representing the flat-rate option does not start at 0 on the vertical axis indicates that there is a fixed fee payable every month on this option
irrespective of consumption. The fact that the graph representing the pre-paid option is steeper than the graph for the flat-rate option indicates that the tariff for
electricity consumption on the pre-paid system is higher.
* e.g. Two graphs are drawn to show the monthly cost of electricity on a pre-paid system compared to a flat-rate system.
Additional comments:
any other situations in which comparing two or more relationships can be used to solve problems relating to contexts involving the topics of Finance,
Measurement, Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world, Data handling and Probability.
In order to:
making decisions based on a comparison of the representations and explaining solutions by referring to specific dependent and independent variable
the use of the following terms in relation to specific dependent/independent variable values: less than; equal to; greater than or more than;
between +
differences in the constant values in equations and graphs representing the relationships*
differences in the rates of change between the dependent and independent variables for each of the relationships*
Compare representations of two (Grade 11) or more (Grade 12) relationships (from those described above) that describe alternative options/solutions,
with specific focus on:
Investigation: Comparison of costs on different cell phone systems
Use the graphs to make a deduction about which electricity system will be most suitable and cost effective for an individual with particular needs.
Draw graphs to represent the monthly cost of electricity on each of the systems
Find costs/tariffs for three different types of electricity systems (e.g. pre-paid, flat-rate and seasonal)
Possible assessment:
Use the graphs to make a deduction about which cell phone system would be better for you based on the minutes of talktime that you use during the
Draw graphs to represent the monthly cost of making calls on each cell phone system
Find out the tariffs charged for two different types of cell phones (e.g. pre-paid system and a contract system)
Find adverts for two different types of cell phone systems in a newspaper (e.g. a pre-paid cell phone and a contract cell phone)
Possible assessment:
Application Topics
Exchange rates
Break-even analysis
Tariff systems
Financial documents
--- etc.
business banking
Contexts are limited to those that deal with Contexts are limited to those that deal
personal and/or household finance
with personal, household, workplace and
business finance.
Grade 10
Relevant financial documents relating to personal, household, workplace, business, national and global
contexts and more complex financial topics (e.g. household bills; bank and store account statements; adverts
showing car and home loan conditions; tax forms)
Grade 11
Topic: Finance
In order to:
Understand terminology used in documents, including:
Grades 10, 11 and 12:
Grades 11 and 12:
date or time period of the document
opening and closing balance
credit and debit
payment due
minimum payment
tariff or charge
income, expenditure, profit/loss
UIF, net pay, gross pay, deductions and taxable income
items and quantities
tax rates and tax brackets
interest rates
repayment amounts and periods
real cost or total cost
Explain and demonstrate how the values appearing in the documents have been determined.
10, 11
and 12
11 and
10, 11
and 12
-- tax forms (e.g. tax deduction and tax rate tables, IRP5 forms, employee income tax forms)
-- payslips; budgets*; quotations; invoices; receipts; travel allowance/claim forms; banking documents*
-- household budgets*
Topic: Finance
Tariff systems
Possible assessment:
Assignment: Understanding the Tax Pocket Guide
Read through and answer questions relating to the Tax Pocket Guide brochure issued by SARS.
11 and
10, 11
and 12
Possible assessment:
Investigation: Which cell phone?
Use calculations, graphs and break-even analysis to compare the options presented in two different cell phone adverts
Discuss non-mathematical considerations that affect the type of cell phone option a person may choose.
Additional comments:
* In Grade 10 learners are expected to be able to draw and interpret constant (fixed), linear and inverse proportion graphs. As such, Grade 10 learners can only be
expected to draw graphs of tariff systems that relate to these types of graphs. For more specific details, refer to the topic Patterns, representations and relationships.
In Grades 11 and 12 there is no limitation on the types of graphs that learners are expected to be able to draw to demonstrate their understanding of tariff systems.
Learners are not expected to find break-even values for scenarios involving different tariff systems through algebraic calculations (that is, solving equations
simultaneously). Rather, they should be able to read off and, if necessary, estimate the values of the dependent and independent variables for which the graphs are
equal directly from the axes.
For more specific details on the content and/or skills and approach that learners are expected to work with in determining points of intersection of graphs, refer to the
section Working with two or more relationships and/or representations in the topic Patterns, relationships and representations.
Compare two (Grade 11) or more (Grade 12) different options for a tariff system to determine the most appropriate option for individuals with particular
needs (e.g. comparing pre-paid versus contract cell phone costs) by:
performing calculations
drawing graphs to represent the different options and interpreting the point(s) of intersection and other regions on the graphs in relation to the context+
Possible assessment:
Assignment: Demonstrate the understanding of a household bill
Analyse a household bill (electricity, water, telephone, etc.) and explain how the different cost values on the bill have been determined.
Additional comments:
* For a description of the terminology relating specifically to budgets and banking documents, see the sections below on Income, expenditure, profit/loss, income-andexpenditure statements and budgets and Banking, loans and investments.
Topic: Finance
and budgets*
o telephone
o fees (e.g. school fees and bank fees)
o insurance (e.g. car, household and medical aid)
o personal taxes
o savings
o interest
o inheritance
o budgets showing a comparison of projected versus actual income, expenditure and profit/loss values (analysis only)
-- personal projects (e.g. dinner party; significant purchases such as a cell phone, television or furniture)
analysing and preparing income-and-expenditure statements and budgets, with an awareness of the difference between these two documents, for:
In order to:
o savings
-- personal expenditure:
-- personal income:
11 and
10, 11
and 12
11 and
10, 11
and 12
Fixed, variable and occasional income values and fixed, variable, occasional, high-priority and low-priority expenditure values from the following sources:
Identify and perform calculations involving income, expenditure, profit and loss values, including:
Topic: Finance
and budgets
o budgets showing a comparison of projected vs actual income, expenditure and profit/loss values
and 12
10, 11
Analyse the statement and suggest how the financial position of the household could be changed or improved.
* This section on Cost price and selling price applies only to Grade 11 and Grade 12 learners.
Additional comments:
the cost of production, cost price and selling price of an item or service sold/rendered by the business.
income-and-expenditure statements
Investigate the running of a small business with consideration of the following for the business:
Decide on an appropriate selling price for an item and/or service based on an expected percentage profit.
Determine the cost of production and/or cost price of an item or service, with an understanding of the difference between these two costs.
In order to:
11 and
small business (e.g. tuck shop; street vendor; flea-market stall; cell phone container business; garden services; painting business; car wash; hairdresser; catering
business; crche; subsistence farming).
Identify the costs associated with producing/manufacturing an item or rendering a service in the context of:
Possible assessment (incorporating Finance and Data handling, i.e. collecting data):
* In Grades 10 and 11 it is expected that learners will be able to work with income-and-expenditure statements and budgets containing reasonably small and simple
money values appropriate to personal, household, workplace and small business contexts. In Grade 12, it is expected that learners will be able to work with incomeand-expenditure statements and budgets containing large and complex money values, including values expressed in thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions and
Additional comments:
Topic: Finance
cost price and selling price of items made and sold for the business
Investigate the various factors involved in running a small home industry business
Possible assessment:
subsistence farming
small business (e.g. tuck shop; street vendor; flea-market stall; cell phone container business; garden services; painting business; car wash; catering business)
Examples of contexts and/or resources in which the concept of break-even can be explored:
* This section on Break-even analysis applies only to Grade 11 and Grade 12 learners.
* Learners are not expected to find break-even values for scenarios through algebraic calculations (that is, solving equations simultaneously). Rather, they should be
able to read off and, if necessary, estimate the values of the dependent and independent variables for which the graphs are equal directly from the axes.
Additional comments:
the values for which two (Grade 11) or more (Grade 12) different costing options are equal (e.g. different cell phone or electricity costing options).
the break-even values for a business with consideration of cost price, selling price, income and expenditure values
In order to:
the relevance/meaning of the break-even values is determined by the context in which the break-even values occur.
11 and
the break-even point is always made up of two values (e.g. the number of items that should be sold and the amount of money that should be made from
the sale of those items)
trial and improvement through substitution into two or more equations representing the scenario and/or graphs.
drawing two (Grade 11) or more (Grade 12) graphs on a set of axes and reading off the points of intersection of the graphs
Topic: Finance
11 and
Investigate the difference between simple and compound interest scenarios by drawing and comparing graphs of these scenarios.
Possible assessment:
For more information on these scenarios, see the section below on Banking, loans and investments
perform simple and compound interest calculations manually using a basic calculator, pen and paper, and/or spreadsheets
* Learners are not expected to work with any formulae here. The focus is on developing an understanding of the concept of a compounding calculation, that is, where
the values used in a calculation draw on answers/values from a previous calculation.
Additional comments:
other investments (e.g. retirement annuities, funeral plans) where a fixed deposit is made every month.
hire-purchase agreements and loans (e.g. personal, car, house) where a repayment is made every month
investments in fixed deposit accounts where the money is deposited and withdrawn from the account only once
loan agreements between family members where repayments are made only once at the end of the loan
In order to
Represent simple interest growth scenarios using linear graphs and compound interest growth scenarios using graphs showing compound change.
Perform calculations involving simple and compound interest through manual calculations and without the use of formulae*.
Investigate through calculation how interest values are calculated using interest rate values.
In order to:
Work with various banking and other financial documents (e.g. bank statements; account statements showing interest rates on a debit balance).
Topic: Finance
loans and
debit order
electronic transfer
stop order
debit rates
credit rates;
Decide which bank would be the better option for a particular customer.
Compare the costs associated with these accounts at the two banks
Visit two banks and collect pricing information on a similar type of savings account at each bank
Possible assessment:
(e.g. Interest on a savings account is calculated daily but compounded monthly; on a fixed deposit account simple interest is calculated during the month
but is compounded only at the end of the month).
Investigate the different ways in which interest is calculated on different types of accounts
Investigate the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of accounts regarding access to money, bank charges and interest rates.
11 and
10, 11
and 12
Compare bank charges of different banks using tariff tables, given formulae and drawn graphs to assess the suitability of different accounts for individuals
with particular needs.
Draw graphs from given bank charge formulae to represent bank charges for different transaction amounts on different types of accounts.
Determine bank charges for different types of accounts using given fee tables and formulae.
Interpret banking documents (e.g. bank statements and fees brochures) and understand the following terminology in the documents:
In order to:
credit account (with a credit card) and a debit account (with a debit card).
cheque/current account
savings account
Topic: Finance
loans and
(loans and
-- repayment
-- loan term (life)
-- lender
-- interest rate
-- interest rate
-- monthly payment
-- interest
Determine the total amount of money in an investment at the end of a certain time period.
Determine the real cost of a loan and the interest paid on a loan.
11 and
11 and
Model loan and investment scenarios using a pen, paper, basic calculator and tables, spreadsheets, and/or available loan calculators (e.g. calculators
available on bank websites).
-- principal
-- deposit
-- borrower
Identify and understand the following elements of loan and investment situations:
In order to:
-- funeral plans
-- pension funds
-- retirement annuities
-- stokvel
loans from banks and micro-lenders where there is a monthly repayment (e.g. personal, student, car and house loans)
investments in fixed deposit accounts where the money is deposited and withdrawn from the account only once
Topic: Finance
loans and
(loans and
Investigate the impact of increasing monthly repayments on the real cost of the loan
Possible assessment
Examples of additional contexts in which the concepts of loans and investments can be explored include:
For more specific details on the content and/or skills and approach that learners are expected to work with in Grade 12 regarding drawing, interpreting and analysing
graphs, see the section Representations of relationships (graphs) in the topic Patterns, relationships and representations.
* Learners are not expected to know complex financial formulae. Rather, it is expected that they will develop an understanding of loans using a pen, paper and
calculator techniques and through modelling loan scenarios using tables and graphs.
Additional comments:
Investigate the effect of changes in the monthly investment amount on the value of the final investment.
Investigate the effect of changes in the monthly repayment amount on the real cost of a loan.
Investigate the effect of changes in the interest rate on the cost of a loan and on the final/projected value of an investment.
Topic: Finance
Investigate through calculation how UIF values are calculated as a percentage of gross income.
Develop an understanding of why UIF is deducted, the benefits to the employee and the responsibility of the employer.
Investigate through calculation the amount of VAT that has been added to a VAT inclusive price*.
Investigate through calculation how a final price has been determined by adding 14% VAT to a price excluding VAT.
Develop an understanding of the difference between a VAT inclusive value and a value excluding VAT.
In order to:
11 and
10, 11
and 12
11 and
10, 11,
and 12
Explore the possible reasons for food price inflation and the impact of this inflation on the people who buy food from these shops
Compare inflation for the different food items at two different shops
Investigate and record the prices of different food items from two different brochures or newspaper charts over a period of one month
11 and
Work with VAT (Grade 10) in the context of shop purchases, till slips and bills (e.g. electricity, water, telephone);
Possible assessment (incorporating Inflation and Data handling, that is, collecting data):
Evaluate situations involving proposed price increases (e.g. salary negotiations, school fee increases).
Interpret and analyse graphs showing changes in the inflation rate over time and understand that a decreasing graph does not necessarily indicate
negative inflation (deflation) or a decrease in price.
Compare the rates of increase/decrease in prices through calculation (e.g. An increase in price from R8,00 to R9,00 is a greater percentage increase than
an increase from R19,00 to R21,00 - this type of inflation calculation commonly involves percentage increase/decrease.
the value of an item over time (e.g. If the price of a house increases at the rate of inflation of 10% per year, how much will the house be worth in two years
purchasing power (e.g. Thembi spends an average of R2200,00 per month on groceries. If her salary remains the same but her grocery bill increases at
the rate of inflation of 5%, what effect would this have on the amount of money that Thembi has available at the end of every month?)
inflation represents the average increase in the prices of a variety of goods and services over time and that different items can have different inflation rates
inflation is a measure of the change in the purchasing power of money over time
Recognise that:
In order to:
Topic: Finance
(Income tax)
taxable income
Find reasons for differences in tax values calculated using tax deduction tables and tax brackets.
Use both the tax deductions tables and the tax brackets to investigate how the tax value on a payslip is calculated
Possible assessment:
Analyse a payslip and show how the values on the payslip have been determined, including the UIF.
Possible assessment:
identifying the VAT inclusive value as being 114% and working out the value excluding VAT as 100%.
Additional comments:
Investigate the effect of an increase in salary on the amount of income tax payable.
Analyse, interpret and understand completed tax return forms issued by SARS as well as IRP5 forms supplied by the employer.
taxable income
Determine an individuals:
In order to:
gross income
IRP5 forms
Topic: Finance
net pay
tax rebate
net pay
Plan a trip to another country (e.g. Botswana or Zimbabwe), taking into consideration the cost of the trip (including transport and
accommodation), currency that will need to be exchanged for the trip, maps and other travel resources, distance chart,,etc.
Possible assessment:
Refer to the section on Time in the topic Measurement for more details on the specific content, skills and contexts relating to timetables and calendars that learners
are expected to work with in Grade 12.
Refer to the section on Maps in the topic Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world for more details on the specific maps that learners are expected
to work with in Grade 12.
When working with currency conversions, we commonly use estimation (without the need for a calculator) rather than formal mathematical calculations to determine
the value of a currency. It is this skill of estimating appropriately that should be the focus of teaching in this section.
* The focus in this section is on developing an understanding of the value of a currency in relation to other currencies and on the value of a particular currency in
relation to the cost of living in a country, rather than on repetitive calculation using formal mathematical content (that is, ratios and rates) and procedures.
Additional comments:
a travel budget
11 and
Develop an understanding of the buying power of a currency in a particular country (that is, the value of the currency in relation to the cost of living in that
Recognise the meaning of the terms strong and weak with regard to the relationship between different currencies.
In order to:
Work with exchange rates presented in foreign exchange tables found in newspapers for different currencies.
Topic: Finance
Measuring instruments (e.g. ruler; tape measure; kitchen and/or bathroom scale; baking measures - spoons and cups;
watches and clocks)
learners understand that the degree of accuracy required is determined by the context in which the measuring occurs (e.g. when determining the volume of concrete needed to fill a
hole, precision is not essential and estimation or rule-of-thumb methods are appropriate; however, when deciding on the different chemicals that must be mixed together to make a
type of medicine, precision is crucial)
learners understand that different measuring instruments will give different degrees of accuracy (e.g. measuring running times using a clock and a stopwatch may give answers that
differ in accuracy)
the approximate value of pi () of 3,142 is sufficiently precise for all calculations in Mathematical Literacy
learners know how to read values off different measuring instruments, scales, dials and meters
integration with the content and/or contexts of rates from the topic Numbers and calculations with numbers to determine quantities and costs, including:
integration with the content and/or contexts of maps, plans and models from the topic Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world
When performing calculations in contexts involving measurement, it is expected that problems will involve:
Sources relevant to measurement in the household and school, and for more complex projects (e.g. baking recipes and
conversion tables; plans of a school/house; timetables; prices of building materials; conversion ratios found on paint tins)
Topic: Measurement
Measuring temperature
Measuring volume
household cooking/baking/catering
Grade 10
Topic: Measurement
Grade 12
Grade 11
C = (F 32) 1,8
F = (1,8 C) + 32
10, 11
and 12
11 and
10, 11
and 12
Refer to the topic Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world for more details on the different types of scales, maps, plans and models, and the
specific calculations involving scale that learners are expected to be able to perform.
* Refer to the section below on Measuring temperature for more specific details on the contexts in which learners are expected to perform temperature conversions.
Additional comments:
the quantity of paint needed to paint a wall, based on a calculation of surface area, in litres rather than in m2).
(e.g. expressing the length of a house in metres rather than in mm, cm or km; or the distance between two towns in kilometres rather than in mm, cm or m;
In order to:
complex projects in both familiar and unfamiliar contexts (e.g. determining quantities of materials needed to build an RDP house) (Grade 12)
larger projects in the familiar contexts of the household and school and/or wider community (e.g. painting the walls of a bedroom or classroom) (Grade 11)
simple tasks in the familiar context of the household (e.g. household baking/cooking/catering projects) (Grade 10)
o cups ml
o spoons - ml
-- time:
o g - kg - ton
o ml -
o mm - cm - m - km
Topic: Measurement
length and
11 and
10, 11
and 12
10, 11
and 12
Use a tape measure or measuring wheel to measure the dimensions of a room or object (e.g. door, window).
Possible assessment:
Refer to the topic Numbers and calculations with numbers and the section on Rates for more details on content and/or skills relating to calculations involving speed.
* Refer to the topic Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world for more details on the different types of scales, maps, plans and models, and the
specific calculations involving scale that learners are expected to perform.
Additional comments:
perimeter, area and volume (see the section below on Perimeter, area and volume)
values using a formula involving length (e.g. area and volume formulae)
Estimate distances and/or measure distances accurately between objects/positions in space using appropriate maps and scales.
In order to:
complex projects in both familiar and unfamiliar contexts (e.g. determining quantities of materials needed to build an RDP house) (Grade 12)
larger projects in the familiar contexts of the household and school and/or wider community (e.g. painting the walls of a bedroom or classroom) (Grade 11)
simple tasks in the familiar context of the household (e.g. household baking/cooking/catering projects) (Grade 10)
rule of thumb methods (e.g. One metre is approximately the length from the shoulder to the fingertips when arms are outstretched; one metre is approximately one
large step/jump)
Topic: Measurement
mass (weight)
* Interpreting the Road to Health chart and other growth charts requires an understanding of quartiles and percentiles. Refer to the topic Data handling for a
description of specific content and/or skills relating to these sections.
medicine and/or other dosages using formula supplied and, if necessary, appropriate growth charts+
values using a formula involving mass (weight) (e.g. Body Mass Index of individuals; formula for calculating medicine dosage)
the cost of a certain amount of a product (e.g. calculate the cost of 2,3kg of bananas at R8,20/kg)
use recorded mass (weight) data, recorded length (height) data, calculated Body Mass Index values and appropriate growth charts (including the Road
to Health Chart and other similar growth charts*) to monitor the growth patterns of children.
use recorded mass (weight) data together with recorded length (height) data to calculate Body Mass Index values and determine weight status for adults
manage and monitor mass (weight) of self and other family members over time, recording data in tables
Measure out quantities to complete a task (e.g. ingredients in cooking and baking; fertiliser to be used in garden/agriculture).
In order to:
complex projects in both familiar and unfamiliar contexts (e.g. monitoring the growth patterns of a baby using growth charts) (Grade 12)
11 and
10, 11
and 12
11 and
10, 11
and 12
10, 11
and 12
larger projects in the familiar contexts of the household and school and/or wider community (e.g. determining the weight status of adults using Body Mass Index)
(Grade 11)
simple tasks in the familiar context of the household (e.g. household baking/cooking/catering projects) (Grade 10)
kitchen scales
bathroom scales
Topic: Measurement
mass (weight)
Make deductions about the health of the whole group and of the females compared to the males.
Use appropriate growth charts to determine the growth patterns and/or weight status of each of the learners in the sample
Determine the Body Mass Index (BMI) values for each of the females and males in the sample
Collect height and weight data from a sample of learners, including an equal number of females and males
Possible assessment (incorporating measuring length and weight, working with equations and data handling, that is, collecting,
organising and analysing data, percentiles and quartiles):
Make deductions about the health of the whole group and of the females compared to the males.
Determine the Body Mass Index (BMI) values and weight status for each of the females and males in the group, and use appropriate
frequency tables and/or graphs to compare the weight status data
Collect height and weight data from a sample of adults, including an equal number of females and males.
consumption rates (e.g. the rate at which water is being used in a household)
values using a formula involving volume (e.g. alcohol content of different drinks; E. coli concentrations in water; determining the run-off rate of rain from
a roof)
the cost of a certain volume of a product (e.g. calculate the cost of 2,5litres of milk at 7,99/litre)
(e.g. ingredients in cooking and baking; quantities of drinks needed for a function; volume of concrete needed for a foundation trench).
In order to:
complex projects in both familiar and unfamiliar contexts (e.g. determining quantities of materials needed to build an RDP house) (Grade 12)
larger projects in the familiar contexts of the household and school and/or wider community (e.g. monitoring rainfall over a period of time) (Grade 11)
simple tasks in the familiar context of the household (e.g. household baking/cooking/catering projects) (Grade 10)
11 and
10, 11
and 12
Possible assessment (incorporating measuring length and weight, working with equations and data handling, that is, collecting,
organising and analysing data):
Topic: Measurement
Use the rain gauge to monitor rainfall patterns for an area over time.
Plan trips, including working with currency conversions (exchange rates), travel budgets, transport time and fare tables (e.g. flight schedules), travel maps
and other necessary travel resources.+
Interpret resources that refer to temperature values in different units (e.g. recipes; travel documents/resources; overseas newspaper articles).
In order to:
C = (F - 32) 1,8
F = (1,8 C) + 32
Convert temperature values from degrees Celsius (C) to degrees Fahrenheit (F) using the following given formulae:*
Monitor the health of a child or adult (e.g. taking the temperature of a sick child).
Plan activities (e.g. determine whether or not to embark on an outing; investigate the most appropriate time to plan crops and/or the most appropriate crops
to plant in an area with particular average maximum and minimum temperatures; investigate whether a refrigerator has been set at the most appropriate
temperature for storing certain products).
In order to:
larger projects in the familiar contexts of the household and school and/or wider community (Grade 11)
simple tasks in the familiar context of the household (e.g. household baking/cooking/catering projects) (Grade 10)
weather reports.
Measure, monitor and interpret temperature values using appropriate instruments and/or resources, including:
Possible assessment:
11 and
10, 11
and 12
Grade 10 learners are not expected to have to perform calculations of volumes using appropriate formulae: rather, emphasis must be placed on understanding the
concept of volume and measuring volumes using appropriate measuring instruments.
Primary focus in Grade 10 is on helping learners to develop an understanding of what the volume of an item represents in relation to the quantity of a liquid object
on developing a sense for measuring out the volumes of different quantities of liquid objects using various measuring instruments (e.g. measuring jugs, and cups and
Topic: Measurement
area and
making choices regarding costs and/or quantities and/or materials used in order to complete the task/project within a given budget.
(e.g. On a house plan with a scale of 1:100, an inaccurate measurement of 1 cm on the plan will result in an error calculation of 1 m in actual length)
(e.g. When working out paint quantities estimation is appropriate; but when working with medicine dosages, accuracy is essential)
(e.g.Ttiles are bought in whole tiles and not in m2; spreading rates for paint are estimates only; certain products, such as wood and carpet, are sold
in running metres of a given width and not according to area)
-- using appropriate maps, plans and models to inform calculations and decisions#
determining and/or calculating appropriate quantities of materials/components needed to complete a task/project (e.g. sewing tablecloths; painting a
classroom; construction/building projects such as an RDP house), with consideration given to:
In order to:
complex projects in both familiar and unfamiliar contexts (e.g. determining quantities of materials needed to build an RDP house) (Grade 12)
larger projects in the familiar contexts of the household and school and/or wider community (e.g. painting a classroom) (Grade 11)
simple tasks in the familiar context of the household (e.g. household baking/cooking/catering projects) (Grade 10)
calculation for objects that can be decomposed into those listed above.
-- rectangles, triangles and circles (quarter, semi and three-quarters) using known formulae+
direct measurement (perimeter using rulers, etc.; area using grids, etc.; and volume using measuring jugs, etc.)
Calculate/measure the perimeter, area (including surface area) and/or volume of objects* by:
10, 11
and 12
11 and
10, 11
and 12
This statement should be taught in conjunction with the statement in the section on Maps in the topic Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world
that refers to planning trips. The statement must also be integrated with the sections on Budgets and Exchange rates described in the topic Finance, and timetables
in the topic Measurement (see below).
* Converting between different temperature units and/or systems is also included in the section on Conversions (see above).
Topic: Measurement
area and
area and
Calculate the actual housing density for a suburb, settlement or township by comparing the number of people living in a household to the area
of land occupied by the household; critique municipal housing density policies in terms of the findings of this project.
Investigation: Housing density (incorporating area and surface area, and data handling, that is, collecting data)
Investigate the number and cost of the tiles needed to tile the floor and/or walls in a building, taking into consideration the space for the
grouting between the tiles and the number of tiles that have to be cut to fit the floor space properly.
Possible assessment:
Critique the governments free water policy in terms of the findings of this project.
Determine the daily water consumption of a household, taking into consideration volumes of water used in a shower, bath, sink and other
Visit relevant stores (hardware store, nursery, etc.) to investigate the cost of the materials for the garden.
Determine how far apart the vegetables must be planted and how many vegetables the garden can accommodate
Refer to the topic Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world for more details on the maps, plans and models that learners are expected to work
within each grade.
Surface area:
Surface area of rectangular box
= 2 (l w) + 2 (l h) + 2 (w h)
Area of triangle = base perpendicular where: l = length; w = width; h = height
Surface area of cylinder with a closed lid and base
Area of circle = (radius)2
= (2 [radius]2) + (2 radius height)
Area of rectangle = length width
Volume of rectangular box = area of base/lid height
= length width height/depth
Circumference of a circle = diameter
Circumference of a circle = (2 radius)
Standard formulae:
All formulae for calculations involving perimeter, area, surface area and volume will be provided in assessments. Note that in all formulae learners are expected to
work with the approximate value of pi () of 3,142.
In Grades 11 and 12, focus shifts to include 3-Dimensional shapes, with calculations of perimeter, area and volume extended accordingly.
* In Grade 10, primary focus is on working with 2-dimensional shapes and calculations of perimeter and area of such shapes.
Additional comments:
Topic: Measurement
determining appropriate stopping locations with consideration of petrol consumption and fatigue
Plan and complete activities and projects (e.g. arriving at school on time; baking a cake; drawing up an exam study timetable; making sense of a school
timetable; analysing and following a production timetable for a construction project; the best time to launch a boat based on the tides represented in a tide
In order to:
complex projects in both familiar and unfamiliar contexts (e.g. timetable for a construction project) (Grade 12)
larger projects in the familiar contexts of the household and school and/or wider community (e.g. school sports event) (Grade 11)
simple tasks in the familiar context of the household (e.g. household baking/cooking/catering projects) (Grade 10)
11 and
11 and
10, 11
and 12
-- transport timetables (e.g. bus, train, taxi); production timetables e.g. for manufacturing an object or for constructing a house); and tide timetables (Grade 12)
timetables, including:
calculating elapsed time involving the different time formats (e.g. the amount of time that has passed from 8:45 am to 9:17 am; the difference in time between 1 h
23 min 12 sec and 1 h 39 min 4 sec)
-- time of day formats (e.g. 8oclock, 8:00am, 8:00pm, 20:00) (Grade 10)
Topic: Measurement
11 and
Plan a trip between two cities or countries, making use of maps, bus/train/taxi/flight timetables, tariff tables, exchange rates (if necessary) and
the AA fixed, running and operating cost tables (if necessary).
(The same assignment is provided in the section on Maps in the topic Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world.)
Each group is responsible for managing their own sports activity and for recording measurement values and times
Sports activities must involve measurement (e.g. long jump) and time (e.g. running times)
Divide the class into groups and each group is responsible for a different sports activity
Assignment: Mini-Olympics
Possible assessment (incorporating conversions, temperature, measuring weight and volume, and time):
Refer to the topic Numbers and calculations with numbers and the section on Rates for more details on specific content and/or skills relating to calculations involving
* Refer to the topic Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world for more details on the maps, plans and models that learners are expected to work
with in Grade 12.
Calculate speed (distance travelled in terms of time taken)+ (e.g. average speed travelled during a journey; the average racing speed of a participant in a
sports event).
preparing budgets for the trip by making use of relevant maps, timetables and fare tables, vehicle operating cost tables from the AA and other travel
Topic: Measurement
5-6 weeks
5-6 weeks
4-5 weeks
Grade 10:
Grade 11:
Grade 12:
Grade 10
Grade 12
Maps and plans of possibly unfamiliar
contexts and/or complex structures (e.g.
RDP house) and models of packaging
containers and buildings.
Maps and plans of possibly unfamiliar
contexts and/or complex structures.
Build 3D scale models of packaging
containers and buildings to explore what
the final product will look like.
Draw 2D scale pictures of 3D buildings and
packaging containers.
Grade 11
Maps and plans of less familiar contexts
and/or structures (e.g. office space) and
models of packaging containers.
Maps and plans of less familiar contexts
and/or structures.
Build 3D scale models of packaging
containers to investigate packaging
Draw 2D scale pictures of 3D packaging
Street maps, provincial and national road maps, and maps showing railway routes; timetables, fare tables and distance
charts appropriate floor plans and elevation plans; cardboard for making models
Work with the following types of scales on maps, plans and in the construction of models:+
10 m
20 m
11 and
10, 11
and 12
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using number and bar scales on maps and plans
Investigate the effect that resizing a map or plan with a bar scale has on the scale of the plan or map
Investigate the effect that resizing a map or plan with a number scale has on the scale of the plan or map
See the sections below on Maps, Plans and Models for specific details of the types of maps, plans and models that learners are expected to work with in Grade 11.
It is essential that this section on Scale be taught in conjunction with the content and/or skills outlined in the section on Measuring length and distance in the topic
* Although scale is a form of measurement, the section on Scale has been included as part of the topic Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world
rather than in the topic Measurement owing to the direct relevance of scale in the context of calculations involving maps, plans and models.
Additional comments:
Determine the scale in which a map and/or plan has been drawn in the form 1: and use the scale to determine other dimensions on the map and/or plan.
Determine the most appropriate scale in which to draw/construct a map, plan and/or model, and use this scale to complete the task.
Calculate map and/or plan measurements when actual lengths and distances are known using a given scale to inform the drawing of 2-dimensional plans
and pictures and the construction of 3-dimensional models.+
Calculate actual length and distance when map and/or plan measurements are known.
In order to:
with an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of each type of scale and the situations in which one type of scale is more appropriate than the other.
Plan and cost trips using timetables, fare charts, distance charts and budgets.+
Determine the operating cost of a vehicle using the fixed, running and operating cost tables distributed by the Automobile Association of South Africa.
Determine appropriate stopping locations with consideration of petrol consumption and/or fatigue.
the average speed travelled during a trip (that is, distance travelled in terms of time taken).
the amount and cost of fuel that will be used in travelling between two or more locations
the street names index located at the back of street maps showing the page and/or grid reference for various streets.
Find locations, follow directions and develop directions for travelling between two or more locations using the following mapping reference systems and/or
Describe the position of a building in relation to surrounding buildings (e.g. the building is directly across the road from the double-storey brick building).
Describe the position of an object (e.g. buildings, furniture, seats) in relation to surrounding objects.
In order to:
map showing the layout of the buildings and/or sports fields at a school
11 and
10, 11
and 12
11 and
10, 11
and 12
11 and
10, 11
and 12
Plan a trip between two cities or countries, using maps, bus/train/taxi/flight timetables, tariff tables, exchange rates (if necessary) and the AA
fixed, running and operating cost tables (if necessary).
Select the seats with the best view for an event from the remaining available seats.
Possible assessment:
Refer to the section on Time in the topic Measurement for more information on expected calculations involving time and relevant timetables.
A more appropriate context in which to test accurate measurement involves working with floor and elevation plans.
For this reason, maps should be used only for estimating distances, travelling times and petrol consumption between different locations.
* When working with maps, it is unreasonable to expect learners to measure and determine distances, travelling time, petrol consumption and/or average speed
accurately. There simply are too many factors that influence the accuracy of such calculations when working with maps: e.g. whether you cut the corner or turn the
corner on the outside of the road; or whether there are traffic lights or other obstructions like roadworks on a stretch of road.
Additional comments:
Decide on where to position a house or a garden in relation to the position of the sun at different times of the day.
Interpret elevation plans of buildings that include the words North Elevation, South Elevation, East Elevation and West Elevation.
Understand directions and signboards on roads and in map books that refer to compass directions
(e.g. Travel North on the M3).
In order to:
Interpret the following compass directions in the context of appropriate maps and plans:
(e.g. When travelling between two cities, a map with a large scale showing national roads and towns will be useful. Upon approaching one of the cities,
a map showing the suburbs and major roads in and around the city will be more practical to determine in which direction to travel to get to a particular
destination in the city. Upon arrival in a particular suburb, a street map with a much smaller scale will become more practical to navigate the route to a
particular destination.)
Work with a combination of maps showing different perspectives and scales to navigate the route to a destination.
Use instruction/assembly diagrams, containing words and/or pictures, found in manuals for:
Assemble an object based on the instructions provided (including childrens toys) to show the learners ability to follow instructions.
Draw instruction/assembly diagrams for an appliance where the instructions are given only in words.
Study the instruction/assembly diagrams for an appliance and write a detailed set of instructions in words to accompany and/or explain the
Possible assessments:
Complete the task presented in the instructions and/or explain what the instructions mean and/or represent, using everyday language.
In order to:
electrical appliances that require individual components to be connected (e.g. connecting speakers to a hi-fi; or connecting an aerial to a television)
plastic models
10, 11
and 12
elevation and
design plans)
Connect the features shown on elevation plans with features and perspectives shown on a floor plan of the same structure.
West Elevation
East Elevation
South Elevation
North Elevation
Determine quantities of materials needed by using the plans and perimeter, area and volume calculations.
Determine actual lengths of objects shown on plans using measurement and a given scale (number or bar scale).
Analyse the layout of the structure shown on the plan and suggest alternative layout options.
(e.g. the symbol for a window is a double line; the symbol for a door is a vertical line attached to a quarter circle indicating the swing direction of the door).
In order to:
a less familiar structure (e.g. office space containing cubicles; a garden/tool shed) (Grade 11)
a familiar structure (e.g. classroom; room in a house bedroom or lounge) (Grade 10)
rough and scaled design drawings of items to be manufactured (e.g. clothing; furniture) (Grades 11 and 12)
rough and scaled elevation plans (front, back and side) showing a side view perspective (Grades 11 and 12)
rough and scaled floor/layout plans showing a top view perspective (Grade 10)
10, 11
and 12
elevation and
design plans)
After interpreting the plans of a house, build a scale model and perform perimeter, area and volume calculations in the context of fencing,
paint, concrete, etc.
Possible assessment (incorporating finance, models, plans, perimeter, area and volume):
Use the plans to determine the quantity of paint needed to paint the classroom
Possible assessment (incorporating plans, conversions, area and surface area, and finance):
Additional contexts and/or resources include any other plans in the context of the learners daily life and in less familiar contexts relating to simple and complex
Additional comments:
a less familiar structure (e.g. office space containing cubicles; a garden/tool shed) (Grade 11)
a familiar structure (e.g. classroom; room in a house bedroom or lounge) (Grade 10)
Determine how long/wide/high an object should be drawn on a plan when actual dimensions are known.
In order to:
Determine the most appropriate scale (Grade 12) in which to draw a plan and use the scale (Grade 10 and 11).
10, 11
and 12
Investigate packaging arrangements using actual cans and a range of actual boxes.
Estimate quantities of materials needed (for example, paint; tiles) using perimeter, area and volume calculations+.
Critique aspects of the layout and/or design of a structure and make suggestions for alterations.
Investigate possible ways to stack/arrange boxes in a storeroom in order to minimise wasted space.
In order to:
3-dimensional scale models of buildings (e.g. classroom; storeroom; school hall; house) from given or constructed 2-dimensional floor and elevation
Estimate quantities of materials needed (e.g. paint; tiles) using perimeter, area and volume calculations
Investigate the number of furniture items that can fit into a venue, while considering the space needed for tables, chairs and walking around.
Investigate the best packaging shape to use for fragile and irregular-shaped objects (e.g. a television set), while trying to minimise wasted space and cost.
Investigate the best packaging shape to use for packaging a particular product (e.g. Should balls be packaged in a cylindrical or rectangular container?).
In order to:
3-dimensional scale models of packaging containers (e.g. packaging containers for balls, biscuits, etc.)
Determine the most cost-effective way to package a number of cans and/or boxes.
Determine the most appropriate way to package cans and/or boxes for optimal use of space.
In order to:
11 and
Build a model of a school hall to investigate the best way to arrange furniture (tables, chairs, dance floor, etc.) for a school function.
Possible assessment:
-- which container is the most suitable for packaging a particular item considering space and cost.
-- how many of each container can fit into a larger packaging/storage/transportation box
2D drawings:
3D models of buildings:
packaging containers:
In Grade 12, the primary focus is on using scale models and drawings to solve problems.
In Grade 11, the focus is primarily on helping learners to develop the skills to create scale models or drawings to investigate problems where actual resources are
unavailable or impractically large.
In Grade 10, learners are expected to work with actual cans and boxes to investigate packaging arrangements and considerations of space and cost.
2. scale models (including maps and diagrams) can help us to investigate problems and develop solutions (e.g. how long it will take to make a journey; how best to
place furniture in a room).
1. 3D-scale models made from 2D-diagrams/plans help us to better visualise objects (e.g. what a building will look like once it has been constructed);
* Models are constructed to represent the physical world for two main reasons:
Additional comments:
4-5 weeks
4-5 weeks
5-6 weeks
Grade 10:
Grade 11:
Grade 12:
It is important that learners understand the inter-connectedness of the statistical process and that these processes are
taught and assessed at related stages.
Every statistical process is made up of at least six inter-connected stages: posing a question; collecting data; classifying
and organising data; summarising data; representing data; and interpreting/analysing data. Every stage in the process
is dependent on the stage that precedes it and directly impacts on the stage that follows. If the data that is collected is
biased, then every following stage will be flawed; or if the data is summarised using an inappropriate average, then the
analysis of the data will be incorrect.
Other sources of statistics (e.g. websites; newspaper articles; test and exam mark sheets; sports results; sales figures;
education statistics)
values that can be read directly from
graphs and/or tables without the need
for estimation
Analysing data
Representing data
Summarising data
Developing questions
Collecting data
Grade 11
Grade 10
Grade 12
Classifying and
organising data
Classifying and
organising data
Collecting data
Transform the data into a form that can be analysed, or into a form that can be more easily summarised and/or represented, to find answers to the
question(s) posed on issues relating to the personal lives of learners (Grade 10), the wider community (Grade 11), and national and global issues (Grade
In order to:
Recognise that the way in which data is classified, sorted and/or grouped will affect how data is organised, summarised and represented.
frequency tables
Group collected data using intervals (where appropriate) (e.g. It is often appropriate to group test scores in the mark intervals 0-29; 30-39; etc.).
(e.g. Sort data relating to the heights of the learners in a class according to height only; or according to both gender and height; or according to gender,
height and class.)
Sort collected numerical data according to one (Grade 10), two (Grade 11) or more than two categories (Grade 12).
numerical data, further classified as discrete data (e.g. number of people; number of cars) and continuous data (e.g. weights; rainfall)
Collect data on problems being investigated relating to the personal lives of learners (Grade 10), the wider community (Grade 11), and national and global
issues (Grade 12).
In order to:
-- the impact that the choice of sample will have on the reliability of the data collected
-- the situations for which the different types of data collection instruments are most appropriate and the advantages and disadvantages of each type
Develop and use an appropriate form/instrument for collecting a single set (Grade 10), two sets (Grade 11) and multiple sets (Grade 12) of data, including:
Investigate problems relating to the personal lives of learners (Grade 10), the wider community (Grade 11), and national and global issues (Grade 12).
In order to:
Recognise that the way in which questions are phrased can impact on the data collected and, therefore, on the findings of the investigation.
10, 11
and 12
10, 11
and 12
10, 11
and 12
Develop a question or set of questions that requires the collection of a single set (Grade 10), two sets (Grade 11) and multiple sets (Grade 12) of data.
Recognise trends at different places in the data to facilitate finding answers to the questions posed on issues relating to the personal lives of learners
(Grade 10), the wider community (Grade 11), and national and global issues (Grade 12).
10, 11
and 12
10, 11
and 12
In order to:
11 and
10, 11
and 12
10 and
the strengths and limitations of each type of measure of central tendency and spread and the situations in which one measure is more or less appropriate
than the other measures (e.g. If there is an outlier in a data set, the mean average may be skewed by the outlier. As such, it would be advisable to
calculate the mean, median and modal averages, compare these averages, and then decide which average is the most representative of the majority
of the data values.)
the role and impact of outliers on the measures of central tendency and/or spread
the measure of central tendency referred to when the term average is used
quartiles and inter-quartile range values* (in conjunction with box-and-whisker diagrams - see Representing data below)
Summarise single sets of collected data (Grade 10); summarise and compare two (Grade 11) and multiple (Grade 12) sets of collected data using the
following measures of central tendency and spread (for ungrouped data only):
See the topic Measurement and the sections on Measuring length and distance and Measuring mass (weight) for a description of the types of measuring
instruments to be used in this context.
Learners are not expected to perform any calculations involving percentiles. If presented with percentile values in tables or graphs, learners should be able to
explain what those values indicate about the data.
interpret quartile values, inter-quartile range values, and box-and-whisker diagrams in order to make deductions regarding trends in the data
explain the process involved in determining given quartile values in a set of data
test and/or exam results for a large group of learners (e.g. for the whole school)
quartile and percentile categories used in analysing results (e.g. for the Grade 12 examination results)
Additional comments:
Determine the quantity of paracetamol (a drug found in several medicines, including Panado) to be administered to a child.
Analyse the health status of a child using calculated Body Mass Index values.
In order to:
Use quartile and percentile values, together with various measuring instruments#, in the following contexts:
10, 11
and 12
10, 11
and 12
Learners are not expected to draw box-and-whisker plots. They should be able to:
interpret the plot and explain what the shape of the plot signifies in terms of the spread of the data values.
In working with scatter plot graphs learners are not expected to draw lines of best fit. They should, however, identify and describe observable trends in the plots.
* Learners are not expected to draw pie charts in an examination. Rather, they must be able to interpret and read values from a pie chart and, if necessary, explain
how the sizes of the different segments of a pie chart have been determined.
Additional comments:
Identify trends in data to answer the questions on the personal lives of learners (Grade 10), the wider community (Grade 11), and national and global
issues (Grade 12).
In order to:
Read information from graphs and, if necessary, use estimation to determine values on the graphs.
the effect that the scale of a set of axes and the point at which the axes cross can have on the impression created by a graph.
(e.g. Although it would be possible to use a pie chart to show the monthly rainfall in a town, it would be difficult to identify trends in the rainfall pattern
from this chart. A bar graph and especially a line graph would allow for a much more in-depth analysis of the trends in the rainfall data.)
11 and
10, 11
and 12
that each type of representation offers a different picture of the data and that certain types of representations are more appropriate for particular types
of data
pie charts*
Represent single (Grade 10), two (Grade 11) and multiple (Grade 12) sets of collected data using:
Content/skills to be developed in appropriate contexts
and analysing
(e.g. A newspaper may use statistics on the number of deaths related to motor vehicles to paint a picture of how dangerous it is to drive in South Africa.
The Minister of Transport, on the other hand, may applaud the fact that the statistics show a drop in the number of road deaths.)
Investigate situations in which summarised and/or represented data is interpreted in different ways.
the spread (range) of the data and what this spread suggests about the data.
Ask questions about the way in which data has been collected, organised, summarised and represented to reveal possible sources of error/bias/
tables will often contain more information than graphs, but trends/patterns are not easy to observe.
the choice of scale on the axes and/or the point at which the axes cross impact on the impression created by the graph
when comparing different categories of data, if there is an unequal number of data items in each category, then the use of actual values or percentage
values to represent the data will affect the impression created by the data
using actual values to represent data values in a table or graph shows the population/sample size, but is often not useful for showing the relationship
between categories clearly
using percentages to represent data values in a table or graph is useful for comparing relationships in size, but does not reveal the size of the population/
Investigate how the choice of representation of the data impacts on the impressions created and conclusion(s) that can be drawn, taking into account that:
Identify and describe trends/patterns in data presented in tables/graphs and explain what the data indicates about the question/problem for which the data
was collected.
Read and select data from representations (that is, tables and graphs) containing data in order to answer questions relating to the data.
11 and
10, 11
and 12
In Grade 12, owing to the large and complex nature of the data dealt with in relation to national and/or global issues, it is expected that more complex estimation will
be required (e.g. Given that a bar representing the population of a particular age group lies between 23000000 and 24000000, the population in that age group is
approximately 23 500 000).
In Grade 11, it is expected that some estimation may be required, but that the estimation will involve estimating between two given values or estimating values where
tick marks are provided on the axes but only certain tick marks are labelled.
In Grade 10, it is expected that it will be possible to read and identify values in graphs directly from the values provided on the axes and without the need for
and analysing
10, 11
and 12
when conclusions are made from organised, summarised and represented data on a question or problem, those conclusions should be analysed in terms of each
stage of the statistical cycle to determine the reliability and validity of the conclusions.
once graphs have been drawn to represent data, the graphs should be analysed to determine trends or meaning in the data
once measures of central tendency and spread have been calculated, the meaning of these measures in relation to the data should be determined
when organising data, decisions should be made about whether to express data as actual values or percentages, and the implications of each format
when drawing up a questionnaire, questions should be asked about the reliability of the questionnaire
* Although the section on Interpreting and analysing data has been included as a separate section, it is essential that the interpretation and analysis of data occur at
every stage during the statistical cycle:
Additional comments:
Find answers to the questions posed regarding issues relating to the personal lives of learners, the wider community, and national and global issues.
In order to:
(e.g. Analyse data on the matric results and explain how the statistics may be interpreted favourably by the Education Minister and negatively by a
newspaper journalists.)
Develop opposing arguments using the same summarised and/or represented data.
Present the findings of the study to the management, teachers and learners of the school.
Analyse the data in relation to the national results presented in the 1st or 2nd National Youth Risk Behaviour Survey
Collect, organise, summarise and represent data on drug and alcohol usage drawn from learners in different grades and from different gender and racial
Make deductions about the health of the whole group and of the females compared to the males.
Determine the Body Mass Index (BMI) values and weight status for each of the females and males in the group, and use appropriate frequency tables
and/or graphs to compare the weight status data
Collect height and weight data from a sample of adults including an equal number of females and males
The same investigation is provided for the section on Weight in the topic Measurement. In other words, it is expected that this investigation will draw on
content and/or skills from both Measurement and Data handling
Possible assessment (incorporating measuring length and weight, working with equations and data handling, that is, collecting, organising and
analysing data):
Analyse the data to determine which appliances use the greatest amount of electricity during a specified time period.
Record, organise, summarise and represent data on the usage and consumption of various electric appliances
Design a data collection tool for recording how long different electric appliances are used in a household
1-2 weeks
1-2 weeks
1-2 weeks
Grade 10:
Grade 11:
Grade 12:
weather predictions
weather predictions
weather predictions
Grade 12
references to probability
risk assessments
cosmetic and other products making cosmetic and other products making
statements regarding probability
statements regarding probability
tests where there is the chance of tests where there is the chance of
inaccurate results
inaccurate results
Expressions of probability
Grade 11
Grade 10
In light of the above, the descriptions given below encourage teachers to focus more on interpreting situations involving probability than on the mathematical calculation of probability.
This involves developing an understanding of the concept of probability, familiarity with the different notations used in expressions of probability and developing a sense of whether a
situation is more or less likely to occur. Alternative contexts outside of the realm of dice, coins and games have also been suggested to reinforce this focus.
Calculations involving probability are often confined to mathematical calculations primarily in the context of dice, coins and games. Although we may encounter situations involving
probability and chance on a regular basis in daily life, it is very seldom that mathematical calculations are needed in order to make sense of those situations. E.g. you dont need to be
able to calculate the probability of winning a lottery to know that even though there is a chance of winning, that chance is very small. What is more important is having an understanding
of the concept of probability, together with a sense of whether an event is more or less likely to take place.
Games involving coins and dice; weather reports; newspaper articles referring to probability; cosmetic and other products
making statements regarding probability (e.g. 80% of the women who used this product ); products showing success
and failure rates for their usage (e.g. pregnancy tests; drug tests); information on a lottery; etc.
Topic: Probability
of probability
10, 11
and 12
* In Grade 11, the scope of the data that learners are expected to work with relates to the personal lives of learners and the wider community. In Grade 12, the scope
of the data relates to the personal lives of learners, the wider community, and national and global issues. For more specific examples of the types of data that learners
are expected to explore in each grade, refer to the topic Data handling above.
Additional comments:
Recognise that the probability of an event is expressed using fractions, percentages and decimal notation.
In order to:
11 and
10, 11
and 12
products making statements regarding probability (e.g. a cosmetic product that claims that 80% of the women who used the product now have less visible
tests where there is the chance of inaccurate results (e.g. pregnancy test; drug test)
weather predictions
Topic: Probability
(e.g. Even though we can use the historical win-lose record of two soccer teams to get a sense of who we believe might win in an upcoming match, there are
simply too many other factors that impact on the performance of the teams ( injuries of players; performance of the teams on the day) to be able to predict
with certainty what the outcome of the match will be. Our prediction of who the winning team will be is based on personal preference or knowledge about
the two teams rather than on long-term historical trends.)
Recognise the difference between predictions that are based on knowledge and intuition about a situation (e.g. the outcome of a sports match or horse race)
and expressions of probability that are based on long-term trends in data.
Recognise the difference between situations where the outcome of one event impacts on the outcome of another and situations where the two outcomes do
not impact on each other. (e.g. If a person buys more than one lottery ticket, does this increase the chance of winning? And if a person plays a slot machine,
does his or her chance of winning increase the more times he or she plays?)
Recognise that expressions of probability can only predict the trend of an outcome over a long period of time (for a very large number of trials) and cannot
accurately predict the outcome of single events (e.g. Even though people aged 18 to 25 years are deemed more likely to be involved in a motor vehicle
accident than any other age group, this does not necessarily mean that it is not possible that another age group might experience a higher number of
accidents during the course of a year. However, based on trends in the past, it is more likely that people aged 18 to 25 years will be involved in an accident.)
Recognise that expressions of probability are predictions about the future based on events of the past (e.g. Car insurance rates for people between the ages
of 18 and 25 years are generally higher than those for people between the ages of 30 and 55 years. This is because historically there have been more motor
vehicle accidents involving 18 to 25 year olds than 30 to 55 year olds.)
Understand the difference between the relative frequency and the theoretical probability of an event (e.g. The theoretical probability of a tossed coin landing
on heads is (50%). However, it is possible to toss a coin 10 times and for the coin to land on heads all 10 times - this is the relative frequency of that
Recognise that expressions of probability are only predictions about the outcome of an event (e.g. Although there is always a chance that someone may win
a lottery, this does not mean that there will always be a winner every time the lottery is played.)
In order to:
11 and
10, 11
and 12
11 and
10, 11
and 12
products making statements regarding probability (e.g. a cosmetic product that claims that 80% of the women who used the product now have less visible
tests where there is the chance of inaccurate results (e.g. pregnancy test; drug test)
weather predictions
Topic: Probability
for determining
possible outcomes
Topic: Probability
10, 11
and 12
11 and
10, 11
and 12
Learners are not expected to have to use tree diagrams and two-way tables to perform mathematical calculations of probability (e.g. multiplying probabilities
along the branches of tree diagrams).
The sections on tree diagrams and two-way tables have been included to provide learners with exposure to different tools and representations that can be used
to represent events involving probability in a graphical/pictorial way. The focus in these sections should be on using these representations to identify all of the
possible outcomes of an event, especially in situations where the outcomes are not immediately obvious.
* In Grade 11, the scope of the data that learners are expected to work with relates to the personal lives of learners and the wider community. In Grade 12, the
scope of the data relates to the personal lives of learners, the wider community, and national and global issues. For more specific examples of the types of data
that learners are expected to explore in each grade, refer to the topic Data handling above.
Additional comments:
two-way tables.
tree diagrams
In order to:
products making statements regarding probability (e.g. a cosmetic product that claims that 80% of the women who used the product now have less
visible wrinkles)
tests where there is the chance of inaccurate results (e.g. pregnancy test; drug test)
weather predictions
This team has a higher chance of winning the match than the other team.
The more tickets you buy, the higher your chances of winning
If you choose the same numbers every week for the lottery, then this will increase your chances of winning
Evaluate and critique the validity of expressions and interpretations of probability presented in newspapers and other sources of information.
In order to:
products making statements regarding probability (e.g. a cosmetic product that claims that 80% of the women who used the product now have less visible
tests where there is the chance of inaccurate results (e.g. pregnancy test; drug test)
weather predictions
Topic: Probability
Investigate the use of probability in determining risk in applications for car, household and life insurance.
-- The probability of winning a game improves if there has not been a winner for some time
-- The more tickets you buy, the higher your chances of winning.
-- If you choose the same numbers every week for the lottery, then this will increase your chances of winning
Investigate the following statements in the context of the national lottery and/or gambling:
Investigate how betting odds are determined for a sports event and evaluate the reliability of these odds
Possible assessment:
Investigate the concepts of false positives and false negatives for a pregnancy test.
Compare the probability values for the two experiments, discuss why they are different and explain how the notion that there is a 50% chance that a tossed
coin will land on either heads or tails has been determined.
Toss the same coin for a very large number of trials and then determine the probability of the tossed coin landing on heads for this larger experiment
Toss a coin a small number of trials and then determine the probability of the tossed coin landing on heads for this experiment
Give the game to your classmates and ask them to determine (without doing any calculations) whether the game is fair and if not, why not.
Develop a game using coins and/or dice and make the game unfair (that is, there is a higher probability of losing)
Possible assessment:
Topic: Probability
4.1 Introduction
Assessment is a continuous planned process of identifying, gathering and interpreting information about the
performance of learners, using various forms of assessment. It involves four steps: generating and collecting evidence
of achievement; evaluating this evidence; recording the findings and using this information to understand and thereby
assist the learners development in order to improve the process of learning and teaching.
Assessment should be both informal (Assessment for Learning) and formal (Assessment of Learning). In both cases
regular feedback should be provided to learners to enhance the learning experience.
Assessment of Mathematical Literacy
In accordance with the aims of the subject Mathematical Literacy assessment in Mathematical Literacy must measure
the extent to which learners are able to make sense of scenarios based on authentic and realistic, familiar and
unfamiliar real-life contexts by drawing on both mathematical and non-mathematical techniques and/or considerations.
As such, assessment tasks should:
require learners to select and use appropriate mathematical content in order to explore contexts;
require learners to take into account possible non-mathematical considerations that may have a bearing on
the desired outcome to a problem.
Some assessment tasks might more explicitly give learners the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding
of specific mathematical content and/or skills (e.g. the ability to solve equations or calculate statistics such as
mean, median and mode for different sets of data), while other assessment tasks might be less focused on specific
mathematical content and rather draw on a range of content and/or skills from a variety of content topics to explore
and make sense of an authentic context.
Teachers need to design assessment tasks that provide learners with the opportunity to demonstrate both competence
in mathematical content and the ability to use a variety of both mathematical and non-mathematical techniques and/
or considerations to make sense of real-life, everyday, meaningful problems.
Areas/topics of focus
Assessment in Mathematical Literacy is specifically focused on the Application Topics of Finance, Measurement,
Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world, Data handling and Probability. It is expected that the
Basic Skills Topics of Interpreting and communicating answers and calculations, Numbers and calculations with
numbers and Patterns, relationships and representations will be integrated throughout all topics.
Although teachers may choose to use assignments, investigations and tests to exclusively test specific concepts and/
or skills relating to the Basic Skills Topics, in examinations it is not expected that a whole question will be dedicated
to assessing the Basic Skills Topics in isolation from the Application Topic. Rather, the examinations will focus on
Level 1: Knowing
The levels of this taxonomy are described in Appendix 1 and are illustrated by means of references to an assessment
task (Responsible use of paracetamol) provided in Appendix 2.
When designing assignments, investigations, and especially tests and examinations, teachers should use the
following guideline for deciding on the number of marks to be allocated to questions at each of the levels of the
Table 1: Distribution of marks according to the levels of the Mathematical Literacy taxonomy in Formal
Assessment Tasks
Levels of the Mathematical Literacy assessment taxonomy
Level 1: Knowing
30% ( 5%)
30% ( 5%)
20% ( 5%)
20% ( 5%)
It is important to point out that in order to promote the vision that Mathematical Literacy involves the use of both
mathematical and non-mathematical techniques and considerations in exploring and understanding of authentic reallife scenarios, this taxonomy should not be seen as being associated exclusively with different levels of mathematical
calculations and/or complexity. In determining the level of complexity and cognitive demand of a task, consideration
should also be given to the extent to which the task requires the use of integrated content and skills drawn from
different topics, the complexity of the context in which the problem is posed, the influence of non-mathematical
considerations on the problem, and the extent to which the learner is required to make sense of the problem without
guidance or assistance.
Seven of the eight tasks are completed during the school year and make up 25% of the total mark for
Mathematical Literacy.
The end-of-year examination is the eighth task and makes up the remaining 75%.
Table 2a illustrates one possible Programme of Assessment for Mathematical Literacy for Grades 10 and 11.
Table 2a: Example of a Programme of Assessment for Grades 10 and 11 showing the weighting of
assessment tasks
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Control Test
Control Test
Control Test
Control Test
Grade 10
Grade 11
Term 4
* Teachers can choose to evaluate either an assignment or an investigation completed by the learners during each
term. By the end of the year learners should have completed two assignments and two investigations.
The suggested Programme of Assessment assumes that:
all the topics and sections are addressed throughout the year;
the topics are weighted in accordance with the suggested minimum weightings for each topic outlined in
Chapter 2 of this document;
content and/or skills are integrated across a variety of topics throughout teaching and learning, and in the
assessment activities.
Seven tasks are internally assessed and completed during the school year making up 25% of the total mark
for Mathematical Literacy;
The eighth task is an externally assessed end-of-year examination and makes up the remaining 75%.
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Grade 12
Control Test
Control Test
* In Grade 12, one of the tasks in Term 2 and/or Term 3 must be an internal examination.
In instances where only one of the two internal examinations is written in Grade 12, the other examination should be
replaced by a control test at the end of the term.
The suggested Programme of Assessment assumes that:
all the topics and sections are addressed throughout the year;
the topics are weighted in accordance with the suggested minimum weightings for each topic outlined in
Chapter 2 of this document;
content and/or skills are integrated across a variety of topics throughout teaching and learning, and in the
assessment activities.
Numbers and
calculations with
relationships and
Maps, plans
and other
representations of
the physical world
of relationships in
tables, graphs and
Financial documents
expenditure, profit/
loss, incomeand-expenditure
statements and
Measuring length
and distance
Data handling
All sections
All sections
of relationships in
tables, graphs and
Tariff systems
Break-even analysis
Measuring mass
Measuring volume
Assignment: Mini-Olympics
Maps, plans
and other
representations of
the physical world
Plans, conversions,
area, finance
Models, surface
area, volume
Data handling
All sections
All sections
relationships and
Financial documents
Exchange rates
Measuring mass
Maps, finance,
Plans, models,
perimeter, area,
volume, finance
Data handling
All sections
All sections
Maps, plans
and other
representations of
the physical world
Examination papers for Grades 10 and 11 will be internally set, marked and moderated, unless otherwise
instructed by provincial departments of education.
The Grade 12 final end-of-year examination is nationally set, marked and moderated.
Control Test
Control Test
Control Test
Paper 1
Paper 2:
Paper 1:
Paper 2:
Paper 1:
Paper 2:
1 hour
1 hour
1 hours
1 hours
2 hours
2 hours
(50 marks)
(50 marks)
(75 marks)
(75 marks)
(100 marks)
(100 marks)
Control Test
Control Test
Paper 1:
Paper 2:
3 hours
3 hours
(150 marks)
(150 marks)
Control Test
Control Test
Paper 1
Paper 2
Paper 1:
Paper 2:
1 hours
1 hours
2 hours
2 hours
(75 marks)
(75 marks)
(100 marks)
(100 marks)
Paper 2:
3 hours
3 hours
(150 marks)
(150 marks)
Each question will be contextualised and may focus on more than one context.
The fifth question will integrate concepts and/or skills from across all the topics in the curriculum.
The topic of Probability will be assessed in the context of one or more of these questions rather than as a
question on its own.
Scope of contexts:
Contexts used in the Paper 1 examination will be limited to those specified in the Curriculum Outline section of the
CAPS document thus the contexts used in this examination will be familiar to the learners.
Distribution of marks according to the taxonomy levels:
A Paper 1 examination should include questions at the different levels of the taxonomy according to the following
mark distribution:
35% (5%) of the marks at Level 2 (applying routine procedures in familiar contexts);
Each question will explore one or more contexts, drawing on content and/skills from two or more of the following
-- Finance
-- Measurement
-- Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world
-- Data handling
with the content and/or skills outlined in the following topics integrated throughout each question:
-- Interpreting and communicating answers and calculations
-- Numbers and operations with numbers
-- Patterns, relationships and representations.
The topic of Probability will be assessed in the context of one or more of these questions and not as a question
on its own.
Each question will include sub-questions consisting of a small number of questions at the routine procedures
(Level2) levels, and a greater number at the multi-step procedures (Level 3) and reasoning and reflecting
(Level 4) levels.
The focus of each question will be on assessing the ability to explore and understand a context(s) rather than
on mathematical proficiency.
Scope of contexts:
Contexts used in a Paper 2 examination will include both familiar and unfamiliar contexts and are not limited to
those specified in the Curriculum Outline section of the CAPS document.
Distribution of marks according to the taxonomy levels:
A Paper 2 examination should include questions at the different levels of the taxonomy according to the following
mark distribution:
Structure and
scope of content
and/or skills
Paper 2
5 questions.
4 or 5 questions.
Data handling
Data handling
Level 1
60% (5%)
Level 2
35% (5%)
25% (5%)
Level 3
5% (minimum)
35% (5%)
Level 4
40% (5%)
In order to achieve the aim of Mathematical Literacy to help learners develop the ability to use a variety of mathematical
and non-mathematical techniques and/or considerations to explore and understand both familiar and unfamiliar
real-life contexts, it is essential that assessment items and examinations draw on realistic and authentic contexts.
Learners should be asked to interpret newspaper articles, real bank statements, real plans and other authentic
resources, rather than contrived problems containing only a semblance of reality.
Weighting (%)
Application Topics
35% (5%)
20% (5%)
15% (5%)
Data handling
25% (5%)
Minimum of 5%
Paper 2
Overall allocation
Level 1: Knowing
60% (5%)
25% (5%)
30% (5%)
35% (5%)
20% (5%)
40% (5%)
20% (5%)
30% (5%)
Two examinations papers: Paper 1 (Basic Skills Paper) and Paper 2 (Applications Paper).
The structure of the questions in these papers should follow the structure suggested above for Paper 1 and
Paper 2 examinations (see Table 5 on page 99 above).
This means that in Grade 10 teachers can choose to include questions that assess the content, skills
and contexts covered in the Basic Skills topics of Numbers and calculations with numbers and Patterns,
relationships and representations (both of which designated to be taught in Term 1 in the work schedule
provided at the beginning of this document).
In Grade 11 teachers can choose to include questions that assess the content, skills and contexts
covered in the Basic Skills topic of Patterns, relationships and representations (which is designated to
be taught in Term 1 according to the work schedule provided at the beginning of this document).
Teachers can decide on an appropriate weighting of the topics assessed in the examination, possibly as
determined by the amount of content included in a topic or section and the amount of time taken to teach the
topic or section. The table below shows an example of a possible weighting of topics for a Grade 10 mid-year
examination (across both Paper 1 and Paper 2).
Table 8: Example of weightings per topic in the mid-year examinations
Weeks allocated in suggested
work schedule
(on page 14 above)
(% of combined
Paper1 & Paper 2)
Topic / Section
Outstanding achievement
80 - 100%
Meritorious achievement
70 - 79%
Substantial achievement
60 - 69%
Adequate achievement
50 - 59%
Moderate achievement
40 - 49%
Elementary achievement
30 - 39%
Not achieved
0 - 29%
Note: The seven point scale should have clear descriptors that give detailed information for each level.
Teachers will record actual marks against the task by using a record sheet; and report percentages against the
subject on the learners report cards.
Grade 10 and 11 tasks are internally moderated. The subject advisor will moderate a sample of these tasks
during school visits to verify the standard of the internal moderation.
Grade 12 tasks are moderated by the provincial subject advisor. This process will be managed by the provincial
education department.
Level 1: Knowing
It is important to recognise that this taxonomy should not be seen as associated exclusively with different levels
of mathematical calculations and/or complexity. In determining the level of complexity and cognitive demand of
a task, consideration should also be given to the extent to which the task requires the use of integrated content
and skills drawn from different topics, the complexity of the context in which the problem is posed, the influence of
non-mathematical considerations on the problem, and the extent to which the learner is required to understand the
problem without guidance or assistance.
Level 1: Knowing
Level 1: Knowing questions serve two functions:
To familiarise learners with the context in which problems are posed by asking them questions about the
To test ability to interpret contextualised information, to use familiar techniques to perform basic calculations
and to explain common terms.
Examples of the types of tasks at the knowing level of the Mathematical Literacy taxonomy include:
reading information directly from a table (e.g. the date on a bank statement; the time that a bus leaves the bus
performing basic operations on numbers (e.g. subtracting income and expenditure values to determine the
profit/loss for a business; adding values to show how the Amount due value on an electricity bill has been
measuring accurately (e.g. measuring the dimensions of a room on a given plan accurately using a ruler).
rounding answers appropriately as per a given instruction (e.g. rounding off an answer to one decimal place
when instructed to do so);
identifying the appropriate formula to be used in a given calculation (e.g. identifying the formula for the area of
a circle as area = radius2 from a given list of area formulae);
recognising and explaining vocabulary appropriate to a particular scenario (e.g. discrete and continuous
in the context of data; event and outcome in the context of Probability; dependent and independent
variables; debit and credit in the context of finance);
reading values directly from the values provided on a graph or table (e.g. reading off the cost of talking for 60
minutes on a cell phone contract from a graph showing the cost of calls over time);
performing conversions within the metric system (e.g. from mm to cm to m to km; from ml to ; from g to kg;
from seconds to minutes to hours).
In the Responsible use of paracetamol task in Appendix 2 below, Questions 1.1, 2.1.1, 3.1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 are
at the knowing level of the taxonomy.
Questions 1.1, 2.1.1 and 3.1.1 require the learner to interpret the given information and read information directly
from the tables in the text. None of these questions require a calculation. The intention of these questions is
to force learners to read the information provided in the tables and, hopefully, to help them to become more
familiar and comfortable with the context.
Questions 1.2 and 1.3 both require a basic calculation.
-- Question 1.2 requires the learner to determine the relationship between body weight and dosage of
paracetamol from the information given at the start of the task and to use this relationship to determine the
dosage for children of a given weight . The task requires the use of a basic operation (multiplication) and
all the information is given.
-- Question 1.3 requires the learner to use the same information and operation as in Question2 to complete
a table of values.
Level 2: Applying routine procedures in familiar contexts
Tasks at the applying routine procedures in familiar contexts level of the Mathematical Literacy taxonomy require
learners to perform well-known procedures and complete common tasks in familiar contexts. Learners know which
procedure/task is required from the way the problem is posed and all the necessary information to solve the problem
is immediately available to the learner. Routine procedures questions commonly involve single-step calculations,
repeating the same calculation several times, or the completion of a task with which learners are familiar (e.g.
constructing an income-and-expenditure statement to reflect an individuals finances).
Examples of routine procedures tasks include:
substituting values into given equations (e.g. determining the bank charge for depositing money into an account
using a given formula);
drawing graphs from given tables of values (e.g. drawing a graph to show the cost of a call on a cell phone
contract over time from a given table of time and cost values);
using tax deduction tables to determine the amount of tax to be deducted from an employees salary;
measuring the dimensions of the floor of a room and using the dimensions to determine how many running
metres of carpeting to buy to cover the floor of the room;
increasing or decreasing an amount by a percentage (e.g. determining how much a person will pay for a
television set if a 5% discount is given);
estimating values from the values provided on a graph or in a table (e.g. on a graph showing population
statistics in millions for the different provinces in South Africa, estimate the population of KwaZulu-Natal);
converting units of measurement between different systems of measurement using given conversion tables
and/or factors (e.g. using a baking conversion table to convert from g to ml when baking a cake);
using a given scale to determine actual length or distance (e.g. using a scale of 1:100 on a plan to determine
the actual length and width of the walls of a room).
In the Responsible use of paracetamol task in Appendix 2 below, Questions 1.4 and 1.5 are at the applying
routine procedures in familiar contexts level of the taxonomy.
Question 1.4 requires the learner to describe the relationship between input and output values in a table of data
by means of an equation. Since the relationship is linear and learners from Grade 9 upwards should be familiar
with this relationship, the task is one that requires the application of routine procedures.
Question 1.5 requires the learner to draw a graph of a linear function based on a table of values and/or an
equation. The knowledge and skills required to draw this graph have been developed in Grades 8 and 9 and
nurtured from Grade 10 upwards in Mathematical Literacy, and hence is considered to be the application of a
routine procedure.
Since it is expected that learners will deal with a large number of contexts in which the relationship between the
variables is linear, it is reasonable to suggest that the nature of the context is familiar, even if the learner has
not expressly dealt with medicine as a context before.
Notice that in Questions 1.4 and 1.5, the number of steps in every calculation is limited to one or two, or
a repetition of the same calculation several times. Also notice that it is obvious from the way in which the
questions are posed precisely what is required in order to complete the question.
Level 3: Applying multi-step procedures in a variety of contexts
Tasks at the applying multi-step procedures in a variety of contexts level of the Mathematical Literacy taxonomy
require learners to solve problems or complete tasks using well-known procedures and methods, but where the
procedure or method is not immediately obvious from the way the problem is posed. As such, learners may have to
decide on the most appropriate procedure or method to find the solution to the question or to complete a task, and
they may have to perform one or more preliminary calculations or complete one or more preliminary tasks before
determining a solution.
Situations in which a variety of mathematical and non-mathematical content, skills and/or considerations should
be utilised from different topics in the curriculum in order to make sense of a problem, are also at the multi-step
procedures level of the taxonomy.
Tasks at the multi-step procedures level contain far less direction or guidance than tasks at the routine procedures
level and require that learners make decisions regarding the appropriate content, methods and non-mathematical
considerations needed to solve problems and complete tasks.
Examples of multi-step procedures tasks include:
deciding on the most appropriate graph and an appropriate means of constructing that graph to represent a
determining the most appropriate scale in which to draw a plan, determining dimensions according to that
scale, and then drawing the plan according to those scaled dimensions;
determining the quantity of paint needed to paint the walls of a building by determining the surface area of the
walls of a building, using a conversion ratio to convert the surface area value from m2 to litres, rounding the
litres value up to the nearest whole litre and then making a decision about the most appropriate quantity of
paint to be bought based on available tin sizes;
using maps, a distance chart, weather report information and other travel resources to plan a trip, giving
consideration to where to stop for petrol, estimated travelling distance and time, and estimated travel costs;
researching the costs involved in a fund-raising activity and preparing a budget for the activity;
using given inflation rates to investigate the estimated value of an item over a multiple time period. (E.g. if a car
is currently worth R90 000, what would the car be worth in two years time if the value of the car depreciated
by approximately 15% in the first year and 10% in the second year?)
In the Responsible use of paracetamol task in Appendix 2 below, Questions 2.1.2 and 3.2 are at the applying
multi-step procedures in a variety of contexts level of the taxonomy.
Question 2.1.2 requires the learner to first determine how many mg of paracetamol is safe for a particular child
and then the number of measures of the medicine to be given to this child. This is a multi-step procedure and,
though not complex, the procedure is not obvious from the way the question is posed.
Question 3.2 requires learners firstly to choose between two graphs one for boys and one for girls and
secondly to select the appropriate line on each graph to answer the question. In this sense, the procedure is
multi-step in nature. While the learner may not have seen this exact graph before, it is expected that a learner
in Grade 12 will be sufficiently competent and experienced with graphs to understand the information presented
in this one.
Notice that in both Questions 2.1.2 and 3.2 it is not immediately obvious from the way the questions are posed
what calculations are required to answer the questions. Also notice that multiple steps are required in these
Level 4: Reasoning and reflecting
Tasks at the reasoning and reflecting level of the Mathematical Literacy taxonomy can be divided into two groups of
Questions that require a decision, opinion or prediction about a particular scenario based on calculations in
a previous question or on given information (e.g. analysing calculations performed in a previous question on
two different electricity costing options and making a decision about the most suitable option for a person with
particular needs; or critiquing a statement regarding crime statistics reported in a newspaper article; or making
a prediction about the projected income for a business based on current financial data).
comparing provided data on the performance of two groups of learners in an examination and explaining which
group performed better based on the available data;
providing an opinion on how a particular government minister might react to a particular set of statistics;
analysing a completed income-and-expenditure statement for a household and making suggestions on how
the members of the household could change their expenditure to improve their financial position.
Questions that require learners to pose and answer questions about which mathematics they require to solve
a problem, select and use that mathematical content, recognise the limitations of using mathematics to solve
the problem, and consider other non-mathematical techniques and factors that may define or determine a
solution to the problem. (E.g. when presented with adverts for two different cell phone contracts, learners have
to decide which method will be the most appropriate to compare the costs involved in the contracts. They may
decide to construct tables of values, or draw graphs, or use equations. Having chosen a suitable method, they
will need to perform the necessary calculations and then make sense of their calculations in order to make a
decision regarding the most affordable contract for an individual with particular needs. They will also need to
recognise that irrespective of the mathematical solution to the problem, the individual may choose a cell phone
based on personal preference, e.g. colour or cell phone model).
using calculations to compare income and expenditure values for a business in order to determine whether the
business is in a healthy financial position;
comparing bank charges on two different types of accounts for various transactions and making a decision
about the most suitable account for an individual with particular needs;
constructing a table to model a loan scenario, taking into account the interest calculated on the loan, the
monthly repayment and the closing balance on the loan every month;
using the model of the loan scenario to investigate the effect of changes in the interest rate on the loan and the
impact of increasing the monthly repayment on the real cost of the loan;
designing two different types of boxes for packaging an item, comparing the boxes in terms of wasted space
(volume) and materials (surface area), and making a decision about the most cost-effective box for packaging
the item.
In the Responsible use of paracetamol task in Appendix 2 below, Questions 3.1.2 and 3.3 are at the reasoning
and reflection level of the taxonomy.
Question 3.1.2 requires the learner to make inferences. Learners are expected to draw on what they have
learnt about the safe use of paracetamol in the questions so far to make deductions or inferences. The answer
that the learner provides will be within a range of possible values and the quality of the answer will be based on
the reasoning that is evident in determining the answer.
In Question 3.3 the learner is expected to evaluate the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. Firstly, the
learner should make inferences about why the manufacturer made these recommendations. Secondly, the
learner should critique the decision. In critiquing the dosage recommended by the manufacturer, the learner
has to draw not only on mathematical content, but also on his or her own experiences of the world. Therefore,
this question is at the highest level of the Mathematical Literacy taxonomy.
Calculate how many mg of paracetamol each of the following children can safely take per dose.
1.2.1. Gabriella, weight 12 kg
Weight of patient
6 kg
7 kg
8 kg
9 kg
15 kg
25 kg
35 kg
Write an equation that can be used to determine how many mg of paracetamol is a safe dose for a child of a given wei
Based on your answers to 1.2 and/or 1.3, draw a graph that can be used to determine how many mg of paracetamol
is a safe dose for a child of a given weight.
Question 2
Paracetamol is sold in supermarkets and pharmacies in the following concentrations:
Infant drops: 60 mg per drop (0,6 ml)
Syrup: 120 mg per medicine measure (medicine spoon) (5 ml)
Tablets: 120 mg per tablet
Page 1 of 3
The number of infant drops in a safe dose for a child who weighs 7 kg.
The number of medicine measures in a safe dose of syrup for a child who weighs 9 kg. (2)
The number of tablets in a safe dose for a child who weighs 12,25 kg.
Question 3
The directions for use on the paracetamol syrup (120 mg/5 ml) packaging state:
3-12 months old: 2,5 to 5 ml per dose
1-5 years old: 5 to 10 ml per dose
6-12 years old: 10 to 20 ml per dose
A maximum of 4 doses per day
3.1.1. What is the maximum dosage of paracetamol that should be given to a 7-year-old child?
3.1.2. According to these directions, what does the manufacturer consider the weight of a child who is 6-12 years old
to be?
Refer to the CDC weight-for-age percentile charts on the next page to answer the following questions:
3.2.1. According to the chart, how heavy is a 6 year-old girl whose weight is at the 25th percentile?
3.2.2. According to the chart, how heavy is a 12 year-old girl whose weight is at the 75th percentile?(1)
3.2.3. According to the chart, how heavy is a 6 year-old boy whose weight is at the 75th percentile? (1)
3.2.4 According to the chart, how heavy is a 12 year-old boy whose weight is at the 25th percentile? (1)
Based on the information provided in this question (including the weight-for-age charts) discuss the following, giving
3.3.1. How the recommended dosage for paracetamol syrup has been determined
3.3.2. Whether or not you think this is the most appropriate dosage to recommend
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Page 3 of 3
and budgets
and Tariff
Level 1: Knowing
from the different topics in the curriculum that can be associated with the different levels. These examples are meant to illustrate more clearly the difference
calculations and/or tasks associated with the four levels of the taxonomy. They contain examples of a small selection of questions, calculations and/or tasks
Mathematical Literacy taxonomy. It is essential to emphasise that the tables below do not provide a comprehensive or definitive list of all possible questions,
The intention of this section is to provide greater clarity about the types of questions, calculations, applications and/or contexts that fall into the different levels of the
Level 1: Knowing
Level 1: Knowing
Level 1: Knowing
area and
length, weight,
volume and
Level 1: Knowing
Level 1: Knowing
Use a given scale to determine the
dimensions in which to build a model
or make a 2D drawing, and complete
the project.
questions and
collecting data
Measuring data
Classifying and
organising data
Level 1: Knowing
expressions of
of probability
Level 1: Knowing
4.8.2 The policy document, National Protocol for Assessment Grades R-12.