Aeroplane Aerodynamics: Level
Aeroplane Aerodynamics: Level
Aeroplane Aerodynamics: Level
Aeroplane Aerodynamics
Level A1 A2 B1.1 B1.2 B3 11.1 Theory of Flight
11.1.1. Aeroplane Aerodynamics and Flight
Operation and effect of: roll control:
ailerons and spoilers, pitch control:
elevators, stabilators, variable incidence
stabilisers and canards, yaw control,
rudder limiters; Control using elevons,
High lift devices, slots, slats, flaps, flaperons;
Drag inducing devices, spoilers, lift dumpers,
speed brakes;
Effects of wing fences, saw tooth leading
Boundary layer control using, vortex
generators, stall wedges or leading edge
Operation and effect of trim tabs, balance
and antibalance (leading) tabs, servo tabs,
spring tabs, mass balance, control surface
bias, aerodynamic balance panels. 1 1 2 2 1
11.1.2. High Speed Flight
Speed of sound, subsonic flight, transonic
flight, supersonic flight;
Mach number, critical Mach number,
compressibility buffet, shock wave,
aerodynamic heating, area rule;
Factors affecting airflow in engine intakes of
high speed aircraft;
Effects of sweepback on critical Mach
number. 1 - 2 - -
Module 11
Aeroplane Aerodynamics 11.2 Airframe Structures
General Concepts
(a) Airworthiness requirements for structural
strength; Structural classification,
primary, secondary and tertiary; Fail safe,
safe life, damage tolerance concepts;
Zonal and station identification systems;
Stress, strain, bending, compression,
shear, torsion, tension, hoop stress,
fatigue; Drains and ventilation provisions;
System installation provisions; Lightning
Module 11
Aeroplane Aerodynamics 11.3 Airframe Structures
11.3.1 Fuselage (ATA 52/53/56)
Construction and pressurisation sealing;
Wing, stabiliser, pylon and undercarriage
Seat installation and cargo loading system;
Doors and emergency exits: construction,
mechanisms, operation and safety devices;
Windows and windscreen construction and
mechanisms. 1 1 2 2 1
11.3.2 Wings (ATA 57)
Construction; Fuel storage;
Landing gear, pylon, control surface and
high lift/drag attachments 1 1 2 2 1
11.3.3 Stabilisers (ATA 55)
Construction; Control surface attachment. 1 1 2 2 1
11.3.4 Flight Control Surfaces (ATA 55/57)
Construction and attachment;
Balancing mass and aerodynamic. 1 1 2 2 1
11.3.5 Nacelles/Pylons (ATA 54)
Nacelles/Pylons: Construction,
Firewalls, Engine mounts. 1 1 2 2 1
Module 11
Aeroplane Aerodynamics 11.4 Air Conditioning and
Cabin Pressurisation (ATA 21)
11.4.1 Air supply
Sources of air supply including engine bleed,
APU and ground cart 1 - 2 - 11.4.2 Air Conditioning
Module 11
Aeroplane Aerodynamics 11.6 Electrical Power (ATA 24)
Batteries Installation and Operation;
DC power generation;
AC power generation;
Emergency power generation;
Voltage regulation;
Power distribution;
Inverters, transformers, rectifiers;
Circuit protection;
External/Ground power. 1 1 3 3 2 11.7 Equipment and Furnishings (ATA 25)
(a) Emergency equipment requirements;
Seats, harnesses and belts. 2 2 2 2 2
(b) Cabin lay-out; Equipment lay-out; Cabin
Furnishing installation; Cabin
entertainment equipment; Galley
installation; Cargo handling and retention
equipment; Airstairs 1 1 1 1 - 11.8 Fire Protection (ATA 26)
(a) Fire and smoke detection and warning
Module 11
Aeroplane Aerodynamics 11.10 Fuel Systems (ATA 28)
System lay-out;
Fuel tanks;
Supply systems;
Dumping, venting and draining;
Cross-feed and transfer;
Indications and warnings;
Refuelling and defuelling;
Longitudinal balance fuel systems. 1 1 3 3 2 11.11 Hydraulic Power (ATA 29)
System lay-out;
Hydraulic fluids;
Hydraulic reservoirs and accumulators;
Pressure generation: electric, mechanical,
Emergency pressure generation;
Pressure Control;
Indication and warning systems;
Interface with other systems. 1 1 3 3 2 11.12 Ice and Rain Protection (ATA 30)
Ice formation, classification and detection;
Anti-icing systems: electrical, hot air and
De-icing systems: electrical, hot air,
pneumatic and chemical;
Rain repellent;
Probe and drain heating;
Wiper systems. 1 1 3 3 1 11.13 Landing Gear (ATA 32)
Construction, shock absorbing;
Extension and retraction systems: normal
and emergency;
Indications and warning;
Wheels, brakes, antiskid and autobraking;
Air-ground sensing. 2 2 3 3 2
Module 11
Aeroplane Aerodynamics 11.14 Lights (ATA 33)
External: navigation, anti collision, landing,
taxiing, ice;
Internal: cabin, cockpit, cargo;
Emergency. 2 2 3 3 2 11.15 Oxygen (ATA 35)
System lay-out: cockpit, cabin;
Sources, storage, charging and distribution;
Supply regulation;
Indications and warnings 1 1 3 3 2 11.16 Pneumatic/Vacuum (ATA 36)
System lay-out;
Sources: engine/APU, compressors,
reservoirs, ground supply;
Pressure control;
Indications and warnings;
Interfaces with other systems. 1 1 3 3 2 11.17 Water/Waste (ATA 38)
Water system lay-out, supply, distribution,
servicing and draining;
Toilet system lay-out, flushing and servicing;
Corrosion aspects. 2 2 3 3 - 11.18 On Board Maintenance Systems (ATA 45)
Central maintenance computers;
Data loading system;
Electronic library system;
Structure monitoring (damage tolerance
monitoring). 1 - 2 - -
Module 11
Aeroplane Aerodynamics 11.19 Integrated Modular
Avionics (ATA42)
Functions that may be typically integrated in
the Integrated Modular Avionic (IMA)
modules are, among others: Bleed
Management, Air Pressure Control, Air
Ventilation and Control, Avionics and
Cockpit Ventilation Control, Temperature
Control, Air Traffic Communication, Avionics
Communication Router, Electrical Load
Management, Circuit Breaker Monitoring,
Electrical System BITE, Fuel Management,
Braking Control, Steering Control, Landing
Gear Extension and Retraction, Tyre
Module 11
Aeroplane Aerodynamics 11.21 Information Systems
The units and components which furnish a
means of storing, updating and retrieving
digital information traditionally provided on
paper, microfilm or microfiche. Includes units
that are dedicated to the information storage
and retrieval function such as the electronic
library mass storage and controller. Does
not include units or components installed for
other uses and shared with other systems,
such as flight deck printer or general use
Typical examples include Air Traffic and
Information Management Systems and