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Agricultural Problems in Pakistan and Their Solutions

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The key takeaways are the importance of agriculture sector for Pakistan's economy and the problems it is facing including decreasing soil fertility, water wastage, low yields, issues faced by small farmers, water logging and salinity.

The major agricultural problems discussed in Pakistan include decreasing soil fertility, water wastage through flood irrigation, low yields due to old farming methods, exploitation of small farmers, water logging and salinity issues.

Solutions proposed to address agricultural problems in Pakistan include abolishing feudalism, focusing on small farmers, using modern farming techniques and machinery, constructing new dams, using modern irrigation methods, establishing agro export zones and providing subsidies.

Agricultural problems in pakistan and their solutions

Economy of every state depends on three sectors i.e agriculture, industry and commerce. These three
are interrelated with each other as the progress or retrogress of one sector effects the other two.
Pakistan is an agricultural state thus agriculture gains are of much importance than any other sector.
Importance of this sector is manifold as it feeds people, provides raw material for industry and is a
base for foreign trade. Foreign exchange earned from merchandise exports is 45% of total exports of
Pakistan. It contributes 26% of GDP and 52% of the total populace is getting its livelihood from it.
67.5% people are living in the rural areas of Pakistan and are directly involved in it.
There are two crops in Pakistan ie Rabi & Kharif.
Crop | Sowing season | Harvesting season
Kharif | April June | Oct Dec
Rabi | Oct Dec | April May
Major crops of Pakistan are wheat, rice, maize, cotton and sugar cane. These major crops contributed
7.7% last year against the set target of 4.5%. Minor crops are canola, onions, mangoes and pulses
which contributed 3.6% as there was no virus attack last year. Fishery and Forestry contributes 16.6%
and 8.8% respectively.
Though the agricultural sector is facing problems in Pakistan yet the major chunk of money comes
from this sector. Following are the major causes of agricultural problems in Pakistan which disturb the
agricultural growth or development in Pakistan.
Firstly,No mechanism has been adopted to eradicate the soil erosion and even after harvesting
nothing is done to improve or restore the soil energy. Therefore, the fertility of soil is decreasing day
by day. The thickness of fertile layer of soil in Pakistan is more than 6 inches but the average yield is
lower than other countries where layer of fertile soil is only 4 inches.
Secondly, water wastage is very high in our country. The archaic method of flood irrigation is still
in practice in whole of the country which wastes almost 50 to 60 percent of water. A new irrigation
system called drip irrigation system has been introduced in many parts of the world. This not only
saves water but also gives proper quantity of water according to the needs of plants.
Thirdly, owing old methods of cultivation and harvesting, Pakistan has low yield per acre that
means the average crop in Pakistan is just 1/4th of that of advance states. Where as Nepal, India and
Bangladesh are using modern scientific methods to increase their yield per acre. For this purpose,
these states are using modern machines to improve their yield.
Fourthly, Exploitation and plight of small farmers: the small farmers are increasing in our
country as the lands are dividing generation by generation. So, there are large number of farmers who
own only 4 acres of land. These small farmers do not get credit facilities to purchase seeds, pesticides,
fertilizers etc. Additionally, a large area of land is owned by feudals and the farmers who work on their
lands, are just tenants. This uncertain situation of occupancy neither creates incentive of work nor
does attract capital investment.
Fifthly,water logging and salinity is increasing day by day. No effective measures have been taken
to curb it. As the storage capacity of the dams is decreasing so the water availability per acre is also
decreasing. Therefore, the farmers are installing more and more tube wells to irrigate their crops. This
is why salinity is becoming the major issue in most parts of Punjab and Sindh.
Sixthly,focusing more on land, crops and yield problems the man behind the plough is always

ignored. While formulating the 5 or 10 years plan, no emphasize has been laid on the importance of
solving the problems of farmers. Most of the farmers are illiterate, poor and ignorant. In this wake
the loans issued by ADBP or other banks are used by them in other fields like repayment of debts,
marriage of daughters etc, in spite of its befitting use in agricultural sector.
Seventhly, The only mean of communication in rural areas is T.V or radio so it is urgently needed
on the part of these mass communication resources to air the programmes related to the new
agricultural techniques and allied sciences. But these programmes should be telecast in regional or
local languages. Because lack of guidance is the main reason of farmers backwardness.
The communication gap between well qualified experts and simple farmers have not been bridged.
Availability of these experts is not ensured in rural areas as they are reluctant to go there.
EighthPakistan is rich in fertile land yet the land is being wasted in different ways. 79.6% million
hectors of land is culturable where as only 20.43% million hectors is cultivated. The reason can be
described in two points.
A major area is owned by feudals. It is difficult to manage such a huge area so only that part is
cultivated which is easy to manage, the rest is left ignored.
The rise of industrialization has given threat to this sector. People are migrating to cities and cities
are expanding, thus new towns and colonies are constructed on fertile lands.
The irrigation system of Pakistan needs improvement as about 67% of the land is irrigated with
Ninth Monopoly of Foreign Big Companies The pesticides companies are sorting partnership with
World Bank. These companies are selling adulterated but expensive pesticides to a poor farmer thus
leaving him helpless. These pesticides are not only hazardous for health but also a filling the pockets
of companies. By moving according to world bank these companies are gaining their own aims.
Moreover there is a conflict of interests. It is not ensured that either the company conducting
agreement is basically trying to get access to international market or just working according to their
Tenth False policies of Government:18 billion in budget was allocated for agricultural sector of
Pakistan but the withdrawal of subsidy on pesticides and electricity on the conditions of IMF has done
serious damage to this sector. Whereas America and European Union are giving a huge amount of
subsidy to their farmers and that is a greatest hurdle in the implementation of W.T.O rules.
Additionally, price policy is very weak. In Punjab sugar cane is sold 200 Rs. per 40 kilograms. It was
purchased and later on stocked by Industrialist in their stores. When Brazil bought sugarcane from
International Market and prices become high, the Pakistan sugar mills owners projected demand of
selling sugar at high prices, thus Pakistan faced sugar crisis. Then Pakistan had to import Sugar at
high prices therefore, the prices of sugar went high in local markets.
Solutions For Agricultural Problems In Pakistan:
Feudalism should be abolished and lands should be allotted to poor farmers. This will enhance the
productivity and per acre yield of all the crops in Pakistan. Taxes should be leviedon Agricultural
income but not without devising limit of land holding. Other wise it would directly effect poor farmers.
Federal Seed Certification and Federal Seed Registration is approved but it should take
responsible steps in approving seeds as it has already approved 36 new kinds of seeds. Specially,
those seeds should be banned which can create pest problem in near future. These seeds are of cotton
mainly. International seed makers are providing those seeds which are not successful in our country
as these seeds are not tested on our soil.
A new Agricultural policy must be framed in which following steps should be focussed on.
- Small farmer must be focused. The major problems of small farmers should be solved first.
- Consumer friendly policy must be projected.
- Productivity enhancement programme must be constituted to adjust and support prices.
- Different Agricultural zones should be introduced. As Multan in famous for its Mangoes and
citrus fruits so it must be made Mango, citrus zone by which Perishable products should be exported.
This would enhance agro based industry and increase foreign reserves. Pakistan Agricultural storage &
Services Corporation needs to take steps in this regard.
- Corporate farming like giving lands to Mitehels, Nestle and Multinational companies is also a good

idea that will also help those who own a large area of fertile land but cant manage it.
- Surplus vegetables and fruits must be exported. A Rs 39 million scheme has been approved for
the current fiscal year for establishment of agro export processing zone for fruits, vegetables and
flowers. This will also help in commercializing agriculture
- Latest machinery should be provided to the farmers to increase the per acre yield. This
provision should be on easy installments so that the farmers can avoid the burden of loans. If possible
subsidy should be given by the government of modern machinery.- Modern techniques of
irrigation can solve the problems of irrigation in Pakistan. This includes drip irrigation and sprinkle
irrigation methods. By using this technique the farmers can save a huge some of money which he
pays for irrigation through tubewells and tracktors.
- More dams should be constructed on Indus, Jehlum and Chenab rivers. This will enhance the
storage capacity of water and reduce the per acre cost of all the crops. This step will also reduce the
salinity chances of the lands as less tubewell water will be flooded to the lands which cause salinity.

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