M976 26 PDF
M976 26 PDF
M976 26 PDF
AOAC Official Method 976.26
in Multicomponent Foods
Gas Chromatographic Method
First Action 1976
Final Action 1977
A. Principle
(Caution: Silanes are toxic. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Use
effective fume removal device.)
(a) Cholesterol standard solutions.Standard cholesterol available as No. 21502, Alltech-Applied Science Laboratories, Inc. (1)
Stock solution.1.0 mg/mL DMF. (2) Working solutions.Dilute
stock solution with DMF to obtain concentration range from 0.05 to
0.5 mg/mL.
(b) 5-Cholestane internal standard solutions.Standard 5cholestane available as No. 19505, Alltech-Applied Science Laboratories, Inc. (1) Stock solution.1.0 mg/mL n-heptane. (2) Working
solution.0.2 mg/mL. Dilute stock solution with n-heptane to obtain concentration of 0.2 mg/mL.
pentane and shake 1 min. Let layers separate. Drain aqueous (lower)
layer into second separator. Repeat extraction with 100 mL ether and
100 mL pentane, shaking 1 min after each addition. If layers do not
separate, add 40 mL reagent alcohol, gently rotate end over end 10
times, and let stand 5 min. Discard aqueous layer. Filter combined
ether extracts through column of anhydrous Na2SO4 into 600 mL
beaker. Evaporate to ca 10 mL under gentle N2 stream on 70 H2O
bath. Transfer extract to 300 mL glass-stoppered Erlenmeyer, rinsing
beaker with pentane. Evaporate to dryness under gentle N2 stream
on steam bath, and proceed as in 976.26G, paragraph 2.
E. Moisture Determination
(Caution: See Appendix B, safety notes on distillation, pipets, benzene, and petroleum ether.)