The Biography of Hadrat Khaja Usman Haruni
The Biography of Hadrat Khaja Usman Haruni
The Biography of Hadrat Khaja Usman Haruni
um of Hadrat Khaja Moinuddin Hasan Sanjari
Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez
Published by
2.The biography of Hadrat Khaja Haruni..09
Khaja were are added in this book . And also in this book
there are some great achievements which are not yet known
to the general, persons and other persons are published in a
very interesting style so, for this reason, the readers will
find great interest and attention in this matter.
From the above facts and details, if the readers will start
reading this books first page and will not stop its reading
till they will reach its last page as in this book some
interesting events and as well as other great miracles and
endeavours of holy saint are added and this holy saint to
have passed away from the world some 1,000 years ago.
Even though this is small book, but due to its importance
it is so great due to coverage of so many interesting events
and positive information in it so it is like an ocean of
knowledge and information of the holy saint and who have
passed away from the world upon doing his great
endeavours and many hard tasks for the preaching and
propagation work of Islam in the foreign land so this book
is small one but it will present the ocean of knowledge
and information for the guidance of people towards the
right path of Islam.
This book is edited and formatted as per the great book
Muslim saints and Mystics (Tadhkirtal Aliyah by Farid-aldin Attar) which is very famous in the Western world
among the English knowing persons. So, for this reason,
there will be some small differences in it while comparing
with the Urdu books and its literature. The aim of this
book is to present in the Western world where there are
great search and demand for the books of Sufism and
biographies of holy saints who lived and spent their entire
lives for the preaching and propagation of Islamic religion
in all corners of the world as per tradition and practice of
Allahs last prophet.
To write about this great saint Hadrat Khaja Haruni is not
only it is difficult and but it is very hard task as he was not
only a great pious personality of his time in the Indian subcontinent but he was also a great personality who is known
for many of his great achievements and miracles so in brief
he was Qutub (highest cadre in spiritual pivot at axis) of his
time and who did many great endeavours for the preaching
and propagation of Islam in the above areas with hopes of
its expansion to other adjoining and distant territories and
there was no such personality during his time.
It is my great honour and pleasure to translate this book
from Urdu into English, so I request the readers to read this
book because in it there are many revelations of the secrets
which are added in this book for which I shall be highly
obliged to all of its readers in this matter.
In the preface of the book Tadhikra Awliya (Muslim
Saints & Mystics), Attar mentions three books which he
recommends for those ambitious to attain a full
understanding of the pronouncements of the Sufis but in
Darwish person went.? And the people told him the way of
the Sheikh of Islam. And at one place he was reached there
and found him and reached near him and told him To give
him away from this city and that Sheikh told him he will
never give this city to him. So the Sheikh requested to
grant this city so that Sheikh told him that he was given
him 1/3 of Alxenderia City so the Sheikh requested him
again to add some more of it. Then Sheikh told him that he
was given him 2/3 of the city. Upon this Sheikh of Islam
was returning back from there.So for this reason 1/3 of the
city was burnt down and as 2/3 of the portion of the city
was given by Majzoub so it was safe and secure and no fire
went to that portion of the city of Alexandria.
From this tradition apparently it is not known that Khaja
Usmani did not have company of the above Majzub at any
time and with us it is fact that the company of the Sheikh
Usman with the above Majzub was held during his
beginning of the period on the path of Tariqat (mystic way
of life ). From the above tradition, it is confirmed that the
above Majzub was contemporary of Hadrat Abdullah
Ansari (R.A.). As per books of biography, it is confirmed
that the year birth of Hadrat Abdullah Ansari is 396 Hegira
year and death year is 481 Hegira. so the above event
happened and indeed it was happened before the year 481
Hegira year. If it is accepted this then this event which was
happened during the 480 Hegira then at that time Majzub
are silent and quiet in this matter. And their silence and
quietness are equal of not approving and rejecting of this
event. Because this is great history event of Sufi master of
Christ and who is also magnum (master) of the world and
Sufi master Khwaja Usman Haruni who left his country
and suffered much difficulties of the long journey and after
reaching Delhi and any authors of the books of Malfuzat or
any approved book did not certified this event and even
specific mention and clarification is not found in the
books and also there is not found any indication in the
books. So what is meaning of this tradition which is
available continuously.? Regarding the above tradition
which is known as ahad (traditions transmitted by only one
narrator in each link of the chain) and it is not fulfilling
the requirement and condition of ahad a little in this matter.
And also other than this during the period of Sultan
Altamish the stay of Hadrat Bakhtiar Kaki in Delhi which
is approved and confirmed by historians and authors of
books of biographies. So suppose if we accept for some
time tradition of book Dalil Arifin as correct because it is a
very old book as per time record and some or another
person who ever has compiled this book. So the tradition of
this book which is equal value of tradition of some other
old book.So from it is proved that Hadrat Qutubuddin Kaki
has reached to Ajmer along with his spiritual master Khaja
Moinuddin Chisti.So for this reason reference from book
The miracles
It is said that if any miracles or Super natural acts are
done by the prophets of Allah which are called miracles and
if the same such act is done by pious personalities then it
will be called Karamat (Super natural act). So, for this
reason, the reality of between miracles and Karamat both
are same and equal in this matter. But the technical term
has termed in this matter to distinguish in between both of
them and in this way both have been divided into two
kinds separately. For the prophets for the truth it is
compulsory for them to presenting their miracles in their
support and for the pious personalities, it is must and
necessary for them to conceal their Karamats (miracles).
As per our thinking Allah has send the prophets for the
purpose of the guidance of the mankind in the world so for
this reason they were sent in the world with super natural
powers so that it should be known and understand to the
mankind in the world and the mankind should know in this
matter that there is support and helping to the prophets in
this matter and so that the mankind should believe that
these pious personalities, without doubt, are sent by the
Allah in the world as true messengers and prophets. So
there was necessity was required with them and so, for
this reason, they will show their power in the world.
The holy persons of Muslim Nation do purification of
the mind by endeavours and mystical exercise so for this
way and due to this reason the mankind got guidance in this
matter. But the un-lucky persons were preferred iron collar
of censure in their necks. At last the last prophet of Allah
was announced clearly in the loudest voice.
And its translation and interpretation are as follows.
For you your religion and for us our religion.
When there was the completion of Islamic law and
regulation (Shariah) so, for this reason, there is no need to
sending any more prophets in the world for the guidance of
the mankind and in this matter to show the miracles to the
people. As in the present time Karamat (supernatural act)
is, in reality, is a miracle so for this reason for the pious
persons it should be necessary for them to conceal it from
the mankind in the world. In spite of this many pious
personalities of Allah from the Muslim Nation usually
were use to perform many Karamats. But in this matter ,it
should be remembered that there are such pious persons of
Allah are there who could not able to control their
condition. So from such pious persons due to over power of
the condition with them so there will be happening miracles
without intention and think in this matter. So from this, it
should not be said that the pious persons of Allah were not
able to conceal their miracles in this matter. They are not
eligible to fulfill the duty of not disclosing the miracles due
to no the ability to bear it. Because in the un-controlled
condition or in the condition of ecstasy which will be free
near of it there was a deep pit was there in which there was
capacity of 20 loads of carts fire wood to make fire was
there in it.
The Sheikh stayed there under a tree away from the
village which was a bank of a river and he was told his
servant whose name was Fakheruddin to go from there to
the village and bring fire and flour and to prepare bread for
the breaking of the fast.The servant went to the village and
he was purchased flour from there and he went to the fire
temple to take fire from there and at that time fire
worshippers were sitting around the fire temple and they
have prohibited the servant to take away fire from the fire
temple. So the servant has informed all details to the
sheikh in this matter. So, for this reason, he was getting
ready to retaliate and there was effect of this on him and he
was stood and went to fire temple area and was seen that
one person and whose name Makshiya was sitting on his
throne along with his 7 years old son and there were so
many fire worshippers were there in the fire temple. The
Sheikh has asked them what is the benefit of fire
worshipping ? and the fire which will be extinguished
with some quantity of water. And why they did not worship
the Lord of the words who made the world so Allah can
help them. Because fire is created by Him only.
One fire worshipper told him that In our religion fire
is having greatness with it so, for this reason, we pray for
it. The Sheikh told him that " You have spent most part of
your life in its worship so put your hand in it but the
condition is that your hand should not be burnt in it." That
person told that naturally, its habit is burning than who has
a power that one should stay near of it. Afterward, the
Sheikh took the boy on that person's lap and thrown him
into the fire. So, for this reason, the fire worshipers made
loud and cry. Then Sheikh recited Bismillah Ar-Rahman
Nirrahim (in the name of Allah the most Beneficent and
Merciful) and recited the following verse from holy Quran
and its translation and interpretation are follows.
Oh : fire is cool on Ibrahim with safety
The boy was there in the fire for 4 hours completely and
there was no damage at all to the boy. After that he took
the boy from the fire pit and fire worshippers asked the boy
what you have seen there? The boy told that except flowers
and garden noting was not seen by him there. From this
event, it is clear that Sheikh had with Velayat (sainthood) of
Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.). In short, all fire worshipper have
become Muslim. The Sheikh named Makhisa as Abdullah
and his son's name was given as Ibrahim and he was trained
and was given teaching and preaching both of them as such
that both of them reached to higher level of saint hood for
this reasons.
In the book, Kitab Tariq Salaf the above tradition is
mentioned as the progeny of the Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.)
The End.