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Tyson Ang MKTG435

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International Marketing (MKTG 435) Spring 2013

MKTG 435 International Marketing

Course Syllabus Spring 2013


Tyson Ang
Phone: (618)453-7778
Email: lakeland@siu.edu


Rehn Hall 235 A

Office Hours:

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 12:00 pm 12:50 pm

Additional hours available by appointment

Class Web Page:

All announcements, assignment instructions, course materials
and grades will be posted on Desire2Learn.

Required Text:

Cateora, P., Gilly, M. & Graham, J. (2011). International

Marketing, 15th edition. ISBN # 9780073529943
Available at SIU Campus Bookstore or online

Specific Prerequisite Course

MKTG 304 (Marketing Management) with a grade of C or better.
Restrictions: College of Business majors or minors, junior standing or higher; or
departmental approval required
Course Description:
This course will equip students with the tools and terminology to explore and
understand marketing practices in a global environment. Putting yourself as an
international marketing manager, you will learn the scope and challenge of
international marketing, the dynamic environment of international trade, the culture,
political, legal, and business systems of global markets, the global market
opportunities and finally, the ways to develop global marketing strategies. Students
will also learn to develop a formal analytic framework of decision-making based on
recent developments in the field of International Marketing through the group
project and case studies. This course is designed to provide students with the latest
understanding of global issues, disciplines, competitions and the necessary skills in
making strategic decisions based on a global perspective.

International Marketing (MKTG 435) Spring 2013

Course Objectives:
To acquire the basic knowledge, concepts, tools, and international
terminology necessary to understand international problems and issues
To understand how companies adjust their international strategies based on
the global environmental changes (e.g., globalization)
To build skills and respect toward the understanding of cultures of nations by
critically analyzing the social, political, legal, and economic forces that affect
the business performance of international marketing
To develop managerial reading skills with a goal of acquiring the ability to
understand and synthesize readings and business cases presented in a class
To build communication and teamwork skills through the group project
To familiarize students with extant tools of international marketing beyond
the textbook such as the Internet, government databases, etc.

Tasks and Grading - MKTG 435 Spring 2013:

1. Exams (50% of total grade)
There will be four in-class exams given during the semester and one final exam. The
format will be multiple choice questions.
2. Class Participation and Pop Quizzes (10% of total grade)
Your class participation score is based on my judgment of your attendance and
preparation before class. Each student is expected to be prepared and ready to
answer my questions for EVERY class by reading chapter(s), news article, and other
materials assigned. Comprising your participation score will be your performance on
unannounced quizzes, various assignments and contribution to class discussions.
3. Team Country Analysis Plan (30% of total grade)
This will consist of 2 parts 15% grade Cultural & Economic Analysis
15% grade Market Audit & Marketing Plan
o Please refer to the Team Country Analysis handout for a
comprehensive description of this assignment
4. Cases (10% of total grade)
You will need to submit a written analysis for TWO of the following THREE cases. You
can download the cases through D2L:
o EuroDisney
o McDonald
o Iberia Airlines

International Marketing (MKTG 435) Spring 2013

Total Point Schedule

1. In Class Exams 5 total
2. Class Participation and Pop Quizzes
3. Team Country Analysis Plan
4. Executive Summary (2 Cases)
Total points
Here is the grade breakdown:
90% - 100% = A
80% - 89% = B
70% - 79% = C
60% - 69% = D
<60% = F

Policies and Rules

There will be five non-cumulative exams during the semester, based on the readings, lecture
and discussions in class, and assignments. Questions will focus on your understanding of
International marketing concepts and your ability to apply these concepts to real-world
Exams must be taken during their scheduled class period. If you must miss an exam for a
documented, university-approved reason, contact me before the day of the exam to make
other arrangements. Only documented university-approved absences will be accepted if
you miss an exam for any other reason, no make-ups will be allowed and you will receive a
grade of 0 for the exam.
If you are late for an exam, one of the two situations will occur:
(1) After the first student has submitted his/her exam: receive a grade of 0 for that exam;
(2) Before the first students submission: can still take that exam but NO extra time.
Note: Examples of valid university-approved absences include: (1) participation in an
approved, official SIU activity (e.g. athletics, debate, AMA conference, etc); (2) confined
under doctors orders; (3) granted leave of absence from SIU for reasonable cause by an
academic dean. All approved absences require proper documentation, including absences
for medical reasons. All absences must be approved by the instructor prior to the class
session that will be missed, except for medical emergencies (however, note that medical
emergencies still require documentation.)

International Marketing (MKTG 435) Spring 2013

Academic Dishonesty:
Students found guilty of committing acts of academic dishonesty shall receive at least a
grade of F in the course. See the COBA publication "Policies and Procedures for Acts of
Academic Dishonesty" for details.
The bottom line is that academic dishonesty is unfair to other students, lowers standards
within COBA, and will not be tolerated in this class.
[NOTE: Falsifying the data collected for the class project is an act of academic dishonesty.]
Peer Evaluation Instruments
A peer evaluation copy is included at the last page of the syllabus. During the semester, you
have to submit your evaluation twice (Monday - 3/4 & 4/29)
Email Accounts and D2L
Every student is expected to have access to SIU email account and D2L that is checked daily
for messages and announcements. All class communications will be transmitted by the
instructor via either D2L or webmail account. All emails that are sent to the instructor on
Saturday and Sunday will be returned on the coming Monday.
Classroom Policies:
I expect students to treat this course like a job: Be professional in your speech, your writings
(including email), and your behavior; be on time; and be prepared.
Prior to Class
The format of this class necessitates participation and preparedness on the part of the
student. You must read all materials before the class to which they are assigned.
During Class
To ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to benefit from class, students should
observe common courtesy and respect the rights of others. Some professional courtesy
rules that should be observed in the classroom are:
1) Turn off all cell phones and personal electronic equipment out of respect for the
professor and other students.
2) Please refrain from talking in class unless you are addressing the professor or the whole
3) Do not surf the Internet, use instant messaging, or text message anyone during class.
Deviations from student expectations will affect your class participation grade.
4) You would use the bathroom before the class.
5) You would avoid being late, walking out in the middle of the class for any reason, or

International Marketing (MKTG 435) Spring 2013

leaving early.
6) You would avoid whispering and laughing with the person sitting next to you. You would
listen attentively, take notes, and manage your face and posture to convey interest and
If it appears to me that you are particularly unprepared for class or not abiding by these
expectations, I reserve the right to ask you to leave the room. Continued enrollment in this
course indicates agreement with these policies.
Late Assignments/ Cases
All of the assignments are due at the beginning of class on the listed due date. Late
assignments will not be accepted and must be sent via email to the instructor before the
start of class if you cannot attend for a valid reason. If assignments are delayed due to an
illness or an emergency situation, the individual involved must contact the instructor
BEFORE the assignment is due to explain the position. A medical certificate or other
supporting evidence will be required, although if necessary these may follow after the due

Other Important Information

A tentative schedule for the entire semester is included in this syllabus. Although much
though and planning was put into the course schedule included in the syllabus, the schedule
is tentative and subject to change as necessary to adapt to the specific needs of the class.
Occasional departures from the schedule, such as additional readings, assignments, and
activities, may be announced in class during the semester. Such announcements will take
priority over the printed schedule. Therefore, it is each students responsibility to be in class,
on time, and paying attention in order to keep up-to-date with whatever changes are made in
the schedule.
Academic Honest Policy:
All university, college, and departmental policies on academic honesty will be strictly
enforced. The consequence of academic dishonesty is failure in the course and referral of
the case to the Dean of the college for additional disciplinary action. Please see the College
of Business academic dishonesty policy at:

International Marketing (MKTG 435) Spring 2013

Extra Credit:
Note that I do NOT offer extra credit to individual students to make up for poor grade
performance. There may be opportunities during the semester that will be offered to all
students equally to participate in activities that would provide the potential to earn extra
points, but these are not guaranteed they will only become available as an opportunity
Emergency Procedures
Southern Illinois University Carbondale is committed to providing a safe and healthy
environment for study and work. Because some health and safety circumstances are
beyond our control, we ask that you become familiar with the SIUC Emergency Response
Plan and Building Emergency Response Team (BERT) program. Emergency response
information is available on posters in buildings on campus, available on the BERTs website
at www.bert.siu.edu, Department of Public Safetys website www.dps.siu.edu (disaster drop
down) and in the Emergency Response Guidelines pamphlet. Know how to respond to each
type of emergency.
Instructors will provide guidance and direction to students in the classroom in the event of
an emergency affecting your location. It is important that you follow these instructions and
stay with your instructor during an evacuation or sheltering emergency. The Building
Emergency Response Team will provide assistance to your instructor in evacuating the
building or sheltering within the facility.

**This syllabus is tentative (it can be altered at the discretion of the instructor)**

International Marketing (MKTG 435) Spring 2013

MKTG 435 International Marketing - Spring 2013

Schedule of Topics

Chapters/Supplementary Readings;
In-Class Activities;
Assignment Deadlines


Week 1
M - 1/14


W - 1/16

The Scope and Challenge of International


Chapter 1 & Photo taking

F - 1/18

The Scope and Challenge of International


Chapter 1

Week 2
M - 1/21

Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday Holiday

W - 1/23

The Dynamic Environment of International


Chapter 2

F - 1/25

The Dynamic Environment of International

Trade & Cultural Dynamics in Assessing
Global Market

Chapter 2 & Chapter 4

Cultural Dynamics in Assessing Global


Chapter 4

Week 3
M - 1/28

W - 1/30

F - 2/1

Country Team Analysis (Group Project)

Culture, Management Style, and Business


Chapter 5

Culture, Management Style, and Business


Chapter 5

Week 4
M - 2/4

International Marketing (MKTG 435) Spring 2013

W - 2/6

Catch-up and Review for Exam 1

F - 2/8

Exam 1 Chapter 1, 2, 4, and 5

Week 5
M 2/11

The Political Environment: Critical Concern

Chapter 6

W 2/13

The Political Environment: Critical Concern

& The International Legal Environment:
Playing by the Rules

Chapter 6 & Chapter 7

F 2/15

The International Legal Environment:

Playing by the Rules

Chapter 7

DUE: Written Case 1

Week 6
M 2/18

Developing Global Vision through

Marketing Research

Chapter 8

W 2/20

Developing Global Vision through

Marketing Research

Chapter 8

F 2/22

Economic Development and the Americas

Chapter 9

Economic Development and the Americas

Chapter 9

Week 7
M 2/25

W 2/27

F 3/1

Group Project Q & A

Catch-up and Review for Exam 2

International Marketing (MKTG 435) Spring 2013

Week 8
Group Presentation (Team 1, 2, and 3) 15 minutes each
M 3/4

DUE: 1) Culture and Economic Paper Due

2) 1st Peer Evaluation Sheet

W 3/6

Group Presentation (Team 4, 5, and 6) 15 minutes each

F 3/8

Exam 2 Chapter 6, 7, 8, and 9

Week 9


Week 10
M 3/18

Europe, Africa, and the Middle East

Chapter 10

W- 3/20

Europe, Africa, and the Middle East & The

Asia Pacific Region

Chapter 10 & Chapter 11

Chapter 11

F 3/22

The Asia Pacific Region

DUE: Written Case 2

Week 11
M 3/25
W- 3/27
F 3/29

Global Marketing Management: Planning

and Organization
Global Marketing Management: Planning
and Organization

Chapter 12
Chapter 12

Catch-up and Review for Exam 3

Week 12
M 4/1
W 4/3

Exam 3 Chapter 10, 11, and 12

Product and Services for Consumers

Chapter 13

International Marketing (MKTG 435) Spring 2013

Product and Services for Consumers &

Product and Services for Business

Chapter 13 & Chapter 14

M 4/8

Product and Services for Business

Chapter 14

W- 4/10

International Marketing Channels

F- 4/12

International Marketing Channels

F 4/5
Week 13

Chapter 15

Chapter 15
Review for Exam 4

Week 14
M- 4/15

Exam 4 Chapter 13, 14, and 15

W- 4/17

Integrated Marketing Communications and

International Advertising

Chapter 16

F- 4/19

Integrated Marketing Communications and

International Advertising & Personal Selling
and Sales Management

Chapter 16 & Chapter 17

M- 4/22

Personal Selling and Sales Management

Chapter 17

W- 4/24

Pricing for International Markets

Chapter 18

F- 4/26

Pricing for International Markets

Week 15


Chapter 18
Group Project Q & A

International Marketing (MKTG 435) Spring 2013

Week 16
Group Presentation (Team 1, 2, and 3) 15 minutes each
M- 4/29

DUE: 1) Complete Country Team Analysis Paper Due

2) 2nd Peer evaluation sheet

W- 5/1

Group Presentation (Team 4, 5, and 6) 15 minutes each

F- 5/3

Catch-up and Review for Final Exam


12:50 02:50 p.m.: FINAL EXAM (Quigley Hall 140B)

(Chapters 16,17, and 18 - NOT a comprehensive final exam!)


International Marketing (MKTG 435) Spring 2013


Using the scale to the right, rate each of your
7 - extremely good
teammates on each of the evaluation criteria
6 - very good
listed below. For example, if you believe
5 - good
your teammate has done a "good" job relative
4 - somewhat good
to the first criteria, then place a "5" in the
3 - neither good nor bad
blank next to that criteria.
2 - somewhat bad
Rate yourself on the right side below
1 - bad
0 - terrible
The results of this evaluation are confidential. Your teammates will be told their average
scores. They will not be told how any one team member rated them.
PERSON PREPARING THIS RATING: _________________________________
PROJECT NAME: _______________________________________
Rate yourself
______ ______ ______ ______ ______
Last name
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____
Attendance at group meetings
____ ____ ____
Quality of contribution to group
____ ____
Amount of time spent on project
compared to other members
____ ____
Quality of contribution to writing
final report
____ ____
Quality of initiative when
something needed to get done
____ ____
Reliability in completing assigned
____ ____
Contribution to presentation
____ ____
Quality of teamwork
____ ____
Contribution to team spirit
____ ____
____ ____
COMMENTS: (All comments you have about team member's participation will be helpful.
Please support all ratings of 4 or below with informative comments on the


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