Work Breakdown Structure
Work Breakdown Structure
Work Breakdown Structure
Figure 1
Large, complex projects are organized and comprehended by breaking them into progressively smaller
pieces until they are a collection of defined "work packages" that may include a number of tasks. A
$1,000,000,000 project is simply a lot of $50,000 projects joined together. The Work Breakdown Structure
(WBS) is used to provide the framework for organizing and managing the work.
In planning a project, it is normal to find oneself momentarily overwhelmed and confused, when one
begins to grasp the details and scope of even a modest size project. This results from one person trying to
understand the details of work that will be performed by a number of people over a period of time. The
way to get beyond being overwhelmed and confused is to to break the project into pieces, organize the
pieces in a logical way using a WBS, and then get help from the rest of your project team.
The psychologists say our brains can normally comprehend around 7-9 items simultaneously. A project
with thousands or even dozens of tasks goes way over our ability to grasp all at once. The solution is to
divide and conquer. The WBS helps break thousands of tasks into chunks that we can understand and
assimilate. Preparing and understanding a WBS for your project is a big step towards managing and
mastering its inherent complexity.
The WBS is commonly used at the beginning of a project for defining project scope, organizing Gantt
schedules and estimating costs. It lives on, throughout the project, in the project schedule and often is the
main path for reporting project costs. On larger projects, the WBS may be used throughout the project to
identify and track work packages, to organize data for Earned Value Management (EVM) reporting, for
tracking deliverables, etc.
Additional level 2 elements not shown here might include development environment support, logistics and
training, and installation and startup. See a skeleton sample WBS for a software and hardware system
development project at end of this document.
A WBS for a large project will have multiple levels of detail, and the lowest WBS element will be linked to
functional area cost accounts that are made up of individual work packages. Whether you need three levels
or seven, work packages should add up through each WBS level to form the project total.
WBS Numbering
WBS elements are usually numbered, and the numbering system may be arranged any way you choose.
The conventional numbering system is shown in the figure. The shaded box shown in the above slide could
be numbered, which would tell you it was in the second box in level 2, the second box in level 3,
and the third box in level 4.
WBS Dictionary
If a WBS is extensive and if the category content is not obvious to the project team members, it may be
useful to write a WBS dictionary. The WBS dictionary describes what is in each WBS element, and it may
also say what is not in an element, if that is unclear. Here is a sample of a WBS dictionary description:
WBS Element - Systems Integration Test Equipment Planning - This element includes the effort to
identify requirements and specify types and quantities of test equipment needed to support the System
Integration and Test process. It does not include the design or procurement of such equipment, which is
covered in Element
If you are using MS-Project or a similar project management software application, you may encounter the
WBS as a vertical list with indents to show structure. This will be compatible with the Gantt View data
entry screens. While some software packages provide a separate WBS view, you could prepare your WBS
in the vertical format using a word processor, and then cut and paste your WBS into your project
management software package.
Organizational Standards
Your organization may want to decide on a standard WBS format or group of formats, use these across all
projects, and communicate definitions widely so everyone will be speaking the same language. This can
save re-learning project lessons and can lay the groundwork for successful data gathering to aid future cost
WBS Implementation
When you set up a project WBS, think about how you will be using it later in the project. Try to consider
how you will organize the WBS, schedule format, manager assignments, and charge numbers, in your early
project planning. These days, the WBS in smaller projects ends up automatically being the indent structure
in your Gantt schedule, so pay attention to those indents, and make sure that is the WBS you want for
rolling up costs in your project, especially if you will be using EVM. It will be helpful if you can map the
charge numbers, managers, and task groups to each other. This will help you track costs and progress for
each manager. If your project schedule will on MS-Project, you may want to insert "text" columns into your
schedule (Gantt View) for project charge numbers and manager names.
If your project charge numbers cannot be linked to groups of tasks assigned to specific managers, you will
have no way to provide performance measurement feedback to managers.
Some project management environments have definite conventions for grouping items in a WBS. The best
method is to have a WBS that works for your particular project environment. The WBS should be designed
with consideration for its eventual uses. Your WBS design should try to achieve certain goals:
Be compatible with how the work will be done and how costs and schedules will be managed,
Give visibility to important or risky work efforts,
There are usually many ways to design a WBS for a particular project, and there are sometimes as many
views as people in the process. Experience teaches that everyone takes a slightly different slice of the
apple, so make sure WBS arguments seeking metaphysical certainty are quickly brought to closure. Simple
practicality combined with enlightened trial and error usually is the best approach.