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Linear Algebra and Gaming

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The key takeaways are that linear algebra concepts like vectors, vector addition/subtraction, and distance calculations are essential for creating the physics and movement in virtual game environments.

Vectors are used in video games to determine attributes of characters like position, direction faced, and speed. Vectors also define how objects look and are positioned in the virtual environment.

Vector addition and subtraction are used for physics simulations to calculate position, velocity, and acceleration over time as well as determining vectors between positions. They allow for interactions like jumping and projectile motion.

Linear Algebra and Gaming

Bryan Lutgen

This article will demonstrate how linear algebra is used with virtual environments in video games. It also has implementation of applied physics in a virtual
environment as well as calculations for distance, speed, and direction.


Video games are one of the most popular forms of entertainment today, but
it wasnt always like that. Before 1947, we did not have the technology to
project objects on a screen that could be interactive. Alan Turning, a British
mathematician, developed a theoretical computer chess program as an example
of machine intelligence. In 1947, Turing wrote the theory for a program to play
chess. His colleague, Dietrich Prinz, wrote it as the first limited program of chess
for Manchester Universitys Ferranti Mark 1. The program, however, was only
capable of computing mate-in-two problems and was not powerful enough to
play a full game. Technology has come a long way since then. The mathematics
involved with gaming must be understood before a programmer can build a
game. Gaming has two main aspects when it comes to design: Physical objects
and the virtual environment. Because there is so much to gaming, we will focus
on the virtual environment rather than the creation of the objects.


When someone plays a game, what do they see? Usually, the first thing they
see is all the physical attributes of the game. Objects are created using vectors, but we will go over what you cannot see. All video games rely on vectors.
When someone plays a game, there are different options that the game gives
them. They can play in the first or third person view, or they might have the
option to pick up a weapon with certain attributes. Vectors determine what
a character looks like, the position the character is at, the direction its facing,
and the characters speed. For programmers, its important to understand Linear
Algebra and the role it plays in game creation.
The picture shown below is showing three different vectors used in different
ways. The position vector indicates that the man is standing four units east of
the origin and two units north. The velocity picture shows that in one unit of
time, the car moves three kilometers north, and two units west. The direction
vector tells us that the Dragon is pointing east. Because vectors are used in
different ways, we need to know how to manipulate them.

Vector Addition/Subtraction and Scalar Multiplication

Vector addition and vector multiplication is very useful in game creation. For
starters, one needs to know how to add vectors together. Each component is
added separately in the formula. For example:

2 + 1

4 = (1 + 1)

(3 2)

(2 + 4) = 2


One of the most common applications in games for vector addition is physics.
Any physically based object will have vectors for position, velocity, and acceleration. For every frame, we have to add the velocity to the position, and the
acceleration to the velocity. Consider the example of a character jumping. As
the character starts the jump, his velocity is calculated by moving one space
to the right and three spaces vertically. This can also be put into terms of a
vector, (1 3). Because of a gravitational effect, we want to incorporate a vector
representing gravity, (0 -1). In each frame, it shows the characters new velocity
vector for each segment of time. Remember, these are not position vectors, but
velocity vectors.

Multiplication works in almost the same way. Taking from the previous example,
say the character jumps when he is over a special area, like a spring. In this
case, we can multiply the distance he jumps by a certain vertical amount. Lets
say that the spring multiplies the characters jump by 3 units vertically. This
would make the initial jump start at velocity (1 9) instead of (1 3). After the
initial jump, the gravitational forces vector would take into effect:

1 9 + 0 1 = (1 + 0) (9 + 1) = 1 8
Its at this point that we would continue until the character touches the virtual

Subtraction works in the same way as addition: subtracting one component at

a time. Vector subtraction is useful for getting a vector that will point from one
position to another. For example, lets say a character (Blue Guy) is standing
at (3 2) with a bow, and an enemy (Red Guy) is at (4 3). To determine the
vector that the arrow must travel to hit the red guy, we can subtract the blue
guys position from the red guys position. This gives us:

4 3 3 2 = (4 3) (3 2) = 1 1


Instead of calculating vectors, we also need to know how to calculate distances.

There is a different formula to use called the magnitude. The magnitude is a
type of scalar in the form:


a b
||V || = a b =
= a2 + b2
If a bomb goes off with a radius of 2 units, will it damage the character?
Character positioned at (3 3): Vector C
Bomb positioned at (1 2): Vector B

To find this, we subtract C and B to get the vector between them. After finding
the vector, we find the length using the formula for magnitude. This is the
formula used for the character and the bomb:

||C B|| = 3 3 1 2 = 2 1 = 22 + 12 = 5 = 2.23
If the bomb has an explosion radius of 2 units, the character would not be
harmed as he is far enough away.


In a game, vectors are not only used for creating objects to look at, but they are
used for physical characteristics such as simulated movement, gravity, velocity,
acceleration, and projection. We have only covered the basic topics of how linear
algebra is used with video games, but technology has come a long way over the
past five decades. Without mathematicians like Alan Turning, we would still
be looking at motion pictures through a projection screen. Linear algebra is
the key to game creation, and without the knowledge behind it, one cant fully
appreciate a games design. Not just the physical traits of the game, but the
unseen characteristics. Hopefully, with the knowledge gained from reading this
article, one can understand the basic mathematics behind the creation of a
virtual environment.

Works Cited

Newman, M. H. A. (1955). Alan Mathison Turing. 19121954. Biographical

Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1: 253. doi:10.1098/rsbm.1955.0019.JSTOR

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