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N - 8900.254 - OpSpec D092 Sample

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National Policy

N 8900. 254

Effective Date:
Cancellation Date:

SUBJ: OpSpecs A003, B039, B046, D092, and D108 for Part 129
1. Purpose of this Notice. This notice provides revised guidance for Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) offices and inspectors with oversight responsibility for operators
conducting airplane operations under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR)
part 129. This notice decommissions operations specification (OpSpec) B039, Operations in
North Atlantic (NAT) Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications (MNPS) Airspace;
B046, Operations in Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) Airspace; and D092,
Maintenance Program Authorized for Airplanes Used for Operations in Designated Reduced
Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) Airspace, both the 129 and 129.14 templates. This notice
also amends OpSpec A003, Aircraft Authorization, (129 templates) and part 129 templates
provides initial release of OpSpec D108, Maintenance Program Continuous Airworthiness
U.S.-Registered Airplanes, the 129 and 129.14 templates.
2. Audience. The primary audience for this notice is Flight Standards District Offices (FSDO),
International Field Offices (IFO), International Field Units (IFU), principal operations inspectors
(POI), principal maintenance inspectors (PMI), and principal avionics inspectors (PAI) with
oversight responsibility for operators issued OpSpecs under part 129. The secondary audience
includes Flight Standards branches and divisions in the regions and in headquarters (HQ).
3. Where You Can Find This Notice. You can find this notice on the MyFAA employee
Web site at https://employees.faa.gov/tools_resources/orders_notices. Inspectors can access this
notice through the Flight Standards Information Management System (FSIMS) at
http://fsims.avs.faa.gov. Air carriers (operators) can find this notice on the FAAs Web site at
http://fsims.faa.gov. This notice is available to the public at
4. Explanation of Policy Changes. The International Programs and Policy Division (AFS-50)
together with the Aircraft Maintenance Division (AFS-300) and the Flight Technologies and
Procedures Division (AFS-400) have decommissioned B039, B046, and D092, released D108
and amended A003 for part 129. The majority of the requirements contained in B039 and B046
are now covered by regulation. For RVSM, refer to part 129, 129.5 (ICAO Annex 6, Operation
of Aircraft, Part I, International Commercial Air TransportAeroplane, specifically 7.2.4, 7.2.8,
and 4.2.2); part 91, 91.180, 91.215, 91.706, and part 91 appendix G; 14 CFR part 25,

Distribution: Electronic Only

Initiated By: AFS-50


N 8900.254

25.1325; and 14 CFR part 23, 23.1325. For MNPS, refer to 129.5 (ICAO Annex 6, Part I,
specifically 7.2.3); part 91, 91.705, and part 91 appendix C.
a. B039, D092, and D108. Since those portions of B039 which were not covered by
regulation are part of a maintenance function that needed to be incorporated into D OpSpecs,
initially AFS-50 and AFS-400 incorporated the amendments into D092. Upon further review,
AFS-50 together with AFS-400, to avoid confusion with the U.S. certificate holder D OpSpecs
templates, decommissioned D092 and rolled the changes into D108. The new D108 is as follows:
Maintenance Program Continuous Airworthiness U.S.-Registered Airplanes
(renamed decommissioned D092).
Written into plain language.
Text already covered by regulations and other OpSpecs has been deleted.
Added a selectable subparagraph for NAT/MNPS (previously subparagraph b (4) in

Table has been revised as follows:

Three main columns: Aircraft, For Operations in RVSM Airspace, and For
Operation Requiring a Lateral Navigation Specifications.
Under the For Operation Requiring Lateral Navigation Specifications, added
two columns, one for Equipment (Manufacturer/Model) and the other for
Performance Specification, each column with dropdown selectable options.
Note: For Operation Requiring Lateral Navigation Specifications added RNP 4,
RNP 10, B-RNAV/RNAV 5 (+/-5nm), B-RNAV (+/-1nm) etc. to the dropdown
under Performance specification because they are all tied to navigation
b. A003 was Revised as Follows:

Written into plain language.

Text already covered by regulations and other OpSpecs has been deleted.

References to B046 and B039 were deleted.

The last two columns of the table were replaced with a single selectable column titled

Added a selectable limitation for aircraft which do not have a minimum equipment
list (MEL) and guidance (for text box instructions) relating to the listing of these

5. Action. This is a mandatory change affecting principal inspectors (PI) with responsibility for
the issuance, amendment, and oversight of OpSpecs for part 129. If previously issued, PIs must
manually archive B039, B046, and D092, reissue A003, A004, and if applicable issue D108. This
action must be accomplished within 180 calendar days of the effective date of this notice or at
such a time that A004 is being reissued (for example, when authorizing a new optional OpSpec),
whichever occurs first.


N 8900.254

Note: PIs may find a job aid for D108 in Web-based Operations Safety System
(WebOPSS) by selecting D108 in any of the certificate-holding district office
(CHDO) grids (Available, Workspace, Issues and Archived) and clicking on the
Guidance button.
6. Disposition. We will incorporate the information in this notice into FAA Order 8900.1,
before this notice expires. Please direct any questions or comments concerning the information in
this notice to the International Operations Branch (AFS-52) at 202-385-8070.

John Barbagallo
Acting Director, Flight Standards Service


N 8900.254
Appendix A

Appendix A. Sample OpSpec D108, Maintenance Program-Continuous Airworthiness U.S. Registered

Airplanes: 14 CFR Part 129


The aircraft shall be maintained as follows:




For Operation in RVSM Airspace


Approved RVSM Maintenance

Document Name

Date and


For Operation Requiring a Lateral Navigation

Performance Specification

(Select the text box for subparagraph b only if authorized for MNPS. This is not template text.)
b. Operations in the North Atlantic Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications (NAT/MNPS) Airspace must be conducted in accordance with 14 CFR
part 91, 91.705. Suitable displays must be available at each pilots station to permit continuous monitoring of the long-range navigation systems (LRNS)
crosstrack and alongtrack information.



N 8900.254
Appendix B

Appendix B. Sample OpSpec A003, Aircraft Authorized for Operations to the United States: 14 CFR Part 129


Authorization. The foreign air carrier is authorized to conduct its operations in the United States using only the following:



Configuration, Conditions and Certain Operations Authorized


En Route

Condition of

Part 36



Limitations. The following authorizations and Limitations apply:

(1) All State of the Operator more restrictive limitations apply.
(2) The following aircraft listed below do not have a minimum equipment list (MEL). Accordingly, the foreign air carrier may not take off the following
aircraft with inoperable instruments or equipment installed.


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