Iodine Clock Reaction
Iodine Clock Reaction
Iodine Clock Reaction
Publication No. 4601
Clock Reactions
Beakers, 250-mL, 6
Beakers, 400-mL, 6
Timer or stopwatch
Hot Plate
Safety Precautions
Potassium iodate is an oxidizer. It is moderately toxic by ingestion and a body tissue irritant. Sodium meta-bisulfite is a skin
and tissue irritant. Sulfuric acid solution is corrosive to eyes, skin and other tissues. Wear chemical splash goggles, a chemicalresistant apron and chemical-resistant gloves. Please review current Material Safety Data Sheets for additional safety, handling,
and disposal information.
Preparation of A Solutions:
1. Label six 400-mL beakers as 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, and 6A.
2. Pour 50 mL of the 0.2 M potassium iodate solution plus 150 mL of distilled or deionized water into beakers 1A, 4A, and 5A.
3. Pour 100 mL of the 0.2 M potassium iodate solution plus 100 mL of distilled or deionized water into beaker 2A.
4. Pour 25 mL of the 0.2 M potassium iodate solution plus 175 mL of distilled or deionized water into beaker 3A.
5. Place beaker 4A on a hot plate and warm it to about 45 C. Place beaker 5A into an ice bath and cool it to about 10 C.
6. Pour 50 mL of the 0.2 M potassium iodate solution, 140 mL of distilled or deionized water, and 10 mL of the 0.1 M
sulfuric acid solution into beaker 6A.
7. Check to make sure each beaker contains 200 mL of solution. Use the table below as a guide.
Beaker 1A
Beaker 2A
Beaker 3A
Beaker 4A
Beaker 5A
Beaker 6A
Potassium Iodate
Solution, 0.2 M
50 mL
100 mL
25 mL
50 mL
50 mL
50 mL
Distilled or
Deionized Water
150 mL
100 mL
175 mL
150 mL
150 mL
140 mL
Sulfuric Acid
Solution, 0.1 M
10 mL
0.05 M
0.1 M
0.025 M
0.05 M
0.05 M
0.05 M
0.04 M
0.07 M
0.02 M
0.04 M
0.04 M
0.04 M
before mixing
with Solution B
after mixing
with Solution B
Preparation of B Solutions:
1. Add 420 mL of distilled or deionized water to the 500-mL bottle that contains (16 g) solid sodium meta-bisulfite. Put on the cap
and shake well until the solid is dissolved. This is now a 0.20 M sodium meta-bisulfite solution. Prepare this solution fresh.
2. Prepare 1300 mL of 2% starch solution by making a smooth paste of 26 g soluble starch and 130 mL distilled or deionized
water. Pour the paste into 1170 mL of boiling water while stirring. Cool to room temperature before using. Starch solution
has a poor shelf life and will form mold if kept for too long. Prepare this solution fresh.
3. Label six 250-mL beakers as 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, and 6B.
4. Pour 10 mL of the 0.20 M sodium meta-bisulfite solution, 30 mL of the starch solution, and 40 mL of distilled or deionized
water into each of these beakers. Stir each solution.
Beaker 1A
Beaker 2A
Beaker 3A
Beaker 4A
Beaker 5A
Beaker 6A
Solution, 0.20 M
10 mL
10 mL
10 mL
10 mL
10 mL
10 mL
Starch Solution
30 mL
30 mL
30 mL
30 mL
30 mL
30 mL
Distilled or
Deionized Water
40 mL
40 mL
40 mL
40 mL
40 mL
40 mL
0.025 M
0.025 M
0.025 M
0.025 M
0.025 M
0.025 M
0.007 M
0.007 M
0.007 M
0.007 M
0.007 M
0.007 M
before mixing
with Solution A
after mixing
with Solution A
1. Make a data table on the chalkboard or on an overhead like the following one.
1 (Control)
0.04 M
0.07 M
0.02 M
0.04 M
0.04 M
0.04 M
0.007 M
0.007 M
0.007 M
0.007 M
0.007 M
0.007 M
Room Temp
Room Temp
Room Temp
Room Temp
Catalyst Added
Time Until the
Appearance of the
Blue Color (sec)
Control Reaction:
2. Place the 400-mL beakers containing the A Solutions on the demonstration table in order.
3. Pour Solution 1B into Solution 1A. Carefully time the reaction with a stopwatch or timer. Measure the time from when the
two solutions are mixed until the appearance of the blue color. Record the time in column 1 of the data table. The rate of this
reaction will be the rate against which the others are compared. This is the control.
Effect of Concentration on the Rate:
4. Pour Solution 2B into Solution 2A. Measure the time until the appearance of the blue color. Solution 2A is twice as concentrated as Solution 1A, so this rate should be about twice that of the rate in the control reaction (the time will be half that of
the control). Record the time in column 2 of the data table.
5. Pour Solution 3B into Solution 3A. Measure the time until the appearance of the blue color. Solution 3A is half as concentrated as Solution 1A, so this rate should be about half that of the rate in the control reaction (the time should be double that
of the control). Record the time in column 3 of the data table.
Effect of Temperature on the Rate:
6. Carefully remove Solution 4A from the hot plate. Measure the temperature of solution 4A. Immediately pour Solution 4B
into Solution 4A. Measure the time until the appearance of the blue color. Because Solution 4A was warmed, the rate of
reaction should be faster than that of the control reaction (the time should be less than that of the control). Record the temperature of Solution 4A and the time in column 4 of the data table.
7. Remove Solution 5A from the ice bath. Measure the temperature of Solution 5A. Immediately pour Solution 5B into
Solution 5A. Measure the time until the appearance of the blue color. Because Solution 5A was cooled, the rate of reaction
should be slower than that of the control reaction (the time should be more than that of the control). Record the temperature
of Solution 5A and the time in column 5 of the data table.
Effect of a Catalyst on the Rate:
8. Pour Solution 6B into Solution 6A. Measure the time until the appearance of the blue color. The sulfuric acid solution added
to Solution 6B serves as a catalyst in the reaction, so the rate of this reaction should be faster than that of the control reaction (the time should be less than that of the control). Record the time in column 6 of the data table.
Time Until the
Appearance of the
Blue Color (sec)
6 sec
3 sec
12 sec
4 sec
8 sec
2 sec
Please consult your current Flinn Scientific Catalog/Reference Manual for general guidelines and specific procedures governing the disposal of laboratory waste. The final solutions may be disposed of according to Flinn Suggested Disposal Method #26b.
This demonstration may be more dramatic if six student volunteers are recruited to help. They can each be given prepared
solutions and asked to mix the solutions simultaneously in front of the class. This twist requires the use of six stopwatches
or timers.
All concentrations/dilutions in the Preparation section were calculated using the equation M1V1 = M2V2. Concentrations
before and after mixing are different because combining the solutions dilutes each reactant.
In this reaction, potassium iodate and sodium meta-bisulfite react to form iodine. The starch solution serves as an indicator of
the end of the reaction, forming a dark-blue colored starchiodine complex in the presence of iodine. The chemical pathway for the
formation of iodine is complicated and not completely understood, but the following mechanism serves as an outline.
Step 1: Solution A and Solution B contribute hydrogen sulfite ions, HSO3(aq), and iodate ions, IO3(aq), to the solution.
Step 2: The iodate ions react with the hydrogen sulfite ions to produce iodide ions, I(aq).
IO3(aq)+3HSO3(aq) I(aq)+3H+(aq)+3SO42(aq)
Step 3: In the presence of hydrogen ions, H+, the iodide ions react with excess iodate ions to produce iodine, I2(aq).
6H+(aq)+5I(aq)+IO3(aq) 3I2(aq)+3H2O(l)
Step 4:Before the iodine can react with the starch to produce a dark-blue colored complex, it immediately reacts with any
hydrogen sulfite ions still present to form iodide ions.
I2(aq)+HSO3(aq)+H2O(l) 2I(aq)+SO42(aq)+3H+(aq)
Step 5:Once all of the hydrogen sulfite ions have reacted, the iodine is then free to react with the starch to form the familiar
dark-blue colored complex.
I2(aq)+starch dark-blue colored complex
The dark-blue color of the complex is due to the presence of the pentaiodide anion, I5(aq). By itself, the pentaiodide ion is
unstable; however, it is stabilized by forming a complex with the starch.
The appearance of the dark-blue color in solution indicates that all of the reactants have been used up and the reaction has gone
to completion. Therefore, the rate of reaction can be measured by recording the time to the appearance of the dark-blue color.
In general, the effect of concentration, temperature, and a catalyst on the reaction rate can be understood by looking at the energy
profile for a given reaction.
In an energy profile diagram, the left side of the diagram represents reactants, while the right side represents products. In the
diagram above, the products are lower in energy than the reactants.
In terms of thermodynamics, this reaction is exothermic and should
occur spontaneously. However, not all collisions between reactants
will produce products. The collision energy for a particular collision
must exceed a critical energy for products to be formed. This critical energy is called the activation energy and is represented by the
hump in the energy profile diagram.
Why must reactant molecules overcome this activation energy, or get over the hump, to reach products? As the reactant molecules approach each other, their atoms interact causing distortion in the bonds of both molecules. This distortion reaches a maximum as the reactants form an activated complex, or transition state. The activated complex is a hybrid species formed as the reactant molecules come together and trade atoms to become products. Only those colliding molecules that have enough kinetic energy
to reach this distorted intermediate will produce products. As is evident from the energy profile diagram above, the potential energy
of this distorted transition state determines the activation energy, or height of the barrier, for a particular reaction. If the barrier is
low, almost all colliding molecules will have sufficient energy to reach and overcome the barrier. These reactions will occur spontaneously. If the barrier is high, only a small percentage of collisions will occur with sufficient energy to reach and overcome the
barrier and go on to form products. These reactions occur much more slowly than those with a low barrier. In general, as the height
of the barrier increases, the rate of the reaction decreases. Therefore, the rate of a reaction depends on the height of the barrier, or
the activation energy.
The above description of the energy profile assumes the reaction occurs in a single step. This theory can be applied to multistep mechanisms, such as the one in this iodine clock reaction, by assuming that one of the steps in the mechanism is much slower
than the other steps. This step then determines the rate of the reaction and is called the rate-determining step. It is generally a good
approximation to say that the energy profile of a reaction describes the energy profile of the rate-determining step.
To increase the rate of a reaction, one of two things must occur: (1) more molecules with sufficient kinetic energy to overcome
the barrier must be involved in the reaction to produce a higher number of successful collisions, or (2) the activation energy must be
One way to obtain a higher number of successful collisions is to increase the concentration of reactant molecules. In beaker #1,
the ratio of potassium iodate molecules to sodium meta-bisulfite molecules is 5:1. This ratio climbs to 10:1 in beaker #2, while it
drops to 2.5:1 in beaker #3. The number of collisions is proportional to the concentration so beaker #2 will have twice as many collisions as beaker #1, while beaker #3 will have half as many collisions as beaker #1. In each case, the same fraction of these collisions will possess sufficient energy to overcome the barrier as before. So, since twice as many collisions are occurring in beaker #2,
the rate at which a given concentration of B is converted to products will double. Because half as many collisions are occurring in
beaker #3, the rate at which a given concentration of B is converted to products is cut in half.
Another way to obtain more molecules with sufficient energy to overcome the barrier is to increase the temperature. The strong
temperature dependence of reaction rates can be understood by looking at the relationship between temperature and energy. The
average kinetic energy (KE) of a sample is directly proportional to the temperature (T) of the sample according to the following
KE = 3/2 k T
where k is Boltzmans constant. As the temperature is increased, the average kinetic energy of the sample is increased providing a
sample with more molecules that possess enough kinetic energy to reach and overcome the barrier.
To lower the activation energy, a catalyst may be added to the reaction mixture. A catalyst is a substance that, when added to
the reaction mixture, participates in the reaction and speeds it up, but is not itself consumed in the reaction. In general, a catalyst
provides a modified or new mechanism for the reaction that is faster than the original mechanism. The rate of the catalyzed reaction
is faster because the activated complex in the catalyzed mechanism is of lower energy than the activated complex in the original
mechanism. Hence the barrier to products is lower in the catalyzed reaction. A greater percentage of reactant molecules will possess
the needed energy to successfully collide and overcome the barrier. Therefore, the rate of the reaction is increased.
Although thermodynamics determines whether reactants or products are energetically favored, it is kinetics that determines
how fast even an exothermic reaction will occur. The speed at which different reactions occur varies widely, ranging from instantaneous to so slow that it appears as if no reaction occurs at all. The use of catalysts in industrial applications can turn costly (slow)
reactions into more efficient (fast) processes. Every year more than a trillion dollars worth of goods are manufactured with the help
of catalysts. Without them, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, plastics, fuels, solvents, and surfactants would be in short supply.
of Beaker A
50 mL
0.2 M KIO3,
150 mL water
100 mL KIO3,
100 mL water
25 mL
175 mL water
of Beaker B
10 mL 0.2 M
30 mL starch
40 mL water
10 mL 0.2 M
10 mL Na2S2O5,
30 mL starch
30 mL starch
40 mL water
40 mL water
50 mL
150 mL water
50 mL
150 mL water
50 mL KIO3,
140 mL water,
10 mL 0.1 M
sulfuric acid
10 mL 0.2 M
30 mL starch
40 mL water
10 mL 0.2 M
30 mL starch
40 mL water
10 mL 0.2 M
30 mL starch
40 mL water
[KIO3] after
mixing solutions
0.04 M
0.07 M
0.02 M
0.04 M
0.04 M
0.04 M
[Na2S2O5] after
mixing solutions
0.007 M
0.007 M
0.007 M
0.007 M
0.007 M
0.007 M
6 sec
3 sec
12 sec
4 sec
8 sec
2 sec
Catalyst present?
Reaction Time
Cardillo, C.; Micro Action Chemistry; Flinn Scientific: Batavia, IL, 1998; pp 8587.
Materials for the Iodine Clock Reaction are available from Flinn Scientific, Inc.
Catalog No.