The Ray-Gun Revolution: A D&D Gamma World Scenario
The Ray-Gun Revolution: A D&D Gamma World Scenario
The Ray-Gun Revolution: A D&D Gamma World Scenario
This is the writeup of an adventure I ran January 8, 2011, at Amazing
Discoveries in Tucson, Arizona, as the culmination of a string of sessions
that dropped hints about the campaign's first boss villain, Ray-Gun.
Alternately, the group could be hired specifically to find out more about this
new Warlord Ronnie and, if needed, take him out. The mayor of Two Suns
might propose this (paying the characters with several rolls each on the
Ancient Junk tables, plus ammo recharges), or they could be contacted by a
major or minor Cryptic Alliance to do the deed.
Or if you just happen to have a giant Reagan-hating mutant hippie character
among your players (as I did), the hooks just write themselves.
If your players are near Two Suns, you can contrive any number of reasons
for them to explore the Boneyard it's a source of spare parts for many
local scavengers, although the many dangerous creatures that live there
make it a little more complicated than a simple run down to the hardware
Ancient Junk
Top Hits of the 80s music cassette tape
Mondale/Ferrraro '84 campaign button
Electronic Simon game (no batteries)
Rubik's cube, scrambled
Just Say No bumper sticker
Black KISS T-shirt
Michael Jackson poster, pristine condition
Betamax tape of Back to the Future
Atari 2600 console game (no cartridges)
1d4 Star Wars action figures (from Episodes 4 and 5 only)
The arks will gang up on one target at a time whenever possible, isolating it
by using the warhounds' bring 'em down power and ability to slide targets
hit by their chains to surround an opponent. When the opponent is
immobilized or slowed, the hand-taker will use his axe to good effect.
If the hand-taker is killed, an Interaction check can be used by the players to
force one or more bloodied warhounds to surrender and provide
information. The DC of such a check is 15 if there's only one ark left alive,
19 if more are still up.
Plants: The plants, on the other hand, actually are plants. Surprise! They're
difficult terrain and they provide partial concealment to creatures behind
or within them.
The sarge steps up and barks, You intruders are not welcome here! We
order you to leave in the name of the Great Communicator!
If the players do not retreat, the arks attack. If the players do retreat, the
arks mock them relentlessly before letting them go. Or they might just
attack for the heck of it anyway.
Any captured ark responds quickly to interrogation, saying that they were
recruited for Ron's army. They don't know who exactly Ron is, except that
he has a reassuring voice; they've not seen their boss but have dealt with his
underling, Bonzo, a fiery chimpanzee.
Reward: The arks have several items they confiscated from other explorers
in the Boneyard. Each player draws one Omega Tech card from his or
her deck. Also, Sergeant Corgi has a map that shows directions to Arf
One, Ron's base deeper into the Boneyard.
The players make their way to the compound that serves as Robot Ronald
Reagan's base. It's built from old airplane fuselages, including an Ancient
VC-118A Liftmaster. The robot has hired a few klickies to guard the front
door, which is under a metal-walled lean-to formed by an airplane wing.
2 German Klickies (G), Famine in Far-Go, page 69
1 Death's-Head Klicky (D), Famine in Far-Go, page 69
When the characters approach the opening of the lean-to, read or
As you approach the complex, you see there are guards inside: two
smaller cockroach-like beings, and a huge, fat one wearing a very
stretched black T-shirt on its beetle-like chest. One of the smaller bugs is
twisting dials at random, on a platform five feet off the ground, while
another is cooling himself in the breeze of a giant jury-rigged fan. The big
one, leaning against a column, seems to glow with green radioactive
Looking toward you, the smaller cockroach by the fan points accusingly
with two of his four arms. Halt! Who goes there? he demands in an
accusatory, German-accented voice. Vhat the passvord?!
There isn't really a password; the klicky is just messing with them. Really,
they're under orders to try to kill anyone who tries to enter without
permission. Assuming the players do that (and which players wouldn't?), a
fight will ensue!
The smaller German klickies will scurry up the walls and then try to drop
beside the players, flanking with the large death's-head klicky if possible.
They're immune to the death's-head's radioactive glow and so they don't
worry about getting too close to it, even when it's bloodied.
The death's-head klicky isn't very bright, so it'll just try to eat whoever it is
fighting. Om nom nom! The German klickies shout orders at it, but for the
most part it ignores their commands.
pushed 1d4 squares away from the center of the prop. 50 points of
damage, or a DC 18 Mechanics check (standard action, must be
adjacent), will deactivate the propeller.
Hole in the Floor( challenging terrain): The hole in the floor requires a DC 14
Acrobatics or Athletics check from any character entering one of its
squares. Any creature with a climb speed (such as the klickies) doesn't
need to make this check. On a failed check, the creature drops down 20
feet into a narrow crevice and takes 2d10 physical damage. A DC 18
Athletics check (part of a move action) is required to climb out of the
The door on the wall is electronically sealed and can be opened by a DC 18
Mechanics or Science check (standard action, must be adjacent).
If subdued or intimidated (Interaction DC 18 for the German klickies, DC 22
for the death's-head klicky), the klickies will say that they were hired to
guard the door and they don't really know what's going on in there with that
big robot and the glowing machine and all the hoo-mon fleshies who look
alike. Also, the Germans will claim they were just following orders!
Reward: Each player draws one Omega Tech card from his or her deck.
Also, they find enough ammo for two characters in an ammunition
locker, and the party rolls 1d6 times on the Ancient Junk table.
Robot Ronald Reagan will attempt to use his nuclear arsenal whenever he
can, although he will make sure he doesn't include the nuclear reactor in his
attacks. When nuclear arsenal isn't recharged, he'll use his ray guns, twogun cowboy style, to drive the intruders back.
The jelly bean golems are rather unintelligent and will simply try to attack
the players, moving when it's possible to get combat advantage. They will
avoid catching their allies within the areas of their taste the rainbow powers,
Platform around the reactor: The platform goes up 5 feet and then is
relatively flat across. Characters knocked off the platform don't take any
falling damage but must make a DC 15 Acrobatics check or fall prone. A
DC 15 Athletics check lets someone jump or climb onto the platform.
Coolant tanks: Each of these tanks can be attacked (AC 10, Reflex 10,
Fortitude 10, 50 hit points); if all three are bloodied or destroyed, the
reactor will explode in 1d4 rounds on initiative count 0. A DC 15 Science
check determines the general purpose of the coolant tanks.
Catwalk: The catwalk beside the coolant tanks is 15 feet up and can be
climbed to with a DC 19 Athletics check, or a DC 15 at the ladder.
Control room: The control room can also be used to shut down or overload
the reactor. Plus it has comfy chairs. (I made you read comfy chairs.) A
DC 15 Science check will determine the general purpose of the control
room panels.
Five players: Add an additional jelly bean golem and two more cloned Nancy
Reagans (1466 XP total).
Two players: Remove both jelly bean golems and two cloned Nancy Reagans
(751 XP). Give the players a free surprise round. (751 XP total).
Three players: Remove one jelly bean golem (1002 XP total).
When defeated, Robot Ronald Reagan will use his mutual assured
destruction power to avenge himself against whoever took him out; he
won't try to detonate the reactor unless the GM is very, very mean. Oh,
wait, right this is Gamma World. Carry on, if you want.
Reward: Each player draws one Omega Tech card from his or her deck.
Also, the party rolls 1d6+4 times on the Ancient Junk table, and finds
many jars of jellybeans.
New Monsters
Robot Ronald Reagan
Level 6 Elite Controller (Leader)
Large terrestrial animate (robot, Republican)
XP 500
HP 146; Bloodied 73
AC 20; Fortitude 18; Reflex 17; Will 18
Speed 6, fly 4
Immune poison; Resist 10 radiation, 5 electricity
Saving Throws +2
Standard Actions
Initiative +4
Perception +10
Level 3 Minion
XP 38
Level 4 Brute
XP 175
Level 4 Soldier
XP 175
HP 65; Bloodied 33
Initiative +3
AC 16; Fortitude 18; Reflex 14; Will 16
Perception +4
Speed 7, climb 4
Low-Light Vision
Swift Climber
Bonzo does not provoke opportunity attacks by climbing.
HP 52; Bloodied 26
AC 20; Fortitude 17; Reflex 16; Will 16
Speed 5
Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks;
Vulnerability 10 against close and area attacks
Initiative +5
Perception +3
All-Around Vision
Adventure design: Caoimhe Ora Snow <>
Playtesting & Inspiration: Thomas Lovesplosion Johnson, William Dave
the Armadillo Combs, James Disco Inferno Etheridge
Artwork: Rubik's Cube by exfordy, licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Download link:
Dedication: To the memory of Dave the Armadillo, R.I.P. He died doing
what he loved: Rolling double d20s on a slashing claws attack.