Going Beyond Test-Taking Strategies: Building Self-Regulated Students and Teachers
Going Beyond Test-Taking Strategies: Building Self-Regulated Students and Teachers
Going Beyond Test-Taking Strategies: Building Self-Regulated Students and Teachers
and Erika S. Gray)
Since the inception of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), standardized tests
have been on the minds of students, parents, and educators. A persistent
concern has been, What can we do to increase test scores? Unfortunately,
many schools turn to published test preparation material as the sole means to
increase test scores; however, we argue here for a broader outlook that also
includes developing students and teachers who are willing, focused, and
Such students and teachers are self-regulated. They take control of their
learning. They set goals, monitor progress, reflect on outcomes, and are
intrinsically motivated to learn (Perry, et al., 2003; Zimmerman, 2002). Previous
research suggests that the ability to self-regulate ones learning is correlated to
higher levels of achievement (Harter, 1996; Markman, 1979; Mason et al., 2006;
Schunk, 2005; Zimmerman, 2000); therefore, helping students become selfregulated not only promotes more independent, competent, and motivated
students and teachers, but is also likely to raise test scores (Paris & Paris, 2001;
Schunk & Rice, 1991).
Role of High-Stakes Testing in Literacy Instruction
The focus on self-regulated motivation is extremely valuable in the area of
literacy. It is precisely self-regulated learning that sustains and deepens engaged
reading and consequent comprehension. That is, the motivational goals of
choice, effort, and persistence are significant aspects of self-regulation. Selfregulated tasks such as reading for pleasure, connecting to prior experiences,
and synthesizing ideas on ones own, are pivotal to nurturing the self-regulated
engagement that may actually contribute to improved test scores. Without such
Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (JoCI), July 2007, Volume 1, Number 1 (Stephanie G. Davis
and Erika Gray)
motivation, students will be less likely to invest the effort it takes to comprehend
and achieve.
Because meaning making is at the heart of reading comprehension, we
must recognize and engage all that students bring with them to the task of
learning (Au, 1997). This means that we encourage students to use the language
they have to interpret texts, that they are encouraged to use their past
experiences to understand information, and that we accept their differences. Au
stresses the importance of students developing ownership of literacy, which
means students value literacy and are willing to make literacy a part of their
everyday lives. Galda and Guice (1997) state, As we read we call upon what we
know of the actual world to help us make meaning of the text (p. 312).
As we think about less mature readers and how they gain this type of skill,
we must take into account several factors. Some suggest that strategy instruction
leads to student motivation because it assists them in knowing how to interpret
texts; others say that motivation will lead to student engagement, which will lead
to students successful use of strategies during reading (Guthrie et al., 2004). No
matter how the mechanism that connects self-regulated motivation to reading is
understood, research demonstrates an important correlation between motivation
and comprehension of texts. We know that readers must use self-regulated
strategies to fully employ their ability to interpret or make meaning of texts.
Developing such self-regulated skill holds benefits for many educational tasks,
not the least of which is increased test scores (Mason, et al., 2006; Pintrich &
DeGroot, 1990).
Developing Self-Regulated Learners
Motivation and Goals
In school and in life, goals are what motivate, direct, or energize individual
performance (Ames, 1992). Because goals are significant to self-regulated
learning (Zimmerman, 2002), educators must understand which goal orientations
are most beneficial to student engagement and how to support those
orientations. Ames describes two main types of goals: mastery goals and
performance goals. Mastery goals focus on understanding, developing
competency, and achieving based on self-supporting standards. Students who
are driven by mastery goals are driven to understand what they are learning and
are willing to exert the effort needed to achieve their goal (Ames; Brophy, 1987).
For instance, a student who works on a task and is excited by new learning is
mastery oriented. As a result, these students spend more time engaged in
learning and are intrinsically motivated to learn. Thus, they are more likely to selfregulate and invest in their own learning (Pintrich & DeGroot, 1990).
In contrast, performance goals are focused on competition with others and
success is tied to a students sense of self-worth. When students are driven by
Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (JoCI), July 2007, Volume 1, Number 1 (Stephanie G. Davis
and Erika Gray)
performance goals they want others to think they are competent. This goal
orientation is not wrong; however, these types of goals have shown short-term
results, including competition among peers and a tendency to avoid failure by not
taking academic risks (Ames, 1992; Blumenfeld, 1992; Dweck & Reppucci, 1973;
Harter, 1996; Kaplan & Maehr, 2002; Pintrich, 2000). These behaviors are
associated with extrinsic motivation. Too much extrinsic motivation can be
detrimental to self-regulated learning because outcomes are outside of students
control (Pintrich, 2000).
Goals driven by high-stakes testing are based on the need to perform,
rather than on an intention to master content or expand thinking. Unfortunately,
researchers have found a shift from a predominately intrinsic orientation to a
more extrinsic motivation orientation during the major testing years of students
lives (Harter, 1996; Midgley, Feldlaufer & Eccles, 1988). Moving beyond this
narrow focus provides greater opportunities for students to become more selfregulated (Paris & Paris, 2001).
Students who have autonomy and control over their reading have
opportunities to become self-regulated and exercise a focus on mastery goals.
Self-regulated readers monitor and adjust their behavior to support their
individual learning needs.
Zimmerman (2000, 2002) suggests a cyclical model of self-regulation
consisting of three phases: forethought, performance, and self-reflection.
Students in the forethought phase use goal setting and strategic planning to selfregulate. For instance, students could create a plan to finish a chapter or a book.
During the performance phase self-regulated students show self-control through
self-instruction, imagery, focusing attention, and task strategies. During reading,
students in this phase use their background knowledge and selective strategies
to understand and comprehend the text. This could also include working with
others and having conversations to better understand texts. Finally, students
self-reflection brings them back to evaluate and understand their own
performance. That is, did they complete what they set out to accomplish and
what is the next step? As will be discussed, considering individual choice in
reading, open-ended reading tasks, and opportunities to evaluate ones work are
important strategies for teachers to employ when encouraging the development
of self-regulation among their students (Perry & VandeKamp, 2000). See Figure
1 for an example of a self-regulated students experience.
Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (JoCI), July 2007, Volume 1, Number 1 (Stephanie G. Davis
and Erika Gray)
Figure 1
Marie: A Self-Regulated Learner
Marie, a fourth grader, enters the classroom and notices her
class is going to read about animals in a state zoo. Marie loves
animals and wants to be a veterinarian. As her class moves to their
guided reading groups, Marie notices three sets of books on her
groups table. The group gets to choose among kangaroos, black
bears, and polar bears. Maries group enthusiastically chooses
polar bears and begins to discuss with their teacher what they plan
to learn by reading the book.
Maries teacher, Mrs. Smith, could give them a task that is
easy to achieve, or she could create a task with moderate challenge
that the students can complete with some support. If she wants to
expand Maries understanding of her learning process, she will
choose a moderately challenging task. Vygotsky (1978) refers to
appropriate challenge level as a students zone of proximal
development. The benefits of moderately challenging tasks have
been supported in research for over thirty years (Brophy, 1987;
Csikszentmihalyi, 1975; Miller, 2003; Miller & Meece, 1999; Perry,
Philips, & Dowler, 2004; Pintrich & DeGroot, 1990; Rohrkemper &
Corno, 1988).
Mrs. Smith gave students a moderately challenging task. At
the end of the week, even though she was confident Marie had
mastered the standard she was striving to teach, she felt an
assessment was needed. Since Mrs. Smith observed the
investment Marie put into the task, she felt including Marie in
designing the assessment was essential. Mrs. Smith elicited input
from her students to create a rubric. She wanted the students to use
this rubric as a guide while they completed the assignment. Again,
the appeal of being included in the decision-making process was
evident. Marie began their assignment immediately and was
focused as she wrote. As Mrs. Smith predicted, the assessment
confirmed that Marie learned the science objective while
incorporating many of the language arts objectives for their grade
Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (JoCI), July 2007, Volume 1, Number 1 (Stephanie G. Davis
and Erika Gray)
Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (JoCI), July 2007, Volume 1, Number 1 (Stephanie G. Davis
and Erika Gray)
is the task design that is complex. Complex tasks include multiple goals, large
chunks of content, various resources, and varied problem-solving situations.
High-challenge, complex tasks (Miller & Meece, 1999) also allow various
outcomes or products, which require students to integrate prior knowledge with
new learning (Ames, 1992; Miller, 2003; Perry, et al., 2004).
Self-evaluation. Assessments are necessary in schools; without test
results it would be impossible to identify students needs or to evaluate overall
progress. Due to the impact of No Child Left Behind, however, high-stakes tests
have become the focus of evaluation. In a systematic review, Harlen and Crick
(2000) found that an increased emphasis on testing has negative impacts on
both teachers and students. When students fail tests, especially ones without a
clear purpose, their perceptions of themselves suffer. Worse yet, when these
results are shared with others even implicitly (i.e., Oh, you should read with
Mark today, he made a 4 on his test.), damage is done. Not only do their own
perceptions of themselves as learners suffer, but this perception becomes
shared by their peers (Harlen & Crick, p. 171). Deci and Ryans (1985) review of
research suggests that students in environments driven by high-stakes tests do
not feel in control of their learning. Grolnick and Ryan (1990) demonstrated that
students learned less material when they were told its sole purpose was to
prepare for an assessment; therefore, standardized assessment should not drive
instruction. However, because the current test-driven policy is not likely to
change, teachers must try to ameliorate the negative impact by including
assessments that offer more positive effects. These assessments should include
student input. To aid students in evaluating their own learning, assessments
need to have a clear purpose and be connected in some way to personal goals
that students have set. These assessments must be seen as attempts to inform,
not judge (Ames, 1992).
Educators can conduct assessments in ways that create an environment
conducive to self-regulated motivation. For years, educators have used the idea
of allowing students to monitor their own progress as an effective behaviormodification intervention. For instance, having a student evaluate his behavior
using an hourly chart promotes self-regulation. These charts are typically not
posted or compared to others, but educators have found they have a positive
effect on behavior. Ames (1992) would deem this strategy effective because the
student is aware of the purpose of the chart. In addition, this strategy involves
the student in evaluating his or her own progress. Similarly, Paris and Winograd
(1990) suggest that students should chart evidence of cognitive growth. These
strategies provide students with the opportunity to see themselves as capable.
Activities such as the high-challenge tasks described in the section above, can
embed such self-evaluation opportunities in everyday learning experiences.
Offering tasks that include student responsibility to monitor their own progress is
a particularly effective strategy (Perry, 1998; Perry, Turner, & Meyer, 2006).
Similarly, assessments that evaluate learning in relation to students personal
goals positively impact perceptions of their competence (Zimmerman, 2000).
Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (JoCI), July 2007, Volume 1, Number 1 (Stephanie G. Davis
and Erika Gray)
Likewise, reflection and self-evaluation help determine if goals were met. This
informs judgments that can help guide further decisions, whether the decisions
are for the immediate future or long range planning.
Zimmerman (1998) emphasizes that students who evaluate their
performance are successful at self-regulating. Students who are unaware of the
need to self-evaluate tend to have difficulty in regulating their learning. Feedback
from teachers during this phase can help train students to determine appropriate
goals and future work (Deci, Vallerand, Pelletier, & Ryan, 1991). Fortunately,
during most of the year, educators have control over the assessments they give
children and can employ assessments that will help shape self-regulated
learners. Non-threatening evaluation practices that encourage students to focus
on personal progress and view errors as opportunities to learn are most
beneficial to enhancing self-regulation (Perry, et al., 2004). Self-assessment
involves the internalization of standards so students can regulate their own
learning (Turner, 1995, p. 27). Although we know that high-stakes testing is a
significant aspect of education today, it is the instruction that leads up to this that
matters and determines how students perform. What educators can do is provide
instructional situations that include feedback and are tied to student learning.
Developing Self-Regulated Learners
Because of the value of self-regulation for supporting student motivation
and achievement, it is crucial that effective paths for developing self-regulation
among students are identified. Social cognitive theory suggests a reciprocal
interaction between the environment, the person, and his or her behavior
(Bandura, 1986) as a significant influence on such student development. The
theory highlights student learning through modeling, making teachers abilities to
model and reflect self-regulated learning in their teaching important. The ability to
create students who are metacognitive and ultimately self-regulated during
reading comprehension is therefore tied to teachers self-regulation. It becomes
imperative that teachers develop skills of self-regulation for themselves.
Self-regulated teachers have the ability to become decision makers,
reflective practitioners, and independent learners (Randi, 2004). If the purpose of
professional development is to create teachers who are goal directed and
monitor their own behavior to adjust and solve problems, then we are striving to
create teachers who are self-regulated (Corno, 2001; Paris & Paris, 2001).
Teachers who have characteristics of self-regulated learners are open to gaining
different perspectives and seek support that will help them face instructional
challenges (Butler, Lauscher, Jarvis-Selinger, & Beckingham, 2004). Instructional
challenges require a shift in conceptual knowledge, not just memorization of
procedures (Butler, et al.). In order for teachers to change their thinking and
beliefs, they must become more self-regulated. By so doing, they not only
achieve benefits for themselves, but they also provide the requisite model for
their students to learn the same skills.
Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (JoCI), July 2007, Volume 1, Number 1 (Stephanie G. Davis
and Erika Gray)
See Figure 2 for an example of how Maries teacher supports selfregulated learning and Figure 3 for an illustration of how both Marie and Mrs.
Smith reflect Zimmermans three phases in the cycle of developing selfregulatory skill (2000, 2002).
Figure 2
Mrs. Smith: A Self-Regulated Teacher
Mrs. Smith teaches fourth grade with 21 students in her class. Mrs.
Smith uses the fourth grade curriculum to plan for instruction. Although she
plans instruction appropriate for preparing her students to be successful on
end-of-grade tests, she also knows that she must address motivational
aspects of learning.
Mrs. Smith knows that one of her literacy objectives for the year is to
have students read a variety of genres, as indicated in the states required
course of study. The curriculum plays a large role in Mrs. Smiths goals for
herself and her students, but she also thinks about each child individually to
determine how she can work with each to reach full potential.
Mrs. Smith self-regulates by thinking of ways that she, as a teacher,
wants to grow. Last year Mrs. Smith set up guided reading groups and chose
books for students based on their levels. This year she is trying something
new with guided literature circles. By incorporating student choice and
collaboration, Mrs. Smith sets up activities that support high-challenge tasks.
She is implementing this new strategy with another fourth grade teacher
in a collaborative effort. In this effort, the two teachers have opportunities to
problem solve and gain differing perspectives. The teachers meet weekly to
discuss their difficulties and progress. Through these meetings Mrs. Smith is
evaluating her own progress as well as her students progress in becoming
more self-regulated.
Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (JoCI), July 2007, Volume 1, Number 1 (Stephanie G. Davis
and Erika Gray)
Figure 3
Marie and Mrs. Smith as Self-Regulated Learners
Three Phases
Maries Task
Writes down prior
knowledge about polar
Forethought Phase
(Goal Setting &
Strategic Planning)
(Self-evaluation of
Writes a paragraph
synthesizing prior
knowledge with any new
Collects professional
reading and resources to
support her efforts.
Attends weekly
collaborative meetings
with another fourth grade
teacher to problem solve
and celebrate successes.
Uses metacognitive
strategies to monitor and
repair understanding
during reading.
Collaborates with a
research partner to
discuss prior knowledge
and new knowledge, and
to construct a non-fiction
book page.
Participates in weekly
reflection time with
teacher partners.
Evaluates performance
and discusses with peers
understandings of texts
and assignments.
Performance Phase
imagery, attention
focusing, strategy
Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (JoCI), July 2007, Volume 1, Number 1 (Stephanie G. Davis
and Erika Gray)
Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (JoCI), July 2007, Volume 1, Number 1 (Stephanie G. Davis
and Erika Gray)
teachers. Recent research (Perry et al., 1999; Perry et al., 2004) reveals
teachers that work collaboratively in study groups are able to solve problems.
What appears essential is that such professional development experiences must
provide opportunities for teachers to become more self-regulated and drive their
own learning and motivation to constantly transform their instructional practices.
Future Research
Pintrich and DeGroot (1990) found, in a study of 173 seventh graders, that
a students ability to self-regulate his or her learning was the most predictive
measure of performance; however, similar research is limited. Future research
regarding self-regulation is needed for both students and teachers. In this era of
high-stakes testing, further research is essential to convince administrators and
national, state and local policymakers that this type of educational environment is
just as important as, and potentially more productive than, cognitive test
Much of the research on self-regulated learning has been conducted with
upper elementary-aged students (Perry & VandeKamp, 2000), yet students who
are able to read a text at any level are regulating their behavior to some degree
during reading. Additionally, building a foundation for mastery learning early and
having students enter the testing grades with a self-regulated learning orientation
may be another avenue to increasing test scores. Stipek, Feiler, Daniels, and
Milburn (1995) took a positive step in that direction when they found that four to
six year olds in child-centered classrooms demonstrated self-regulated learning
attitudes and behaviors. Similar to Miller and Meeces (1999) high-challenge
tasks, these rooms allowed for diverse tasks that were connected to childrens
prior experiences and included meaningful peer interaction.
Future research is needed to establish the effects of teacher selfregulation on instructional practices as well as student learning. Because of the
pivotal role played by self-regulation, it is essential that such research efforts are
expanded. Research is needed to better understand the relationship between
self-regulation and student achievement in reading. More specifically, effective
use of student goals, tasks, and assessments associated with self-regulation
must be better substantiated and made available to teachers, administrators, and
Clearly, educators want their students to achieve; however in the age of
high-stakes testing, educational goals have shifted to a teach to the test
mentality. Unfortunately, when teachers are pressured to define learning in terms
of test scores, it frequently results in a narrowing of the curriculum and difficulty
creating environments that foster self-regulation.
Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (JoCI), July 2007, Volume 1, Number 1 (Stephanie G. Davis
and Erika Gray)
Research has documented the evidence of intrinsic motivation in selfregulated students (Perry, Turner, & Meyer, 2006). They set goals, monitor
progress, and reflect on outcomes (Zimmerman, 2002). These benefits occur
when students are in an environment that helps to shape these behaviors (Ames,
1992; Blumenfeld, 1992; Zimmerman, 2000).
Self-regulation is not acquired; it is shaped and developed through
participation in environments that provide students and teachers with
opportunities to be in control of their own learning. When students and teachers
begin to take responsibility for planning, monitoring, and evaluating their own
learning processes, self-regulation is fostered, and all areas of schooling are
improved. Therefore, as educators we must look beyond the success of passing
a standardized test and strive to develop learning environments that support high
level thinking skills and self-regulation, which have rich and multiple benefits far
greater than test scores.
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and Erika Gray)
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and Erika Gray)
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and Erika Gray)
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Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (JoCI), July 2007, Volume 1, Number 1 (Stephanie G. Davis
and Erika Gray)
Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (JoCI), July 2007, Volume 1, Number 1 (Stephanie G. Davis
and Erika Gray)