Question Bank: Unit I Part A
Question Bank: Unit I Part A
Question Bank: Unit I Part A
What is the condition for thermal stability?
Why capacitor coupling used to connect a signal source to an ampl f er?
Define AC load line.
Write short notes on zero current drift in FET.
12) Determine the values of circuit elements of collector to base bias circuit
using vcc=29v, Vce=5v, =45, IC=5 A
13) Explain how FET biasing differs from BJT? &write short notes on heat sink?
14) Design a voltage divider bias network using a supply of 24v,=110&ICQ=4MA,
VCEQ=8V choose ve=1/8 vcc
15) Compare different types of transistor configuration
16) Explain in the detail about CE configuration
1) How does input impedance increase due to Darlington pair?
2) Why Darlington pair is not possible for more number of stages?
3) Write short notes on base width modulation?
4) What is the need for differential amplifier?
5) Mention the advantages which are specific to Darlington connect on.
6) Define CMRR.
7) What are the features of cascade amplifier?
8) Define Bisection theorem.
9) State Millers theorem.
10) Why bootstrap technique is called so?
11) Define the four H-parameters.
12) Mention two applications of bootstrapped amplifier?
13) What are the advantages of differential amplifier?
14) Define multistage amplifier.
15) Define small signal amplifier.
16) Classification of amplifier based on biasing condition
17) Write down the characteristics of CE amplifier.
18) State advantages and di advantages of RC coupled amplifier.
19) Write down the characteri tics of CC amplifier.
20) Write down the applications of directly coupled amplifier?
1) Explain the op ation of the emitter coupled differential amplifier and Discuss about
the trans er cha acte s of the differential amplifier
2) Explain bootstrapped Darlington circuit with neat sketch.
3) Explain the differential and common mode operation of transistorized differential
Derive the expression for CE short circuit current gain and current gain with
resistive load at high frequencies.
Derive the expression for the voltage gain of
i) Common source amplifier
Common drain amplifier configurations, under small signal
low frequency conditions.
Draw the Darlington emitter follower circuit and explain.
With small signal equivalent circuit of emitter follower; derive its input
and output impedance.
Employ boot strapping technique in the emitter follower circuit and derive its
input impedance.
1) What is meant by gain bandwidth product?
2) Give the equation of overall upper and lower cutoff frequencies of mult stage amplifier.
3) What is bandwidth of an amplifier?
4) The midband gain of an amplifier is 100 and the low r cu off frequency is 1khz. Find the gain of
the amplifier at a frequency of 20 Hz.
5 Define fT in a high frequency transistor.
6) If rise time of BJT is 3.5 micro sec, find out its transition frequency.
7) What are the features of cascode amplifier?
8) What are the high frequency effects?
9) What does rise time indicate?
10) Give the significance of coupling and bypass capacitor on BW of amplifiers?
11) What are the causes for occurrence of upper cutoff frequency in BJT?
12) What is the effect of Cbc on t e input circuit of a BJT amplifier at high frequency.
13) Give the relationship b tw en BW and rise time?
14) What is the BW that can be obtaining using this BJT?
15) What is the effect of Cbe on the input circuit of a BJT amplifier at high frequencies.
16) Find the equivalent miller capacitance if the C bc is 10pf, CB current gain is 0.99, the
small signal resistance is 26 ohms and the load resistor is 10 kohm.
17) How does base compensation help in broadcasting the bandwidth of an amplifier?
Explain with necessary expressions.
18) Derive the expression for Ai,Av,Zi,Yo,Ap for transistor amplifier using h
parameter model.
19) Derive the expression for CE short circuit current gain of a transistor at high frequency.
20) Define alpha and beta cutoff frequency,rise time,bandwidth and transistion frequency
and derive their values interms of circuit parameters.
21.Discuss the frequency response characteristics of CE amplifier. Derive the general
expression for gain at low, middle, high frequencies. Draw the bode plots for