Austin 2006
Austin 2006
Austin 2006
BehaviorBased Safety
by John Austin, PhD
Western Michigan University
LaFleur and me, the concept is systematically to share information about safety processes (behavioral or otherwise)
across (or within) sites. At one organization, impact groups started meeting
in 1998, every six months, and are still
meeting today. The concept has now
spread across virtually the entire organization, and the sites with the most lasting processes are avid supporters of the
impact groups process.
The concept works as follows:
every six months, representatives from
several sites (perhaps two reps from
each of four to six sites or areas) convene for two days at a host site, the
location of which rotates among the
group members sites. During the first
morning of the impact group meeting,
each site presents data on the five to
seven critical dashboard measures they
have developed to represent their safety process. The remainder of the day
and the following day are spent analyzing the host sites process through
various programmed techniques such
as interviewing employees and management, observing work behavior and
observing behavioral observations taking place.
The result of the meeting is a list of
action items on which the host can
improve, along with a timeline and
action plan for improvement. The host
then reports back to the group on these
items once or twice before the next
meeting, and at the start of the next
meeting at a new host site. This may
seem extreme, but experience proves
that continuous improvement does not
happen on its ownit takes a great
deal of effort and systematic planning.
This articlepaper is meant to give a
brief overview of the behavior-based
safety process. Many details have been
omitted due to space considerations. I
strongly suggest that you read some of
the research on the topic (see the website below for a reading list), and that
you read as many anti-BBS papers as
you can, such as the position papers
written by the UAW and the Steelworkers, so that you can avoid the
potential pitfalls of BBS. Search the
Internetthere are tons of resources
supporting and opposing BBS, but be
careful to always ask (and look) for