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After working through this module you should be able to create, compile and run a
simple C program.
Learning objectives
After working through this module you should be able to:
1. Identify the structural elements and layout of C source code.
2. Recall the rules for constructing C identifiers and using data types.
3. Use assignment statements and operators to store and manipulate data in a C
4. Identify and apply the C control structures.
5. Describe the techniques for creating program modules in C.
6. Create C functions.
7. Make use of local and global parameters in functions.
8. Create recursive functions in C.
9. Use define and macro statements to simplify code development.

Program structure and layout.

Identifiers and C data types.
Assignment and Conversion statements.
Arithmetic and logic operators.
Control structures.
Creating modules in C.

Learning Strategy
Read the printed module and the assigned readings and complete the exercises as

Fundamental Programming Structures in C


Objective 1: After working through this module you should be able to
identify the structural elements and layout of C source code.

A C program
The best way to get started with C is to look at a program. Consider the
sample program:
void main()
The word main is very important, and must appear once (and only once) in
every C program. This is the point where execution is begun when the
program is run. It does not have to be the first statement in the program but
it must exist as the entry point. The use of the term main is actually a
function definition. Functions must return a value and the term void is used
to denote that the main program does not return a value. Following the
main program name is a pair of parentheses, which are an indication to the
compiler that this is a function. As you will see, all C programs consist
essentially of a collection of functions. The two braces are used to define the
limits of the program itself: in this case, the main function. The actual
program statements go between the two braces, and in this case there are
no statements because the program does absolutely nothing. You can
compile and run this program, but since it has no executable statements, it
does nothing. Keep in mind, however, that it is a valid C program.

A program that does something

For a much more interesting program, examine the program:
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
printf("This is a line of text to output.");
The definition of this function is defined in the STDIO library (the Standard
Input/Output library). To compile and link this program the #include
statement is required. The end result is that whatever is included between
the quotation marks in the printf function will be displayed on the monitor
when the program is run. Notice the semi-colon at the end of the line. C uses
a semi-colon as a statement terminator, so the semi-colon is required as a
signal to the compiler that this line is complete. This program is also
executable, so you can compile and run it to see if it does what you think it


Program output
Look at the following program: for an example of more output and another
small but important concept:
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
printf("This is a line of text to output.\n");
printf("And this is another ");
printf("line of text.\n\n");
printf("This is a third line.\n");
/* This is a comment ignored by the compiler */
You will see that there are four program statements in this program, each
one being a printf function statement. The top line will be executed first,
then the next, and so on, until the fourth line is complete. The statements
are executed in order from top to bottom. Notice the character near the end
of the first line, namely the backslash (\). The backslash is used in the printf
statement to indicate a special control character is following. In this case, the
n indicates that a newline is requested. This is an indication to return
the cursor to the left side of the monitor and move down one line. It
is commonly referred to as a carriage return/line feed. You can put a newline
character at any place within the text; you could even put it in the middle of
a word and split the word between two lines. The C compiler considers the
combination of the backslash and letter n as a single character.
Adding comments
Observe the next program for an example of how comments can be added to
a C program:
/* This is the first comment line */
#include <stdio.h>
void main() /* This comment is ignored by the compiler */
printf("We are looking at how comments are ");
/* A comment is
allowed to be
continued on
another line */
printf("used in C.\n");
/* One more comment for effect */


Comments are added to make a program more readable but the compiler
must ignore them. The slash/star (/* .. */) combination is used in C for
comment delimiters. Please note that the program does not illustrate good
commenting practice, but is intended to illustrate where comments can go in
a program. It is a very sloppy looking program. Comments are very
important in any programming language because you will soon forget what
you did and why you did it. It will be much easier to modify or fix a well
commented program a year from now than one with few or no comments.
You will very quickly develop your own personal style of commenting.
Good formatting style
Here is an example [GOODFORM.C] of a well formatted program:
#include <stdio.h>
void main() /* Main program starts here */
printf("Good form ");
printf ("can aid in ");
printf ("understanding a program.\n");
printf("And bad form ");
printf ("can make a program ");
printf ("unreadable.\n");
Even though it is very short and therefore does very little, it is very easy to
see at a glance what it does. With the experience you have already gained in
this module, you should be able to very quickly grasp the meaning of the
program in its entirety. Your C compiler ignores all extra spaces and all
carriage returns giving you considerable freedom concerning how you
format your program. Indenting and adding spaces is entirely up to you and
is a matter of personal taste. How long would it take you to discover what
this program will do?
#include <stdio.h>
void main() /* Main program starts here */{printf("Good
form ");printf
("can aid in ");printf("understanding a program.\n")
;printf("And bad form ");printf("can make a program ");
printf("unreadable.\n"); return (0);}
It doesnt matter to the compiler which format style you use, but it will
matter to you when you try to debug your program. Dont get too worried


about formatting style yet; you will have plenty of time to develop a style of
your own as you learn the language.

Exercise 1
Write a program to display your name on the monitor.
Modify the program to display your address and phone number on separate
lines by adding two additional "printf" statements.

Objective 2: After working through this module you should be able to recall
rules for constructing C identifiers and using data types.
Before you can do anything in any language, you must at least know how
you name an identifier. An identifier is applied to any variable, function,
data definition, etc. In C an identifier is a combination of alphanumeric
characters, the first being a letter of the alphabet or an underline character,
and the remainder being made up of combination of letters of the alphabet,
numeric digits, or the underline. Two rules must be kept in mind when
naming identifiers:
1. The case of alphabetic characters is significant. Using INDEX for a variable
is not the same as using index and neither of them is the same as using
InDeX for a variable. All three refer to different variables.
2. Up to 31 characters can be used and will be considered significant. If more
than 31 are used, they will be ignored by the compiler. You can reduce the
maximum number used to something less than 31 if you desire via a
compiler option. You should not do this for the duration of your study of this
tutorial as you could get some odd compiler diagnostics.

Using underlines
Even though the underline can be used as part of a variable name, it seems
not to be used very much by experienced C programmers. It adds greatly to
the readability of a program to use descriptive names for variables and it
would be to your advantage to do so. Pascal programmers tend to use long
descriptive names, but most C programmers tend to use short cryptic


names. Most of the example programs in this unit use very short names for
that reason.
Working with data
The basic data structure used in C programs is a number. C provides for two
types of numbers - integers and floating point. Computer operations that
involve text (characters, words or strings) still manipulate numbers. Each
data item used by a program must have a data type. The basic data types
provided by C are shown in Table 1. Each data type represents a different
kind of number. You must choose an appropriate type for the kind of number
you need in the variable declaration section of the program.
Data Type
Data Range
-32,768 to 32,767
integer value
long int
-2,147,483,648 to
integer value with an
extended range
short int
-32,768 to 32,767
exactly the same as int
unsigned int 0 to 65,535
integer value
0 to 255
character data
3.410-38 to 3.410+38
floating point number
1.710-308 to 1.710+308 double precision floating
point number
Table 1
Integer data types
The next example shows how to work with data in a C program.

#include <stdio.h>
int index;
index = 13;
printf("The value of the index is %d\n",index);
index = 27;
printf("The value of the index is %d\n",index);
index = 10;
printf("The value of the index is %d\n",index);
The first new thing we encounter is the line containing int index, which is
used to define an integer variable named index. The int is a reserved word in
C, and can therefore not be used for anything else. It defines a variable that


can have a value from -32768 to 32767 on most microcomputer
implementations of C. The variable name index can be any name that follows
the rules for an identifier and is not one of the reserved words for C. The final
character on the line, the semi-colon, is the statement terminator used in C.
We will see later that additional integers could also be defined on the same
line, but we will not complicate the present situation. Observing the main
body of the program, you will notice that there are three statements that
assign a value to the variable index, but only one at a time. The first one
assigns the value of 13 to index, and its value is printed out. (We will see
how shortly.) Later, the value of 27 is
assigned to index, and finally 10 is assigned to it, each value being printed
out. It should be intuitively clear that index is indeed a variable and can store
many different values. Please note that the words printed out are usually
used to mean displayed on the monitor. You will find that in many cases
experienced programmers take this liberty, probably due to the printf
function being used for monitor display. Much more will be covered at a later
time on all aspects of input and output formatting. A reasonably good grasp
of this topic is necessary in order to understand the following lessons. It is
not necessary to understand everything about output formatting at this time,
only a fair understanding of the basics.

Variable types

The next program [LOTTYPES.C] contains every standard simple data type
available in the programming language C. There are other types, notably the
compound types (i.e. arrays and structures) that we will cover in due time.
#include <stdio.h">
void main()
int a; /* simple integer type */
long int b; /* long integer type */
short int c; /* short integer type */
unsigned int d; /* unsigned integer type */
char e; /* character type */
float f; /* floating point type */
double g; /* double precision floating point */
a = 1023;
b = 2222;
c = 123;
d = 1234;
e = 'X';
f = 3.14159;
g = 3.1415926535898;
printf("a = %d\n",a); /* decimal output */
printf("a = %o\n",a); /* octal output */
printf("a = %x\n",a); /* hexadecimal output */


printf("b = %ld\n",b); /* decimal long output */
printf("c = %d\n",c); /* decimal short output */
printf("d = %u\n",d); /* unsigned output */
printf("e = %c\n",e); /* character output */
printf("f = %f\n",f); /* floating output */
printf("g = %f\n",g); /* double float output */
printf("a = %d\n",a); /* simple int output */
printf("a = %7d\n",a); /* use a field width of 7 */
printf("a = %-7d\n",a); /* left justify width = 7 */
printf("f = %f\n",f); /* simple float output */
printf("f = %12f\n",f); /* use field width of 12 */
printf("f = %12.3f\n",f); /* use 3 decimal places */
printf("f = %12.5f\n",f); /* use 5 decimal places */
printf("f = %-12.5f\n",f);/* left justify in field */
First we define a simple int, followed by a long int which has a range of
-2147483648 to 2147483647, and a short int which has a range that is
identical to that for the int variable, namely -32768 to 32767 (in most
compilers). The unsigned int is next and is defined as the same size as the
int but with no sign. The unsigned int will usually therefore cover a range of 0
to 65535. It should be pointed out that when the long, short,nor unsigned is
desired, the actual word int is optional and is left out by most experienced

Exercises 2

Write a program which displays an integer value in a number of formats, i.e.

hexadecimal, binary and octal form. The purpose of this exercise is to help
you become familiar with some of the error messages generated by the
compiler. Create the following source code program and ensure that it
compiles and runs correctly.
#include <stdio.h">
void main()
int a, b, c;
a = 1;
b = 2;
c = 3;
printf("Some output: %d %d %d\n", a, b, c);
Now introduce each of the following programming errors in turn, compile the
program, and record the error messages generated.



change the first comma in the declaration to a semi-colon

change printf to prinf
remove the second " in the #include statement
replace the list a, b, c by a, b, c, c
remove the semi-colon from the printf statement
remove the closing brace

Objective 3: After working through this module you should be able to use
assignment statements and operators to store and manipulate data in a
C program.
Assignment statements
Lets move on to examine assignment statements. In the first program three
variables are defined for use, and the rest of the program is merely a series
of illustrations of various assignments.
/* This program illustrates the assignment statement */
#include <stdko.h>
void main()
int a,b,c; /* Integer variables for examples */
/* data assignment statements */
a = 12;
b = 3;
/* data manipulation statements */
c = a + b; /* simple addition */
c = a - b; /* simple subtraction */
c = a * b; /* simple multiplication */
c = a / b; /* simple division */
c = a % b; /* simple modulo (remainder) */
c = 12*a + b/2 - a*b*2/(a*c + b*2);
c = c/4+13*(a + b)/3 - a*b + 2*a*a;
a = a + 1; /* incrementing a variable */
b = b * 5;
a = b = c = 20; /* multiple assignment */
a = b = c = 12*13/4;
The data assignment statements assign numerical values to a and b, and the
next four lines illustrate the five basic arithmetic functions and how to use
them. The fifth is the modulo operator and gives the remainder if the two
variables were divided. It can only be applied to int or char type variables,


and of course int extensions such as long, short, etc. Following these, there
are two lines illustrating how to combine some of the variables in some
complex math expressions. All of the above examples should require no
comment except to say that none of the equations are meant to be
particularly useful except as illustrations. The next two expressions are
perfectly acceptable as given, but we will see later in this module that there
is another way to write these for more compact code. This leaves us with the
last two lines which may appear very strange to you. The C compiler scans
the assignment statement from right to left, (which may seem a bit odd since
we do not read that way), resulting in a very useful construct, namely the
one given here. The compiler finds m the value 20, assigns it to c, then
continues to the left finding that them latest result of a calculation should be
assigned to b. Thinking that the latest calculation resulted in a 20, it assigns
it to b also, and continues the leftward scan assigning the value 20 to a also.
This is a very useful construct when you are initializing a group of variables.
The last statement illustrates that it is possible to actually do some
calculations to arrive at the value which will be assigned to all three
variables. The program has no output, so compiling and executing this
program will be very uninteresting. Since you have already learnt how to
display some integer results using the printf function, it would be to your
advantage to add some output statements to this program to see if the
various statements do what you think they should do. This would be a good
time for a preliminary definition of a rule to be followed in C. The data
definitions are always given before any executable statements in any
program block. This is why the variables are defined first in this program and
in any C program. If you try to define a new variable after executing some
statements, the compiler will issue an error. define a new variable after
executing some statements, the compiler will issue an error.

Arithmetic Operators
The basic arithmetic operators have been introduced in the previous section.
Addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*) and division (/) behave in
much the same way as other languages. Modular division is achieved using
the % operator. The result of an arithmetic operation is determined by the
data type of the receiving variable, rather than the data types of the
operands. For example, in the following statement:
x = 12.678 * 13;
the result of the operation will be 164.814 if x is defined as a float, and 164 if
x is defined as an int. Note that the type casting occurs after the calculation
has been performed. There are three constructs used in C that make no
sense at all when first encountered because they are not intuitive, but they


greatly increase the efficiency of the compiled code and are used extensively
by experienced
C programmers. Here is an example of their use:
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
int x = 0,y = 2,z = 1025;
float a = 0.0,b = 3.14159,c = -37.234;
/* incrementing */
x = x + 1; /* This increments x */
x++; /* This increments x */
++x; /* This increments x */
z = y++; /* z = 2, y = 3 */
z = ++y; /* z = 4, y = 4 */
/* decrementing */
y = y - 1; /* This decrements y */
y--; /* This decrements y */
--y; /* This decrements y */
y = 3;
z = y--; /* z = 3, y = 2 */
z = --y; /* z = 1, y = 1 */
/* arithmetic operations */
a = a + 12; /* This adds 12 to a */
a += 12; /* This adds 12 more to a */
a *= 3.2; /* This multiplies a by 3.2 */
a -= b; /* This subtracts b from a */
a /= 10.0; /* This divides a by 10.0 */
/* conditional expression */
a = (b >= 3.0 ? 2.0 : 10.5 ); /* This expression */
if (b >= 3.0) /* And this expression */
a = 2.0; /* are identical, both */
else /* will cause the same */
a = 10.5; /* result. */
c = (a > b?a:b); /* c will have the max of a or b */
c = (a > b?b:a); /* c will have the min of a or b */
In this program some variables are defined and initialized in the same
statements for later use. The first executable statement simply adds 1 to the
value of x, and should come as no surprise to you. The next two statements
also add one to the value of x, but it is not intuitive that this is what
happens. It is simply by definition that this is true. Therefore, by definition of


the C language, a double plus sign either before or after a variable
increments that variable by 1. Additionally, if the plus signs are before the
variable, the variable is incremented before it is used, and if the plus signs
are after the variable, the variable is used, then incremented. In the next
statement, the value of y is assigned to the variable z, then y is incremented
because the plus signs are after the variable y. In the last statement of the
incrementing group of example
statements, the value of y is incremented then its value is assigned to the
variable z. The next group of statements illustrate decrementing a variable
by one. The definition works exactly the same way for decrementing as it
does for incrementing. If the minus signs are before the variable, the variable
is decremented, then used, and if the minus signs are after the variable, the
variable is used, then decremented. Another useful but cryptic operator is
the arithmetic operator. This operator is used to modify any variable by
some constant value. The first statement of the arithmetic operator group of
statements simply adds 12 to the value of the variable a. The second
statement does the same, but once again, it is not intuitive that they are the
same. Any of
the four basic functions of arithmetic (+, -, *, or /) can be handled in this
way, by putting the function desired in front of the equal sign and eliminating
the second reference to the variable name. It should be noted that the
expression on the right side of the arithmetic operator can be any valid
expression; the examples are kept simple for your introduction to this new
operator. Just like the incrementing and decrementing operators, the
arithmetic operator is used extensively by experienced C programmers and it
would pay you well to understand it.

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