The HOPE Coalition: H O P E
The HOPE Coalition: H O P E
The HOPE Coalition: H O P E
Speech Prior to the Eureka Peace March Saturday, March 18, 2006
by Dan Ihara, Ph.D., Environmental Economist
I want to talk to you about an environmental economic issue at the root of how we got involved in Iraq. It regards one point on
which I agree with George W. Bush. Agree with George W. Bush???
I agree with ONE statement Bush made in this years State of the Union Address:
“America is addicted to oil!” This is not just a clever figure of speech: America is addicted to oil.
If you need something to keep functioning, even though it's harmful to you in the long run, that’s addiction.
Our addiction to oil is harmful to us in two ways.
First, use of oil is putting billions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere, carbon that had been stored in the earth for millions of
years. Carbon dioxide traps heat radiation from the sun. And ice core samples indicate that there is now more carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere than there had been in over 650,000 years. More carbon dioxide in the atmosphere now than there has
been in over 650,000 years!!! To stabilize atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide will take a 70% reduction in fossil fuel
emissions. A 70% reduction!
NASA’s climate scientist James Hansen has said that business as usual is leading to a planet with a different climate. A
planet with a different climate! The Pentagon funded a study of the National Security implications of abrupt climate change. Its
worst case scenario described a change in the ocean current that brings warmer water to the North Atlantic, such a change
could cause, within 20 years, temperatures in England to be like those of Siberia. Siberia! Indications are that due to warmer
water in the Caribbean, the intensity of tropical storms, like Hurricane Katrina, is increasing. Intensity of tropical storms is
Two weeks ago I attended the Environmental LAW (Land Air Water) Conference at the University of Oregon. This is the
largest environmental activist conference in the world. It had a very unlikely and atypical keynote speaker, James Woolsey,
Clinton’s first Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (Central Intelligence Agency?). (Woolsey is also on the board of the
North American Industrial Hemp Council.)
Woolsey said that this February, there was a terrorist attack on a key Saudi Arabian oil processing unit. This attack was
thwarted, and may have only been just for show but had it succeeded, it would have taken a year to be put back in operation
and the price of a barrel of oil would have shot up to $100 or even $200 a barrel! $100 or $200 a barrel!! (Compared to the
current price of $60 a barrel and the price of just a few years ago of $20 a barrel.)
America’s addiction to oil is sending billions of dollars out of the US. Our trade deficit is over $800 billion dollars. We are
selling America to foreigners in order to pay for our oil habit.
We can kick our oil habit. But it won’t be easy. Two stop-gap measures can help:
One, cellulosic ethanol is a new efficient way to turn the cellulose in crops like switch grass into ethanol to run vehicles.
Rather than subsidize crops that compete with third world farmers, we can subsidize growing fuel that improves our trade
Two, plug-in hybrid vehicles are currently possible which can run 20 25 miles a day from an overnight electric charge during
off-peak hours. This reduces our need for oil and actually puts less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere even taking into
account the emissions from power plants.
These, though are stop gap measures, a sort of methadone to make our oil addiction manageable.
The real solution is safe clean renewable energy, power from the wind, the sun, and the ocean; and the use of hydrogen.
Humboldt County can be a leader in innovative renewable energy.
Whether a red state or blue state, whether a red voter or a blue voter, we are all in the same boat together and it’s going down
the tubes unless we act now. As columnist Thomas Friedman wrote recently real patriots, live green. Green is the new red,
white, and blue. Green can join the red and blue together into a new red, white, and blue. Green is patriotic!
I attended the climate meetings last December in Montreal and observed the march there, where the marchers shouted:
“America Join the World.” I’d like to suggest another slogan: “No to War. No to Oil. Yes to life and nature. “
Can you say it? “No to war, no to oil Yes to life and nature”.
Thank you.
Newsletter – Some Notes and Dates for Action of the HOPE Coalition, March 28, 2006. p. 2
Thursday, March 30: “Organizing Together To Oust Them;” follow-up to the Feb. 11th "I Do Not Consent" Town Hall Meeting and
the recent Peace March. How best to tackle our work of local sustainability, while getting on with practical strategies for outreach
and involvement in ousting this tyrant and his whole administration. 6 pm at the RPJC. Info: 826-2511.
The Redwood Peace & Justice Center (RPJC) at 1040 H St. in Arcata offers events, information services, and meeting space to the
public. Fair-trade and local gifts for sale, books and videos available to borrow. Open Monday - Saturday from 1 - 5 pm. Info:
826-2511 or Calendar of events at
Southern Humboldt Action Center (SHAC); the Southern Humboldt home to the Redwood Peace and Justice Center, Local Solutions
Political Action Committee, and Humboldt Mediation Services is located on Redwood Drive between Denise’s Café and the
Brass Rail. Info: 923-1116.
Thursday and Friday, April 6 and 7: Slide Presentation: Mark Lakeman on The City Repair Project In Portland, OR. City Repair
combines architecture, urban planning, anthropology, community development, public art, permaculture and ecological design tot
transform space and transfer power at local levels. Thursday, 7 pm at HSU’s Science B Room 135; Friday, 10:30 am at the
County Health and Human Services Building Mezzanine Conference Room, 507 F Street Eureka. Info: 269-2054.
Friday, April 7: Teatro Pachuco “Esparar La Luna” (Waiting for the Moon) by Dell’Arte’s Los Puentes Project, starring Rudi
Galindo, Nancy Tello, and Ruben Rios. 7 pm at Sunset School on Baldwin in Arcata. $5. Info: 822-4858.
Friday, April 7: HSU Music Dept. Honors Recital; Free! 8 pm in the Fulkerson Recital Hall, HSU. Info: 826-3456.
Friday, April 7: 15th Annual State of the Community Luncheon honoring Kay Escarda and KINS radio for their efforts to make
democracy work. Presented by the League of Women Voters at the Adorni Center. Info: 444-9252 or
Friday and Saturday, April 7 and 8: Bunny Hop Swing Dance and Easter Carnival; benefit for the Northcoast Marine Mammal
Center featuring swing dancing, Easter egg hunt, carnival, and a raffle. $10, $5 at Trinidad Town Hall. Egg hunt at 5 pm, music
starts at 6:30 pm. Info: 826-0211.
Friday - Sunday, April 7 – 9: Arcata Folkdance Festival; 11 live bands, concerts, workshops, dancing, ethnic food, jam sessions,
Sunday brunch, and more. Complete schedule at Info: 839-3665.
Friday - Sunday, April 7 – 9: Humboldt Circus’ “Clown College.” Comedy, juggling, acrobatics, clowning, and more. All ages
welcome. Friday and Saturday at 7 pm, Sunday at 3 pm in Gist Hall at HSU. $8, $5. Info:
Saturday, April 8: Fortuna Concert Series: Multicultural Club, a youth organization of students from Eureka and Fortuna High
Schools, performing traditional music and dance from their own cultures, including the Hawaiian, Hmong, Mexican, Middle
Eastern, and West African cultures. 8 pm at the Monday Club, 610 Main St., Fortuna. Info and ticket locations: 725-3519.
Sunday, April 9: Reception and Speaking Event with Michael Parenti to promote his latest book, “The Culture Struggle.” A
reception with the author will be held from 3:30 - 5 pm at the Redwood Peace & Justice Center, followed by a speaking event at
7 pm at the D Street Neighborhood Center, D & 14th St, Arcata. Admission to the talk: $5 - $20 sliding scale. Info: 826-2511.
Friday, April 15: Sustainable Nations Development Project Annual Benefit Concert at the Bayside Grange. Food, music
(Blackfire… from the Heart of Black Mesa), and more. at 677-3588 or $10 minimum donation
Wednesday, April 19: Eureka Chamber Music Series: The Avalon String Quartet, 7:30 pm at the Cavalry Lutheran Church, 716
South Ave., Eureka. $25. Info: 445-9650.
March 14 through April 13: Income Tax Filing Assistance. At College of the Redwoods Tues. and Thurs., 11:45 am - 1:45 pm,
Wed., 9:30 am - 2:30 pm. and Sat., 1 - 4 pm.. At HSU Tues. & Wed., 5 - 9 pm, Siemens Hall. Eureka Library Fri., 10 am - 2 pm
and Sat. 1 - 4 pm. Info: 476-4367.
Bilingual Medicare Hotline. Spanish/English hotline is available to assist with the Medicare Part D enrollment process, one-on-one
counseling, assistance in applying for low-income subsidies, & finding a plan to meet your needs. Monday - Friday from 5 am - 3
pm. Info: 866-783-2645.
The Campus Center for Appropriate Technology (CCAT); at the rear of the parking lot at 14th and B Sts., Arcata. CCAT has a
variety of ongoing workshops. Call for times and topics or visit their website. Every Friday, noon - dark, is a volunteer day with a
tour at 2 pm. All welcome. Info: 826-3551,, or
Gently Used Clothing and Books for Homeless Children, sought by ACT/AmeriCorps. Donations may be brought to the April Arts
Alive! In Eureka at the Gazebo or to the March Arts Arcata! at the Plaza. Other drop-off locations or info: 976-4538.
Northcoast Environmental Center Seeking Art & Goods & Services Auction Items for their annual fundraiser in May. Info: 822-
Regularly scheduled meetings are now listed in the insert. Special topics, speakers, or events will be listed here.
Thursdays at 1:30 pm: Econews Report with NEC Director Tim McKay; on KHSU, 90.5 FM. Guests: 3/30, Scott Greacen of EPIC
will detail national forest developments; 4/6 George Wheeler of McKinleyville talks about his 5,000 watt solar array on his garage
roof. Info: 822-6918 or
Thursdays at 7:30 pm: Thursday Night Talk on KHSU, 90.5 FM. Guests: 3/30, Rob Amerman hosts author Michael Parenti prior to
his April 9 visit to Humboldt. (See “Entertainment,” page 2.) His new book, "The Culture Struggle," is just out. ; 4/20, Jamie Flower will talk with Russell Newman of about cable access and the
FCC. Info: 826-4807 or 826-4805.
Democracy Now with Amy Goodman Monday - Friday on the following radio and TV stations: 9 am on KHSU, 90.5 FM; 5 am and
noon on KMUD, 91.1 and 88.3 FM; 5 am and 9 pm on HCTV, Channel 12.
HOPE Coalition Newsletter & Calendar, March 28, 2006 page 4
Printed on recycled paper with voluntary labor.
Newsletter Mar. 28, ‘06. Vol. 12, Number 6. Published semi-monthly on 2nd &
4th Tuesdays; next April. 11, 2006. For calendar items call Mayer, 826-9313,
or e-mail to or Next deadline
April 8. Write or mail for sample newsletter. Newsletter staff: Mayer Segal -
editor (and responsible for all editorials unless stated otherwise); Dave
Keniston - treasurer & mail distribution; Michael Welch - e-mail distribution &
web master; Mara Segal – calendar; Paloma Orinoco – correspondence.
Web site:
There is an old Quaker saying, “Better to light a single candle than curse the darkness.”
Potluck/Letter Writing Monthly: First Friday, next April 7, 6 pm, at 2322 Golf Course Rd., Bayside. Bring change for postage and
optionally info on issues. For more info: call Wendy at 822-9377. For monthly reminders:
Censure, Impeachment, Apathy – The headline in the March 22 Times-Standard “Bush says troops will still be in Iraq when he
leaves office” seemed to be the perfect invitation for impeachment. Even ultra-conservative Bill Buckley said in a column on Feb. 24,
“one can’t doubt that the American objective in Iraq has failed” and concludes that President Bush must face up to “the
acknowledgment of defeat.” Even our Rep Mike Thompson at a town hall meeting in Fortuna in response to a direct question said that if
given a choice he would vote to impeach George Bush.
However the media is saying ”Even though polls say a majority of Americans think President Bush has bungled the war in Iraq
and now oppose it, anti-war organizations are struggling to get someone besides pollsters to see that the country needs to change
course.” They cite the failure of Congress to act on Sen. Feingold’s motion to censure, and that even the war protest on March 18 drew
less people than the protest in the U.S. just before the invasion of Iraq. They cite apathy just as President Andrew Jackson said in his
farewell address March 4, 1837.
“Unless you become more watchful in your States and check this spirit of monopoly and thirst for exclusive privileges, you will
in the end find that the most important powers of Government have been given or bartered away, and the control of your dearest
interests have been passed into the hands of these corporations.”
In contrast, the Impeachment Working Group of Progressive Democrats of America: say impeachment resolutions are
sweeping America from California to Vermont, from Wyoming to North Carolina, and from New Hampshire to New Mexico. They are
popping up in Town Meetings, City Councils, and Democratic Committees. [And even here in Arcata] To help organize impeachment
efforts in your town, county, or state, join the Impeachment Working Group of Progressive Democrats of America: . . For more info:
Membership: Renewal [ ]
Individual memberships: $13 - $25 per year. Name ____________________________________________
Organizational memberships: $25 - $100 per year.
Make checks to HOPE Coalition. Amount: $_______ Address ____________________________________________
Scholarships are available
Email ____________________________________________
I can volunteer some time [ ]
Receive newsletter by US mail [ ]; By email [ ]; Both [ ] Phone ____________________________________________
The HOPE Coalition Newsletter is now available in Arcata at: the Co-op, NEC, & the RP&J center; at the main Humboldt, Arcata,
McKinleyville, and Trinidad libraries; and at the Senior Center in Eureka.
HOPE Coalition Newsletter Insert – Jan. 24 - Mar. 28, 2006
The Redwood Peace & Justice Center at 1040 H St., Arcata, offers office space, message services, & meeting space to participating
members. Open Monday - Saturday from 1 - 5 pm. Info: 826-2511 or
Activities at the Center:
1st Wednesday at 6 pm Bar None!, a prison support/activism group. 443-8805.
Tuesdays at 6 pm The Educators Working Group meets. Info: Jerome 442-7573.
Northern California Coalition for Women Prisoners meets. Call for meeting dates. Info: Stormy 442-3895 or Karen 825-7460 or
Free fax to members of Congress on Fridays.
Not at the Center:
1st Thursday at 7 pm: Vets for Peace, Humboldt Bay Chapter 56 at the Arcata Marsh Commons. Info: 826-2992.
Peace Vigils every Friday: 5 - 6 pm on the Arcata Plaza. Mondays at 4 pm at the Courthouse in Eureka, 445-5100 ext. 215, ask for
Women in Black stand in silent vigil every Friday 5 - 6 pm at the Arcata Plaza, 8th & G, at the Humboldt County Courthouse, and at
the McKinleyville Shopping Center on the grassy area between Luzmilla’s and Blockbuster. They also stand every Friday from 4
- 5 pm in Trinidad at the intersection of Scenic Dr. and Main St. Also, Saturdays at noon at the Humboldt County Courthouse.
Vets for Peace Silent Vigil; Fridays, 5 - 6 pm: SW corner Arcata Plaza.
Arts Alive! Eureka First Saturday of the month at venues around town. Art, music, dance, refreshments. Info: 442-9054.
Arts! Arcata; Second Friday of the month at venues around town and at HSU. Art, music, dance, refreshments. Info: 822-4500.
The Ink People; 411 12th St, Eureka. Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 11 am - 4 pm. Info: 442-8413.
Arcata Artisans Co-operative Gallery; H St. side of the Plaza. Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10 - 6, Sunday 12 - 5. Info: 825-9133.
Westhaven Center for the Arts; 501 S. Westhaven Dr. Info: 677-0860.
First Street Gallery; 422 First Street, Eureka. Tuesday - Sunday from noon - 5 pm. Info: 443-6363 or
Clarke Historical Museum; 240 E St., Eureka. Info: 443-1947.
HOPE Coalition Calendar Insert, p. 2
NAACP; Regular 3rd Sunday at 3:30 pm, PAC at 2:30 pm. at the Cooper Gulch Ctr., 8th & Myrtle, Eureka. Info: 268-8287 or Priscilla at
Redwood Chapter ACLU, 3rd Tuesday at 6 pm, call for meeting places. Info: 476-1263 or
Vets for Peace (Humboldt Chapter 56); 1st Thursday at 7 pm in Arcata. Info: 826-7124.
Veterans for Peace (SoHum Chapter); 1st Tuesday of Each Month at 7pm at Haynes Vets Hall, Garberville. 943-1874.
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF); meets the last Monday 7 - 9 pm (6:30 - 7 social time) at the Marsh
Commons, 101 H Street, Arcata. Info: Becky at 826-9197 or
North Coast IWW, The Wobblies meets every 3 Wed. 6:30 - 8 pm at the Labor Temple, 840 E St., Eureka. Info:725-8090.
Humboldt Democratic Central Committee; 3rd Tuesday at 7 pm. 129 Fifth St. Info: 445-3366 or
Eureka Greens meet the 3 Saturday of the month, 5 pm at Has Beans, 2nd & I St, Eureka. Info: 476-0369 or
Sequoia Greens of southern Humboldt meet the 2nd Friday of the month at 3 pm at the Southern Humboldt Action Center, Redwood
Dr, Redway. Info: 923-4488 or .
Arcata Greens: 3rd Wednesday, 5:30 pm at 1309 11th St, Suite 204, Arcata. Info: 206-8610 or
Mother Jones Club & Humboldt Communist Alliance meets 2nd and 4th Saturdays at 3 pm at the Peace and Justice Center in
Arcata. Call to confirm meeting times. Info: or 839-3824.
Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County; open meeting 3rd Thursday at 1402 M St, Eureka. Info: or 269-0984.
Arcata’s Nuclear Weapons Free Zone and Peace Commission; 1st Tuesday at 6:30 pm at Arcata City Hall, 736 F St. Info: 822-
Green Wheels; Thursdays at 5 pm at HSU by Center Activities. Info: or
Redwood Alliance Climate Protection Project, every Mon. 5 pm. Info: 822-6171 or
Humboldt Watershed Council at NEC, 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 7 - 9 pm. Info:
McKinleyville Skate Park; 2nd Wednesday, 6:45 - 8 pm, 1540 Harper Ave. Info: Pat: 839-8241,
The Tenants Union for renters’ rights meets every other Thurs., at 321 Coffee Shop, 321 3rd St. Eureka from 4:30 - 6 pm. Info: 476-
Humboldt County Human Rights Commission meets 2nd Tues. City Courthouse , Rm. B, Eureka, 6 pm. Info: 268-2548.
Commission On Status of Women meets 2nd Thursday at 6 pm, conference room A of the Humboldt County Courthouse, 825 Fifth
St., Eureka. The public is welcome. Info: Julie 822-2502 or
Humboldt Literacy Project, adults over 16 meet weekly at the Humboldt main library, Eureka with family literacy tutors to improve their
reading skills necessary to function on the job, in the family, & in the community. Free & confidential. Info: 445-3655.
Humboldt Domestic Violence Services Support Groups; all services are free. Info & child care: 444-9255. 24-Hour Crisis Line: toll
free 866-668-6543.
North Coast Rape Crisis Team; 24 hour Crisis Line: 445-2881. Business phone: 443-2737.
The Emma Center Advocacy, support, referral services, library, and classes for trauma and abuse survivors. 920 Samoa Blvd. Suite
207, Arcata. Info: 825-6680 or or
LesBohemian Coffee House; An all women’s space. Meets 2nd Saturday 7 pm, 1901 Calif. St., Eureka. 444-1061.
Vision Loss Services; Lighthouse of the North Coast will orient people to local, state, and national services on the last Tuesday of
every month. 2127 Harrison Ave. #3. Reservations preferred. Info: 268-5646.
The Area 1 Agency on Aging sponsors many senior programs. Info: 442-9591 or